Gymnastics to strengthen the back of an infant. Exercises for children to strengthen the muscles of the back. Alternate and simultaneous bending of the legs

cervical dorsopathy is a combination of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the vertebral bodies, blood vessels, discs, nerve fibers, muscle tissues located in the neck area.

AT cervical region there is an artery supplying the brain with blood. With dorsopathy, it is experienced, which disrupts cerebral circulation.

In addition, degenerative changes in cartilage and discs can provoke diseases of other systems, for example, the nervous system, and provoke a number of complications, such as stroke and cerebral ischemia.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease is important.

What is dorsopathy of the cervical spine?

Even experts cannot always answer exactly what dorsopathy is. By it is meant set of degenerative processes associated with changes in the state of paravertebral and cartilaginous tissues. According to medical statistics, specifically cervical dorsopathy is only a tenth of the total.

According to the nature of the lesion, dorsopathy is classified into such types:

  • deforming. Its sources are various deformations of the spine, its displacement, osteochondrosis.
  • Spondylopathy or vertebrogenic, arising due to traumatism or early diseases, is localized in the vertebra.
  • Discogenic. It is a severe form of the disease, develops due to dystrophic processes in cartilage tissues, can cause hernia or protrusions.

It should be understood that dorsopathy is not a separate specific disease. This is a general name for several pathologies that can be the result of a variety of reasons.

In terms of prevalence, cervical dorsopathy ranks second after lumbar. It should be borne in mind that the human spine begins to age very early, almost at the same time when the bones are finished forming. Therefore, with age, risk factors for diseases increase.

cervical is subjected to special loads, since a modern person spends quite a lot of time in a sitting position, and the vertebrae experience high loads. Therefore, serious therapy of diseases of this group is important.

Video: "What is dorsopathy?"

Causes and risk factors

There are a large number of reasons that can provoke changes in the vertebrae and discs.

Among them are the following:

  • Infectious diseases: vertebral tuberculosis, pyogenic infection, brucellosis, tertiary syphilis (now extremely rare).
  • Injuries: fractures, sprains, dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Autoimmune and allergic diseases.
  • Improper nutrition (various unbalanced rigid diets, improper vegetarianism, etc.).
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Overstrain of untrained muscles.
  • Prolonged stay in uncomfortable positions.
  • Frequent short overloads of the neck, for example, when driving a car with sudden acceleration or braking.
  • Hypothermia.

Among the risk factors, it is worth noting the following:

  • inadequate nutrition;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • smoking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • physical activity without prior warm-up;
  • sports training without the correct regimen and frequency;
  • extreme sports;
  • driving a car without a head restraint;
  • work associated with a forced position of the head for a long time;
  • elderly age;
  • regular stress.


Dorsopathy cervical spine can provoke the following complications:

  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

vertebral artery syndrome- a spasm of the cervical artery, which leads to poor blood supply, cerebral ischemia, stroke.

Myelopathic syndrome represents a set of phenomena that accompany compression of the spinal cord. Possible paralysis of the limbs, dysfunction of the intestines and urinary organs, loss of sensitivity below the zone of compression of the brain.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia suggests impaired regulation of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the functioning of internal organs. It makes itself felt with cardiac arrhythmia, asthma attacks, increased nervous excitability, and violations of thermoregulation.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosis

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort and pain in the neck, sometimes in the shoulder blades.
  • Increased pain when sneezing, coughing, sudden movements.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Limited mobility of the head and upper limbs.
  • Spasms in the muscles that accompany sudden movements.
  • Deterioration of vision and hearing.
  • Weakness, numbness, chills, tingling in the hands.
  • Pain in the chest, which is often perceived as pain in the heart.

Not all symptoms directly indicate the disease, so the patient may not identify it on their own. It is important to go to a specialist in time, who will prescribe adequate measures of therapy and prevent the transition of the disease to an acute state.


And did you know that…

Next fact

The diagnosis is usually established by a neurologist and a traumatologist.

The specialist wants the following:

  • Conducts a study of complaints and anamnesis of patients;
  • Examines the pole spine standing, lying, sitting.
  • Checks the tension of the muscles of the back and neck;
  • Determines the localization of pain through palpation.
  • Checks the sensitivity of the skin in the area of ​​​​the arms and shoulder girdle.

