Where does the name Natasha come from? Famous people, celebrities named Natalya. Origin and meaning

Natalia is extraordinary beautiful name with very ancient history. It arose one of the first in Christianity and is still popular. According to statistics, every 20 mother calls her newborn daughter Natasha, and this is no coincidence, since the name Natalya has a noble meaning, beautiful sound and happy fate. In this article, we will tell you in detail everything about this female name, so that, perhaps, you will call your girl Natalya.

The origin of the name Natalia is connected with the Roman Empire. In this country, the holiday "Natalis Domini" was celebrated, which meant that a child was born in some Latin family. That is why the name Natalya is translated from the ancient Roman language as "birth". Often in the dictionaries of names opposite the name Natalya they write - "born on Christmas". Both meanings are correct.

If you choose the name Natasha for your daughter, then you can raise a reasonable and intelligent lady who will be energetic and cheerful in life. She will have many friends, admirers. From childhood, she will already begin to teach her peers what she managed to learn herself. And the girl will be able to do a lot, because learning is her trump card. She will grasp everything on the fly, she will not have any problems with her studies, unless, of course, you forget to praise Natasha all the time.

Natalya is a name that sounds beautiful, but in relation to a little girl it sounds quite loud. But this name has many affectionate and shortened forms that you can use to refer to your daughter. Call her:

  • Natasha
  • Natusei
  • Natuley
  • Tasha
  • Our
  • Natoy
  • Netoy
  • Natkoy
  • Natunei
  • Tusei
  • pour
  • Naloy
  • Nanoi
  • Taley
  • Thaw
  • Talyusha
  • tatoi
  • Tatusei
  • Natalyushka
  • Natalie
  • Natani
  • Natakhoy

Make sure that your daughter is protected by amulets that will bring her good luck in life. The name Natalia has such secrets:

  • the zodiac constellation that helps Natasha succeed is Virgo;
  • the planet Mercury patronizes Natalya (if you are interested in astrology, then always pay attention to how this star behaves in relation to other planets and signs of the zodiac in order to warn Natasha against possible failures);
  • the color that most suits Natusya is bright red;
  • the tree that denotes the name - aralia - a beautiful flowering plant with green leaves and snow-white small flowers;
  • plant, suitable name Natalya is a burnet (its name may sound intimidating, but it looks great and perfectly reflects the character of Natasha);
  • Natasha's patron animal is a swimming beetle;
  • stone named after Natalia bloodstone (Natasha should have these stones in all her jewelry).

In principle, all Natalyas grow up to be successful, wealthy and happy people. But in order to achieve positive results in life, each Natasha must know the secrets of her name, which we will discuss in detail below.

When is Natalia's Day celebrated?

The church analogue of the name Natalia is Natalia. Everyone is baptized under this name Orthodox churches. On the day of baptism, the clergyman will definitely explain to you that the Angel Day of a girl named Natalya is August 26:

  • Saint Natalia of Nicomedia is venerated on this day. This woman's life was righteous. She sincerely believed in Christ, tried to adhere to the canons that he preached in everything.
  • Because of this, she had to suffer a lot in her life. The story of Natalia of Nicomedia is connected with faith and love for her husband. The woman's husband, Adrian, was a pagan. He persecuted all who serve Christ, because it was forbidden. Only he did not know that his wife was also a secret Christian. When the government changed, and the persecution of the pagans began, Adrian ended up in prison, where he was tortured. At that moment, Natalya did not try to save her husband, she asked him to believe in Christ and not to renounce him even when Adrian would be tortured.
  • Natalia, at the moment when her husband was nailed to the cross, did not shed a single tear, but on the contrary, held his legs so that he would not resist. When her husband died, he dreamed of her in a dream and said that soon she would follow him into the other world. And so it happened when Natalia came to the grave of her husband. Right on it, the woman was gone. Her relics are still kept in Milan, in the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore.

