Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy: a love story. New Mysteries of Marilyn Monroe's Mysterious Death Revealed John F. Kennedy Loved Monroe

Kennedy brothers

Now it seems that the Kennedy brothers, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, were the first to come under suspicion. Marilyn's connection with them in recent months has been too loud.

But this is now, and in 1962 there was no question of this.

Marvelous? However, this is so. In 1962, no one blamed either Robert or John F. Kennedy for the death of Marilyn Monroe. For those who were close to this family or somehow dependent on it, the Kennedy-Monroe theme was still taboo. long time after the death of Marilyn and the murders of first one, then the other brothers.

America seemed to have forgotten the president's impressive birthday greeting, sung by a half-naked actress in front of thousands and dozens of cameras. However, what's so special about this - a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress came out and congratulated the president beloved by America on his holiday? Was she noticeably drunk? But this is customary for Marilyn, when she was presented with the Golden Globe, the actress barely managed to get on stage at all and mumbled something with a slurred tongue.

There were no rumors in the press about Marilyn's affair with one of the brothers.

John F Kennedy smiled at hundreds, thousands of women, slept with so many, could have fun with several at once, but surprisingly it did not become public.

How is this possible? It's hard to believe now, but it seems that the image of the president as America's first man was cherished even by those who knew a lot about him, too much. There must be something pure, ideal, uncomplicated in the country. Let it be the image of the first person of the state and his lady.

I think it's right. Americans longed to have a role model before their eyes, but they were tired of the grandmothers who had previously lived in the White House. Mamie Eisenhower was indeed a wonderful grandmother, but her time was irrevocably gone, and America was delighted when the young, energetic Jacqueline Kennedy came to replace her.

Kennedy himself was also delighted, no one knew about his serious and numerous illnesses. Yes, and there was no need to know, he was the image of the new America, and the image should not have stains either in appearance or in behavior.

Now quite often one hears that Americans would have loved Kennedy much less if he had not died like this - in front of everyone, and if his widow had not turned her husband's funeral into a real tragic act. Jacqueline did a good job, she really did not allow America to consider her husband, who had not been president for so long, simply shot and did not allow him to be forgotten. Kennedy has become a symbol of America.

But even if he had simply not gone to the second election or lost it, he and Jacqueline would have remained a symbol of the transition to a new America, to a new style of leadership and life too.

Whatever it cost her, Jacqueline did not allow America, and indeed the whole world, to doubt the strength of their family, loyalty to the ideals that she and John demonstrated.

America needed a young president - John tried to look young and confident. America needs a healthy president - and only the most trusted knew about the terrible back pain, constant injections and the corset that Kennedy wore. America needed a legend about a strong family - and Jacqueline gave birth to four children (not her fault that the first and fourth babies did not survive), turned away when it was necessary not to notice her husband's passion, left when it was no longer possible not to notice, took pictures with her children and husband smiling, smiling, smiling...

Now no one doubts that she was well aware of John's many love affairs, even encountered his mistresses, even listened to advice from Marilyn to give up her place as the first lady voluntarily. But she continued to smile - America needs an exemplary family in the White House.

Is it possible that the President of the United States had a love affair with such, frankly, notorious star?

Anyone else wouldn't risk it, but Kennedy lived like it was his last day. However, he managed to keep public opinion in ignorance of his numerous amorous adventures.

Endless love affairs were the lifestyle of the Kennedy clan, however, only men were allowed to do this, women had to give birth to children (the more the better) and modestly observe, standing aside, the entertainment of their husbands.

This is how Robert Kennedy's wife Ethel behaved, who was forbidden even to dance at parties with other men, not to mention light flirting. During eighteen years of marriage, Ethel gave birth to eleven children, and all births were very difficult. Robert at that time kept company with his older brother, skillfully portraying a Puritan to the marrow in front of everyone.

But Jacqueline Kennedy did not want to behave like that, and therefore she was not very loved by the Kennedy clan. Maybe that's why John and Robert's sister, Patricia Kennedy Lawford, helped in every possible way secret meetings President and Attorney General with Hollywood (and not only) beauties?

Patricia, the prettiest of the Kennedy sisters, became the most famous of them precisely because of her marriage to English actor Peter Lawford, a handsome man whom Hollywood kept in the lead roles of lovers in second-rate films.

They were a peculiar and quite friendly couple.

Peter Lawford considered himself lucky in his life. Not every English actor has to court in Hollywood, not everyone who has settled there has a relatively permanent job, and, of course, the only one becomes a member of such a powerful clan and even the president's son-in-law. For John and Robert, their brother-in-law was ready for anything.

The Kennedy family accepted Patricia's future husband with difficulty. To begin with, Joseph Kennedy Sr. checked all his ins and outs with the help of the FBI. But even after making sure that Lawford was not homosexual, not a communist, and not divorced, Kennedy did not relent. Handsome Peter had several shortcomings that were completely unacceptable for the Kennedy clan - he did not know how to make money, did not like politics and (horror!) did not play football.

But Pat insisted and became the wife of this "wrong" actor. The couple lived together for almost twelve years, they had four children.

The Lawfords bought a large house, once built for the head of the MGM film studio Mayer, which stood on the very shore. From the veranda of this house you could go directly to the beach. For particularly secluded rendezvous, there was also a guest house off to the side.

The mansion itself had a marvelous, huge, onyx-lined bathtub, many interesting interiors, and plenty of comfortable nooks for making love. Lawford was a supplier of Hollywood beauties for his friends.

Marilyn once said that she was the most obedient horse in the Hollywood stable. And this "stable" is really good, and in order to get ahead, you need, in addition to acting gift and good looks, to be very accommodating. There have always been a lot of complaisant beauties, especially among those who have not yet become real stars.

lack of beautiful girls for those who rested in the Lawford house, there never was.

What role did Peter Lawford play in Marilyn's life? I have to admit that it was very unenviable, despite the fact that they were friends.

Those who insist that for the last two years Marilyn literally did not get out of John F. Kennedy's bed, it is worth recalling that before this meeting in the spring of 1960, the actress and then Senator Kennedy could not have had anything, since Marilyn's husband Joe DiMaggio was too jealous, to allow the wife to flirt with the senator.

In the summer and autumn of 1960, Marilyn had no time for romances with senators - she starred in the Nevada desert in the film The Misfits, then Kennedy had elections, and Marilyn had a divorce, she was not even at the inauguration. Then Marilyn had a stay in psychiatric clinic, where Joe DiMaggio pulled it out with difficulty, in June 1961 Monroe was diagnosed with stones and inflammation of the gallbladder and removed it ... And Joe DiMaggio was always nearby, and Marilyn had another affair with Frank Sinatra.

In general, she was not up to President John F. Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy was not at all up to chasing a Hollywood beauty. He often cheated on Jacqueline, but at that time with those who caught his eye nearby. It was a little later that he managed to reconnect with Judy Campbell and start more permanent romances, and in the first six months after moving to White House Kennedy was not up to stormy romances (but not entertainment).

However, John F. Kennedy's novels are his business with Jacqueline Kennedy, I was only concerned with the relationship with Marilyn, as well as her relationship with Robert Kennedy. And I immediately determined for myself: no details of an intimate nature, which the yellow press likes to suck on so much. If there was a connection, then what difference does it make, where and under what circumstances?

It was necessary to start with the one who told, even after decades, about this connection.

Peter Lawford, since it was he who was the pimp for John the President and Marilyn, who had already become a star and a drug addict at the same time. And pimp for Robert Kennedy and Monroe.

Dates allegedly took place in their house with Pat. Pat herself was silent about this. She was a friend of Marilyn; although they talked on the phone more often than they saw each other, this friendship was real.

All the more incomprehensible is the complicity of the Lawfords in Marilyn's romance with both brothers. If such assistance really existed.

Actress Jean Carmen actively shared other people's secrets. Jean was the mistress of the mafia Roselli and the mentor of wealthy golfers, because she was distinguished by a strong hand and a faithful eye. She also photographed a lot for pin-ups, posed (sometimes nude) for numerous magazines, and, finally, in 1953 she broke through to Hollywood. True, she played supporting roles, but she had many fans, especially among the mafiosi.

