What they give for the eclipse of the warface is difficult. Warface review: Eclipse is a dusty zombie storm. When everyone reached the evacuation point, the final battle began. There were many enemies. Highly

The Eclipse's legs grow from Anubis. And in the most literal sense: after the explosion of the laboratory for the production of zombies at the end of it, Warface soldiers cheerfully jumped into the jeep ... and that was it.

The special operation begins with a self-repetition - in the last section of "Anubis". Players need to wait for the rescue vehicle while shooting at the oncoming crowds of zombies. This matter is complicated by the fact that the enemies jump out almost in front of your nose - the action of the mission takes place in Africa, and a sandstorm rages mercilessly around, limiting the field of view to an absolute minimum.

As it turned out, the soldiers failed to drive away peacefully. Literally a few minutes after sending, the car stalls - you will have to go out with the whole train right in the middle of the desert and move forward literally to the touch, while trying not to die from mutants who are not tired and do not want to end. And wherever the soldiers wandering in the dark will be brought by their feet: into a mysterious bunker, and into some ancient ruins, and all the action will end at the secret African base Blackwood.

If we ignore the action-packed passage of the Eclipse and try to evaluate it objectively, it becomes clear that this special operation juggles elements from previous PvE events. In addition to shooting zombies from Dangerous Experiment, players will unload clips into stationary turrets familiar from Vulcan, face flying types of opponents that we saw in Marathon, and even pop helicopters with a rocket launcher, as in Icebreaker . The map itself will also be familiar to veterans in places - for example, we recognized here some sites from PvE modes in Africa. True, in conditions of impenetrable darkness and raging sandstorms, finding a similarity will be another task.

Despite the reduced visibility and a huge number of types of enemies, the difficulty of the Eclipse seemed to us not as high as in previous Special Operations. With a well-coordinated team of a medic, a sniper and three attack aircraft, it is not so difficult to pass it even on the "Pro" difficulty. Whether it's good or bad is up to the players to decide, but we're happy with the nerves saved.

Don't forget Crytek Kyiv and about awards. In addition to experience and warbucks, for completing the Eclipse, you can get Anubis skins on Walther pistol P99, Sidewinder Venom shotgun, Orsis T-5000 sniper, PP-2000 submachine gun and MSBS Radon assault rifle. And, of course, unique class stripes - they will go to especially stubborn players who will find the strength to shoot two thousand frags in this special operation.

warfare. Warface Update: Eclipse war face update already here! A dangerous special operation "Eclipse", rank 85, weapons and camouflages of the Anubis series, two dozen achievements and much more awaits you!


Warface fighters fall into sandstorm. Communication with the headquarters is lost, there is impenetrable darkness and hordes of zombies around. Will the team be able to get out of this difficult situation? Everything depends on you!



For the PKP "Pecheneg" and its gold version, the dispersion when firing in the aiming mode has been reduced and the "toss" of the barrel during normal shooting has been increased. These changes can already be tested in battle - boxes of luck with "Pecheneg" are back in the game store!

Increased MG3 damage to 68 (was 65), minimum damage to 45 (was 40), and reduced recoil.

Returned to play store sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez" with modified characteristics. Weapons are available for purchase for warbucks for a while or for credits forever. About changes in performance characteristics you can find out about this gun from the news on the last update.


The Anubis series of weapons appeared in the game, which outwardly exactly repeats the colors of the camouflage of the same name, but is a full-fledged weapon, and not a customization element. The characteristics of the weapons are fully consistent with the originals, so you can easily deal with the enemy. In addition, unusual achievements await you for destroying enemies with these guns.

You can get this series from special boxes of luck in the game store, and the first box is already available for purchase! We will inform you about the appearance of other guns of the Anubis series later.

In addition, weapon camouflages of the Anubis series have been added for MSBS Radon, Sidewinder Venom, Orsis T-5000, PP-2000 and Walther P99. You can get them for success in the Eclipse special operation.


The 85th rank has appeared in the game - lieutenant colonel of the Heralds of Death detachment, the badge of which depicts a Polish hussar. These brave wars were a symbol of military prowess, honor and courage!


The Fabarm P.S.S.10 shotgun, demonstrated at the PTS, will appear on the game servers in one of the following updates with changed characteristics. Moreover, based on the results of testing, it was decided in one of the future updates to revise the performance characteristics and some other semi-automatic shotguns, including models already familiar to you, so that weapons of this type are competitive not only with the rest of the arsenal, but also within their own lineup - in this moment The difference in efficiency between the Medic's semi-autos is too great. In addition, changes are planned in the way weapons of such level as the Fabarm P.S.S.10 are distributed - most likely, they will be placed in boxes of luck for warbucks with the ability to get weapons both permanently and for a while. Separately, it is worth noting that the receipt of temporary versions is planned to be configured in such a way that the cost of acquiring weapons for a while remains comparable to current spending when buying directly from the store. At the same time, as a bonus, the player will receive various consumable items and the opportunity to become the owner of a weapon forever.


