“She died in the Holy Land”: Maxim Galkin remembered his mother and showed archival photos. Maxim Galkin: biography, personal life. Nationality of Maxim Galkin Pedigree of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin has long been a popular artist and idol for many in our country. Facts about his life, moments from childhood, the history of his parents and, of course, his personal life regarding Alla Borisovna, Harry and Lisa, remain curious for a large army of fans and fuel an unabated interest in his person.

Due to the fact that at present he is most involved on television as a presenter, and now he demonstrates his main talent as a parodist and comedian only in social networks, his fans were simply forced to join the popular Instagram platform so as not to miss a single post of Maxim.

The family in which the famous showman was brought up and grew up was involved in his popularity, charm and ability to be open. Personality is formed in childhood. It is generally accepted that for each successful person and not very worth a mother who has invested in a child what he can later boast of. Because the stories of the upbringing of show business stars are interesting to many readers, we decided to cover everything in today's article. known facts from the life of the mother of the parodist Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina, mentioning in passing about him.

The roots of the mother of Maxim Galkin

Starting the story about the Galkin family, it is worth noting immediately the fact that family tree their dynasty boasts an abundance of ranks and achievements in fields ranging from science to civil service.

Maxim Galkin's mother, Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina, was born in Odessa in 1941. Here she grew up, absorbing all the flavor of Odessa humor, which, no doubt, was then passed on to her son. She devoted her whole life to science, having worked researcher at the prestigious Institute of Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

By the way, maiden name Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina - Prague. The artist once mentioned in an interview that his mother's surname has Jewish roots. He said that maternal ancestors lived in Prague.

Maxim's grandfather - Grigory Robertovich was very brave, courageous and wise man. He went through the entire war and rose to the rank of colonel. He was even presented to receive the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, but due to his origin and nationality, the circumstances were not in his favor. Until the end of his days, Grigory Robertovich worked in the design bureau. Being simple and an open person, he was very friendly to people. Among his friends were officials and marshals of the Soviet Union. He left a mark on Maxim's soul, because he was a role model: the whole family came to him for advice, and a warm relationship with his wife served as an example of a real family for his grandson.

Family life

The biography of Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina is inextricably linked with the life of her husband and their entire large family. She met her husband in the early 60s, and soon after they met they got married. In November 1964, their first child was born - Maxim's older brother - Dmitry. In the same year, Maxim Galkin's father entered military academy from which he graduated in 1968. This helped him to significantly advance in the service, which, in fact, was what the father of the parodist was striving for. He rose to the position of chief of artillery and studied at the same time. At this time, Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina was already working at a research institute. In addition, she defended her dissertation and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Dream of a daughter

Women have always dreamed of big family and when Dmitry was already 12 years old, she seriously thought about the birth of her daughter. In 1976, the family began to prepare for replenishment. However, instead of the long-awaited girl, a boy was born. It happened in the city of Naro-Fominsk. By the way, his brother came up with the name. Many are interested in the age of Maxim Galkin in order to compare how old his mother and future wife Alla Pugacheva were when he was born. So, his mother is only 8 years older than Alla, who, at the time of Maxim's birth, had been performing on stage for a long time and managed to participate in many all-Union competitions.

Son's abilities, manifested in early childhood

The boy grew up cheerful and artistic. Already with early years he watched the popular program of that time "Around Laughter" and in every possible way parodied the artists. The objects of his jokes often became relatives, friends and colleagues of his parents.

In the early 80s, the family of the now popular Channel One host temporarily moved to the GDR in the service of his father. The age of Maxim Galkin then reached the mark of 3 years, so there were no clear memories of that time in the artist's memory. The family spent only three years abroad in the town of Nora, after which the Galkins returned to their homeland in Odessa. We can say that the first intersection of the fates of Maxim and Alla Borisovna took place there. At one of the banquets, Natalya Grigorievna met the singer and said that five-year-old Maxim loves her very much and sings her songs.

It is worth saying that due to the career of Maxim Galkin's father, the family was often forced to change their place of residence. In Odessa, the boy went to school, and finished it already in Moscow, where he was to stay for the rest of his life.

Maternal contribution to the formation of the character of the future artist

The family of Maxim Galkin was far from show business and the stage, but did everything to make the boy become what he is now. The artist has repeatedly said that he owes a lot in his life to his parents.

Mother has always supported the boy's creative endeavors. Natalya Grigorievna raised Maxim as a calm, world-friendly, creative and versatile child.

