Can the loan amount be increased? Increasing the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Upon receipt plastic card PrivatBank client is invited to set a certain credit limit. This limit provides an upper threshold loan funds which you can use for a variety of purposes. In fact, the client borrows money from the bank, and then returns them with interest. Sometimes the maximum available loan amount is not enough for the client and he wants to increase the credit limit in PrivatBank.

The limit on a credit card is set when you issue it at the bank office. You can tell the bank employee what kind of credit limit on the card you want for yourself. But even after the card is issued, its size can be changed.

There are several ways to increase it on a PrivatBank credit card. The bank can automatically increase the limit if you are a conscientious borrower and repay loans on time. In this case, you will receive a notification about this in the format of a message to your mobile number. You can also set an increased limit directly in PrivatBank, in one of the branches. Finally, the client can increase loans or introduce a limit in the Privat24 online bank.

Increase/changes in the branch of PrivatBank

You can set a higher credit limit in the right way at a bank branch. You can in your name. In this case, you will need a passport. If you already have a credit card, just take it with you.

At the bank branch, contact an employee of PrivatBank and explain your wishes to him. Establishing new credit limits usually takes no more than 20 minutes. All you need is a card and some information about yourself. Also, do not forget that usually the plastic credits of PrivatBank are tied to the number mobile phone. That's why You must also have your phone with you.. In the process of changing the limit, confirmations and notifications through your mobile number are possible.

A bank employee may not help the client to set an increased limit. Refusal is possible if the client was not a conscientious borrower, overdue the loan repayment terms one or more times.

Increase/changes via Privat24

There is another way to change your limit on a credit card. How to increase the credit limit through Privat24 without leaving home? Consider the instruction:

  1. We go to the Privat24 website at;
  2. Open the "My Accounts" tab. On this tab you will see information about your plastic cards;
  3. Select the desired card and go to the option "Card/Account Management";
  4. After that, information about the limits on your card will appear on the screen. Open the option "Credit limit";
  5. If your card is active and there is no debt on it, you can set a new limit. Now the Privat24 website will offer to specify the new limits of the limit. The upper threshold may be different depending on the type of card;
  6. Next, you will need to fill in the fields with general information About Me;

Indicate only real and reliable information. At this stage, confirmation by documents is not required, but the bank has the right to request documents and certificates for data verification.

  1. After entering all the data, click "Next";
  2. The bank has accepted your application and the bank staff will review it as soon as possible. The client is notified of the results of the application within 24 hours.

As you can see, changing the credit limit on your PrivatBank credit card is not so difficult. It is enough to allocate no more than half an hour of free time for this.


Credit cards have become an integral part of the lives of many citizens. They provide an opportunity at any time to access a large amount used for any purpose. The amount of money is limited offered by the selected bank. Often, the issued amount is not enough to solve the daily problems of the cardholder, so he is thinking about how to increase the credit limit on the Sberbank card online. For this, apply various ways, so the holders of payment instruments independently choose the desired option.

Limit Money represented by the maximum amount offered by the bank on a "credit card". The use of plastic is considered a profitable process, since if you spend and return funds within the grace period, you do not have to pay interest at all.

Important! The limit is set based on different information about the cardholder, which includes his solvency, credit history, age and the presence of a stable, well-paid job.

The limit is increased or decreased. The process is implemented only with the permission of the bank, so you must first leave an application, after which you will have to wait for the decision of specialists.

How to find out the amount of the limit on the "credit card"

To determine the maximum loan amount that can be received on a card, it is important to find out the size of the limit in Sberbank. This process is carried out in different ways:

  • through mobile bank if such service is enabled. It is enough to send a message "Balance" with the last four digits of the "credit card" number to the short number 900 to find out the necessary information;
  • via online banking directly to home page site;
  • request a balance at the bank's ATM.

Having learned this amount, often the holders of financial products of Sberbank think about the need to increase it.

How does the limit increase?

There are several ways to increase the credit limit on a Sberbank card. All of them are available, so each person independently decides which method will be used.

Popular ways are to use online banking or visit a branch of the institution. Some financial institutions, which include Sberbank, offer the possibility of automatically increasing the indicator if clients strictly follow the requirements and conditions.

Important! An increase in the limit is possible in the absence of various violations by the holder of the payment instrument.

