Who conducts the focus group. The culture of people is one of the most important things. What does it give

The focus group method (or, as it is also called, focused interview) is essentially group discussion, during which the attitude of participants to a particular type of activity or product of this activity is clarified. For example, you can discuss how participants perceive the housing problem and projects for its solution, evaluate the characteristics of apartments, their cost, interest rates mortgage loans, etc. The value of the information received lies in the fact that the participants in the discussion, having “cleared themselves” of ideological attitudes (verbal clichés) as much as possible, become free and uninhibited in their answers.

This method began to be applied in the middle of the 20th century. It was first used by American sociologists R. Merton and P. Lazarsfeld in 1941 to study the effectiveness of radio broadcasts on the population. Now this method is widely used in, etc.

The method has the following characteristics:

  • groups are usually between 2 and 8 participants and usually do not exceed 10 participants;
  • the group is formed taking into account the purpose of the study. For example, if the effectiveness of electric shavers is studied, then two homogeneous groups of men can be formed - "youth" and "older". When studying the effectiveness of TV programs, presenters, commentators, it is advisable to form four groups, where participants of different ages are respectively represented in male (or female) groups;
  • the duration of the discussion, depending on the objectives of the study, ranges from 1 to 3 hours;
  • The discussion is moderated by an experienced sociologist or psychologist.

Group discussion provides for the creation of favorable conditions for communication for each participant and an atmosphere of goodwill and comfort for the group as a whole.


A focused interview, like any other sociological research, involves:

  • writing a program where the problem is formulated and substantiated, the goal, objectives, object, subject of research are determined, as well as the surveyed population, the number and size of focus groups, tools for collecting and processing sociological information. Hypotheses are usually not put forward at this stage, as it is believed that this may predetermine the understanding of some problems;
  • team training, which consists of a moderator and assistants. One of the assistants makes an audio or video recording, fixing the features of the statements (for example, emotionality, non-verbal characteristics). Another assistant, if necessary, can provide silence, serve refreshments, etc.;
  • set of respondents which may be preceded by a pre-test or interview. Focus group participants can also be selected randomly (for example, from a list of telephone subscribers) or by the "snowball" method, when one respondent names a candidate who meets the given criteria, and this candidate names another candidate, etc. It is impossible to use already established groups, since the system of established relations affects the nature of the discussion;
  • writing a guide (organized plan). It consists of a greeting, explanation of the basic rules, formulation of questions, divided into semantic blocks; the guide indicates the time and duration of the breaks. The guide ends with an expression of gratitude to the participants.


Before the discussion, when unfamiliar participants gather, the moderator and his assistants greet the incoming, create a relaxed atmosphere. It is important to ensure the following procedural points:

  • the room where the discussion is held should be spacious and comfortable (armchairs, carpet, soft light, etc.);
  • there must be a large table where the participants in the discussion could use notes, forms, drawings. At the table(s) during the break or before the discussion, participants are offered coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc.;
  • if the question of the quality of a product is discussed, then appropriate samples are provided.

At the beginning of the discussion, the moderator informs the participants of the goals and basic rules of the discussion, while noting for himself some of their personal characteristics. Then the discussion participants get to know each other.

The discussion, as a rule, begins with open-ended questions that reveal the nature of the participants, the diversity of their opinions. Closed questions are usually asked towards the end of the discussion, which allows the answers to be focused on specific aspects of the problem under discussion. During the discussion, the moderator is advised to avoid evaluative remarks both in verbal form (“I agree”, “good”, “wrong”) and in non-verbal form (nodding, shaking the head, gesture of denial, etc.).

During the discussion, the moderator quietly controls the group, using 5-second pauses and “questions” such as: “Can you explain in more detail?”, “Can you give an example?”

At the end of the discussion, he recalls its goals, summarizes what has been said, thanks the participants and says goodbye to them. Subsequently, the recording of the discussion is transcribed and printed. Based on the received transcript, an analysis is carried out and a report is drawn up.

