Everything is so boring! Reconcile or get rid of? Everything is tired - burnout syndrome, causes and solutions

There are moments in every person's life when he is overworked. In this case, life ceases to have a certain meaning. What to do if you are tired of living? Look for the reason!

The presence of a problem that makes it impossible to further, previously planned events.

Life according to a pattern, generally accepted standards that are alien to a certain person.

Protracted depression.

Often we plan in advance all the events in our life based on own desires. A prime example there may be a desire to marry before a certain age and give birth to a baby for a woman or career in a certain activity and a certain family model for a man.

However, we do not always get what we want, and if we do not get it, we fall into despondency and longing. The most convenient option in this case is the availability of an alternative. You should think about how you can get something else if it is not possible to get what you want. So there will be no panic, but there will be a ready solution to get out of this situation. There should always be multiple options.

It is not uncommon to find cases where society or a certain group of people has a huge impact on our behavior. Constantly adhering to someone else's opinion means living someone else's life. For example, parents consider it wrong for their child to want to go to university and then work as a teacher.

The argument is undeniable - a small salary. Thus, the child receives a completely different specialty, to which he does not have a soul. This leads to the fact that all his life he regrets his choice. Moreover, when deciding where to go, a person may not feel obvious pressure, but his idea of ​​​​the future has already been formed due to the opinions of his parents.

Therefore, you should teach yourself to do only what you want. Never start doing just that.

No one is immune from depression. The further, the more common is this mental illness. If you suspect that you have depression, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will prescribe the necessary course of treatment and help to avoid consequences in the future. Learn to enjoy life again.

What to do if you are tired of living? We need to think about the fact that there are too many people on our planet whose life is much more difficult than ours, but they find strength in themselves and cope with the problems that have arisen.

What to do if life becomes boring

However, changes can also be made in everyday life so that thoughts of boredom do not arise. There are several ways to do this.

Contribute possible changes into everyday life

This is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. The simplest method is to change the route to work and the method of transportation. You can just get off one stop early and walk to your destination on foot. You should go without plugging your ears with a player, but enjoy the sun or rain, people passing by and especially funny kids.

Let change into your life

If you are tired of living, then you should abandon what you are used to and experiment more. You don't have to cook the same food. There are masses of new recipes, and to please loved ones with unusual and delicious dish always a pleasure. What to do when life is boring? Beneficial changes to intimate life. Romance has never left anyone indifferent, so pleasant music and aromatic candles will create a magical atmosphere and cheer you up.

Changes can also apply to housing. It is not necessary to rush to extremes and start repairs. Sometimes getting rid of the accumulated rubbish and new little things in the form of a bedspread or new curtains can work wonders. This also applies to clothing. New accessories bright colors will make the image new and unique. Psychologists have long noticed that color has an amazing effect on a person's mood.

Be selfish

AT Everyday life every person has a large number of responsibilities that put pressure on the psyche and, over time, contribute to the onset of depression. In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, you should take care of your life in advance. Many people have good intuition. It shouldn't be ignored. The rules of good manners force you to restrain emotions even when you are tired of living. Excessive tightness harms the state of the whole organism.

Learn to enjoy life and appreciate it

There is one useful game. Any problem has a worse version. Finding it, you can learn to enjoy what you have.

How to get back the will to live

"Hello! I have such a problem: I'm tired of living, I don't see the point in life. Every morning on the way to work, I ask myself the question: “Why? What is the sense of life?" I come home with the same question and, not finding an answer, I just go to bed. I feel like I need to change something in my life, but I don't know what. I try different variants, but none brings me satisfaction, peace and tranquility.

For every answer I find, I immediately have a counterargument, and therefore I don’t move, I don’t do anything. I can't concentrate on one thing, I can't catch the ground under my feet. In the evening I just want to lie down and die. I feel that I am on the verge of a breakdown, and I see no way out of my terrible state. How to return the desire to live?

Marina Eremeyko.