Automatic limit increase

Sberbank often uses an automatic increase in the limit for regular, responsible and conscientious customers. The process is carried out six months after using the "credit card" for its intended purpose. Typically, the rate rises in the range of 20 to 25 percent.

The offer for an increase will come from the institution, subject to certain conditions being met by the credit card holder, namely:

  • the card is actively used for making various payments for six months;
  • debts are repaid in a timely and regular manner;
  • the entire amount on the account is not used in full;
  • the citizen has no debts on other loans;
  • credit history is positive;
  • the age of the holder is within the optimal range: from 21 to 55 years.

The client himself learns about the change in the limit using an SMS message sent to his phone. Offer valid for next year, so if necessary, the client uses it.

Enlargement at the request of the client

Often, the holders of "credit cards" themselves are aware of the need for a larger borrowed amount. Therefore, he faces the question of how to increase the limit on credit card Sberbank independently. To do this, it is important to make sure that there are no debts, and that the card itself has been used actively and regularly.

How to use online banking

To leave an application online, you first need to get access to the service. To do this, take the login and password from an employee of the institution or at an ATM. Next, connect the phone to your personal account in order to log in and perform other operations with their confirmation through one-time codes that come to your phone in the form of SMS messages.

In your personal account, you can see whether the service to increase the limit is available.

Important! It will be available if the client has no debts, salary has increased or there are regular expenses on a credit card.

If the service is available, you need to leave a request through it. Next, you need to wait for a response from the financial institution. The decision is made by the bank in a maximum of two days, and if it is positive, the amount of funds in the account will increase.

Contacting the bank

To complete this process, you need to contact the branch of Sberbank. The application can be submitted an unlimited number of times. To do this, you should contact any branch of the institution, but it is advisable to come to the place where the account was originally opened and perform the following steps:

  • have a passport and open "credit cards" of "Sberbank" with you;
  • write an application to increase the limit in the prescribed form, for which the employees of the institution must take the appropriate form;
  • additionally bring with you documents confirming the improvement financial condition or an increase in the solvency of a citizen, for example, a 2-NDFL certificate indicating an increase in salary over the past six months. And also useful statements from the accounts of other banks, indicating the presence of large deposits.

During the consideration of the application, the activity on existing credit cards, as well as the presence of debt on them, is taken into account. The answer will be received via SMS or a call from an employee of the institution to the client.

Via SMS service

Sberbank offers the opportunity to receive many services via telephone, for which various messages are sent to the short number 900 or the client communicates with a bank employee.

It is not possible to increase the limit in this way, since it is necessary to make an application via the Internet or in paper form. Therefore, it is only possible to ask a bank employee by phone about what actions are performed for these purposes.

How to reduce the limit on Sberbank cards

It happens that you need to reduce the limit to reduce your own expenses. And also other banks sometimes refuse to lend due to the presence of a significant limit on the "credit card". To answer the question of how to reduce the maximum credit limit on Sberbank cards, you should learn the following methods:

  • automatic reduction is applied by banks if delays regularly occur, money is not deposited on time, the client is “hiding” from employees of the institution or does not use the “credit card” at all for its intended purpose;
  • on the basis of a written application drawn up at the bank branch in the absence of card debt.

Important! If an application is written to reduce the limit, it will not be necessary to count on its increase in the future.


An increase or decrease in the limit on a Sberbank credit card is required by different reasons. To do this, different actions can be performed, but the personal presence of the client at the bank branch is preferable.

The refusal is caused by the presence of debts, untimely deposit of funds to the account of the "credit card" or other significant reasons. Customers who have improved their financial condition are able to increase the indicator.

Due to the significant limit, it is possible to use a large amount for various purposes within the grace period. If you return the money on time, you will not have to pay interest and penalties.

Credit limit at Tinkoff bank is the maximum possible amount of money available to you personally. If you want to increase the limit, then you also need to know this:

At the moment, Tinkoff Bank issues credit cards with a limit up to 300 thousand rubles . You cannot get more than this amount on a credit card, no matter how positive and plausible your credit history is, and what would high income you didn't receive. The standard loan repayment period is 2 years or 24 months.

How to find out the limit on a Tinkoff credit card?

