A strong prayer so that the child sleeps well and serenely. And for the glory of God, I forgot the ailment. And she herself yearns, but she herself twists

Every mother wants her baby to sleep peacefully and soundly at night. Not all babies sleep through the night: some wake up from hunger or from a wet diaper, and some from colic in the stomach. These phenomena are easy to recognize, but when a baby cries for no apparent reason, this is overwork or the evil eye. In this case, you need to read a prayer so that the child sleeps well.

Why is prayer needed?

A newborn baby is very vulnerable. Therefore, mothers try to hide it from prying eyes for the first forty days of life. After this time, the priests advise to baptize the child as soon as possible in order to protect him from evil spirits and unkind people. But even a baptized child needs additional protection higher heavenly powers. After baptism, the baby acquires a connection with God, but in order to maintain this connection, you need to regularly read the word of God to the baby.

Children from birth to seven years old can see what adults cannot see - angels, brownies, ghosts or even demons. This is explained by the fact that at this time the child is close to heaven, his biofield is weak and otherworldly creatures easily penetrate through this barrier. Someone comes to protect the baby, and someone to scare.

When children, especially small ones, see angels, they smile even in their sleep. In such cases, they say: angels play with the child. If a child saw a ghost or a brownie, he calmly looks at one point. Many mothers have noticed this phenomenon in their babies. As a rule, they do not harm, on the contrary, they protect the baby from dark forces. But when a demon comes to the baby, unrestrained crying and screaming begins, especially in the middle of the night. In such a situation, the baby needs only prayer and his mother's faith in God.

Prayers from corruption, evil eye and witchcraft to Cyprian and Ustinya - short and full version

How to pray?

Appeal to God and Orthodox prayer differ from each other. When a person turns to God, he can speak in his own words, this is not prohibited by the church. While reading Orthodox prayer it is necessary to use a prayer book, which uses the ancient Church Slavonic language, it is complex, but over time you can learn to speak correctly. While reading the prayer deep sleep The priests recommend to the baby:

  1. 1. Get distracted from everything earthly, focus on asking the Lord.
  2. 2. Try to keep the prayer impassive (without emotional overtones).
  3. 3. Pronounce words with one intonation (monotone).
  4. 4. Be sincere.
  5. 5. Say prayer words in complete silence.
  6. 6. Do not let images (saints, God) into consciousness.
  7. 7. Be calm, relaxed.
  8. 8. Speak in a low voice (you can whisper).

During prayer, you need to stand at the head of the crib, lightly touching the child, placing your hand on his chest or forehead. So the child will feel the power of God's word and the protection of the mother. At the end of the prayer, the child must be baptized. In addition to prayer, give the child holy water to drink or wash the face three times and cross. Such rituals will help calm the baby, because when the mother says prayer words in a calm voice, the children fall silent, listen, and then fall asleep calmly.

Prayer book for a restful sleep of a baby

Babies can sleep poorly not only at night, but also during the day. In this case, mom reads a prayer during daytime sleep. The most famous word of God that every baptized person must know is Our Father. It can also be read for a restful sleep to a baby. The prayer must be read three times:

Our Father! Who is in heaven! Yes, shine your name yes come Your kingdom, Thy will be done, and on earth as in heaven; Give us our daily bread for this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

A common prayer for children from parents is a prayer to the patroness of the Mother of God of pregnant women, mothers, unborn children and babies. Prayer words Mother of God for many centuries helped to heal children. Therefore, it will help even if the baby does not sleep well due to illness.

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (name, names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the heavenly and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

The prayer of the Mother of God is read from the very birth of children and throughout life. It helps parents to be more tolerant of children, and children to be more obedient and kind. God's word protects against diseases and various dangers on life path blesses for good deeds.

A prayer to the Guardian Angel is designed to protect the child from evil spirits, unkind people, the evil eye. They begin to read it from infancy and gradually teach the child to read it on their own:

Guardian Angel of the servant of God / servant (name), I beg you and ask for protection. Do not leave my child on the road and do not lower your wings for his and my sins. Save my child from bad people and damn dangers. Block the path of the evil intrusion and send down from heaven a strong protection against disease. Guardian angel, bring my child to Orthodox faith in Christ. May it be so. Amen.

Orthodox parents need to remember that God's word works only on baptized children. For better protection of the child, above the crib, at the head, place the icon of the child's patron angel. All children, when they go through the rite of baptism, are called by a name in Church Slavonic. For example: Ivan - John. Names in Church Slavonic often coincide with the names of great martyrs - people who were tortured and atrocities defending their faith in the Lord God Jesus Christ. On each icon of the saint, on the reverse side, there is a prayer to the patron, also read it to the baby at night. Icons with the image of the heavenly patron can be purchased at the church or in the church shop. They are sold already consecrated.

A common problem for young parents is insufficiently strong and healthy children's sleep. It is necessary for the full growth and development of the child. A light plot to make the baby sleep well will help the baby and the whole family get rid of anxiety, as well as insomnia.

You can save your baby from insomnia with the help of a conspiracy

Conspiracy for sound sleep

Children often sleep restlessly due to their state of health, hunger, and nervous system. They are more prone to evil eye, slander, envy than adults. Children carry bad information into the night, sleep problems begin.

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, it is enough to conduct a small ceremony. To do this, with your fingertips, with light movements, you need to run over your face, eyes and say:

“Angels, you are guardian angels, you are heavenly warriors. Stand at the head of the servant of God (name), stand on his right side, stand on the left side, guard the servant of God (name). Protect him from evil spirits, from black tongues, from all evil. Let him fall asleep sooner and sleep peacefully, a good sleep. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This plot is repeated once. If on next night the baby cannot fall asleep soundly, he had a dream and he woke up, sleeps restlessly, you can repeat the ceremony.

Another slander on a child's sleep

The second version of the conspiracy. If the baby does not fall asleep well, toss and turn, sleeps restlessly at night, you should try this rite. Hex is read every day before going to bed, throughout the week. If necessary, repeat more than the recommended period.