Deciding that after the death of Monroe it was dangerous for her to remain in sight, she left Los Angeles, went to Arizona, changed her appearance and lived for a long time, unrecognized by anyone.

But the time came when Jean suddenly decided to take advantage of her former acquaintance, or rather, "friendship" with Marilyn. She began to repeat to everyone that for several years she was just Monroe's bosom friend, shared an apartment with her in Doheti and Marilyn confided very personal secrets to her.

Surprisingly, none of Marilyn's other friends even knew that she had such a friend. And no photos were found in which the “bosom girlfriends” would be together. And despite the fact that photographers did not lag behind Marilyn, however, they also loved Jean.

Jean Carmen began to “remember” very personal details when no one who could expose her was already in the world. A documentary film about her and the backstage of Hollywood was released in 1998, from that moment on, the only remaining close witness to the life of Marilyn Jean Carmen began her triumphant march across the screens.

It is noteworthy that from interview to interview, her closeness to Monroe increased. It turned out that Marilyn shared secrets with her and only with her, only she asked for medicine, only she took with her to a rendezvous with John, and then Robert Kennedy.

Carmen is smart, she never named dates, referring to the prescription of what was happening. But she nevertheless named one date - it was according to her that on the morning of August 4, Marilyn called her at 6 in the morning with complaints about the night calls of an unknown lady who demanded to “leave Bobby behind”. The voice that had been calling all night seemed vaguely familiar to Marilyn, she even told Jean that she guessed who it was, but she could not tell on the phone.

There are several questions here.

First, why didn't Marilyn tell anyone, not even Greenson, about these calls, without giving a guessed name?

Secondly, who prevented you from simply turning off the phone by pulling out the cord, or asking the telephone operator at the switchboard not to connect to this number?

Thirdly, August 4 is the birthday of Jean herself, Marilyn could not forget about it, she was extremely unassembled and always late, but write thank you letter, to apologize and even more so to congratulate a bosom friend on her birthday should be a must.

Of course, unsettled by the mysterious night calls, Marilyn could forget about it early in the morning, but by ten o'clock, when the photographer arrived, she was cheerful and cheerful. It seems that the presence of a photographer and talk about nude pictures should have reminded Marilyn of her friend's birthday? But no, until the very evening she allegedly asked Carmen to bring her barbiturates, despite the fact that she herself had plenty, but no congratulations, and even less visits to the newborn.

These are the most harmless doubts that creep in at the mention of Jean Carmen. Summers in his book "The Goddess ..." assured that she could be trusted, because she was perfectly oriented in the house on Doheny, where she and Monroe allegedly rented an apartment together (or nearby).

It’s easy to believe that their apartments were nearby, even in neighborly relations too, but when Carmen tells how once she had to open the door instead of Marilyn, who was late in the bathroom, and Robert Kennedy was standing behind the door himself, you begin to doubt everything else.

Imagine that the Attorney General, who traveled only with security (Robert had already started fighting the mafia, and he was threatened more than once), went from Washington to Los Angeles to sleep with the actress in her apartment, risking being noticed, moreover that the hospitable house of the sister is very close, where they are always happy to provide conditions for a meeting and a visit to which would not cause surprise and condemnation in anyone, is very difficult.

As well as the ridiculous fiction of walking naked on the beach in wigs and beards. When could this happen, if Marilyn and Robert met literally six months before her death, and in the summer the relationship had already become problematic and they were vigilantly watched (Robert simply could not help but remember this, even if Marilyn did not want to think)?

It seems that Carmen does not care who visits Monroe - a fellow actor or the US Attorney General, whose every step is not only known to his security service, but also scheduled ahead for several days and even months.

The outright stupidity of some inventions deprives of reliability and possible valuable information.

Monroe never invited Jean Carmen to her house, which is a little strange for a friend. Eunice Murray never talked about Carmen, Greenson never said a word, Joe DiMaggio was unaware of her existence. The fact that Carmen knew several actors and mafiosi, including those whose phone numbers were in Marilyn's notebook, cannot serve as proof of their friendship. Monroe herself hardly remembered everyone whose addresses and phone numbers she wrote down, and Los Angeles and especially Hollywood are a rather cramped place, at least for those who consider themselves stars or stars.

Carmen was not a star, but she aspired to go there, but she was the girlfriend of one of the influential mafiosi, which means she had been to Cal Neva Lodge, the casino resort on Lake Tahoe, owned by the mafia and listed as Frank Sinatra. There the company is even closer, and the behavior is relaxed, but for some reason Jean Carmen did not say a word about what was happening in Kal-Neva. And about his friendship with Roselli and Sinatra too.

And it would be worth it.

I was little interested in the nonsense about Robert Kennedy walking naked in the company of Monroe and Carmen, but I was interested in her information about the nightly calls preceding the death. Did the actress really call someone?

But if Carmen's testimony can be very doubtful, then the Lawfords should tell only the truth and nothing but the truth, or simply remain silent. At Pat and Peter's house, Marilyn definitely met the Kennedy brothers.

The Lawfords were silent for a long time, in 1966 they divorced, Pat simply could not stand the life that was going on in their luxurious house. She had to fight bad habits acquired during marriage, to be treated for alcoholism. Later, Patricia managed to cope with cancer, did a lot of charity work, helping the same patients, led an active lifestyle, but never married again.

It was Pat who told reporters about the wonderful bathroom and John's entertainment with Marilyn. She also talked about the pictures that Peter took, but always stressed that after John's murder, almost all of them were destroyed.

Oh, that's "almost"! Are there really photographs somewhere in which the president and the first beauty of Hollywood are making love? I do not suffer from idle curiosity, but I would like to see.

Peter after Pat was married three more times, he did not stop drinking and using drugs and died at sixty-three a complete wreck.

Who and when did Peter Lawford tell about everything that happened in the jade bath between Marilyn and John F. Kennedy?

For some reason, now his revelations are taken for granted, as if he had been doing nothing but talking about the adventures of Kennedy and Monroe in his house all his life.

There was no such thing! Peter is smart enough not to risk his own life for the attention of the ubiquitous press. Of course, the participants in these orgies were no longer alive, even the almighty Hoover, but the Kennedy clan remained. And Lawford was silent.

The fact that once, being under the influence of alcohol and drugs, he tried to speak out, and the next day he was terribly worried because of this, his third wife, actress Deborah Gould, told. Allegedly, having relaxed, Peter, almost in tears, for a long, long time repented of his closeness to the mafia in the 50s and 60s, that he organized real orgies for John F. Kennedy, including with the participation of Marilyn Monroe. After recovering, Peter persuaded his wife to forget everything he talked about in a drunken stupor. She pretended to forget.

Gould was married to Lawford for less than a year, divorced, stating that she could not see him destroy himself with drugs. Perhaps the secrets Peter let out played a role? Deborah wisely reasoned that it was best to stay away from Lawford and his secrets.

Pat was silent for a long time, Peter generally kept his mouth shut, who then supplied information to the press?

We have to admit that no one, until the time when everything turned out to be half-forgotten, no one said anything about Marilyn and the Kennedy brothers in general!

Was it so or not?

And if so, how serious? What made Marilyn think that she could become the first lady of the country by marrying John or Robert?

What gave reason to suspect Kennedy of murder or complicity in the murder of Marilyn Monroe?

One of the most famous episodes is a birthday greeting sung by Marilyn to John F. Kennedy at the celebration of the president's birthday. Monroe took the risk of skipping a day of shooting in Los Angeles for this, knowing that dissatisfaction with the director, partners and studio executives, and serious punishment, could follow.

And yet she sang...

Here is a description of such a seditious performance (only the actress’s outfit was seditious in it - an almost transparent dress, in which it turned out to be almost impossible to move, and only sewn beads are visible on the body instead of thin fabric, the video with this outfit spread all over the world):

“Jack Benny, the elegant and witty host of the evening, a cross between entertainer and master of ceremonies, introduced the performers: Ella Fitzgerald, Jimmy Duran, Peggy Lee, Henry Fonda, Maria Callas, Harry Belafonte, Mike Nichols and Elaine May, but when the turn came Marilyn, had to make a musical pause, because the actress, as usual, was late. At last she arrived at the Madison; stylist Mickey Song, who did the hair of the Kennedy brothers, straightened her hair at the last moment, and Marilyn was ready to go on stage.

