What is known about Bigfoot. Yeti Bigfoot - interesting facts about Bigfoot. Description of Bigfoot

Stories about Bigfoot appear in the press with enviable regularity. Indisputable facts about the existence of strange, terrible hominins are overgrown with a snowball of rumors and are finally declared by representatives of the scientific community to be pseudo-research.
But how, then, to explain the repeated encounters between man and Yeti, many of which have been documented on film?
Let's try to understand in more detail.

Russian searches

It is well known that on the territory of Russia they were engaged in the search for Bigfoot a hundred years ago. At the beginning of 1914, a certified zoologist Vitaly Khakhlov wrote to the Academy of Sciences information that he had managed to find undoubted signs of the existence of a new species of animals on the territory of Kazakhstan. The zoologist even managed to give the species a name, Primihomo asiaticus, and demanded an entire expedition from the Academy. Unfortunately, the First World War soon began and Soviet scientists simply did not have the resources to search for some semi-mythical animal.

Meeting on Everest

By the middle of the last century, climbers from all over the world began to explore the highest peaks of the planet. Modern equipment allowed daredevils to climb to such heights that it literally took their breath away. Around the beginning of the 1950s, a wave of information about the meetings of strange creatures allegedly living high in the mountains swept the world. The case of the British climber Eric Shipton, who managed to capture the footprints of a yeti during the conquest of Everest, can be considered a landmark.

Expedition Izzard

The English press was so excited by such a loud sensation that they even sent a special expedition to the mountains. It was led by Daily Mail journalist Ralph Izzard, who had previously received his doctorate in zoology. Bigfoot Izzard failed to catch, but the sly scribbler managed to penetrate into the holy of holies of the Sherpa mountain dwellers - high-mountain monasteries. And here he found evidence that huge, furry half-humans-half-beasts existed right at the monasteries. Frightened to the point of trembling in the knees, the journalist hurried to get away from the mountains and never again agreed even to an interview about his expedition.

For administrative use

The next expedition of Soviet scientists to the Himalayas took place in 1959. It was headed by Professor Boris Porshnev, who later became the founder of a whole new science, hominology. All data on the results of the expedition were encrypted. It is only known that in 1963 Porshnev presented to the Academy of Sciences his monograph "The current state of the issue of relic hominids", also published with the mark "strictly for official use."

Deadly knowledge

Boris Porshnev repeatedly tried to publish his monograph. He even put together an entire book, "On the Beginning of Human History," despite the obsessive advice of the authorities to keep history secret. The prominent scientist always led an active life and was a man of sports. However, shortly before publication, Porshnev suffered a sudden heart attack, which the zoologist did not survive.

Who are these animals!

But fragments of the monograph still leaked to the press. The year 1974 was already relatively free in the yard. Published excerpts from Porshnev's book showed that the scientist considered the "snow people" to be Neanderthals who managed to survive to this day. Porshnev argued that this side branch of human evolution was able to adapt to life without the use of fire, tools, and even without speech.

American footprint

Interest in semi-mythical hominids flared up again in 1967. American traveler Robert Patterson filmed a female hominid in Northern California. However, the Smithsonian Center hastened to declare the record a fake and put it on the far shelf. It is worth mentioning that Patterson - a healthy, strong traveler in the prime of his life - soon after the start of his film career, died suddenly of brain cancer.

hybrid of human and animal

The most frightening version of the origin of the Yeti is vivisection.
Back in the Middle Ages, alchemists were making great strides in their attempts to create an artificial creature, so what prevents modern, much more trained scientists from following the same path? More recently, the biography of a student of Academician Pavlov, Ilya Ivanov, was declassified. As it turned out, since the early 1920s, Ivanov had been conducting government-sponsored experiments on crossing humans and chimpanzees. Has he been successful? Given that the experiments lasted more than 10 years, it is quite likely. Moreover, like other Bigfoot researchers, Ivanov died under very mysterious circumstances.

Snowman(Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch) is a legendary humanoid creature that lives in the highlands of our planet. Many enthusiasts claim that the yeti exists, but so far no confirmation of this has been found.