“Pash, plow from the servant of God (name) insomnia, from a white face and from clear eyes. And I plow on a white face and on the clear eyes of sound sleep, both day and night, both morning and evening. And my key words are stronger than stone and damask steel. The key to them is in the blue sea, and the castle is in the green field. Amen".

The rite will work faster if, while pronouncing the words, lightly stroke the child with your right hand, especially over your closed eyes.

Impact on infant sleep

Babies are able to confuse day with night, experience pain, worry about the absence of a mother. Not always modern medicine can help him sleep peacefully and fall asleep. to see good dreams, you need to read the plot.

A conspiracy for a baby is positive energy. It does not harm, these readings are the purest and most powerful.

How to read

For a child to sleep soundly, a mother or grandmother should speak. Positive thoughts and faith in success should prevail in the soul and head. The plot is read at sunset, at home. Hands, feet and face of the baby are washed with holy water. You need to take him in your arms, go to the window and, looking at the sunset, read in a singsong voice:

“Don’t ruin my baby insomnia, don’t wake me up. Find an owl bird, walk with it, do not offend the child. Do not discredit the dream, fly away, I drive away.

Repeat the ceremony 3 times, several days in a row.

Before the ceremony, the child should be washed with holy water.

To make the child fall asleep easily

The baby is dressed in a white shirt or vest. Mom or grandmother stands at the head of the crib. With light and slow movements, you need to stroke the head and closed eyes, to say:

“Healthy sleep, sweetie! Put my child (name) to sleep, take it to sleepy mansions. So that the spirit rests, so that the child sleeps soundly.

Repeat 5 times.

restful sleep

The plot gives a sound sleep for the whole night. His mother or grandmother reads. Before this, you need to wash the baby with holy water. Should be read aloud:

“Insomnia, sleeplessness, Don’t touch the baby, don’t pull his hair, don’t pinch his heels, don’t tickle his sides. Better swim away to the sea, play with the waves there, run away into the dense forest, run across the field. My words are strong and indestructible. Amen".

Repeat 3 times.

Dream spell with a candle

This ceremony is performed before the evening or daytime bathing of the child. It is necessary to draw water into a container where the child will swim, light a church or white candle, lean over the water with it and say in a singsong voice:

“Dremushki-sleepyheads, respond. Rise, gather to the water. You, Mother Voditsa, quench your thirst. You deliver from weakness and sickness. Wash away all oohs and sighs from the child (name). Night turmoil. Restless nights. I will wash the child (name) with water. I will wash my healthy sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Wash the child well in charmed water and put to bed. Pour water outside.

Prayer for sleep

Prayer is strong conspiracy for restful sleep. She comforts and protects. Why you need to read prayers:

  • create the right energy field;
  • attract the attention of the Guardian Angel;
  • remove nightmares;
  • take away bad thoughts;
  • strengthen protection over a baptized child.

Prayers are a universal way to talk a child to sleep.

Our Father

most popular and strong prayer for all - "Our Father". She will calm and protect the baby from all evil. "Our Father" is read by the mother, father of the child or grandmother. A cross should hang around the reader's neck. Additionally, during the pronunciation of the prayer, it is recommended to baptize the forehead of the child. Read at least three times, twice a day.

Prayer "Our Father"

The text of the prayer for the Blessing of the mother serves as a cleansing from all that is bad. All sidelong glances, thoughts towards the baby will be canceled. It is aimed at awakening the Guardian Angel.

Faith in the power of the prayer word will give strength to the baby and his Angel, serve as a shield from black magic and conspiracies. It is necessary to read the text when the child is sleeping, standing at the head of the crib. It will not be superfluous to hang a small cross near the baby.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of Yours. Lord, in the grace of Your power, my child, have mercy and save him for Your name's sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You. Lord, guide him to true path Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, at school, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession. Lord, save him under the roof of Your Holy from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer (rays of the atom) and from vain death. Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all kinds of troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him of all diseases, cleanse him of all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease him mental suffering and mourn. Lord, grant him the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity. Lord, increase and strengthen his mental abilities and bodily strength. Lord, give him Your blessing for a pious family life and pious childbearing. Lord, grant me, your unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child from morning, afternoon, evening and night for the sake of your name, for your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen".

Prayer for a restful sleep of a child

How to avoid insomnia and restless nights

Insomnia is bad for general condition organism. Children's bad dream is the worst enemy of health. In addition to conspiracies, there are ancient beliefs and tips on how to bring good sleep into your home:

  • the sleeper's head should look south;
  • put a small mirror under the bed;
  • dishes must be washed;
  • all cutlery, especially knives, are put away;
  • every bad dream, must go with the morning water;
  • Before going to bed, slippers should be left with the sole up.

There is also an opinion that golden topaz is the strongest symbol of sound sleep. It can be put under the pillow after reading the plot.

Golden Topaz - a stone for restful sleep


A conspiracy for children's sleep is a good rite to facilitate sleep for all children. All rituals are performed by the mother in a good mental state, without bad thoughts.


There are no children that grow up without screaming. Why do small children often cry and scream a lot? There are many reasons for this, something is still a mystery. Most often, not being able to say, this is how the baby reacts to our world, due to his weakness, reminds of himself, of his problems, ailments, malfunctions in the body, so as not to be forgotten. And often the cause of screaming, sometimes tantrums, is uncontrollable nervous system baby, which is far from perfect.

Babies subtly feel changes, external energies, they are sensitive to any changes. Sometimes the appearance of just a stranger can cause a whim of a child, hysterical crying. Adults are confused... Where to look for the reason? And the reason is the violation of the energy biofield of the baby. Often the cry is based on excessive praise. How to speak crying to a child with the help of conspiracies and prayers and let's talk today.

