Sonic always dreams of dreaming bitterly crying. The magic of numbers. Dreamed of a crying child

In real life, we can cry from joy, grief, resentment, disappointment, impotence, sincere happiness. This list is endless, but in a dream, tears come to us to warn of upcoming events. Joyful or bitter, consider below.

Why dream in a dream to cry according to Miller's dream book

Miller considers this dream to be a warning of trouble, and if the sleeper has any problems in life, they must be urgently resolved.

  • Sobbing bitterly - expect a major quarrel with a person who is actively involved in your personal life.
  • If a young girl sees her tears, then soon she will quarrel with her beloved.
  • When the businessman saw himself crying, tears promise him the impending collapse of his affairs. To avoid trouble, you need to resolve disputes with partners or competitors as soon as possible.

However, it is considered good to see when someone else cries in a dream. If a person is familiar to you, then soon it will be he who will bring good news or an unexpected surprise to your house.

Why dream in a dream to cry according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that crying in a dream predicts a person's well-being and a calm happy fate. When tears flow in a stream, everything will work out in life and you will forget about the current troubles. If a person falls into hysterics, then a very important event is expected soon - a wedding, the birth of a child, a trip to distant countries, or an increase in the career ladder.

Why dream of crying according to Freud's dream book

Dreaming tears of a girl or woman mean her great desire to get pregnant, and notify her that now is the most favorable time for this. If a man saw himself sobbing, this is considered an expression of his passionate, fickle and woman-loving nature.

Why dream of crying according to Loff's dream book

David Loff believes that tears in a dream and the nature of crying do not carry any meaning. The only thing worth remembering is what prompted you to cry in a dream. It is this reason that will be a reflection of experiences in real life.

Why dream of crying bitterly in a dream

  • There is an opinion that tears in a dream can have a mirror effect, that is, if you cry a lot in your dreams, then in real life you will soon be madly happy about good news or unexpected twists of fate.
  • If a sleeping person in reality faced insurmountable difficulties, conflicts, then in this case, sobs symbolize mental fatigue, which he can throw out only in a dream with this action.
  • When a man dreamed of a beautiful woman crying sobbing, this is a symbol of the future fateful acquaintance with a female person.
  • I dreamed that my mother or sister was crying bitterly, which means that your lifestyle needs to be urgently reconsidered. Thus, higher powers are trying to warn you against the wrong path in life.

Why dream of crying in a dead dream

Sobbing at the coffin or at the grave of a deceased person is a good sign. Crying for the dead, all problems, conflicts and negative emotions go away with tears.

If you see a sobbing dead man, you should be wary. With his tears, he tries to warn you of upcoming tragedies, conflicts or losses.

If you cried bitterly in a dream, life will soon give you a reason for joy and carefree fun. Your business will go quickly and end in success. If you show initiative in your work, the results will exceed your wildest expectations. Perhaps the rival will interfere with your cordial union, but, having lost your beloved creature, you will be consoled by the fact that you will find a wonderful friend, benevolent and passionately loving you. After such a dream, you will soon be convinced that the clouds passing over your head do not portend trouble. If in a dream you heard the pitiful cry of other people, it means that joy will soon visit the house of your beloved friends. The dream portends them a great joy that you will share with them. The bitter weeping of other people often heralds a happy wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

See in a dream Cry

Sleep is the opposite. If you cried in a dream, a joyful and successful life awaits you. We saw someone crying - bring joy to your loved one.

Imagine that you (or someone else) are crying so that tears flow in a stream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What do dreams mean to cry

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Meaning Cry

To cry sobbingly in a dream yourself is a sign of receiving news that will comfort you and dispel your anxieties. If in a dream you feel that your crying sounds false, then this is a dream on the contrary, and therefore the louder your crying is, the more happiness, associated with constant anxieties, such a dream promises you. Seeing crying in a dream is a sign of remorse due to the fact that you undeservedly offend a person who has done nothing wrong to you. To hear crying in a dream - to unpleasant or sad news. See interpretation: groans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to cry in a dream

We often cry in our sleep.

Crying, as a rule, is a person's response to the impact of images or people appearing in a dream.

Crying in a dream, you do not cry in the truest sense of the word, as in reality.

You are simply overcome by a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes.

In this case, follow the dream.

Emotional discharge has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this discharge at every opportunity.

