Legal and postal address. Automatic configuration update

Beginning of work:

In this lesson, we will start working in our database. Fill in the details of our organization. Let's choose the functionality we need. The 1C Accounting 8 program contains many functions and not all of them may be needed for us. For example, we will not consider the possibility of retail trade, we will not consider accounting for agency transactions, accounting for intangible assets, and some other transactions. Accordingly, so that the interface is not loaded with functions that are not supposed to be used, we will disable them. In the future, it is possible to turn them on when the need arises.

Accounting parameters in the 1C Accounting 8 program can also be selected by determining how we will take into account certain operations. Let's see how they are configured in our program.

Then we will set up an accounting policy. The legislation provides for the possibility of choosing one or another accounting method. This exclusion is established in the accounting policy of the enterprise and is usually issued by an order for the enterprise.

Next, consider the Chart of Accounts. In the program 1C Accounting 8, the Chart of Accounts corresponds to the Order of the Ministry of Finance "On approval of the chart of accounts and instructions for its use." Nevertheless, the user of the 1C Accounting 8 program sometimes needs to enter some of his accounts and sub-accounts in the system. 1C Accounting 8 supports this feature. I will show you how new accounts are added to the chart of accounts.

In conclusion, we will see how to set personal settings for the 1C Accounting 8 program. In documents, you constantly have to fill in various details. Often the user works with a certain set of details. In order to simplify the work in personal settings, the data that will be automatically supplied to documents is indicated. If necessary, the user will be able to change and edit them.

Initial filling of information about the legal entity

You can start filling out the details of our organization by clicking on the link on the home page "Fill in the details of the organization". You can also go to the "Main" section of the "Organizations" directory. In the future, we will be able to change our details through this section. In the "Organizations" directory, you can use the "Create" command.

This command opens the start page of the New Organization Creation Assistant. It is necessary to choose who our organization is - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur - we will choose "Legal entity".

The form for creating an organization opens and the system displays several informational messages. At this stage, informational messages do not interest us. Let's close them.

You can fill in the details in two ways:

  • manually starting with the name of the organization and then all the details;
  • automatically - when Internet support is connected, I indicate the TIN of the organization. At the command “Fill in by TIN”, the system, based on data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, fills in all the details known to it (names, codes, address, full name of the head).

Details to fill out

Full name:

Finvolk Limited Liability Company

Short title:

OOO "Finvolk"

Legal and postal address:

121096 g.Moscow, st. Filevskaya 2nd, 7/19, building 6, Premises of TARP CJSC


7730581431 / 773001001






74.12 - Activities in the field of accounting






TIN/ Checkpoint of the Bank


GusarovDmitry Ivanovich

Note. When we open the address input tab, we can see a warning in red about the need to load the address classifier. This classifier is used to fill in addresses in a special format and is required for reporting to the Federal Tax Service.

You can download the classifier right there by clicking the "Download" button and specifying the regions that we need to download. The classifier is loaded from the 1C company website or from the 1C: ITS disk. Also, in the presence of Internet support, it is possible in the "Administration" section "Support and maintenance" to select a different mode for filling in the address classifier. The classifier is not loaded into the program, but "Use the 1C web service to enter and verify addresses." I will choose this option.

What is the difference? Legal entities and individuals in the program1C Accounting 8 may be relatively few, especially in small companies. And if you load a classifier, especially for all regions of the Russian Federation, this will significantly increase the size of the database, which will lead to a decrease in performance. Therefore, it makes sense to use the 1C web service for entering and checking addresses and not to inflate the base in size.

We also indicate the chief accountant and cashier.

In the 1C Accounting 8 program, you can upload your company logo and a facsimile of the seal and signature. These images will be delivered in the form of an invoice for payment, making it easier for clients to invoice. To create a fax print, see the corresponding link.

Let's move on to the next tab - details of the pension fund. My system automatically filled in the registration number, the name of the FIU and the payment details.

The details of the Social Insurance Fund are also filled in - the registration number in the FSS, the code of subordination, the name of the branch and payment details are indicated.

On the “Statistical codes” tab, codes are indicated for the All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership and the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity. These data are given in the information letter of the statistics authority on registration.

Sign of the taxpayer "The company is the largest taxpayer" I will not specify anything. Let's press the record button.

The details of the organization were saved to the system. If you pay attention to the name of the organization - it was originally marked with an asterisk - a sign that the data has been modified. After recording, the asterisk disappeared.

Now we need to specify the bank details of our organization.

Click on the hyperlink "Bank account". The "Create" command opens the form for creating a current account for our organization. Fill in the data and click the "Save and close" button. The 1C Accounting 8 program will create a current account and automatically assign it the “Use as main” attribute. If you have several accounts, you can similarly enter information about them and designate one as the main one.

