Disable voice data download. We remove the notification "Downloading the package "Russian (Russia)". Advantages and disadvantages of the product from Google

Sometimes a file can "get stuck" in the download block, the reasons for this failure are different, but they are all programmatic. We will consider the most relevant ways to solve this problem: we will give step-by-step instructions and analyze non-standard cases of this error.

Where do stuck downloads come from?

The main problem of the Android OS is the presence of a large number of background processes and data. The system passes through itself a huge number of files and processes them "in the background". A number of these processes are often not needed at all, so programs that clean the boot manager, and thus the processor, are gaining popularity. Many people ask the question: how to stop downloading on Android?

The symptomatology is usually this: there is some file known to us or unknown at all, hanging in the download tray. Nothing really happens to him. In addition to the fact that it strains and torments the system, plus it can eat up traffic.

Disable download

A "hanging" download often appears when a connection is broken or an error occurs in an application. It may show a flurry of activity, but it never ends, moreover, a reboot does not always help. You can install a new download to "push" the stuck: but sometimes we just get two stuck lines. Stopping the download is usually easy, using an elementary algorithm of actions:

  1. We call the menu, usually it is the left button.
  2. We are looking for a list of applications, which provides a complete list of installed programs.
  3. In the general list, go to the "All" tab: there you need to find the "Download Manager".
  4. Inside the program settings, click the "Erase data" button. This command will clear all current downloads regardless of their status.
  5. A warning window will appear to which you must agree.

Glitchy downloads can also provoke certain types of viruses that spread through free Wi-Fi hotspots or through Internet pages. Now Android is full of free and effective antiviruses that almost instantly deal with the problem.

Alternative way

The algorithm is relevant for system versions starting from 4.0. It gives a plus in that it saves time: the number of necessary actions is reduced.

The effect is the same, no additional action is needed.

Speech synthesizers installed on computers or mobile devices no longer seem to be such unusual programs as they used to be. Thanks to modern technology, an ordinary desktop PC can reproduce the human voice.

How do speech synthesizers work? Where are they applied? What is the best speech synthesizer? The answers to these and other questions are provided in this article.

General concept

Speech synthesizers are special programs consisting of a number of modules that provide the ability to translate typed texts into sentences voiced by a human voice. Do not think that the entire database of words and phrases was recorded by real people in professional studios. It is physically impossible to perform such a task. A library with such a large number of phrases cannot be installed on any modern computer, not to mention mobile phones. For this, the developers created the Text-to-Speech technology.

Scope of application

Speech synthesizers are used when learning foreign languages, listening to texts on the pages of books, creating vocal parts, issuing search queries in the form of voiced phrases, etc.

What types of programs exist? Depending on the scope of application, utilities can be divided into 2 types: ordinary ones that convert typed text into speech, and special vocal modules used in music applications.

Advantages and disadvantages

At the moment, the computer synthesizes human speech only approximately. In the simplest programs, you can observe problems with sound and the correct placement of stress in various words. Speech synthesizers installed on mobile devices consume a lot of energy. It is not uncommon to note unauthorized loading of additional modules.

The advantages include ease of perception. For many users, it is much easier to assimilate sound information than any other.

The best speech synthesizers with Russian voices

The RHVoice program was created by Olga Yakovleva. The standard version of the application includes 3 voices. The settings are very simple. The program can be used both as a standalone SAPI5 compliant application and as an additional screen module.

The Acapela speech synthesizer differs from its analogues in its ideal text voicing. The application supports more than 30 languages ​​of the world. Only 1 female voice is available in the free version.

The Vocalizer program is often used in call centers. The user can adjust the accent, volume and reading speed. Additional dictionaries are loaded as needed. The application has 1 female voice. The speech engine is automatically built into programs for reading books in electronic format.

The eSpeak utility supports over 50 languages. The disadvantage of the program can be considered saving sound files only in WAV format, which requires a lot of hard disk space.

The Festival app is a powerful speech synthesis utility that even supports Finnish and Hindi.

Program installation

How to use this type of applications? First you need to install the program. In computer operating systems, a standard installer is used, in which the user only needs to select the language module supported by the utility. The installer for mobile devices can be downloaded from the official website, Google Play, and the App Store. The application is installed automatically.

First run of the program

At this stage, it is enough for the user to set the default language. Sometimes you need to note the sound quality. The standard option implies a sampling rate of 4410 Hz, a depth of 16 bits and a bit rate of 128 kbps. In mobile operating systems, the performance may be lower. A certain voice is used as the basis.

Filters and equalizers help to achieve the desired sound. The user has three options for translating the text. He can type sentences on the keyboard, turn on the sound of an existing file, or install an extension in the browser that converts the content on web pages into speech. It is enough to note the necessary course of action, the timbre of the voice and the language in which the text will be pronounced. To start the playback process, you need to click on the "Start" button.