Characteristics of the name Natalia

The nature of the name Natalia is difficult to describe in a few words. A girl with this name has many qualities that deserve attention:

  • Natasha is growing up very enterprising and active child. In the team of children, she started. She likes to invent entertainment, to be always in the spotlight. She is cheerful, combative and cheerful. Can't live a day without a smile. She is by nature a touchy girl, so she always stands up for those who are weaker. It is safe to say that Natasha is a fighter for justice. Sometimes a girl can be quick-tempered and too straightforward. Basically, these qualities appear when Natasha is trying to understand why someone was praised more than her.
  • At school, Natasha is an excellent student. She is a great student, everything is in time. She really likes to travel, go hiking and learn something new and exciting all the time. The girl in adolescence there is an unprecedented interest in creativity - she loves to draw, enjoys theatrical art and museum exhibits. Already at this age, she accurately determines for herself which sphere of life she would like to connect her fate with.
  • After leaving school, Natalia tends to focus on personal growth. She is very important in everything and always be the first. She remains the same impressionable, it is hard for her to forgive insults, she reacts very painfully to criticism. She will never show the world that it is hard or bad for her, because even in the most unpleasant situations her life she always smiles and shows masculinity and courage.

  • In adult life Natalia is a successful person with high morals. She has a career and personal life. She is ready to run to the aid of her closest friends at any time of the day. Natalia devotes herself entirely to every business she takes on. For a mature woman, Natalia, it is very important that in her environment there are people who have made themselves, who know the value of relationships, money. She will never give up her principles and ideals for the sake of another person, especially if he is not close to her.

Based on the foregoing about the character of Natalie, we can conclude that she has such positive and negative features:

  1. The pluses include:
  • cheerfulness and activity
  • decisiveness and hospitality
  • justice and sincerity
  • sociability and responsiveness
  1. The obvious disadvantages include such qualities of Natasha's character:
  • pride
  • inability to take criticism
  • adherence to principles
  • irritability and nervousness

Natalya is a person with a big soul, but she likes everything to always be just the way she wants.

What kind of work suits Natalia?

Natalia is a person who, in spite of everything, will build her career. Thanks to his dedication, active life position, she can achieve tremendous success in any field of activity, which she does not undertake in order to fulfill herself.

Natalia feels best if she is engaged in:

  • pedagogy
  • medicine
  • business that is not related to trade
  • creative activity

Natasha is the kind of person who will do anything to achieve her own goal. She will never give in to anyone in anything, she will not complain. For the sake of her dizzying career, she can sacrifice anything, but not the most intimate. If necessary, she will take part in an adventure for her own benefit, go to a distant country with a harsh climate, will not sleep, eat, rest, just to prove herself as a professional and business person.

Natalia is a winner in life who will not bend before anyone. All she needs is to be able to express herself. The one who tries to deprive her of this opportunity, she will remove from her path tolerantly, but, at the same time, harshly.

Natalia: marriage, love, health

Natalya marries only a man who does not try to remake her. She does not expect anything supernatural from him, as long as he does not interfere with her development and does not contradict her in solving household issues. Natasha will never marry for convenience, because the main thing for her is to provide for her family herself and feel like a worthy woman at the same time.

In the family, Natasha is an excellent housewife, loving wife and caring mother. For the sake of the well-being of her family, Nata is ready for anything. However, her marriage and her whole family life will be successful with a man who will be called:

  • Alexander
  • Alexei
  • Bazhen
  • Boris
  • Vladimir
  • George
  • Igor
  • Nikita
  • Fedor
  • Yaropolk

With all the above names, Natalia best compatibility. You should not even try to build a family life for Natalya with men named:

  • Arkhip
  • Vitaly
  • Evgeny
  • Ignat
  • Joseph
  • Ostap
  • Seraphim
  • Robert
  • Rodion

As for Natasha's health, it must be taken into account that from childhood she will suffer from lung diseases. AT school age she may have to treat her back because her posture will be severely crooked. AT young age a number of health problems will appear:

  • with vision
  • cardiovascular system
  • skin
  • kidneys
  • teeth

If in young age Natasha will not take care of her health, then in adulthood she will have to constantly run to the doctors in order to feel normal. But it should be noted that, even in a bad state, she will never ask anyone for help. She does not need someone to help her, look after her, Natasha can serve herself.

