Statistical notice. TIN statistics codes: Detailed instructions for obtaining

When the registration procedure is completed, a new entrepreneur or organization is assigned statistics codes by TIN.

The notification provided by Rosstat confirms the registration of the business entity.

In the future, this document will be required to purchase licenses. It is also requested by some banks before opening an account.

What are statistics codes

Statistics codes are digital combinations that contain information about the subject, or from the Statistical Register of the State Statistics Service (also called Rosstat). The list is formed in accordance with Order No. 22 Federal Service State Statistics Service dated 05.08.05.

Information about business entities is collected according to the following classifiers:

  1. (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations) - a number that is assigned to each subject on the territory of the Russian Federation and consists of 8-10 digits. It indicates industry affiliation, therefore, enterprises with a similar type of activity have a number of numbers that coincide. The rest of the statistics codes can be found out only when the OKPO code is assigned.
  2. OKATO (All-Russian classifier of administrative-territorial division) is used to indicate the location of the company (Moscow, St. Petersburg). The presence of such a code facilitates the collection and processing of data on business entities in the territory of the Russian Federation. The number includes from 8 to 11 digits, which gradually indicate the location of the enterprise or organization.
  3. OKTMO (All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities) also consists of 8-11 digits, and since 2014 it has replaced the OKATO code. It is used to speed up the processing of data on business entities. To find out the statistics codes and transfer OKATO to OKTMO, special tables and Internet services have been developed that allow you to determine the desired number with minimal time losses.

What other codes are assigned after registration

Classification affects not only the field of activity and location of the enterprise or organization, but also other indicators.

  1. OKFS (All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership) helps to analyze economic processes, predict their development and prepare recommendations. The form of ownership in this context refers to property relations established by law. An individual, an organization, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the state can be considered an owner with the right to own property. The number consists of two digits.
  2. OKOGU (All-Russian classifier of organs state power and management) is designed to systematize data about the governing bodies, it consists of five characters.
  3. OKOPF (All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms) is a combination that characterizes the organizational and legal form of an enterprise. This type classification facilitates the analysis of information obtained about business entities. Based on this information, it is possible to predict economic processes and develop recommendations.
  4. OKVED (All-Russian classifier of species economic activity) characterizes the type of activity of the enterprise. This number is used to calculate the tax rate, collect and analyze information about a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. OKVED helps to attribute the type of activity to the appropriate group. The number sequentially indicates the section, subsection of works and beyond. It can include 3-6 characters separated by dots. Unlike other classifiers, OKVED is selected by the entrepreneur himself at the stage of submitting documents for registration. You can find them in /EGRIP.

Important: each entrepreneur or founder of an LLC is required to find out the statistics codes for their organization.

How to get data from the register

In fact, it is not difficult to find out statistics codes. There are several options when and how this can be done.

  • During the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. A notice of statistics codes is issued to a newly registered entrepreneur, complete with other documents.

  • When the notification was not received at the tax office, it is worth contacting local authority Rosstat. The entrepreneur should submit an application, copies of the certificate of registration and assignment of TIN, passport, extract from the USRIP (in the case of an LLC, an extract from the USRLE). A copy of the company's Articles of Association may also be required from the founder of an LLC. Notification can be received within five working days from the submission of documents.

Important: you do not need to certify copies of documents to obtain this information.

Law firms that specialize in helping entrepreneurs will help you find out the statistics codes of an organization by TIN.

First, a contract for the provision of services is concluded, after which the company assumes the responsibility for submitting an application and receiving ready-made documents.

You can order this service online. Then the notice will be delivered by courier to the specified address.

Important: The first notification is provided free of charge. If you need to get it again (for example, when opening a new branch as a result of business expansion), you will have to pay.

Search for information by TIN

In some cases, it is required to obtain statistics codes for the TIN of either the entrepreneur himself or his counterparty. There are three ways to find this information:

  • send a request to the local branch of Rosstat (for example, in the Moscow region);
  • contact a specialized company;
  • use the service available online for free.

