Milan Cathedral. Milan Cathedral (35 photos)

Milan Cathedral represents the true pride of all Italians, but its beauty lies not so much in the scale of the scope, but in the smallest details. It is these nuances that are the real decoration of the building, made in the Gothic style. One has only to look at the numerous faces, biblical motifs, sculptural compositions, and you begin to understand the depth of elaboration of each line, as well as the reasons for such a long construction and decoration.

Other names for Milan Cathedral

The basilica is the most popular landmark of the city, so the current name appears more during excursion programs. In fact, it is a symbol of Milan, which is why it was called the Duomo di Milano. Residents of Italy prefer to call their sanctuary Duomo, which translates as "cathedral".

The church also has an official name in honor of the Virgin Mary, the patroness of the city. It sounds like Santa Maria Nashente. On the roof of the cathedral there is a statue of the Holy Madonna, which can be seen from different points in Milan.

General characteristics of the basilica

The architectural monument is located in the central part of Milan. The square in front of the Milan Cathedral is called the Cathedral, from here you can enjoy a stunning view of the building with many spiers. Despite the combination of styles, the Gothic is overwhelming, with the entire cathedral made of white marble, which is almost never found in other similar buildings in Europe.

The massive church was built over 570 years, but now it can accommodate about 40,000 people. The cathedral is 158 meters long and 92 meters wide. The tallest spire reaches 106 meters into the sky. And while the dimensions of the facades are impressive, it is much more interesting how many sculptures were created to decorate them. The number of statues is about 3400 units, and there are even more stucco decorations.

Historical milestones of the Duomo

History has given a few medieval temples, because most of them were destroyed over the following centuries. The Milan Cathedral is one of the representatives of that century, although it is difficult to tell from the architecture. The basilica is considered a real long-term construction, since the foundation for it began to be laid back in 1386.

Before initial stage construction on the site of the future basilica, there were other sanctuaries, replacing each other as the territory was conquered different nations. Among the predecessors are known:

  • the temple of the Celts;
  • Roman temple of the goddess Minerva;
  • church of Santa Takla;
  • Church of Santa Maria Maggiore.

During the reign of Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti, it was decided to create a new creation in the Gothic style, since nothing like this had yet existed in this part of Europe. The first architect was Simone de Orsenigo, but he could hardly cope with the task assigned to him. Several times the creators of the project changed one after another: the Germans were appointed, then the French, then again returned to the Italians. By 1417, the main altar was already ready, which was consecrated even before the full construction of the temple was erected.

In 1470, a significant post in the construction of the cathedral went to Juniforte Sopari. To bring uniqueness to the building, the architect often turned to Donato Bramante and Leonardo da Vinci for advice. As a result, it was decided to dilute the strict Gothic with Renaissance elements that were in vogue at that time. Only a hundred years later, in 1572, the opening of the Milan Cathedral took place, although it was still not fully decorated. From descriptions historical events it is known that in 1769 the highest spire was installed, and a gilded statue of the Madonna 4 m high appeared.

During the reign of Napoleon, Carlo Amati and Giuseppe Zanoia were appointed architects, who worked on the design of the facade overlooking the Cathedral Square. The new masters followed common idea the main project, resulting in more than a hundred marble spiers. These "needles" resembled an outlandish forest of stone, which is very akin to the flaming Gothic. Their works became the final stage in the creation of the cathedral. True, some of the decorations were brought in later.

Many are interested in how many years the construction of the Milan Cathedral took, taking into account all the decorating work, because the abundance of details confirms the laboriousness of the process. Total number years was 579. Few buildings can boast such a serious and lengthy approach to creating a unique work of art.

famous cathedral architecture

Duomo is able to surprise every tourist with its unusual performance. You can spend hours looking at its facades with thousands of sculptures and whole compositions from the Bible, which are so skillfully made that each character seems to be saturated with life. It is very difficult to study all the decorations of the cathedral, since many of them are located high up, but the pictures will help to better see the external design. On one of the walls there is a place for the names of the archbishops of the city, the list of which has been maintained for a very long time. However, there are still spaces left for making new entries for future representatives of the church.

Many surprises are hidden inside the Milan Cathedral. Firstly, there is an unusual attraction here - the nail with which Jesus was crucified. During the service in honor of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a cloud with a nail descends over the altar to give the event greater symbolism.