He visited the studio visual arts, was fond of zoology, grew up in an atmosphere of love and care. Galkin has repeatedly noted that he spent a happy childhood.

Parents never put pressure on their sons and did not insist that they follow in the footsteps of their father and grandfather or continue the scientific achievements of their mother. Natalya Grigorievna Galkina skillfully combined family and work. Despite being constantly busy, she had enough time for her sons, who never complained about the lack of attention. By the way, the artist embodied all these lessons from childhood many years later, becoming the happy father of two wonderful children.

It is worth noting that Natalya Grigoryevna always supported Maxim's choice regarding his relationship with Alla Pugacheva. The mother of the parodist never had doubts, reproaches about the difference in the age of the beloved couple Russian show business.

The bitterness of loss

The beginning of the new millennium was very difficult in the life of Maxim Galkin and his family. While the audience was enjoying the parodist, terrible events took place in his personal life. In 2002 after years struggle with a painful illness, the father of the artist died. Foreign drugs and clinics were powerless before terrible diagnosis- cancer. This was a bereavement for the artist, his mother and brother.

An insidious disease that claimed more than one life in the family

After the funeral of his father, the Galkin family rallied even stronger than before. The sons supported their mother in everything and tried to spend everything with her. free time. Due to stress or other reasons, doctors diagnosed Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina with an insidious disease, which most recently caused the death of her husband. Together with his brother, Maxim tried to help stop the development of the disease. They took the mother to the United States of America for medical appointments in best clinics. Rested all together in the mountains and resorts. In a word, the sons did everything in their power to help their beloved mother. For the last six months of her life, Natalia Grigoryevna Galkina underwent a course of treatment in Israel, but, unfortunately, she could no longer count on a positive result.

Sad news

In the spring of 2004, it became known about the death of Maxim Galkin's mother. Natalya Grigoryevna outlived her husband by only two years, living to the age of 63. This news caught Maxim on tour. He dropped everything and flew straight from the concert to Israel. The funeral took place in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Galkin's parents are buried together.

We need to live in such a way that parents are not ashamed of us.

Maxim's mother Natalia Grigorievna Galkina has long been dead. According to the artist, he is still guided by her. In any situation, her thoughts, support and advice are always with him, in his heart. The artist repeatedly repeated that he was trying to live in such a way that his parents would never be ashamed of him.

In general, summing up all of the above, I would like to note that the life story of this woman - the mother of the artist Natalya Grigoryevna Galkina - is an ideal example of how you can combine professional activity caring for her husband and raising children.

Maxim Galkin is an actor, TV presenter, parodist, whom the whole country knows first of all as the fifth husband of Alla Pugacheva. Born on 06/18/1976 in the Moscow region.

Maxim's father was a professional military man, which could not but affect the lifestyle and upbringing of the child. Mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to the family, which partly moved.

It so happened that the families of military personnel very rarely stayed for a long time in one place, and the geography of moving covered not only the entire territory former USSR, but also the countries of the present near abroad.

In childhood and youth

Born in the Moscow region, from the age of 3, Galkin and his family lived in Germany, where in the 80s there was a limited contingent Soviet troops. Four years later, the family moved to the Black Sea pearl - the city of Odessa.

There, Maxim graduated from elementary school, found his first friends and received his first drawing lessons in a children's art studio. However, he was not destined to stay there.

First stage experience

The father received another appointment, and from the warm Black Sea climate, fate threw the family into the harsh Transbaikalia. Baikal struck Maxim with its extraordinary beauty and he often asked his father to bring him to the lake.

Life in the military camp was quite harsh, there were few ordinary children's entertainments. However, Maxim found an outlet for his energy in school theatrical performances.

It was children's school performances that became the first creative works Maxim. Cute, funny and original, Maxim already stood out among his peers. He did not aspire to play only the main roles. He was interested in trying himself in a variety of guises - from the role of a dog to the image of King Solomon.

In addition, it was in the company of school friends that Maxim discovered the talent of a parodist. When the boys got together in a close circle, Maxim portrayed the teachers, director, neighbors, and other guys so well that the friends rolled with laughter.

So the idea of ​​​​the first solo creative evening came up. Maxim staged a performance by one actor, in which different voices portrayed scenes with puppets.

Student years

Maxim graduated from high school already in Moscow. After the move, his parents separated, and he stayed with his mother and older brother. In 1993 Maxim entered the Russian University for the Humanities, who successfully completed and even entered graduate school and was preparing to defend his Ph.D. thesis. However, fate decreed otherwise, creative energy directed him in a completely different direction.