However, you should identify the trigger event that triggered the appropriate emotion.

Who made you cry?.

Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension?

What did you feel when you cried: relief or heaviness?

Interpretation of dreams from the Egyptian dream book

Dream Interpretation Cry

Cry - Your emotions need to be released and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or scandal with tears ahead, or laughter to the point of hiccups; booze ends sadly.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does it mean to cry in a dream

A sick person either cries or laughs - portends recovery.

Crying with someone - celebration, congratulations, gifts.

Crying while sitting on the bed is a great misfortune.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

Shedding tears with someone - portends a celebration, congratulations on gifts.

The dead man is crying - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

What predicts a dream to cry

Cry yourself.

Tip of the day: your anxieties will soon dissipate, good news awaits you in reality.

Seeing crying.

Tip of the day: trouble can happen to a person from your inner circle, but it is in your power to prevent it. Take a close look at who needs your help

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

The meaning of the dream is to cry

She dreams that you are in tears - to receive a letter containing bad news.

To see a crying baby - a letter will bring good news.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from the online dream book why Crying is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Crying and what does it mean:

Cry - To joy and all that is good. Crying and wiping tears in a dream - to receive unexpected consolation for you; a face in tears - to unexpected profits; laughing at those who cry in a dream - to gain a strong union; crying with someone - to celebrate, congratulations, gifts; crying loudly - to a joyful event. Wipe the tears of a crying young woman - to break with a loved one.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of crying in a dream?

Cry - A harbinger of bad news and frustrations in the family circle, as well as imaginary pleasures.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream of crying?

Cry - Rejoice, consolation; crying, a pitiful voice to hear - joy, news // they are sad for you; to wipe away tears is a consolation.

Old Russian dream book

I dreamed of crying

A dream portends joy and consolation in reality.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Cry interpret?

Cry - Take comfort; someone is crying - to the news.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To see a dream about crying, what does it mean?

Cry yourself - Your anxieties will soon dissipate, in reality you will find good news to see the Weeping One - Trouble may happen to a person from your close circle, but it is in your power to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help.

Islamic dream book

Why dream of crying

Crying - To joy, and laughing in a dream - to heavy thoughts and sadness.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why dream of Crying over a dream book:

We often cry in our sleep. Crying, as a rule, is a person's response to the impact of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you do not cry in the truest sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome by a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes. In this case, follow the dream of the crying person. Emotional discharge has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this discharge at every opportunity.

However, you must identify the PUSH EVENT that triggered the appropriate emotion. Who made you cry? Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a general release of emotional tension? What did you feel when crying: relief or heaviness?

Modern dream book


Cry - Family joy.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Cry to see in a dream:

Cry - Unexpected news, great joy; to see crying people - you will do dirty tricks to a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Cry in a dream

Cry - Your emotions need to be released and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or scandal with tears ahead, or laughter to the point of hiccups; booze ends sadly.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Cry on Chinese ancient books:

  • Crying with someone - portends a celebration, congratulations with gifts.
  • Crying and dressing in mourning clothes - portends an appointment not a position.
  • Crying out loud - portends a joyful event.
  • Mourn and cry about a person from afar - portends misfortune.
  • Crying while sitting on the bed - portends a great misfortune.
  • A man cries, baring his teeth - There will be rivalry, litigation.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why dream of crying for a saint?

Cry - Family joy.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dreamed of Crying

Sometimes contemporaries have so many things to do that there is simply no time to shed tears, even if there is a reason or need. The symbolic background of the interpretation of sleep that you yourself cried or saw someone crying should be taken as a changeling.

Seeing in a dream how you cry all alone? This is good: along with salty drops, you get rid of spiritual anguish and failure, drive bad people away from you, attract the attention of kind-hearted people. Each tear promises a quick carefree fun, a successful completion of business. Business ideas will bring considerable profit. In a dream, you can mourn the imminent loss of a loved one due to a rival, but a heartfelt loss will turn into a new, brighter relationship.

A stranger is crying - a dream means the joy of acquaintances or neighbors, which they will share with you. Often, a crying dear friend in a dream portends a magnificent wedding.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Cry

Usually, when it happened to cry, a person gets out of bed in a vague alarm. However, anxiety here is completely unnecessary, because such dreams are essentially nothing more than shifters, although they appear to us for a reason. Plots with a crying person traditionally symbolize the dreamer's subconscious desire, who needs to be freed from the accumulated negativity, from everything bad that stretches like a trail from the past, from unnecessary ballast that complicates moving forward.