I'll tell you a little story about how to get the will to live back. "Who knows why, can survive any how." This phrase belongs to one of the German philosophers. She became known thanks to V. Frankl. In very young age he ended up in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he spent about three years.

Inhuman conditions of existence, hunger, every minute anxiety that you will be the next to be taken to the gas chamber, betrayal, humiliation, cold, death of friends - this is only part of what he had to endure.

But he survived it and remained a Man - as best he could, he saved and supported his comrades, risking his life in the process. He didn't give up. He lived until the age of 92. He wrote many profound works that were translated into 30 languages ​​of the world. He created a new direction in psychology and traveled the whole world with lectures.

Such people as Pope Paul VI, X. Clinton, K. Jaspers and others were looking for meetings with him. He is put on a par with such bold thinkers as Socrates and Giordano Bruno. What helped him survive all these losses and hardships and live? He had the meaning of life. Something worth living for.

Once in the concentration camp, he took with him the manuscript of his book with the first version of his future doctrine of meaning. His concern was first to preserve it, and then, when this failed, to restore the lost text. And he hoped to see loved ones.

After his release, he learned that all his relatives (for the sake of whom he did not leave for America and thus did not escape from the concentration camp) died. But this did not harden him (later he would write that one of the meanings may be the value of the relationship - if we cannot change the situation, then we can change the attitude towards it). He called this "stubbornness of the spirit" - the ability of the spirit to go through all the suffering of the body and prevent the discord of the soul.

I want to ask you, what happened to your spirit? Why are you tired of living? To return the desire to live, remember: your happiness and your success depend only on you!

If we consider that a person is the same brainchild of nature, like the rest of the living beings known to us, then he is to a certain extent endowed with the same qualities as they are. If we consider that animals are not endowed with such a mind as man, then their only point of contact is instincts.

As a rule, two basic instincts are distinguished in a person: the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation, that is, reproduction, which, in turn, are made up of many instinctive factors. Moreover, these two instincts are interconnected.

The instinct of self-preservation includes the following sub-instincts: nutrition, growth, respiration, movement, that is, those necessary vital functions that make any organism alive. Initially, these factors were very important, but in connection with the development of the human mind (I), these factors as vital ones have lost their former significance.

This happened because a person had devices for obtaining food, he began to use food not only to satisfy hunger, but also to satisfy the greed inherent only to man. Over time, food began to get to him easier and easier, and he began to spend less and less time on its extraction. Man began to build dwellings and other devices for himself and secured his life to the maximum.

To return the desire to live, remember: the instinct of self-preservation has lost its significance, and the instinct of reproduction, or, as Freud calls it, libido, has come to the fore. Such human aspirations as aggressiveness, the desire to advance, which previously belonged to the instinct of self-preservation, according to the second law of dialectics, passed into another quality, that is, they passed into "libido". The desire to get ahead, or leadership instinct, has become one of the most significant.

Remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva: "Success means being in time." To have time to do what you feel is destined for you by fate. Indeed, for such short term a person needs to have time to stay on earth. Understand yourself and realize your potential. It is no coincidence that by the end of their lives, many regret the missed opportunities: they dreamed about the wrong thing, did the wrong thing ... And hence the various diseases, sometimes incurable.

After all, dissatisfaction with one's work may not be expressed externally, but may be seen inside in the form of some kind of illness. The absence of this “instinct” in human nature gives rise to a vacuum, whose product may well be some kind of dark theory like Raskolnikov’s about “trembling creatures” or “why create if you can take away” and so on.

Yes, and people who are obsessed with satisfying their sexual instinct are not satisfied with the instinct of leadership, they simply do not have an interesting business for them. But with all this, every person has the opportunity to realize himself. It would seem that it is necessary to start with a trifle - to accept yourself as you are, with all your imaginary and real shortcomings, with your abilities, and even, no matter how difficult it may be (especially for a woman), with the appearance given by nature.

