Fried camembert in berry sauce - photorecipe. Fried camembert with cranberry sauce Camembert cheese fried recipe

Fried cheese has been popular in Europe for a long time, but it rarely appears in our country as a hot snack. But in vain. Hearty delicacy goes well with vegetables and fruits, sweet, sour and spicy sauces. So experiment and enjoy!

Fry fatty brie and camembert cheeses without breading. Due to the white mold, which turns into a crisp when heated, they retain their shape, and inside they become soft and tender. Curd cheeses, for example, Adyghe, can also be fried without breading. It will not spread, as it contains lactic acid, which makes the cheese less elastic. But hard cheeses - gouda, edam, Russian, emmental - fry only breaded. They melt when heated and immediately burn.

You can fry the cheese in deep fat or just in a pan with a lot of vegetable oil. In order for the cheese not to spread, it must be fried only in very hot oil and no more than 30 seconds on each side! Before sending breaded hard cheese to the pan, hold it for several minutes in the freezer. But brie and camembert are better to take at room temperature.

It is great to cook any cheese in breading: soft, hard, with or without mold, so the choice of variety depends on your taste. For breading, choose the highest grade flour, it is smaller and keeps better on the cheese. You can add sesame seeds to the flour. It is better to make a double breading according to this scheme: first we dip a piece into a beaten egg, then into flour, again into an egg and at the end into breadcrumbs. This will keep the cheese from spreading. If you want to play with the taste, substitute the flour for turmeric.

Before serving, lay the cheese slices on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Garnish fried Dutch cheese with lingonberry jam, cheese cubes with fresh herbs, and sprinkle Adyghe cheese dishes with fragrant herbs before serving. Fried brie can be served with honey, nuts, and saltine crackers. Also, fried cheese goes well with sauces: fruit, berry or, for example, garlic. You can serve it with chutney, salsa or fruit marinades. Most importantly, remember that fried cheese is delicious only while hot. So don't miss the moment!


200 g brie cheese
1 tsp mustard
2 chicken eggs
100 g wheat flour
100 g breadcrumbs
2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
ground pepper to taste

Whisk the eggs. Cut the cheese into thin slices, rub with mustard, put finely chopped parsley on top and put together two slices. Salt, pepper, roll in flour, dip in beaten eggs, then in breadcrumbs, again in beaten eggs and again roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in well-heated sunflower oil on both sides.


250 g Adyghe cheese
120 g red currants (can be frozen)
100 ml orange juice
2 tbsp. l. honey
2 tsp brown sugar
l tsp cornstarch

Pour currants into a small saucepan, pour juice, add honey and sugar, cook after boiling for 5 minutes over medium heat. Pour the starch with a tablespoon of juice or water, stir, pour into the sauce, ready, stirring, until thick. Remove from stove, keep sauce warm. Preheat the grill, put the cheese, fry on each side for 40 seconds. Warm up the plates slightly. Arrange cheese on warm plates, drizzle with sauce and serve.


A pinch of salt and cinnamon
3 art. l. brown sugar
300 g lingonberries (can be frozen)
4 small circles of camembert
l red onion
3 cm fresh ginger root
2 tsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar
1/5 red chili pepper (not very hot)

Cut the red onion into feathers, fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown. Peel the ginger and cut into thin narrow strips. Cut the chili into rings, add to the onion, fry for another 1 minute. Add lingonberries, simmer, stirring, 2-3 minutes. Pour in sugar, pour in vinegar and simmer for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and cinnamon. Remove from heat, cool and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Right before serving, place the Camembert under the hottest grill possible. When the crust turns brown, put the cheese on a plate, place the lingonberry chutney next to it and serve immediately. The cheese should be hot and the chutney cold.


400 g Adyghe cheese
2 garlic cloves
3 art. l. olive oil
l tsp rosemary seeds
l g ground black pepper
l g sea salt
2 sweet red peppers

Thoroughly mash the chopped garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary seeds in a mortar. Add olive oil to the mixture and mix well. Cut Adyghe cheese into large cubes and put in a bowl. Pour the cheese with the resulting fragrant oil, cover with a film and leave for about half an hour. Then take large wooden skewers (two for each bar), string cheese on them. Fry on both sides and serve with any vegetable salad.


2 round packs of brie cheese
100 g flour
l glass of ground crackers
2 eggs
zest of 1 lemon
deep frying oil

2 green tomatoes
l green apple
l purple onion
2 garlic cloves
4 things. dried apricots, cut into strips
l art. l. raisins
2 tbsp. l. olive oil

Peel tomatoes and apples, finely chop. Chop the onion and garlic, fry in olive oil for about 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and apple, simmer for 2 minutes. Add raisins and dried apricots, simmer another 2 minutes. Remove from fire, cool. Cut the brie into 4 parts, roll the pieces in flour mixed with zest, then in the egg and breadcrumbs. Repeat. Heat the oil to 190°C and fry the cheese until golden brown. Serve hot with cold chutney.


300g Roquefort
150 ml white wine
100 g flour
2 yolks
fat for frying

Mix wine with yolks and flour so that there are no lumps. Dip the cheese slices in the batter and quickly fry in the fat. Serve with mashed potatoes and salad.

The site has several recipes for very tasty and simple snacks, the author of which is my husband.

I decided to keep up and prepared a snack at home, which we recently tried in one institution.