Here is a very logical question with which to start the conversation. You can find out what credit limit is on your card by calling the Tinkoff Customer Service Center at 8 800 555 1010 . You need to be ready to answer the questions of the call center specialists about your identification data, card details, and also voice the code word.

To avoid calling hotline each time, it makes sense to activate the SMS-informing service by calling the above number. The cost of the service is 59 rubles per month.

What is the initial limit on the Tinkoff card?

The decision on the initial loan amount depends on many factors, including the age of the user, but the chance that the loan amount will be higher if you are already 22, but not 50, there is a permanent job and a good salary. The minimum credit limit directly depends on the information you specified when filling out the TCS client questionnaire and credit history.

It is worth clarifying that the maximum amount that you can count on, just starting to use a Tinkoff Platinum credit card, will be 300 thousand rubles, but there have been cases when the allowable loan amount was 20-25 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount is 4 thousand rubles, however, practice shows that if you do not activate a card with such a limit immediately, after a very a short time With a good credit history, the bank will offer to raise the amount!

Nuance! The initial loan amount on the card is usually higher for those customers who are over 22 but under 55, have a job and a positive credit history.

Increasing your credit card limit

If a client has been actively using his credit card for several months, and not just paying for purchases with it from time to time, then on average after 4 months you can contact Tinkoff employees asking for a limit increase.

To active operations a borrower with a credit card can include:

  1. Shopping in stationary and online stores;
  2. Withdrawing money through an ATM;
  3. Money transfers between different cards.

Another condition that has a positive effect on raising the credit limit is the systematic use of almost all the funds available on the card.

Otherwise, a natural question arises: why increase the amount money supply on a credit card if it is not used in full.

Opening a deposit with Tinkoff Bank, albeit a small one, will seriously increase the chances of changing the limit in favor of the client. This is some guarantee of its solvency. But if the borrower does not return the money to the credit card on time or in full, then it is hardly worth expecting a positive decision from the bank in the direction of increasing the limit.

Advice! Try to return funds to the card within a grace period of 55 days, then you can avoid paying interest.

Above, we talked about the initiative to increase the credit limit on the part of the borrower, but, as practice shows, quite often the lender himself, i.e. Tinkoff Bank, comes up with a proposal to increase it. This occurs in cases where the automated program for accounting for the turnover of funds on a credit card shows a stable activity of its use. In this case, an SMS message will be sent to the client at the phone number specified in the initial application with notification of decision increase the limit.

Pay utilities, make purchases in stores, transfer money to other cards, withdraw cash from any ATM, but always return the funds used to the balance on time. Bank Tinkoff provides for this purpose up to 55 days and the possibility of repaying the debt in installments.

Avoid debt caused by late payment! The presence of at least one debt for the period that has passed from the moment you received the card to contacting the bank actually deprives you of the opportunity to increase the credit limit on the Tinkoff card.

But even if there is an overdue payment, it is quite acceptable to attempt to contact the bank with a question about how to increase the limit on the card. There are no penalties for this from the bank.

It is not uncommon for cases of automatic increase in the limit on a Tinkoff credit card subject to these conditions. If in your case, after six months, the increase has not happened, you can “hurry up” the bank by contacting the support service.

How can I increase the limit?

Note that it is worth starting a conversation with bank employees about increasing the limit only after four months of fairly active use of a credit card. Moreover, you can increase the limit only in case of active spending of funds from the card, one activation and infrequent purchases will not be enough.

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Ideally, the credit card holder should make at least 30-50 card transactions per month, and this can be not only purchases, but also transfers of funds between cardholders, their withdrawal through ATMs, etc. prerequisite is the systematic use by the client of fairly large amounts, almost all the funds available on the card.

After all, if a person has not previously used all the funds that the bank was ready to provide him, where is the guarantee that a person, operating with large amounts, will be able to return them to the company as regularly, and most importantly, why did a person need such an increase in the limit?

Of course, a person who does not allow delays in debt repayment, pays off his loan obligations with the bank on time and in full has a much greater chance of increasing the credit limit. When applying for an increase in the loan amount, a person, of course, should not have any debt to the bank.

In each case, employees of Tinkoff Bank (as, indeed, of most other banks) raise the history of relationships with the client over the entire period of cooperation.