Are you familiar with the situation when colleagues condemn you for wanting to move to another company, they say, something is missing here? And you have long grown out of your position and you are simply not interested. Or pensioners on a bench condemn a certain Ekaterina Vasilievna from the tenth apartment, who is “hunchbacked” at work.

But Ekaterina Vasilievna herself feels great and does not complain either about her health, or about the weather, or about the fact that she does not have enough bread and meat. She simply has no time to do this, she passes on her experience to boys and girls, and she herself is getting younger with them. The concept of "independence" also includes a calm attitude to the position and various awards.

What to do if you are tired of living? How to return the desire to live? If for you in the first place in terms of importance is internal satisfaction with the result of your work, this is the main indicator that you are on the right way. But you can be satisfied with yourself even after a not entirely beautiful act, there are a lot of such examples ... Therefore, do not forget about ethics.

As for inner satisfaction, without it there is no real success. How many people in a moment of frankness cried that they were not as good as it seems from the outside, they were not so successful, but, on the contrary, devastated and unhappy. Only the poor want to be rich, and the rich want... to be happy. But is it possible to be happy when a job, albeit a very prestigious one, as they say, is neither mind nor heart?

If you are tired of living, try to find a hobby. For example, one major politician once admitted that he likes to pickle cabbage. Try to find it at work the good side. One dentist said that he likes to put teeth in young women. Often, young mothers lose their teeth while expecting a baby or immediately after childbirth. And he who has thirty-two teeth laughs well! Therefore, there is no greater happiness for a doctor than seeing a beautiful smile.

Whatever your work is, if you are internally satisfied, you should not react to the attacks of others. Even if it's your parents! Unfortunately, they can be wrong too. Life will judge you. How much famous actors they said that it was their relatives who categorically did not advise them to enter the theater ?! And how many great artists were considered "muffs" by their fathers and mothers...

Or scientists who made discoveries - they were almost mad by rumors! But these people have realized themselves not even one hundred, but two hundred percent. Eleanor Roosevelt is absolutely right: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Consider this, even if your self-realization seems small and insignificant to your loved ones. Often those who have not found their destiny fall into condemnation.

To return the desire to live, remember: self-realization can be called a “basic instinct”, and the fact that people sometimes stop sleeping and eating just to fulfill their plans confirms it. The husband of my old friend vegetated for many years at the research institute, developing an interesting topic for him, the name of which for ordinary people- pure Chinese literacy.

Perestroika broke out, he created his own laboratory. He did not sleep, did not eat, did not receive money, he lived only by faith in success. I recently met him at the airport - he turned out to be right in his calculations, not only in Russia, but also in Japan, they became interested in his developments. Now everything is fine in the family, her head looks just great ...

Don't forget the sense of humor though. It should not leave you, moreover, in difficult moment it can even save. The inimitable Faina Ranevskaya once said: “I knew actresses better than Ranevskaya.” Of course, in order to be able to laugh, including at oneself, one needs in a special way, with positive point view to see the world.

Elizabeth Babanova


For many, spring is a time of renewal. It's time for new experiences, discoveries, beginnings. A time of flourishing not only for nature, but also for our renewed enthusiasm for life. But suddenly you are one of those to whom spring "has not yet reached."

If you are tired of everything, in your heart there is no thirst for new exploits, and the current realities of your life leave much to be desired - much better - what to do? If everything is tired and you don’t know how to cope with apathy, nothing is particularly encouraging, if the colors of life have faded, here are my recommendations:

Method 1: Disconnect from the Internet

Especially from the news. How to deal with apathy when you receive negative information from all sides. Famous people amaze me powerful people writing and speaking about the "chaos of hatred" fueled by the media in recent years.

I am amazed not by the endless and uncontrollable flow of informational dirt (this is natural for the current stage of human development), but by the fact that these well-known, smart people, pointing fingers at others and condemning them for negativity, they themselves constantly add fuel to this poisonous cocktail of pessimism.

Option 1. Quit your job, rent out an apartment and fly to the sea to play the fool. Howl of boredom after a couple of months, return and painfully look for a job.