In groups of a homogeneous structure, based on positions and assuming focused work of respondents under the guidance of a moderator. In other words, a focus group is a focused group interview aimed at revealing among the participants their subjective perception of any objects or phenomena of reality during the discussion.

Such joint discussion is an essential attribute of any sociological focus group. It is through collective communication and problem solving that the

Focus group in sociology. Features of the selection of interview participants

The focus group usually consists of 6-8 respondents. Such a number of subjects is necessary in order for all participants to be involved in the discussion of the proposed research topic.

Focus group participants can be selected according to certain criteria (nationality, religion, level of education, age, etc.) or randomly (for example, using a telephone directory to achieve maximum validity). When selecting subjects, intragroup homogeneity is observed, as it allows participants to feel more relaxed and free. Recruitment of people for a focused interview is carried out using preliminary questionnaires, observation, or analysis of data available to researchers. Also, advertisements and announcements in the media can sometimes be used to attract respondents, but such selection can negatively affect the results of the study. Respondents attracted by the ad may pursue the goal of additional income.

The scenario of a group discussion is thought out in advance: questions are prepared, necessary methodical material etc. Conducting a focus group requires the participation of a qualified specialist - a psychologist (or an experienced sociologist), who is able to understand the real attitude of the respondents to the material under discussion. The standard time allotted for discussion of the two topics is 2 hours. To conduct an in-depth group interview, a room is being prepared, consisting of two soundproof rooms, between which there is a glass of one-sided transparency (this is necessary so that the observers fix all the nuances during the discussion). Everything that happens during a group discussion is necessarily recorded on a video camera, and subsequently the data obtained is analyzed.

Focus group is a method of collecting information on a wide variety of topics.

The issues considered by the participants in the discussion can vary greatly - from the choice of pharmaceutical products to subjective preferences in any food. In many issues, a focus group is indispensable: an example of a topic discussed in a discussion is the study of consumer attitudes towards a particular brand of product or company. Often the focused interview method is used to address intimate, sensitive issues (such as the preferred method of contraception, some common disease or financial questions). Focus group is effective method quickly obtaining truthful information about a wide variety of objects or phenomena of the surrounding world. Respondents express their thoughts in a free form, while their true attitude to the object under discussion is clearly traced, including through non-verbal reactions. A focus group is a serious event that requires a professional approach to its conduct.


Determine the range of questions you want answered during the focus group. You must clearly understand what you will be with them, how to use them in a strategy. It is often that the questions put up for discussion are not the same as the result - the result of the study remains on paper, not being implemented. When composing questions, try to take into account the interests of all departments, and not just your marketing department.

Decide who will be the moderator, that is, the leader of the focus group. This should be a sociable person who knows how to ask questions, if the need arises - to move the direction of the conversation in the right direction, to encourage participants to give detailed answers. The moderator should not record the answers of invited guests during the study. Similar functionality should be assigned to -observers located on the other side of the mirror wall.

Consider having video recording equipment. Mark in advance the shooting point where you will put the camcorder on a tripod. Test to see if everyone at the table is in the frame. Adjust the sound, lighting, color. Also, while preparing for the focus group, provide soft drinks, pens and notepads for the participants, a flip chart for the moderator.

Invite participants. Consider how to encourage their agreement. Once again, make sure that they are all yours. potential buyers, and not just the unemployed, in large numbers and with regular frequency for little pay, participating in such studies. It is better to do the sampling yourself, without relying on external marketers.

Ask a new question to focus group participants only after you have thoroughly discussed the previous one. This study does not allow returning to topics, as this violates the process of adequate perception. If the topic under discussion concerns a material object (not) - be sure to prepare. Having them in hand, it will be much easier for the focus group participants to answer the questions of the moderator.

Watch the video. Compare your feelings with the opinion of psychologists-observers. Record all responses from invited participants. To analyze the results, make a pivot table in which repeatable answers are highlighted with markers of the same color. In order for the answers to the questions posed to be objective, 3-4 meetings should be held for each product, each of which can be attended by up to 10 people.