There is an opinion that Bigfoot belongs to the genus of primates, i.e. is a distant relative of man. If you believe the hypotheses and unconfirmed data, Bigfoot differs significantly from modern Homo sapiens. Yeti has a larger and more dense physique, the shape of his skull is pointed, he has longer arms, a shorter neck, and a more massive lower jaw. The entire body of a snowman is covered with hair, which can be of various colors: from black and red to gray. Yeti's face is dark in color. The hair on his head is longer than on his body. Bigfoot has a mustache and a beard, although they are rare. Yetis are great climbers. There is an opinion that mountain yeti live in caves, and forest ones make nests on tree branches. Carl Linnaeus named the mountain yeti Homo troglodytes, which means "caveman".

From the point of view of ethnography, the ideas about Bigfoot and its varieties are very interesting. The image of a terrible huge and wild man can only be a reflection of fears of the darkness of the night forest and the unknown. It is quite plausible version that for yeti accepted the departed and feral people.
If the relic bigfoot exists, then most likely they live in pairs. They can move on their hind limbs. Their height ranges from 1 to 2.5 m. Most of the meetings with the Yeti took place in the mountains of Central Asia and North America. In Sumatra, Africa and Kalimantan, there are individuals no more than 1.5 m tall. There is a version that there are three different types of Bigfoot. The first type has already been sufficiently studied and documented; it is he who owns the prints of bare feet found in the snow Mount Everest at 21,000 feet (6.4 km) in 1921.

This picture was taken by Colonel Howard Bury, a respected and well-known climber. This happened when he led an expedition to Everest. After examining the footprints, local porters reported that the footprints were left by a kangmi sword. This is a bigfoot: “kang” means “snow”, “mi” - “man”, “sword” is translated as “disgustingly smelling”. And so the word sword-kangmi was born. Until recently, it was believed that the Yeti lives only in the Himalayas and Tibet. At the moment, the Pamir, Central Africa, hard-to-reach areas of Yakutia, Chukotka, and the lower reaches of the Ob River are also considered to be the habitat of the Yeti. In the 1970s, there were reports of yeti sightings in the United States. There he was called bigfoot».

American scientist Roger Pattersen Managed to shoot Bigfoot. In one of the gorges in Northern California, the scientist was able to approach the Bigfoot forty meters. The tape was sent for examination to Moscow, London. Forensic scientists, biomechanics, anthropologists, orthopedic prosthetists were involved in the analysis. The experts gave the following conclusion: the gait of the creature is not at all like the gait of a person. The British conducted research independently of the Russians, but the opinions of scientists coincided: Pattersen really filmed yeti in its natural environment.

There are many rumors and legends in the world, the heroes of which become. They come to life not only in folklore: there are witnesses who claim to have met these creatures in reality. Bigfoot is one such enigmatic character.

Who is Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is a mysterious humanoid creature, possibly a relic mammal, preserved from prehistoric times. Enthusiasts around the world talk about meetings with him. The creature is given many names - bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, enji, migo, almasty, autoshka - depending on the area in which the beast or its tracks were seen. But until the yeti is caught, its skin and skeleton are not found, one cannot speak of it as a real animal. We have to be content with the opinion of "eyewitnesses", dozens of videos, audio and photographs, the authenticity of which is in doubt.

Where does Bigfoot live?

Assumptions about where Bigfoot lives can only be put forward based on the words of those who met him. Most of the testimony is given by the inhabitants of America and Asia, who saw a demi-human in forest and mountainous regions. There are suggestions that even today Yeti populations live far from civilization. They build nests in tree branches and hide in caves, carefully avoiding contact with humans. It is assumed that in our country, yetis live in the Urals. Evidence of the existence of bigfoot has been found in such areas as:

  • Himalayas;
  • Pamir;
  • Chukotka;
  • Transbaikalia;
  • Caucasus;
  • California;
  • Canada.

What does a snowman look like?

Since information about Bigfoot is rarely documented, its appearance cannot be accurately described, only speculation. The opinions of people interested in this issue may be divided. And yet the Bigfoot Yeti is seen by people as:

  • giant growth from 1.5 to 3 meters;
  • massive build with broad shoulders and long limbs;
  • with a body completely covered with hair (white, gray or brown);
  • pointed head;
  • wide feet (hence the nickname bigfoot).

In the 1950s, Soviet scientists, together with their foreign colleagues, raised the question of the reality of the Yeti. The famous Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdall suggested the existence of three types of humanoids unknown to science. It:

  1. Dwarf yeti up to one meter tall, found in India, Nepal, Tibet.
  2. A true bigfoot is a large animal (up to 2 m tall) with thick hair and a conical head shape, on which a long “hair” grows.
  3. Giant yeti (height reaches 3 m) with a flat head, sloping skull. His footprints strongly resemble those of humans.