The fate of the name Natalya

There are many examples in history that confirm the power of the name Natalya. Women, whom their parents called this name, managed to build an excellent career and become famous all over the world:

  1. Natalya Naryshkina - the mother of Peter the Great, who became queen at the age of 19
  2. Natalya Durova - Honored Artist of the Circus of Russia, famous animal trainer
  3. Natalya Kasatkina - Honored Theater Worker, choreographer
  4. Natalya Sats is a Russian theater worker who created the world's first children's drama theater
  5. Natalya Krachkovskaya - famous actress theater and cinema
  6. Natalya Bekhtereva - famous for the whole Soviet Union neurophysiologist
  7. Natalia Bessmertnova - Russian ballerina, ballet prima
  8. Natalia Goncharova is an artist who has made a significant contribution to the development of the avant-garde trend in Russia
  9. Natalya Gundareva - the most popular actress Soviet cinema
  10. Natalya Varley - Honored Artist of the Soviet Union

A woman named Natalia is a unique personality that combines tenderness, femininity, masculinity, courage and willpower. A person with such a character is doomed to a happy, albeit full of difficulties, life. We wish that all our readers with beautiful name Natalie was happy, loved, healthy and beautiful. May all your plans come true and dreams come true!

Video: "The Secret of the Name Natalya"


The name Natalya is considered to be late Latin in origin. It comes from the words "Dies Natalis Domini", which translates as "Birthday of the Lord." Although there is another version, based on which, the name Natalia can be translated as "native". However, in different cultures different versions are popular.

The female name Natalya was used by the Russian people decades ago, but today it has become really popular, and occupies high positions in ratings. As for its merits, they all focused primarily on its meaning and what features it promises to its bearers ...

Conversational options: Natasha, Natusya, Natulya, Tasha

Modern English counterparts: Natalia, Natalie

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Natalya by giving promises to the bearers such traits as charm, femininity, gentleness, shyness, independence, love of freedom, optimism and calmness, intellectual development, a desire to improve themselves, benevolence and good nature, sincerity. And Natalya is always a person who values ​​her independence and freedom very much, trying to keep them to the last and sacrificing them only in the most extreme cases. One of these cases can be love ...

In addition, Natalya, for the most part, hate too bright people and try not to stand out from the crowd. They are selfless and kind, generous and sincere, and try to surround themselves with the same people.

Advantages and positive features: benevolence, readiness to help any person in need of help, inability to ignore other people's troubles, good nature and decency. Usually the bearers of this name are sensual and sensitive personalities.

Natalia treats badly too bright people, to leaders who dominate the weak, to selfish and overly selfish personalities. And Natalya will never communicate with a person whom she suspected of dishonesty at least once in her life, even if these suspicions did not come true in the end.

Initially, the name Natalya was given only to girls who were born during the Christmas holidays. At least, they tried to adhere to this tradition in antiquity.

The nature of the name Natalia

The nature of the name Natalia is one of the most difficult parameters, but also one of the most researched, at least in the past. It says that the character of the girl named by this name will be tolerant, kind, fair, simple, never bringing problems to anyone. Moreover, the character of a girl named in this way almost never becomes a cause of quarrels and disagreements with people from the environment - she is not conflicted, not principled, always ready to give in to the enemy and at any moment ready to admit her guilt, especially if she really is. You can’t argue with this one, because she doesn’t go into conflict, but you can compete in any business - Natalya has the character of a leader, albeit with subtle leadership features, to win a place of primacy, this is not only a matter of honor for her, but recognition of her abilities .

On the other hand, character is one of the most unpredictable parameters, and it is very, very difficult to predict what it will be. Moreover, in many ways, the character depends on parental upbringing and additional astrological patrons (zodiac sign, time of year of birth, patron element, etc.).

Early childhood

This is latin name, like many Russian names, and its meaning to the character of a girl named Natalya can give a whole bunch good performance. Yes, in early childhood can be given such as independence, willpower, assertiveness, cheerful disposition, optimism, mobility, efficiency, and vigor. But along with these features, such as shyness, shyness, and suspiciousness can appear, moreover, all of the above is manifested depending on the mood of the bearer of the name form Natalya.

In general, this is a child in whom feelings and creativity are raging - she loves everything related to creativity, and does not like what is connected with accuracy and calculation. Already in such early age a real humanitarian begins to appear in it. As for communication with peers, she easily gets along with all children without exception, is good-natured and will never tell anyone bad word without a really strong reason, but touchy and any criticism released by anyone in her address can hurt and turn this girl's life into an endless depression. Although, on the other hand, she may turn out to be quickly quick-witted, not remembering resentment.