Option 2. Do without sudden movements, sit down and figure out the real reasons for your condition. And then return the joy of life without being left without pants and family.
To figure out what to do if everything is tired, we will systematically - with the help of the knowledge of the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

When everything gets boring

This state does not arise suddenly, it accumulates: work begins to get annoying, misunderstanding grows in the family - and now any household trifles are already infuriating. As a result, an emotional explosion: “how tired everything is, how boring it is to live!” or apathetic: “I don’t want anything, leave me alone.”

And the biggest claims are usually made against work and family, close people.

If everything is tired to hell, then it is useless to look for someone to blame for their troubles - it will not help. The reason is your inner desires and their fulfillment. We will deal with them in more detail.

I'm tired of work, but I don't understand what I want

At first I liked the work, but over time it became routine and uninteresting, or the management changed, and everything became wrong and wrong. Or there is simply nowhere to grow, there are no new projects and peaks that I would like to conquer.

When interest in work is lost, Bad mood and claims to others, even to those people for whose well-being you go there. So the work can be anything, but it should bring joy, and not just a good salary.

It is important to understand the properties of your character. Then you can decide what kind of activity you like to enjoy every day and not get tired. And by understanding the nature of those around you, you will be able to build conflict-free relationships with colleagues and management without changing your job.

Training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan explains what properties and desires the human psyche consists of and what the model of behavior of any person depends on, helps to understand what the soul really lies to, and what was imposed or contrived.

I want one but I get another

The psyche consists of desires given from birth. They are called vectors and are responsible for what character a person will have. Each desire has its own: one has been dreaming of space or invention since childhood, while the other dreams of becoming a doctor or teacher.

Not all children's dreams are liked by parents, therefore, in the process of education, goals are adjusted in life - relatives and other environments, and a compromise is not always achieved. Therefore, work often does not arouse burning interest: it’s just that it’s customary to work, and you also need to feed your family.

It is important that the desires of the psyche are always supported by properties for their realization. For someone who has dreamed of becoming a teacher or an archaeologist since childhood, by nature excellent memory and attention to detail. And the one who cannot live a day without dancing has a flexible body and the desire to be the first. Maybe the work is tired precisely because the properties given to you by nature are not realized there.

When the properties of the psyche do not find application in life, when desires are postponed for later and are not systematically fulfilled, then the feeling of inner discomfort goes off scale. The feeling that everything is tired and everyone around is cretins becomes stable. It's like having a huge amount of money on hand, but not being able to spend it.

Tired of people, especially close ones

Everyone wants to live in pleasure - this is the natural state of things. Therefore, we strive to use other people, especially those close to us, for our own purposes. It just doesn't always work out. To be able to negotiate, and not to conflict, means to understand how the other lives and breathes.

For one, it is important that his things always stand where he left them. And therefore, claims to those who rearranged the slippers or put things in order in his closet are inevitable. And for another, the most important thing is to hear words of admiration and love. And when emotions in a relationship weaken, this is already a reason for flirting with another, or at least for a tantrum “you don’t love me!”.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan describes the properties of each vector: how a person behaves and why he cannot do otherwise. And most importantly, an understanding comes of exactly how relationships with any people are built, so that both parties get joy from communication, and not gnaw at each other.

So that the relationship does not get tired after a few years, but persists long years, you need to understand your loved one. It is easy and carefree only for the first time, while the attraction controls the process. But then the routine begins, they crawl out different problems in communication, and there may be a desire to leave.

Way to fix the situation: where to start

The main advice is not to make drastic actions. You will always have time to send your boss and colleagues, but patching holes in the budget, listening to the claims of loved ones, whose well-being depends on you, is a very unpleasant task. Also important is not only the financial airbag, but also your inner willingness to change something: the work itself, relationships with management or colleagues, or relationships in the family.

Training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan gives self-confidence. Understanding yourself and others is already more than half the solution to the problem. When you recognize the traits and properties of the human psyche, your behavior towards him changes automatically: instead of irritation, an involuntary smile appears.