Black market map. Now, upon receiving a card, the corresponding weapon is automatically issued for a period of 1 hour. The change affected boxes of luck with the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 SMG and the Bushmaster BA50 rifle.

Clan battles. The number of points received for participating in clan battles has been reduced if 5 to 8 clan members take part in the battle. The change is intended to reduce the number of fixed matches within the framework of the monthly Race of Clans and the "profitability" of their holding.

PvE. Enemies under control artificial intelligence will now use cover more skillfully and select firing points on high ground. The innovation applies to enemies such as "sniper" and "attack aircraft".

PvP. The "Residence" card has been added to the list of available cards for clan battles.

PvP. Added "overtimes" to the "Capture" mode. AT " Quick game» The functionality works by default; in standard rooms, additional rounds can be enabled in the settings.

Interface. Improved item sorting system in the in-game store. Now all products are divided into three types: "Available", "Not open at the supplier" and "Already purchased", which makes it easier and more understandable to navigate the store.

Allied reanimation. If the energy in the defibrillator is not enough to bring the soldier back to life, then the player will hear the corresponding sound notification when trying to resuscitate, and the action icon will change its appearance. The innovation does not apply to killing enemies with current discharges.

System data processing has been improved, now levels will load faster.

Server. In some cases, server algorithms now work a little faster.

Achievements. For a number of legal reasons, slightly changed appearance achievements "My Choice - KillPretty" and "Together with KillPretty".


  1. PvP/PvE: the player could get stuck in some parts of the maps, leave the limits of the levels or get into inaccessible areas.
  2. Weapons: The Hawk pump shotgun with the Marine camouflage could display incorrectly in third-person view.
  3. Weapons: when picking up the golden version of the CZ Scorpion EVO3 A1 SMG in battle, the modules were available to all classes.
  4. Weapons: The Cobray Striker Shotgun now has a default coloration instead of the Polygon camouflage.
  5. Weapons: Repair cost for the Atlas SVU-AS, Euro 2016 Remington R11 RSASS, and Bushmaster BA50 Golden version of the rifle has been adjusted to reflect the item tier.
  6. Weapons: Bushmaster BA50 rifle shells could disappear too soon.
  7. Weapons: The barrel attachment for the Bushamster BA50 rifle was displayed incorrectly.
  8. Weapons: When a character is armed with a Beretta ARX160 rifle or its golden version, the position of the hands could be displayed incorrectly in third person view.
  9. Contracts: could be incorrectly calculated when executed with assault rifle IMBEL IA2 series "Summer Games".
  10. PvE: In some Spec Ops, mini-achievements could not be taken into account after killing enemies multiple times.
  11. PvP: on the "Deposit" map in certain place the player could kill the enemy through textures.
  12. Server: under certain conditions, a player could launch a PvP map that was not in the list of available ones.
  13. Achievements: Victory without death on the Siberia map might not count towards the progress of the “Death in spite of” patch.
  14. To successfully enter the game, make sure that the game client is up to date. The current version of the client is from August 9, 2017. The update will download automatically when you start Warface. Make sure that the download and installation of data is not blocked by antivirus software.

Stage Ⅰ

Expect an armored car. Repel all cyberzombie attacks before the rescue transport arrives. All inside, alive! Hold on, fighters, don't let the zombies get to the car. Looks like some kind of engine problem, protect the car. We need to buy time.

Stage Ⅱ

The storm put out of action all communication channels. No one will come to your rescue except Oberon - he is your only chance to survive this night. Nearby there are ancient ruins, where you will find shelter and supplies. Just keep in mind - there is no beaten path there, you have to pave it yourself. Even a small skirmish will not go unnoticed - Blackwood will soon be on the trail. Oberon will guide you through the outpost, but you should only do what he says. Believe me, it's in the public interest now. Don't go into the dark. Who knows what might be lurking in those sands?

This zombie experiment turned out to be very... unsuccessful. But he was necessary. Progress always has its price. Now you need to forget about the mistakes of the past and focus on the future. Get ready… for the meeting. While you can, take a break. Well, now you are locked in a bunker. We'll have to destroy the defense systems to get out of it.

Then your path lies through the local village. Here are the coordinates. The roads are crawling with creatures that will try to kill you. Stay close to the light. For your own good. Here your work is finished, Warface. Follow on.

Stage Ⅲ

The nearby village is full of zombies. I advise you to be on the lookout. Complete chaos! That's what happens when you lose control of a situation. The ancient ruins are near. Stay close to the road - there are even more creatures in the forest.

Congratulations, Warface - you made it to the ruins without much loss. Now we have to figure out what's inside. Find the entrance to the underground base - this is the shelter that you need so much right now. Cope with the last task - you are free, no - you will die. This is one of the new, improved Oberon pets. Alas, this base cannot produce them in the required quantity. Therefore, it will have to be rolled up.