“Because of her lateness, we were constantly changing everything,” recalled William Asher, assistant director of the evening, “and comedian Bill Dana suggested that Peter Lawford bill her as “the belated Marilyn Monroe.”

Peter obeyed him. It's a moment of history, one of the strangest and most nerve-wracking moments on camera: Marilyn, barely moving in her super-tight dress, moving inch by inch towards the catwalk, as Lawford says:

“Mr. President, here comes the belated Marilyn Monroe.

Taking off her ermine cape and appearing in an outfit about which Adlai Stevenson said "only leather and beads," the excited Marilyn began to sing "Narru birthday to you."

It was not, as Adler feared, a pretentious or indecent performance; everything was performed with a slight breathlessness, as if out of breath, and with a subtle hint of parody - as if the star refers to worn out phrases with slight irony. But didn't the young and elegant president deserve a new interpretation of musical wishes, something different from the performance that he must have heard already during the narrow family reception on the day he was seven years old?

The audience began to yell, cheer and shout something after the first verse, which was performed as if Marilyn was singing in a smoky nightclub; the actress, in response to such a reaction, almost jumped for joy and, raising her hands, exclaimed: “All together!”

To the accompaniment of the second choral fragment, a huge, more than two meters high cake with forty-five candles was brought into the hall, which was held high on outstretched arms by two strong confectioners. Marilyn ended her speech with a short thank you, sung to the tune of the song "Thank you for the memory":

- Thanks to the president personally

For all that he was able to achieve,

For the battles they won

For clans and click defeat ...

During his twenty-minute speech, Kennedy thanked each of the performers individually and, in part, said:

“Miss Monroe interrupted the filming of the picture to fly here all the way from the West Coast, and therefore I can safely retire now - after she wished me such amazing health.

It was one of those many bits of Kennedy's speech that caused everyone to laugh, and his speech as a whole was, as usual, a fusion of elements of politics, rhetoric, humor, encouragement to listeners, and serious reminders of important social problems.

Then, behind the scenes, the actors and performers talked with the president. Marilyn, who had invited Isidore Miller as her guest that evening, introduced the old man to John F. Kennedy.

“I would like to introduce my former father-in-law,” she said proudly.

After the end of the gala reception, a private banquet took place - in the house of Arthur Krim and his wife Matilda; the latter recalled that "Marilyn arrived in a tight dress trimmed with sequins, which looked as if they were attached directly to the skin, since the mesh was flesh-colored."

George Masters added that “Marilyn walked in a dress designed by fashion designer Jean Louis. It shone with all kinds of decorations, but at the same time it was elegant and subtle, even refined, in this nakedness - as if the absence of underwear was the most familiar thing under the sun.

That evening, most of all, she cared that in the noisy crowd of guests Isidore had a place to sit and that his plate was full of food.

In a way, this evening was unusually significant for Marilyn Monroe. The lost girl not only found, at least for a short time, her place in the king's castle, located in Camelot, - after all, a dream came true in reality, which returned to her more than once in childhood. Just now, Marilyn stood almost naked in front of her fans, completely unashamed and somehow innocent, like a dove.

“There was a touching softness about her,” said Matilda Krim. - Well, what can I say? She just looked incredibly beautiful."

Do you see how chaste everything was and not at all defiant?

You do not agree, because you saw the recording and the fact that the dress is really defiant, and the singing is a little like singing, it is rather a sigh of the soul, a reminder of the passion that they experienced, as one of the journalists put it, “Marilyn and the president seemed to be making love on in the eyes of thousands of guests?

I don’t agree either, it was a real provocation, after which the president simply had no other choice but to obey everyone, admitting that he had an affair with beautiful woman not only America.

No, there was a choice, the second option, according to all the same know-it-alls, was offered to the president and his brother by the head of the FBI, Edgar Hoover, after talking with the obstinate Kennedys and explaining that there were so many compromising materials that it could cost both their careers. Moreover, the materials are not only about Monroe, but also, for example, about the relationship between Mr. President and Judith Campbell (Exner), who, according to established facts, is the mistress of the main mafia Sam Giancana.

Sharing a mistress with the main mafia for the president is fraught with major troubles. Are there not enough pretty girls in the White House? If it is not enough, then you can order - they will bring it. But proven, without suspicion of contagious diseases and leftist views or connections with the mafia.

The Kennedy brothers heeded the admonitions - John stopped answering Marilyn's persistent calls, and so that she would not be nervous and calmly accept the sudden resignation, he sent Robert to negotiate.

What was the older brother counting on, the puritanical convictions of the younger? But after all, John knew perfectly well that Robert was not at all what he positioned himself to be. Love for Ethel and children does not at all prevent the Attorney General from relaxing at any opportunity, enjoying beautiful women.

Rather, John was already tired of the perseverance of the star and would prefer a peaceful parting with her. And so that there would be no scandal, he decided to lower the status of his lover gradually - first, instead of the president, his younger brother Robert, the attorney general, then, probably, the next brother Edward ...

The trouble with John F. Kennedy is that Marilyn cares. The trouble with Robert is that he and Monroe really liked each other. Robert, much more patient, able to listen and even pretend to be interested in what is not at all interesting, came to Marilyn's liking. She stopped calling John, but began to annoy Robert's secretaries at the Department of Justice.

Her proverbial red notebook quickly filled with short notes.

About what? Of course, about politics!

Those who claim that the Attorney General or the President have nothing more to talk about with a woman in bed than about politics, he has either never been in the arms of beautiful women, or on anything other than smart conversations under the cover of night, not able to.

And what she heard in the heat of these conversations, Marilyn diligently took notes in that red notebook. Probably, for this it was necessary to break away from bed comforts, not to write while making love?

To imagine that the Kennedys could discuss serious political issues with a mistress like Marilyn is simply ridiculous. It's not that she was completely unaware of politics, especially foreign. It's just that the president and the prosecutor general, being vested with the highest power in the state, do not open their mouths where this cannot be done.

And why entertain the beauty with chatter about politics, they met for the sake of another ...

Particularly touching are the allegations that both Kennedys discussed and even practically consulted with Marilyn regarding the resolution of the Caribbean crisis. Well, at least they complained about these Russians, who almost plunged the whole world into the third world war. Marilyn must have been worried.

Only here's the catch: she died on August 5, and the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted at the end of October. A discrepancy, but this does not prevent some researchers from claiming that such conversations took place.

Enough to meet one such actual failure, as you lose confidence in the entire article or memoirs.

And yet there is plenty of evidence from friends who didn't hide in the unknown like Jean Carmen that Marilyn talked about dating Robert Kennedy, even calling him Bobby.

I have a date with Bobby tomorrow!

And this is not a joke, the meetings really took place, just what kind of meetings they were! ..

In the magnificent Lawford house, there were not only drunken parties of actors and mobsters; to improve her reputation somewhat, Pat organized high-society receptions, for example, when Robert and Ethel arrived. This couple usually appeared together, while John F. Kennedy preferred to make such trips separately from Jackie in order to be able to enjoy the company of Hollywood beauties in the house of his sister and son-in-law.

Pat Kennedy Lawford organized a social reception on February 1, 1962, Ethel and Bobby were leaving for a long time and decided to visit the Lawfords first. Pat couldn't help but invite her adored friend Marilyn to the party. She talked a lot about how wonderful person her brother Robert Kennedy, how interesting and fun with him.

And Ethel was just selecting an actress for a role in a film based on Robert Kennedy's book The Enemy Within, or rather, Ethel had already chosen Monroe for herself and would be happy to tell the actress about it. By the way, the film was never made, although the script was written. Perhaps this technique played an important role.

Marilyn, having learned that she was invited to be introduced to Robert Kennedy, became extremely proud and began to tell her friends that she had ... a date with Bobby Kennedy! She didn’t just talk excitedly, but asked for advice on what to talk about with such an interesting person, if her friends knew what exactly Bobby was interested in, how to start and end a conversation with the attorney general ...

Everyone she asked, then repeated the same thing to reporters: Marilyn diligently wrote down all the questions on a napkin, which she intended to take with her so as not to forget anything. At the same time, the word "date" sounded stubbornly. What is it? Marilyn deliberately deceived many people, because no date could take place, they did not know each other yet!