Causes of baby crying

Consider the causes of crying in children, those that are present in ordinary healthy children:

  • Crying is a child's protective shield.
  • Children's sensitivity to external energy fields is incredibly high. therefore, the slightest change from the outside (pressure drops, magnetic storms, phases of the moon, the appearance of strangers, bursts of energy from the side, negative impact of a different plan - all this is subtly perceived by the child's psyche and biofield.
  • The child is in close connection with the mother, everything that she experiences, and how - everything is reflected in the behavior of the baby. That is why any negative impact on the mother, her mood is immediately reflected in the behavior and well-being of the child.
  • Screaming from birth, children can protest against this world in such a way, the desire of this soul was not taken into account by sending it to Earth.
  • The child does not accept something in this world: the bed is not there, there is a lot or little light, it is cold or often too hot, it can be boring, but he cannot express his disagreement. The cry is a manifestation of his dissatisfaction.
  • So the baby can develop, acquire the necessary skills. It has been proven that calm children who sleep a lot lag behind restless ones in development. After all, in a hurry to know the world, in short time must master most of their skills.
  • The character of the child is already formed in the first days of life, and possibly already at conception. Someone will be born phlegmatic, someone choleric, sanguine ... you won’t knock out a tear from someone, but someone will let them in anyway. Well, capriciousness sometimes comes with the first breath 🙂 so there's nothing to be done...
  • And often by nature born small man- a dictator, from the cradle he begins to subordinate everyone and everything around to his will.
  • Adds to the list of causes and weak nervous system of the newborn, excessive fatigue, hypersensitivity and increased tone child's body. But these are already medical diagnoses, we will not talk about them.

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to establish the cause of children's crying, but it is necessary to listen. Until then, help external forces, which is a high power.

Prayers for a peaceful sleep for a baby

Whenever help is needed higher powers you and your baby, ask the Mother of God for her. Prayer for children will help and calm the child:

Oh, Blessed Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

Prayer for the child to sleep better:

“Jesus, Son of God, bless, sanctify, save my child with mud Life-Giving Cross Yours."

Prayer to the Guardian Angel of the child, for a good dream:

“Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the name of the baby is indicated), cover him with your shield from demonic arrows, from a sugary seducer, keep his heart pure and bright. Amen".

How to speak a crying baby

Take the baby in your arms, wash him with holy water and wipe the inside of the hem of his dress or shirt.

Morning dawn, evening dawn, give me sleep and peace for the day and night (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the child cries in the evenings, most likely he is overexcited. To prevent evening whims, before bathing a child, say the water in which you will bathe the child.

Collect, water, tears from a baptized baby (name). Weeping roars, go to the water, water to the ground, the earth will take tears, the roar of a baby will subside, so that the century does not happen, does not burp. Amen.

More such words, say them quietly into the left ear of the screamer:

You, my dawn Marya, and you, my dawn Daria. Come and see my baby. He did not spend the night, he did not close his mouth. Give him sleep, peace among white day early in the morning, late in the evening, all the days of the week of the Lord. Don’t cry on Monday, don’t scream on Tuesday, don’t suffer on Wednesday, don’t yell on Thursday, be silent on Friday, don’t squeak on Saturday, be at peace on Sunday. Lord help, Lord bless. Which word you forgot, which one you dropped on the ground, each stand in your place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy to cry a child

While bathing the child, slowly splash some water on his stomach and say:

King of the water, give spring water, the servant of God (name) to wash, take a steam bath, get rid of the sunset roar. After a steam bath, become a key water, a servant of God (name), as humble as God's mercy is meek and meek. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read after bathing, putting the baby to bed, also these words:

“Screamer, old tramp, take the screamer under the wing of the capon. Sleep with sleep, give him rest. Amen."

If a child starts screaming

Often this happens after the guests, when the child was cheerful, laughed a lot, and in the evening it starts to fail. Speak into the water and sprinkle it on the child at the moment when he starts crying.

Holy cradle. The Mother of God shook Christ, she did not know anxiety from the Child. He slept, rested, did not cry, did not suffer, did not cry out. So my child would not cry, would not suffer, would not roll, would not scream: neither in the clear Sun, nor in the white Moon, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening sunset. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

If the child screams heart-rendingly, read these words:

A spinning top rolls, with it a little silence runs, for our screamer, for a screaming child. So that the child does not scream, does not roll, is silent. Amen.

Above the restless crying baby read such a conspiracy before going to bed that you slept peacefully:

Sonya-soniatko, put the child to sleep,
Enveloped by slumber in sleepy mansions.
I'll turn my eyes, whisper three times:
Spitko, sprinkle, Sonya-soniatko.
For the child to sleep, the baptized soul rested. Amen.

Conspiracy on a crying child in kindergarten

Not all children easily get used to another place, often at home, they are very impressionable and do not want to stay there, breaking their mother's heart and creating problems for the teacher.

Listen, floorboard, true, not fiction. I leave you my baby, a frisky colt. Let the child jump, play, shed no tears. Follow every step so that everything is as it should be. This is not a command, but a parental order! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Parents cannot calmly react if their baby sleeps restlessly, and therefore they are looking for reasons why this happens and how to improve sleep. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why the baby does not sleep well - the tummy hurts, the emotions accumulated during the day, as well as fear and damage. In all these cases, prayers and conspiracies will come to the rescue so that the child sleeps well, some of them can even be read as a fairy tale or sung as a lullaby.

The child eats and sleeps poorly

It happens that the baby is not only naughty during sleep, but also eats without a desire. To remedy the situation, you need to read such a conspiracy during feeding:

“Sleep son (daughter), sleep tight, there is an old oak in the forest, there is an old, dry branch on that oak. Let all the anxiety go to that branch, and from you, son (daughter), everything will come down. Let that branch dry, crumble, and let my son (daughter) sleep. Amen".

Then you need to put the baby in the crib and whisper these words:

“Go away insomnia, don’t wake my son (daughter). Go to the forest, go to the field, go to the owl, go to the fox. Mess with them, frolic with them. I drive you away, insomnia, don’t blacken my son (daughter), go away completely.

The baby needs to be crossed three times and at the same time say "Our Father".