Secondly, the temple uses an Egyptian bath dating back to the 4th century as a font. Also of great importance are the statue of St. Bartholomew and the mausoleum of Gian Giacomo Medici.

Thirdly, interior decoration so rich and elegant that it is simply impossible not to pay attention to it. Huge columns go far up, painting and stucco are everywhere. The main beauty lies in the windows, where there are stained-glass windows created in the 15th century. Photographs are not able to convey the play of color as it can be seen in person inside the temple.

The design of the cathedral is such that you can walk on the roof and admire the historic center. Someone looks at the decoration with statues, someone admires the city landscapes, and someone takes various photos surrounded by filigree marble spiers.

In Milan, there is a special decree forbidding buildings to block the statue of the Madonna. During the construction of the skyscraper, Pirelli had to neglect the condition, but in order to circumvent the law, it was decided to install an identical statue of the patroness of the city on the roof of a modern building.

On the floor in the temple there are marble tiles with images of the signs of the Zodiac. It is believed that Sunbeam falls on the picture, the patron of which is dominant in a certain period of the year. Based on the messages received, today there is some discrepancy with the real numbers, which is associated with subsidence of the base.

Entrance to the Milan Cathedral is paid, while a ticket with an elevator ride costs almost twice as much. True, it is impossible to refuse the spectacle from the roof, because from there it opens real life Milan with bustling Italians and guests of the city. Do not forget that this is not just an attraction, but, above all, a religious place where women must be with their shoulders and knees covered, T-shirts with a cutout are also prohibited.

A variety of circumstances can bring a person to Milan. It would be a great loss not to take an introductory tour of the ancient Italian city, filled with many attractions from rich history. The heart of the city is the large Cathedral Square. It is like a silver tray on which the main pearls of Milan sparkle - the Duomo Cathedral, the Royal Palace and the Vittorio Emmanuele II Gallery.

Cathedral Duomo in Milan (Duomo di Milano) is a truly unique architectural monument in the Flamboyant Gothic style.

From Monday to Wednesday - from 9:00 to 19:00, the last lift at 18:10. From Thursday to Sunday - from 9:00 to 21:00, the last lift at 20:10. Summer season starts on May 16th. The cost of visiting the terraces, with an elevator lift -12 euros; a walk up the stairs will cost 7 euros per person. In addition, for a fee, you can visit the Treasury of the Duomo Cathedral (2 euros), as well as the Baptistery of St. Giovanni alle Fonti (4 euros). It is possible to purchase combined tickets at a reduced price.

Official website of the Duomo Cathedral in English, current ticket prices and opening hours:

Booking excursions with a guide-photographer in Milan:

Attractions near the Duomo

As noted above, there are other interesting buildings apart from the cathedral.

If you take a walk through a glass passage with many boutiques and high-end shops dedicated to Vittorio Emmanuele II, you can soon get to Via Filodrammatici, 2. This address is the most famous opera house in the world - as well as a museum located at German Although the exterior of the theater building is nothing compared to the dazzling finishes of the Duomo, its interiors can also surprise. BUT main value La Scala in the action that takes place on its stage.


Milan Cathedral is a striking example of the architecture of the Flaming Gothic era and the largest Gothic temple in the world. With all its colossal and solemn form, it seems to give praise to the divine greatness. This is one of the most recognizable temples in the world.

The cathedral is located in the heart of historic Milan. As conceived by urban planners in the radial-ring structure of the city, the Milan Cathedral, or the Duomo, as it is called here, is the intersection of all city roads.


Gothic, so characteristic of medieval Europe architectural style, did not immediately come to Italy. Milan Cathedral, whose construction began in the 14th century, was the first Gothic building built on this side of the Alps.

For the construction of the temple in Lombardy, architects from France and Germany were specially invited. However, the original design of the cathedral belongs to the Italian architect Orsenigo. The joint work of two different building schools created the unique and memorable form of the Milan Cathedral.

On the site of the Milan Cathedral in pre-Christian times, there was first a Celtic sanctuary, and then a temple dedicated to Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and useful discoveries.

The construction of the temple lasted for about four centuries. It was interrupted either due to lack of funds, or because of disputes over the appearance of the cathedral. The construction was completed only in 1813, and work on decorating the temple continued until the 60s of the XX century, when new doors were installed.