The following methods can be shown:

  • Radiography makes it possible to identify osteochondrosis and deformation processes in the spine.
  • Tomography makes it possible to determine the presence hernia and degree of pathology.
  • Can be shown blood test both clinical and biochemical.

You may also need to consult an orthopedist and a neurosurgeon.


Therapy, as a rule, is complex, and includes medication and physiotherapy measures, and gymnastics. Sometimes surgery is indicated.

Of the medicines, the following groups can be shown:

  • To combat pain syndrome analgesics are used such as Analgin, Ketorolac, Baralgin and others. May be needed for severe pain novocaine blockade- injection of drugs for local anesthesia.
  • In order to reduce inflammatory processes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: Naproxen, Diclofenac sodium, Meloxicam and others.
  • In certain cases, prescribed hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone and others. They are used only in extreme cases, as they have a large number of side effects.
  • To relieve muscle spasm muscle relaxants- drugs that reduce muscle tone. The most effective are Mydocalm, Baclofen and Sirdalud.
  • Warming ointments with local irritating action help improve blood flow at the site of exposure, which reduces swelling, improves nutrition and accelerates regeneration in nearby tissues. Their choice is quite wide, such as Kapsikam, Finalgon, etc. are often used.
  • Additionally, it can be shown drugs to improve trophism and nerve conduction: B vitamins, Prozerin, Nucleo CMF Forte.
  • A separate group of medicines are proteolytic plant enzymes such as caripazine based on dried papaya milky juice. They contribute to the softening and resorption of disc herniations, help to improve the secretion of collagen, moderately restore the membranes of the discs.

Some medications are very strong and can cause a number of side effects. That is why you can take any of them only with a doctor's prescription.

Surgical intervention may be indicated in the presence of hernias or in the absence of results of conservative therapy.

Also an important part of therapy is physiotherapy. With proper observance of the technique, it helps to significantly improve the patient's condition.

The complex is selected by the doctor individually. It may include exercises such as:

  • You need to press your palm to your forehead and tilt your head forward, resisting with the inside of your hand.
  • Place your palm on the temple area, and tilt your head towards the hand, also offering resistance.
  • Gently lower your head to your chest, press your chin to it and hold for 2-3 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Slowly turn your head to the extreme left position, then, also smoothly, return to the starting position. Repeat to the right side.
  • Lower your straight arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, slowly lower.

Exercises are repeated 10-15 times several times a day.

Can be shown professional massage aimed at relieving stress. You can also learn self-massage, which will help improve the condition at the right time.

Needed at home adhere to all the measures prescribed by the doctor: take prescribed medications, perform massage and exercise therapy if necessary. Various folk remedies can also help, such as a garlic compress, coltsfoot, intoxicated decoction, homemade mustard ointment, and more. Despite the safety of folk methods, you still need to consult a doctor beforehand.

To prevent and reduce risk factors for dorsopathy, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

Video: "Exercises for the neck"

recovery prognosis

If the diagnosis is made on time, and the treatment is correct, then the prognosis for recovery is favorable. But if you don't take it seriously, then spinal diseases can lead to disability, reduced mobility or its complete loss.


Summing up, we highlight the following key points:

  • Under dorsopathy is understood as a set of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the cervical spine, provoking unpleasant symptoms and impairing mobility.
  • Diseases can provoke complications, so their timely diagnosis is important.
  • Therapy is usually complex, and includes medications, exercises, and other measures prescribed by the doctor. In difficult cases, surgery may be needed.
  • With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Almost 70% of the population faces unpleasant discomfort, pain in the neck. And many do not even suspect that such symptoms can signal dorsopathy of the cervical spine. Most often, this pathology torments people over 40 years old. But in recent years, the disease has become very “younger”. What underlies the development of the disease? How to determine the disease in a timely manner and what methods can be used to fight it?

Characteristics of the disease

Dorsopathy is a large group of various degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine and adjacent tissues, which are characterized by the presence of pain and circulatory disorders in the affected area. The disease can develop in any department.

The most dangerous and at the same time quite common is dorsopathy of the cervical zone. This is due to the anatomical structure.

  1. The vertebrae in this zone are the smallest in size.
  2. The cervical region performs a supporting function, supporting the head. And he must provide high mobility.
  3. The muscular frame in the neck is the least developed.
  4. An artery passes through this segment, providing blood supply to the brain.