How to find out the statistics codes of an organization by TIN via the Internet? To do this, you need to find the official website of the Rosstat branch in the region where the company is registered.

In a specially marked field on the page, the TIN and other data are entered. However, on weekends and holidays the service may be suspended.

How to find information online

The official website of Rosstat presents a service that allows you to get statistics codes by TIN. To use it, please follow the links below.

  • On the main page of the website, on the right side, click on the "Notice about codes" tab.

  • Follow the link in a new window.
  • Fill in the fields.

  • Print the generated document.

Where are statistics codes requested

TIN statistics codes may be required when registering a current account and preparing payment orders.

They are indicated in reporting forms (accounting, tax or statistical) and in documents for registering a new branch of the organization.

In addition, you need to find out the statistics codes when making changes to the company name, changing the place of registration, or transferring duties to another entrepreneur.

As you can see, you can get statistics codes for TIN at the local branch of Rosstat. You can also do this on the website of the territorial authority without leaving your home or office.

Finding statistics codes is the responsibility of every entrepreneur or head of an organization. For the first time, information is provided by statistical agencies free of charge.

Find out the statistics codes: OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKPOF by PSRN and TIN online, You Tube

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, after being registered with Rosstat, receive a notification in which all statistics codes are indicated. But sometimes the notification arrives late, while this information may be urgently needed. But today you can get statistics codes online and print out a notification without leaving the office. To do this, you just need to know the TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

What are statistics codes and why entrepreneurs need them

Statistics codes are ciphers that are used to identify individual entrepreneurs and organizations in accordance with a number of all-Russian classifiers. They are stored in a special database of the State Statistics Service. Codes are assigned to economic entities after passing the procedure state registration. There are seven such codes in total: OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF, OKVED. The OKATO code is practically not used today; instead, OKTMO is indicated in all documents.

If the company does not have a notification from Rosstat in its hands, it will have to contact the department to clarify the assigned codes. He may also try to find out the statistics codes for the TIN using special Internet resources.

Statistics codes may be required:

  • to participate in the tender;
  • when preparing reports;
  • to open a bank account;
  • when changing IP data;
  • to change the name of the organization or its legal address;
  • for licensing entrepreneurial activity;
  • to fill out payment documents;
  • to perform export-import operations;
  • during an audit;
  • when opening a branch of the company and in other cases.

How can I find out the statistics codes?

TIN statistics codes for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can be found in the following ways:

  • In the tax service upon receipt of registration documents.
  • In the department of Rosstat with independent treatment.
  • On the official website of Rosstat and on the websites of its territorial offices.
  • With the help of intermediary organizations.
  • through various online services.

Entrepreneurs often face bureaucratic difficulties when applying to the territorial department of Rosstat. In addition, they have to waste precious time waiting in lines. In this regard, all more people seek to find out the assigned statistics codes by TIN online, because such a procedure takes a matter of seconds.

How to find the necessary codes on the Rosstat website

Previously, interested parties could get all the information they were interested in on the website of Rosstat at ]]> ]]> or on the website kodyrosstat.rf. But from August 1, 2018, a transition was made to ]]> a single base of Rosstat ]]> . This service very easy to use, thanks to him, entrepreneurs get the opportunity to find out all the statistics codes with detailed transcript for any legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered in Russia.

How to find out the statistics codes for the TIN on the Rosstat website and receive a notification online? Information on the codes is freely available, anyone can get it absolutely free. The information in the database is regularly updated, so entrepreneurs can always find out the most up-to-date information.


  • Go to the ]]> page of the ]]> service.
  • The system will prompt you to enter the details by which the search will be carried out. These details are: OKPO code / TOSP identification number; OKPO of a legal entity with separate subdivisions; TIN; code OGRN / OGRNIP. It is not necessary to fill in all the fields of the form, it is enough to indicate only one requisite (for example, TIN).
  • After entering the code in the form field, you must click on the "Get" button.
  • If the TIN is entered correctly, in a few seconds the system will give the result .