Already from the second year, Maxim became one of the most talented and active participants in the productions of the student theater of Moscow State University. Each of his output is very warmly received by the audience. And a year later, Maxim decided to participate in the program "Debuts, Debuts, Debuts" of the Moscow Variety Theater.

This program was specially created in order to present the work of young artists to the audience.

Galkin's parodies of Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky were greeted with thunder of laughter and a flurry of applause. And from that moment on, Maxim's fate was sealed.

Soon he was invited to the pop theater of Boris Brunov, and after some time, the king of Russian humor, Mikhail Zadornov, drew attention to Maxim. He invited the young artist to participate in his tour, where Maxim gained great experience and considerable fame.

creative upsurge

When the studies at the institute were completed and Maxim had more time for creativity. He begins to perform more and becomes a popular favorite. His parodies are heard in almost every home, he appears in television programs and successfully tours.

2001 was a truly triumphant year for Galkin, literally and figuratively. This year brings him the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards, the first solo concert at the Slavyansky Bazaar, the first debut song "To be or not to be", recorded in a duet with Alla Pugacheva and the first work on television as the host of the program "Who Wants to Be millionaire?

It was truly a rapid creative rise of the young artist to the very high peak Russian stage. AT next year he was invited by Pugacheva to her famous "Christmas Meetings". Galkina also invites the first channel to record the New Year's pop program, participation in which meant the all-Russian recognition of the young artist.

In 2002, Maxim Galkin gathers the most prestigious Moscow halls for his concerts. His solo programs are successfully going on at the State Concert Hall "Russia" and the Kremlin Palace. But the young artist's ambitions go much further. Following the example of "Christmas Meetings", Pugacheva Galkin creates his own program "New Year's Benefit with Maxim Galkin", which gathered viewers with great success for three years in a row.

TV work

Having successfully made his debut on the first channel in 2001, Maxim Galkin worked on it until 2008, being the host of the most popular pop and entertainment programs, such as "Russian Roulette", "New songs about the main thing", "Two Stars". He is also actively involved in the preparation and recording New Year's programs and concerts, acting in musicals and recording new songs.

In 2008, Galkin switched to the Russia-1 channel, in which he increasingly revealed himself not as a host, but as an author of new interesting programs. His largest project was the New Year's Parade of Stars, which he led for several years in a row with other Russian pop stars.

Maxim Galkin rarely changes his style. When he recently changed his hairstyle to the now fashionable asymmetry, fans noticed that outwardly Maxim looked 10 years younger.

In May 2016, the artist became the host of the humorous project "MaximMaxim". The show is filmed in the castle, where the star lives with his family - Alla Borisovna and two children. As part of this project, Galkin was visited by many celebrities. They discuss a certain topic in casual conversation and jokes, because each episode of the show is thematic.

The TV show goes on Channel One at the weekend.

And in the winter of 2016, Maxim presented the children's talent show "Coolest of all." He was the leader of this project.

In January 2017, the comedian showed his concert “25 years on stage”. In this concert, all the best and favorite numbers and parodies were shown.

Wife and children of Maxim Galkin

No one can say with certainty exactly when the romantic relationship between the young artist and the prima donna of the Russian stage began. In one of the interviews, she admitted that from the first meeting, Maxim conquered her with his sincerity and spontaneity.

In the photo: Maxim Galkin with Alla Pugacheva

The seriousness of this relationship long time no one believed - neither the public, nor the environment, nor even the Primadonna herself. However, they withstood the test of time and after 10 years of living together, the two stars officially registered their relationship on 12/24/2013.

The family is currently raising two wonderful twins born by a surrogate mother. The happy husband and father successfully continues his creative career, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved wife and kids.

Name: Maxim Galkin

Age: 40 years

Growth: 180 cm

The weight: 75 kg

Activity: parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer

Marital status: married to

Maxim Galkin - biography

Maxim Galkin is known throughout the country as a wonderful and magnificent humorist, whose talent cannot be surpassed. An interesting and entertaining biography of this showman, who, despite his youth, has long been known to the whole world.

Childhood and youth, the family of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich was born in the Moscow region in the Naro-Fominsk district, where his father, Colonel General Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin, served then. The second child appeared in this family on June 18, 1976, and the name was given to him - Maxim. His father served in armored forces, therefore, he always taught his two sons to discipline and order.

Maxim's mother worked at the Geophysical Institute and was very far from the world of show business. The father's service required the Galkin family to move from time to time according to distribution. So, from a small military town from the Moscow region, they were forced to move to Germany, and from there to Odessa, and then to Ulan-Ude and back to the capital.