Now my company data is filled in. You can click the "Save and close" button and proceed to the next step in setting up the functionality and accounting parameters.

Choice of functionality

Let's start setting up the functionality. Go to the section "Main" - "Functionality". We have full functionality enabled. If not, turn on the full one. Let's go through all the tabs and remove the checkboxes that we don't need.

On the first tab “Bank and cash desk”, we will not need “Calculations in conventional units”, we will not take into account “Money documents (tickets, vouchers, strict reporting forms)”, we will not use calculations using “Payment cards” and “Payment requirements ".

Let's go to the "Inventory" tab. Let's remove the flags "Overalls and special equipment", "Returnable packaging", "Import operations" and "Nomenclature complete set"

On the tab "Fundamental Property and Intangible Assets" we will uncheck the "Intangible Assets" flag.

On the Trade tab, we will not be using the Retail and Alcohol trade options. We will not use intermediary transactions, we will not use "Shipment without transfer of ownership." Leave the other three checkboxes enabled.

“Batch issuance of acts and invoices” can be used when you are a landlord or mass services are provided to a relatively large number of people. In this case, it is possible to specify a list of persons who are provided with the same type of services and the service itself. The system will automatically generate a set of documents for such buyers. "Management of offsetting advances and repayment of debts" - let's consider how to use this opportunity in monetary documents for an advance, in documents that affect settlements with suppliers and buyers. When this flag is set, we will have the opportunity to tell the system to read or not to read advances, to read automatically or to read according to a specific debt document.

On the “Production” tab, we will leave the flag of the same name enabled, since we will be producing products. Our company is a manufacturing company.

If in the future we need to use any functionality, we go to the appropriate section and set the desired flag. After that, in the program 1C Accounting 8 it will be possible to create the corresponding documents.

We are done with the functionality of the program. Let's close this window and proceed to the settings of accounting parameters.

Set up accounting options

Accounting parameters settings affect the entire program. If in our program accounting will be kept for several legal entities, then the settings will apply to all legal entities.

On the “Income Tax” tab, by the hyperlink of the same name, we will check the income tax rates. The rate to the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may differ from 18%. Set the required value.

On the "VAT" tab, it is indicated whether it is necessary to keep separate VAT records.

Let's go to the "Bank and Cashier" tab. Here it is necessary to indicate whether we will take into account the cash flow by cash flow items. Our company is small. We do not need to prepare and submit Form 4 Cash Flow Statement. Owners also do not require a Cash Flow Statement. We can remove this flag. If the preparation of such a report is required. We leave the flag and by the link "Cash flow items" we can go to the corresponding directory. This directory contains items of income and expenditure of funds. When the checkbox “Keep records by cash flow items” is set, it will be necessary to select the appropriate item in monetary documents. The system warns that unchecking the flag may result in data loss.

The "Settlements" tab indicates the payment period for the buyer and the payment period for suppliers. The corresponding debts will be considered overdue in the 1C Accounting 8 program if the date of the debt is more than that specified in the contract or in this parameter. It would not be bad to put at least 1 day here.

Go to the "Inventory" tab. What's interesting here? Firstly, we will not keep records by batches. Also, we will not take into account stocks by storage locations. If this flag is set, then you will need to select the method of inventory accounting by warehouses. Namely, take into account only the quantity or take into account goods and materials by quantity and amount. The next flag is “Whether inventory write-off is allowed in the absence of balances according to accounting data”. If you remove it, the 1C Accounting 8 program will control the availability of inventory items in the warehouse at the time of posting documents for the consumption of inventory items. We will leave this flag enabled.

  • do not display anything - only the name of inventory items will be displayed,
  • column "Code" - the system code of the reference book "Nomenclature" is used,
  • column "Article" - the article is used, which can be specified manually.

Let's choose Article.

On the "Trade" tab, it is only indicated whether it is necessary to load data from the "Trade and warehouse 7.7" configuration.

On the "Production" tab, set the flag "Costs are recorded by departments."

On the “Salary and Personnel” tab, we indicate that we will keep records of salaries and personnel in this program. We will keep records of settlements “For each employee”. Let's turn on the flags "Keep a record of sick leave, vacations and executive documents of employees" and "Automatically recalculate the document" Payroll "when editing".

We will choose to maintain “Full” personnel records.

Click the "Save and Close" button

Setting up an accounting policy

You can access the accounting policy of our organization from the "Organizations" directory element using the "Accounting Policy" hyperlink or from the "Main" section using the "Accounting Policy" hyperlink.

In the window that opens, we can set the date from which the accounting policy is applied. We set the start date of the year by default. It suits us. For example, if an organization used a simplified taxation system and switched to the general taxation regime in the middle of the year, then the beginning of the month when the organization switched to the general taxation system is indicated.

