Anastasia Zavorotnyuk chest. Breast plastic surgery Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. New photos of Zavorotnyuk after

The actress appeared with a "new" face.

Fans of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk suspect that the actress had plastic surgery. Rumors that the actress allegedly “redrawn” her face appeared after Anastasia showed her fresh pictures. The photos posted on Instagram by the star were taken at the Rainbow charity festival, where Zavorotnyuk acted as a host.

The actress really does not look like herself in the frames. However, perhaps the fact is that Zavorotnyuk simply chose not the best photos for publication. However, fans have a different opinion. They are sure that Anastasia did a facelift, thereby spoiling her appearance ...

It is possible, by the way, that constant stress due to litigation affected Zavorotnyuk's appearance. The actress has been fighting for several years due to an overdue loan for a large amount. The constant beating of nerves due to financial problems cannot but be exhausting.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk before and after plastic surgery. There is hardly a person who would not know "nanny Vika" - these are the first associations that arise when the name of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is mentioned. How does the most “beautiful nanny” of the country manage to remain as beautiful and young, and is it possible at all?

Professional activity

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk today is a theater and film actress, singer. She is often seen as a TV presenter and model, and is the face of AVON. The artist took part in more than 30 projects and for more than 10 years Anastasia has served in the theater-studio named after O. Tabakov.

Childhood and students

  1. Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk appeared on April 3, 1971 in Astrakhan (USSR), and not at all in Mariupol (Ukraine), as many people think. Anastasia grew up in a creative family: her mother, Valentina, worked as an actress at the local Youth Theater (at the moment she is a stage speech teacher at Ostankino in the capital), and her father, Yuri, is a television director.
  2. Therefore, the destiny of little Nastya was a foregone conclusion, despite the fact that the parents were opposed to their daughter following their path. Anastasia has a musical education (Children's Music School No. 1, Astrakhan). From a very young age, Nastya was fond of choreography (she was a member of the Lotos dance group).
  3. In 1988, Anastasia graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of History at the local Pedagogical Institute, but a year later she expelled from it, enrolling in the Moscow Art Theater School for the course of Avant-garde Leontiev (Moscow).
  4. Anastasia has an older brother, Svyatoslav, who actually dreamed of a sister in childhood and for a very long time asked his parents to give her.


Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does not comment on questions about plastic surgery and, moreover, opposes plastic surgery. But is it really so?

professional care

  • but on the other hand, the popular star does not hide the salon procedures that she uses, for example, gas-liquid peeling for deep cleansing of the skin of the face. The soap opera star also pays special attention to her knees, as she prefers short skirts and dresses. RF lifting helps to maintain the skin tone of the knees;
  • according to the actress herself, in order to preserve the beauty of her hair and nails, she has to eat very high-calorie foods (daily - cottage cheese, chestnut honey, fish oil and pomegranate juice). In addition to good genetics, Turkish bath and massage help Zavorotnyuk to maintain an excellent figure;
  • daily in the morning Anastasia wipes her face with an ice cube from a decoction of chamomile or celandine to improve skin tone;

Breast plastic surgery

No matter how the most famous "nanny of the country" denied her involvement in plastic surgery, it is hard not to notice the sharp increase in Anastasia's breasts.

Judging by the photos, Anastasia wears silicone implants, which are very visible and give a sharp outline to the breasts. Such operations are considered unsuccessful, because the implants should not be visible, and the breasts should have a smooth, natural and sexy outline.

Facial contouring

Most recently, the actress posted on her personal Instagram account photos from the Rainbow charity event, where she acted as a host.

Fans simply did not recognize Zavorotnyuk: her face looked swollen, her eyes were narrow, her lips were unnaturally plump, her skin was perfectly smooth, without a single wrinkle. Another unsuccessful plastic surgery: a circular facelift.

The use of the services of a plastic surgeon by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk gives out her neck, which, in contrast to her face, looks noticeably older.

Soon, the actress in English deleted this photo from her account, however, she is still surfing the net. Fans of the actress still hope that Zavorotnyuk unsuccessfully retouched the photo, rather than decide to go under the surgeon's knife.

According to some sources, it is known that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk resorted to the services of the once popular surgeon Yevgeny Laputin. It is also known that she repeatedly visited the Nizhny Novgorod beauty clinic.

