Woman bull man tiger vector. Tiger bull compatibility - the couple will be unusual

For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat in his life. The bull is not too accustomed to being attacked or urged on, he will not let himself be swallowed. Bulls are too freedom-loving, and the one who manages to eat it will definitely spoil the stomach. The bull cannot stop the tiger from leading predatory image life, but still tries to somehow dominate, remind him of caution and warn against rudeness.

According to the Ox's compatibility horoscope, they will not see a common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But women - Bulls are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign and get used to a silent role if the Tiger can satisfy all their needs. But subsequently they will definitely show impatience, the Tiger Woman will definitely pay attention to majestic Bull because in her eyes he is a model of a pure conscience.

Ox Man and Tiger Woman

Here the situation is rather simpler, since the Ox man will be busy with his own affairs, provide rear, and the Tiger woman will throw up new ideas, interesting thoughts and help the Ox look at life a little easier and enjoy this life more.

She, of course, is too freedom-loving, but, soberly assessing the reliability of a man, she is more likely to agree to marriage with him than with a man of a different sign. In this union there will be trust and understanding if both do not want to build relationships, trying to prove something to each other. good union if both are ready to hear the partner.

Ox Woman and Tiger Man

The compatibility horoscope in such a union will largely depend on the Ox woman, on her possessive instincts and the desire to insist on her own. Too much pressure from the conservative Ox woman can be devastating to such an alliance if the Tiger man is not ready to continue and develop the relationship. He understands more and knows how to settle, reason with the Bull woman.

She is a practitioner, so she tries to improve and organize her life as much as possible. Tiger lives longer today, by impulses, he rarely plans something, and the Ox, on the contrary, tries to spread the straw in advance so that no difficulties take her by surprise. They need to agree and just give in to each other, find a compromise solution. It's not hard for a couple.

When the Tiger and the Ox meet, the most successful combination is the Ox man and the Tiger woman. In such a pair we can achieve comfort, harmony and a happy family life. If the opposite is true, then the couple is considered difficult from the point of view of the eastern horoscope. For those who are not looking for simple ways, such an alliance will seem attractive, because there is a lot of struggle for position in the family, power and attention of a partner.

If nothing works out, think about changing your partner, because it is very difficult to live all your life with someone who does not understand you. Every person has a choice - you can fight for your love. The horoscope does not give advice on how to find your love easier, but rather how to go through all the difficulties together without losing love and tenderness.

Eastern horoscope for lovers

By eastern horoscope there are no couples who would not find a way out of a difficult situation. Yes, many of them have character - not a gift. But what to do? There are great ways to avoid family dramas, and make your love pleasant, bright and sensual. Such advice is given by astrologers. They know exactly what the problem of each sign is.

A man and a woman want one thing - to love and be loved. It does not matter the sign of the zodiac, or the eastern horoscope. Everyone wants love. This is the most normal human condition. If love is not in our lives for a long time, then depression comes. Of course, it is worth considering in advance what kind of partner you dream of. Perhaps the horoscope will give you the answer to this question. Who is easier to live with? With what sign will it be possible to build love? Who will have the happiest life in marriage?

You should not, of course, ask everyone in a row about the year of birth in order to pick up a lover. We immediately reject this method, because it will not lead to anything good. You need to search with your heart, in the horoscope you already know your chances. If they are not great, and your heart has made its choice, then try to find a compromise with a partner.

Very often, the signs of the eastern horoscope begin to behave differently. It's all about age. The person has already been through one or two unsuccessful marriage got a life lesson. Now he looks at himself critically, and at his partner without the prism of distrust or sarcasm. So, after 40 years, it is easier to look for your love. But you don't have to deliberately wait that long. Everything is in your hands, and all the answers are already there.

Better sign compatibility

It is believed that much depends on the energy that each of the signs of the Eastern horoscope carries. Be it a Snake, Bull, Dragon, Tiger or Monkey, they are all different because they carry different levels of zodiacal energy. It is not so easy to be with a person who does not suit you on an energetic level. In this situation, quarrels, betrayals, constant nit-picking and conflicts begin. Of course, people adapt to each other. This situation is from the category of "endure-fall in love."