And finding the occupation that causes inexhaustible interest is the key not only to a successful career, but a way to get incomparable pleasure from the realization of one's own natural properties. After all, when desires are successfully fulfilled, you want more and more - the very volume of desires increases.

Anything can get boring: both a favorite thing and interesting study, and rest, and even a child or a loved one ... Maybe even get bored all- so that life becomes boring. Here it is: How tired of everything! from which all colors fade. And fed up usually comes on suddenly and unexpectedly. Why does this happen, and how to deal with "tired"?

Why does something get boring?

Emotional fatigue and overexertion

We are so arranged that if we get carried away, then “with our heads”, and if a person is not able to get carried away like that, then life does not please him very much. Enthusiasm fills life with meaning and colors. But it is also impossible to always live at the peak of emotions and tension of spiritual forces. And the stronger the passion, the stronger and longer the “rollback” will be. The easiest advice would be: "Don't get carried away with anything too much!". But it's impossible!

And one day you realize that you are mortally tired of what only yesterday you were completely occupied, or even tired of everything… The main thing is not to panic. This is a completely natural state, resulting from too much emotional stress. Just yours emotional sphere tired and needs to rest. Of course, it is better to give her this rest - otherwise it will be worse.

In the process of rest, it is advisable to completely disconnect from what you fed up Don't think or think about him. Calm your conscience, which will remind you of plans and commitments. Tell her that you are resting for the good of the cause. It is better to rest a little and return with renewed vigor than to force yourself out of a sense of duty - this can end very badly. This is especially true for the following situations:

What to do if everything is boring?

Tired child

Sounds scary? But nonetheless, fed up with the child- this is a natural and even inevitable situation if the child is “on mother” all the time. Of course, you love him very much - do not even doubt that you good mother! The fact is that when a baby is small, it requires huge emotional costs, focusing on his mother's attention almost around the clock. And he needs not just attention, but the attention of himself. highest quality- with love, care and understanding.

Our emotional sphere is simply not capable of such tension all the time. If we do not rest, then the quality of our attention will inevitably begin to decline. Therefore, it is better to sometimes allow ourselves a break from the baby than to wait until he starts to cause irritation in us, which will be difficult to cope with (and the child will feel it anyway), or, even worse, we will start saying to him: “Leave me alone! ”, and our relationship with the child will finally deteriorate.

Dr. B. Spock advises a young mother to take a break from her baby several times a week, for 1-2 hours. Ask your loved ones to help you - let dad or grandmother take a walk with the baby or let you go for a walk. If this is not possible, then set aside “your” time for yourself - when the child goes to bed at night, do not try to quickly redo all the things, but do something pleasant for yourself. And of course, whenever possible - get enough sleep! If you do not rest, then the first person who will be seriously affected by this is a child.

Tired of a loved one

It happens. The fact that you are suddenly tired of a loved one may just be natural emotional fatigue and a signal from your soul that it is time for her to be alone and digest impressions. Relax and let him rest - chat with friends, go somewhere. A few days is enough to get bored again.

After the rest, your relationship will become even closer. Unfortunately, if the relationship is still very young, the “rollback” can turn into complete cooling ... And it also happens - we get carried away by a person under the influence of hormones or our dreams, and then it turns out that it’s nothing: “beloved person” turns out to be completely alien and even unpleasant .

It is in the ebb that feelings are checked for authenticity. And it’s better to detect unstable passion, as well as relationship problems, as early as possible.

Tired of what you love

No matter how interesting your favorite thing is, if you devote all your free time and you can’t sleep at night thinking about new ideas, then of course, one day you will start to feel sick from him. Suddenly you are faced with I'm tired of doing what I love. Nothing terrible - and even very good! Just give yourself a few days to rest and preferably so that nothing reminds you of this matter.