Remember how you cried sobbing in your sleep? This is a harbinger of long-awaited relief, when not only anxieties, but also past disappointments turn out to be groundless. In a dream, were the tears hot and caustic? This is a projection of your need for understanding and comfort, and you will receive it soon.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of crying

The love interpretation of the signs that you cried is most often due to the social status of the dreamer and the variability of plot circumstances.

  • Seeing bitter large tears or crying sobbing is a symbol of the inevitability of future happiness, especially if there are specific plans for personal life in reality.
  • Unmarried girls may cry in their dreams in anticipation of imminent love and subsequent marriage. Some are waiting for the recognition of a longtime admirer, an engagement with a boyfriend or a long-awaited acquaintance with a chosen one.
  • Seeing in a dream how others cry, according to the dream book, this symbolizes that the marriage will be happy and full of prosperity and joys. An exception will be tears of self-pity: such a plot warns that your selfishness and unwillingness to understand others will disappoint your partner.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of crying blood at the bed of the deceased, threatening family squabbles, the loss of a loved one due to the inability to restrain emotions.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Crying for some reason in a dream - rejoice in reality.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Crying sobbing in dreams - to the manifestation of violent emotions.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Crying with tears is consolation and joy.


Tears in a dream are a fairly common image. Usually crying is a reaction to events in real life. Perhaps you are holding back your emotions, not giving yourself the opportunity to rejoice or be sad openly and wholeheartedly. What does such a dream portend? Well-known dream books will help interpret night dreams.

Interpretation of the image according to various dream books:

  • Zhou-gun - if you cried with another person, a fun celebration, congratulations and gifts await you;
  • Tsvetkova - something or someone will comfort you;
  • Martyna Zadeki - to joyful events;
  • esoteric - you have an excess of emotions, stop holding back your feelings, otherwise they will splash out on their own in a quarrel or hysterical laughter;
  • Loffa - determine why you were crying, this impulse event will be the key for you to unravel the dream;
  • Egyptian - to big profits;
  • small Velesov, Muslim and old Russian - you will rejoice;
  • sorceress Medea - lately you have been worried a lot, worried, but very soon everything will work out;
  • the modern and the apostle Simon the Zealot - to well-being and pleasant events in the family;
  • medium Hasse - suddenly you will find out the good news.

Tears in a dream often portend joyful events.

It is also important at what time of the year you had a dream:

  • in the spring - you will rejoice;
  • in the summer - if you cried bitterly, in reality you will show violent emotions: sob or laugh with all your heart;
  • in the fall - to joyful moments in life, fun.

For women, tears in a dream are more significant, and a dream is usually prophetic. The thing is that usually the fair sex does not hold back and allow themselves in real life to sob uncontrollably or laugh heartily. For men, such an image can be just an opportunity to throw out accumulated emotions.

Wept ourselves

Crying yourself in a dream is usually a good sign. Tears portend liberation, relief. Especially if in a dream you sobbed strongly, bitterly, sobbing.

Most likely, you have had a hard time lately: you have worked at the limit of your abilities or laid out in a relationship, or cared for a sick relative. You had to hide emotions, hide them deep inside, so that feelings and fatigue did not interfere with daily duties. Now you can exhale. Ahead - joy and carefree fun.

In ancient times, tears were considered not just an opportunity to express sadness, but also an important part of rituals. For example, it was not in vain that “mourners” were invited to the funeral. They believed that an unmourned dead could become a bloodthirsty vampire.

Tears in a cemetery are quite natural. We in life, grieving for the departed people, often cannot restrain our emotions. Such an image in a dream portends the beginning of a new life. Incredible changes await you. Either circumstances develop in such a way that you willy-nilly have to rebuild your habitual way of life under them, or you yourself will decide to take steps towards irreversible changes. The dream where you shed tears at the grave also testifies to fateful decisions. Crying at a funeral - to joyful events.

Crying in a cemetery - to the beginning of a new life

I dreamed that you were crying at a wedding: your own or someone else's? Think again before making important decisions. Perhaps you are going to bind fate with a person you do not love. Most likely, you do not see an alternative, you feel hopelessness. Do not rush, this union will not bring you happiness. Wait a little more, and you will meet your soul mate, with whom you will build a full-fledged harmonious relationship.