Of course, everyone would like to have perfect match when people understand each other perfectly, they are in a state of constant harmony. There are a lot of such couples, do not think that this is just a fairy tale. They are attracted to each other, representatives of signs with the most suitable energy. People don't always appreciate that connection, that's for sure. Also, in a couple where a man and a woman are 100% compatible, there may be betrayal. It all depends on how spiritually mature the partner is.

It is not always possible to guess who exactly is 100% compatible. Sometimes, this is a pair of identical signs, for example, two Tigers, two Monkeys or Sheep. And sometimes, it happens that it’s hard to imagine these couples together. The rule of opposites often works. Women's signs with pronounced energy of Venus (love, sexuality) are attracted to an imperious male sign with a strong influence of Mars (aggression, strength, leadership). It's quite regular couple - strong man, weak woman.

Tiger man, Ox woman

The Tiger man is a purposeful and interesting person. He appreciates life, even looks at it philosophically. His partner will never be the prey of this proud predator. He is looking for someone equal to himself in temperament, hobbies. In love and marriage it can be different, it all depends on the second half.

Otherwise, the Tiger man appreciates his work, loves to painstakingly build a career. He is a passionate person with hundreds of interests. It is best to find common ground with him, otherwise your life will pass in different rooms. Choose something for yourself that you can do together, then there will be a lot in common. You can easily captivate the Tiger man with your hobby. Show him something new, he will be grateful to you.

In work, he appreciates conscientious colleagues who benefit the common cause. Excellent will act as the head of the company.

The Ox woman loves her home, and only then - everything else. She is very homely. Vacation will be happy to spend at home or in the country, with love to carry out cleaning, redevelopment. She also loves her job, because there she can be realized as a good, responsible specialist.

Unfortunately, when these two meet, it doesn't always work out. good couple. The fact is that the Ox woman cannot always understand and accept the vast interests of the Tiger. She would like him to think more about pressing matters - new furniture, polishing the parquet, buying bed linen. He loves the house, but is not ready to devote all his attention only to the home. It is difficult for the Ox to share the interests of the Tiger, because she delimits her life according to the principle "work must be left at work."

Of course, a chance for love and harmony family life their marriage is very large. True, both partners will have to change their lives in order for their couple to really deserve the title of “happy”.

Very good unions are obtained when a couple complements each other.

Love, marriage, family life

Marriage can be easier, especially when both are wondering common goal- family. They want to have a baby as soon as possible, this is a normal desire for both signs. Tiger dreams of big family, however, does not always imagine the level of responsibility, problems with young children.

He will gladly shift all these activities to his wife, freeing up time for himself. He loves children very much, appreciates them, but long time can't hold in their company. Here, the Ox's desire to be at home as often as possible will play an excellent role.

If there are no children in the couple, then the Ox will begin to make claims. she dreamed of just such a family, she feels deceived. Of course, they can find lasting solace in each other, but everything ends someday, even passion.

Compatibility is higher when both are young. Then they build a life together, value their couple much more. Achieving something together is worth a lot.

Compatibility of characters plays a huge role here. People feel good together, they are both light in character. But, unfortunately, misunderstanding can fish this couple. Marriage is hard, because it means adjusting to the interests of your partner. Of course, you shouldn't forget yours. The Bull can offer the Tiger something new:

  • learn a foreign language together;
  • go to cooking classes;
  • make repairs on their own;
  • teach photography;
  • etc.

This will strengthen your relationship, and it will be fun to learn something new together. Try it, life can be changed for the better. It is easy to win a tiger over to your side if he sees your sincere interest. Otherwise, if everyone is busy only with themselves, your couple will quickly go to the bottom.

Ox man, Tiger woman

This couple will be very good. The Ox man has a weakness for the beautiful, smart women. He reaches out to them, and often wins attention and love. He himself is an interesting person, has a soft, non-conflict character, is capable of amazing patience. In his personal life, the Ox's temperament is very different from the work environment.