Why it is good? Because while resting behind the scenes your consciousness goes important process integration of experience, it is at this time that a creative leap occurs, the results of which you will notice when you return to your favorite business again. You will look at it differently - and see more and wider, new ideas will appear. It's like you've taken it to the next level.

Tired of everyday things

As a rule, with daily affairs we cope "on the machine", and they do not cause us special emotions. But we are not robots to always do the same job, especially if we are used to doing it very responsibly. At any job there are days off, but the hostess does not have them, it is not surprising that sometimes we are overtaken by: That's it, I'm tired - I'm tired!

Sometimes everyday things get boring not by themselves, but for other reasons. For example, malaise, lack of sleep or some kind of trouble that took too much strength and nerves from us - and now, there is no strength left for everyday affairs. If such a misfortune happened, and you “well, you can’t take it anymore!” — take a rest!

Of course, it would not be bad for someone to replace you ... But even if there is no one to replace you, the world will not collapse from the fact that you once feed your family with store-bought dumplings or do not wash the dishes. Naturally, this should not be abused. You can take a break from household chores 1-2 times a month. If you constantly “have no energy” for your household chores, these may be signs of some problems and depression. Ask yourself honestly: Are you really just tired and exhausted? Or is something bothering you somewhere in the depths of your soul?

Tired of everything

It seems that nothing happened, but life suddenly lost its colors, all the usual activities became a burden, and nothing pleases. I can't even brush my teeth... I'm tired of all! This is more serious. Check the calendar, maybe it's just PMS? - then it will go away :)
If apathy has been going on for more than one week, its causes may be different. It may be the so-called seasonal depression(spring and autumn), there may be accumulated fatigue if you haven’t allowed yourself to rest for a long time and worked very hard, or it may be a signal that something is oppressing you in life, but you don’t want to admit it to yourself.

In any case, firstly, you need to relax, rest and try to please yourself with something. Do not cherish your bad mood - try a change of scenery, chat with forgotten friends. And most importantly, look deeper into your inner world: Why are you tired of everything?- Are you afraid of something? Or are you very upset about something or are you burdened by some circumstance in your life? What exactly are you tired of? These questions are not so easy to answer honestly - we usually stubbornly do not want to see that we are going in the wrong direction.

If depression has come to us, this is a sign that something needs to change. And very good sign! This means that our life can go to new stage. The darkest hour is before dawn. As M.E. Litvak: “Depression is given to a person in order to think about himself, about his mistakes. She tells us to pay attention to ourselves.”

In the hustle and bustle of life, the person we least pay attention to is ourselves. Of course, we take care of ourselves - like a horse: we feed, clean .., but we don’t listen to ourselves - we are always not up to it. A period of depression can be very fruitful if we use it wisely. It takes possession of us so powerfully, pushing everything into the background, that it literally leaves us no choice but to think about us and our life.

If everything is boring...

What to do when something is boring?

Whatever we are tired of, in any case, it is necessary to take a break - both from the annoying factor, and to take a break "in general". The state of "tired" is not the right time for effort. In some cases, best holiday is a change of activity. Let's say you are tired of a person - get down to business, tired of business - hit the tidy or cooking ...

The state of "rollback" when something fed up, in itself is very valuable. Do not be afraid of him, but on the contrary, greet him as a messenger of the new and better. They say that a child grows in a dream. I don’t know if this statement is true, but the fact that we ourselves, as a person and as a professional, and our relationships grow during these periods of “low tide” is for sure. Only after it is it possible to move on to a new, more perfect stage in anything.

What NOT to do when we are tired of something

  • Do not think that if something is tired, then it was a mistake - it is “not yours”. The reasons for the rollback may be completely different.
  • No need to get annoyed and lash out at others - they are not to blame for anything. Irritation in such cases usually arises from the fact that we are struggling with our condition, which takes the last mental strength, and do not allow ourselves to rest.
  • No need to force yourself to do what you are tired of - whether it is communication or activity.
  • Do not be tormented by remorse because you cannot cheerfully continue what you have been doing so far.
  • There is no need to be frightened and succumb to negative thoughts that “everything is bad”, “everything is lost”, etc. In this state, we are not able to adequately assess the situation, and everything is seen in a gloomy light.
  • Better not to think about the future at all. Even if your depression is associated with severe life situation, believe that since everything has become very bad, it means that fate has already prepared a gift for you. Remember how many times this has happened?
  • And of course, there is no need to try to “drown out” the unpleasant feeling that we are tired of something. Alcohol, drugs, games, cheating and other folk remedies from longing” can only bring harm and aggravate the situation.