Tears of joy in night dreams portend happiness in real life. You are waiting for events that will delight you so much that you will not be able to express your emotions. Remember what made you cry in a dream. These are your true desires, follow them.

Since ancient times, during the wedding, the bride cried not only from happiness. It was part of the wedding ritual. Thus, the girl said goodbye to her home, father and mother, girlish freedom.

They cried in the church - you will be invited to the celebration as an honored guest. It can be a wedding where you will be a witness or a witness, or your godson's birthday. Either way, you'll have fun and have a great time.

Unpleasant events are foreshadowed by crying in two cases: you shed tears because of a person who is now far away from you, or at the same time you were sitting on the bed. Such a plot means sorrows in real life.

Tears at a wedding mean that you can connect your life with a person who will not bring you happiness.

Another person was crying in a dream

I dreamed of another person crying, but you don’t know him in reality, or does he not belong to your circle of relatives? This image has several interpretations:

  • find out important news;
  • your loved one is in danger, but you are able to prevent trouble, take a closer look at who from your inner circle needs help;
  • if the crying one bared his teeth, a tough confrontation with a competitor or rival awaits you.

A crying man portends pleasant events

It is also important for interpretation who cried in your dream:

  • unfamiliar guy - you are very kind and tend to empathize with others, but dishonest people want to take advantage of your kindness;
  • acquaintance - it's time to talk to him, this person needs support;
  • man - to good news and pleasant events;
  • beloved - a quarrel is possible between you due to a careless statement;
  • attractive girl - good news;
  • a young lady who looked repulsive - you will learn something that will not please you;
  • unfamiliar woman - to interesting acquaintances;
  • acquaintance - soon this lady will have a prosperous period;
  • girlfriend - in your environment there is a person who hides his real intentions towards you;
  • bride - to failures in her personal life;
  • rival - you will defeat this woman.

Were there several people in tears? Your friends will have a joyful event. Such an image can also portend a happy wedding.

Tears of a child: his own or someone else's

A crying baby in your arms that you have never seen in real life portends good news. You will either receive long-awaited news, or good news from the person you miss.

The tears of an older child are interpreted by dream books not so rosy. Most likely, something will disappoint you in the near future. Perhaps a certain person will not do what you expect from him, or upset events that will not unfold as you planned. You did not see the baby, but only heard the baby crying? Get ready for a pleasant meeting.

It is also important what gender the child was in tears:

  • boy - if you have small children, you are just a little tired of caring for them; if not, you will bother and worry about something;
  • girl - it's time to pay attention to yourself, relax, relax, otherwise the body will react to your indifferent attitude towards it with a disease or apathy.

Did you dream that your own son was crying? Now he needs your support. The child does not dare to reveal his problems to you, but he really needs wise advice or just encouragement. Take time to talk to him in a relaxed atmosphere.

We saw our daughter in tears - she may have problems. Your intuition told you: something is wrong, but the girl is in no hurry to tell you about the difficulties. Also, this image may portend some events that will change your life.

A crying boy dreams of trouble

What if a relative was crying

In a dream, did you see the tears of a loved one? The interpretation depends on who exactly it was:

  • father - you are frightened by the unpredictability of the world around you, perhaps you are tormented by fear of the future and do not allow you to take any steps towards your goal; you have to change your outlook on life;
  • mom - think about your lifestyle, maybe it's time to put an end to some bad habits, improve relationships with others and put your personal life in order;
  • brother - to resume lost ties with relatives;
  • sister - be careful, you can be drawn into a meaningless conflict;
  • husband - your family may be in danger, be more attentive to your spouse, most likely, he is now very upset about something, and he needs your support;
  • wife - there are unexpected difficulties ahead at work, perhaps the paperwork that you need to receive will be very delayed, however, these are temporary difficulties;
  • ex-wife - most likely, you will have a chance to renew relations or at least smooth out the bitterness of parting;
  • ex-husband - if you broke up with a scandal, it will soon become clear that the cause of the conflict was an unfortunate misunderstanding;
  • grandmother - they will treat you unfairly, perhaps they will undeservedly accuse you of something.

Tears are often likened to raindrops. The ancient Slavs called for rain, conjuring the mythical Makarka to shed tears.