In work, the Ox man is stubborn, stubborn and purposeful. He makes his way to his cherished goal, demolishing obstacles on the way. With such an employee, the company will quickly raise its stakes, because for what the Bull believes in, he will fight with all his might. Own business open - good idea, although very costly. The Ox wants the best for his business.

Marriage compatibility is very good, although there are some problems

In love, marriage, family life, he also chooses the best, however, already for his family. He is ready to sacrifice time for the sake of the children, will help his wife with the housework, will want to plan everything together - from Sunday dinner to traveling with the whole family.

The Tiger woman is in love, first of all, with herself. This is wise woman invests money, effort and efforts in his person. And what, this is not a bad investment in the future. She loves to play sports, enjoys new diets. But, of course, this is not the only one of her interests. The Tiger Woman has unique ability Find your place in any situation. Easily finds a new job.

She values ​​her life and the person who will share life with her. The bull is an excellent partner for her, and their compatibility in a pair is very high. He will idolize the Tiger, and for this he will receive all the best that she can give him.

Love, marriage, family life

As soon as the Tiger wants more freedom, he begins to be at home less and less. At this point, the Bull turns on jealousy. Because of this situation, marriage can begin serious problems. Remember that the Tiger is essentially big cat who likes to walk by herself. She will definitely return.

If everything goes smoothly, then you can increase compatibility - have children. They will forge an alliance. The tiger loves children, will be a very good, understanding mother for her cubs.

If you feel that the routine has stuck with you, then rather drop everything and go on a journey only together. Even a trip for 3 days will help you remember again why you fell in love with each other. Ideally, of course, you need to go for at least 10 days. Then, upon returning home, there will be no problems in marriage. Learn to please yourself and your partner. Tiger will definitely appreciate it.

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Ox is high as long as they look on the same side. If someone decides that his life can be more interesting, and this is most often the Tiger, then a black streak begins in marriage. The astrologer advises to spend time together more often. It's not about being together 24 hours, but making it a rule to take Saturday walks or Friday dinners out is fine. Think about how to diversify your life, because it is very easy.

You can live your whole life without such problems, because the relationship in each pair is individual. Compatibility depends on the age of the partners - the older they are, the higher the compatibility. The best couple is obtained when a man is 5-7 years older than a woman.

Compatibility Ox man and Tiger woman has good prospects for building relationships in love and marriage. Despite the fact that these people are very different and their contradictions are obvious even at first glance, they can succeed if they want.

In general, the Ox-Man and the Tiger-Woman are, first of all, two restless and bright character. By their nature, they are both purposeful and strong, however, if the Tiger in this tandem is more frivolous, the Ox, on the contrary, will become very serious, thanks to which they will complement each other. The disadvantage of this union is that the Man will do everything for the relationship, try to provide a good foundation for his family, and the Tiger, due to its nature, will not take everything properly, although it will help in resolving minor issues.

Ox-Tiger Union Chinese horoscope Still, they can try to create a strong couple. To do this, they need to learn to compromise, try to treat with understanding the shortcomings of their partner and his habits. Family comfort and a stable financial income in this family is guaranteed, the only problem stubbornness.

Ox man and Tiger woman in love

The Ox man and the Tiger woman are so different people that it is difficult for many to imagine them together. At the same time, they have good compatibility and may well build strong marriage. Love relationship between them as a whole develop harmoniously.

Of course, as in any union, there will be contradictions that are related to the fact that partners see life differently. The Ox believes that everything should be rational and systematic, and the Tigress is not used to living by the rules, so she does not listen to the mundane advice of her chosen one. The way out of this situation is a compromise: he should not impose his opinion too much, and she should often turn to the Bull for advice. And it's best if the Tiger listens to what the other half has to say, because the truth is usually somewhere in between. Do not waste time arguing and arguing that you are right.

In general, the Ox man is a great option for the Tiger woman, because he will provide her with the support that is so necessary for peace of mind. In addition, he will support her in the realization of talents, help her achieve her desired goals. And she will show him how you can look at things from an unusual side for him, thus expanding the horizons of a conservative partner. As a result, both are provided with personal growth, which is extremely important for fulfillment and happiness.