If a person shows himself to be a conscientious, trustworthy borrower, the chances of approving an increase in his credit card limit will be noticeably higher: there have been cases when a trusted client at Tinkoff Bank was given a loan of several million rubles!

If we talk about the ratio of "quantity" and "quality" of expenses made by the client, it is important to remember that the bank encourages not only frequent, but also large expenses; accordingly, customers who spend at least 100–150 thousand rubles a month are entitled to count on “encouragement” from the bank in the form of issuing them a larger amount of money on the card.

Let's analyze the situation of increasing the credit limit on the card using a specific example. Bank employees determined that the client makes an average of 40 card transactions per month, and the average amount of one transaction is 2,000 rubles.

The limit of 40,000 rubles allows the cardholder to only regularly repay the debt - and nothing more. In this case, the bank, having shown loyalty to the client and doubled the limit for him, will inevitably reduce his “unnecessary” expenses, which means that it stimulates additional activity that is beneficial to both the client and the bank. FROM recently to increase the limit, the bank does not require an application from the owner of the credit card, unless he makes a reasonable request for such an increase.

In most cases, thanks to an automated program for accounting for credit card turnover, the creditor himself is the initiator of increasing the credit limit. Accordingly, he also sends a notification of the decision in an SMS message to the phone number indicated by the client of Tinkoff Bank when filling out the questionnaire.

How to get a credit card with a maximum limit?

Most effective method increase the limit on the Tinkoff card - convince bank specialists of the need for an increased limit even at the stage of applying for a loan product. Confirm your ability to pay with a package of documents, which may include:

  • certificate of salary (2-NDFL);
  • information about the Tinkoff bank salary/pension card used;
  • information about the presence of a deposit in Tinkoff Bank;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • photocopy of the registration certificate for the car.

If you have documents on hand that can convince the bank of your ability to repay large sums previously spent on credit, then feel free to attach them to the application. This will increase your chances of increasing your credit card limit.

Please note that already at the first step of placing an order for a Tinkoff card through the website, you can independently indicate the desired credit limit in the questionnaire. Your application may be accepted in the future.

After what time can I ask the bank to increase the limit?

If you have received a credit card with a limit of less than three hundred thousand rubles and feel an urgent need to increase it, we recommend that you contact specialists with this request technical support bank by phone: 8-800-555-25-50 (free of charge in Russia) or through the company's website:

Employees are not able to increase the limit on the card. Why?

The decision is made by the robot

In almost all banks, decisions to increase the credit limit are made not by a person, but by a program. At Tinkoff Bank, every day she selects new clients and those who have not raised the limit for six months, and compares them with the reference parameters. If the client matches the benchmark, the program raises the limit.

Bank employees do not have access to this program, so it makes no sense to ask an employee to raise the limit manually. In some banks, an employee can "push" your profile for consideration by the algorithm, but nothing more. The decision is made by the program.

What to do if the limit on the card is not increased even after applying?

If your request is rejected, don't despair. And continue to use the card further, following the golden principles:

  1. Use the card and pay off your debts on time.
  2. Make payments 2-3 days before the deadline or earlier.
  3. Tell the bank where you work, how much you earn.
  4. The phone number has changed - inform the bank.
  5. Pay by card for large purchases.
  6. Get a debit card and deposit.

These rules increase your chance of getting a higher limit in the future.

Additionally, carefully read the article by Lena Volkova, who increased the credit limit on the Tinkoff card from 13 to 75 thousand.

You can also increase the limit by issuing a second credit card for one of the family members (wife, husband). Of course, with their consent. Moreover, a relative without fail must be of age and capable. The illegal transfer of personal data to bank employees can have very sad consequences. In the most serious cases, law enforcement agencies will work with an unscrupulous family member.

When lending individuals the bank bears certain risks, sometimes quite high. Special calculation formulas determine the maximum credit limit granted to a particular borrower. Reducing these risks with a positive credit history and timely contacting the bank will increase the chances of increasing the credit limit.

Sberbank of Russia is a leader in providing banking services. One of the popular banking offers is a credit card. A credit card is a tool that allows you to use borrowed funds provided by a bank. When using borrowed funds, the client undertakes to pay interest, as well as repay the loan in a timely manner. When concluding an agreement with the client, the available loan amount is negotiated, which can subsequently be increased, decreased or blocked. The bank forms the amount of borrowed funds, but we will find out in detail what is needed to increase it.