A focus group is a specific group of respondents, which consists of 8-10 people who come together to discuss a specific topic in which each of them is interested in one way or another. The discussion can go on for up to two hours, but often there is a situation where you have to work an order of magnitude longer. It is worth noting that if it is known in advance that you will have to work for a longer time, then in this case the focus group is called extended. The discussions at this meeting are related to technology qualitative analysis, since the information that is obtained as a result of the work of such specialists cannot be called representative of a certain group of people.

Why is she needed?

A focus group is a necessary part of modern marketing, which is actively used in various business areas. This group is created so that its participants in the process of a well-directed discussion can express their own opinion on the topic of discussion, trying to reveal it from an individual point of view. In the process of studying such groups, a fairly wide range of opinions is revealed, for example, this may relate to the level of satisfaction and constancy of customers, the perception of the level of service, the identification of leaders in a particular area, as well as a number of other issues.

The focus group is also a good tool to understand the hidden motivations and motives regarding the level of service. Consumers always have the most miscellaneous information, which he received on the basis of his own life experience, regarding the high and low level service, and unlike most other topics, the consumer happily discusses this information with other people. Thus, a focus group is a fairly popular option for penetrating the most different aspects quality of service to the population, as well as the level of satisfaction and constancy on the part of consumers.

Focus group of competitors - is it real?

While the use of a focus group is often used in the process of studying various problems related to the opinion of buyers in order to explore the problems of the business structure itself, it is much more difficult to use it, especially if the group will be recruited from representatives of companies that operate in a particular area. . In the vast majority of cases, focus groups are rarely of interest to company representatives due to the fear that competitors may receive and subsequently use, in one way or another, non-public information belonging to this company. However, groups still function perfectly if they are recruited from non-competitive companies, and at the same time, the participants themselves can understand that their business has much more more points contact than they might have thought.

What determines the success of such a group?

The success of a focus group depends on how a large number of factors, namely:

  • Competent set of participants.
  • The right choice of a coordinator or, as it is also called in professional circles, a project moderator.
  • The comfort of the environment.
  • The relevance of the topic under discussion.

How many respondents should be represented?

As with quantitative research, different kinds focus groups provide, first of all, a competent choice of its composition. It will be necessary to recruit initially a representative sample from the audience that is the main goal of the study. Since in the vast majority of cases, the group is usually recruited by people who work or live permanently in a geographically limited area, it makes sense to collect such groups in different areas, especially if there are any regional features in consumer perception.

What problems can there be?

In addition, it will also be important to calculate the dynamics of the group. For example, how effective would a group be with both men and women? Imagine a situation in which a man would be more interested in impressing the opposite sex instead of seriously discussing a particular company issue. Of course, this format often brings animation to the group, but in fact, other participants may be unhappy with this, and in principle, it very often simply interferes with the normal discussion of the issue.

Difficulties can also arise if the types of focus groups are recruited from participants with mixed ages, as a generation gap may eventually form. For example, this often happens when discussing issues such as whether to borrow money.

The culture of people is one of the most important points

AT without fail cultural differences should also be taken into account. In certain countries, it is quite difficult to force a respondent to sincerely express any critical remarks about the quality of the goods provided or the services of a certain company, for the reason that there public criticism is one of the main signs of bad manners. It is for this reason that the focus group is a separate topic in psychology, which is given close attention. Among other things, representatives different cultures may consider it absolutely wrong when a man is appointed as a coordinator in a group of female respondents.


Which focus group method should be used? This is a question of experts, because their main purpose is to facilitate the work of the assembled people as much as possible. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the work of such groups is carried out in the format of a discussion that is built around a topic that is agreed upon in advance. The moderator of the group should have specialized skills to guide the discussion in such a way that each participant has the opportunity to express his own opinion, and at the same time to ensure that any opinion does not dominate the opinions of other people who are present in this group.

The moderator should carefully ensure that each individual topic is discussed over a certain period of time. Among other things, the facilitator should listen very carefully to what and how each member of the assembled group says, at the same time trying to understand his condition. The focus group moderator is a professional specialist who thoroughly understands the conduct of such events. The moderator may need to use certain incentives or some other specialized means in order to develop individual topics. In other words, all this work should be done by a qualified specialist, since the focus group method is an extremely important and responsible event that should be managed not by beginners, but by confident professionals.