Bull man and Tiger woman in a relationship

Conflicts can arise if the Ox man wants to definitely prevail over the Tiger woman in everything and never admit his mistakes. It is important for the bull to learn to forgive and accept that his woman does not have to do what he thinks is right. And the Tiger girl should learn to ask for advice and be more feminine.

The Ox man perfectly controls his emotions, if necessary for business. He understands that the Tiger girl is completely different in nature and will try to stay close to her. The Tiger woman is able not only to bring harmony to the soul of the Ox, but also to give the necessary impetus to further development, to new habits, more subtle feelings and thoughts. It is thanks to her that the Ox man expands the horizon of his worldview, he learns flexibility, loyalty, acceptance of life changes and situations, as an opportunity to find something useful for himself.

For the Tiger girl, the Ox man will be the basis, the support that you can always lean on. She needs to have her own marina, and the Bull man is perfectly able to establish a life, possessing economic and organizational skills. She certainly appreciates family and marriage, but also wants to reach heights in her career and realize all her wildest dreams. She respects her man, because he gives her the opportunity to show all her creative talents, confidence in tomorrow, from him she will learn responsibility and perseverance in the most difficult circumstances.

So the Ox man will go about his business, provide rear, and the Tiger girl will offer new interesting ideas and help your beloved take a different look at the world and find in life more joy. In this union, understanding and trust will reign if the partners do not prove to each other that they are exclusively right.

Compatibility Ox and Tiger in marriage

If a male Ox and a female Tiger enter into a marriage union, then they should prepare to deal with difficulties. There is more passion in a relationship than sincere love. The compatibility of the Ox man and the Tiger woman is not very strong, because not much connects the two halves. The Bull Man is distinguished by stubbornness and a desire for leadership. He will not feel sorry for the Tiger woman, because her isolation does not suit him. She, on the contrary, is not able to endure the too energetic character of the chosen one. Over time, the Tiger woman will develop depression, because the position of a servant in the family depresses her. The Ox man should command less in order to save the marriage.

On the one hand, we respect the predictions and recommendations of the eastern horoscope, we try to take them into account in our lives. On the other hand, we doubt the extent to which such esoteric knowledge is applicable in our everyday practical life.

However, still, if we look closely, we see that understanding the influence of the horoscope on us and on our partners allows us to better understand what exactly we want in life and what needs to be done to improve our relationship with a loved one.

So, what can we say about those whose sign is Ox or Tiger? First of all, it should be noted that the Bull is strong man ready to fight for what he thinks is right. However, it is characterized a high degree security and endurance.

This suggests that he is able to relatively calmly endure possible blows of fate on his way. The tiger is characterized in a completely different way. This is a person who lives for today. He has a well-developed ability to be creative. He pours fresh, original and quite effective ideas. However, he is much more vulnerable than a bull.

What to do if these signs have a conflict? There's nothing to be done. Much more likely that the Bull will win. He is strong, resilient and unflappable. At the same time, the tiger is sensitive, open and relatively defenseless. That is, the conflict here is counterproductive.

Does this mean that a good and lasting relationship between these signs is impossible? Not at all. We must not forget that the very influence of the horoscope is, rather, the deep foundations of our attitude to the world. At the same time, relationships are a manifestation of our feelings and thoughts. With an attentive, respectful and supportive attitude towards each other, the Bull and the Tiger may well build an excellent relationship.

Compatibility in love, marriage

In this section, we consider two main cases of such relationships. Of course, maintaining and developing relationships is often not so easy. If a woman is a Tiger according to the horoscope, and a man is a Bull, then relationships are built much easier. On the contrary, in this case certain pitfalls may be present.

He was born in the year of the bull, she is the tiger

This option is very stable. The Bull-Man will be busy with his own affairs, using his strength to be a worthy support for the Tiger-woman. And this support will be mutual. A woman will give interesting ideas, various considerations that may be useful to a man.