Parents, on the other hand, will have to be nervous because of her - activity and energy can give rise to many problems, and mainly because of the inability of a girl named Natalya to think about the consequences of her actions. She can commit many rash acts, and this feature will remain in her until the very end, both at the teenage stage, and even in adulthood, and the significance itself promises her directly.


Matured Natalya will not change much. Yes, a sense of responsibility, commitment, diligence, self-confidence and self-sufficiency can arise in it, but the ability to think about the consequences and consistency in actions will not appear in it - this is what the meaning of this name promises. Active, active, restless, naughty, funny and optimistic - that's what Natalya is a teenager.

But there is something in it that deserves obvious respect - this is the desire for superiority and moderate excitement. The latter manifests itself in moments when someone boasts of their success - she perceives boasting as a competition, as a challenge, and in the end she will do everything so that the braggart is very surprised by her sudden victory over him, superiority. If there is a goal, then Natalia will achieve it, of course - for this, too, it is worth saying thanks to such a parameter as value. Diligence, perseverance, perseverance and diligence also appear only at the moments of the emergence of gambling - in other cases, the meaning of this name form promises it to be clearly the opposite.

In general, Natalya, this is a bright person - teachers are pleased with her, at least in most cases of girls named like that, and she does not bring many problems to parents (they are no more common, as in the case of every child). The only thing worth considering is her inability to overpower herself - if she does not like some object or business, then she will by no means pay due attention to it, she needs to be forced, not persuaded, namely forced. But there is one big plus - she lends herself perfectly to re-education, even as a mature woman.

grown woman

The meaning of the name Natalya, promising the desire for superiority in early childhood, also bestows it in maturity. The girl, who has already become a woman, has many talents, but not everything she can demonstrate to others. Her main talent is to be a leader and organizer, a person who is best able to cope with any affairs and tasks. True, this is far from being manifested in all women named by the name form Natalya. But everyone, without exception, is eloquent, sociable, friendly and tries to surround themselves only with optimistic people - in essence, each Natalya, who is patronized by the value of this name, is a cheerful person with large quantity friends.

As for professional activity, then women usually named like that choose something related to communication - it can be teaching, something from the field of public services, something humanitarian and in no way connected with the exact sciences and calculations. Natalia is smart, talented, good-natured and benevolent, she always has an excellent position in society and is a welcome guest in any company. But when it comes to personal life, everything is complicated here ...

The interaction of the character Natalya with the seasons

Autumn - this bearer of the name Natalya in adulthood demonstrates extreme prudence, practicality, self-confidence and emotionality. By and large, this is a man of bright ambitions, capable of betraying his own moral and moral values ​​in order to achieve a goal. Basically, this goal becomes leadership and domination.

Spring - here we are already talking about a girl with a refined taste and complex nature that stands out from the crowd, eccentric and artistic, emotional and sensitive. She has a well-developed intuition, and this helps her to achieve success, both on the personal front and in her career. There are no troubles with communication - people will love, respect, and honor her.

Summer - with its meaning brings a newborn into this world with a cheerful, optimistic, self-sufficient nature. This will grow up as a confident girl who can surprise. She does not need mandatory communication with people or some kind of realization, and she does not need domination - such a girl will live her own "I", not paying attention to others and their opinions.

Winter - and such a baby will grow up as a smart, prudent, serious, successful, reasonable, restrained girl with an analytical mindset. She will not offend, will not begin to avenge the offense openly, and will not be offended so that everyone can see - this is a diplomat girl, in whom even revenge does not look like it should look. She is not capable of betrayal and lies, the origin of the soul does not allow, and her character too.

The fate of the name Natalya

The fate of the name Natalya in relationships with members of the opposite sex, in love and marriage, is quite complex issue, to which there is no 100% exact answer. Nevertheless, modern researchers managed to find out several interesting, albeit theoretical, factors ...

The main one testifies that the fate of the named Natalya suggests the bearer's desire to build exclusively serious relationship. In fact, we are talking about a calm and purposeful girl whose dreams are not limited to being popular with the male sex, but to building a really strong couple. However, fate may also involve a rather long search for a suitable partner, which is not surprising.