Young Maxim Galkin played his first role as an actor successfully. This was back in the years of his childhood biography, in kindergarten when the little artist was barely four years old, and he had to play a chicken.

In addition to schoolwork, the little humorist continued to try his acting skills. So, in school theaters, Galkin played a variety of roles: dogs, drunkards, King Solomon, Ostap Bender and others. His performances were not only liked by classmates, but also by teachers, and even the headmaster was delighted. And this only gave strength and desire to play more, trying to find their own unique image and their way to the stage. Maxim made parodies of all the people who surrounded him, and they were always enthusiastically received.

The first successful performance in his creative biography the showman Maxim Galkin refers to the age when he was in the sixth grade. He was able to independently voice all the heroes of the puppet show, which was shown to schoolchildren. But special influence had a young talent, whose introduction Maxim Alexandrovich accidentally saw on TV.

Then he was only 13 years old, but he was so impressed by Khazanov's ability to parody Mikhail Gorbachev that he decided to do it himself. And he did great. But, by the way, in childhood, Maxim Galkin did not even try to become a humorist.

It is known that as a schoolboy Maxim liked to attend an art studio, his favorite subjects were geography and zoology. The comedian himself recalled that in his childhood he liked to cut out various figures of animals and lay them out on a map, determining their habitat. But soon the desire to devote his whole life to zoology disappeared. Then Galkin decided to become a writer and write his own fantasy novel. He even came up with his own kingdom and the characters that existed in it. But the book was never written.

Not even having time to graduate from school, Maxim applies for admission to the Russian State Technical University at the Faculty of Linguistics. And after graduating from school, he successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in this educational institution. He graduated from this university in 1998. But studying for Maxim did not end there, since he also enters graduate school. Already working on his Ph.D., he simply drops out.

Maxim Galkin's career

The creative biography of a cheerful and cheerful humorist begins at a time when Maxim Galkin is studying at the university. At this time he is studying foreign languages, is engaged in translations, but she also did not abandon her creative experiments on the stage. He even decided to perform his number - a parody in 1994 on the stage of the theater of Moscow University. After that was long break, for four whole years the future humorist does not go on stage, but already in 1998 Galkin participates in one of the variety programs, where he makes parodies of Yeltsin, Putin and Zhirinovsky.

One of these performances was attended by Boris Brunov, who at that time was the artistic director of the Variety Theater. He noticed a young and talented parodist and invited Maxim to his team. So, the novice showman began to appear one after another performances. In 1999, he was noticed and, and offered to go on tour with concerts with him. So, young Galkin went on tour for a year and a half. And after his return, his career began to grow dramatically.

At first, he was awarded several awards, and in the summer of 2001 he was able to perform his first solo concert. In the same year, Maxim Galkin was invited to host the show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". He hosted this program for a long time, but at the same time he was able to become the host of the popular New Songs about the Main Festival. Since 2001, he has been trying his hand at cinema.

Maxim Galkin: Biography of personal life

The first acquaintance of the parodist and showman Galkin with his future wife Alla Pugacheva took place in 2001. Their relationship developed rapidly and rapidly, and already in 2005 they began to live in civil marriage. But an important event in the biography of Maxim Alexandrovich will take place in 2011, when they got married. In 2013, this couple had two children with the help of a surrogate mother: Lisa and Harry. Now they are happy parents.

Biography Author: Tati 8688

Famous comedian, talented parodist, stand-up comedian, bright TV presenter, actor and singer

Childhood and youth

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region and was not only child in family. Maxim has a brother Dmitry, who is 12 years older than him. The children were brought up in a family of intellectuals. Father - Alexander, was a military man. Mother - Natalia, according to some sources, had Jewish roots. Natalya Galkina was an employee at the Institute of Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she had a degree.

In one of his interviews, the artist said that the upbringing took place in an intelligent-democratic manner and discipline was of great importance in the family.

The family often changed their place of residence. In the early 80s, parents and sons went to live in Germany in the service of their father. However, the Galkin family did not live long in the German town of Nora. When Maxim was 3 years old, they returned to their homeland - to Odessa. Here the boy studied three classes elementary school, then the family moved to Transbaikalia, to the city of Ulan-Ude. After 2 years, the family returns to Moscow, where Maxim graduated from high school.

The boy showed artistic abilities as a child. The first performance experience for Maxim was participation in a kindergarten production at the age of 4. AT school years he showed his Creative skills: was fond of zoology and reading science fiction, attended art school and participated in many school productions. Maxim did not seek to play only the main roles, but tried himself in various guises: from the role of animals to kings. The artist said that he was never afraid of the stage and felt free and bold.

