Artificial mating of dogs instruction. Artificial insemination of dogs veterinārā klīnika dzīvnieku veselības centrs. Dilution and storage of semen

(Pavo cristatus) is one of the largest representatives of the chicken order. An ordinary peacock of a strong build with a rather long neck, a small head bearing a kind of crest, short wings, high legs and a medium-length tail. The male is especially characterized by unusually developed upper tail coverts, forming what is called in the hostel the "tail" of a peacock. This amazingly luxurious, eyed "tail" spread out like a huge fan and brilliant plumage, which combines blue, green and red tones, created the peacock the glory of the most beautiful bird among chickens.

INDIAN PEACOCK - Pavo cristatus

The most famous of the peacocks is the Indian peacock (Pavo cristatus). The male keeps a harem of several females that are smaller than him. Food is grain feed. As a nesting site, females usually find dense undergrowth. The clutch usually contains 4-8 eggs. Chicks develop slowly, bushy tails in males begin to form at the age of three years. There is a white form of the Indian peacock, but this is more rare.

JAVAN PEACOCK - Pavo muticus

It lives from Thailand to the island of Java. In captivity, it is kept less often than the Indian peacock, from which it differs in blue and yellow patches on the head and green neck plumage. The clutch is usually 7 eggs, the duration of incubation is 30 days. Young peacocks transition to independent living at the age of at least eight weeks.


CONGOLES PEACOCK - Afropavo congensis


The image of a peacock as a symbol

The peacock is a symbol of pride, an emblem of beauty and immortality. In many countries, the peacock was considered a royal bird, and Hindus revere it as sacred. In the homeland of the peacock, in South Asia, it is highly valued for the fact that it warns of the approach of tigers, snakes and thunderstorms. It is believed that due to the beauty of its plumage, the peacock is able to "process" the poison of the snake struck by it.

In Russia, a completely different attitude has developed towards peacocks due to the fact that only rich people could breed them. Therefore, only in the Russian mind did the peacock become a symbol of arrogance and arrogance. The expression "spread its tail like a peacock" has acquired the meaning of not only courtship, but also vanity, feigned pride.

According to Greek myth, the peacock was associated with the wife of Zeus, Hera. When Hermes killed the hundred-eyed Argos by lulling him to sleep by playing the flute, Hera revived him by transferring the eyes of Argos to the plumage of a peacock. Among the Romans, the peacock became an attribute of Juno, for which the Amoretti, winged babies, collected "eyes" from its tail. On Roman coins, the peacock was depicted as a sign of the divinity of the daughters of the emperor.

In early Christianity, the image of a peacock was associated with the symbolism of the sun and began to be perceived as a symbol of immortality, like a turtle in the East, and the beauty of an imperishable soul. In the Christian tradition, the "eyes" of the peacock sometimes symbolize the "all-seeing" Church. Since this bird periodically renews its plumage, it became a symbol of immortality, as well as resurrection, since there was a belief that its flesh did not rot, even after lying in the ground for three days. The peacock is also an attribute of the Christian Great Martyr Barbara (III century) and the allegory of Pride.

The peacock is the solar bird of India, a symbol of many gods, in particular the Buddha. At the level of Eastern emblematics, a peacock tail fan was considered a symbol of suffering and was an attribute of Avalokiteshvara, one of the main bodhisattvas of the Buddhist tradition. In China, during the Ming Dynasty, such a fan was awarded for high merit in the service of the emperor. In Islam, the "eye" of the peacock is associated with the "eye of the heart" and therefore with inner vision. The Indian god of love, Kama, was often depicted sitting on a peacock, which symbolizes passionate desires. This idea of ​​passion finds its echo in the world of butterflies, where a male night peacock moth can scent a female several kilometers away. The pattern of his wings, reminiscent of numerous eyes, was perceived in Indian mythology as a picture of the starry sky. The symbolism of two peacocks on both sides of the cosmic tree came from ancient Persia to the Muslims, and from them to the West, and means the psychic duality of a person who draws his strength from the principle of unity.

The tail of a peacock, including all the colors of the rainbow, was perceived as a universal symbol. For example, in Islam, the tail of a peacock, revealed in all its beauty, meant either the universe, or the full moon or the sun at its zenith. The peacock tail appears in the 84th emblem of Bosch's "Symbolic Art" as the idea of ​​the whole and the sign of the union of all colors.

In alchemy, the "peacock's tail" is the second stage of the "great work", when the "black of blacks" is covered with all the colors of the rainbow. In the alternation of the time of day, the peacock corresponds to twilight. With a snake in its beak, it signifies the victory of light over darkness.

In some countries, the peacock is considered a harbinger of trouble. Its feathers are called "the eyes of the devil" and "warn" of the appearance of a traitor. The most common superstition in England is that peacock feathers should not be kept at home: a catastrophe may befall the owner or his daughters will not marry. It is believed that the presence of a peacock on the stage can lead to the failure of the play. Perhaps all these prejudices are explained by the fact that the ever-open "eye" in the peacock feather is associated with the evil eye and, therefore, with bad luck.

In heraldry, the peacock was depicted with loose plumage, which in the language of heraldry, "blazon", was called "a peacock in its pride."

Sources: Foley J. Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols. M., 1997; Hall J. Dictionary of plots and symbols in art. M., 1999; Hole K. Encyclopedia will accept superstitions. M., 1998; Sheinina E. Ya. Encyclopedia of symbols. M., 2001; Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999.

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in the discipline "Veterinary obstetrics and gynecology"

student Alex Brem

Morphologicalandphysiological features of the reproductive system of dogs

The size of the genital organs of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed and the stage of the sexual cycle.

Female (bitch). The vulva (loop) is located ventral to the floor of the pelvis. The lumen of the vestibule is very narrow, at first directed upwards almost vertically, on the lower wall of the vestibule there is a large clitoral fossa. Therefore, special (narrow) instruments are used for research, which are inserted at an angle of 60 ° along the upper fornix of the vestibule. Some bitches have a rudimentary hymen behind the urethral opening that interferes with mating or artificial insemination. The vestibule of the vagina has a well-developed circular muscle to hold the penis during intercourse (lock).

The cranial part of the vagina narrows due to the dorsal-median fold of the mucous membrane; the caudal end of this fold is often mistaken for the cervix. The vagina has numerous longitudinal folds. To determine the date of artificial insemination, it may be useful to assess the degree of thickening of the vaginal wall (determined by the number of primary and secondary longitudinal folds) and epithelial proliferation.