The most important milestone in the history of the construction of the Milan Cathedral was 1769. Then the cathedral was crowned with a 106-meter-high spire with a 4-meter bronze statue of the Madonna. The government in the same year issued a decree according to which no building in Milan should rise above the statue of the Holy Virgin. This rule is still in force in the city.

In Milan, there is an exception to this rule, this is the Pirelli skyscraper. However, at the top of the high-rise exact copy statues of the Madonna.

Neogothic " stone forest» Cathedral, consisting of 135 spiers and giving uniqueness appearance Cathedral, was built by decree of Napoleon. The Emperor, of Italian origin, chose the Duomo as the site for his coronation.

architectural features

In the era of Flaming Gothic, each element in construction was filled with a special religious meaning. So, for example, if you look from above, then the shape of the cathedral is a Catholic cross.

The majesty of the building is due to its purpose - to be a symbol of the divine world order.

The facade of the building is decorated with a huge number of sculptures. The total number of statues on the Duomo is 3400. Martyrs and saints are depicted here, mythical creatures and famous historical figures. Among the figures decorating the cathedral, you can meet Napoleon Bonaparte, he is placed at the top of one of the neo-Gothic spiers built by his decree. There is also a statue of the Russian prince Vladimir Monomakh, who brought Christianity to Russia.

The appearance of the cathedral, airy and unearthly, is associated with the choice of facing material. White and pink marble from Candolia was taken for decoration. The material looks different depending on the time of day. Someone he is more impressive at dawn, and someone prefers his view in the setting sun. Heine, the famous poet, thought it impossible to imagine anything more mystical and enchanting than the Milan Cathedral in the moonlight.

The speech turnover “a ufo” is common in the city, which means “for free” or “free of charge”. The expression originates from the time of the construction of the Duomo. The fact is that the marble for the decoration of the temple was provided to the church by the Duke of Visconti absolutely free of charge. Carts with marble were signed with the letters A.U.F, which was an abbreviation that means “for construction” in Russian. Thanks to this inscription, the imported goods were not taxed.

Rain showers deserve special attention, the oldest of which date back to the very beginning of the construction of the cathedral. Livniki are traditional Gothic elements in the architecture of cathedrals; they depict various monsters with water flowing from their mouths during rain.

Interior decoration

The interior of the cathedral combines the trends of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The huge space of the temple, lancet arches and high vaults create an atmosphere of the Gothic Middle Ages, while the decorations of the temple are made in the Renaissance tradition.

The windows of the cathedral are richly decorated with stained-glass windows depicting scenes from Holy Scripture. These stained-glass windows were created and supplemented throughout the long period of construction of the cathedral. The oldest of them date back to the 15th century. The cathedral has the largest temple stained glass window, it is located in the apse and was built by the Bertini brothers in the 19th century.

The marble floor of the cathedral, covered with three types of marble, is decorated with an elegant pattern. Black, red and white stone was specially brought for construction from three different parts of Italy.


Cathedral stores a large number of works of art of world importance, as well as important Christian relics. Here are some of them that you should pay special attention to:

  • High, under the very dome, a large sacred relic is kept - a nail, with which, according to legend, Christ was crucified. Once a year, the senior bishop of Milan rises for a sacred object and demonstrates it to the visitors of the temple.

There is a legend that the lift that lifts the priest to the relic was designed by Leonardo da Vinci himself.

  • Every year in November-December, the temple hosts an extensive exhibition of paintings dedicated to the life of St. Carlo Barromeo, the revered archbishop of Milan. 54 canvases, created especially for the Duomo, describe the life and deeds of the saint.
  • Among the statues, the sculpture of St. Bartholomew, installed in 1562, stands out, notable for the thoroughness of the details. The body of the saint who took martyrdom, depicted devoid of skin, he holds it on his shoulders.
  • On the south side of the temple are peculiar sundial created in 1786. A special hole was made in the vault, and the light passing through it is reflected on a brass strip with images of the signs of the zodiac. Thus, it is possible to fix the moment of noon and the current month.

As it turned out, the device showed not only the time of noon. Due to the fact that the clock was regularly wrong, it was possible to detect subsidence of the foundation in time, threatening the integrity of the entire structure.