In his interviews, Maxim said that his mother's support played a significant role in the development of his creative career. Parents never forced children to follow in their footsteps, but allowed them to make their own choice. So, my mother always found time for children and supported Maxim's creative endeavors.

At the age of 13, Galkin discovered his talent for parody. Then, speaking in the voices of different characters, he demonstrated his success to his family and school friends. In the 6th grade, he successfully delivered puppet show, voicing all the heroes of the action.

It is worth noting that in childhood, parents did not note in the boy the desire to become a comedian or parodist in the future. In his senior school years, Maxim seriously thought about writing activity. The reason for this was a fantasy book that he began to write. True, it remained unfinished. The idea of ​​becoming a writer contributed to the further choice of the university.

In 1993, the future artist entered the linguistic faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The artist has 5 languages ​​in his knowledge box: French, English, Spanish, Czech and German. Five years later, Maxim Galkin became a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities and entered graduate school.

Creative activity

From the age of 17, Maxim, speaking with parodies, took Active participation in student productions of Moscow State University and Variety Theatre. The artist said that he began to "do it by accident, from nothing to do." But later it began to bring him money. At one of the performances, Maxim was noticed by Russian director Boris Brunov and invited the Variety Theater to perform. After some time, the famous humorist Mikhail Zadornov drew attention to the young artist, who called him his "successor" and offered to go on tour with him. The tour brought Maxim invaluable experience and popularity.

The beginning of the 21st century was marked by a rapid creative rise for the artist. In 2001, Channel One launched the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire project. Having successfully passed the casting, Maxim Galkin became the host TV game and worked on the program until 2008. In addition, in 2001 Galkin received the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards. And in the same year, the artist recorded his first song in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. In December, he was invited to a New Year's TV program.

In the spring of 2002, Galkin gave his first solo humorous concert, which was marked by record television ratings. His concerts were held with great success at the largest stages of the Russian stage. In 2002, Galkin created his December project "New Year's Benefit with Maxim Galkin", which lasted three years.

After working on Channel One, Galkin received great fame and many job offers from Russia's leading channels. Among his works are "Field of Miracles", "Russian Roulette", "New Songs about the Essentials", "Two Stars", "Star Ice", "Dancing with the Stars", "Best of All" and others. Galkin's filmography includes 8 works, including Yeralash, First at Home and others.

On the this moment the artist is also the host of various TV shows and concerts. In the fall of 2016, his solo concert took place in honor of the 25th anniversary of his creative activity.

Personal life

The year 2001 was marked not only by a career take-off for Maxim Galkin, but also by the beginning of a notorious romantic relationship with the "prima donna" of the Russian stage, Alla Pugacheva.

At that time, Pugacheva was married to Philip Kirkorov. However, according to Pugacheva, at that time the marriage existed only on paper. In 2005, when Pugacheva's divorce took place, the couple officially announced their relationship. It is worth noting that due to the 27-year difference in the age of the lovers, few believed in the strength and veracity of this union. In addition, the couple was in no hurry to formalize the relationship. And only 10 years later, in December 2011, Pugacheva and Galkin became husband and wife.

2 years after wedding celebration the couple became the parents of two twins, Lisa and Harry, born with the help of a surrogate mother. It is known that the "prima donna" froze her eggs 11 years before the birth of the kids. Children were born in one of the expensive clinics in the Moscow region.

With the birth of children, the schedule of performances of parents has changed. Maxim in one of his interviews said that Pugacheva is an ideal example of how you can combine professional activities and raising children.

Lisa and Harry's parents lead an active life on social networks and often delight fans with joint photos with their children. “We do not flirt with children, each of them is a mature person. We communicate with children as with adults, ”Maxim shared.

The artist and his wife are known for their love of luxury - they live in a real castle located in the village of Gryazi, drive a Bentley and are fond of collecting antiques.

Artist, TV presenter, showman, "a boy with sad eyes" and Alla Pugacheva's husband - this is all Maxim Galkin

Date of Birth: June 18, 1976
Place of Birth: Naro-Fominsky district, Moscow region, USSR
Zodiac sign: Twins

“I walked along the road that laid out in front of me. I did not turn to where the swamp is, I did not “drain the area” in order to pave some way in life. A brick appeared under my foot, I stepped there, then another brick. And where this road ends, where it leads, I do not know, because I am not laying it. But I know that when I walk this road, I am calm and confident in what I am doing!”

Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim's childhood did not portend a stellar future. Parents were far from the artistic world: dad - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin - was a military man, mother - Natalya Grigoryevna (maiden name Pragina) - candidate technical sciences. The elder brother Dmitry initially followed in the footsteps of his father, and now he has become an entrepreneur. And Maxim, in addition to the usual boyish hobbies, karate classes, was seriously interested in botany, geography and environmental ecology.

Maxim grew up in the family of an officer, and, as is usually the case, his childhood was spent on the move with a constant change of cities, schools and friends. The family lived in Germany, then, returning to Soviet Union, moved all over the country, from one city to another: Odessa, Pinery, Buryatia and, finally, Moscow. Here Maxim graduated from the gymnasium, in which he often participated in theatrical productions, tried to make parodies of teachers and even the director of the school. And soon, in 1993, he entered the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Galkin. The beginning of the way

There were many happy accidents in Maxim's life, which largely predetermined his creative destiny. For example, the first happy accident on the way of Maxim Galkin to the stage occurred in the corridor of the Russian State University for the Humanities. It was there that one day a 17-year-old freshman saw an announcement that recruitment was underway for the student theater of Moscow State University.

There was usually a huge competition in this theater. Getting there is no easier than entering a theater institute. But on the day when Maxim Galkin came to the theater according to the announcement, everyone was taken. And it was also a happy accident. And two months after that memorable day when Maxim was admitted to the theater, his first serious appearance took place. It was also an accident and also a happy one.

The stars of the student theater of Moscow State University were invited to the concert on the occasion of the closing of the anniversary season at the Central House of Writers. And it so happened that no one, except for Maxim, could speak. And after this performance, Boris Sergeevich Brunov himself, the entertainer and then head of the Moscow State Variety Theater, approached Galkin and invited the young man to participate in the theater program “Debuts, debuts, debuts”. Participation in a concert on the stage of the Variety Theater was the main gift for Maxim's 18th birthday.

1999 was a turning point for Maxim. During Galkin's speech at the Ovation Prize, satirist Mikhail Zadornov saw him and offered the young artist cooperation. For several years, Maxim Galkin performed as an insert number in Mikhail Nikolayevich's concerts. As a debutant, he was occasionally shown in humorous television programs.

But finest hour Maxim Galkin was a performance at the Nika Prize. On that day, Maxim was also on stage by a lucky chance. They invited Zadornov, he refused and offered Maxim instead. And Galkin woke up the morning after "Nika" famous. And off we go...

In the early 2000s, awards rained down on him: "Triumph", "Golden Ostap". And almost every year, Maxim began to release new full-fledged solo concerts with full houses and broadcasts on central federal channels.

Galkin and TV

In 2001, Maxim Galkin was invited to the ORT channel to host the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. And Maxim enthusiastically agreed. Previously, a similar licensed program was released on the NTV channel under the name "Oh, lucky!" and was led by Dmitry Dibrov.

For several years, from 2004 to 2007, Galkin was the host of the New Songs about the Main Festival (Channel One).

On the same channel, together with Alla Pugacheva, he hosted the Two Stars program.
Already in 2008, he switched to the channel "Russia" and hosted the show "Star Ice", "Dancing with the Stars", "New Year's Parade of Stars", the show "Who Wants to Be Maxim Galkin?", "Ten Million," Stilyagi Show " , "Good evening with Maxim."

In 2011, together with his wife, he hosts Morning Mail on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

In 2015 he returned to Channel One. And immediately - in the show of reincarnations "Just the same."

Then Channel One released the comic show "MaximMaxim", where Galkin was the host.

Now Maxim leads several shows: “Best of all”, “Tonight”, “Older than all!” and "Stars Under Hypnosis".

Maxim and Dmitry lost their parents early: in 2002, their father died of cancer, and two years later, the same terrible disease took mom.

“Losing a parent at any age, no matter where you are, is always the same huge loss. You can’t be prepared for this, it’s always unexpected ... ”- this is how Maxim said about the departure of his parents.
After the death of his father and mother, the comedian regularly undergoes a medical examination in Israel.

And on holidays, all the relatives of both families: both Dmitry (he has two children) and Maxim - gather under one roof in Maxim's castle, in the village of Gryaz.

Personal life

The official wife of Maxim since 2011 is the prima donna of our stage - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. But, according to the singer herself, they started dating in 2001. And in 2013, a boy Harry and a girl Lisa were born to a couple from a surrogate mother.

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