The cervix has a vaginal part that protrudes into the vagina. Between the vaginal part of the cervix and the wall of the vagina, a "blind" sac is formed. Therefore, it is impossible to get exactly into the opening of the cervix with an ordinary catheter, since it will rest against the “blind” bag. The cervical canal is ajar during estrus and hunting, childbirth and in the postpartum period, in other physiological phases it is closed.

The uterus is Y-shaped, consists of a short body and two long horns. During estrus, the horns of the uterus elongate, forming folds. In the lumen of the uterus, extravasation of erythrocytes occurs, serous-bloody discharge is observed, which can serve as a sign for determining the approximate date of artificial insemination.

The oviducts have a wide ampulla where fertilization takes place. The funnel of the oviduct is attached to the ovary at one end.

The ovary has an oval shape, during estrus it has a bumpy surface (due to numerous growing follicles). Outside, the ovary is covered with a fibrous bag (bursa) and abundant fatty deposits.

Male (male). The prepuce is long. The penis has a bone up to 10 cm long in its thickness, and paired cavernous bodies at the base. The bone is necessary for the introduction of the penis into the female vagina in a non-erectile state, after several frictions the penis greatly increases in volume, filling the entire vaginal cavity, and the cavernous bodies at the base of the penis acquire a spherical shape and are fixed in the vagina, participating in the locking mechanism (lock). This must be taken into account when obtaining sperm by masturbation or using an artificial vagina.

Of the accessory sex glands, males have only the prostate, the vesicle and bulbous glands are absent. The secret of the prostate during ejaculation forms the most voluminous fraction of the ejaculate.

Sexual cycle of dogs

Puberty in dogs occurs at 6-10 months, physiological at 1.5-2 years.

The duration of the sexual cycle is 5-8 months (fluctuations 3-13 months). Thus, during the year in large breeds one or two can be observed, and in small breeds of dogs - 2-3 sexual cycles. Estrus and hunting can occur at any time of the year, but more often in February-March.

I. STAGE OF EXCITATION on average 12 (9-25 days). With the approach of the estrus period, about a month before it, characteristic behavioral traits appear. The bitch often and little by little urinates in different places, more and more carefully choosing a place for urination. Some dogs switch to a well-defined designation of an occupied area or routes of movement. Some females become restless as heat approaches and more and more often ask to go outside.

Estrus - characterized by swelling, an increase in the sexual loop, bloody discharge from it (increased vascular permeability, the release of red blood cells). The vaginal mucosa is pink, slightly swollen, with longitudinal and transverse folds. The first 2-3 days of discharge are transparent-mucous, sometimes not noticeable, then abundant, mucous-bloody, after ovulation they become clear again.

The urine and secretions from the vulva of dogs contain pheromones, the smell of which attracts males and is captured by them at a considerable distance.

Sexual arousal - manifested by anxiety, frequent urination, licking of the vulva, weakening or perversion of the senses in search dogs. The female becomes naughty, flirts with males, jumps on other dogs, allows jumping on herself, but does not allow coitus. With vaginoscopy, the vaginal mucosa is pale pink, edematous, with secondary folds. The secret is moderate, similar to meat juice.

Hunting is the attraction of a female to a male. The female becomes in a position for sexual intercourse, takes her tail to the side. There is also a slight decrease in the swelling of the genital loop, lighter or colorless discharge from it. When touching the perineum and genital loop, the female reacts by pulling up the vulva and moving the tail to the side.

Ovulation occurs, as a rule, on the 1-3rd day from the start of the hunt or is delayed until the 5-7th day of the hunt.

The mucous membrane of the vagina is pale, hyperplastic; dry, the number of folds is maximum, the discharge of a small amount, similar to meat juice.

All mature follicles (their number is from 3 to 15) ovulate within 12-24 hours.

In dogs, unlike other animals, the eggs after leaving the ovary are immature and become suitable for fertilization only after a 2-3 day stay in the oviduct, and male sperm, entering the female genital tract during mating, can retain the fertilizing ability up to 7 days.

These features can explain the frequent phenomena of superfecundation (multiple fertilization by the sperm of different males).

II. BRAKING STAGE -- 60--90 days. After ovulation, corpus luteum is formed at the site of the bursting follicles, producing the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the endometrium to create favorable conditions for the implantation of fertilized eggs and the development of pregnancy. The vaginal mucosa is pale pink, the surface is flat, small longitudinal folds, the discharge is yellowish, sticky.

Females cease to allow males for coitus (lights out), swelling of the vulva disappears, discharge stops.

Progesterone secretion (regardless of whether the female is pregnant or not) reaches a maximum level in the blood (3-40 ng/ml plasma) by 20-35 days of metestrus, and then begins to decline slowly (reaching 1 ng/ml) by the date of onset of labor (60 -70 day). Therefore, according to the level of progesterone in dogs, it is impossible to differentiate a puppy state from a non-whelping state or from a false pregnancy. At this stage of the cycle, uterine diseases, particularly pyometra, are common in older dogs, which is facilitated by prolonged exposure to progesterone in the uterus, predisposing to the development of cystic changes in the endometrium and reducing its resistance to infection.

III. The BALANCE STAGE averages 125 days (15-265 days). After resorption of the corpus luteum, no changes occur in the ovaries for a long time. There are no characteristic changes in the external genitalia and behavior of the female. The vaginal mucosa is pink, the surface is flat, covered with small longitudinal folds, there is almost no discharge.

During 5-7 years of age, the intervals of the sexual cycle remain stable. With age, estrus occurs once a year.

artificial insemination

This is a gynecological operation that involves obtaining sperm from a male, evaluating it, diluting it and introducing it into the female's genitals using special tools.

Advantages of artificial insemination:

With the help of artificial insemination, a number of problems in dog breeding can be solved.

When using frozen sperm, it is possible to accumulate it from outstanding producers and store it in a cryobank for many years, for future use;

The use of cryopreserved semen allows its international exchange without the need to transport the dogs themselves. At the same time, it becomes possible to order insemination of bitches with sperm from any manufacturer;

It is easier to comply with quarantine restrictions that prevent the movement of animals from one country to another;

Artificial insemination helps to prevent the occurrence of many sexually transmitted diseases, since antibiotics are necessarily introduced into the composition of synthetic semen diluents, and sexual contact of animals is excluded, most microbes and viruses are not transmitted during artificial insemination.