The results will look like a table containing the following information:

  • name of company;
  • OKPO / Identification number TOSP;
  • OGRN;
  • date of registration;
  • OKATO actual;
  • OKATO registration;
  • OKTMO actual;
  • OKTMO registration;
  • OKOGU;
  • OKFS;
  • OKOPF.

How to get notified online?

If the user wishes to receive a notification of TIN statistics online with the subsequent possibility to print it on paper, he can download the document directly from the above site. To do this, at the bottom of the page with the results obtained, you must click on the "Export" button and select the "Notification of OK TEI codes" item. The file will be downloaded in Microsoft Excel format. The notification will contain details of the codes assigned to the organization in question.

It should be noted right away that although the OKVED code has a statistical function, it refers to state registration data. It will not be listed in the downloaded notification. You can find out the OKVED codes from the extract ]]> Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities ]]>, as well as using the service “]]> Information on state registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, peasant farm ]]> ”, indicating the TIN or company name.

Such a self-printed notification of statistics is valid and is of an information and reference nature. It does not need to be printed on the letterhead of the organization, certified with the seal and signature of the CEO.

Many businessmen and even accountants ignore the obligation to put down statistics codes in the appropriate forms, treating these numerical indicators with disdain.

This is due to a misunderstanding of the serious role that these codes play in the identification of business entities.

What it is?

There are a large number of static codes, and each group has its own purpose and its own set of numerical indicators. But those that are necessary in entrepreneurial activity are represented by only a few types, in particular:

  • - area code municipality(Now it is universally used simultaneously with, meaning the administrative division of territories). It is assigned to a specific territory and extends its effect to all enterprises located within its boundaries.
  • — code of the type of economic activity. It is chosen when registering a business or when making changes to the activities of an existing company. An organization can choose one or more activities that it plans to engage in. She must fix her choice in the application for state registration or for making changes to the Register.
  • OKFS— code of the form of ownership. All entrepreneurs and legal entities are assigned the same indicator of 16, denoting private property.
  • OKOPF— code of organizational and legal ownership. Characterizes the legal person or individual entrepreneur and additionally specifies the legal form of the legal entity. For example, LLC, CJSC, etc.
  • - code of enterprises and organizations. It characterizes a specific organization or entrepreneur, taking into account all the above indicators. It changes in case of a change in the type of activity of the company, its legal form, etc. In the event of liquidation, it cannot be used for assignment to another taxpayer for 5 years.

All of these indicators are basic and should be in any enterprise. They are not arbitrary, but approved regulations Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Rosstat).

Each code has its own purpose and is affixed in reporting forms or indicated when making settlements with the budget for tax transfers and other transactions.


First of all, using the main statistical codes (OKTMO, OKVED, OKFS):

  • the identification of the taxpayer is carried out according to a number of criteria: by its territorial location, by the types of activities in which it is engaged, by the form of ownership and the organizational and legal form in which it implements its work;
  • processing of data on property and financial position company for the reporting or tax period, on the financial results received by it and the transactions performed, regarding the territory where its activities are carried out;
  • planning and administration of taxes accrued to taxpayers for activities carried out in a given territory and subject to receipt by the local or federal budget. And this, in turn, affects the formation and execution of the budgets themselves;
  • establishes the right to use by the taxpayer certain types benefits, exemptions, reduced tariffs and rates on taxes and contributions;
  • the correct distribution of the received proceeds by type of activity for taxation purposes is carried out: OKVED codes contains not only the name of the activity, but also its characteristics. This allows the payer himself to correctly identify the expenses incurred and the financial results obtained in specific areas of his work. What for? For example, to:
    • maintain their right to a special tax regime;
    • receive a benefit on contributions to the FSS of the Russian Federation and according to.

Where can they be found?