For the baby to sleep soundly

When the child suddenly began to sleep poorly, and the reason is unknown, the mother needs to go to the icon of the Mother of God and repent of her sins before her, then read “Our Father” three times and take the baby in her arms. Maybe after this, the baby will calm down, because the mother and child are connected with each other by strong bonds, and if a woman was angry, cursed or envied someone during the day, this will immediately affect her baby. If the child is still naughty, you need to stroke him on the head clockwise and say these words:

“The sleepy queen, the heavenly sister walked across our land, she found my baby, put her in the cradle, rewarded me with a good sleep. She guarded sleep, drove away insomnia, sang a song: “Sleep, baby, sleep peacefully, I will guard your sleep, drive away insomnia, sleep peacefully for you, don’t pester you with insomnia.”

Usually, after saying this prayer, the child falls asleep soundly.

Prayer after baptism

It is very important to carry out the rite of baptism over the child as soon as possible, then he will be under the protection of the mother and her guardian angel, but also under the protection of his divine protector. On the same day when the baby is baptized, you need to read a prayer over him at home before going to bed:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, save my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross.”

After baptize the child and sprinkle with holy water.

Read also: Grandmother's prayer for granddaughters not to get sick

To sleep all night

Many babies sleep restlessly at night, waking up several times during the night. For parents, this is a test, especially if the baby did not rest during the day. In this case, you need to wash the child in water with the addition of a saint, then wipe it with a white sheet or cloth and hang it on Fresh air. Then give three sips of holy water to drink and read the following words to us as a baby:

“The cross is on me, the cross is in me, fly Angel to me, sit on the right wing, save me, Lord, from evening to dawn, from now to eternity. Amen".

Usually, after this ritual, the child sleeps soundly all night. You can repeat after 10 days and again after 10 days - to consolidate the effect.

So that the "midnight woman" does not come

Quite often, children begin to confuse day with night: during the daytime, the baby is passive, and at night, on the contrary, he wants to play and run. People call this type of insomnia "night sleeper". She is represented as an evil woman with gray, uncombed hair. She scares the child at night with her appearance, so she needs to be driven away on the waning moon. To do this, put a bowl of water under the cradle, and put scissors under its pillow. Then say these words three times in a formidable voice:

“Aunt midnight woman, jump into the pool and drown in it, run on the edge of a knife, don’t go to my child so that he sleeps at night, he doesn’t know how to wake up.”

The baby needs to be put in his bed that night and say in the direction of the crib:

“You won’t find my child, but if you go looking for it, you will perish and rot there.”

In the morning, pour water from a bowl into the yard; it is forbidden to enter the bathroom.


Take the midnight owl off the baby

Midnight is different from insomnia. If your child has confused day and night, take urgent action: soon the baby may get sick nervous disorders leading to schizophrenia or mental disability.

Put sharp metal objects under his pillow (knitting needle, lock, knife or scissors), and place a bowl of water under the bed.

Here's a lake for you!
Dive in it!
Stab with a knife!
Get away from my child!

In the morning, pour out the water at the crossroads. Never flush it down the toilet!

On the same evening, fill a mug of water, take it in your right hand ( thumb put your hands on top of the mug). Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, quickly say the conspiracy:

“Like the ceilings with the mother sleep and are silent, they never scream,
So my child would sleep and be silent, never scream.

Do this three times: inhale deeply three times and say the incantation words as you exhale. Give the child three sips of water, and wipe his face, chest, arms and legs with the rest of the water.

In the morning, change your child's bed, wash the mattress and blanket. Ventilate the room well (it is better to arrange a draft), clean it with a candle flame, sprinkle it with holy water. In the crib put amulets from evil spirits handwritten prayers.

Remove insomnia from fear

Another cause of insomnia in a baby can be fear. You need to get rid of this trouble. Take a fresh chicken egg that has not been in the refrigerator. Light a church candle.

Read the prayers of Our Father and the Mother of God known to you, ask them for help. Start rolling out the baby's testicle, first from the front from head to toe, and then from the back from top to bottom.

Roll out three times while reading the plot:

“I roll the testicle, I take off the fright on it.
Who made the baby suffer
He himself will twist from his damage.

After rolling out, you need to pierce the egg with a gypsy needle and say:

“I am ulcerating someone else’s will!”

"I break someone else's will!"

Wash off three times with water. Go to the bathroom and rinse your hands well up to your elbows. Take some water in a glass, sprinkle the baby with this water with the words:

"Who scared - took everything upon himself."

Ignite the tip of the needle over the flame of a candle. Cross the baby. Let the candle burn to the end. On this night, the baby will sleep well, a strong healthy sleep will return to him.

Insomnia from the evil eye

  • jar with spring water;
  • poplar chip.

If your baby is jinxed, then he becomes moody and loses a good restful sleep. Pour spring water into a jar and put a small poplar chip. Read the plot three times into the water:

“All the winners and slanders, mowing and lessons, all the sickness is thin, roll down,
Get off the servant of God's baby (name)!
Like water from a duck, so from (baby's name) a likhovitsa!
Where did it come from, to that it was transferred!

Wash the baby with this water, spray the crib. And put a sliver on the side of the crib and read the words three times:

“You, a sliver, are small and lucky.
Save the servant of God's baby (name) from an evil person.
From sorrow, illness and misfortune, from a black eye and a bad word.

A chip from a poplar will take any negative energy to myself. It will protect the baby from insomnia and make sure that he sleeps well day and night.

If the baby is overexcited

The psyche of children is unstable. It happens that the child will play the game and overwork. And then he starts crying and can't calm down. To bring the baby into balance, wash his face with some water, saying a conspiracy for insomnia:

“Dawn of the morning and evening dawn!
Give peace and sleep for the night, for the day."

Wipe the baby with the hem of your bathrobe or skirt, give him warm milk to drink so that he sleeps well.

Restless children

If the baby is naughty and does not want to fall asleep, you can help him with a conspiracy. In order for the baby to sleep well, when breastfeeding, read the conspiracy for sound sleep:

"Sleep, little one.
In the corner is a branch from a dry stump, a sick tree.
I will send restless from you to this branch.
A branch to suffer, and my son (daughter) to rest.