In addition, artificial insemination may also be recommended in a number of cases:

The impossibility of natural mating due to the narrow and short vagina in bitches;

Excessively aggressive behavior of animals during mating;

Low efficiency of natural mating due to certain breed characteristics of dogs (very large and heavy breeds, etc.);

The presence of certain diseases in a male or female that do not allow a full-fledged mating (disease of the limbs, hips, backs, etc.).

Methods for obtaining sperm

In males, sperm is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina and with the help of electroejaculation.

Obtaining sperm by masturbation

Sperm from dogs can be obtained by masturbation. To do this, after a light massage through the prepuce, the penis is brought out beyond the cavernous body, wrapped around the fingers under the cavernous body in a ring-like manner and rhythmically squeezed. After an erection, the male can perform energetic search and friction movements with his pelvis. After the onset of a full erection, the male begins to roll over, which corresponds to the mating phase, which should last 10-15 minutes. Bonding is also imitated by the fact that one of the pelvic limbs is raised onto the hand that conducts masturbation.

The assistant is usually located to the right of the dog (if he is right-handed). Bitch in the hunt is fixed by the neck and head. When the dog tries to mount, the assistant fixes the penis with the right hand through the prepuce (foreskin). The hand moves the foreskin back and forth, then, when an erection occurs, the prepuce is pulled to the base of the penis so that the bulbs of the penis appear from the prepuce. Then the body of the penis is clamped at the base of the bulbs of the penis, after which ejaculation begins and the sperm is collected in prepared containers (sperm receptacles).

The method is considered less physiological than getting on an artificial vagina.

Getting sperm with an artificial vagina

Artificial vaginas for the male have been constructed by: Amantea, 1914 (pear-shaped vagina without sperm receptacle); Bonadorma, 1940 (cylindrical vagina); Naggor, 1954 (cylindrical vagina with an ampullo-shaped single-wall sperm receptacle and an air balloon).

Mirolyubiv M.G., Volkov A.N., in 1993 designed a sample of an artificial vagina for males weighing 20-40 kg (service shepherd dogs). It consists of a rigid body 1, a rubber chamber 2, a capillary with a diameter of 5 mm with a tap 3 in the body, which has a special spout 4, holes for pouring water 5, a stopper 6, and a sperm receptacle 7 with a volume of 30 ml (Fig. 1 ).

Rice. 1. Artificial vagina for a male. Model 1 (medium)

An artificial vagina for a male can be made in a medium-equipped workshop. The material for the case can be durable heat-resistant glass, hard rubber, plastic, polymeric materials, light metals. For the inner chamber, a rubber chamber from an artificial vagina for a ram is used.

Sperm from a male is obtained according to the generally accepted method. It is possible to harvest sperm from males 2-3 times a week. Previously, the inner cavity of the rubber chamber is disinfected with swabs soaked in 70% alcohol, and the sperm receptacle is boiled. After disinfection, the rubber bladder is lightly lubricated with a sterile diluent. Hot water is poured through the tap between the chamber and the body, and a sperm receptacle is attached to the narrow end of the vagina. The temperature in the vagina should be 41 ° C, for this, 250-450 ml of water is poured into the chamber. Air is pumped through the spout of the tap until the walls of the rubber chamber close. During the collection of semen, some of the air may be released.

Sperm from a trained male is obtained on an artificial vagina in the presence of a female in a state of hunting. In advance, the inner cavity of the preputial sac and the hairline are washed from the outside with a solution of furacilin (1: 5000) and dried from the outside with sterile gauze wipes. A sterile apron with a hole for the penis is tied under the stomach. After several frictions of the male into the vagina, the onset of erection, ejaculation of all three fractions of sperm occurs in the first minute. The artificial vagina is removed from the male penis before the end of the erection, turned vertically, with the sperm receptacle down, so that all the sperm enters the sperm receptacle.

Next, the sperm receptacle is disconnected from the vagina and the resulting ejaculate is assessed macroscopically (volume, color, smell, consistency) and microscopically (density, mobility, concentration, presence of pathological sperm).

The artificial vagina is subjected to disassembly (incomplete) and disinfection. The faucet is disconnected and water is poured out of the chamber. The cavity of the working rubber chamber is thoroughly washed with a 3% soda solution, dried and washed with distilled water. The body of the vagina is wiped with swabs moistened with a 0.02% solution of furacilin. The vagina is dried and stored in a closet.

Electroejaculation method

The method provides the possibility of obtaining sperm from males, from which, for reflexological or other reasons, it is impossible to obtain sperm in other ways.

Use the device for electroejaculation. The device has a bipolar electrode for insertion into the rectum. Or use two electrodes: one is placed on the neck of the scrotum, the other in the rectum. Previously, the animal is administered a small amount of sedatives. The electrical impulses generated by the electrode act on the pudendal and external seminal nerve and the smooth muscles of the genital organs. Smooth muscles contract, causing ejaculation. Optimal output data of the device: voltage 16 V, frequency 50 Hz. Serve 7-8 impulses lasting 5 seconds with 10-second pauses.

The semen is collected in a plastic cup made from non-toxic plastic. Sperm during ejaculation comes in fractions. The first fraction is the secret of the urethra, a transparent color. The second fraction is the semen itself, white in color, if possible it is collected in a separate glass. The third fraction - the secret of the prostate - is also collected in a separate container.

Evaluation of fresh semen

ejaculate volume. It is measured using a graduated sperm receptacle. The volume of the first fraction is usually 0.2-2 ml, the second fraction is 0.5-3 ml, the third fraction is 15-20 ml (this fraction is usually not used).

ejaculate color. The first fraction is transparent or may be mixed with urine and urethral canal cells. The second fraction is opaque, white or cream in color. The third fraction is usually transparent. With any change in color, the sperm is unsuitable for further use.

sperm concentration. Count using standard methods in a counting chamber. The norm is 300-800 million in 1 ml.

The total number of sperm. 300-1000 million in ejaculate.

Activity (mobility). A drop of sperm is examined on a glass slide on a Morozov heating table at a temperature of 37°C. Cover with a warm cover glass. The norm is 7 points or more, that is, more than 70% of spermatozoa have a rectilinear forward movement.

Live sperm count. Common methods are used, which consist in mixing sperm with dyes (more often with eosin or nigrosin-eosin). The heads of dead sperm cells stain well with the dye, while the heads of live ones do not stain. The sample should contain no more than 20% dead sperm.