Personal life

Anastasia got married three times. The first husband is a German entrepreneur - Olaf Schwarzkopf. However, this marriage did not last long - almost a year. All this time, Anastasia lived in her husband's homeland, that is, in Germany.

Then Anastasia married a Russian businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Two children appeared in it: in 1996, daughter Anna and in 2000, son Michael. In this marriage, Anastasia had to be often absent from Russia and help run her husband's business in the United States (real estate).

From the fall of 2008 to the present day, Anastasia has been married to figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.

  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a petite woman. The height of the popular presenter is only 164 cm, and the weight is 48 kg;
  • Anastasia was born in the year of the Pig, and according to the sign of the zodiac - Aries;
  • The mother of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was against her daughter following the path of a theater actress. Young Nastya Zavorotnyuk, in order to leave for the capital for admission, had to lie to her mother and say that she was leaving for an archaeological expedition (at that time Anastasia was studying at the Faculty of History, which she soon abandoned);
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk failed the entrance exams to GITIS, but successfully passed the Moscow Art Theater School. The following year, she re-entered GITIS. This time, successfully, however, she remained faithful to the Moscow Art Theater, and she entered GITIS in order to "take revenge";
  • Favorite role in the theater is Varya from the play "Passion for Bumbarash";
  • It was after the release of the soap opera "My Fair Nanny" that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became addicted to bright things and accessories. Prior to this, the actress preferred black in her wardrobe;
  • From an early age, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk planned to become a ballerina, however, her father dissuaded her from this idea;
  • For many years now, the popular TV presenter has been suing the bank that issued her a foreign currency loan. Zavorotnyuk could not pay for it due to the unstable exchange rate. The bank insisted on the decision to declare Anastasia bankrupt, however, the court did not do this. Litigation is still ongoing.

What do you think about Anastasia Zavorotnyuk?

The most famous nanny of the country Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk was born on April 3, 1971 in Astrakhan.

From early childhood, looking at her talented parents, Nastya dreamed of becoming an actress, so she was actively involved in dancing and music.

In 1989, the girl entered the Moscow Art Theater School, after graduating in 2003 she worked in the theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.

2004 was a stellar year for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, it was then that she was offered the role of Vika in the series “My Fair Nanny”, after the premiere of which the whole country learned about her. In parallel with filming in the series, Zavorotnyuk increasingly began to appear in films and on television, she hosted programs, was a participant and jury member in many talent shows.

The beauty of this woman does not leave any man indifferent, perhaps that is why Anastasia was married three times.

From her second marriage to businessman Dmitry Stryukov, she has two children - daughter Anna and son Michael. In 2008, the actress got engaged to figure skater Peter Chernyshev.

To provocative questions about her appearance, Mrs. Zavorotnyuk replies that her beauty is the result of good genetics and proper skin care. She does not hide the fact that she regularly uses the services of a cosmetologist and resorts to anti-aging procedures, but she denies any hint of plastic surgery. However, only the blind will not notice how fresh the actress looks for her age. This may be the result of a competent circular tightening.

There is also a question about Anastasia's lips, in recent years they have slightly increased in volume, which indicates filler injections.

Although the ideal shape of her breasts suggests otherwise. It is known that Anastasia did mammoplasty twice. After the first operation in 2010, the woman received a large, but not symmetrical breast. The second intervention corrected this unfortunate mistake and helped the woman regain her natural forms.

Most domestic television stars look much younger than their age. And, as a rule, the reason is banal - plastic surgery. Some do not hide the fact that they use the services of plastic surgeons, while others categorically deny any intervention. Fans deftly notice all the changes in the appearance of idols, whether it be enlarged breasts or voluminous lips. And of course, rumors about plastic surgery did not bypass one of the most beautiful actresses in Russian cinema - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Photos of the star before and after plastic surgery regularly appear on the network, but Anastasia herself denies that in pursuit of beauty she turns to plastic surgeons for help. We decided to conduct our own investigation and determine whether this is actually the case.

Short biography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a bright actress and just a beautiful woman. She was born in a creative family: her mother is a People's Artist of Russia, and her father is a director. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress and spent her free time behind the scenes of the theater. Parents did not support Nastya's desire for the stage, and she entered the Faculty of History. After taking documents from the university in a year, Anastasia entered the Moscow Art Theater School and already in her 4th year she played in the Tabakov Theater.