Working with complex programs

In music applications, the settings are much more complicated. In the speech module of the FL Studio program, the user can select several types of voices, as well as specify the key and playback speed. Stress in front of syllables is carried out using the symbol "_". With the help of such a speech synthesizer, only a robotic voice can be created.

The Vocaloid program belongs to professional type applications. In addition to the usual parameters, the user can select articulation and glissando. The utility has a base with the vocals of professionals. If desired, you can customize whole sentences to the notes. The vocal library alone is over 4 GB compressed.

"Google Speech Synthesizer": what is this program

In May 2014, the company gave users the opportunity to try out a new free product. What is "Google Speech Synthesizer" on "Android"? This is a program that reads text on the screen of a mobile device or tablet. Now there is no need to install third-party utilities that require a license. "Google speech synthesizer" is used when reading e-books, listening to the correct pronunciation of words, launching the TalkBack application.

The new version of the program "Speech Synthesizer Google 3.1" has received the function of supporting English, Italian, Spanish, Korean, German, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and French. Where can I find voice packs? They are loaded from the application itself.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product from Google

The peculiarities of the Russian-speaking female voice are a clear, loud sound and smooth intonation. The playback speed can be adjusted in the program settings. Users using TalkBack and the Russian language localization of the Android OS should be careful when switching to a speech synthesizer if a different voice was previously set as the default in the application. You may have problems maintaining control of your mobile device by ear. Almost all voices except Russian are unable to process sentences in Cyrillic.

Among the minuses, one can note a delay in the reaction to reading texts consisting of phrases in different languages. The Russian voice is distinguished by metallic notes of timbre. You can hear a rattling sound at low frequencies. The advantages include the stability of the application and the acceptable quality of reading English words.

"Google Speech Synthesizer": how to use the program

In order for the utility to work as it should, you need to update it to the latest version. To activate the text-to-speech process, you need to open the settings. In the "language and input" section, you must check the box "speech synthesis". The line "system by default" should also be noted here. Do not forget that the voice packages in the program itself also need to be updated.

Problems when working with the utility

If necessary, the user can disable the application. In the simplest utilities, the stop button is located in the program itself. Deactivation of the extension installed in the browser is done by disabling the add-on or completely removing the plugin. When working with the program on a mobile phone, problems may also arise. The fact is that the speech synthesizer automatically includes the loading of language modules that the user does not need.

This process takes a lot of time and consumes a lot of traffic. How to disable "Google Speech Synthesizer" on a mobile device and get rid of this problem? First you need to open the application settings. Then you need to select the "language and voice input" section. Next, you need to note the last line.

Having selected voice search, you should click on the cross next to the “offline speech recognition” item. Then it is recommended to delete the application cache. Next, you need to restart your mobile phone. To completely disable the utility, you need to open the "applications" section in the settings, select a speech synthesizer in the list and click on the "stop" button.

Uninstalling a program

It happens that the user does not use the "Google Speech Synthesizer" at all. Can the utility be removed from a mobile device? To do this, open Google Play. Then you should select a speech synthesizer in the list of installed programs and click on the "delete" button.


For ordinary users and people with disabilities, applications with a simple interface are suitable. It can be either RHVoice or "Google Speech Synthesizer". A Russian voice will announce the text displayed on the screen. The average user does not need more.

Musicians are advised to give preference to the professional Vocaloid program. The application has additional voice libraries and many different options. The program will allow you to get a natural sounding voice. After all, it is so important for musicians that computer synthesis is not felt by ear.

In some cases, on Android smartphones, a notification “Downloading the “Russian” package” appears. Today we want to tell you what it is and how to remove this message.

"Package" Russian "" - a component of voice control phone from Google. This file is a dictionary that is used by the good corporations application to recognize user requests. A stuck download notification for this package reports a glitch in either the Google app itself or the Android download manager. There are two ways to deal with this problem - download the problematic file and disable auto-updates for language packs or clear the application data.

Method 1: Disable auto-update of language packs

On some firmware, especially heavily modified ones, unstable operation of the Google search engine is possible. Due to modifications made to the system or a failure of an obscure nature, the application is unable to update the voice module for the selected language. Therefore, it is worth doing it manually.

  1. open "Settings". This can be done, for example, from a curtain.
  2. Looking for blocks "Control" or "Additionally", it contains a point "Language and Input".
  3. On the menu "Language and Input" are looking for "Google voice input".
  4. Inside this menu, find "Google Core Features".

    Click on the gear icon.
  5. Tap on "Speech recognition offline".
  6. The voice input settings will open. Go to the tab "All".

    Scroll down the list. Find "Russian Russia)" and download it.
  7. Now go to the tab "Auto Updates".

    Check item "Do not update languages".

The problem will be solved - the notification should disappear and no longer bother you. However, on some firmware versions, these actions may not be enough. When faced with this, move on to the next method.

Method 2: Clear Google App Data and Download Manager

Due to a mismatch between the firmware components and Google services, the language pack update may hang. Rebooting the device in this case is useless - you need to clear the data of both the search application itself and "Download manager".