What do Bigfoot footprints look like?

If the beast itself did not get into the camera, but the traces of Bigfoot are “discovered” everywhere. Sometimes paw prints of other animals (bears, snow leopards, etc.) are mistaken for them, sometimes they inflate a story that does not exist. But still, researchers in mountainous areas continue to replenish the piggy bank of traces of unknown creatures, classifying them as footprints of yeti bare feet. They strongly resemble human ones, but wider, longer. Most of the traces of Bigfoot were found in the Himalayas: in forests, caves and at the foot of Everest.

What does a snowman eat?

If yetis exist, they must feed on something. The researchers suggest that the real Bigfoot belongs to the order of primates, which means that it has the same diet as large monkeys. Yetis eat:

  • mushrooms, fruits and berries;
  • herbs, leaves, roots; moss;
  • small animals;
  • insects;
  • snakes.

Does Bigfoot really exist?

Cryptozoology is the study of species unknown to biology. Researchers are trying to find traces of legendary, almost mythical animals and prove their reality. Cryptozoologists also ponder the question: does Bigfoot exist? While the facts are not enough. Even considering that the number of statements from people who saw the yeti, filmed it on camera or found traces of the beast is not decreasing, all the materials presented (audio, video, photos) are of very poor quality and may be fake. Meetings with Bigfoot in his habitats are also not a proven fact.

Bigfoot Facts

Some people really want to believe that all the tales of the Yeti are true, and the story will continue in the near future. But only the following facts about Bigfoot can be considered indisputable:

  1. Roger Patterson's 1967 short film featuring a female yeti is a hoax.
  2. Japanese climber Makoto Nebuka, who has been chasing Bigfoot for 12 years, made the assumption that he was dealing with a Himalayan bear. And the Russian ufologist B.A. Shurinov believes that a mysterious beast of extraterrestrial origin.
  3. A brown-colored scalp is kept in the monastery of Nepal, which is attributed to Bigfoot.
  4. The American Society of Cryptozoologists has offered a $1 million reward for the Yeti's capture.

Currently, rumors about the Yeti are replenished, discussions in the scientific community do not subside, and "evidence" is multiplying. Genetic research is being carried out around the world: saliva and hair belonging to Bigfoot (according to eyewitnesses) are being identified. Some specimens belong to known animals, but there are others that have a different origin. Until now, Bigfoot remains an unsolved mystery of our planet.

There are many unknown and unexplored things in the world. One of the controversial topics for scientists is Bigfoot, there are disputes about who he is, where he came from. Various opinions and versions are expressed, and each of them has its own rationale.

Does Bigfoot exist?

And yes and no, it depends on who and on what grounds belong to this category of living organisms:

  1. There are several names for it, for example, sasquatch, yeti, almasty, bigfoot and a number of others. It lives high in the mountains in central and northeast Asia, as well as in the Himalayas, but there is no reliable confirmation of its existence;
  2. There is an opinion of Professor B. F. Porshnev that it is the so-called relic (preserved from ancient times) hominid, that is, it belongs to the order of primates, which includes man as a biological genus and species;
  3. Academician A. B. Migdal, in one of his articles, cited the opinion of an oceanologist regarding the reality of the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot. Its essence was that there is no reason to believe in it, despite the fact that we would very much like to: the basis of the scientific approach lies in its proof;
  4. According to the paleontologist K. Yeskov, this subject, in principle, can live in certain natural areas. At the same time, according to the zoologist, the location of the creature in this case should be known and studied by professionals.

The point of view is also expressed that the snowy man is a representative of an alternative branch of the evolution of the human race.

What does a snowman look like?

Yeti descriptions are not very diverse:

  • The creature has a human-like face with dark skin, fairly long arms, a short neck and hips, a heavy lower jaw, and a pointed head. The muscular and dense body is covered with thick hair, which is shorter in length than the hairline on the head. The length of the body varies from the usual average human height to about 3 meters in height;
  • There is great dexterity when climbing trees;
  • The length of the foot, according to available information, is up to 40 cm in length and 17-18 and even up to 35 cm in width;
  • In the descriptions there is information that the yeti's palm is also covered with wool, and they themselves look like monkeys;
  • In one of the regions of Abkhazia in the second half of the 19th century, there lived a wild, hairy woman named Zana, who had children from men from the local population.