I hope if you are tired of a child, a loved one, a favorite thing, or even tired of everything, this is not a disaster. The task is to go through this period and learn the lessons that it brings. Then the gloomy "How I'm tired of everything!" can be turned into a start. Good luck and see you again!

© Nadezhda Dyachenko

What to do if everything is boring

November 30, 2018 - No Comments

People live: they conquer professional Olympuses, travel the world, discover the depths of the oceans, space, the secrets of consciousness. Marry, raise children, after all. This one cooks deliciously, that one helps the hopelessly ill, and their faces are happy, bright. Turned on the TV, opened the pictures in social networks - everyone is happy. But what if you're tired of everything? In general, everything. And it seems like you want to live an interesting, eventful life. It seems to be boring to drag out time until payday, vacation, Friday disinfection of the soul ... then one of us settles down.

Only this is all "LIKE", but in life, when everything is boring, they are strangled for a day with complete hopelessness. Twilight. And no amount of advice from a friend, an appointment with a psychologist, a funny movie or a liter of vodka helps bring back joy. At best, you get a temporary effect that you regret the next morning. You give yourself another promise that more - no, no. And from the very insides a hoarse cry: how tired of everything, when it's all over!

Well, it's time to turn to Yuri Burlan's training "Systemic Vector Psychology" for help - its effectiveness is amazing with the results, it's worth taking advantage of.

The problem is not knowing the device

Man is built on the principle of pleasure. I want and I get. If I don't get it, I put in more effort. When I achieve my goal, I rejoice, happiness blazes inside. This is the reward for the efforts made - a good state of mind, mood. But it happens that a person beats like a fish on ice, but nothing works out for him. It seems to carry out actions LIKE EVERYTHING in order to get what they want, but it does not grow together. And then we get angry, offended, break down. Then you don't want anything. A natural emerges: what to do if everything is tired? And did you want YOUR, or rather, did you want THIS?

So, our desires and properties (psyche) are divided into eight groups. They are called vectors. To put it simply, people are different from the inside out. But a similar problem can cover everyone: engineer Oleg Petrovich, accountant Yulia, janitor Vasily and impudent neighbor Semyonovna. And this everyone will begin to ask: what to do when everything is tired, which doors to knock on, from which "gun" and where to shoot? Thanks to the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, we understand: you need to shoot at the bull's-eye - to reveal the essence of yourself! The goal is to decipher and follow in accordance with one's own psyche ...

If everything is tired: we are looking for answers within ourselves

Each of us has our own exceptional desires and properties given by nature. When we follow the trail of nature and fill OUR desires, we live happy life. So why all the time there are people who are tired of everything to hell? Because from childhood we pick up false beliefs, principles, goals that are not characteristic of our psyche. Growing up, we gain negative experience. Here it is the main reason when tired of everything! We are not dragging our own cross, dear ones. Stranger. This forces us to get tired of loads, for someone small and ridiculous.

And we take care their deed, filling your own desires - fatigue will not arise. You don’t want to go home from work - it’s not tired! Remember, for example, our famous artists, directors, musicians. They don't take vacations. After all, it is a pleasure to do what you love.

When everything gets boring: what needs to be changed?

Answer: nothing in itself. You just need to know yourself and finally return to the origins of the soul and heart.

To begin with, we get acquainted with the most logical, rational and able to adapt to any living conditions skin vector. A lover of change, discipline, an achiever and an athlete, he simply languishes from the monotonous sedentary work. His ambition demands high status, earnings. That's who likes to get the deficit, organize the team into a group. good manager. It is an engineer saving time, space and energy for people. Military.