There are three main sources for this:

  • The code qualifiers themselves. For example, the cipher of the legal form can be found in the All-Russian Classifier of Legal Forms. To properly use these documents, you need to know exactly what and how to look for. Otherwise, there is always the risk of misidentification. This is especially difficult to do if we are talking not about own enterprise but about someone else's company.
  • Rosstat website. On this resource, you can get free access not only to classifiers, but also to those codes that are assigned directly to a particular company.
  • Notification of Rosstat of the Russian Federation. It must be provided to the taxpayer within 5 working days from the date of its registration. But, as a rule, this notification rarely comes to anyone. Therefore, it must be requested, given the following:
    • if receiving this notice primary, then it is free;
    • if repeated - for a fee.

The territorial structure of Rosstat does not oblige the taxpayer to come for the specified document.

Ways to receive notification

When applying for codes to the territorial division of Rosstat, you should know exactly the TIN codes, or PSRN. If the taxpayer is going to come for paper himself, then it is recommended to take copies or originals of these certificates with you and additionally:

  • entrepreneur - passport;
  • representative of the organization - a power of attorney on its behalf.

These additional documents may or may not be requested.

A request for notification can be sent to Rosstat in another way, without visiting its territorial structure. For example, by e-mail or through the site. But in this case, you should immediately specify the method of delivery of the certificate:

  • by actual or legal address firms;
  • by fax;
  • by email or otherwise.

detailed instructions How to find these indicators is presented in the following video:

Getting codes via the Internet

Initially, there are two important points to note:

  • the notice of codes printed from the Rosstat website is valid;
  • it does not reflect OKVED, since it is indicated in the extract from the Register, issued after the registration of the business.

To find out the codes on the Rosstat website, you need to follow these steps:

  1. In the “About Rosstat” section, go to the subsection “ Territorial authorities"-" Sites of TOGS. As a result, a map of the Russian Federation will appear, on which you need to find your region and click on its name.
  2. After that, the address of the territorial structure will be displayed at the bottom of the map.
  3. This site has a "Search by Codes" section, and in this section there is a form to fill out which you will need either TIN, or OGRN, or OKPO. Using one of the specified details when filling out this form, you can get the entire list of required statistical codes. By the way, you can not use OKPO for search if it is unknown: the search is perfectly organized by TIN or OGRN.

You may not initially go to the website of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, but immediately find a regional resource. It is enough to type in the search "Official website of Rosstat ... region". It is easy to recognize the site of the territorial service: the abbreviation “gks” is present in its address.


To obtain statistics codes, you must make a request to the HMC Goskomstat Russia. You can make such a request in writing or by visiting your local branch. Goskomstat personally.

For a request in writing from a legal entity, the following documents should be collected: a copy of the OGRN (certificate of registration of a legal entity), a copy of the TIN (certificate of registration with a tax authority), a copy from the register of legal entities, as well as a cover letter. For shareholders, an extract from the register of shareholders is required. A copy of the Articles of Association may be required - a requirement in many branches, so prepare it with other documents.

In the cover letter, state the request to provide an information letter on registration in the USREO, indicating the statistics codes. Also indicate the place where you need to submit the information letter (for example, to a bank). At the bottom of the letter is the date and signature indicating the position in the organization.

Individual request personally from themselves and provide only a cover letter and a copy of the extract from the registry. Check with your branch if copies of documents need to be certified. Usually, either an uncertified copy or a self-certified copy is sufficient. legal entity or IP. An envelope with a completed return address is also placed in the envelope with documents - in this envelope you will be sent an information letter.

In order to receive a letter with statistics codes in person, a cover letter is not required. Before going to the State Statistics Committee, find out if an appointment is required - some branches work exclusively by appointment. To receive a letter in person, organizations provide a copy of the OGRN, a copy of the TIN and an extract from the register, and individual entrepreneurs only a copy of the extract from the register.

When opening a bank account, the client is obliged to provide many documents, the list of which is established National Bank and therefore the same in all banking organizations. Opening an account for an individual is usually not a problem, but legal entities are required to collect a fairly impressive package of documents. Neither a legal entity nor an individual is required to provide certificates of the presence of any accounts in other banks to open an account, but only if this person does not want to apply for a loan.