Often conditions are created that marketing research focus groups were carried out in a specially equipped room. Today, the group often gathers in a room that originally specialized in sound recording and filming. Often these offices have special rooms that can be completely refurbished in accordance with the goals pursued by this group.

In particular, for example, some companies often create a cozy living room with a sofa, chairs, TV, coffee table and other traditional interior elements. It will also be possible to transform the room into something similar to a meeting room in the event that research is carried out in the field entrepreneurial activity. In any case, the primary task that the moderator, who manages the focus group, sets for himself is the kind of room that should not be stressful for the participants, and also not create any discomfort for them. At the same time, one should not forget that consent to participate in a focus group is a rather extraordinary event in the lives of many people, so many feel various kinds of concerns about this.

What does it give?

If the initial analysis of the focus group is done correctly and everything is well organized, then the company will inform all participants in advance of the various details that relate to the upcoming event. Among other things, food is provided, and some even prefer to take the participants home after the group has finished its work. Often participants are given a certain fee as compensation for spending their own time.

What to discuss?

Another important element is what exactly the focus group participants will discuss, or rather, the thematic index of this event. This includes a specific list of topics to be discussed and will subsequently be used to guide the discussion in a certain direction.

In order to maintain interest on the part of participants in the subject for which the focus group study is being carried out, it is necessary to initially prepare for discussion those issues that are important to all consumers. Initially, the discussion begins with the fact that there is an acquaintance with each individual participant, after which the subject of the conversation is directly discussed, and absolutely everyone participates in this discussion. This is extremely important, since the moderator should involve each participant in the subject of discussion as early as possible.

Still, the very format of holding such an event is a kind of meeting of friends, but these are strangers who have been gathered in an unfamiliar place for them, where they do something that they may never have even done before - they have a productive discussion on the subject which they may not have thought about before.

How does the leader behave?

The leader of the focus group discussion is a responsible specialization, and the person who carries out this work must initially destroy the complexes of each of the participants. And after he succeeds, he must, in accordance with the thematic index, conduct a conversation according to a special scheme: starting from a superficial acquaintance with the topic and ending with the deepest penetration into all its aspects.

Need results now

The immediate presentation of the results after the end of the group work is what any moderator often fears. After a few hours of hard work, the group facilitator is asked to provide instant results on the main issues of the ongoing discussion. This requirement simply prevents the moderator from reflecting on the information he has received, for example, in order to understand how the results differ from those obtained by other groups in the process of researching this topic. At the same time, the client has already managed to draw independent conclusions, and now insists that the moderator post his own, so that he can compare them.

It often happens that the situation is complicated due to the personal characteristics of those people who are involved in the study. Still, a focus group in sociology is far from the same as in marketing, so specialists, each of whom understands his own field, may conflict with each other.

Is it correct?

In fact, it is far from always possible to draw conclusions based on the results of the work of a particular focus group, especially if it concerns some new services or goods. In the vast majority of cases, you have to gather several groups at the same time in order to finally understand why consumers behave one way or another, because a focus group in marketing is a universal tool that should cover everyone.

In addition, it often happens that you have to change the content or the main purpose of the study, if the original results cannot be interpreted normally or only give rise to more questions that will probably need to be added to the questionnaire.

The "focus group" method is an in-depth focused interview in the form of a series of group discussions, during which participants are "focused" on issues of interest to the researcher in order to obtain subjective information from them. The main feature of the method is that in a group discussion, participants are included in communication with their own kind, as a result of which psychological barriers (usually separating the interviewer and the interviewee in survey methods) are removed much more effectively, and emotional reactions (affecting the behavior of any person in Everyday life) appear much brighter.

Focus group methodology

The focus group method refers to qualitative methods of collecting information and is based on the use of the effect of group dynamics.