Stories about encounters with Bigfoot are accompanied by descriptions of huge, furry creatures that inspire fear and horror, from which people can even lose consciousness or get mentally disturbed.

Who are cryptozoologists and what do they do?

The term is derived from the words "cryptos", which is translated from Greek as hidden, secret, and "zoology" - the well-known science of the animal world, which is man:

  • At the end of the 80s of the last century, enthusiasts created a society of cryptozoologists in our country, which was engaged in the search and study of Bigfoot as a special branch of humanoid creatures that have been preserved since ancient times and exist in parallel with “reasonable man”;
  • It is not part of academic science, although at one time it was "assigned" to the Ministry of Culture of the Soviet Union. One of the most active founders of the society was the doctor M.-J. Kofman, a member of the expedition to the Pamirs to search for Bigfoot, organized by the Academy of Sciences in 1958, and a member of a special commission, which included well-known scientists in the field of geology, botany, anthropology, physics;
  • Professor B.F. Porshnev played a huge role in developing the issue of relic hominids, who considered this problem not only from the point of view of paleontology, but also included an ideological approach based on the social role of modern man, in contrast to his purely biological functions.

This society still exists today, and its members publish their works.

What is the correct name for hominids?

The name "Bigfoot" appeared in the 20s of the last century, and according to one version, it is associated with an inaccurate translation:

  • It does not at all indicate that the creature constantly lives in the snows of the highlands, although it can appear there during its movements and transitions. At the same time, it finds food below this zone, in forests and meadows;
  • Boris Fedorovich Porshnev believed that this creature belonging to the family of hominids not only cannot be associated with snow, but, by and large, no reason to call a man in the sense that we understand it. Residents of the areas in which the studies were carried out do not use this name. The scientist generally considered this term to be random and not corresponding to the essence of the subject of study;
  • Professor-geographer E. M. Murzaev mentioned in one of his works that the name "Bigfoot" was a literal translation of the word "bear" from some languages ​​of the peoples of Central Asia. It was understood by many in a literal sense, which introduced a certain confusion of concepts. This is quoted in his work on Tibet by LN Gumilyov.

In different regions of the country and the world, he has many local "names".

Bigfoot Theme in Art

He is present in various traditions and legends, is the "hero" of feature films and animated films:

  • The part of the Bigfoot in the folklore of the northern peoples of Siberia was played by the half-fantastic "Wandering Chukchi". The indigenous and Russian population believed in its existence;
  • About the wild people called chuchuns and mules, says Yakut and Evenki folklore. These characters wore animal skins, had long hair, tall stature, and slurred speech. They were very strong, ran fast, carried a bow and arrows with them. Could steal food or deer, attack a person.
  • The Russian scientist and writer Pyotr Dravert published an article in the 1930s on the basis of local stories about these, as he called, primitive people. At the same time, his reviewer Ksenofontov believed that this information belongs to the area of ​​ancient beliefs of the Yakuts, who believed in spirits;
  • There have been several films based on the Bigfoot theme, ranging from horror to comedy. These include the film by Eldar Ryazanov "The Man from Nowhere", a number of American films, the German cartoon "Trouble in the Himalayas".

In the state of Bhutan, a tourist route has been laid through the mountains, called the Bigfoot Trail.

Just like in Marshak's poems about an unknown hero whom everyone is looking for but cannot find. They even know his name - Bigfoot. Who he is - only so far it has not been possible to determine exactly, and whether he exists in principle.

6 rare yeti videos

In this video, Andrei Voloshin will show rare footage proving the existence of Bigfoot:

Since prehistoric times, human fear of the unknown has given rise to legends about bloodthirsty monsters living in places untouched by civilization. It is still unknown, for example, whether it exists only in fairy tales or whether there is real scientific evidence.

Myths and evidence of ancient peoples

The legendary animal has many names, depending on the region where it was seen:

  • Nepalese Yeti;
  • American Sasquatch or Bigfoot;
  • Australian yowie;
  • Chinese yeren.

Titles minche and zu-teh in the Tibetan language, they refer to an unknown animal as a bear.

The Indian Lepcha people, who live in the Sikkim region of the Himalayas, revere a "creature from a glacier" described as similar to prehistoric hominid, considers the deity of hunting and compares appearance with a bear.

In the Bon religion, the blood of the world, or "wild man", was used for special ceremonies.