Such features often lead to increased wear of the cervical vertebrae.

Types of dorsopathy of the cervical spine

In medicine, there are several forms of dorsopathy:

  1. Deforming. This category includes diseases that are based on displacement of the vertebrae. But the integrity of the structure is not violated. These are various subluxations, kyphosis. Deforming dorsopathy are scoliosis, lordosis. This includes spondylosis, spondylolisthesis. This group includes and.
  2. Vertebrogenic. These are diseases that are characterized by a pathological disorder in the vertebra itself. They can be degenerative, traumatic or inflammatory in nature.
  3. Discogenic. This group includes pathologies formed by displacement of the vertebrae, destruction of cartilage, in which the discs and the fibrous ring are damaged. Such diseases are protrusions, intervertebral hernias.

What is dorsopathy - video


Dorsopathy combines a large number of pathologies, each of which has its own development mechanism and underlying causes.

Most often, the following reasons lead to the development of pathology:

  1. Infectious diseases (brucellosis, tuberculosis of the vertebrae, pyogenic infection).
  2. Past injuries:
    • dislocations;
    • subluxations;
    • vertebral fractures;
    • sprain.
  3. Allergic or autoimmune diseases.
  4. hereditary factor.
  5. Endocrine pathologies (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis).
  6. Insufficiently developed muscular corset.
  7. Frequent overload and tension of the neck (being in one position, excessive or low physical activity, sudden braking).
  8. Hypothermia.
  9. Nerve strain.

Risk factors

After analyzing the main reasons, one can easily identify those factors that can lead to the development of dorsopathy:

  • malnutrition (ill-conceived mono-diets, incorrect vegetarianism, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • improper exercise (neglect of warm-up, excessive exercise);
  • hypodynamia;
  • old age;
  • addiction to extreme sports (attractions, car driving);
  • constant stress;
  • work in one position (office employee, seamstress);
  • overweight;
  • alcohol abuse.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The main symptom of pathology is pain.. It can be aching, causing constant discomfort in the neck. But sometimes patients complain of sudden "backache" provoked by sudden or active movements.

Even severe coughing or sneezing can cause acute pain.

The characteristic symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical zone are the following clinical signs:

  1. Pain in the neck, shoulder girdle. Discomfort is able to cover the arms, the heart area.
  2. Loss of sensitivity (if the pathology has affected the nerve roots). There may be numbness of the arms, shoulders, neck, tongue. Sometimes spasms develop in these tissues, paralysis, paresis.
  3. Headache. Unpleasant sensations are given to the eyes, neck, ears.
  4. Decreased muscle tone in the neck, arms.
  5. "Coldness" in the upper limbs.
  6. Tremor of hands, head.
  7. Pressure surges. Rates drop periodically. Then, for no reason, they can rise.
  8. Violation of the heartbeat. There are complaints of tachycardia or bradycardia.
  9. Tingling, burning sensation in the neck, shoulders, sometimes even hands. Patients feel "crawling" in these areas.
  10. Dizziness, accompanied by noise in the ears, a sharp darkening of the eyes.
  11. Tension of the muscles of the neck. The stiffness is especially acute in the morning.

Sometimes patients, feeling severe headaches or serious discomfort in the heart, do not associate such a clinic with a disease of the musculoskeletal system at all. Being engaged in self-treatment, they aggravate their condition and allow dorsopathy to progress rapidly.

A timely appeal to a neurologist will give you a chance to enjoy a full life for a long time.

Methods for diagnosing dorsopathy

To determine the pathology, the doctor will initially collect a detailed history:

  • When did the discomfort first arise?
  • what initially bothered;
  • what medicines can get rid of pain;
  • how often there is discomfort;
  • whether such violations occur in relatives.

The next step will be an inspection to identify:

  • various deformations;
  • impaired sensitivity in tissues;
  • myalgia.