Credit cards from Sberbank are divided into varieties. Depending on the type of plastic, the amount of funds available on it will differ. The available funds on the account or the limit can be raised when the amount is less than the maximum value. To raise the limit on a Sberbank credit card, you need to find out the maximum limits for each type of card.

  1. For owners golden plastic it is possible to increase the funds in the account up to 600 thousand rubles.
  2. For Sberbank users with a card Aeroflot, you can count on amounts up to 3 million rubles.
  3. Momentum Map, which can be obtained in 15 minutes, has a maximum limit of up to 120 thousand rubles.
  4. For owners youth cards it is possible to increase the available funds up to 200 thousand rubles.

To clarify the maximum amount of money from the bank you can count on, you need to contact the manager of the nearest bank branch. Not every client knows what a bank limit is, as many people think that the established part of the loan is final. The ability to increase available funds depends on many factors:

  • Fulfillment of obligations by the client for timely payment of debts.
  • Carrying out relevant promotional offers by the bank.
  • Active use of credit funds.
  • No debt at the time of the increase in available funds.

If the available credit card does not allow you to increase the money up to required amount, then you can replace the plastic with a better offer. In order to find the most favorable loan offer for yourself, it is recommended to consult with the manager.

How to increase the credit limit on a Sberbank card: ways

An increase in the limit on a credit card from Sberbank is possible through the following methods:

  1. Appeal to the branch of Sberbank.
  2. Automatically by decision of the credit commission.

One of the important conditions for raising the credit limit on a Sberbank card is active use plastic over a six-month period. Moreover, an increase in the loan amount can be performed both at the initiative of the client, and automatically by the decision of the bank. If the client asks the bank to increase available funds, then for this you will need to write a statement, and then wait for a decision. Depending on the request, the bank has the right to refuse to increase the loan to the client or increase the amount of money at its discretion. The factors that influence the receipt of a positive response from the bank are described above.

It is interesting! If the borrower does not comply with its obligations, then there can be no talk of raising the limit. Depending on violations by the client, the bank has the right to block the account without prior warning.

Increase in available funds by decision of the bank

An increase in the credit limit on a Sberbank card is automatically possible on the bank's own initiative. The client must have an approximate credit history, as well as actively use a credit card. Under the active use of plastic means the commission cashless payments daily.

The decision on whether it is possible to increase the amount of credit on the card is also influenced by such a factor as the maximum size of the plastic product. If all factors are met by the client, the bank reserves the opportunity to increase the loan rate by 15-25% of the principal amount. In some cases, available funds may be doubled. However, the cardholder must be notified in advance.

It is interesting! If the client does not need to increase the loan, then it can be abandoned. To do this, inform the operator that you refuse or send an SMS to number 900 with the text "LIMIT NO".

The client will be additionally notified by SMS informing about the increase in available funds for plastic. If the user wishes to receive an offer from the bank to increase the limit, then all recommendations and obligations must be observed.

Increase credit through a bank branch

If the borrower wishes to raise loan amount, then in response to the bank's refusals, he has the right to apply an unlimited number of times. To apply, it is recommended to use the branch of Sberbank. The procedure for increasing a loan in a bank branch is as follows:

  1. Inform the manager about your desire, and then write a statement of the established form.
  2. Provide the manager with a credit card and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. If necessary, present the manager with the necessary income certificates or prove solvency in other ways.

It is interesting! An income statement can be obtained from the organization that the person works for. This certificate has the form 2-NDFL.

If the client has deposits in Sberbank or other banks, then this will also play a positive role. When making a positive decision, the banking committee draws Special attention on the activity of the active product. If the user rarely uses plastic, then the decision may be negative.

Limit increase via SMS and Sberbank Online

Users often ask how to increase the Sberbank Online credit card limit? First you need to register in the service, and then log in Personal Area. In this service, you can check the availability of this option, but do not increase the amount of money in the account. If the function is available, then you need to send a corresponding application for increasing the loan amount. If it is not possible to increase the available funds on the Sberbank card through the Online service, then you need to contact the branch personally.