No, Monroe simply loved to exaggerate, besides, she tuned in to meet Robert Kennedy, and for Marilyn there was no one else, not even Ethel. Selfishness? I don’t know, perhaps it’s just a loss of a sense of reality from the fact that she, a girl who grew up in shelters and other people’s families, will talk with the president’s brother not at a gala reception with thousands of those present, but at a secular, but completely home event. After all, Pat Lawford said to Marilyn:

"Now you're a Kennedy too."

Marilyn was not at all stupid or naive, but she took a lot to heart and with excessive enthusiasm. Pat's words did not mean at all that Monroe would be accepted into the clan, there the criteria were much stricter than in the Lawford house. But Marilyn herself understood this exactly. She's a Kennedy now!

For some reason, researchers of Monroe's biography never paid attention to this phrase, but it is worth a lot.

Marilyn took this phrase literally, as the fact that she is now equal ... well, almost equal to the women of the Kennedy clan - Pat, Ethel, Jackie ... But she is more beautiful, sociable, smart, and what is not so well educated ... but well-read. Marilyn moved in a different society and could not understand that not everything is determined by appearance, that the love of books (although it is welcome) and the ability to charm cannot replace education and upbringing.

Marilyn simply did not see the difference between herself and, for example, Jacqueline, who studied at the Sorbonne and spoke several languages. Rather, I saw it, but interpreted it in my favor. Communicating with the democratic Pat, seeing the simple and friendly Ethel in front of her, Marilyn put an equal sign not only between them and herself, but also between herself and Jacqueline. Perhaps hence the certainty that John or Robert could divorce their spouses and marry her.

And at the reception in honor of Bobby and Ethel Marilyn was. She was seated next to Robert, who did not take his eyes off the beauty all evening, but they talked exclusively on serious topics - about politics, human rights, about Edgar Hoover, whose surveillance they both felt.

Then Marilyn taught Robert to dance the twist, and Ethel stood aside and watched. I think that even if the shooting of the film took place, Monroe would hardly have received the role, Ethel was humiliated by the behavior of her husband, who forgot about the existence of his wife nearby, for real.

However, the evening ended, the guests departed. The next meeting did not take place soon, since the Kennedys intended to visit 14 countries during their trip. But the next time, Marilyn told her friends the same thing:

“I have a date with Bobby Kennedy.

This is probably why, when the newspapers launched a rumor that they had a hot affair with Robert and Bobby even intended to divorce, many believed, because Marilyn herself spoke about the affair.

But with John F. Kennedy it was somewhat ... easier. It's hard to arrange a full date if you have a wife next to you, but Jack is not Robert, he did not take Jackie with him to Hollywood. Jacqueline Kennedy always knew where to go and where not to go with her husband. Often they had different places and even continents to rest. John preferred to relax in the onyx bath in the Lawford house.

There, Marilyn kept him company.

Pat said that Marilyn and the president had sex in the water, and Peter took pictures of them. John trusted his sister and son-in-law, and loved to be photographed during his pleasures in bed, especially if there were two girls. No one knows where these photographs went, in the pictures both the president and his ladies were wearing masks, but the pictures themselves were brought to the Mickelson Gallery to be framed in beautiful frames.

It's strange, unless the head of the FBI, Edgar Hoover, arranged photo exhibitions ...

For the president, it was a game - masks, splashing in a large bathtub, photographs ... As well as a connection with the most beautiful woman in America.

It's too serious for her.

Marilyn already once made such a mistake, believing that Arthur Miller married for the sake of her soul and mind, and not at the call of passion, which quickly burned out, that now she will have real family. She seemed to believe this time too.

Nobody is forbidden to believe in a fairy tale, you just need to know that the session ends and not even at midnight, as in Cinderella, and there will be no prince with a glass slipper. But the mop and the evil stepmother will be sure.

Did Monroe have meetings with Robert? And now it doesn't matter. The main thing is that she believed in her involvement in the Kennedy clan, believed that she not only became her own, but was also able to take the place of any of the women of the clan, that is, Ethel or Jacqueline, that John or Robert were able to abandon their wives for the sake of a beauty from Hollywood.

Why not, because she was able to charm Arthur Miller, it’s a pity that he really turned out to be not the same as she imagined the famous playwright.

Are the Kennedy brothers to blame for the Monroe tragedy? Undoubtedly. I'm not talking about her murder, it's hard to figure it out, but about the fact that they gave reason to hope. By no means do I want to say that John or Robert promised, as soon as they got out of the bathroom and wrapped themselves in a towel, to rush to file a divorce and subsequent marriage with her. But allowed to hope that she, too, could be a Kennedy.

It would probably be cruel to immediately make it clear where her place is, that a mistress, even the most wonderful one, is not equal to her wife, that Peter Lawford never became Kennedy, not because he could not play football, but because it was not that flight. The Kennedys are not aristocrats, but they are not Hollywood actors, no matter how much they play democracy. Marilyn could marry Peter Lawford, but not any of the Kennedys, even if they were not married. And to get divorced for the sake of a charming actress ...

In vain Monroe hoped.

But she didn't just hope, she told her friends about it; it’s good that there were smart people around who treated her well, or people who despise the stupid blonde. However, this could not continue for a long time, sooner or later the stories of Marilyn herself would have leaked to the press anyway, and this was already dangerous for Kennedy.

If you donate, then a mistress, but not a career.

This state of affairs immediately led researchers to the conclusion that Kennedy was responsible for the death of the actress.

Since Marilyn began to seriously interfere with the careers of both brothers, it is planned to destroy her. And without entrusting the execution of the plan to someone else. This is for sure, without misfires and a forced control shot to the head.

The task is simple: take away the red notebook (with notes about the Caribbean crisis?), and strangle Monroe herself (so as not to complain to the Minister of Justice about the Minister of Justice) with a pillow, simulating suicide by overdose of barbiturates.

By the way, in this case, it was necessary to first force Marilyn to swallow at least 60 capsules and only then choke, because, being suffocated, it is difficult to swallow even a couple of pills, not like six dozen.

To prove that Robert Kennedy could not have been in Marilyn's house either on that ill-fated day or on a nightmarish night, Donald Spoto had a couple of days. He got acquainted with the Attorney General's schedule. These are not inventions after several decades of the actress's girlfriend, but the remaining documents. Of course, not all documents should be trusted, however, let me remind you that for several years after the death of Monroe, no suspicions were expressed about the involvement of the Kennedy brothers in her death, these arguments appeared much later.

The schedule of the first days of the ill-fated August 1962 for Robert Kennedy and his family was documented. After numerous accusations and just allusions to his participation in the murder of Monroe, the Attorney General's agenda even had to be published. Spoto describes it this way:

“On Friday, August 3, 1962,” as the Associated Press reported in its newspaper news service that evening, and repeated the next morning in the Los Angeles Times, “Robert and Ethel Kennedy, along with their four children, flew to San Francisco, where they were welcomed by old friend John Bates and his family.

The Kennedys went to stay for the weekend at the Bates ranch, located behind Gilroy - one hundred and thirty kilometers south of San Francisco and five hundred and sixty kilometers north of Los Angeles, high in the Santa Cruz mountains; On Monday, August 6, the convention of the American Bar Society began, at the plenary meeting of which the attorney general was to deliver the opening speech opening the work of the convention.

This gossip column would have had nothing to do with Marilyn's life and death were it not for the fact that, since 1962, the whole affair has been smacked with scandal by allegations that Robert Kennedy not only secretly met with Marilyn during said week -enda, but also directly implicated in her death. The source and disseminator of this gossip, as well as the absurd murder theories launched in parallel with it, were tried to be suppressed, since the crime was planned by agencies such as the FBI.

However, this must be added short description Attorney General's Weekend, as well as the testimony of several witnesses who swear that Robert Kennedy was at a considerable distance from Los Angeles all this time.