I didn't have a perfect recipe so I had to improvise. It turned out great! We all really liked it, the main thing is to eat the dish warm so that the cheese retains its soft, flowing texture.

Don't be lazy, be sure to make your own sauce, no jam or jam goes as well with cheese as this cranberry sauce.

How to cook fried camembert

To begin, I will show you clearly all the ingredients that we need. Since I was preparing the dish for the first time, I took a head of cheese not 250 grams, but 120.

Let's do the cheese first, then the sauce. Cut the camembert into 8 pieces.

In order for the cheese not to spread during frying, we need to make a double breading. At the first stage, dip a piece of cheese in water and roll in flour on all sides.

At the second stage, we shift the cheese, breaded in flour, into a bowl with a beaten egg. Flip a few times until all edges are covered with egg. You can use a fork or a regular toothpick for this.

Using a toothpick, we shift the pieces of cheese into a bowl with breadcrumbs mixed with sesame seeds. Bread each piece very carefully in this mixture. In this case, contact with the fingers should be minimal.

We put the twice-breaded pieces of cheese on a plate and send it to the freezer for 10 minutes. At this time, let's make the sauce.

How to make cranberry sauce

We spread the berries and sugar in a small saucepan and put on fire. While the mixture is heating, remove a little zest from the orange, cut it and fill it with cold water to remove the bitterness.

When the sugar dissolves and the berries release juice, reduce the heat to a minimum.

We squeeze the juice from one orange in any way convenient for you and pour it into a saucepan.

When the amount of liquid in the sauce is reduced by half, add the orange zest chopped and pre-soaked in water.

Let it simmer for 1 more minute and turn off the heat. Our cranberry sauce is ready.

It remains to fry the cheese. Pour the oil into the pan and heat up. We take out the cooled, but not frozen cheese from the freezer and put it in a frying pan. It fries quickly enough, you should constantly monitor it and turn it over to different sides.

Cooking fried camembert is akin to making a potion, so I advise you to approach it only when accompanied by a good mood and a desire to try an indescribable deliciousness, and maybe please your family or guests with it. Camembert cheese is a soft cheese with a moldy crust. For those who cringe in disgust, I’ll explain: in the fried form, you won’t feel the taste of mold at all (I myself can’t force myself to try blue cheese, but fried Camembert is an exception), and the crust is very thin.

So, to prepare fried camembert, you will need:

camembert head (based on 1 serving - 1 head 125 g)

unsweetened crackers (can be salted);

vegetable oil for frying;

300 g lingonberries or raspberries - frozen or fresh;

2 tbsp Sahara;

1 small apple

Fried camembert in berry sauce recipe - cooking method:

To begin with, let's prepare confiture - sauce for fried Camembert. To do this, pour the berries into a small saucepan.

Regarding the choice of berries, I can say the following: lingonberry is more specific than raspberry. But both options are extraordinarily good, just fried camembert with raspberries and fried camembert with lingonberry sauce are two different dishes. So let's get started.

We cut the apple into slices, free from the core, the slices can be cut into pieces, and add to the berries.

We add sugar.

Now we are preparing the "facing" for Camembert.

Grind crackers in a food processor until fine crumbs. Cracker breading is much tastier than breadcrumbs. If there is no combine, you can grate it on a fine grater or use a mortar.

Whisk the egg in a bowl with a fork. Dip the camembert alternately in the egg and breadcrumbs twice. Fry the cheese on both sides in hot vegetable oil. Some people prefer deep-fried camembert, but practice shows that a lot of oil is not a hindrance, but, on the contrary, a plus in frying our cheese.

When the apples soften, turn off the fire.

Blend the contents of the saucepan with a blender until smooth.

Now the fried camembert is completely ready to be served! Enjoy your meal!

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Step 1: Prepare the cheese.

It is necessary to carefully scrape off the white coating from the surface of the cheese. This action can be carried out with a fairly sharp knife, or with a special tool, while trying not to damage the skin. So, you can avoid spreading the cheese during frying because the flour will stick to it poorly, which is highly undesirable, since the consistency of the cheese will be disturbed and it will not be possible to fry it in the right way.

Step 2: Step 2: Combine the ingredients. .

Pour the flour into one bowl, and place the crackers in another, in the third lightly beat the egg with cream, try to keep the proportions.
To begin with, roll the cheese heads well in flour, then carefully dip them in the egg and carefully roll in breadcrumbs, pressing lightly, which is necessary for their best interaction.

Step 3: Step 3: Grilling the cheese.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the cheese gently and thoroughly over medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Be careful at this stage, as insufficient, or vice versa, excessive roasting will have an extremely adverse effect on the final result, so in order to achieve the perfect taste and aroma, pay due attention to this action!

Step 4: Step 4: Serve the fried camembert.

The best way to serve this dish is to put lettuce leaves on a plate, place cheese and cranberry sauce on top. It is best to pour the cheese with a slightly warm cranberry sauce. The dish can be served both hot and cold! Enjoy your meal!

Be careful when choosing cheese. It is necessary to choose a real Camembert, while making sure that it is fit and in good condition. (Cheese Camembert 45% Red Label Isigny (France))

The best solution is to choose the highest grade flour - Molino Grassi

From soft varieties (Italy)

If it turned out that the Camembert turned out to be too soft, roll it in breadcrumbs twice.

During frying, do not allow the cheese to spread over the pan, otherwise the proportions of the elegance of the dish will not be observed, and in the worst case, the cheese will begin to fall apart altogether.

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