They increase the loan amount only with the help of a personal appeal to the bank or in automatic mode. It will not be possible to use the Mobile Banking service to increase the loan or call the hotline, since such types of applications are not accepted. You cannot increase the amount of funds on a credit card using an ATM or terminal. In order for the bank to approve an application to increase the limit, you need to contact the branch for help.

Are there additional options

In addition to the two options for increasing the loan amount, there is another way. To implement it, you need to periodically check promotions on the Sberbank Online service or on your phone using SMS. Sberbank periodically holds promotions, making for customers Special offers. To take advantage of this offer, you must always be aware of all the offers.

The best and most reliable way to increase funds on a credit card is to switch to another type of plastic. Such plastic may have some disadvantages, such as increased cost service, but at the same time the client introduces himself more wide range loan opportunities. To obtain new plastic, you also need to personally contact the bank branch, where the application is written and the appropriate decision is made on the transfer of the user.

If the client is wondering about the possibility of increasing the credit limit, then initially you need to know that everything depends on the owner himself. If you manage to show your solvency and the active use of plastic for cashless payments, then the bank goes forward and provides an opportunity to use a larger loan amount. When planning to increase the credit, it is necessary to pay off the debt and show the activity of using the card. Only with this approach, you can get a positive decision from the bank's credit commission to increase the money on the loan offer.

The answer to the question of how to increase the Tinkoff credit card limit online is quite simple, even if the initial credit limit is only a few thousand rubles. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to use the basic rules and recommendations.

The maximum initial limit on a credit card depends on information about the financial and credit condition of the borrower itself and is determined when filling out and considering an application for receiving plastic. The main data influencing the decision of a commercial organization:

  • the length of service of the potential borrower;
  • the amount of monthly official income (additional is also taken into account if it has documentary evidence);
  • possible borrowing costs from other financial institutions;

As a rule, an application for receiving plastic is transmitted via the Internet in the “online” mode. The highest limit is possible with a Platinum credit card. Here it will be up to 300 thousand rubles. If initially it turns out to be lower, the holder will have the opportunity to request an increase in the credit limit on the Tinkoff card.

What do you need to raise the limit?

  1. Consistently use plastic. The more funds are spent on a credit card, the higher the chances of increasing the loan.
  2. Avoid delays. Skipping payments negatively affects the state of the borrower's reputation, and therefore reduces the chances of increasing the balance.
  3. Answer calls from financial institution representatives. This is important so that customer information is constantly updated in the company's database.
  4. Update information about wages and work. This applies to cases in which there is a change of position.
  5. Buy expensive items. As a rule, when paying by credit card in stores, there is no commission. But at the same time, frequent purchases can demonstrate the presence of wealth.
  6. Avoid delays in others commercial organizations. Borrower rating data is systematically updated and shared with financial institutions.
  7. Use other products of the company that will demonstrate the wealth of the client.

If the client shows his interest in using the provided loan and systematically uses plastic, the limit can be increased automatically. However, it is also possible to independently and independently send a corresponding request to the company. To do this, call contact center, ask the operator all the questions you are interested in and transfer information about the current state of accounts.

Submitting an application to a branch is not possible because the organization does not have offices in the regions. It is also possible to call the contact center through the official website

How long after the application Tinkoff increases the credit limit

Information about the state of the account and an application for a permanent or temporary increase should be submitted no earlier than six months after the start of active use of plastic. It is possible to count on a positive decision of the company only in this case, since by this time a sufficient picture of the financial well-being of the holder will have been collected. When submitting an application, it is important to provide the most reliable information about the current state of the accounts.

What to do in case of refusal of the bank

How to increase your credit limit tinkoff bank if the operation was not performed even after contacting the company? It is far from always that a financial institution raises the limit immediately after receiving an application. However, the very interest of the borrower significantly increases the chances for further improvement in the ability of plastic. Operators will systematically monitor the status of accounts and, when the most favorable moment comes, the framework will be expanded.


Many credit card holders are interested in how long after the start of using the means of payment it is possible to increase the credit limit. This question is considered on a case-by-case basis, since several factors influence the expansion of the financial framework at once, including the activity of using plastic. In the event that the borrower systematically pays for purchases and services with his help, if the chances of increasing the loan amount increase. In addition, it is important to monitor the state of credit history and avoid delays.

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