The Kennedy and Bates families had been friends for quite some time, and the invitation was a kind of revenge on the part of the Bates couple for the previous weekend, which they had spent at Hickory Hill, Robert Kennedy's estate in Virginia. John Bates, then forty years old, graduated from Stanford University in 1940 and served three years in the Navy. Through fellow student Paul B. Fay, a close friend of John F. Kennedy, Bates met and befriended the Kennedy family. After the war, in 1947, Bates received his Juris Doctor from Berkeley and began working for law firm"Pillsbury, Madison and Satro" in San Francisco, where he proved himself so well that some time later he became one of the partners and a member of the board there. When John F. Kennedy was elected president, John Bates was already one of the most respected and most respected lawyers in California, holding, in particular, the honorary post of chairman of the Judiciary Commission of the San Francisco Law Society.

It's not surprising that the new Washington administration asked him to run the antitrust division at the Justice Department. Bates seriously considered this invitation, but ultimately rejected it, as he preferred to stay in his law firm and live in California, where he and his wife raised three children.

“It was a difficult decision,” Bates said many years later, “but I refused, although I felt very grateful and obliged. When I learned that the Attorney General was to speak at the Bar Convention, I wanted to express my gratitude to him for offering to join the Kennedy administration; that's why my wife and I invited Bob to the weekend.

There is no doubt that Robert Kennedy was constantly at the Bates Ranch in remote Gilroy during that weekend; in principle speaking, this was fully confirmed not only by the Bates family and people who worked for him, but (on the following Monday) also by the local newspaper, the Gilroy Dispatch.

“The prosecutor and his family were with us all the time from Friday afternoon until Monday,” said John Bates, “and there was no purely physical possibility for him to travel to Southern California and return from there.

All statements contradicting this message and cited by the media and so-called eyewitnesses, Bates always considered "scandalous, absurd and shameful." Bates was right, because the next landing site located in San Jose, an hour's drive from his ranch. Given the deep canyons, steep mountains, and high-voltage wires suspended at high altitude, flying around the Madonna Mountains, where the Bates Ranch is located, has always been considered a dangerous undertaking by helicopter.

Practically speaking, the only means of transport from Gilroy to Los Angeles in 1962 was by car, which took at least five hours each way. Robert Kennedy's class schedule for this weekend is meticulously recorded in the family guest book and documented with photographs in the Bates album.

On Saturday morning, both families woke up early and had a hearty breakfast, after which Robert and Ethel Kennedy went on a horseback ride with John and Nancy Bates. This can be confirmed by another witness, groom Roland Snyder.

“I saddled the horses for Mr. and Mrs. Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, then they lined up, I took a photo, and the whole four galloped off into the Madonna Mountains. They must have been here all weekend. God is my witness, they were not near Los Angeles - they were here with us.

After the ride, the company went for a swim, and then they all ate lunch together - meat roasted on a spit - on the estate.

“I was then a boy of fourteen,” recalled John Bates Jr., “and soon I was to go to boarding school. I remember Bobby laughing at me about this: “Oh, John, you're going to hate this whole thing!”

On Saturday afternoon, the Attorney General, in typical Kennedy style, challenged everyone to run a mile and a half on an unfenced field and play a game of American football there. According to the elder John Bates, the best lawn for the game was at the top of the ranch. Therefore, they ran there, and the whole company of eleven people played a match. Then together we returned to the estate to swim and play different games until the children finally washed up and changed for dinner.

Bobby sat at the table and told all sorts of interesting stories. What he truly loved was the children. When the children went to bed, the four adults sat down to supper; Nancy Bates remembered the lively discussion about the speech that Kennedy was supposed to give shortly, and Ethel had previously overlooked and worked part-time (and on which the prosecutor himself worked in his free minutes throughout the weekend).

“Dinner ended at half past ten,” said John Bates, “and soon after that we went to our bedrooms.

On Sunday morning, August 5, both families got up early to go to Mass in Gilroy, and their presence in the city was confirmed the next day by the local press. After lunch at the Bates Ranch, John drove all the Kennedys to San Francisco, where they were to stay at Paul Fay's house during the convention. The Kennedy family spent the afternoon and Sunday evening with John and Nancy Bates, as well as with their mutual acquaintances (including Edward Collan and Joseph Tydings and their wives).

It is significant that over the past thirty-odd years, none of the twelve people who were with Marilyn on August 3 and 4 at her house and at the Lawfords ever mentioned the presence of Robert Kennedy near her. Moreover, when vague rumors about it began to be taken at face value, each of these people tried to refute the said accusations. Finally, the FBI file cabinets with very specific numbers and dates confirm in great detail the schedule of classes for the President's brother and his family presented here during this weekend.

A completely accurate account of the events of this weekend, from which it follows that Attorney General Robert Kennedy, brother of President John F. Kennedy, did not stand with a pillow over Marilyn Monroe prone on the sofa, demanding from her a red secret notebook in which the actress wrote down their conversations on political topics, and did not strangle her after refusing to give out this notebook.

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September 10, 2012, 12:25

Society will never know the full truth about the relationship between the 35th President of the United States and the sex symbol of the last century, Marilyn Monroe; Is it safe to call the connection between John and Marilyn a novel, because Kennedy was never interested in anyone for such a long time and seriously that numerous connections could be attributed to novels ... Despite the huge number of love affairs, John always tried to avoid close emotional contact with women and kept them at a certain distance from him. He himself admitted that he never lost his head in a fit of passion: "I am by no means a tragic lover." The tragic death of Marilyn Monroe in August 1962, and the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963 forever put an ellipsis in this mysterious story, the truth will never be known ... Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy based on the memoirs of Marilyn herself, John F. Kennedy's entourage and the statements of biographers. .. (The post does not contain assumptions about the participation of the Kennedy brothers in the death of Marilyn Monroe) Here is how Marilyn recalled the first (which took place long before the presidency of Kennedy) meeting with John. From oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "The Feldmans lived almost opposite us and often held various parties to which they invited guests far from the world of cinema. On that occasion, we came with Joe DiMaggio. Among the guests was a couple that attracted my special attention - young Senator John F.K. . with his wife Jackie. They were also newlyweds, but it was not too conspicuous.
John and Jacqueline Kennedy
Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio You know, there are people, at one glance at whom you feel their unusual fate and strength. Here in DiMaggio you instantly feel physical strength and willpower, it has reliability, perseverance and simplicity. John K. was immediately conquered by a completely different strength, not physical or even moral, he was the Lord, looking at him I understood that this man had a great future, so great that it was even scary to think.