Tab "Income Tax" - remove the flag "Applied PBU 18/02" Accounting for income tax calculations ". Our company is small - it has the right not to apply PBU 18/02. The depreciation method in tax accounting will be selected as "Linear". This method will be applied in tax accounting to all fixed assets. You can also choose a non-linear method. “Methods for determining the direct costs of production in tax accounting” - methods for determining direct costs are filled in here. We won't change anything here. Just make sure that the register is filled in for the current year. We will not use the reference book "Nomenclature implementation groups" for the time being.

Let's go to the "VAT" tab. Remove the flags "The organization is exempt from VAT" and that "Separate accounting of incoming VAT is maintained." Set the flag "Charge VAT on shipment without transfer of ownership" and specify the procedure for registering advance invoices. In the 1C Accounting 8 program, it is possible to choose one of the proposed values. We will focus on what the program offers by default - we will “Register invoices upon receipt of an advance”.

On the "UTII" tab, the flag for applying this taxation regime and the base for distributing expenses by type of activity are set.

On the "Stocks" tab, we indicate how we will take into account inventories. We will consider them at an average cost. FIFO value (first in, first out) is also available.

On the "Costs" tab, you must specify the main cost accounts. The default is 26. Let's select account 20.01 "Main production" as the main cost accounting account. This value will be substituted by default in many documents related to cost accounting for production activities. On account 20, we will take into account production costs and output. Note the flag "Product release". The flag "Performance of work, provision of services to customers" will be removed. By clicking the "Indirect costs" button, we proceed to setting up the distribution of indirect costs. We will include general business expenses “In the cost of sales (direct costing). That is, to attribute to the account 90.08. It is possible to select the option “Include in the cost of products, works, services”. Then we will have to distribute the costs to the 20th account "Main production". This distribution is configured using the hyperlink "Methods of distribution of indirect costs". If we open it, we will see an empty directory. We will have another 25 account "General production costs". We will need to distribute it to account 20. Click on the "Create" button and indicate that the distribution setting is valid from January 01 of the current year. Cost account 25 will be distributed in proportion to the "Targeted Cost of Issue".

The “Reserves” tab indicates whether the 1C Accounting 8 program needs to create reserves for doubtful debts in accounting and tax accounting. We will not create them.

Before printing our accounting policy, we need to write down the entered data. By clicking the "Print" button, you can print the order on the accounting policy and its annexes (selected from the menu of the print button). Applications may include:
- accounting policies for accounting,
- working chart of accounts,
- forms of primary accounting documents,
- forms of accounting registers,
- accounting policy for tax accounting,
- forms of tax accounting registers.
The composition of the accounting policy sections, as well as the list of documents and registers, depends on the functionality used and other program settings.
The list of forms of primary documents contains both regulated forms of primary documents (for example, a universal corrective document, a cash receipt order, etc.) and other forms implemented in the program (for example, an act for the performance of work, the provision of services, references-calculations etc.).

Our accounting policy has been created.

Chart of accounts

The configuration includes a chart of accounts for accounting for the financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n.

The Chart of Accounts is common to all organizations that are recorded in the infobase.

You can add new accounts and sub-accounts to the chart of accounts. When adding a new account, you need to set its properties:

  • setting up analytical accounting,
  • tax accounting (for income tax),
  • departmental accounting,
  • currency and quantitative accounting,
  • signs of active, passive and active-passive accounts;
  • signs of off-balance accounts.

Analytical accounting settings are subconto types that are set as account properties. For each account, analytical accounting can be carried out in parallel using up to three types of subconto. It is possible to add new subcontos on your own.

Tax accounting is carried out simultaneously with accounting on accounting accounts. The accounting accounts on which tax accounting data is registered are determined by the Tax accounting (for income tax) attribute.

An account can be prohibited from being used in postings (the Account is a group checkbox and is not selected in postings). Accounts that are prohibited from being used in postings are highlighted in the chart of accounts with a yellow background.

For the selected account, you can get additional information:

  • get acquainted with the description of the accounting account - button Description of the account;
  • view entries in the journal of transactions - the button Journal of transactions.

You can display and print the Chart of Accounts by clicking the Print button in the form of a simple list of accounts or a list with a detailed description of each account.

Personal settings

Personal settings are available in the "Main" section of the last hyperlink "Personal settings". You can set the Primary Department. This value will be substituted into documents by default for ease of entry. When the user works primarily with a single value, this can greatly simplify the entry of documents.

Leave the flag “Show accounting records in documents” enabled.