There are two exits from here. If you don't seal them, the zombies will attack again and again. I advise you to start from the west exit, then seal the east exit. Next, go to the main terminal and turn it off to stop zombie production. Finally! You can consider the mission accomplished. Nearby there is a corridor that will take you outside, into the canyon.

Stage Ⅳ

Well, finally, the connection is restored. Blackwood jammed our signal for many hours. Now you have to climb up to the dais so that the turntable can pick you up.

ahead military base Blackwood - we are seeing increased activity there. I don't know what you've done, but Oberon is clearly not going to let you go so easily. Nothing, we'll get you out - just get to the extraction point. We can't pick you up until you deal with that chopper. Find the RPG and shoot it down.

We just found perfect place for landing - not far from you there is a helipad. Get to her as quickly as possible. This is madness! They strike at their own base. There is a fallback next to the hangar - the turntable will land there. Hurry before Oberon blows the hell out of here.

Attention! The enemy throws new forces into battle. God, these creatures are getting uglier! Find cover - this monster is not to be trifled with. Work together. Focus fire on the target when it is vulnerable. We have little time! Blackwood will grind everything to powder here any minute. The last push left, fighters! There are no more monsters in the bins of Blackwood. Deal with these, and the way home is free.

The plot continuation of the special operation "Anubis" is available. It turned out that the evacuation was not as successful as expected. A storm arose, and we lost contact with headquarters. Suddenly, the most unexpected person comes to the rescue...

First he (

spoiler - hover to find out

) helped us and provided the code from the server, hacking which we got the coordinates of the main base Blackwood. Now our squad goes step by step through the crowds of enemies, turrets and experimental creatures to the place of evacuation. What his intention was, we never found out. Perhaps he is not such a villain, or this is such an insidious plan. But for now, he's on our side.

Now straight to the point. The special operation has already familiar to all three levels of difficulty. The first two are more for familiarization, but the “pro” mode is for a well-coordinated cooperative game.

Preparation for the passage:

  • To complete the mission, you will definitely need at least 1 medic and 2 attack aircraft. Other classes are optional. Equipment (helmet + armor) must be on regeneration. Gloves for reload speed.
  • It is advisable to have in your arsenal gold or elite weapons- it has increased damage to zombies - and there will be quite a lot of them on our way.
  • Stormtroopers must go exclusively with machine guns. The M60E4 is fine, but the RPK or XM8 LMG will do the job just as well.
  • Improved first aid kits and repair kits will not interfere, but this is already as a cherry on the cake.

About tactics:

  • At the very beginning, you should fight off the crowd of zombies and network into the car. Everything is simple here. It is enough to sit down against the wall on the side of the evacuation and shoot at two streams of fighters in exoskeletons rushing at you. Further, in the car, we are distributed in the corners and demolish with crossfire everyone who falls into our back.
  • After the car has stalled, we have a long journey to a temporary shelter through pitch darkness, a horde of zombies and soldiers Blackwood. But a mysterious voice from the walkie-talkie will help the players...
  • In open spaces, the whole tactic is that attack aircraft lie down in the center as far as possible from signal lights. Sniper behind them. Medics and engineers on the sides. Their task is to kill everyone who tries to break through from the flank. When everyone is ready, one fighter must run forward and activate the bots. After that, return to your position, and there all together begin to pour lead on the crowd running at you.
  • When you meet LCC fighters, hide behind cover and literally through the pixels try to destroy them. And it's best to stick to cover throughout the game whenever possible.

  • There are two places on the map where mines are placed. Be careful in these areas. One mine can blow up the whole team if stepped on. Such mines are not detected through sapper helmets, special boots will not help either.
  • Places where you need to close doors or activate any generators must be passed as quickly as possible under the cover of comrades.
  • For the entire game, there will be only one Mammoth turret and a couple of ordinary ones that are destroyed due to shelters. And the boss turret dies easily in crossfire. You need to shoot at the balloon in the back of the turret.
  • When you reach the helicopter, then run immediately under the observation tower. First, shoot all the soldiers, and only then deal with the destruction of the boss himself.
  • In the final battle, it is worth taking cover behind the boxes opposite each other. On the second floors on the sides of you there will be soldiers with RPGs. They should be removed first. Watch for warning signs to be aware of where the enemies will attack from. Enigma mini-bosses must be killed exclusively by sitting behind the boxes and shooting only in the head. If they notice you, they will most likely quickly run up and knock you out with one blow. And there they will finish off the whole team.

For passing they give beautiful skins for weapons from the Anubis series.

That's all! Briefing is over, soldier. Read more about the changes in the update.

We went through hell, but we survived. The story is clearly not over, which means we are waiting for a fascinating continuation. Where will they take us next? We will know about it very soon, but for now, good luck to everyone.

P.S. in the city of Moscow on August 27, 2017 a large-scale event will be held. Those who bought tickets are waiting for gifts in the form of pin codes: various weapons for a while/forever, festive equipment and unique in-game achievements: the “Parties are my element” badge, the “Important person” token and the “I can afford” patch.

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