John Kennedy and Grace Kelly (not related to the topic of the post, I wanted to publish this picture) If the most famous athlete in America was sitting next to me, then the most famous politician was staring at me. No, he was not somehow particularly handsome or courageous, rather the opposite, quite ordinary in appearance, and yet. And he just stared, forgetting about his Jackie. Not good, ugly, messy, but I did the same, I just couldn’t take my eyes off John K. Now I can say that I was not mistaken, he became what he was supposed to be, and I put a lot of effort into his popularity. Do you understand what I mean? Of course we understood. But then it was still far away ... "Given John's love for Hollywood beauties, a closer acquaintance with Marilyn Monroe, the greatest sex symbol of the era, was only a matter of time. Marilyn, who survived a divorce from her first husband, DiMaggio, and parting with her second , Arthur Miller, often attended parties hosted by Sinatra and Peter Lawford.It was thanks to Sinatra that Marilyn frequented the Lawfords' house in Santa Monica.
Patricia and Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis The meeting that marked the beginning intimate relationship took place at the Lawford home in Santa Monica on November 19, 1961. John had already delivered his speech, and now, having changed into jeans, he was relaxing, immersed in the familiar atmosphere. According to Lawford's second wife (Pat Lawford), Marilyn then literally settled with the Lawfords. “Sometimes John had sex with Marilyn, and behind the wall the Loufrods slept, who not only tolerated, but even indulged such relationships. The room had a very beautiful bathroom, finished with marble and onyx. John liked to fetch water, and Marilyn jumped on him, and they had sex in the water, and sometimes invited Peter to photograph their games. After John's death, almost all the photographs were destroyed ... ”According to Peter Lawford:“ The fact that Kennedy became the head of state, in the eyes of Marilyn, gave their novel a special symbolism. She was now truly in love with him. At the same time, she experienced a deep depression: she took strong sleeping pills, drank, she even had to go to a psychiatric clinic ... "
Jackie at the moment when John somersaulted with Marilyn at his sister's house on West coast, was in Glen Or, but on December 5, when Peter secretly brought Monroe to meet with the president at Carlisle, she was in the White House. Pat Lawford wrote: "Peter said he dressed Marilyn in nondescript clothes, forced her to wear a wig, gave a pen and notepad in his hand, and pretended to be his secretary." The report, which was sent to FBI Director Hoover, claimed that orgies were held at the Carlisle Hotel, which included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (two names blacked out) and Marilyn Monroe. According to Judith Campbell, “John was well aware that Hoover was watching his every move, but he didn't really care. The Kennedys wanted to get rid of Hoover, but they could not, because he had collected a bunch of dirt on the whole family, not just on John.
F. Sinatra, Peter Lawford and Bobby Kennedy After his divorce from Patricia Kennedy, Peter Lawward became persona non grata in the homes of former relatives. He especially hated Bobby, whom he blamed for breaking off his friendship with Frank Sinatra in 1962. After John's death, when Bobby and Jackie became close, Peter met them sitting together in a bar and publicly declared: "That son of a bitch is sleeping with her!" ... Monroe, meanwhile, dreamed that her relationship with John would continue. She did not consider herself a temporary lover at all, but sincerely believed that John would leave Jackie and marry her. In the spring of 1962, her ex-husband Arthur Miller remarried, which greatly offended Marilyn, and she again began to abuse pills and alcohol and brought herself to a terrible state. She showed up drunk at the Golden Globes, with difficulty moving her legs and hanging on to her Mexican lover. When she was presented with a golden statuette, Monroe perched on the stage and made a speech with a slurred tongue. Many then predicted the end of her career. The same month that Jackie arrived in London on her way from India and Pakistan on March 25, 1962, Lawford brought Marilyn to Palm Springs for the weekend.
It is unlikely that Jackie could not know about the connection between Monroe and her husband. Monroe even had her own room in the White House, and one day, apparently under the influence of alcohol or drugs, she told Jackie that she intended to marry the president. No wonder Jackie didn't go to her husband's 45th birthday performance, where guest star Marilyn Monroe performed "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." Jackie was visiting a horse show with her daughter Caroline at this moment in Glen Ora.
From oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "D.K. became the most important person in America, I had no doubt that this would happen, he definitely had to become one! I will fly to congratulate D.K. on his birthday. I will do it, and do not care, that they will kick me out of the studio again! ...At D.K.'s birthday party, it will be remembered for a long time. ...You can't help but know that I congratulated D.K. on his birthday. It was an unheard of scandal.. ."
Marilyn's speech was so provocative that journalists described it like this: "Monroe made love to the president in front of 40 million Americans." Kennedy smiled and said that after such a sweet congratulations, you can resign, but in fact it became a fat point in their relationship with Monroe, and so everyone started talking about the romance between the president and the movie star, and the appearance of rumors in the press is only a matter of time.

It is believed that this gold Rolex Day-Date watch, commonly known as the Rolex President, was a gift from Marilyn for John's 45th birthday. Allegedly, Marilyn gave the gift to the president after the famous performance with the song "Happy birthday, mister President", and John gave the watch to his assistant Kenneth Donnell with a note "Get rid of them." The following poem came with the watch: “Let lovers breathe their sighs/And roses bloom and music sound/Let passion burn on lips and eyes/And pleasures merry world go round/Let golden sunshine flood the sky/ and let me love/ or let me die!" The veracity of this story remains a mystery, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. The date of the inscription on the clock coincides with Kennedy's birthday. The serial number of the watch and the engraving also correspond to that time, the 60s of the last century. Assistant to the 35th President of the United States, Kenneth Donnell, died in 1977, his family declined to comment on the authenticity of the gold Rolex "a. In October 2005, the watch was sold at an auction in Greenwich, Connecticut for a fabulous sum of $ 120,000 (original price from 40,000 to 60,000) , breaking the auction house record.
At the thought of being abandoned, Monroe flew into a rage and began pestering Kennedy with calls, but John did not speak to her. Marilyn was desperate to save the relationship and called Bobby. Marilyn and John did not meet again, but she saw Bobby several times. Another one was crying in Bobby's vest Hollywood star heartbroken, Judy Garland.
The top photo shows Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. The photo was taken at a private party at the home of Arthur and Mathilde Krim after the President's 45th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden ~ May 1962. This photo is believed to be the only general photo president and actresses. However, the bottom shot is also circulating on foreign blogs, in which you can see John and Bobby (circled) in the visuals watching Marilyn perform. All other archives were destroyed, and other photographs are From the oral records of Marilyn Monroe: "Doc, don't be afraid, I have friends everywhere. True, true! Frankie and Bobby will protect us from any trouble, they said so. But only if I'm a good girl. What does it mean to be a good girl? Sleep with everyone and keep my mouth shut? I don’t want to be an obedient girl, I just want to live. Doc, I’ll give you all the tapes, just don’t tell anyone about them, it’s dangerous ... "On the night of August 5, Monroe took too much sleeping pills. The last person she spoke to was Peter Lawford. It seemed to him that Marilyn had a sleepy voice, but since the star abused alcohol, this did not alert him. At parting, she said: “Say goodbye to Pat. And John. Goodbye to you too, you're a good fellow." He got excited and called back, but heard short beeps in the receiver. Around 3:00 a.m., Monroe's housekeeper discovered the hostess's body. The star was lying prone on the bed, naked, and clutching a telephone receiver in her hand. She died at the age of 36. The autopsy showed it was suicide. Since this is not the first time Marilyn has taken too much sleeping pills, it remains a mystery whether it was a cry for help, or really an attempt to end a hateful life ...
Marilyn was John F. Kennedy's most stellar mistress, but within 48 hours of her death, when the name of the actress was on the front pages of all publications, Kennedy found solace in the arms of another woman. Jackie at this point stopped in New York on her way to Italy. Then John's affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer, an artist and ex-wife of a prominent CIA officer, was in full swing ... In October 1964, Meyer was found murdered, and her detailed diary disappeared without a trace.
Mary Pinchot Meyer
When creating this post, the following sources were used: "The American Queen. The Life Story of Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis", Sarah Bradford. "The Great Kennedy" A. Vladimirsky. "One for All" Edward M. Kennedy. Foreign blogs about John and Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe. Updated on 10/09/12 12:44: Post about Jacqueline Kennedy

On the night of August 4-5, 1962, America was shocked by sensational and at the same time tragic news: the most magnificent woman and actress in the country was found dead in her mansion. But what really happened? Everyone asked this question in those days. It was officially announced that what had happened was an unintentional suicide as a result of improper use of anti-anxiety drugs prescribed by a doctor. However, a week later, articles began to appear in the press, the authors of which tried to talk about different versions of the death of the blond star.


The first and official version of Monroe's death is drugs. It is known that Marilyn was subject to the deepest depressions. She visited a psychoanalyst every day, who recommended that she take strong sleeping pills and antidepressants. However, her dependence on drugs developed in her youth - about 18 years old. She constantly experimented with them, as if playing with death. In the morning - stimulants, at night - sleeping pills, and in huge doses and often along with your favorite champagne. Medication intake was chaotic and was, in fact, drug addiction. One of the many lovers of the star - famous actor Ted Jordan - recalled that she considered the pills "her own best friends and could not sleep or work without them.

The blond goddess was terrified of repeating the fate of her mother and grandmother, who ended their lives in a "psychiatric hospital". In 1958, a psychiatrist found signs of schizophrenia in Marilyn. In this regard, she was forced to undergo a more serious examination in a psychiatric clinic, and spend some time there. Sometimes she "disconnected" from life, was late for shooting for ... a whole week, each time she forgot the text of the role. And, of course, she could make a mistake in taking the medicine, "overshooting" the dose by accident.


The second version is suicide. Many people of art, vulnerable and unbalanced, tried more than once to "make it". Marilyn was no exception, who tried to commit suicide in her younger years. Once, being just a girl, she deliberately turned on the gas, another time she swallowed sleeping pills. Another suicide attempt was made after the death of Johnny Hyde, one of the first lovers and producers of the star. There is evidence that Marilyn repeatedly brought herself to the brink of life and death, but each time she was saved.