Dilution and storage of semen

To date, there are the following methods for storing sperm:

1. Short-term storage at room temperature for no more than 4 hours. Both dilute and undiluted semen are used. Dilute semen with pasteurized milk 1:8. When inseminated with freshly obtained sperm, fertility results comparable to natural mating are obtained. The percentage of positive results is about 85%, almost the same as with natural insemination.

2. Storage at +5°С

The ejaculate immediately after receipt and evaluation is diluted with a special synthetic medium and stored in a state cooled to +5°C (in a conventional refrigerator) for 2-4 days. This allows the transport of sperm.

As a diluent, various media are used, which include substances that have a protective effect on germ cells.

Schetz thinners:

1) dry milk powder - 10.0; egg yolk 10.0: distilled water - up to 100.0.

2) 2% solution of glycerin with yolk.

3) 5--6% glucose or fructose with yolk.

4) 3% sodium citrate with yolk.

Diluent according to E.P. Bautina: glycocol - 1.82; sodium citrate - 0.72; egg yolk 5.0; distilled water up to 100.0.

The procedure for inseminating dogs with chilled semen is similar to using fresh semen, but the dose of semen is heated in a water bath before introduction into the genital tract.

In the case of using high-quality diluents and carrying out insemination at the optimal time in relation to ovulation, it is possible to obtain high (75-80%) fertility from chilled sperm. But usually the efficiency of insemination with chilled semen is 20% lower compared to using fresh semen.

3. Storage in liquid nitrogen (-196°C)

The method involves the use of sperm frozen in liquid nitrogen. The shelf life of sperm is practically unlimited.

When using frozen semen for artificial insemination, certain veterinarian requirements must be observed.

Dog semen cryopreservation centers operate in many countries of the world and use almost the same freezing methods, but they use various synthetic diluents, including patented ones.

Male semen is usually frozen in 0.2 ml pellets or in 0.25 ml polypropylene straws. The advantages of freezing semen in straws are the best sterility conditions and the possibility of marking them with producer data: breed, name, date of semen collection, etc.

The semen frozen in granules is thawed at 37°C in isotonic solutions, and the straws are thawed in a water bath at 35-37°C.

When using frozen semen, the fertility of bitches is influenced by many factors: the composition of the synthetic medium, the quality of the semen, the temperature of its thawing, the number of biologically valuable sperm per dose, the time of insemination, the technique of insemination, and the place of sperm injection into the female genital tract.

The dose of semen before freezing should contain at least 150-200 million motile spermatozoa.

Immediately after receipt and evaluation, the ejaculate is diluted 2-3 times with a special cryoprotective diluent containing various substances that protect sperm from damage during freezing. In particular, they necessarily include glycerin and egg yolk.

Diluent composition:

TRIS 6.06 gr; fructose 2.5 g: citric acid 3.4 g; distilled water 184 gr; glycerin 8 gr; yolk 20 gr; tricillin 0.5 gr.

After dilution, the sperm is cooled in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to +4°C, and then frozen using liquid nitrogen to a temperature of -196°C.

When storing frozen sperm in liquid nitrogen (in a Dewar vessel), it is able to maintain its biological value for many decades.

Since up to 50% of sperm are destroyed during the freeze-thaw process, it is advisable to administer the dose directly into the uterine cavity. The percentage of positive results up to 60%.

Choosing the optimaltime for artificial insemination

dog artificial insemination pregnancy

The cause of infertility is often the wrong timing of artificial insemination.

According to clinical manifestations. From the appearance of the first spotting in the bitch, artificial insemination is carried out on the 11-14th day twice with an interval of 48 hours, taking into account the phenomenon of hunting (on the 3-4th day from the start of the hunt). The edema of the vulva is also taken into account - approximately four days after the beginning of the decrease in edema.

Cytological examination of the vaginal smear. A smear is taken from the upper fornix of the vagina, stained by any known method. The case is carried out at a time when more than 60% of the epithelial cells are non-nuclear and there are no polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the smear.

Endoscopy. Artificial insemination is carried out during the period when the swelling of the longitudinal folds of the vagina decreases, the number of secondary folds decreases and they become pale.

Measurement of hormone levels. Determined by ELISA. Artificial insemination is carried out between the 4th and 6th day, after the plasma progesterone concentration exceeds 2 ng/ml.

Artificial insemination methods

Vaginal insemination. Tools: plastic syringe with a semi-rigid catheter, up to 30 cm long.

Sperm is collected along the entire length of the catheter (it cannot be collected into the cylinder due to the small volume of semen, but there must be sufficient air volume in it to push the dose of semen from the catheter into the vagina).

After sanitizing the external genital organs, the catheter is inserted into the vagina, if possible, the catheter and cervix are palpated through the abdominal wall. The bitch is lifted by the hind limbs and the catheter is emptied, driving air from the syringe through the catheter.

Intrauterine insemination

It is difficult and not always possible to insert a conventional catheter through the cervix, since the vagina is very narrow (0.8-2 cm in diameter) and long (up to 20 cm), the cervix has a protruding vaginal part, which causes blind pockets. Therefore, special techniques and special tools are used.

Insemination with a Foley catheter

The classic Foley catheter has a thin-walled rubber balloon at the end of the working (vaginal part), which, when filled with air, inflates and prevents sperm from flowing out of the cranial part of the vagina. The balloon has an opening for a second conventional catheter, which is advanced closer to the cervix, pouring semen onto the cervix. After the sperm is injected, the second catheter is retracted into the Foley catheter, thereby preventing semen from leaking around the catheter orifices. Both catheters are left in the female's vagina for 15 minutes.

Insemination with a Norwegian catheter (D. Vogner)

The Norwegian catheter consists of an external plastic catheter and an internal metal catheter with an expanded and rounded end.

An external plastic catheter is inserted into the bitch's vagina at the level of the cervix. The cervix is ​​palpated through the abdominal wall and retracted cranially to flatten the vaginal part of the cervix and an internal catheter could be inserted through the cervical canal.

Insemination with an endoscope

A rigid endoscope with a retractable catheter is required. The endoscope is advanced to the cervix, the opening of the cervix is ​​found and the catheter is inserted.

Surgical technique

Under general anesthesia, a laparotomy is performed along the midline of the abdomen, the body of the uterus is removed into the incision. With the help of a needle, an intravenous catheter is inserted into the body of the uterus and the sperm is slowly injected through it into the uterus.

Methods for diagnosing pregnancy.Clinical and gynecological examination

Approximately one month after insemination, pregnant bitches have a small amount of mucous discharge from the vulva.