  • The splendor of Renaissance sculptural art is embodied in the mausoleum of Gian Giacomo Medici, created in 1563. The mausoleum is decorated with graceful sculptures. Long time it was believed that the author of the masterpiece was Michelangelo Buonarroti himself. However, studies conducted in the 20th century did not confirm this. The mausoleum was the last burial left inside the temple. After its construction, in order to avoid possible epidemics, it became forbidden to bury the dead in the cathedral.

From the observation deck of the cathedral on the roof opens beautiful view to the city. At the top of the Duomo you can do beautiful photos, admire the lace of spiers and the statues at the top.

Location on the map, opening hours and cost

The address: Piazza del Duomo. Milano, Italy.
Official site:

Opening hours: from 7:00 to 19:00, entrance to the temple until 18:45. The cathedral is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. from 8:30 to 18:00.

The entrance is free. Wherein prerequisite attendance is the observance of proper behavior in the church and normal dress code.

Terrace schedule:

  • Monday - Wednesday: from 9:00 to 19:00.
  • Thursday - Sunday: from 9:00 to 21:00.

Visiting the terraces is paid, the price is 12 euro. Climbing up the stairs - 7 euro.

On the website of the cathedral you can find the current price of tickets and possible changes in the work schedule.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to the cathedral Metro. The first and third lines go to the Duomo station.

In contact with

On the main square Milan towers the main attraction of the city - the Duomo ( Duomo di Milano) or the Cathedral. This Cathedral is famous all over the world and is the fourth largest in Europe. Milan's Duomo is truly grandiose: finished with white marble, decorated with hundreds of turrets, statues and carved cornices.
Milan Cathedral is both huge, majestic and lacy, soaring. I recommend that you definitely go up to the roof of the Duomo, because it offers a magnificent view of Milan, and you can also see elements of the architecture of the Cathedral from it.

How to get to the Milan Cathedral (Milan Duomo)

Milan Cathedral is located in the historical part of Milan, a stone's throw from the Duomo metro station. This metro station can be reached by the yellow line M3 (it is convenient to get in a straight line from the Central railway station Milan - Milano Centrale) or along the red line M1 (it is convenient to get in a straight line from another Cadorna station). From Garibaldi station you need to take the green line M2 and change at Cadorna station to the red line M1, get to the Duomo station.

Opening hours of the Milan Cathedral and the cost of entry, lifting to the roof

The cathedral is open daily from 7:00 to 19:00

Entrance to the Cathedral is free, photography costs 2 euros.

Access to the roof is possible from 9:00 to 19:00

You can get to the roof of the Cathedral by elevator (12 euros) or by walking up the stairs (67 euros).

Here is more detailed information (on the official site).

Milan Cathedral Map

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History and architecture of the Milan Cathedral

Like most of the significant Cathedrals of Europe, the Milanese Duomo was not built "in an open field", but on the site of a destroyed basilica (and before it there were Celtic, Roman sanctuaries). The construction of the new Cathedral began in 1386 after a strong fire in the basilica, and was completed only in 1880. Several centuries of construction could not but affect the architectural appearance of the Cathedral: from Gothic to elements inherent in the revival, classicism, modernity. But still, the style of the Duomo is commonly called flaming gothic.

Gothic architecture arose in France thanks to the development of the economy, as a result of which socio-political trends came to the fore.

The first example of Gothic elements can be seen in a church from the period of Romanesque maturity, this is a reconstruction (c. 1140) of the abbey church of Saint-Denis, commissioned by Suger Abbott. Soon, Gothic style The Île-de-France spread throughout France, Germany and the Czech Republic, and then to England and Spain. In Italy, Gothic appeared in central regions almost a century later, mostly in Tuscany and Umbria, but in a more balanced way and with an emphasis on the decorative display of subjects that looked less dramatic.

The construction of the Duomo in Milan was in full swing when the fashion for the Gothic appeared, it was built in accordance with stylistic features Lombard Gothic.

In the second half of 1387, Prince Gian Galeazzo Visconti decided to personally supervise the project, because the Duomo was to become a symbol of his reign, to set an example for the rest of the churches of Europe.

For about twenty years, hundreds and hundreds of foreigners have joined the local workers, making suggestions based on their experience. This is how the unique Gothic style of the cathedral was born.

The Duomo has become a place where different European cultures are mixed together.