Real popularity came to Anastasia after the role of the nanny Vika, who worked in a family of the rich and famous (the series "My Fair Nanny").

A charming smile, a miniature chiseled figure and a sparkling sense of humor struck down millions of viewers.

Television has radically changed the life of the actress: she was invited to host shows and repeatedly presented awards for her achievements in the field of art.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has always conquered men. The first husband, Olaf Schwarzkopf, fell in love with a young actress on a skit and immediately called her in marriage. Nastya agreed and went to her husband's homeland - to Germany. The marriage did not last long, and a year later Anastasia returned to Russia. Anastasia met her second husband Dmitry Stryukov by chance and plunged headlong into a romantic relationship. In this marriage, the actress had a daughter and a son, but the couple failed to save the family. The joint work of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov in the series "My Fair Nanny" led to a two-year romance. Now Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is married to figure skater Dmitry Chernyshev.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: was there plastic or not?

April 3, 2017 Anastasia Zavorotnyuk turned 46 years old. A chiseled figure and natural charm allow the actress to look fragile and young.

The actress admits that she eats high-calorie and varied: to preserve the beauty of her hair and nails, she eats cottage cheese and uses fish oil in capsules. The daily diet of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk includes chestnut honey and a glass of pomegranate juice.

Anastasia claims that she does not need the services of plastic surgeons.

She visits a beauty salon and undergoes a variety of professional procedures. The actress speaks sharply negatively about Botox injections and actively recommends peels for deep facial cleansing.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does not hide the fact that she maintains her skin condition with professional anti-aging hardware techniques. The actress uses RF lifting to maintain the elasticity of the skin in the knee area in order to wear short skirts.

Some fans are trying to find traces of a facelift, but to no avail, and Anastasia herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

Fans suspected the actress of breast augmentation and even found the outlines of implants. But whether Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had plastic surgery is still a mystery.

Regular home and professional care allows her to prolong her youth, and possible plastic surgery is a way to become even more feminine.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a bright actress and just a beautiful woman. She was born in a creative family: her mother is a People's Artist of Russia, and her father is a director. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress and spent her free time behind the scenes of the theater. Parents did not support Nastya's desire for the stage, and she entered the Faculty of History. After taking documents from the university a year later, Anastasia entered the Moscow Art Theater School and already in her 4th year she played in the Tabakov Theater.

Real popularity came to Anastasia after the role of a nanny who worked in a family of the rich and famous.

A charming smile, a miniature chiseled figure and a sparkling sense of humor struck down millions of viewers.

Television has radically changed the life of the actress: she was invited to host shows and repeatedly presented awards for her achievements in the field of art.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has always conquered men. The first husband, Olaf Schwarzkopf, fell in love with a young actress on a skit and immediately called her in marriage. Nastya agreed and went to her husband's homeland - to Germany. The marriage did not last long, and a year later Anastasia returned to Russia. Anastasia met her second husband Dmitry Stryukov by chance and plunged headlong into a romantic relationship. In this marriage, the actress had a daughter and a son, but the couple failed to save the family. The joint work of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergey Zhigunov in the series "My Fair Nanny" led to a two-year romance. Now Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is married to figure skater Dmitry Chernyshev.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: was there plastic?

April 3, 2017 Anastasia Zavorotnyuk turned 46 years old. A chiseled figure and natural charm allow the actress to look fragile and young.

The actress admits that she eats high-calorie and varied: to preserve the beauty of her hair and nails, she eats cottage cheese and uses fish oil in capsules. The daily diet of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk includes chestnut honey and a glass of pomegranate juice.

Anastasia claims that she does not need the services of plastic surgeons.

She visits a beauty salon and undergoes a variety of professional procedures. The actress speaks sharply negatively about Botox injections and actively recommends peelings for deep cleansing of the face.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does not hide the fact that she maintains the condition of the skin with professional anti-aging hardware techniques. The actress uses radiofrequency lifting to maintain the elasticity of the skin in the knee area in order to wear short skirts.

Some fans are trying to find traces of a facelift, but to no avail, and Anastasia herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

A few years ago, alleged photos of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk after plastic surgery appeared on the Web.

Fans suspected the actress of breast augmentation and even found the outlines of implants. But whether Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had plastic surgery is still a mystery.

Nature generously endowed Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with talent and beauty.

Regular home and professional care allows her to prolong the time of her youth, and possible plastic surgery is a way to become even more feminine.

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