On palpation, one month after fertilization, dense formations are felt in the abdominal cavity, which are spherical outlines, 10-20 cm in diameter.

From the 35th day there is an increase in the animal's weight, an increase in the mammary glands and nipples, a serous fluid is released from the mammary glands, which leaves dark, easily washed spots around the nipples. From the 40th day, an increase in the volume of the abdomen is noticeable. A week before childbirth, harbingers of childbirth are observed (the animal builds a “nest”, colostrum appears from the nipples, the ligaments of the pelvis relax, the cervix relaxes, the stomach “falls”, etc.).

A week before delivery, during examination and palpation of the abdominal wall, the movement of the fetuses is observed.

In the last half and third of pregnancy, auscultation or using an electrocardiograph can record the heartbeat of the fetus. The heart rate is usually twice that of the mother.


An accurate diagnosis of pregnancy is possible only from the 45th day, when the ossification of the skeleton begins. The bones of the fetus are visible on the x-ray. In the later stages of pregnancy, the number of fetuses can be accurately counted.

Ultrasound monitoring of pregnancy and infertility

To determine the effectiveness of artificial insemination, to differentiate pregnancy from its false manifestations and inflammation of the uterus is by far the most accessible with the help of ultrasound.

PREGNANCY. From the 15th day of pregnancy (in the embryonic stage), the amniotic cavities are detected as scattered rounded echo-negative structures, 1–1.5 cm in diameter. the head, torso, rudiments of limbs are determined. The skeleton of the spine is identified from the 40th day. From the 45th day, the organs of the fetus are determined.

By the 50-58th day of pregnancy, the amount of fluid in the uterus decreases sharply and the presence of fetuses with this device can only be established by the bead-like structure of the spine.

The exact number of fetuses with the help of ultrasound due to the artifact of multiple reflection of the ultrasonic wave (acoustic mirror) cannot be identified.

With the pathology of pregnancy, it is possible to diagnose a slowing of the heart rate and a decrease in the motor activity of the fetus.

With the death and putrefactive decomposition (emphysema) of the fetuses in the uterus, gas from the vital activity of microorganisms is determined, which on scans creates echogenic zones with shadows that make it difficult to study, since ultrasonic waves do not pass through gaseous media.

INFERTILITY. With infertility, the uterus and ovaries are often not detected. It is possible to identify the horns of the uterus during estrus, since there is a limited amount of mucus in the cavities of the horns.

Any inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in the diameter of the uterine horns and filling the cavity with inflammatory exudate (anechoic or hypoechoic structure).

With endometritis, only an increase in the diameter of the uterus and a slight exudate in the uterine cavity are detected.

Rice. 2. Ultrasound picture for pyometra

With pyometra, the diameter of the horns is significantly increased, the walls of the uterus are heterogeneous, increased echogenicity; with glandular cystic hyperplasia, visualization of cysts is possible.

Rice. 3. Ultrasound picture during pregnancy

With a hydrometer, the walls of the uterus are often thinned, therefore, when transversely cut with an ultrasound scanner, they do not have a rounded shape, but the shape of irregular bee honeycombs.

With pyometra, hydrometer, glandular-cystic hyperplasia and other similar diseases, accompanied by the accumulation of a significant amount of pathological exudate in the uterine cavity on the scan, several ultrasound sections of the same uterine horn may fall into the field of view, so the latter can bend several times.

Sanitary regulationswith artificial insemination

When carrying out artificial insemination of bitches, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the veterinary and sanitary rules established by veterinary legislation, as well as in the case of artificial insemination of females of other animals.

4-5 hours before work, a general cleaning of the premises is carried out with the help of non-smelling disinfectants. means, irradiated with bactericidal lamps.

The external genital organs of the animal are thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, irrigated with a warm solution of furacilin (1: 5000), after which they are wiped dry with a cotton swab.

Before the operation of artificial insemination, it is necessary to thoroughly wash hands with soap, alcohol with a brush, and then treat them with 70% alcohol, abrasions, subungual spaces, lubricate the folds of the finger joints with 5% iodine, then put on disposable sterile gloves.

Tools and equipment before and after use are sterilized and stored according to the instructions attached to them.

At the end of the work, a thorough mechanical cleaning of the room is also carried out, followed by disinfection.


1. Allen V.E. Complete course of obstetrics and gynecology of dogs. M.: "AQUARIUM LTD", 2002. - 448 p.

2. Bautina E.P. Research and development of technology issues of artificial insemination of silver-black foxes. Abstract diss. Ph.D. Dubroviny, 1977. - 16 p.

3. Giera S., Petit S., Badino F. Fertilization of dogs by mating or artificial insemination: Issled. on 202 dogs. Veterinarian, 1999; No. 7--9, -- S. 4--8.

4. Goncharov V.P., Karpov V.A. Anatomical and physiological features of the reproductive system of dogs and cats: Proc. allowance; Moscow acad. vet medicine and biotechnology them. K.I. Scriabin. -- NL, 1994 -- 26 p. ISBN: 5-86341-025-6

5. Erokhin A.S., Kvichko I.L. The use of fresh, chilled and cryopreserved sperm in artificial insemination of dogs: a review of foreign. lit. All-Russian Research Institute of breeding, pos. Forest glades, Moscow region s.-x. biology. Ser. Animal Biology, 1998; No. 4, -- S. 114--120.

6. Erokhin A.S. VNIIplem, Lekhmus I.A., Seidakhmetov B.S. Effect of cold shock and deep freezing on the ATP content in dog spermatozoa. Selection, feeding, content. s.-x. animals and technology for the production of livestock products, 1999; Issue. 8, -- S. 51--55.

7. Handbook of diseases of dogs and cats / Series "Veterinary and animal husbandry". Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2000. - 352 p.

8. Mirolyubov M.Kh. Man and dog. Kazan, 1992, 64 p.

9. Mirolyubov M.X., Volkov A.N. Artificial vagina for a male. Veterinary, J610, 1993, pp. 54--55.

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Inspection of bitches and males should be carried out 3 weeks before mating. A male from which healthy puppies were born in the previous mating does not need confirmation of fertility. However, if more than a year has passed since the last fertile mating or the age of the sire exceeds 7 years, it is still recommended to examine him. The clinical examination should include assessment of general health, semen analysis, examination of the penis and prepuce, and palpation of the prostate, testes, and epididymis. The bitches are assessed for their general health, making sure that vaccinations and deworming have been carried out. Examination of the vulva includes inspection of the vagina and vestibule for stricture, stenosis, or retention of the hymen. To calculate the optimal timing of mating, a study of vaginal discharge and / or a test for the concentration of progesterone is carried out.