After that, the doctor may prescribe the following instrumental diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography. Pictures are taken in 2 projections: lateral and front. The study makes it possible to detect subluxations, dislocations of the vertebrae or fractures. The pictures show the thickness of the intervertebral discs, lordosis, kyphosis. X-ray reveals calcification of the ligaments, formed osteophytes. Sometimes it shows some neoplasms.
  2. Myelography. This study involves x-rays using a contrast agent. The procedure allows you to determine the violations in the spinal canal and the membranes of the spinal cord.
  3. Radiography with the use of functional tests. This examination characterizes the pathological mobility of the vertebrae and gives an idea of ​​the degree of their displacement.
  4. ultrasound. Using this method, it is possible to determine intervertebral hernias, protrusions, cracks, degenerative processes. Ultrasound will give an idea of ​​the thickness of the ligaments, the narrowing of the spinal canal. This method has low information content.
  5. CT. The study allows you to get information about the pathology in three projections. This study is more informative than x-rays.
  6. MRI. The most reliable and accurate research method. It reveals a variety of pathologies: neoplasms, displacements, dislocations of the vertebrae. MRI will show changes in the intervertebral discs: protrusions, hernias. With the help of this examination, it is possible to detect reduced hydration of the discs, narrowing of the canal, infringement of the roots.
  7. Doppler ultrasound. This study is necessary to study the movement of blood flow in order to determine the obstacles inside the vessels.
  8. Electromyography. The method characterizes the degree of conduction of neuromuscular impulses.

Differential Diagnosis

Dorsopathy of the cervical region is characterized by symptoms that are also characteristic of quite severe and serious pathologies, such as:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • malignant neoplasms or benign tumors;
  • cerebrovascular accident occurring in the acute stage.

Diagnosis can be made by:

An electrocardiogram excludes not only myocardial infarction, but also life-threatening arrhythmias, which are also characterized by the presence of tinnitus, sudden dizziness.

Treatment of the disease

The main tasks of conservative therapy:

  1. Etiotropic treatment. If dorsopathy has developed against the background of existing diseases (for example, tuberculosis, diabetes), then therapy directed against such pathologies is necessarily prescribed.
  2. Relief of pain, elimination of muscle spasms, reduction of inflammation.
  3. Ensuring the restoration of microcirculation in tissues and nerve conduction.
  4. Protection against repeated exacerbations, relapses and severe complications.

The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the course of the disease:

  1. Sharp form. It is necessary to quickly stop the pain, relieve inflammation, eliminate spasms. The main role is given to drug treatment. To ensure immobility of the cervical segments, various orthoses can be assigned (posterior head holder, Shants collar).
  2. Subacute stage. When the pain syndrome is stopped, measures are taken to restore the conductivity of the nerve roots, strengthen the muscle corset. Medical treatment continues. But physiotherapy and exercise therapy are now becoming more important.
  3. Remission. Therapy involves preventive measures aimed at correcting nerve defects and protecting against relapses.

Medical therapy

A number of drugs are used to treat dorsopathy:

  1. Analgesics. They are recommended for pain relief. Most often used: Analgin, Ketorolac, Baralgin, Tromethamine.
  2. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). With more pronounced pain syndromes accompanied by inflammation, the following drugs are recommended: Indomethacin, Diclofenac sodium, Flurbiprofen, Naproxen, Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Nimesulide.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids. They are introduced into therapy if NSAIDs have not been able to stop the pain. Such medicines can be prescribed: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Diprospan.
  4. Muscle relaxants. These funds allow you to save the patient from muscle spasms. The following are considered the most effective: Mydocalm, Baclofen and Sirdalud.
  5. Chondroprotectors. The action of these medicines is aimed at restoring the affected tissues, protecting them from further destruction. Recommended: Structum, Glucosamine sulfate, Alflutop, Chondroitin sulfate.
  6. Nootropics. Drugs that provide activation of cerebral circulation, impaired as a result of arterial compression: Thiocetam, Piracetam.
  7. Vitamins. Medicines improve metabolic processes, provide restoration of the nervous system. Therapy includes medicines: Neurobeks, Pentovit.
  8. Antidepressants. For anxiety disorders, medications may be recommended: Afobazol, Amitriptyline.
  9. Local funds. To reduce swelling, reduce inflammation and activate microcirculation in tissues, the following are prescribed: Fastum-gel, Kapsikam, Finalgon, BenGay, Diclofenac.