I dreamed of a crying ex - find out the true reason for the breakup

Crying dead man

The tears of the dead portend a serious conflict. A quarrel, most likely, will be provoked by you with some of your own words or actions. Try to be more tactful and tolerant, otherwise you can ruin relations with others or quarrel with a loved one for a long time.

The deceased cries and disappears at the same time? Such a dream is a good sign. Prosperity and a harmonious life in abundance await you. The same interpretation has a dream in which the deceased with tears moves away from you.

Did you dream of a deceased relative crying? The interpretation depends on who it was:

  • father - it's time to put your thoughts in order, improve relations with relatives and colleagues;
  • mom - you are too pessimistic about everything, it's time to look for the good in any event, learn to think in a positive way;
  • grandmother - to a quarrel;
  • grandfather - to news from distant relatives.

In any case, if you dreamed of a crying deceased person whom you knew well, remember him. Go to the temple, light a candle for the repose of the soul, thank him for everything.

Comfort the weeping

In a dream, did you not only see a crying person, but also comfort him? This image has auspicious symbolism. Some of your loved ones will rejoice, and this will affect you too. How, dream books do not suggest, but in any case, you can share happy moments with a friend or relative.

Crying in a dream often portends joyful events. In your personal life and at work, everything will work out, you will have fun and celebrate. Tears in a dream also provide an opportunity to emotionally discharge at least in night dreams, if you don’t allow yourself to do this in reality.

Very often we see a variety of dreams. And each of them carries some information, some kind of warning or message. Why dream of crying in a dream? What does the dream book tell us about this? Let's turn to him.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga's dream book, tears in a dream are good news and joyful events in life.

  • If the crying is not strong, then nothing special will happen in life.
  • If tears flow in hail, a joyful and happy event in life should be expected.
  • Strong crying, sobbing, means an early marriage ceremony, but not necessarily the one who saw the dream, perhaps he will simply be invited to the wedding.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, crying in a dream is a sign of failure and bad events.

  • Crying a lot in a dream means a big quarrel that will arise from scratch.
  • If a young girl had such a dream, then this is a signal for her to become less suspicious and suspicious, otherwise there is a chance to remain lonely.
  • If a stranger is crying, then news should be expected.
  • The crying of a loved one or relative indicates that he will soon need your help.

English dream book

Crying in a dream over this dream book means pleasant events in the future.

  • Strong crying in a dream testifies to a series of joyful events in a person’s life or to the pleasant completion of serious work begun.
  • Seeing a crying person in a dream means that a significant event will soon happen in his life: the birth of a child or a wedding.

Chinese dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Crying in a dream over this dream book is unsuccessful for a man.

  • Crying in a dream is an auspicious dream, indicating a release from negative emotions.

Freud's dream book

Crying in a dream Freud associates with sexual needs.

  • If a girl saw a crying man, it means that there are no sexual problems in her life.
  • If a man saw himself crying in a dream, then he should pay special attention to his many sexual relationships.
  • A woman sees herself crying in a dream when she wants to have offspring and desires an insecure relationship.

Loff's dream book

Crying in a dream leads to the purification of the psyche. And the stronger the sobs, the better you managed to free yourself from all negative thoughts and emotions.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

If in a dream you calm a crying person, then in reality you are washing him to harm or do some damage.

Modern dream book

  • If you see yourself crying in a dream, this means that a long-awaited happy event will happen soon.
  • When a group of people sobs, expect a mass event, celebration and fun.
  • To see a crying relative in a dream - to trouble and big problems.
  • If you cry for the dead, expect trouble.

Psychological dream book

According to this dream book, tears reflect the events taking place in life at the present time. If you cry, it means that someone offended you or some kind of injustice has occurred.

The most common interpretations of crying in a dream

If someone cries:

  • If a child cries, wait for good news;
  • To see how a husband cries in a dream - to reconciliation and peace in the family;
  • If the wife cries, then some unexpected event will happen;
  • If your own child is crying, then he needs moral support;
  • The cry of an unfamiliar man predicts a quick quarrel over a trifle;
  • A crying colleague in a dream - to career growth, even a jump;
  • The weeping dead predicts a future conflict that is best avoided;
  • Seeing a crying enemy or opponent - to defeat him;
  • A cat is crying, which means your friend needs help;
  • A crying dog means an easy victory over the enemy.
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