The working date can take the following values:

Current date of the computer - the computer will provide the current date in documents,

Another date - if we enter the documents retroactively, which often happens, you can specify a different date. For example March 31 of the current year. Now, when creating a new document, this date will be affixed.

Flag "Ask for confirmation when closing the program". If it is set, when closing the 1C Accounting 8 program, an additional question of confirming actions will be closed.

1C:Accounting 8 is the most popular accounting program that can bring accounting automation to a whole new level. A convenient product and services connected to it will allow you to effectively perform the tasks of the accounting service of any business.

1C is constantly improving the program and services in order to offer a modern and universal accounting solution that meets the expectations of users.

What is "1C: Accounting 8"?

1C:Accounting 8 is a professional accountant's tool with which you can keep records, prepare and submit mandatory reports. The program combines all the achievements of previous versions and new solutions based on the experience of working together with numerous users and partners of 1C.

Clear accounting in accordance with the law and business needs, saving time when making settlements with counterparties, processing documents and business transactions, effective user support combined with high work comfort are just some of the key features of 1C: Accounting 8.


Advantages of the program "1C: Accounting 8"

Suitable for your business. The accounting program can be used in any commercial structure, regardless of the type of activity and scale - from individual entrepreneurs without employees to diversified holdings. "1C: Accounting 8" allows you to keep records in companies engaged in wholesale, retail, commission and Internet trade, contract work, professional and personal services, manufacturing, construction.

Various taxation systems are supported. Accounting is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 1C Company closely monitors changes and innovations in the legal field, improving and updating the program in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Several versions to choose from. Use the version of the program that best suits your business needs.

"1C: Accounting 8. Basic version" is a turnkey solution for automating accounting and tax accounting on one computer. There are specialized options for start-up entrepreneurs and small businesses:

  • "1C: Simplified 8" - pre-configured for accounting according to the simplified tax system;
  • "1C: Entrepreneur 2015" - with a simple interface designed for entrepreneurs who keep records on their own and do not have knowledge in the accounting field;
  • "1C: Accounting for 1" is the most affordable version of the program, designed for one enterprise or individual entrepreneur with "binding" to the user's TIN.

"1C: Accounting 8 PROF" is a professional solution for stable and growing businesses with the possibility of a multi-user mode of operation, including via the Internet, the ability to configure and support a web client.

"1C: Accounting 8 CORP" - the version with the widest functionality, including accounting for separate divisions.

For those who want to explore the possibilities of the program before purchasing it, "1C: Accounting 8. Educational version" is intended. This program has a number of technical limitations and is not suitable for full-fledged accounting.

A simple transition from one version to another is provided with full preservation of the accumulated data. For example, as your business grows, you can quickly and on favorable terms switch from the basic version to "1C: Accounting 8 PROF".

Fast learning, easy use. The prompt system built into 1C:Accounting 8 works like a tutorial and allows you to get started right away. Hints will help you fill in the company information correctly and set up accounting parameters. After completing the initial settings, a significant part of the data in the documents is filled in automatically, saving you time and minimizing the number of errors. When compiling reports, special algorithms will automatically check the correctness of the source documents, the completeness of filling out the reporting forms, and even check the control ratios between the forms according to the methodology of the Federal Tax Service.

Flexibility and customization. The program for accounting implements accounting schemes that are used in most organizations. At the same time, 1C:Accounting 8 provides flexible customization for individual business features and accounting principles adopted by the company. The program allows you to create new directories and change the forms of documents, text, tabular and graphic reports.

Convenient preparation and sending of reports. The program includes regulated reports for submission to regulatory state bodies. Accounting reports, tax returns and calculations, reports to social non-budgetary funds, personalized accounting reports to the Pension Fund, statistical reporting, tax certificates are easily generated and uploaded electronically. The built-in accountant's calendar will help to prepare the necessary reports on time, and the built-in 1C-Reporting functionality will ensure that they are sent to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the FSS and Rosstat directly from the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

  • A turnkey solution for automating accounting and tax accounting on a single computer
  • Accounting and tax accounting of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in various information bases
  • General taxation system, USN, UTII
  • Strict compliance with the law, prompt reflection of changes in laws and reporting
  • Extensive customization options that allow you to independently configure accounting methods without programming
  • Developed on the technological platform of the new generation "1C:Enterprise 8"
  • For self-supporting organizations where one accountant works with the program
  • For individual entrepreneurs applying the general or simplified taxation system

Version functionality comparison

Basic version has a number of differences compared to the versions PROF and CORP.