Drugs prescribed for dorsopathy - gallery

Diclofenac quickly relieves pain, relieves inflammation Prednisolone is used only in extreme cases Structum stimulates the restoration of bone and cartilage tissues Finalgon eliminates pain, reduces swelling Mydocalm eliminates muscle spasm


A special place in the fight against pathology is given to physiotherapy procedures.

  1. Electrophoresis, phonophoresis. With the help of these measures, NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids or drugs are introduced into the affected area: Novocaine, Caripazim.
  2. impulse currents. The procedure relieves pain. The nerve endings are affected by a pulsed current with a certain frequency.
  3. UVT. The event accelerates the metabolism in tissues, stimulates blood circulation. This is achieved with the help of a sound wave transmitted to the affected area.
  4. Magnetotherapy. Alternating magnetic current affects the cervical segment.
  5. Electrical neurostimulation (transcutaneous). The event is aimed at restoring the conductivity of impulses. With the help of special currents, neurons are activated.


The event is designed to improve the microcirculation of lymph and blood in the affected tissues, to provide stimulation of the nervous system. The procedure effectively eliminates muscle spasms, promotes tissue relaxation.

Massage is prescribed only after the elimination of the pain syndrome.

The procedure should be performed by a professional who will not only ensure the correct execution technique, but will also be able to adequately take into account comorbidities.


A prerequisite for the complex treatment of dorsopathy is the implementation of a special complex of exercise therapy. Gymnastics can significantly improve the mobility of the vertebrae, strengthen muscles.

During physical therapy, you should strictly adhere to the technique of performing exercises. Wrong movements will significantly reduce the effectiveness of gymnastics. In some cases, they can lead to serious complications.

A set of exercises

The necessary gymnastics for dorsopathy will be shown by an exercise therapy instructor.

The complex may include such exercises:

  1. Hands down. Shoulders gently lift up. They linger for 15 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position.
  2. The palm is pressed to the forehead. The head is tilted forward. At the same time, they resist with the palm of their hand.
  3. The palm is moved to the temple. The head is tilted to the side of the hand, offering resistance to it.
  4. The head is smoothly turned to the right (to the most extreme position). Slowly returning back. Then - a smooth turn to the left.
  5. The head is lowered down. The chin is pressed to the chest. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Then relax the neck muscles.

Reflexology (acupuncture)

This is a wonderful method of treatment that has been used in China since ancient times. With the help of special thin needles, reflex points are affected.

The procedure of acupuncture is aimed at reducing pain, stimulating recovery processes.

Possible consequences

Refusal of treatment or incorrect tactics of therapy (often observed in self-medication) can lead to an aggravation of the patient's condition. In this case, severe complications begin to develop:

  1. The destruction of discs, cartilage tissue progresses. Severe pain becomes permanent. The situation is complicated by a decrease in the mobility of the vertebrae, which further leads to disability.
  2. The symptoms of vegetative-vascular disorders are increasing. The patient has constant pressure drops. Periodically there is a feeling of lack of air. Patients suffer from arrhythmia.
  3. Compression of the vertebral artery can become a source of stroke or cerebral ischemia. Compression of the roots in the spinal cord can lead to complete or partial paralysis.
  4. Patients have a persistent decrease in vision and hearing loss.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pathology is extremely simple:

A group of diseases of the spinal column and paravertebral tissues is called dorsopathy. Pathologies occur as a result of malnutrition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, ligaments. Even injuries can be the cause.

Dorsopathies are of several types:

  • Lumbo-sacral, lumbar.
  • Cervical-thoracic, chest.
  • Neck department.

Recently, dorsopathy of the cervical spine has been found in 35–40 year old people. They have changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae, intervertebral joints and ligaments.

Often dorsopathy of the cervical region entails pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system, in the spinal cord, and is the cause of circulatory disorders in the brain.


There are a number of causes and provoking factors that cause cervical dorsopathy. They are exogenous and endogenous.

Among the reasons are:

  1. (upper, lower) spine, as well as the thoracic, lumbar.
  2. Disturbances in metabolic processes.
  3. Degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis).
  4. Spondylosis, .
  5. Inflammatory processes in the spine.
  6. Cracks and hernias.

Often a person ignores the signs of an impending disease, using treatment with the help of folk or improvised means. This entails an aggravation of the patient's condition, the progression of pathological processes.