The application of this method involves a group discussion led by a specialist (moderator). The main advantage of this method is the ability to quickly obtain the so-called in-depth information in a small group of respondents. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the attention of the participants is focused on the problem (topic) under study, in order to determine the attitude to the problem posed, to find out the motivation for certain actions.

Besides, this method allows the customer to observe the progress of the study and draw appropriate conclusions. The cost of a focus group is relatively low (eg compared to in-depth interviews). The focus group can be used in combination with other methods (both quantitative and qualitative) and as independent method collection of information.

Distinctive features of a focus group

Unlike quantitative methods research (for example, a sociological survey), which answers the questions `Who ..?' and `How much ..?', the focus group answers the questions `How exactly ..?' and `Why ..?'

The second feature is the method of sampling and methods of collecting information. In a sociological (quantitative) study, the basic method is a survey (personal, telephone), in which respondents representing a certain category of consumers are interviewed according to a single scheme (questionnaire). In a focus group (qualitative study), methods of in-depth group interviews are used to "pull out" information from the respondent that does not lie on the surface, showing wide range relationship to the problem.

The focus group is a subjective research method (as opposed to sociological research, which is an objective method of collecting and processing information). The meaning of this method is that in a group discussion the respondent is included in communication with his own kind. Therefore, the psychological barriers that separate the interviewer and the interviewee in sociological survey, are removed much more effectively, and emotional reactions are much brighter. Focus group participants are "focused" on questions of interest to the researcher in order to obtain hidden information. Quantitative and qualitative studies are often carried out together and their results complement each other.

Preparation of the methodological section of the research program

This section includes: the relevance of the problem, the purpose and objectives of the study, the object and subject of the study, the hypotheses of the study.

Determination of the goal is one of the most important components of the research program.

Most often, focus groups are used to achieve the following goals:

1) generating ideas;

2) testing hypotheses for quantitative research;

3) preparation of tools for quantitative research;

4) interpretation of the results of quantitative research;

5) study of the characteristics of the behavior of individual groups of people.

Number of participants

Focus groups usually work in rooms equipped with a video camera. The number of group members is from 8 to 12 people. This range is optimal, verified over decades and reflects the balance of two factors: with a smaller group, the intensity of the discussion decreases, with a larger one, not all participants get the opportunity to speak. A group interview is conducted by a moderator - a professional researcher who must have certain skills in working with people, be able to win them over, be neutral, equally treat any opinion expressed by the participants, even if it does not coincide with his own. Gender, age, income level, etc. are used as selection criteria for participants. Often there are 2-3 focus groups on the same scenario with different composition of participants.

The purpose of the focus group largely influences the number of participants. For example, the smaller the group, the possible to receive so-called deep information, and than more group, the higher the probability of generating more ideas.

Selection of participants

Methods for selecting participants:

1) random selection according to the lists available in the databases;

· 2) "snowball" - the selection of people who meet the specified criteria according to the information provided by people about their acquaintances;

· 3) spontaneous selection using express interviews and questionnaires to select the most suitable respondents.

Men and women should not be interviewed together if the research topic involves intimate matters, or in cases where either men or women can influence the opinion of the group in matters affecting areas in which men traditionally consider themselves experts, or, for example, in questions related to the upbringing of children, where women are in the lead. People who know the researcher or people who know each other should also not be invited to the same group, since it is possible to foresee the degree of influence of the researcher or their influence on each other. In the same way, educational or socioeconomic status and level of awareness can affect - experts often either get unconditional agreement or force you to argue, even if you agree with them.

Focus group scenario

A focus group script is a set of questions that are proposed for discussion. The content of the plan is determined by the degree of formalization of the focus group.

A structured focus group involves the work of a moderator according to a pre-prepared guide. A semi-structured focus group follows a so-called flexible or draft guide, which is significantly adjusted depending on the reactions of the participants. In rare cases, there is no guide at all. This is usually used in pilot (trial) studies.

The questions of the guide are divided into thematic blocks, between which it is necessary to make links - "bridges". When developing the guide, we use General requirements applied to the wording and order of questions (from general to particular, unambiguous understanding, clarity, neutrality, ease of construction, etc.).