Ready-made solution for bookkeeping and tax accounting+ + +
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting+ + +
Maintaining income tax records+ + +
Tax accounting: USN and UTII+ + +
Keeping batch records+ + +
Ability to set up inventory accounts and settlements with counterparties+ + +
Accounting for several organizations in separate infobases+ + +
Accounting for several organizations in a single information base- + +
Accounting in separate divisions- - +
Ability to change (configure) the application solution- + +
Multi-user mode of operation, including support for client-server operation- + +
Operation of geographically distributed information bases- + +
Support for COM connection and Automation server- + +
The delivery includes a Preferential (free) ITS contract and a free set-up watch- + +
Ability to reinstall more than 3 times- + +

1C: Accounting 8 CORP

The KORP version of the 1C:Accounting 8 program has the widest functionality. This version provides for end-to-end accounting in the context of organizational units, both allocated and not allocated to a separate balance sheet. For each separate division, records of income and expenses, as well as actual profits, are kept.

For each separate subdivision, you can specify the addresses, phone numbers, names of the responsible persons of the subdivision. This data is displayed in printed forms of all documents issued by a separate subdivision. Separate numbering of documents for separate divisions is supported.

Between the divisions allocated to a separate balance sheet, a specific accounting document flow has been implemented - special documents of the "Aviso" type are used:

  • Advice on OS,
  • Advice on MPZ,
  • Advice on settlements,
  • Advice on other transactions.
  • Tax accounting of separate subdivisions is carried out taking into account the specifics provided for by law. Taxpayers with separate subdivisions calculate income tax for the legal entity as a whole. At the same time, some expenses are included in the decrease in profit in the amount calculated for the legal entity as a whole, based on the amount of revenue, labor costs, and goods sold.
  • The calculation of shares and the distribution of income tax among the inspections of the Federal Tax Service, where separate subdivisions are registered, is carried out automatically during routine operations. After carrying out these routine operations, an income tax return is automatically filled out.
  • Any standard reports are used to analyze information on divisions allocated and not allocated to a separate balance sheet. For example, to analyze revenue and cost for each store, you can generate a report "Turnover and balance sheet" on account 90 "Sales" for outlets.

Additional licenses

  • The use of 1C:Enterprise PROF version programs at two or more workplaces is possible with the appropriate number of additional client licenses.
  • A prerequisite for the operation of additional client licenses in file-server mode is the presence of a single local area network.
Nameprice, rub.
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workplace6300
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workstation (USB)8200
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces21600
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces (USB)28100
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces41400
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workstations (USB)51900
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workplaces78000
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workstations (USB)97600
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workplaces187200
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workstations (USB)224700
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workplaces360000
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workstations (USB)432000
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 jobs1068000
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 workstations (USB)1281600
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 jobs1776000
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 workstations (USB)2131200

CORP level licenses

Nameprice, rub.
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 1 workstation10400
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 1 seat (USB)13600
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 5 workplaces36000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 5 seats (USB)46800
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 10 workstations69000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 10 seats (USB)86300
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 20 seats130000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 20 seats (USB)162500
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 50 seats312000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 50 seats (USB)374400
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 100 seats600000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 100 seats (USB)720000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 300 seats1780000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 300 seats (USB)2136000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 500 seats2960000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 500 seats (USB)3552000
1C:Enterprise 8 KORP. Client license for 1000 seats5906000

Server licenses

  • To work in client-server mode, users must have 1C: Server license.
Nameprice, rub.
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server MINI for 5 connections14400
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server license50400
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server license (USB)60500
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server license (x86-64)86400
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server license (x86-64) (USB)103700
1C:Enterprise 8.3 CORP. Server license (x86-64)180000
1C:Enterprise 8.3 CORP. Server license (x86-64) (USB)216000
1C:Enterprise 8.2. Server License50400
1C:Enterprise 8.2. Server license (USB)72000
1C:Enterprise 8.2. Server license (x86-64)86400
1C:Enterprise 8.2. Server license (x86-64) (USB)103700
1C:Enterprise 8.1. Server license (USB)60500
1C:Enterprise 8.1. Server license (x86-64) (USB)103700

The program "1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0" fully automates accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise. Allows you to work with various taxation systems (general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities). Solves a full range of tasks of the accounting service.