  1. Come in "Settings" and look for the item "Applications"(otherwise "Application Manager").
  2. AT "Applications" find Google.

    Be careful! Don't confuse it with Google Play Services!

  3. Tap on the application. The properties and data management menu opens. Click "Memory Management".

    In the window that opens, tap "Delete all data".

    Confirm deletion.
  4. Move back to "Applications". Find this time "Download Manager".

    If you can't find it, click on the three dots on the top right and select "Show system apps".
  5. Press consecutively "Clear cache", "Clear Data" and "Stop".
  6. Reboot your device.
  7. The complex of the described actions will help to solve the problem once and for all.

Summing up, we note that most often such an error occurs on Xiaomi devices with Russified Chinese firmware.

  1. speech - synthesizer speeches speeches) - Russian (Russia) or whatever is loaded there - a cross on the right " class = "title"> How disable loading voice data for synthesis speeches?
    Language and input - synthesis speeches - synthesizer speeches Google with a gear on the right - tyts on the gear - Installing voice data (set the voice data required for synthesis speeches) - Russian (Russia) or whatever is loaded there - a cross on the right "X".

  2. ...synthesizer speeches synthesizer speeches googleLoading voice data like put away?How put away downloading voice Jobs on request Fly put away synthesizer speeches .
  3. how put away voice data download synthesizer speeches?
    Regarding downloading voice data synthesizer speeches, then as I understand it, this problem arose on your smartphone. Then in the settings - language and input-parameters TTS - synthesizer speeches google install voice data - select Russian (Russia) from the list - and it will appear ...
  4. how disable (delete) unnecessary applications - a blog about ...
    We choose, for example, Synthesizer speeches Google. Step 2 Choose an item Disable. We confirm the shutdown and installation of the original versionI turned off the following applications: - Drive (Google Drive) - Maps (Google Maps) - Synthesizer speeches Google - Google Play Games...
  5. How to turn off the voice guidance function on the phone ...
    talkback app for android. After the children have played on the phone, oddly enough, it is difficult to use it later. Include many different wonder features. To such "miracle functions" I would include the built-in talkback program for android. Of course, like any android system ...
  6. Loading voice data put away?
    Like this put away? sits down a very battery. Answer: go to settings, then special features, then synthesis speeches then click where synthesizer speeches settings icon, then install voice data, and look at each language and where there will be a cross and the inscription "wait", press ...
  7. Google Text-to-Speech ( Synthesizer speeches Google) - w3bsit3-dns.com | Forum
    To turn on Synthesizer speeches Google, tap Settings > Language & input > Synthesis speeches". In this section, you can also update Synthesizer If you mean "force" Synthesizer speeches Google, then - NO. You need to find and install an application that is intended ...
  8. how disable synthesis speeches on HTC - Questions and answers on HTC on ...
    Next, in the installed applications, we are looking for " Synthesizer speeches» and press « Delete". The second way: you need to enter the smartphone settings menu and select the "Applications" item. In the menu that opens, find " Synthesizer speeches and click on Force Stop.

In some cases, on Android smartphones, a notification “Downloading the “Russian” package” appears. Today we want to tell you what it is and how to remove this message.

Downloading the package Russian Russia, how to remove

Why the notification appears and how to remove it

"Package " Russian”” is a phone voice control component from Google. This file is a dictionary that is used by the good corporations application to recognize user requests. A stuck download notification for this package reports a glitch in either the Google app itself or the Android download manager. There are two ways to deal with this problem - download the problematic file and disable auto-updates for language packs or clear the application data.

Method 1: Disable auto-update of language packs

On some firmware, especially heavily modified ones, unstable operation of the Google search engine is possible. Due to modifications made to the system or a failure of an obscure nature, the application is unable to update the voice module for the selected language. Therefore, it is worth doing it manually.

1. Open " Settings". This can be done, for example, from a curtain.

2. Looking for blocks " Control" or " Additionally", in it - the item" Language and Input».

3. In the menu " Language and Input" are looking for " Google voice input».

4. Inside this menu, find " Key features of Google».

Click on the gear icon.

5. Tap on " Offline speech recognition».

Scroll down the list. Find " Russian Russia) and download it.

7. Now go to the tab " Auto updates».

Check the box " Do not update languages».

The problem will be solved - the notification should disappear and no longer bother you. However, on some firmware versions, these actions may not be enough. When faced with this, move on to the next method.

Method 2: Clear Google App Data and Download Manager

Due to a mismatch between the firmware components and Google services, the language pack update may hang. Rebooting the device in this case is useless - you need to clear the data of both the search application itself and " Download Manager».

1. Go to " Settings” and look for the item “ Applications" (otherwise " Application Manager»).

2. In " Applications» find « Google».

Be careful! Don't confuse it with Google Play Services!

3. Tap on the application. The properties and data management menu opens. Click " Memory management».

In the window that opens, tap " Delete all data».

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