It will help him feel life deeper and enjoy it better. Of course, the Tiger woman is very freedom-loving, because this is one of important properties her sign. However, the sobriety of thinking and the reliability of the Ox man rather attract her, allowing her to feel secure.

This union will certainly be successful if both strive to build relationships, support each other, and not conflict with each other.

He was born in the year of the tiger, she is the bull

But what if the Ox is a woman? What should both do in this case? Here, the relationship will largely depend on the woman. The way she behaves will determine the relationship in this pair. Such a woman is more likely to be conservative.

If, at the same time, she exerts strong pressure on her partner, then this can lead to devastating consequences. If this happens, then everything will depend on the willingness of the man to show patience and the desire to maintain a relationship.

The Ox Woman is primarily a practitioner. She instinctively seeks to organize and improve her life. The tiger lives, rather, by impulses. For him, first of all, there is today. The Tiger rarely plans the future, the Ox, on the contrary, prefers to foresee everything in advance.

It would be a good strategy if they simply agreed among themselves and would make concessions to each other in certain situations. For people who are important to each other, this is unlikely to be a problem.

Union cons

If the woman is a Bull, in this pair the question of who is the head of the family will be a serious problem. On the one hand, a woman is much stronger in any conflict that may occur. On the other hand, if she herself will moderate her strength and avoid dominating her husband, allowing him seniority in the family, this can create a harmonious relationship.

In general, it is believed that such a pair is much less likely to happy marriage than with many other signs of the horoscope. But there is also a downside. If a Tiger man sees that a woman is showing wisdom in influencing their relationship, he will appreciate it especially much. He will try to make her life beautiful for real.

The Ox Woman believes that practical interests should prevail in her life. However, the Tiger man is able to open before her another, more ideal side of the relationship.

Compatibility in bed

  • Together with the emotional and bright female Tiger, the male Ox seems too cold. But actually it is not. He's just not used to expressing his emotions outwardly. Some women take it hard, because they need a symphony of feelings, not a monologue. Often in such relationships, sex is an opportunity to better understand each other. However, sometimes there can be a struggle for leadership, which leads nowhere. The main thing for such a couple is to strive to understand and feel each other, harmony, softness and tenderness are important, and not competition among themselves. Relations in bed between these signs can be special due to the fact that the partners are very different from each other.
  • The Ox Woman loves to accept the courtship of the delightful and sparkling Tiger. Let her not take it right away, but if the Tiger is persistent enough, both partners will eventually be rewarded. In this way, they will be able to build a beautiful and lasting relationship.

Business Compatibility

In business, these two types can be useful to each other. However, the potential for conflict remains high. These people look at the world differently, this cannot be avoided. At the same time, the Tiger will personify an open and creative, albeit somewhat aggressive beginning.

This will help find correct solution even in difficult situations. On the other hand, the Ox is a good practitioner and strategist, which the Tiger lacks. If the parties do not contain their emotions, their Team work can turn into torture because of the difference in their views on life.

If they show patience and mutual respect, they will be able to take advantage of both the advantages of the Ox and the advantages of the Tiger.

friendship compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs largely depends on the Ox. This is the case both if it is a man and if it is a woman. The Ox is not only stronger, he is a practical and down to earth person.

To some extent, this person is a support for his loved ones. Fire is a wealth of feelings, thoughts and hobbies for loved ones, it opens up new depths of beauty and joy of life. However, as a consequence, such people are impractical and much more vulnerable.

Despite the obvious contradictions, it can be argued that these are, to some extent, opposites that complement each other. Each of them is able to give the other what he lacks.

Percent Compatibility

There is also such an indicator of the quality of relations between partners. Despite the possibility of their improvement. These figures for the pair in question are relatively small.

If we are talking about a situation where the Ox is a man and the Tiger is a woman, then the numbers will be as follows:

  • compatibility in love - 60%;
  • married - 70%;
  • in bed - 60%.

If we are talking about a couple where the Ox is a woman and the Tiger is a man, then:

  • compatibility in love - 50%;
  • married - 50%;
  • compatibility in bed - 60%

Tiger and Ox are different people. The bull is practical, down to earth, calculates its steps in the future. The tiger is open, emotional and creative person. human relations associated not only with natural features different signs of the horoscope, but also with what they do and how close people relate to each other.