But, among other things, the fate of this little name suggests happiness in marriage for the bearer. He is patient, appearance is not important for her, she just needs a man who is ready to become a wall, protection, friend, and good father. She herself can become an exemplary mother, moderately callous, incredibly kind, serious in terms of raising children, responsible, and most importantly, conflict-free in terms of relationships with her husband - this is evidenced by such a parameter as fate.

Love and marriage

Natalya is not used to changing men like gloves, although she has a rather large number of fans. She is monogamous by nature and short-term love interests are not characteristic of her. Natasha approaches the choice of her soulmate very seriously. True, if she falls deeply and passionately in love with someone, then in a storm of emotions she will lose her vigilance and can be very disappointed not only in the object of adoration, but also in men in general. Natalya sees her chosen one as a strong, reliable, caring and romantic man, ready to give her a worthy and prosperous future.

Unfortunately, she does not always have the patience to wait for her betrothed. After going through a series of disappointments, Natasha decides to marry a man who absolutely does not correspond to her ideal. Ultimately, she will not be happy in marriage, but she is unlikely to decide on a divorce. Natalya will try her best to save her family, first of all, for the sake of the children. But a later marriage, at the age of 26-27, will be much more successful, especially if a solid and serious man becomes her husband.

Natalya becomes a caring, faithful, sincere and attentive wife, doing everything to ensure that her family flourishes. All family members, including her husband, are accustomed to reckon with her opinion. Natasha, in response, surrounds her household with attention and care, but in return it is important for her to feel that she is important to them and they need her.

Natalia as mother

Natalia is very caring and attentive. She simply cannot be a bad mother, which means that being a good mother is her calling. Natasha adores her children and gladly gives them all of herself. She understands that children are the most important thing in the life of every person.

Natalia is distinguished by restraint and the ability to control her feelings. It is unacceptable for her when adults take out the accumulated different reasons negative on each other or on children. With children, she is always kind and cheerful, no matter how disgusting her soul is. She is fair to children, but sometimes she cannot be strict enough where it is really necessary.

She does not choose which of the children to love more, she has an equally strong bond with them. For example, in a boy, she tries to bring up qualities that are not sufficiently present in his father. And she tries to raise her daughter as a fragile, gentle, but at the same time strong personality.

Compatibility with male names

Perfect match in terms of love and passion with Natalia with such as Gabriel, Gleb, Nikolai, Ostap, Trofim, Spartak, Rostislav and Kirill.

A strong and lasting marriage can be built with Robert, Svyatoslav, Yegor, Yefim, Arkhip, Athanasius, Gennady, Gerasim, Gordey and Makar.

You should not create a family with Anton, Vladimir, Plato, Savva, Felix, Jan, Vilen, Adam ...

The ancient meaning of the name Natalia is Christmas, this is how the phrase “Natalis Domini” was translated from Latin in the era of early Christianity. Over time, the exact translation has changed somewhat, and what the name Natalya means has been interpreted differently: Christmas, native, blessed, and even homeland. But all versions somehow have a common root.

The name is quite widespread in Orthodox and Catholic countries. Sometimes there is a spelling option - Natalia, Natalie. Among the male names, you can also find related ones - Nataliy, Nadelek, Noel, Nollig. All of them are derived from the Latin Natalis and have the same meaning.

With young years a girl named Natalya is different strong spirit, but contradictory. Natasha is confident in herself and her abilities, stubborn, resolute. She always says what she thinks, not being afraid to offend the interlocutor, especially if her pride was hurt.

At the same time, the hostess of such a name remains open and cheerful. Natalia is a rather modest person, despite her straightforward nature. More often tuned to others benevolently, but always feels superior to others.

Under external softness and frivolity hides a strong will. Natasha does not tolerate criticism at all, she always responds to such things with causticity.

The girl who bears this name is touchy, vindictive, but not vindictive, although she calms down for a long time. Can flare up, but more often remains balanced. Nervousness and irritability usually arise if someone tries to impose their opinion on Natalya.

A woman named Natalya is too highly moral. She is happy with other people's successes as her own, but the same can be said about failures. Surrounding a friend who is unlucky in life with excessive care is a common practice for Natalia.

If someone from the girl’s environment does not live according to her moral rules, she may be very aggressive towards this person.


From childhood, leadership qualities are visible in Natasha.