Mafia-ordered murder is another version of Monroe's death. The day before her death, Marilyn dated one of her famous ex-lovers, Frank Sinatra. This is evidenced by the records of the CIA, under whose vigilant supervision was Monroe's villa. By that time, Sinatra was the right hand of the leader of the American mafia - Sam Giancana, which gave rise to rumors about the possible involvement of organized crime in the death of a movie star.

Assassination ordered by Kennedy

Many also believe that the assassination was commissioned by Kennedy. Frank Capell, writer, in 1964 said that Robert Kennedy was to blame for the death of the actress. James Haspiel even said that he heard wiretapping tapes that proved that Robert Kennedy strangled Marilyn with a pillow.

The relationship between US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe was the apogee in the unfortunate fate of the actress. It seemed that they were made for each other - the first beauty and the first man of the country. But the publicity stormy romance could irreversibly destroy it political career. The lovers broke up in May 1962, but Monroe did not want to put up with the break. Having plunged into despair, drowning out the pain with drugs, she wrote pathetic letters to John, annoyed him with phone calls and threatened with exposure in the press. The main trump card was the diary, where Marilyn wrote down everything about their meetings and conversations.

Robert Kennedy, the president's younger brother and part-time Attorney General, was delegated by the family to console his abandoned mistress, but he himself fell into her arms. This relationship developed rapidly. The actress claimed that she loved Robert and that he promised to marry her. Robert tried to quit the game to stop Monroe from self-destructing, but it was too late. The unspoken version, according to which John and Robert Kennedy were the main culprits in the death of the actress, appeared almost immediately after the news of this sad event. However, strong arguments in its favor surfaced only in 1986 from the archives of the FBI and the CIA.

A large number of testimonies indicate that on August 4, R. Kennedy flew to Los Angeles for a final showdown with Monroe, in whose house a terrible scene played out. An eyewitness to this scene said the following: Marilyn promised to call a press conference and tell the whole world how the Kennedy brothers treated her. Robert was angry and demanded to leave him and John alone. The quarrel ended in Monroe's hysterical fit, and the next morning she was found dead.

Psychoanalyst's mistake

Ralph Greenson, Monroe's personal psychoanalyst, became a very close person to the actress. He was convinced that the treatment of Marilyn should be widely used medications while correcting emotional sphere female patients.

One of the most prominent biographers of the star, Donald Spoto, wrote in his book "Marilyn Monroe": "His technique was disastrous for the patient. Instead of stimulating the patient to gain independence, he did just the opposite - and as a result completely subordinated actions to his will and Monroe's wishes ... he was sure that he could make her do whatever he wanted."

He forbade her to meet with her ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, limited communication with friends who cared about the actress. Spoto cites evidence that Ralph Greenson in 1962 spread false rumors that Monroe had schizophrenia, and even beat him. The proof of the latter fact is the conclusion of the therapist a few months before Marilyn's death about a broken nose and bruises under the eyes.

At the end of July, the Hollywood star already clearly saw that Greenson was alienating her from her friends. "By the end of July 1962, Marilyn realized that if she wanted to have any kind of personal life, she needed to break up with Greenson," Spoto writes.

But on August 4, 1962, the six hours spent with the psychoanalyst were the last in her life.

During her lifetime, Marilyn Monroe had two names (the real one is Norma Jean Baker), a sea of ​​epithets and even more men. But she aimed at the most inaccessible goal. And therefore the most attractive. Perhaps, only one person from all the United States could not belong to the Marilyn predator. She wanted to win the president. And she succeeded. A deal with fate was made, but life is always at stake in such bets.

Text: Natalia Turovskaya

"Don't worry, but worry!"

When once again Jacqueline Kennedy found “accidentally” forgotten stockings on the matrimonial bed, she asked her husband as calmly as possible: “Do you know whose it is, John? It seems to be not mine ... ”And she received only a charming boyish smile in response. She is already used to such "gifts". The phone rang in the next room. Jacqueline picked up the phone and immediately recognized HER voice. This woman has been harassing her with phone calls for a long time, but today she seems to have already crossed the last line: “Mrs. Kennedy? It seems like it's time for you to pack your things and get the hell out of this house. After all, we both know perfectly well who the real first lady is.” Jacqueline slammed down the phone in a rage and resolutely returned to the bedroom. “That's it, John, I've had enough! Your Hollywood whore called again! I will give you a divorce and you can live openly. I'm fed up with this pretense, you understand?!" “What nonsense, Jackie, calm down. I promise you that I will break up with this woman. Believe me, I've had enough of her for a long time, I only need you.

The president kept his promise. But not at once. The motto of his mistress was "Don't worry, but worry!" And she knew how to do it. No other woman in the world could repeat this.

I never understood the expression "symbol of sex." A symbol is a thing… It is unpleasant for me to be a thing. But if it's meant to be a symbol, it's better to be a symbol of sex than anything else.

Gentlemen who prefer blondes

They met in 1954, when John Fitzgerald Kennedy was just a senator from Massachusetts. Actor Peter Lawford, who successfully married Kennedy's sister Patricia, tried very hard to become his own in the powerful Kennedy clan. It was not difficult for him to please a promising relative in "amorous" affairs, to which he was very eager. Peter was "the guy" in Hollywood and took John out more than once to have fun with young actresses. But this time, Lawford has prepared a grand surprise. The most piquant was the fact that the "surprise" was supposed to appear during a party in honor of the new senator in front of his wife Jacqueline. “Who will it be, Pete? I know her?" - the hero of the occasion burned with curiosity. But Lawford just waved his hand away and kept his eyes on the door. When Marilyn Monroe showed up on the doorstep with her second husband, baseball star Joe DiMaggio, Peter signaled to Kennedy. The blonde, who shone brightly in the film "Niagara", has already managed to drive more than one man crazy. Kennedy responded to the guest's indiscreet gaze with a reciprocal, attacking one.

Jacqueline did not get a drop of attention that evening. All evening her windy husband hovered around Monroe, without ceasing to pour her favorite Piper Heidsieck champagne into her glass. Marilyn laughed. DiMaggio was jealous and even made a scandal. But... the furious baseball player went home alone, and his wife did not want to leave the party.

Everyone who was present that evening in country house Peter Lawford. But the two of them didn't seem to pay any attention to those around them. Marilyn later admitted to her close friend Amy Green that she had dreamed of meeting a man like John F. Kennedy since she was 15 years old. Soon they could not live without each other for a single day, meeting either in Lawford's house or in expensive hotels. From happiness, Marilyn wrote naive children's poems:

    "Life, you push me
    in different directions.
    I come alive from the cold strong,
    like a web in the wind.
    Reaching down, but still
    I'm still holding on..."

She was touched by a tree broken by a tornado. She took pity on stray dogs and hung bird feeders. The sincerity and spontaneity of a woman who was a sex symbol for millions amused her lover. Evil tongues whispered to Kennedy that the actress's past was far from perfect: a crazy mother, an orphanage, work at a military factory, work as a fashion model ... And the road to Hollywood was, they say, laid through the bed of more than one producer. Charlie Chaplin Jr., millionaire Henry Rosenfeld, and rich man Johnny Hyde managed to visit her lovers, but ... What did it matter if she was with him now?

I never betrayed those I loved.

Marilyn enjoyed the romance and made the most optimistic plans for the future. One of her successful films of that time was called Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. But in life she had to be convinced of another bitter truth: they marry brunettes. And since Jacqueline Kennedy was in no hurry to divorce, Monroe decided to break up with her lover. She wanted with all her heart to get away from the image of a "sexy blonde" and start her own family. The family that she never had and that she always missed so much.

"Candle in the Wind"

The third desperate attempt to “live like everyone else” for Marilyn Monroe was marriage to the famous playwright Arthur Miller. For her sake, Arthur immediately divorced his wife. Journalists dubbed their relationship "the union of spirit and body." And the actress herself later recalled this as follows: “He has a stronger mind than any of the men I knew. He understands my desire for self-improvement.” At that time, Monroe refused many offers in the cinema, where they once again wanted to exploit her baby-doll image. All her free time she studied in the studio of Mikhail Chekhov and dreamed of playing nothing less than Grushenka in The Brothers Karamazov. But most importantly, she dreamed of becoming a mother, and Arthur Miller is the only man who also wanted a joint child.

Children, especially girls, should always be told that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb her hair to a shine and I will not leave her alone for a minute.