You will need

  • Request in writing.


Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, when opening a bank account, are required to notify the inspection. Until the tax authority responds to the request sent automatically by the bank, the client cannot fully manage his funds. He has the full right to replenish the account, but not to withdraw or transfer to other accounts. If the client wants to receive, then he must provide data on open accounts in others in the form of a certificate.

To obtain a certificate from the bank servicing the accounts, it is necessary to prepare a written request addressed to the head of the department for working with entrepreneurs and, or to the head of the bank branch in which the accounts are opened. The request must specify what kind of help is needed. This can be a certificate of a current account, a certificate of account balances, a certificate of debt, a certificate of, and so on. If the certificate must contain data on turnover, then it is required to indicate the period and date by which the certificate should be issued.

A written request must be certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of an authorized person, then assign an outgoing number and send it to the bank either by mail or in person. For entrepreneurs who work without a seal, a signature is enough. Upon receipt of a request, a bank employee registers it in the log of received correspondence, assigns an incoming number and transfers it to the responsible specialist for working with legal and individual entrepreneurs. Based on the request, he prepares a certificate within 1-3 days. However, the bank charges an additional fee for this kind of service.

You should also receive a ready certificate from the bank authorized person due to the fact that it is prepared in 2 copies and on the copy of the bank the client must put his signature, the date of receipt and the seal of the organization.


Very often for various needs, for example, to travel abroad, to an individual it is necessary to provide the embassy with a certificate stating that there is an open account in any bank with a certain amount of money. Without such a certificate, many countries refuse to issue a visa.

Useful advice

The bank can issue the required certificate within one or three banking days. For urgency, the banking organization sets an additional fee, which will be deducted from the current account or paid in cash in cash through the checkout.


  • request to the tax office about open accounts

Tip 3: How to get an information letter from statistics

The state carries out statistical accounting of all legal entities, therefore, in the process of registering an enterprise of any form of ownership, you need to register it with the bodies of Rosgosstat, without which opening a bank account will simply be impossible. The fact of registration must be confirmed by information by letter bodies statistics, in which the enterprise also receives codes for the types of economic activity that it intends to carry out.

When registering your enterprise or entrepreneurship with the tax authority, the information is transferred to the territorial body of the State Statistics, where the newly created company receives statistics codes.

They have the same significance when processing documents as a TIN or KPP, that is, they are an additional identifier of the respondent.

Moreover, separate signs participate in the identification, each of which is assigned its own code.

Therefore, the indication of the assigned codes in the documentation, in the calculations and in the declarations is mandatory. However, not everyone knows how to get these codes.

The decoding of this abbreviation sounds like All-Russian Classifier Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO), refers to one of the most basic in the database of Rosstat.

The assignment of this code began in 1994. It consists of 8-10 digits and is required to be indicated in various reports to determine the type of activity of the enterprise.

Retained by the enterprise until the termination of activities. In the event of a change in the type of activity, the OKPO code may be changed. Primary information about the OKPO code is contained in extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP.

There are no identical OKPOs. This means that in the event of a change in the type of activity, the OKPO code also changes.

The first digits of the code (seven or nine) indicate the serial number, the last digits refer to the control.

Main sources of obtaining

Initially, it should be said that OKPO is a complex code. That is, according to OKPO, it is possible to determine the rest of the enterprise codes - OKVED, OKATO, OKFS, and so on.

But it is possible to restore the rest of the codes without OKPO, restoring the codes included in it in a different way.

And the OKVED code can generally be found in the extract of the state register, which the company receives after registration.

When using existing classifiers, even a TIN is not needed, it is enough to have data:

  • legal address of the enterprise;
  • legal form (JSC, PJSC, LLC…);
  • form of ownership (private, municipal or other)

But you need the ability to properly use classifiers. Otherwise, there may be a high risk of misidentification (incorrectly defined code).