Psychological aspects of mating

Before carrying out artificial insemination - in case of probable problems during mating - both the owner of the animal and the veterinarian must take into account the psychological and physiological mechanisms of normal mating. Moreover, not all breeders understand the psychology of relationships during mating. On the day of mating, the bitch is delivered to the manufacturer, and not vice versa; compliance with this condition is especially important when it comes to the first mating of a young male. It is desirable that a young male is paired with an experienced female, and vice versa - a mature male was chosen as partners for an inexperienced female.

A certain relationship develops between a male and a female, sympathy arises or, conversely, hostility, which can lead to the fact that one of the partners refuses to coitus. The social status of the dog or bitch and the dominance factor can also create problems. A young male, who occupies a subordinate position, experiences timidity in the company of a dominant bitch, which turns into difficulties when trying to mount or intromission. The dominant bitch, even during the period of estrus, can suppress such a partner, forcing him to refuse mating, but she will readily mate with a dominant male. Since there are problems whose causes go beyond the scope of physiology, it is advisable to consider some psychological factors.

Manifestations of sexual behavior in bitches

Often, signs of approaching estrus become noticeable a few weeks before the onset of proestrus. The bitch flirts or mounts other dogs, both males and females. Her appetite decreases or, conversely, increases, she begins to urinate more often, shows disobedience, behaves worse during training. For an experienced breeder, this behavior is a signal that estrus is approaching.

During proestrus, the bitch has an increased interest in socializing with other dogs. But she reacts passively to the approach of a male, she can even bite and drive him away if he tries to sniff her. At the end of proestrus, behavior changes. The bitch becomes playful, takes the initiative in communicating with males, allows them to sniff her. The onset of oestrus is marked by characteristic behavior, such as the bitch standing wagging her tail and moving it aside. Some females, when sniffed by a male, raise their croup, showing their vulva. When a male puts his paw on the bitch's back, she bends (lordosis) and can flirt with him herself (push with her nose, put her paw on her back, imitate a cage) if he shows timidity for some reason. During mating, the female stands calmly, her hind legs wide apart, her croup raised and her tail set aside.

Manifestations of sexual behavior in males

Young males exhibit mounting from a very early age (from 4-5 weeks), this is considered the norm. Such activity is important for the male and is a training in sexual behavior. In addition, mounting other dogs or inanimate objects promotes puberty. However, such behavior must be strongly suppressed if it is directed at people, and especially at children.

The pheromones contained in the vaginal secretions and urine of a bitch in heat attract males even at a considerable distance and encourage them to follow her. When kept together, a male often even refuses food and water if the bitch is in heat. At this time, it is better to remove it. Some males show a propensity for vocal expression of excitement and howl tirelessly for days on end. Others try to escape from the owners by knocking out a door or a window for this purpose, making a tunnel or jumping over a fence; to stop such attempts, they often respond with destructive behavior. In males with prostatic disease (eg, cystic hyperplasia), bloody discharge from the penis is observed, due to rupture due to excitement, blood-filled cysts.

The behavior of a male and the postures he takes when meeting a bitch in heat usually indicate a playful mood with an admixture of fear, the latter directly depends on the social status of the male. He approaches the bitch, wagging his tail, pricking up his ears, avoiding looking at her intently. If she allows him to approach, the male licks her ears and muzzle, sniffs her, puts her paw or head on her back. If the bitch does not show friendliness, the male may start the game in order to lull her vigilance, he crouches down or invites the bitch to catch up with him.


Consists of 6 stages:

2. The male makes active movements and intromission - the initial erection.

3. Erection - swelling of the glans penis - separation of the first fraction of the ejaculate (transparent secret of the prostate gland).

4. Ejaculation - separation of the second fraction (white liquid containing sperm) - rotation.

5. Lock - promotion of sperm - separation of the third fraction (transparent secret of the prostate gland).

6. Rupture of the lock and the end of knitting.


If the bitch lets the male (Fig. 1). he grabs her croup with his front paws and makes characteristic movements. An inexperienced male usually controls his movements, trying to orient his penis and locate the female's vulva. The initial erection provides intromission with the help of the penile bone. Upon contact with the vulva, the movements of the male are activated.

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After the introduction of the penis into the vulva, the movements of the male become more active and energetic. He steps from foot to foot (dances), slightly rising above the bitch.

Erection and swelling of the headsexualmember

During this stage, a full erection is achieved. There is an elongation of the glans penis, the bulb remains attached to the bone of the penis, while pars longa glandis moves forward over the bone of the penis. The bulb swells, securing the penis to the bitch's vagina (lock). The sounds made by the bitch in heat and her smell stimulate an erection, which occurs due to impulses coming from excitatory (pelvic splanchnic) nerves, consisting of parasympathetic fibers of the pelvis and sacral nerves. Nerve impulses provide expansion of the external and internal pudendal arteries leading to the cavernous bodies of the penis; contraction of the sedalis-urethral muscles prevents the outflow of venous blood. Blood lingers in the sinuses of the cavernous tissue of the bulb, causing it to swell. The contraction of the sciatic-cavernous and bulbous-spongy mice, as well as the constriction of the vulva during the lock, maintain the intensity of the erection. During this phase, the first fraction of the ejaculate (1-2 ml of clear prostate secretion) is released.

artificial insemination- a gynecological operation, which consists in obtaining sperm from a male, evaluating it, diluting it and introducing it into the female genital organs using special tools.

Benefits of artificial insemination

With the help of artificial insemination, a number of problems in dog breeding can be solved.

    when using frozen sperm, it is possible to accumulate it from outstanding producers and store it in a cryobank for many years, for future use;

    the use of cryopreserved semen allows its international exchange without the need to transport the dogs themselves. At the same time, it becomes possible to order insemination of bitches with sperm from any manufacturer;

    easier to comply with quarantine restrictions that prevent the movement of animals from one country to another;

    artificial insemination helps to prevent the occurrence of many sexually transmitted diseases, since antibiotics are necessarily introduced into the composition of synthetic semen diluents, and sexual contact of animals is also excluded, most microbes and viruses are not transmitted during artificial insemination.

In addition, artificial insemination may also be recommended in a number of cases:

    the impossibility of natural mating due to the narrow and short vagina in bitches;

    excessively aggressive behavior of animals during mating;

    low efficiency of natural mating due to certain breed characteristics of dogs (very large and heavy breeds, etc.);

    the presence of certain diseases in a male or female that do not allow a full-fledged mating (disease of the limbs, hips, backs, etc.).