But, alas, both of Marilyn's pregnancies ended in miscarriages.
To get his wife out of depression, her husband took her to the best psychotherapists. Servant Lena Pepitone told newspapers that between sessions of psychotherapy and filming in New York, "Mrs. Miller abused champagne, constantly played Frank Sinatra records, refused to take a bath and ate in bed, wiping her hands directly on the sheets."

“Life has passed like a candle in the wind” - this is Marilyn who will initially dedicate her masterpiece to Elton John. But after the death of Princess Diana, he will rewrite Lady Dee's dedication. The fact remains that Monroe, who was idolized around the world, felt lonely and miserable. The marriage with Arthur Miller was the longest of Marilyn's marriages, but on January 20, 1961 they officially divorced with the wording "did not get along." Monroe tried to forget herself by having an affair with Yves Montand, then with Frank Sinatra, but no one could replace John F. Kennedy for her.

Marry the President

Passion broke out with renewed vigor when he announced his candidacy for the presidency. One day, the phone rang in her apartment: “Hi, baby! - a familiar male voice sounded in the receiver with a charming Boston accent. - I'm here going to become the president of America, but without you I can not cope. Will you support me in the election race?” Marilyn did not force herself to beg for a long time. Just think, huge penalties to the film companies with which she has contracts. After all, her participation in the election campaign of her lover guaranteed him success! Every second man in the States dreamed of spending the night with Monroe, and every second woman aspired to be like her in everything. She traveled after Kennedy with concerts, urging the "electorate" to vote for the candidate from the Democratic Party. And when Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States, Marilyn was sure that this victory rightfully belonged to her. It remained only to take the place of the first lady. Now they met secretly at the Beverly Hills Hotel or aboard the presidential plane. But soon Monroe bought a house in Los Angeles to be closer to her beloved. Often, after drinking an extra glass of champagne, Marilyn chatted too much at social events, sharing her impressions of the president and hinting that his behavior in bed was “very democratic.” She could call the White House at any time and demand an immediate meeting from Kennedy because she was "terribly lacking in love." The desire to become the president's wife, in the end, has become almost manic. When Monroe's personal psychotherapist suspected something was wrong, his patient's state of mind was terrible. And the actress’s heredity was, to put it mildly, not good: her great-grandfather hanged himself, her grandmother died in an insane asylum, where her mother lived until the end of her days. Of course, Kennedy was not at all eager to be involved in a scandal and considered it prudent to keep Monroe at a distance. He even introduced her to his brother Robert, who was a huge success with women, in the hope that the frantic lover would turn her attention to him. In vain. In an interview with reporters, John F. Kennedy admitted that "love is not his word." Poor Marilyn refused to believe it.

Until I left...

By early 1962, Monroe's psyche was broken by depression, alcohol, and tranquilizers. She visited a psychotherapist six times a week, without sleeping pills she could no longer sleep.

    "Thoughts are spinning
    and my brain is being drilled
    Quiet and relentless stream.
    Until I left
    let them stir up
    Sheet white line black.

Her poems are no longer sad, they are ominous. Kennedy did not answer the calls of his mistress and did not want to see her again. On the eve of John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday, Marilyn with great difficulty managed to bribe a White House official to give the president her gift: a gold Rolex watch engraved with "To John with love from Marilyn" and a desperate inscription on the box "Let me love or let me die." Kennedy asked the employee to throw away the watch and destroy the box. And yet, on May 19, Marilyn arrived at Madison Square Garden, where a gala concert was being prepared to celebrate the birthday of the President of America. She ordered a luxurious dress from Jean Louis, who at one time created the famous toilet for Marlene Dietrich. The outfit was sewn from transparent matter, studded with sequins, and tightly fitted. perfect figure Marilyn. There was no linen under the dress. "Ladies and gentlemen, Marilyn Monroe is late!" - announced the entertainer, the same Peter Lawford. Throwing off her ermine jacket, Marilyn began to sing happy birthday Mr President. And at that moment there was not a man in the hall who would not envy John F. Kennedy. “After such a congratulation, I can no longer engage in politics!” - said the shocked birthday man. Jacqueline Kennedy was not in the audience. She was wise woman and knew when to stay in the background so as not to be publicly humiliated. The defiant speech became last point in the novel. That evening, in an apartment at the Carlisle Hotel, Kennedy announced to Marilyn Monroe that their relationship was over forever.

All my life I belonged only to the viewer. Not because I was great, but because no one else needed me.

On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her bedroom. She was lying naked in bed, with a telephone receiver in her hand. Whom she called before her death remained a mystery, since the recording of this conversation mysteriously disappeared from the telephone exchange. The official version of her death was suicide due to an overdose of sleeping pills. Of the unofficial ones - a murder and an accident due to a mistake by a psychotherapist who prescribed too strong drugs. None of them have been proven to this day.

The funeral of Marilyn Monroe was organized by her second husband, Joe DiMaggio. AT last way the actress was seen off by several thousand of her fans. John F. Kennedy was not among them.

In November 1963, he followed Marilyn to a place of no return...

Ten days before the 45th birthday of John F. Kennedy, on May 19, 1962, a gala concert was held on the stage of Madison Square Garden in New York in honor of the President's birthday. Among others, Marilyn Monroe was supposed to congratulate Kennedy.

All 15 thousand of those present were waiting for her speech with increased interest: the general public had long discussed rumors about Monroe's romance with the president. And the performance of the movie star more than lived up to expectations.

Monroe, famous for her lateness, was true to herself this time too. The host of the concert, Peter Lawford, decided to beat this hitch and during the evening several times jokingly announced the exit of Monroe. When she finally arrived, Lawford announced, "Mr. President, late-comer Marilyn Monroe."

The actress appeared on stage in a translucent tight-fitting dress studded with rhinestones. There was no underwear underneath. Marilyn herself called her outfit, sewn by designer Jean Louis, "leather and beads." Later, Adlai Stevenson, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, who also attended the evening, wrote to Mary Lasker, "I didn't see the beads!"

Monroe, who was visibly drunk, ran to the microphone with small steps, causing many to compare her to a geisha. The hair looked unnatural - there is an assumption that she was wearing a wig. When Marilyn began to sing, the audience froze for a moment. The manner of performing the innocent song "Happy birthday" was very erotic - it was hard to believe that this was happening in a huge hall filled with people. Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen later described it this way: "It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans."

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John F Kennedy
and U.S. Steel

Bill Ray and his wife posing in front of the photo

The most famous shot of the evening was taken by photographer Bill Ray, who was 26 at the time. He was looking for a better shooting angle that would allow him to capture both Monroe and Kennedy in the same frame. In addition, Ray was afraid that the security would start chasing journalists out of the hall long before the end of the concert, as is usually the case at such events, so he separated himself from the rest of the photographers and found a place upstairs, behind the stage.

“It was a noisy night, a very pretentious atmosphere. Then, boom, this spotlight appears. There was no sound. No sound at all. It was as if we were in outer space,” the journalist recalls. “There was this long, long pause… and finally she starts with this incredible breath – ‘Happy biiiiirthday to youuuu’ – and everyone just goes into ecstasy. I prayed that I would succeed<…>I had a telephoto lens and no tripod, so I put the lens on the railing and tried really, really hard not to breathe.”

Marilyn Monroe's 1999 dress sold at auction in New York for more than $1.26 million

Ray's photograph has become one of the most famous celebrity portraits. A lone figure in the beam of a spotlight, and around a black void - the photographer not only captured Monroe's appearance on the stage, but seemed to reflect the essence of her unhappy life. The performance was seductive and pathetic at the same time, everyone knew the desire of the actress to become the first lady, and her act looked like a desperate attempt to get closer to her dream.

“Happy birthday, Mr. President,” Monroe sang, and then continued to the tune of the popular song “Thank you for the memory”: “Thank you, Mr. President, for all that you have done, for all the battles that you have won” - etc. .d. — the words she wrote herself.

John F. Kennedy, who took the stage, tried to smooth over the awkward situation with a joke: "Now, after they sang Happy Birthday for me so sweetly and cleanly, I can leave politics." After the celebration, photographers filmed the president and his brother Robert talking to Monroe, still dressed in her skimpy dress.

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