When bathing a baby

If the baby played for a long time all day, and before going to bed he began to act up, do this. When bathing, say these words for insomnia so that the baby calms down and sleeps well:

“The sleepy queen walked through her possessions, she found my (child's name).
She laid her in the cradle, sang a song:
“Sleep, (baby name), and I will watch over you.
I will keep your sleep so that it is calm. ”

For bedwetting

So that the child does not write in bed and sleep soundly, you need to roll out this ailment with an egg. Take a fresh testicle, roll around the baby's ankles in a figure eight 7 times in a row, starting with the right leg. At the same time, say this:

“In an open field, the morning dawn rises, the evening dawn sets.
I will stand with my face to the east and my back to the west.
I look to the east - 3 doves are flying, carrying 3 golden locks.
They locked water with locks: rivers and streams, blue seas and springs, downpours with rains.
They locked and closed bladder.
As the earth is dry without rain, so let the bed (name) be dry and dark at night and under the moon.
My words are strong and strong now and forever.

Crush the egg with your hands over the toilet and flush three times. Bury the shell in the ground.


After childbirth, having evaporated the puerperal in the bath, the midwife soars the newborn too, saying:

Grandmother Solomonyushka Christ soared and left us a parka. God bless! Handles, grow, get fat, become vigorous; legs, walk, carry your body; tongue, speak, feed your head. Grandmother Solomonyushka hovered and ruled, asking God for mercy. Don't be gray-haired, be a walker; Listen to the bath-houses-parushi: Do not listen to lessons, or cleanings, or tracts, not from the thin, not from the kind, or from the girls with empty hair. Live so fat, yes vigorous.

The women soar the newborn, saying:

Sleep by the day, grow by the hour. Either your business, then your work, grief and care. Let mother sleep, let's work. Do not listen - where the hens cackle, listen to the singing of the church and the ringing of the bell.

After washing the newborn, they lay him on his back and first pull the toes forward and crosswise to the elbows, then turn him on his stomach and also pull the toes to the legs crosswise; then they put it on the palms of the middle of the body so that the head and legs hang, and shake it several times, saying:

Straightened, now you won't be a freak!

Immediately, after tying the umbilical cord, they grab the child’s nose with two fingers and sip it several times, saying:

Don't be a snub and sleep tight!

Prayers read by grandmothers at the first wash, in the bath, of a newborn baby

I will rise, the servant of God, blessed, I will go, crossing myself from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the open field.

in the open field - the blue sea, in the blue sea - the blue stone. On the blue stone the Mother of God sits. She plows and shakes soot from the forest, sea foam from the sea, from coast to coast, from east to west. I, the servant of God, bow down to her and submit to her: Blessed Mother of God, Mother of God, do not plow, do not brush off the soot from the forest, from the sea of ​​sea foam; plow and brush away from the servant of God, the baby (name), all passions, all lessons, all ruffians; all the slander, father's thoughts and mothers, sisters and grandmothers: from a violent head, a white face, from clear eyes and black eyebrows, from a zealous heart, from red meat, from white lard, from fifty cubits, from nokot, from subcarinal veins.

The conspiracy to wash babies is pronounced

Bless, Lord, steam and a broom, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The servant of God, Fedor, bathes, washes, for selfishness, for joy, for God's mercy, for the grace of Christ. Solomonida's grandmother was true to Christ in the second bath parush soared. The true Christ was not afraid, was not frightened and did not groan, so you are a servant of God, baby Fedor, do not be afraid, do not fear and do not worry, the evil, dashing shadow in the eye, but the nail in the heart to the envious. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Conspiracy when weaning a baby from the breast

The table is set, various dishes are placed on the table, and a birch twig is placed next to them; the child is seated at the table and, looking out the window over his head, they say quietly:

Just as a forest does not yearn for a tree, so a child would not yearn for breasts.

After these words, they notice that the child will begin to grab from what is placed on the table, and that is why he needs to be fed more; if he grabs a twig, then the child should be forced by this means when he does not eat something on a whim.

Conspiracy for pain in the ears

They put a child to the corner cross near the hut, formed from ancient sulfur from the action of heat, and say:

The corner is chopped, the cross of oaks; that cross did not hurt, did not sting, and did not twirl in the ear. And so the servant of God would not hurt and his ear would not turn, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor in the new, nor in the old, nor in the blocking of the month. Till the end of time. Amen.

Conspiracy from the teeth

Children throw a fallen tooth into the place where there are mice, with a sentence:

On you, mouse, turnip (tooth), give me a bone one.

A conspiracy for the purity of the baby's body

They pour or douse the baby with water in the bath, saying:

Water from a gogol, from a baby (the name of the rivers), all thinness! water under the floor, baby on the floor.

Scabies conspiracy

Scabies of a child is removed like this: smeared sore spot sulfur mixed with cream and tar; they take rubbish from three baths, chicken droppings, a leaf from garlic, turn all this into ashes and smear the sore spot. Or they take one cream and say the words in them:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a red-haired girl with a dry broom, extinguishes, extinguishes the bath evil spirits, the scabs are wet. As this broom has dry leaves, so would the scabs be dry; as the leaves of this broom fall, so the chasotka would sleep.

Conspiracies from screaming and insomnia in children

The sorceress, in order to pronounce a conspiracy, goes out into the yard with the child and becomes a face in the dawn.

Dawn-lightning, red maiden, morning Irina, Daria noon, come, take the daytime cry and midday half-cry, take it to the dark forests, to distant lands, beyond the blue seas, to the yellow sands, in the name of the Father.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden, take a krix slave (name) and day, and night, and midnight, and noon, and eye; you went away, go there: you went from the forest, go to the forest, you went from the field, go to the field, you went from the garden, go to the garden, you went from the meadows, you go to the meadow, you went from the sea, to go to the sea, give the slave (name) peace and humility.

The sorceress, late in the evening, so that no one can see, carries the child under the chicken pole. Having undressed, he washes him three times and each time he says:

White chickens, pockmarked chickens, yellow chickens, motley chickens, black chickens, take your night bats, and give the baby (name) good health and sleep.