6. Methods for obtaining sperm

In males, sperm is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina and with the help of electroejaculation.

Obtaining sperm by masturbation

Sperm from dogs can be obtained by masturbation. To do this, after a light massage through the prepuce, the penis is brought out further than the cavernous body, wrapped around the fingers under the cavernous body in an annular manner and rhythmically squeezed. After an erection, the male can perform energetic search and friction movements with his pelvis. After the onset of a full erection, the male begins to roll over, which corresponds to the mating phase, which should last K)-15 minutes. Bonding is also imitated by the fact that one of the pelvic limbs is raised onto the hand that conducts masturbation.

The assistant is usually located to the right of the dog (if he is right-handed). In hunting, the bitch is fixed by the neck and head. When a dog tries to mount, the assistant fixes the priest's member with the right hand through the prepuce (foreskin). The hand moves the foreskin back and forth, then, when an erection occurs, the prepuce is pulled to the base of the penis so that the bulbs of the penis appear from the prepuce. Then the body of the penis is clamped at the base of the bulbs of the penis, after which ejaculation begins and the sperm is collected in prepared containers (sperm receptacles).

The method is considered less physiological than getting on an artificial vagina.

M. G. Mirolyubov

All about dogs

Mirolyubov M.G. Ivanov V.V. Ravilov R.Kh.

Artificial insemination of dogs


Department of Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery


Kazan - 2003

Mirolyubov M.G. - Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of KSAVM, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

Ivanov V.V. - candidate of veterinary sciences, senior teacher of the department. Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery

Ravilov R.Kh. - professor, doctor of veterinary sciences, head. Department of Pathology of Small Animals and Operative Surgery, KSAVM;


Zukhrabov M.G. - Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of KSAVM.

Shakurov F.Sh. - professor, doctor of veterinary sciences, head of the department of general and private surgery of KSAVM.


Dog breeding has long been known in the world. In Russia, it began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century, mainly in the regions of the North, where draft and hunting dogs were bred. Today in every region of the country there are numerous clubs, federations of cynologists, nurseries, breeders engaged in breeding various breeds of dogs. In the arsenal of cynologists-breeders, the method of artificial insemination is still used at the stage of "trial and error", since there are no textbooks and manuals on this issue. The correct solution of the issues of organizing artificial insemination of dogs can be facilitated by these recommendations, compiled on the basis of the achievements of advanced science and our own experience.


The first experiment on artificial insemination of dogs was carried out in Italy in 1780. Abbot Spallanzani injected a few drops of male sperm into the genital tract of a bitch, who successfully became pregnant and, two months later, gave birth to father-in-law puppies. At that time, it was believed that sperm are those microscopic creatures that develop in the mother's body. In the middle of the twentieth century, the American scientist Foote conducted numerous experiments on dogs. He also developed the formulation of solutions intended for sperm preservation.

Artificial insemination of dogs is already used in many countries of the world: America, Canada, England, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, etc. Freshly obtained, chilled or frozen semen is used for insemination.

Methods for obtaining sperm from a male - obtaining an artificial vagina. For the first time, an artificial vagina was proposed in 1913 by the Italian physiologist Giuseppe Amantea. This artificial vagina consisted of a rubber pear, inside which warm water was poured, and then a rubber bag was inserted into it and secured with a ring; a second bag of thinner rubber was introduced inside the first, it served as a sperm receptacle. At the Department of Obstetrics of the KSAVM, Professor Mirolyubiv M.G. an artificial vagina for dogs has also been developed.

In 1973 in Texas, a group of veterinarians led by Dr. Seager S.W. received the first litter from a bitch who had been artificially inseminated with frozen semen.

In Europe, the first research center for artificial insemination of dogs was established at the Veterinary Institute in Oslo (Norway) on the basis of Professor Andersen's laboratory. Scandinavian breeders could not breed their bitches to males living abroad due to strict quarantine barriers. In addition, in Scandinavia there were developments in artificial insemination of caged foxes, which made it possible to improve these methods for dogs.

In 1981 in France, in the city of Maisons-Alfors, Professor of the Veterinary School Dr. Tere received the task of the Central Cynological Society and the Ministry of Agriculture to start research on freezing male sperm and improving artificial insemination techniques. In April 1982, for the first time, puppies were obtained as a result of artificial insemination of bitches with frozen sperm.

Only in 1985, a real commercial structure (the center for research on the problems of dog reproduction) was created there to coordinate research and collect information in the field of artificial insemination of dogs, manage a canned sperm bank and train specialist veterinarians in this area. By 1988, all aspects of artificial insemination of dogs were studied in detail, methods and specific recommendations for breeders were developed.

Work in this direction is also planned in our country. In 1996, a meeting of the scientific commission of the Russian Cynological Federation was held, where the issue of using the method of artificial insemination of dogs in cynological organizations of the RKF was considered. It was decided to develop "Instructions for registering offspring obtained from artificial insemination of dogs", which was approved on February 3, 1997 by the breeding commission of the Presidium of the RKF (see Vestnik RKF, 1997, No. 2, p. 10).


The size of the genital organs of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed and the stage of the sexual cycle.

female (female)

Vulva(loop) is located ventrally relative to the bottom of the pelvis. Clearance vaginal vestibule very narrow, at first directed upwards almost vertically, on the lower wall of the vestibule there is a large clitoral fossa. Therefore, special (narrow) instruments are used for research, which are inserted at an angle of 60 ° along the upper fornix of the vestibule. Some bitches have a rudimentary hymen behind the urethral opening that interferes with mating or artificial insemination. The vestibule of the vagina has a well-developed circular muscle to hold the penis during intercourse (lock).

Cranial vagina narrows due to the dorsal-median fold of the mucous membrane; the caudal end of this fold is often mistaken for the cervix. The vagina has numerous longitudinal folds. To determine the date of artificial insemination, it may be useful to assess the degree of thickening of the vaginal wall (determined by the number of primary and secondary longitudinal folds) and epithelial proliferation.

Cervix has a vaginal part that protrudes into the vagina. Between the vaginal part of the cervix and the wall of the vagina, a "blind" sac is formed. Therefore, it is impossible to get exactly into the opening of the cervix with an ordinary catheter, since it will rest against the “blind” bag. The cervical canal is ajar during estrus and hunting, childbirth and in the postpartum period, in other physiological phases it is closed.