It must be understood that the OKPO code is individual. It is transmitted as a notification from Rosstat along with other codes.

But, most often, such information rarely reaches the addressee, but there is a more convenient way to get codes - this is the official website of Rosstat.

How to get a?

  1. Go to the site and go to the section "About Rosstat" and immediately to the subsection "Territorial authorities" in the "Sites of TOGS";

In addition to the official website of Rosstat, it is possible to obtain the OKPO code through the website of the tax service. The algorithm of actions on this site is similar to the actions on the site

Statistics: Determination of the status of the applicant will also be required:

  • legal entity or entrepreneur;
  • determine by what criterion the search will be conducted: TIN or OGRN;
  • a numerical sequence is driven in and "search" is pressed.

You can make a request on some online resources: some information can be found on specialized pages. But we will dwell in more detail on the official website of Rosstat.

  1. As a result, a map of the country with the display of subjects will appear on the screen;
  2. Now you need to find your subject and click on this name;
  3. At the bottom of the map, the address of the required statistics unit will be displayed. Then, at the address, you need to go to the site of the required department.

  1. In this section, you need to find the button "Search by TIN (OGRN) codes of OKPO codes." This section can also be centered home page site or on the right side in the column.
  2. Clicking on the highlighted link will provide the following form to be filled out using the TIN or OGRN.
  1. After entering all the required information, click the "Search" button. As a result of the search, the code for OKPO and the name of the company are determined at the output, the buttons "List of forms" and "OK TEI codes" are located nearby.
  2. By clicking on the "OK TEI Codes" button, the download of the notification file with all statistics codes begins.

Get codes button

Why is OKPO needed?

To determine some actions, the OKPO code is required, and these are:

  • automatic information processing;
  • in case of exchange between the departments of the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, FIU and so on, the necessary information;
  • to form an economic and social forecast in the country;
  • for grouping various information subject to certain characteristics.

Knowing this code, it is possible to determine how conscientious the company is, that is, the fulfillment of obligations to fulfill its obligations in taxes and fees, the absence litigation.

This code is required in the following documents:

  • registration papers;
  • in accounts and accounting documents;
  • reporting;
  • in concluded contracts;
  • in issued certificates;
  • when issuing a license;
  • when processing documents with the Federal Tax Service, with statistical authorities, and so on.

There are frequent cases when the OKPO code is placed on the seal of the enterprise. As a rule, when opening a current account, banking enterprises require its presentation.

With this code, the respondent can be checked for lawsuits or tax debts.

OKPO structure

The OKPO classifier contains only two sections - these are:

  • legal entities with branches and subdivisions;
  • OKPO list for individual entrepreneurs.

Each section contains three blocks:

  • informational - which contains the full name of the enterprise in Russian. If the name contains foreign words, then their indication is determined in additional information. For an entrepreneur, a reference to the full name of the owner is required.
  • identification - for both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, this code consists of 8 digits. The first two numbers indicate the type of activity ( National economy, production products, labor resources and management). the rest of the numbers indicate the serial number. The benchmark corresponds to the extreme figure.
  • classification - with the content of additional codes:

OKATO - indicating the location of the enterprise. Currently, OKTMO is used along with OKATO;

OKFS- for the purpose of identifying the form of ownership;

OKOGU- a code assigned exclusively to state administration bodies. Allows you to determine the department to which the state body belongs;

OKVED– is necessary for the possible identification of the type of economic activity.

Single base Individual entrepreneurs and organizations is regularly updated due to the information entered by the Rosstat authorities.

After submitting documents for registration to the tax authorities, a notification is sent to the applicant within five days. In other words, an extract from the classifier, which indicates all the necessary codes.

For a legal entity, OKPO is retained throughout the entire period of its activity, and even in the case of reorganization processes, OKPO remains unchanged.

Only in case of liquidation of the enterprise the code can be excluded from the classifier. But, for another five years, the code will still be registered with the enterprise, which actually no longer exists.

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