At the same time, it is precisely these people that can be overtaken by a scenario for failure, laid down in childhood by not very successful upbringing actions. At the training, Yuri Burlan helps to deeply work out our unconscious complexes and anchors, and such a problem disappears into oblivion. A person wants to live again and achieve his goals, whether it is a purchase new car or a trip to warm countries in winter. Building a tram or skydiving. How tired everything is - life is so exciting!

The next person who becomes not himself, if natural desires are not filled, is a representative of the famous anal vector. That's who will boringly find fault, eat up the brains of the family, grumble with or without reason, blaming everyone around for troubles. But by nature it is best husbands and wives. Family for them is the most important thing in life. They are patient and honest. Cleanliness and order are the key to well-being and Have a good mood. However, if under-implemented, they can overemphasize endless cleaning. A woman from trampling dirt around the apartment can literally shake. She is very patient, but the chaos created by the household one day blows her up too. Tired!

Which career path is best for them to follow? Where perfectionism, tolerance and order are required the most. They will get tired of speed and change. These are the same people who have been sitting in one place for forty years and are happy from honor and respect. When they say "golden hands", this is also about a person with an anal vector. Locksmith, jeweler, neurosurgeon - professional upper class. They have systems thinking - they are excellent analysts, archivists. Teachers, doctors, mentors. And what to do when the housewife is tired of everything? Take up embroidery, take your hands!

And if everything is tired to hatred of the world?! Tired of any sounds, people around, even relatives, relatives ... Every movement hurts. And what she is inside - beyond words. This is a failure - a black, bottomless vacuum. You have been looking for answers to questions for an impossibly long time - all your life. And I didn’t find it ... Despair set in - why live, everything is meaningless, stupid, about nothing ... What work, what family, money ?! It's all so base and vulgar... This is how the lack of sound expressed by depression expresses itself. People from sound vector do not have material requests - there are requests of the soul.

And what to do if everything is tired, in the case of people with a sound vector? There can be only one advice: urgently go to the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. The fact is that representatives of the sound vector are extremely rare people with abstract intelligence. Once philosophers, astrologers and always mathematicians, physicists, programmers - they try to fill themselves with knowledge of the meanings of life. Their greatest desire is to know the First Cause, the essence of the essence. Get to the bottom of metaphysical depths and realize the meaning of life.

Introverts, they are closed in themselves, looking for answers in the depths of their souls. And of course they don't. By nature, they are given to go outside, to people. Focusing only on oneself is the main mistake of their bad states. To be alone - to slide into insomnia, depression, to suicidal thoughts. At the training, a skill appears to disassemble the psyche of people “into its constituent parts”, to include them in oneself, and in the end, finally, to return the joy of being. Find the meaning of the Divine and your presence on earth.

As a conclusion: when a person knows what he consists of (cellular composition), then it is possible to identify the missing minerals, vitamins, fluids. Competent doctors with the help of medicines and nutritional supplements do an excellent job with this. This is how the body is treated. Soul, our psyche is also possible to cure. First you need to find out those desires and properties that make it up, there are 36 of them in each vector. Knowledge of the psyche is everything!

And to the question what to do when everything is boring, you yourself are aware of the answer: to fill your desires, using your properties in the right way. And that's all.

“... In the process of learning, my consciousness began to clear up. Emotional condition began to change. I came out of this state of vacuum, from a state of nothing, from not wanting anything. No more thoughts - I'm tired, I'm tired of everything, I don't want anything. I don't let myself get stuck in my thoughts. I introduce the principle: "Did the job - think boldly!".

There was some sobriety of thinking. The tension, the feeling of powerlessness and emptiness is gone. There is no more this causeless anger and irritation. I was terribly afraid of life, the future, and it seems that this fear is receding. It's like I came out of a deep coma. It became easier to climb.

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