There are two main problems in this case:

  • One of them is the restraint of the Ox, combined with the emotionality and openness of the Tiger. Here, in order to improve relations, efforts are needed on both sides. The Tiger must learn to better see and understand the Bull behind the mask of restraint, and he must moderate the strength of his pressure, giving the Tiger more freedom so that he feels confident.
  • Another feature is that the Ox is strong, practical, calculates his steps in advance. And the Tiger is active, disperses its efforts in many directions, lives for today. If the Ox does not learn to restrain himself, his pressure can become unbearable for the Tiger and complicate their relationship. To prevent such problems from arising, the Ox must learn to restrain himself, and the Tiger should show patience and understanding.
  • One way to improve relationships is to look and maintaining common hobbies.

A good relationship between these two signs is quite possible. But, for this, both parties must make certain efforts.


The horoscope allows you to better understand the features loved one, depending on its sign. It also allows you to find additional opportunities further development your relationship.

The compatibility of the Bull and the Tiger in love is problematic. Differences in temperaments and life aspirations create an almost insurmountable barrier to creating an alliance of representatives of signs. If, nevertheless, the Tiger and the Ox converge, living together will be a difficult test for both.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Ox

People born in the year of the Ox according to the eastern horoscope are hardworking, calm and punctual. They are faithful in friendship and constant in love. Most of the representatives of the sign are nice and sociable people. They are always ready to listen to a person and cheer him up in a friendly conversation.

With strong and strong-willed character, Bulls never retreat in front of obstacles, and thanks to their innate perseverance and determination, they achieve their intended goal, moving slowly but surely. Representatives of the sign always do everything according to the rules, considering detours to be shameful. They would rather break their foreheads into a stone wall than cheat and bypass the obstacle. In the end, people of the sign still achieve their goal.

The Ox man is a rationalist, conservative and stubborn, and his dictatorial habits can become a problem in friendship and love. Nevertheless, the representative of the strong half of humanity is reliable, faithful and noble. The Ox woman is restrained, calm and sentimental. She is a wonderful caring mother and a faithful loving wife.

Influence of the governing element

Under the influence of one of the five governing elements, the character of the representatives of the sign changes somewhat. Thus:

  1. Metal Ox (1901, 1961) endows his "children" with enviable perseverance, honesty and responsibility.
  2. People born in the year of the Water Ox according to the eastern horoscope (1913, 1973) are friendly, sociable and intelligent.
  3. The Year of the Wood Ox (1925, 1985) endows its representatives with great willpower, self-confidence and straightforwardness.
  4. Diligence, responsibility and fidelity - these are the main qualities of character that increase in the representatives of the sign under the influence of the Fire element (1937, 1997).
  5. During the years of the Earth element (1949, 2009), calm and balanced personalities are born, having weight in society.

Characteristics of the people of the year of the Tiger

People born in the year of the Tiger are energetic, quick-tempered and undisciplined. They tend to make hasty rash decisions, for which they subsequently pay dearly. Risk appetite leads to a large number troubles that happen to representatives of the sign. Being very freedom-loving and independent, they severely suppress any infringement on their personal freedom. However, the Tigers encroach on the freedom of others without any remorse.

In small things, representatives of the sign can be selfish, but if we are talking about something big and important, they are ready to sacrifice a lot. By temperament, people of the sign are leaders and rebels. Unlike the Bulls, who go to their goal only along the beaten paths, the Tigers are always drawn to the new and the unknown.

Men of the sign are active, passionate and attractive, but if such a person is in the enemy, you should beware, because he can be quite cruel and vindictive.

Women of the year are smart, sensual, sexy and confident. Men in front of such young ladies are not able to resist.