Uterus Y-shaped, consists of a short body and two long horns. During estrus, the horns of the uterus elongate, forming folds. In the lumen of the uterus, extravasation of erythrocytes occurs, serous-bloody discharge is observed, which can serve as a sign for determining the approximate date of artificial insemination.

Oviducts have a wide ampulla where fertilization occurs. The funnel of the oviduct is attached to the ovary at one end.

Ovary has an oval shape, during estrus has a bumpy surface (due to numerous growing follicles). Outside, the ovary is covered with a fibrous bag (burza) and abundant fatty deposits.

male (male)

Preputial sac long. Penis it has a bone up to 10 cm long in its thickness, and paired cavernous bodies at the base. The bone is necessary for the introduction of the penis into the vagina of the bitch in a non-erectile state, after several frictions the penis greatly increases in volume, filling the entire vaginal cavity, and the cavernous bodies at the base of the penis acquire a spherical shape and are fixed in the vagina, participating in the locking mechanism (lock). This must be taken into account when obtaining sperm by masturbation or using an artificial vagina.

Of the accessory sex glands, males have only the prostate, the vesicle and bulbous glands are absent. The secret of the prostate during ejaculation forms the most voluminous fraction of the ejaculate.


Puberty in dogs occurs at 6-10 months, physiological at 1.5-2 years.

The duration of the sexual cycle is 5-8 months (fluctuations 3-13 months). Thus, during the year in large breeds one or two, and in small breeds of dogs, two or three sexual cycles can be observed. Estrus and hunting can occur at any time of the year, but more often in February-March.

I. STAGE OF EXCITATION an average of 12 (9-25 days). With the approach of the estrus period, about a month before it, characteristic behavioral traits appear. The bitch often and little by little urinates in different places, more and more carefully choosing a place for urination. Some dogs switch to a well-defined designation of an occupied area or routes of movement. Some females become restless as heat approaches and more and more often ask to go outside.

Estrus- characterized by swelling, an increase in the genital loop, bloody discharge from it (increased vascular permeability, erythrocyte output). The vaginal mucosa is pink, slightly swollen, with longitudinal and transverse folds. The first 2-3 days of discharge are transparent-mucous, sometimes not noticeable, then abundant, mucous-bloody, after ovulation they become clear again.

The urine and secretions from the vulva of dogs contain pheromones, the smell of which attracts males and is captured by them at a considerable distance.

sexual arousal- manifested by anxiety, frequent urination, licking of the vulva, weakening or perversion of the senses in search dogs. The female becomes naughty, flirts with males, jumps on other dogs, allows jumping on herself, but does not allow coitus. With vaginoscopy, the vaginal mucosa is pale pink, edematous, with secondary folds. The secret is moderate, similar to meat juice.

Hunting- the attraction of the female to the male. The female becomes in a position for sexual intercourse, takes her tail to the side. There is also a slight decrease in the swelling of the genital loop, lighter or colorless discharge from it. When touching the perineum and genital loop, the female reacts by pulling up the vulva and moving the tail to the side.

Ovulation occurs, as a rule, on the 1-3rd day from the start of the hunt or is delayed until the 5-7th day of the hunt.

The mucous membrane of the vagina is pale, hyperplastic; dry, the number of folds is maximum, the discharge of a small amount, similar to meat juice.

All mature follicles (their number is from 3 to 15) ovulate within 12-24 hours.

In dogs, unlike other animals, the eggs after leaving the ovary are immature and become suitable for fertilization only after a 2-3 day stay in the oviduct, and male sperm, entering the female genital tract during mating, can retain the fertilizing ability for up to 7 days .

These features can explain the frequent phenomena of superfecundation (multiple fertilization by the sperm of different males).

II. BRAKING STAGE- 60-90 days. After ovulation, corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicles, producing the hormone progesterone, which stimulates the endometrium to create favorable conditions for the implantation of fertilized eggs and the development of pregnancy. The vaginal mucosa is pale pink, the surface is flat, small longitudinal folds, the discharge is yellowish, sticky.

Females cease to allow males for coitus (lights out), swelling of the vulva disappears, discharge stops.

Progesterone secretion (regardless of whether the female is pregnant or not) reaches a maximum level in the blood (3-40 ng/ml plasma) by 20-35 days of metestrus, and then begins to decline slowly (reaching 1 ng/ml) by the date of onset of labor (60 -70 day). Therefore, according to the level of progesterone in dogs, it is impossible to differentiate a puppy state from a non-whelping state or from a false pregnancy. At this stage of the cycle, uterine diseases, particularly pyometra, are common in older dogs, which is facilitated by prolonged exposure to progesterone in the uterus, predisposing to the development of cystic changes in the endometrium and reducing its resistance to infection.

III. BALANCE STAGE averages 125 days (15-265 days). After resorption of the corpus luteum, no changes occur in the ovaries for a long time. There are no characteristic changes in the external genitalia and behavior of the female. The vaginal mucosa is pink, the surface is flat, covered with small longitudinal folds, there is almost no discharge.

During 5-7 years of age, the intervals of the sexual cycle remain stable. With age, estrus occurs once a year.


artificial insemination- a gynecological operation, which consists in obtaining sperm from a male, evaluating it, diluting it and introducing it into the female genital organs using special tools.

Advantages of artificial insemination:

With the help of artificial insemination, a number of problems in dog breeding can be solved.

When using frozen sperm, it is possible to accumulate it from outstanding producers and store it in a cryobank for many years, for future use;

The use of cryopreserved semen allows its international exchange without the need to transport the dogs themselves. At the same time, it becomes possible to order insemination of bitches with sperm from any manufacturer;

It is easier to comply with quarantine restrictions that prevent the movement of animals from one country to another;

Artificial insemination helps to prevent the occurrence of many sexually transmitted diseases, since antibiotics are necessarily introduced into the composition of synthetic semen diluents, and sexual contact of animals is excluded, most microbes and viruses are not transmitted during artificial insemination.

In addition, artificial insemination may also be recommended in a number of cases:

The impossibility of natural mating due to the narrow and short vagina in bitches;

Excessively aggressive behavior of animals during mating;

Low efficiency of natural mating due to certain breed characteristics of dogs (very large and heavy breeds, etc.);

The presence of certain diseases in a male or female that do not allow a full-fledged mating (disease of the limbs, hips, backs, etc.).


In males, sperm is obtained by masturbation, on an artificial vagina and with the help of electroejaculation.

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