Support for various taxation systems,
accounting and tax accounting, reporting

Inventory accounting, batch accounting, settlements with counterparties, extract of primary
payroll, accounting for cash transactions Integration with other 1C programs and sites

Full description

The program "1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0" fully automates accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise. Allows you to work with various taxation systems (general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities). Solves a full range of tasks of the accounting service:

  • Accounting for banking and cash transactions. For borrowers from Sberbank, the 1c accounting program provides an opportunity to report to the bank. For this, a quarterly form "Accounting statements for Sberbank" was created.
  • Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets
  • Accounting for documents and settlements with contractors. The 1c program provides the ability to exchange information with counterparties by e-mail.
  • Accounting for inventories in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" and guidelines for its application
  • Inventory control(quantitative or quantitative-cumulative)
  • Accounting for container operations
  • Accounting for main and auxiliary production
  • Accounting for semi-finished products
  • Accounting for trade operations
  • Accounting for commission trading and agency contracts
  • Payroll and personalized accounting. The formation of unified forms under labor legislation is ensured.
    1. Working with employee data (including salary and position) and printing personnel orders are implemented through an employee card in 1C accounting.
    2. Payroll for Small Businesses with Multiple Points of Sale
    3. Formation of the time sheet
    4. Payment of personal income tax according to the list of employees
    5. Deposit
    6. Deductions are taken into account automatically.
    7. Formation of payrolls for departments. Separate salary payments to an employee in several different departments are possible.
    8. When performing calculations in 1C, the presence of disabled people, tax non-residents at the enterprise is taken into account.
  • Accounting for indirect costs
  • VAT accounting implemented in accordance with the standards of Ch. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Income tax calculation is carried out in compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax settlements”.
  • Support for different taxation systems(general, simplified, patent, in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities).
    1. Simplified taxation system - conducted in accordance with Ch. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The 1C program has the ability to track USN restrictions
    2. Patent system - individual entrepreneurs carrying out certain types of activities can switch to the patent taxation system in accordance with Chapter 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
    3. A single tax on imputed income - provides for the division of income and expenses associated with activities that are taxable and not taxable UTII.
    4. Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - payers of personal income tax- is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430, chapters 23 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Managing multiple organizations- with a separate information base for each enterprise or separate division.
  • Generation of standard reports: financial analysis, gross profit, goods turnover, payment planning, counterparty debt
  • Formation of regulated reporting
  • Express check
  • Integration with the website of the online store
  • Marking of fur products GISM (KIZ labels)
  • Data transfer to OFD servers.Individual entrepreneurs on UTII and a patent are required to apply KKM from July 1, 2018.
  • Idea Center 1C:Fresh

The 1C:Accounting 8.3 configuration was developed based on the wishes of users for the comfort of working with the program. The program completely closes the accounting interest. Namely: modern design of the 1s interface, maximization of the workspace on monitors with different resolutions, large font, ease of navigation, the ability to independently design your workspace; thin and web client support, development of cloud technologies. Operations in accounting 1s, the execution of which used to take a long time (closing the month, generating reports, etc.) now take place in the background. This allows you to continue working with 1s 8 accounting without waiting for the operation to complete.

The price of the product varies and depending on the tasks you can choose your version. Programs for accounting cover all areas of the accountant. The company "First BIT" is the official representative of the company 1C and you can buy 1C from us together with the services of the company. The price for 1s accounting programs is indicated below. You can buy the 1s accounting program at any office of our company.

The accounting program "1C: Accounting 8" is an indispensable tool for an accountant.

1C:Fresh is an access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. Nothing needs to be installed on the computer, even the electronic signature key for reporting via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

Advantages of working in 1C: Accounting through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual interface of the program, but through the browser
  • All you need is internet to work
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • Round-the-clock technical support from 1C
  • Access to the system and services 1C:ITS
  • Data privacy and security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

Cost of 1C:Accounting in 1C:Fresh service - from 2,818 ₽ per month*
*price when paid for a year with continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Assistance from certified professionals
  • Free access for 7 days!

The cost of renting 1C: Accounting in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer a need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy & Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backup
  • Server administration and technical support

"1C Accounting 8" supports the solution of all tasks of the accounting service of the enterprise, if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc. This application solution can also be used only for accounting and tax accounting.

A team of professionals at your service

1. own design department. 30 1C programmers are ready to modify the program to suit your needs! 2. Service engineers are always ready to check out for current updates. 3. Demonstrators will come and demonstrate the program you are interested in for free! 4. The head of the office personally controls the projects!

Accounting "from the document" and typical operations

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter program documents that correspond to primary accounting documents. In addition, you can enter individual postings directly. For group entry of postings, you can use typical operations - a simple automation tool that is easily and quickly customizable by the user.

Tools for quick learning

  • The organization information entry wizard is designed to fill in the initial information about the organization.
  • The start assistant is intended for entering the basic information required to start working with the program.
  • According to the correspondence of accounts or the content of a business transaction, the correspondence directory will tell the accountant how to reflect this or that operation in the program.
  • The electronic manual "Quick Mastering 1C: Accounting 8", intended for novice users of the program, will help you quickly master the basic techniques of working with the program.
  • The function panel helps novice users learn the program faster, and advanced users perform daily tasks more efficiently. The main sections of accounting (Bank, Cash, Production, Salary) are presented in the form of work schemes and display the sequence of operations.
  • The Crisis Management Center was created specifically for the head to receive operational information about the financial condition and financial performance of the organization.
  • The accountant's monitor allows you to quickly and conveniently receive data on current account and cash balances, on the amounts of receivables and payables, on the deadlines for reporting, as well as the deadlines for paying taxes.