Influence of the governing element

Under the influence of the controlling element, the characteristics of the representatives of the sign change somewhat, as follows:

  1. Those born in the year of the Metal Tiger (1950, 2010) are very attractive in appearance, persistent and vain.
  2. Children of the Water Tiger (1902, 1962) kind, easy to find mutual language with others and are not deprived of talents.
  3. Friendliness, an excellent sense of humor and complaisance are the main character traits that are enhanced under the influence of the year of the Wood Tiger (1914, 1974).
  4. Under the control of the Fire element (1926, 1986), energetic and optimistic personalities are born.
  5. The Year of the Earth Tiger (1938, 1998) gives birth to responsible, balanced and fair people.

Ox Man and Tiger Woman

A couple in which the Ox is a man has low compatibility in love. Representatives of the signs are so different that they are unlikely to be able to find a common language. It is difficult for a conservative and balanced guy to understand and accept life position a crazy girl who might find her boyfriend boring.


Despite the low compatibility, the Tiger woman and the Ox man will still be able to interest each other. The sign guy has a weakness for smart and beautiful girls, which is the Tiger woman. The young lady herself will pay attention to the man due to his strong and decisive character. The Ox man and the Tiger woman form a union based on calculation, and not on love.

The Tiger girl will become a sip for the guy fresh air and inspirer of ideas. However, he wants to full control over the chosen one, which she will never allow anyone to do. The calm and balanced Ox man will eventually bore the girl, and his pressure will cause her aggression. In addition, the young lady will be annoyed by his conservatism and the habit of living by the rules. If the partners do not find the strength and desire to give in to each other, then no love will save their couple from breaking up.


AT intimate relationships Tiger girls and Ox men will also have quite a few problems. Even in bed, partners will not stop their struggle for power in a couple. If not for this unfortunate circumstance, in terms of sex, the representatives of the signs would be fine. Being passionate and temperamental in nature, lovers in intimate relationships prefer physical intimacy to the detriment of spiritual intimacy, therefore, if they stop figuring out who is more important and make certain compromises, they can get real pleasure from sex.


Marriage compatibility of representatives of signs is very ambiguous, since it is extremely difficult for them to agree. The vector relations of the pair Ox - Tiger strengthen Negative influence men against a woman in terms of suppressing her will, which a freedom-loving young lady will never allow. The wife herself is inclined to impose her opinion on her husband, thereby infringing on his dignity.

Despite the fact that everything testifies against such a marriage, the spouses still have a chance to create a pretty good family union. The Tiger woman in choosing a partner prefers strong, decisive and reliable men, who, undoubtedly, is the representative of the sign. For his adored wife, he will do everything possible and impossible. Being a purposeful and hardworking person, the spouse will make sure that his family does not experience any financial difficulties and at the same time will not shy away from homework. Some men of the sign even take on some of the women's duties, freeing their beloved spouse.

The Tiger woman suits the Ox man both as a wife and as a friend. Being especially active and decisive, she will stir up her husband a little and make him take a fresh look at the most ordinary things. In addition, the young lady is not only beautiful and sexy, she is also a wonderful hostess and attentive mother. The only thing that is categorically contraindicated for her is to become a housewife. Being constantly within four walls, a lady can get bored and lose her charm.

Tiger Man and Ox Woman

The compatibility horoscope of a pair of Tiger man and Ox woman speaks of a low percentage of mutual understanding between partners. It's all to blame for the difference in temperaments and temperament of the representatives of the signs. A calm, balanced and somewhat slow girl will be shocked by her energetic partner. It is possible to solve problems in a couple only by reaching a compromise, but given the stubbornness of each of the partners, it is hardly possible.


Despite the fact that the representatives of the sign are poorly compatible, the stars can converge in such a way that love breaks out between them. An attractive, determined and active guy is quite capable of turning the head of a quiet and balanced girl. His energy and love of risk will become something new and interesting for her. The very same representative of the beautiful half of humanity will conquer the chosen one with kindness, loyalty and decency.

The outbreak of love between the representatives of the signs will soon be replaced by disappointment. The poise and calmness of the young lady will begin to seem boring to the guy, and her desire to lead will completely set her against her lover. The girl herself will begin to annoy the inconstancy of her partner, and all her attempts to remake him for herself will fail. Partners can save love only by starting to change.

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