Provoking factors:

  1. genetic predisposition.
  2. Age-related pathological changes in tissues.
  3. Low physical activity.
  4. Anomalies in the posture of an acquired character.
  5. Decreased natural protective function of the body, which is accompanied by frequent infectious diseases.
  6. Disruptions in metabolism, which are caused by disorders in the endocrine system or an incorrectly composed diet.
  7. Obesity.
  8. Frequent use of alcoholic beverages.
  9. Professional activity, which consists in the regular lifting of heavy loads.
  10. Prolonged stay without changing posture (for example, sitting position) during the day. It is typical for people who are constantly driving a car, office workers.
  11. Extreme sport.

It is worth noting that a person can prevent many factors on his own in order to avoid the development of negative changes in his body. For example, control weight, give up alcohol. If sedentary work - stretch your neck a little, do exercises (circular rotations with it).


Dorsopathy of the cervical region provokes the development of pain in the neck, and sometimes in the thoracic spine. Also, often the doctor complains of pain in the hands, sometimes painful sensations occur between the shoulder blades. The nature of the pain, as a rule, is burning, aching, because of which movement is constrained.

What are the symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical spine:

  • Pain that is aggravated by moving the head.
  • Often, due to intense pain and discomfort, a person’s sleep is disturbed.
  • Pain syndrome reduces its intensity with the movement of the hands.

As a result of severe pain, a person is forced to take one posture of the head. This forms a constant load on the neck, which is tilted to the affected side. There is pain and numbness. This pathological condition is called a symptom of the intervertebral foramen.

Cervical dorsopathy is manifested by weakness in the limbs, paresthesia of the skin. The stiffness of movements and the intensity of pain are due to the severity of pathological processes. With sharp turns of the head, inclinations in the muscle tissues, spasms are felt. In the cervical roots, there is a deterioration in nerve conduction. Such a symptom is manifested by a decrease in the reflexes of the limbs, there is weakness in the muscles of the hands.

In a predominant number of patients, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Coldness in the upper limbs.
  • The appearance of edema or swelling.
  • Spasms in the hands.
  • Pale coloration of the skin.

Such signs appear due to compression on the nerve endings by osteophytes or pathological changes in the structures: congestion, inflammatory processes, swelling. There are situations in which compression is carried out on the spinal artery.

Neurological manifestations

Compression, that is, squeezing of the vertebral discs, creates a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Neurological changes are felt in the upper chest and neck.

Neurological manifestations that occur in the shoulders or arms include:

  • Feeling of "crawling", feeling cold or hot.
  • Deterioration in the quality of the susceptibility of the hands to stimuli.
  • Deterioration of the work of the fingers, decrease in hand reflexes.

The main companion of such pathologies is a throbbing headache, which occurs more often in the back of the head. Such sensations are accompanied by:

  • Vertigo.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Noise or ringing in the ears.
  • Flashing "flies" before the eyes.

Often a person mistakenly thinks that the pain that has arisen indicates a violation in the work of the heart. If at least one of the mentioned signs occurs, you need to consult a doctor in order to undergo the necessary diagnostics and begin appropriate treatment.

Compression of the artery

The main complaint of all patients during compression, that is, is a severe headache. Its localization in the occipital region. It is permanent and intermittent.

When an attack begins, painful sensations appear in the back of the head, after which they pass to the forehead, temples, and eyes. Companions of pain are staggering, with movements of the head, the signs become more intense.

Sometimes there is sweating, heart palpitations, general weakness, vision dysfunction, hearing loss, partial loss of facial muscle sensitivity.

During a violation of blood circulation in the vertebral arteries, persistent ischemia is formed. With the deterioration of blood pulsation in the arteries, the growth of osteophytes becomes rapid, after the growth of these formations, additional compression of the arteries and impaired blood flow occur.

The main symptoms of circulatory disorders are:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. General weakness.
  3. Difficulties with swallowing.
  4. Short-term syncope due to narrowing of the lumen of the artery during head tilts.
  5. If persistent compression of the artery is carried out, changes occur in the facial, trigeminal, or hypoglossal nerve.
  6. There are violations in coordination.

It is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner when the first symptoms appear - this will make it possible to prevent the further development of the disease and the occurrence of serious consequences.