Having washed herself for the third time, the sorceress spits three times, says:

Water from a goose, and thinness from a baby (name)

and dresses the child and a fresh dress.

One more strong conspiracy for insomnia in children

Good evening, ryaba chickens, white chickens, sulfur chickens. We have come to you, servants of God, we have brought a baby from a crybaby. Pevny cockerels, early coquettes, sing, sing, servant of God, take out the crybaby crybaby. Day, night, noon, midnight, eye, from a white eye, from gray and from black, and from a bad hour, and from a bad minute, I pronounce, I call out: come out, redeem from the servant of God, baby (name), from bones, from hot blood, from a dense belly, from an iron heart, from a violent little head. We are calling you, we are calling you, we are sending you all to red dawns, to clear stars, to chicken poles!

Conspiracy from a relative


Ritual for a good and sound sleep for a child

Magic Conspiracy #1

A conspiracy for a good sleep for a baby should be read on Friday at a time when the baby begins to fall asleep. The person who is speaking will need a bunch of sleep-grass tied wool thread of red color. It is necessary to cross the child with them 3 times and say the conspiracy words:

“I baptize with the Cross, I put the servant of God’s child (name) to sleep. Sleep tight, don't be afraid, and wake up - have fun from the heart. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #2

The ceremony is carried out in the evening. The person who is speaking needs to take the icon of the saint in whose honor the baby was baptized, crossing it 3 times and pointing it at the child and say:

“Angel, archangel, seraphim and cherub, come give advice on how to put the baby (name) to sleep as a servant of God. Rock the crib, cross the child with your wings, with your fingers. To sleep soundly and not know grief. Key and lock to my words. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #3

Conspiracy words, the speaking person should, as it were, sing along and rock the crib to the beat:

“On the sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there is a tall golden tower, and in the little house a dormouse lives. She rubs her eyes, she yawns, she puts all the children to sleep. Sleepy sleepy help put the servant of God's baby (name) to sleep, send him a strong, sweet sleep and joy in him. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

How to protect a baby from spoilage

Magic Conspiracy #1

A conspiracy from the evil eye must be done at dawn. To protect the baby from the evil eye, you should take 3 gray small pebbles, water and 3 spoons.

Then pour water into a plate so that it flows over spoons. The baby should be washed with this water: wet the chest, crown, and then give a sip to drink. After the procedure, go outside, pour out the remaining water and say 3 times:

“It came from the forest, go there, it flew with the wind, into the wind and go away, it rolled from the people, and go away on the people.”

Magic Conspiracy #2

Bathing in the bathroom to say:

“Grandma Solomonida soared, washed, and spoke conspiracies - from one they lived to another, into a single vein. So that no lessons, no supervision and no slander stick. They didn’t take their own thought, and they didn’t take their own - not lingual and not ear, not stained and not stained, not plantar and not plantar. Amen".

Conspiracies for teething without pain

Magic Conspiracy #1

Conspiracy words are read when the baby is teething. The person who is speaking needs to take a cutting bow, baptize him 3 times.

Give in the right hand to the child and say:

“On the sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, a garden has been dug up. There, onions sprout all year round. The chives are cut without tears and without pain, once and quickly came out. Also, the servant of God's baby (name) would have teeth cut without pain and quickly. Till the end of time. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #2

The ceremony is carried out at any time of the day or night, when the child is restless due to teething. The speaking person baptizes the baby 3 times and says following words, rocking the crib:

“I am baptized with a cross, I wish to get rid of the servant of God’s child (name). Your teeth will grow nimble, sharp, you will bite them and not know grief. Wait, be patient, don't cry and don't cry. Amen".

How to avoid illness

Magic Conspiracy #1

Magic words must be spoken over the child after he is born:

“I will get up blessed, go out of the house crossing myself - I will go from the first door to the second, from one gate to another, I will go out into the open field and go far, far to the sea-ocean. In the ocean-sea there is a white cast stone, and there is no alder, no blood, no tumor on it. So my child (name) would not be drawn, it would not hurt, neither in the joints, nor in the veins, nor in the bones, nor in the head, nor in the brains, nor in the hot blood. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #2

As in the previous conspiracy, these words must be pronounced immediately after the birth of the baby.

“33 crows fly, fly, carry, carry 33 stones. Crows sat on a hill, on a hill, under a Christmas tree, under a larch, under a hot stove, under a steam bath. They took and removed any illness from the servant of God (name of the child). Fly the crows into the open field, descend into the blue sea, like a key to the bottom.

Conspiracies from fear

Magic Conspiracy #1

To pronounce words over a sleeping child at any time of the day.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. How damp earth will not shake, will not be afraid, will not return, so our baby (name) will not be afraid and will never shake off. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #2

Talk in the evening over the baby's bed:

“Across the wide fields, and along the wide valleys, along the green meadows, and along the golden sands, along the fast rivers, the servant of God (name) walked.

How fast rivers they shimmer like golden sands spill over, like water rolls down from green grass,

so from the servant of God (name) and a flash to fall from a zealous heart, from a violent head, from bloody livers, from clear eyes and from the whole white body.

Conspiracies for tummy pain in a baby

Magic Conspiracy #1

The rite is performed at any time when the baby is worried about pain in the tummy. The speaking person baptizes the baby's tummy 3 times, then puts his palm on it and says the following words:

“I baptize with the cross of a servant of God’s child (name), I want to relieve the pain in my stomach. Pain-pain, go to the field-field, to pure will-will, and do not touch or disturb the baby (name). Till the end of time. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you again need to cross the tummy 3 times.

Magic Conspiracy #2

This plot, like the previous one, is done when the baby has a tummy ache. The speaker must take the icon Holy Mother of God, baptize the child with it 3 times, then pronounce the conspiracy words, applying the icon to the sick stomach:

“Holy Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, our God, you gave birth to your son, rocked in the cradle, protected from all pains. Put your hand on the tummy of the servant of God's baby (name) so that the pain disappears, goes away forever. Till the end of time. Amen".