  • She is very demanding of her circle of friends.
  • A girl needs to be admired for her actions.
  • This person loves praise and is ready for a lot for her.
  • She is always in the spotlight.
  • In popularity and recognition, the owner of the name Natalya draws the strength and confidence she needs to achieve her goals.

But excessive sociality often confronts Natasha with the interests of other people different from her, which causes conflicts that the girl experiences painfully.

Despite everything, a girl named Natalya always helps her friends, knows how to support in difficult moment, protect the weak.

The name Natalya belongs to an active person who rarely sits idle. Studying at school is easy for her, the girl is hardworking and inquisitive. Natasha strives to be the center of society, she can always be seen on school activities and holidays as an organizer or active participant. In the class, Natalya is an unspoken initiative leader.

The young owner of the name Natalya constantly dreams The girl has a great imagination. At the same time, a violent mind is successfully combined with analytical abilities and solid logic. Natasha is always full of the most different ideas, which she wants to realize all at once. The girl can be called gifted, in almost any area Natalya achieves success, fate is in many ways favorable to her.

The matured owner of the name Natalya remains an impressionable person. She skillfully uses her charm in the right situation. Often, showing selflessness in relation to others, she wants to look like a heroine or a martyr in their eyes. Behind external activity, a closed personality can be hidden, Natalya does not show true emotions to anyone.

A woman named Natalia is a materialist to the marrow of her bones. She is pragmatic, looking for benefits in everything, she loves money very much. Before doing something, the girl will calculate everything possible options development of events. It does not lend itself to someone else's influence, as it rarely trusts anyone. In everything, Natalya relies on herself and her intuition, she judges a person by actions, even the most insignificant ones.


Natasha's childhood may be overshadowed by diseases respiratory tract, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia. At an older age, a woman may suffer from osteochondrosis, heart and kidney diseases. Weakness those bearing the name Natalia have a spine.

Marriage and family

Natalya chooses a man herself, she approaches this with all her pragmatism and intelligence. A woman does not expect any supernatural qualities from a life partner, so she makes a decision about marriage rather quickly. In the family, Natalia is the main one, everyone lives by her rules, but a joyful atmosphere usually reigns in the house.

The owner of the name Natalia good hostess, caring wife, loving mother. He directs all his abilities to the well-being of family life. Rarely conflicts with relatives, always glad to have guests. The children of such a woman are constantly surrounded by attention.

Conflicts often arise with her husband, and more often Natalya herself is the initiator. Even being wrong, he will never apologize and will not be the first to reconcile.

Successful marriage with Alexei, Igor, Peter, Alexander, Boris.

Here is the relationship with, Robert or Eugene will not lead to anything good.

Career and hobbies

pride and innate qualities help Natalia achieve success in any business. It successfully combines the craving for natural sciences and creativity.

Natalya Petrovna Osipova (Russian ballet dancer, prima ballerina of the Mikhailovsky Theater and the London Royal Ballet)

  • For women with this name, social specialties are priority: a doctor, a teacher, a librarian.
  • In business, Natalya can take place, but she does not find herself prone to trading.
  • At work, Natalya is not used to backing down. A woman with this name always gets her way, even if you have to go "over the heads."
  • For the sake of material gain, the owner of the name Natalya will do anything, including adventures. This man is absolutely unbearable.
  • Natalia's passion is travel. A girl with that name likes to travel, go to distant relatives, go camping.
  • He prefers to spend his free time in the company. At noisy parties, she is always a welcome guest.
  • Natasha loves to express herself from the creative side, sing, draw, visit theatrical performances, concerts.
  • Often among the owners of this name you can meet actresses, artists, ballerinas.

In Latin, there is a word "natalis", which translates as "native". According to another version, this woman's name, which appeared in the first centuries of Christianity, is translated as "Christmas" or "Christmas". In spite of all her tenderness, the owner of this name has a strong character. They say about such people: "There are devils in the still waters."

Attitude towards people and life

A girl with that name is already in kindergarten becomes “native” to everyone, guarding and protecting the weak. This is an active and cheerful child who takes part in all games and is able to bring something new to them. Natalya is very proud and touchy, even a word accidentally thrown in her direction can unsettle her for a long time. Therefore, she tries to study well so that she is praised, but even if she does not grab the stars from the sky, she will definitely not be noticed in those who are lagging behind.