Diagnostic measures are carried out in parallel by traumatologists and neuropathologists. Examination methods allow not only to identify the disease at an early stage, but also to exclude other diseases that can cause similar symptoms. The survey consists of:

  • In the survey of the patient, the collection of a general anamnesis.
  • In the examination and evaluation of his posture (study in all positions of the spine).
  • All muscles adjacent to the spine are examined.
  • The neck is palpated.
  • The sensitivity of the skin to stimuli is checked in various parts of the shoulder girdle, as well as along the entire spinal column.
  • More reliable results are shown by magnetic resonance imaging.

With the help of electrocardiography, problems with cardiac activity are excluded.


With dorsopathy, the specialist prescribes drugs and conservative treatment. But, in addition to this, it is necessary to stop for a while the work associated with a large load on the spine. Also, the patient is prohibited from night shifts, they are not recommended to work in a hot room and in a noisy atmosphere.

With cervical dorsopathy, you need to limit the movement of the neck, do not make sharp turns and tilts with your head. Factors that can raise blood pressure, provoking additional compression of the artery of the spine, are also excluded. That is, you can not climb to a height, you will have to limit the ride in the car.

It is considered effective in case of illness. It is also carried out as a preventive measure at least once every six months. Important is the rejection of bad habits, a balanced diet, the ability to cope with stress.

With radicular syndrome, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, vertebral artery syndrome and other severe manifestations of the disease, inpatient treatment and clinical examination are necessary.

Medical treatment

The treatment of this disease is complex. During the acute form of the disease, no procedures are applied, the patient is assigned to bed rest.

For a sick person are assigned:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (including non-steroidal ones - Movalis, Dicloberl).
  • Painkillers (, Analgin).
  • Multivitamin complexes with a high content of B vitamins.
  • It is mandatory to take chondroprotectors that restore joint lubrication, help to carry out treatment, and prevent further progression of the disease (Chondroxil, Chondroitin complex, Artra,).

Often, herbal preparations are additional, but they are used as adjuvant therapy (Apizartron, Sabelnik,).

If an acute disorder in the form of a radicular syndrome is diagnosed, it would be advisable to alleviate the condition with the help of novocaine blockade.

Conservative treatment

The doctor also prescribes physiotherapy. Its main task is to improve metabolism in tissues, eliminate inflammation. Physiotherapy helps to relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and restore the motor activity of the neck and upper limbs.

All procedures are carried out only under the supervision of specialists, self-treatment with massage at home is unacceptable.

The non-drug course of treatment consists of the following procedures:

  1. Therapy with ultrasound.
  2. Electrophoresis with the use of novocaine.
  3. Treatment with diadynamic current.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Massage

Good results can be achieved with cervical traction. Such treatment allows to achieve decompression of nerve endings, to increase the diameter of the intervertebral space. Traction can reduce swelling in the affected area.

Unfortunately, for this procedure, there is such a contraindication as spinal compression, accompanied by complications such as thrombosis of spinal column lesions, cerebral hemorrhage.

To prevent further progression of the disease, as an auxiliary method of therapy, it is recommended to wear it to maintain the head in one position and relieve tension from the muscular section. Water procedures are useful.

Surgical treatment is carried out only in situations where there is a danger for a person to become disabled or when his life is threatened.

When answering the question, what is dorsopathy, we can say that this is a disease that, as it develops, leads to damage to the main spinal disc; the spread of the inflammatory process to the intervertebral bone tissue.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine also leads to the formation of a dense ring - a hernia, curvature of the spine, displacement and compaction of the vertebrae, partial paralysis and loss of sensation in the limbs and other dangerous diseases.

Causes of development and types of dorsopathy

Inflammation in the neck can be caused by problems with the intestines, the genitourinary system, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia and a malfunction of the nervous system in the periphery. Cervical dorsopathy in the intervertebral discs also develops against the background of:

  • reduced immunity;
  • metabolic processes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • the development of infections in the body;
  • microtrauma of the spine;
  • hypothermia and colds;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased physical activity;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol abuse.

A tumor localized in the cervical spine, the development of infectious myositis, and myofascial syndrome can provoke dorsopathy. There are a number of congenital and acquired diseases that can lead to dorsopathy. For example, the abnormal development of the cervical vertebrae in the fetus even in the womb, with genetic disorders, lack of collagen sulfates or mucopolysaccharides during the formation of the fetus.