Magic Conspiracy #3

The person who is speaking needs to cross the sick tummy of the child 3 times, then bend over to him and say conspiracy words right in the stomach and at the same time bite him with his lips. After the spoken words, you need to step back and cross again 3 times:

“I bow to the tummy of the sick servant of God's child (name), touch his pain, bite into it with strong teeth and spit over my left shoulder. Was strong pain- and it doesn't exist at all. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".


Each loving mother Wishing your baby a good sleep. Knowledgeable people recommend reading prayers at the head of a crib.

Words refer to the Guardian Angel or the Lord. Even when the baby’s sleep is strong, prayer is still needed so that the child sleeps well, so that his dreams are pleasant.

It is advisable to teach the child to pray with early age. Knowledgeable people believe that pure, good thoughts and desires will please the Lord, and he will want to take the child under protection. Instill sincere faith in the heart of the child, so that even in adulthood, God's help will accompany him. Then he will live happy life without knowing grief.

The mother worries about the child sleeping well. Sometimes restless sleep is the consequences of an ailment that requires serious medical supervision. However, sometimes it is impossible to establish the reason why the baby rages and does not sleep. Then the sorcerers claim that demons are tormenting the child. To save a child from violence, it is necessary to read a prayer service every day, as he falls asleep.

prayer service the best solution problems. The psyche of the child is excessively weak, and therefore constantly requires spiritual protection. The Lord gives such protection.

The holy word works better on the baptized. However, it is worth considering that even if the child is baptized, it is also necessary for parents to live in accordance with the commandments of God in order to protect the baby.

Faith and tranquility

Any prayer is learned by heart. Read, being in a calm state and wishing the fulfillment of your plan. If there are doubts about the power of words - it is better not to read. The holy word should be pronounced when you believe in the action and help of the One to whom it is addressed.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness for sins. The baby is connected with the mother, and therefore her behavior directly affects his well-being. Prayer, uttered with repentance for one's bad thoughts and intentions to correct bad deeds, will certainly have its effect.

Say the prayer in a whisper, quietly whispering the words in your ear. They save you from nightmares. Some mothers and grandmothers wash the child with holy water at night.

Pray for the children's dream coming

Many appeals to the Lord are made before or during the child's sleep. They are aimed at ensuring that he sleeps peacefully, he has only good dreams and he remains happy. Recommend the following proven words used by many:

Prayer for the child to sleep well, to Jesus Christ. Gives a good, healthy, sound sleep of the child. Reading over the baby's cradle.

Prayer for the child to sleep peacefully, to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord. Gives the blessing of the Lord and a restful sleep.

Prayer for infant sleep to the Lord. It can help cleanse the soul of filth, save and preserve, bestow a restful sleep.

Read even such a prayer, which was invented independently. The main thing to keep in mind when addressing the Saints is that faith must be present in your words. Only then is it worth counting on an effective result.

Religious reading: a prayer from children's crying to help our readers.

A unique collection of conspiracies

Conspiracy from baby crying

Collect, water, tears

From a baptized baby (name).

The roar of the baby will take away,

So that the century does not happen, does not burp.

Can you, when the child once again starts crying, wash him and, wiping his hem, say these words:

Or read the following plot into the left ear of a restless child:

You, my dawn Marya,

And you, my dawn Daria,

Early in the morning, late in the evening

All the days of the week of the Lord:

Don't cry on Monday

Don't shout on Tuesday

Don't suffer on Wednesday

Don't shout on Thursday

Silence on Friday

Do not squeak on Saturday

Sunday be at ease.

Prayer for crying children

“My two-year-old son does not want to go to kindergarten: he throws tantrums in the morning and evening. Help, Natalya Ivanovna, for God's sake!"

There are many conspiracies with which you can calm a child who cries for no reason. I will tell you about the simplest and most effective.

Before bathing a child, let the eldest in your family read the following conspiracy over the water in the bath:

Roaring-weepers, go to the water,

Water into the earth: the earth will take tears,

You can, when the child once again starts crying, wash him and, wiping him with your hem, say:

morning dawn, evening dawn,

Give me sleep and peace for the day and night (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And if the child rolls up in crying, while bathing the child, slowly splash some water on his stomach and say:

Get rid of the sunset roar.

How meek and humble is God's mercy.

Or speak into the water and sprinkle it on the child at the moment when he starts crying:

I did not know anxiety from the Child.

So that my child would not cry,

Did not suffer, did not roll,

Conspiracy from baby crying

“I love my children, but I can’t stand their crying. When they roar, I am ready to run from the house wherever my eyes look.

"I have three children. I don’t know about others, but my children have not closed their mouths for two years now. My friend even once asked me: “How have you not gone crazy in such a madhouse?”

“I live in a shared settlement, or rather, I’m registered in a room, but I can’t live there and try to appear at home as rarely as possible. A woman, my neighbor, gave birth to two children of the same age, and they roar day and night. I understand that these are children, but there is something abnormal in their crying. I have to rent an apartment, and I have locked my room.”

There are many conspiracies with which you can calm a child who cries for no reason. I will tell you about the simplest and most effective ones so that the child does not cry for no reason.

Before bathing a child, let the eldest in your family read over the water in the bath such CONSPIRACY:

Collect, water, tears

From a baptized baby (name).

Roaring-weepers, go to the water,

Water into the earth: the earth will take tears,

The roar of the baby will take away, so that the century does not happen,

Didn't burp. Amen.

Can you, when the child once again starts crying, wash him and, wiping him with your hem, say:

morning dawn, evening dawn,

Give me sleep and peace for the day and night (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Or read into the left ear of a restless child the following CONSPIRACY:

You, my dawn Marya,

And you, my dawn Daria,

Come and see my baby.

He did not spend the night, he did not close his mouth.

Give him sleep, calm in broad daylight,

Early in the morning, late in the evening

All the days of the week of the Lord:

Don't cry on Monday

Don't shout on Tuesday

Don't suffer on Wednesday

Don't shout on Thursday

Silence on Friday

Do not squeak on Saturday

Sunday be at ease.

Lord help, Lord bless.