The grown-up Natalya is charming and charming. She is well aware of this and knows how to skillfully use it. The owners of this name are hardworking, but not diligent, they want to quickly finish the job and see the result of their work. Therefore, she needs to learn to direct her energy in one direction and not grab onto everything at once. Only in this way Natalia will be able to achieve a lot in life. Sometimes it is difficult for her to take the first step towards, even if she feels guilty. This is a non-vindictive person, but he does not forget insults. If she helps others, then for the most part in order to feel like a martyr.

Natasha's family life

Natashas get married early and have no particular doubts when choosing a future spouse. With the birth of children, they do not delay and give themselves entirely to the family. None of its members will feel deprived of affection and love, Natasha's doors are always open for guests and the table is set. Such women are very hospitable and love to travel. They are non-conflict and friendly with their husband and close friends, they will never stoop to petty intrigues and quarrels. And if relations with someone from relatives or colleagues do not work out, they will behave deliberately with restraint and coldness.

Natalyas are strong in spirit, and they endure any troubles and ailments quite steadfastly. Women with this name are more likely to suffer from dermatitis, psoriasis and kidney disease. They will harmoniously develop relationships with men bearing the names Alexander, Boris, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Leonid, Nikita, Peter, Fedor, Yuri and Ruslan. Not everything will be so smooth with Grigory, Joseph, Pavel, Stepan, Tikhon and Vladislav. Natalia needs to constantly carry her stone with her - turquoise. Other suitable stones include sapphire, obsidian and beryl.

The features of the bearers of this name are enthusiasm, impulsiveness and impetuosity, they are temperamental and stubborn.

Translated from Latin, Natalia means "native".

Origin of the name Natalya:

The name Natalya has Latin roots, it comes from the word "natalis" - "related", "native".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Natalya:

As a child, Natasha is active, playful and theatrical. Among peers - ringleaders, they know how to captivate and interest. Often takes weak and uncommunicative peers under his wing, stands up for justice. They study well and diligently, try to get good grades, strive for success and start choosing their future profession early.

Natalia is always drawn to community service takes an active part in the life of the team. She is rarely satisfied with the simple performance of the work, it is important for her to comprehend all aspects of the profession. She is equally successful both in the field of art and in work that requires accuracy and pedantry. In her career, she is driven by ambition, her pride does not tolerate criticism.

Caution in them is successfully combined with determination, fearlessness and business sense. Their strongest shortcoming is their dangerous self-confidence. It is important for Natalia to be the first, she does not hesitate to intrigue, sort things out, provoke in order to achieve her goal. It's easy to hurt her, in anger she flares up like a match, tries in response to prick more painfully - and more than once. Natalia takes revenge for every insult, forgets nothing. She has few close friends, and this does not bother her - Natalya does not like to reveal the secrets of her personal life to someone. She hides emotional experiences behind a “mask”. Friendship with her requires patience and generosity, but Natalya rewards close people a hundredfold with devotion and care.

Natalyas are artistic and know how to be charming when necessary. Dangerous and prudent rivals. The norms of morality and morality are defended aggressively, in maturity they are hypocrites or puritans.

Natalia's sexual life is rarely stormy. Her natural distrust makes her look closely at her partner for a long time, and can cause tightness and stiffness in bed. Stormy passions in her are completely subordinate to a cold and strict mind. However, Natalya usually gets married in her youth, rarely delaying marriage until adulthood. They treat marriage calmly and without special expectations, they do not like noisy and frivolous men, they need solidity and reliability. The husband should take into account that in the family Natalya is no less proud than at work, and you need to be delicate and patient with her. In family quarrels, Natalya prefer to win in order to keep the peace, it is easier to give in to them, especially since serious conflicts with her husband Natalia and themselves prefer to avoid.

Happy in marriage, Natalia is cheerful, often the center of the family. Her affection and care is enough for everyone, whether it be a husband, children or mother-in-law. They love to receive guests, consider it their duty not only to set the table, but also to talk, communicate with everyone.

Natalia, born in the cold months, has a vindictive and unkind character, they are emotional, insidious, prudent. "Summer" Natalyas are suggestible, subject to passions and exalted, "spring" ones are indifferent and superficial.

Marriages of Nataly with bearers of the name Boris, Alexander, Vladimir, Yuri and Oleg are developing well, alliances with Gregory, Stepan, Vladislav are fragile.

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