Scientists study the yeti phenomenon

When eyewitness accounts were sketchy, records, bones or other physical evidence were not found, anthropologists suggested that Bigfoot is a hominid, a descendant of Neanderthals who has survived to this day. Carl Linnaeus came up with the name Homo troglodytes(caveman).

  • The first documented footprints were described by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Howard-Bury in his book Mount Everest. Intelligence" in 1921. A local Sherpa guide told the climber that he had seen what the Tibetans call the metoh-kangmi, or "wild man of the snows."
  • In 1925 photographer Tombazi on the slope of Zemu noticed a tall creature with red hair at an altitude of 4600m. above sea level, and also found footprints belonging to a bipedal five-toed hominid with a foot length of 33 cm.
  • A family lives on the territory of the former USSR in Abkhazia, whose ancestor, according to the stories of local residents, is the wild monkey-like Zana. At the end of the 19th century, Prince Achba caught her and presented her to his vassal, who brought the wild woman to Tkhina. Rural centenarians say that Zana's body was covered with gray long hair, her height reached two meters, she ran faster than horses and carried weights without much effort.
  • Since 1975 Igor Burtsev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, took up the study of Zana's descendants. He managed to get permission to dig up and send for examination the skull of the son of an unusual woman Tkhin. The results showed that these people originated from West Africa. It is also believed that Zana was just a mentally retarded runaway.

What does a snowman look like?

In mass culture, the image of the bigfoot has formed as a giant-sized ape-like creature with a white skin and elongated forelimbs. People are afraid of him as a monster that can drag and devour people. This view is different from the one that cryptozoologists make on the basis of eyewitness accounts.

If we sum up the impressions of the lucky ones who saw the traces of the animal and himself, the yeti really looks like a huge upright orangutan, whose height reaches 3m. The body of the beast is covered with brown, gray or red hair, the head is about twice the size of a human and has a pointed shape.

He deftly moves through the mountains and climbs trees, surpasses people in strength and speed. Scientists suggest that Bigfoot is omnivorous, eating small animals, insects and berries.

Where does the legendary Bigfoot live?

Judging by the legends, the descendant of ancient primates likes to hide in the mountains. Yeti is known in more than a dozen regions on three continents:

  1. They talk about meetings with an unknown "wild man" in the Himalayas, Dagestan, Abkhazia, Bhutan, Pamir, the Caucasus, the Urals, Chukotka;
  2. More than 300 testimonies have been recorded in China;
  3. Arriving on the Australian continent, the Europeans encountered wild ape-like natives and even fought with them;
  4. North America and Canada also have their own Sasquatch legend.

Since they met with bigfoot most often on the territory of the former USSR, in 1957. A Commission was created at the Academy of Sciences, which brought together scientists of related specialties (geologist, mountaineer, doctor, anthropologist) to study the phenomenon. However, this work did not give serious results.

Does Bigfoot really exist?

At the end of the 20th century, only cryptozoologists and fanatics believed in the reality of the Yeti. The scientific community considered all information regarding the hominid to be erroneous or fabricated. However, in 2013 Oxford University professor Brian Sykes and his team conducted a genetic analysis of the hair of a mummified Bigfoot from Ladakh, North India, and wool found by a Bhutanese resident. These specimens were between 20 and 40 years old. The result showed that the DNA of the samples coincided 100% with the genetic material of the ancestor of polar bears, who lived in the Pleistocene era, that is, from 40,000 to 120,000 years ago.

After publishing this news, Brian Sykes continued to collect genetic material from everyone who claimed to have encountered a monster. The rest of the received samples belonged to different types of predators, domestic dogs, some turned out to be vegetable and even synthetic fibers.

In 2016, a paper was presented at the 69th Annual Anthropological Research Conference in the USA. It dealt with the study of the traces of teeth discovered in 2013-2014. in the Mount St. Helena region of Washington state. Mitchell Townsend claimed that impressions on deer rib bones indicated a hominid with a jaw twice the size of a human. The scientist concluded that the animal that gnawed the ribs held them with one hand, as primates do.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the approach to the issue of searching for information about ancient monsters changed. If earlier the subjective ideas of scientists about the finds and stories of witnesses played a big role, now there are tools that give accurate answers. Based on new data in the near-scientific environment, disputes do not subside whether Bigfoot exists or not. It remains only to wait for the next discoveries to put an end to this issue.

5 most reliable video facts of the existence of the yeti

In this video, anthropologist Vladimir Perevalov will show real-life footage in which Bigfoot was captured:

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