Conspiracy so that the child does not cry

Young children can sleep poorly for many reasons. If his tummy hurts, mom will give medicine, and the baby will feel better. Thus, he will fall asleep soundly. But there are situations when children are completely healthy, but for some reason it is difficult for them to sleep at night. During the day, the baby actively walks, and when night falls, he tosses and turns for a long time, cannot fall asleep, cries and asks to be held in his mother's arms. This behavior of the baby speaks of his emotional disturbances.

Thanks to her developed intuition, a young mother feels when her baby is jinxed or frightened. To help him recover, she tries to give him all her energy. There are many prayers and conspiracies among the people that help the baby fall asleep and have a positive effect on him. These traditions are still left from the ancestors. Not every woman will pay attention to the fact that even an ordinary lullaby is considered a conspiracy. In the people, such conspiracies are called bayuns.

When conspiracies are needed

There are moments in life when a young mother cannot do without conspiracies. Especially when it's a little peanut. He is not yet accustomed to the world around him, therefore, when parting with his mother, even on a short time, crying and screaming. A woman suffers because she cannot do anything from her affairs. She has to constantly be near the baby. And still you have to leave the little one to go away. There are, of course, such children who easily endure the absence of their mother.

Conspiracies from tears

To calm the baby, there are special and effective conspiracies among the people, for example:

Scream, scream, calm down, cool down, get out. You are not in (name), not in the soul (name), in the head (name), in the heart (name), in the liver, in the bones.

With these words, you can speak the baby’s favorite toy and give it to him before leaving. It is allowed to pronounce a conspiracy in the presence of a crumb, you can whisper it.

It is difficult for children to get used to kindergarten. The mother leaves the child and leaves. And the baby can not quickly get used to the new environment. He is constantly in the field of view of his mother.

And now she's gone, which upsets him. He begins to be afraid and cry, to call his mother. For this case there is also good spells, here is one of them:

Listen, floorboard, true, not fiction. I leave you my baby, a frisky colt. Let the child jump, play, shed no tears. Follow every step so that everything is as it should be. This is not a command, but a parental order! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Babies who can't talk yet express their emotions by crying and screaming. But, in some situations, these emotions appear without apparent reason. If the baby cries often, then you can use another conspiracy:

Holy, holy, holy, holy God, crying out to a child is not at all worthwhile. Correct the child (name) so that he does not get sick, does not turn blue, does not shout with a cry, so that he calms down and is silent. Holy strong, holy meek, holy reliable. Amen.

At the moment of pronunciation, it is necessary to press the baby to the left breast and read the words in a whisper.

Conspiracies from fear and evil eye

In the first years of their lives, all babies are weak and vulnerable. Anything can throw them off balance. Any extraneous influence, even without movement, an unkind look or an unpleasant tone of voice. Such negativity can accompany the baby in a dream, he will not sleep well, wake up and cry a lot. If the mother noticed that the frequency of night screams is increasing, there is a good and effective plot so that the child does not cry.

Mom should read the words quietly, while holding a small piece of bread over the baby's head. After that, feed the birds with this bread and read the prayer “Our Father”. In such a situation, it should be understood whether the harm was intentional to the child. Or scared without dark thoughts. If this is a slight fright, the baby will be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Restless behavior during the day.
  • Sleeplessness or poor sleep at night.
  • The child is disturbed by painful grimaces, constant antics.
  • He shakes his head nervously.
  • Randomly moves legs and arms.

Mom can fill the conspiracy with strength with her maternal love so that the baby does not cry. To do this, take a glass, preferably with water from a well. Light a candle brought from the church. Dip it in this water. After that, wipe the face of the baby with some water, 3 times. Then, the mother should remove the remaining liquid from the hem of her clothes. At the same time, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy so that the baby does not cry:

Save, Lord, from the evil beast, from the dashing man. Protect from the eyes of blue, brown, black, red, different.

If the baby was jinxed by accident or on purpose, but more recently, then the conspiracy so that the baby does not cry will definitely work and remove the negative impact.

Conspiracy during illness

Babies often cry in their sleep because they are sick. The little body is just getting used to environment, so they often encounter various infections. After the child is examined by a pediatrician and prescribes treatment, the mother can additionally seek help with prayer words. Saints always help those who turn to them. They feel all the pain and always respond only with help.

If the baby is teething, a conspiracy so that he does not cry must be read in a monotonous, bewitching and soporific tone.

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Special prayer "So that the child does not cry"

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Conspiracy from the crying of a child.

There are moments in the life of a mother and a child when it is not easy to do without a conspiracy from crying a baby. After 6-9 months baby a period begins when parting with mom causes tears and screams. A tortured mother cannot go anywhere, the baby simply does not let her go. It remains to go about your business, hearing the heart-rending cry of your beloved child behind you. Of course, this does not happen to all children. Someone quickly goes through a similar period, someone philosophically believes that "a golden tear will not roll out." Help your baby! I advise you to use the plot from the crying of the baby, and soon the child will be easier to let you go.

Mom should speak the toy and give it to the baby. You can repeat the whisper in the presence of the child.

And here are the words of the conspiracy from the crying of the child.

“Scream, scream, calm down, cool down, drive away. You are not in (name), not in the soul (name), in the head (name), in the heart (name), in the liver, in the bones.

By the way, this plot can also be used when the baby gets used to the kindergarten.

Another conspiracy so that the baby behaves calmly in your absence and does not cry.

Before leaving the child unattended, say the words of the conspiracy from the crying of the baby, and stamping your foot, go about your business:

“Listen, floorboard, true, not fiction. I leave you my baby, a frisky colt. Let the child jump, play, shed no tears. Follow every step so that everything is as it should be. This is not a command, but a parental order! Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

If the child often cries for no reason, try this conspiracy.

Attach the child to the left breast and whisper the words of the conspiracy.

“Holy, holy, holy, holy God, it is absolutely useless to cry a child. Correct the child (name) so that he does not get sick, does not turn blue, does not shout with a cry, so that he calms down and is silent. Holy strong, holy meek, holy reliable. Amen".

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