In those years, there was a massive immigration of thousands of workers from north to south to contribute to the construction of the Milan Cathedral, which for this reason can be considered the most European of all Gothic cathedrals.

There is a legend that the Milan Cathedral was built in honor of the Madonna, who helped save the women of Milan from infertility. And to be more precise, from the wholesale birth of girls.

Climbing to the roof of the Milan Cathedral

Despite the fact that we had only a few hours in Milan for a walk, I firmly decided to go up to the roof of the Cathedral.

You can climb to the roof on foot, or you can freebie and ride the elevator. In order to find the entrance to the elevator, you need to start bypassing the Cathedral from the central facade on the left or right sides (if you are facing it). Just around the corner you will see the entrance with the cashier. If you want to climb on foot, then you need to go on the right side of the main facade (download the map)

The rooftop of Milan's Duomo is a huge, tiered space, so set aside at least 40 minutes for it.

It's great to walk along the lacy turrets of the Cathedral, to look closely at the sculptures.

Chimeras at the Cathedral are simply beautiful

My visit to the Duomo Cathedral in Milan during a transfer between flights in Italy, as well as where to buy tickets and their cost.

On my first trip to Milan, I only managed to see the main sights of the city, which I wrote about in the article. This time the city was only a couple of hours and this time was devoted to the Milan Cathedral.

Tickets for Milan's Duomo

On my first visit, I did not get into the cathedral, because there was no time to stand in line for tickets, and it can be very long. But that's not all, after buying tickets there will be a second line for passing the inspection, although it moves quickly, and the inspection itself did not take much time.

But before writing about the Milan Cathedral, I’ll tell you about tickets and where to buy them.

Tickets at the box office

The longest option, as you have to stand in line at the box office, which are located on the right side of the entrance to the cathedral. There is also a paid toilet right next to the cash desk, so it can come in handy if there is a long queue.

The only advantage of the cash desk is that the most cheap tickets for 3€, which cannot be bought online. The price of such a ticket includes admission to the cathedral itself and the Duomo Museum, which is located in the building next door.

With a ticket for € 3, access is only available to the first floor of the cathedral and the mausoleum of Gian Giacomo Medici. You can get to the roof of the cathedral and the basement with more expensive tickets.

In addition to simple tickets for 3 €, various combined tickets with an additional visit are sold at the box office various places Milan. But most of all, you should pay attention to tickets with which you can get to the roof of the cathedral and to the basement. They cost between 9 and 15€ depending on whether you take the lift or walk up.

Tickets Online

All tickets sold on the Internet are more expensive, but they have one big advantage - this is the absence of queues. This is especially true in summer, when you have to stand in the heat under the sun or in frost in winter.

Tickets are not sold on the official website of the cathedral, I can offer as an option a site where a ticket costs 14 €. The ticket price includes access to the cathedral, to the roof and to the basement, where archaeological excavations. Also a bonus to the ticket is access to the Church of St. Gottardo in Corte, which is 10-15 minutes away by public transport.

Excursion to Milan Cathedral

Excursions in Russian are held in the cathedral several times a week, and if you want to know the whole history and secrets of the cathedral, then you can book it.

Duomo Cathedral

Milan Cathedral is the center of Milan, its symbol and main attraction. The official name is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but many people call it the Duomo or simply Milan Cathedral. It was built for five centuries with stops due to lack of budget. They were built of white marble and decorated with thousands of statues.

The cathedral is located on Duomo Square in the city center. If you face the cathedral, then on the left there will be the famous Gallery of Victor Emmanuel II, on the right Royal Palace, and in front of the cathedral (behind) a monument to Victor Emmanuel II.

Just seeing the cathedral from the outside will not be enough, it is worth looking inside. Inside the cathedral is a little gloomy, its space is filled with the same gloomy sounds of the organ. This is what the central nave looks like.

If you look closely at the previous photo, you can see a small red dot above the main altar under the very ceiling. This is the main relic of the cathedral - one of the nails with which Jesus was crucified. This nail is lowered only once a year.

It is impossible to pass by some statues, this is the statue of St. Bartholomew. His body looks like this because he was martyred, they took off his skin. What hangs on the shoulders of the saint is not a cloak and nothing else, it is his skin.

The central altar and one of several additional ones, as well as colored stained glass windows.

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