The accountant's calendar notifies in advance of the onset of the deadlines for the payment of taxes and reporting provided by law.
The supplied kit includes a demo base. It has already introduced documents describing the economic activities of various organizations. For more convenient navigation through the documents of the demo base, the Guide to the demo base is designed.

Keeping records of activities of several organizations

"1C: Accounting 8" allows you to keep accounting and tax records of the economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be kept in a separate infobase. At the same time, the configuration provides an opportunity to use a common information base for keeping records of several institutions - legal entities. This is convenient if their business activities are closely related: you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, warehouses (storage locations), etc., and form mandatory reporting separately.

Support for different taxation systems

The program for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs supports the following taxation systems:
  • general taxation system (profit tax for organizations in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for inventories

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is implemented in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" and guidelines for its application. The following methods of estimating inventories upon disposal are supported:
  • at an average cost,
  • at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method).
To support FIFO valuation methods, batch accounting is maintained on inventory accounts. Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization. In the accounting and tax accounting of the organization, the methods for assessing the inventory are the same.

Inventory control

For warehouses, quantitative or quantitative-cumulative accounting can be maintained. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not needed.
In the infobase, you can reflect the results of the inventory, automatically reconciled with accounting data. On the basis of the inventory, the identification of surpluses and the write-off of shortages are reflected.

Accounting for trade operations

Automated accounting of operations for the receipt and sale of goods and services. When selling goods, invoices for payment are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. All wholesale trade transactions are accounted for in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration are taken into account.
For retail trade, both the operational reflection of retail sales and the reflection of sales based on the results of the inventory are supported. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sale prices. For retail sales, payment by bank loans and the use of payment cards are supported.
Reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and the supplier is automated.
The use of several types of prices is supported, for example: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, purchase, etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sale transactions.

Accounting for commission trading

Accounting for commission trade has been automated both in relation to goods taken on commission (from the committent) and transferred for further sale (to the commission agent). It supports the reflection of operations for the transfer of goods to the subcommission. When generating a report to the committent or registering a commission agent's report, you can immediately calculate and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for agency contracts

Accounting for agency services has been automated on the part of the agent (rendering services on its own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and on the part of the principal (rendering services through the agent).

Accounting for container operations

Accounting operations for returnable reusable containers have been automated. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and buyers are taken into account.

Accounting for banking and cash transactions

Accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds and foreign exchange transactions has been implemented. Supports input and printing of payment orders, credit and debit cash orders. Accounting for cash documents has been implemented.
On the basis of cash documents, a cash book of the established sample is formed.
Operations for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons (including the transfer of funds to bank cards of employees or corporate bank cards), cash deposits to a current account and cash receipts by cash check, purchase and sale of foreign currency were automated. When transactions are recorded, payment amounts are automatically broken down into advance payment and payment.
Payment orders for the payment of taxes (contributions) can be generated automatically.
The mechanism of information exchange with programs like "Bank client" is implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and buyers can be kept in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.
Settlements with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out up to the accuracy of the settlement document. When drawing up documents for receipt and sale, you can use both general prices for all counterparties, and individual prices for a specific contract.
The method of repayment of the debt under the contract can be specified directly in the payment documents. The method of offsetting advances is indicated in the receipt and sale documents.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and PBU 14/2007 "Accounting for intangible assets". The main accounting operations are automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation (amortization), modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation per month in tax accounting between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting.

Accounting for main and auxiliary production

The calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of raw materials to be supplied, accounting for overalls, special equipment, inventory and household supplies has been automated. Within a month, accounting of manufactured finished products is carried out at the planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of products manufactured and services rendered is calculated.

Accounting for semi-finished products

For complex technological processes involving intermediate stages with the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect costs

"1C: Accounting 8" supports the accounting of various costs that are not directly related to the production of products, the provision of work, services - indirect costs. At the end of the month, indirect costs are automatically written off.
To account for general business expenses, the use of the "direct costing" method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month of their occurrence and are fully charged to the expenses of the current period. If the organization does not use the "direct costing" method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of goods produced and work in progress.
When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution by nomenclature groups of products (services). The following allocation bases are possible for indirect costs:
  • release volume,
  • planned cost,
  • salary,
  • material costs,
  • revenue,
  • direct costs,
  • individual items of direct costs.

VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the norms of Ch. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Automated filling of the book of purchases and books of sales. For the purposes of VAT accounting, separate accounting is maintained for transactions subject to VAT and not subject to taxation in accordance with Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Difficult economic situations are monitored in VAT accounting when selling using a 0% VAT rate, during construction by an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. The amount of VAT on indirect costs in accordance with Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be divided into sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.
The VAT Accounting Assistant controls the procedure for performing routine operations.

Payroll, personnel and personalized accounting

1C:Accounting 8 keeps records of personnel movement, including records of employees at their main place of work and part-time jobs. At the same time, internal combination is supported optionally, that is, support can be disabled if this is not accepted at the enterprise. The formation of unified forms under labor legislation is ensured.
The following operations are automated:
  • calculation of wages for employees of the enterprise on a salary with the ability to specify the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of salaries and transfer of salaries to the card accounts of employees;
  • deposit;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations;
  • formation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, taxes (contributions) with a payroll), including the preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system.
When performing calculations, the presence of disabled people, tax non-residents at the enterprise is taken into account.
To simplify the work with documents on accounting of personnel and wages, the Assistant for Payroll Accounting has been implemented.
For the analysis of accrued wages and taxes (contributions) from the payroll, the reports "Analysis of labor costs", "Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions" are intended.

Tax accounting for income tax

Tax accounting for income tax is conducted on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and the fulfillment of the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Accounting for income tax calculations". Based on tax accounting data, tax registers and income tax returns are automatically generated.
The report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax" is designed to identify errors in tax accounting and to account for differences in the assessment of assets and liabilities.

Simplified taxation system

Accounting for the economic activities of organizations using the simplified taxation system has been automated. Tax accounting for the USN is carried out in accordance with Ch. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The following objects of taxation are supported:
  • income,
  • income less expenses.
The book of accounting for income and expenses is generated automatically.
To analyze the structure of income and expenses of tax accounting for the simplified tax system, the report "Analysis of the status of tax accounting for the simplified tax system" is intended.

Accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether the organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities that are taxable and not taxable with UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a particular type of activity at the time they are incurred can be allocated automatically at the end of the period.

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - payers of personal income tax

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the general taxation system is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses, and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430, chapters 23 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
The Book of accounting for income and expenses and business transactions is automatically generated in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430, and a personal income tax return.

Closing operations of the month

Scheduled operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, and others. The Month Closing Assistant allows you to determine the necessary scheduled monthly closing operations and perform them in the correct sequence and without errors.
The configuration includes a set of reports "Reference-calculations", reflecting the calculations associated with the conduct of routine operations at the end of the month: "Distribution of indirect costs", "Calculation of income tax and others".

Standard accounting reports

The configuration provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze data on balances, account turnovers and transactions in various sections. When generating reports, grouping, selection and sorting of the information displayed in the report is configured, based on the specifics of the organization's activities and the functions performed by the user.

Regulated reporting

The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for submission to the owners of the organization and regulatory state bodies, including accounting forms, tax returns, reports for statistical bodies and state funds.
Regulated reports, for which such an opportunity is provided for by regulatory documents, can be downloaded in electronic form. The program supports the technology of applying a two-dimensional barcode to the sheets of tax returns.
Regulated reporting on the income of individuals is generated automatically and can be recorded on a magnetic medium (floppy disk) for submission to the tax authorities. In order to provide the FIU with information on the calculated insurance period and paid insurance premiums, personalized records of employees are kept. Corresponding reporting can also be recorded on magnetic media.

Service options

Control and elimination of erroneous situations

"1C: Accounting 8 PROF" provides advanced means of controlling the user's work at various stages of working with the program:
  • control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data,
  • control of balances when writing off (moving) material assets,
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered earlier than the "date of prohibition of editing",
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data.

Download classifiers and exchange rates

The program provides for downloading directories and classifiers:
  • classifier BIC (reference book of bank identification codes of settlement participants in the territory of the Russian Federation),
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service,
  • exchange rates from the RBC website.
Downloading is carried out from the site of the company "1C" or other information sites, as well as from files supplied to the ITS or as part of configuration updates.

Data search

The configuration implements full-text search based on infobase data. You can search for multiple words, using search operators, or for an exact phrase.

Credential access control

Implemented the ability to enter restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations (legal entities). A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to somehow change, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Use of commercial equipment

"1C: Accounting 8 PROF" supports work with cash registers (fiscal registrars).

Working with distributed infobases

To work with distributed infobases, the configuration includes exchange plans for automating data exchange between infobases.

Online user support

Users of the program can directly prepare and send to 1C company opinions about the use of the program, appeals to the technical support department, as well as receive and view answers from the technical support department while working with the program. Also, users can take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to get information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install the detected updates. If an update file has already been obtained, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.
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