Dorsopathy can be classified according to three main features. Depending on the localization of the spinal lesion, dorsopathy occurs in the cervical region (the most dangerous type that affects the central nervous system), thoracic discs, lumbar and lumbosacral vertebrae (very painful, but has no special consequences).

According to the specific lesions of the spine, dorsopathy is divided into deforming, vertebrogenic (spondylopathy changes) and discogenic lesions. Depending on the duration, the disease is chronic, acute and subacute.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The main symptom of dorsopathy is a burning pain in the neck, the appearance of goosebumps in the limbs. This indicates degenerative changes in the muscles and intervertebral discs, proliferation of articular surfaces, the acquisition of irregularly shaped cartilage, the formation of cysts (osteophytes) along the edges of the vertebrae or in the spinal column. All this can lead to spasms and clamping of the arteries, compression of the brain, impaired cerebral circulation and the formation of protrusion.

Similar symptoms are observed with kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae, arthrosis of the joints, discogenic dorsopathy, when it hurts in the neck, on the back of the head with a return to the shoulder blade and upper chest. The same symptoms are observed with displacement of discs, protrusion of the cervical region, hernia in the intervertebral tissues.

With dorsopathy in the cervical spine, there is a shooting and throbbing headache, dizziness to the point of loss of consciousness, impaired vision and hearing, decreased memory and brain performance, myopathic syndrome, paralysis of the limbs, decreased sensitivity in the legs.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine also has symptoms in the form of nervous overexcitation, anxiety, unreasonable violations of body thermoregulation, increased sweating and temperature, tingling in the limbs.

The symptoms of dorsopathy of the cervical and thoracic spine include blurred vision, impaired blood supply, the appearance of tinnitus, impaired coordination of movements, constant pain in the sternum and abdomen, the inability to take a deep breath and shallow breathing, a feeling of the presence of a coma in the throat, spasm and muscle tension , numbness in the chest and arms.

Dorsopathy is considered one of the dangerous diseases of the cervical spine, which can lead to diseases of the nervous system or other serious complications. Therefore, the diagnosis of dorsopathy requires a comprehensive examination, an MRI of the spinal column, as well as an examination by specialist doctors - a neurologist or a traumatologist.


To understand what dorsopathy is and how to treat it, you will need a consistent and phased examination, a doctor's study of symptoms and tests. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medication, non-drug or complex treatment. During treatment, it is important to eliminate the pain syndrome, reduce muscle tension, eliminate the symptoms of ischemia, restore destroyed structures in the bone tissue, and strengthen the ligaments of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus in the cervical region.

Drug treatment consists in the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and discomfort; chondroprotectors to increase the regeneration of the cartilage layer and restore the nervous system; relaxants to relieve inflammation and muscle spasm; corticosteroids, local blockade, ointments and gels for external use, B vitamins.

Therapy for the disease is long and in most cases dorsopathy in the cervical region becomes chronic. Surgical intervention is prescribed only in the most advanced cases, when treatment by other means becomes ineffective. Much attention in dorsopathy is given to patients in the post-rehabilitation period.

With severe pinching of the nerve roots or the formation of a hernia, trauma to the cervical spine, compression fracture of the spinal cord, spondylolisthesis or dislocation of the cervical vertebra, a surgical operation is used, together with the appointment of vasodilators nootropics.

As additional non-drug measures to improve blood circulation, muscle tone and relieve pain, therapeutic massage, reflexology, manual therapy, yoga, spa treatment, wearing an orthopedic collar or cervical corset are used.

In the treatment of dorsopathy, special attention should be paid to physical exercises, but only after consultation with the attending physician or instructor.

Dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic spine has a number of complications - vascular dystonia, the development of kyphosis, scoliosis, and vertebral artery syndrome. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine can lead to impaired functionality of the spine, reduced mobility of the vertebrae and, as a result, to disability.

Dorsopathy is poorly served by medical therapy and a complete cure is impossible. But to stop the development of inflammation, to achieve a stable remission is real, for this you need to contact a specialist in time, who will diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. In addition, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

With dorsopathy, it is important to reduce the level of physical activity, lead an active lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. After undergoing a course of treatment and therapy, you can not immediately return to a normal lifestyle. This can lead to relapses of the disease.

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