It is advisable to use various qualitative methods: role-playing game, unfinished sentence, association, metaphor, doubt about the obvious, description of the opposite type of behavior, indirect (hidden) questions, etc.

The focus group script is written in advance, the questions are arranged in a logical sequence and in such a way that people understand why you are asking them about it right now. First of all, the purpose of the study is formulated, based on the information that you need to obtain. The scenario consists of an introduction, background questions, main questions, additional questions and a final part.

1. Introduction (15 minutes in an hour and a half discussion). Explain the purpose of the meeting, the importance of participants' opinions to you. Say that the focus group is not to assess the knowledge of everyone, but to explore the problem. Explain that participants may have different opinions, but that is the value of their survey. Introduce observers, explain the reasons for their presence: observers are needed to record in detail the entire progress of the work. Explain usage technical means(tape recorder, video camera). Introduce the participants and the research team. Use one or two tricks to defuse the situation.

2. Background questions (10 minutes). Questions related to the topic of the focus group, but of a more general nature. The goal is to give participants the opportunity to orient themselves and get used to each other and to the moderator. The moderator shows equal attention to all participants, striving for a balanced expression of a wide variety of opinions. It is best to address participants by their first names.

3. Key questions (50 minutes). The answers to them allow you to achieve the goal of conducting a qualitative study. Questions should be open-ended, and leading questions like: `You liked it, didn’t you?’ should be avoided. The questions are asked in a logical sequence, each subsequent one clarifies and reveals the answers to the previous one. In this part, you can, for example, ask: `What Did you like (or dislike) something?", `How satisfied are you with something?', `What would you like to change?', `How do you feel about something?'. Questions should be carefully thought out and be objective Maintain eye contact and body language of the participants Prevent dominance of one participant over another.

4. Additional questions relevant but less important (10 minutes). Usually it is asked how the participants receive information about the subject or topic under discussion, which channels are most often used. Sometimes clarifying questions are asked.

5. End of the focus group (5 minutes). Before the end, there is a short break during which the moderator consults the script and discusses the progress of the conversation with the observer. Closing questions are then asked, the group is thanked for their participation, and a reward is given, if any. This concludes the focus group.

Conducting a focus group

Requirements for the place and time of the discussion

The duration of the focus group is determined depending on the purpose of the study and varies between 1.5-3.5 hours. The most suitable for the study is the evening of the working day or weekends.

The room should be spacious, bright, with round table or low tables. The environment should be neutral (no bright color "spots", soundproofing, no additional stimuli in the room, etc.).

Technical equipment

You must have sound recording equipment (tape recorder, video camera). In some cases, a VCR or TV is required to demonstrate stimulus material. It is desirable to have a demonstration board on which you can place diagrams, posters, samples, etc. In addition, you may need: paper, pencils, scissors, pens, felt-tip pens, markers, glue, etc.

Focus group data analysis

First of all, audio and video recordings are transcribed and a verbatim report is compiled, which presents the edited recording of the focus group, a description of the non-verbal reactions of the group members, the observations of the moderator and his assistants. It is advisable to identify the causes and nature of differences in opinions and assessments.

The results obtained are compared with the results of similar studies and subjected to expert evaluations.

World practice has shown that the focus group method is effectively used in the field of marketing when studying the behavior of consumers of certain goods, services and ideas, reactions to advertising, in the political sphere when developing and evaluating the results of various social and political programs, when studying the image politicians, in the field of sociology of health and medicine, in the study of sensitive topics, in the field of sociology of communication in the study of the communicative behavior of the target audience (reading printed publications, watching TV programs, listening to radio stations, etc.) and in other areas.

There are various definitions of the focus group method. Dmitrieva E.V. gave this definition:

The focus group method is qualitative method collection of sociological information in homogeneous (in terms of characteristics significant for the study) groups that have a focus, with the participation of the leader and based on the principles of group dynamics. "Focus" can be a film, commercial or its storyboard, product, company image, chosen topic group discussion, problem or phenomenon of social life.

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