Also an important factor. How does Google recognize "quality" content? Analyzes and diagnostics

Surprisingly, even a well-known story suggests that at least since the time of Kievan Rus, the Galicians have always hated and betrayed the Rus.

But there is also ancient Russian sources, who are not recognized official science, in which says that the inhabitants these places betrayed the predecessor Kievan Rus - Ruskolan during attacks on the her ready.

AND, apparently ever since most since, for life Galicians curse affects Old Russian magi, imposed on them in those distant time for betrayal. That's why, even if judge on generally accepted "official" stories, all states which include they were in from Kievskaya Russia and before USSR, invariably fell apart or conquered enemies. You can check it yourself. Because exactly the same fate awaits today's Ukraine.

But from where such stoned hatred for everything Russian for not one thousands years? Yes because what, genetically all these westerners thanks to many "impurities" differ not only from the Rus (haplogroupR1 A1), but and from all white race. Same can be said about others famous centers Russophobia.

Here, for example, what did he say that's why about Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov one Siberian hermit during the next dialogue, described in book “Shine of the High Gods and stoners":

“... do not forget that in Europe 35-40 thousand years ago next to the Iberians lived one of the North African races. She moved north between fresh lakes along the bottom of the then non-existent Mediterranean Sea. It is noteworthy that even in Nowadays, among the population of Western Europe, sometimes there are typical representatives negroid race. Their skin is white and their hair is not black, but the structure of the skull and body is typical African. Most white blacks are found in Britain, Spain, France, and on Eastern Europe - here, in Ukraine. Mostly in the territory of Galicia.
- Maybe just their genetics, coupled with the genetics of the Transcarpathian Iberians, are rebelling against us,

Russians, as against an alien genetic element. It seems that the split between the "Westerners" and the "Easterners" are not at all ideological in nature, but deeper? - involuntarily asked I am my enlightener.

Hearing my question, grandfather Cherdyntsev looked at me for a long time inquiringly, then slowly choosing his words carefully, he said:

- You and I recently talked about the balance of systems and the factor of shifting this balance

to one side or the other. Now think about what is happening in Ukraine. More precisely, on the territory

former Galicia.
- Ideologically, economically and with the help of the religious press, the system was brought to balance point. Then the genetic automaton began to operate.

- In fact, a different genetics and then do not forget that to the Slavic-Iberian genetic layer

semitic genetics superimposed. This is also an important factor . She appeared in those places in the end of the late Middle Ages, when the Polish magnates put Jews in charge of their estates. See what a genetic mishmash?

- And why did you forget about the genetics of white blacks?

- I didn't forget, it's just not so common to talk about it. On the The British Isles, the ancient Africans lived quite compactly, so among the British White blacks are found. But on the territory of Ukraine there are fewer of them. That's all. The bad thing is that in II - III century BC the Celts penetrated into Transcarpathia, by this time they were strongly mixed with the Iberians from the Pyrenees and the Alpine Tungras. This genetic seed is felt to this day. day. It is expressed in zoological hatred for the purebred descendants of the Orians-Rus and Russian who consider themselves an integral part of our regional civilization”.
Here it is! Exactly subconscious knowledge Anglo-Saxons and Westerners about the presence in them negroid, Jewish and God knows what genes, evokes in them repressed feeling of self-worthlessness and as a consequence - pathological hatred to direct descendants Arctic civilization “white gods” - Russ and Russians. That's why in all ages and for any authorities Anglo-Saxons we were harmed in every way explicitly or secretly, and Westerners always betrayed.

And it was for the same reason that the Russophobes of Europe committed a total falsification of history with the introduction myths in it about "savagery and inferiority” Russian people and allegedly “lack of ancient roots” and “the emergence of Russians from a mixture of other peoples”. It is understandable after all - “Stop the thief!” - the thief himself screams the loudest.

Important… Spelling Dictionary

Important, significant, essential, significant, epochal, fateful; of great importance, of great importance, of paramount importance, of paramount importance, of great importance, of importance, of principle, of paramount Synonym dictionary

IMPORTANT, oh, oh; wives, wives. Important, significant. N. argument. Important events. | noun importance, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

App. Significant, significant. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Important, important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, no less important, ... ... Forms of words

important- important; briefly the form of wives, wives ... Russian spelling dictionary

important- kr.f. no small / wives, no small / wives, zhno, wives ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

important- * considerable / zhy ​​... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

important- Syn: important, significant, significant, significant, epochal (public, enhanced), fateful (public, enhanced) Ant: unimportant, unimportant, insignificant, insignificant ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; wives, wives, wives. Quite significant, essential, important. What l. had no meaning. Who l. played an important role. Who l. was an important figure. ◁ Importantly, in the func. skaz. (with appendage. additional). N., what does he think of us. For… … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The Heat of Arms, Richard Prather. Strong fists and a strong forehead are an important factor for the success of the Hollywood private detective Shell Scott. But not only this helps him understand the tragedy that occurred on ...
  • PR for high-flying birds. 18 chips for the promotion of top managers, officials, stars, etc, Roman Maslennikov. Elite is a special people. Personal PR is curious to them, but not too important. Wise people say that, in general, this is how you should treat everything: family, business, employees,…

Implementation of BIM-technologies - minimization of the price while improving the quality and reducing the time frame

Dmitry Kraskovsky

Recently, on all resources dedicated to CAD, articles on the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modeling) are gaining more and more popularity. In Russia, many designers have only heard about what these technologies are and why they are needed. But, as you know, Russian engineers have always been famous for their unique knowledge, experience and ability to quickly and efficiently solve any problems in any industry.
One of the domestic companies in a short time managed not only to introduce and train personnel in new modern design technologies, but also in less than six months to complete the project of a residential complex for six houses in the city of Orenburg.
We bring to your attention an interview with the General Director of Interregional Engineering Company LLC Yuri Vladimirovich Ishutin, who told us about the implementation of BIM technologies from Bentley Systems.

Dmitry Kraskovsky: Yuri Vladimirovich, your company designs and builds various facilities. Please tell us briefly about the history of the company. How many people work for you now, what projects are the most significant for the company?

Yuri Ishutin: In fact, our company does not build anything. Interregional Engineering Company is a specialized expert organization that operates both in the system of industrial safety expertise and in the system of non-state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results. The number of employees is more than a hundred people. The company performs more than a dozen engineering activities. As for industrial safety expertise, we are constantly faced with a huge number of errors in projects due to the fact that the level of designers is actually extremely low. The quality of work is primarily determined by the number of design errors, which ultimately affect the integrity and safety of the operation of facilities. There are a lot of these mistakes. A set of project documentation can account for up to 150-200 category “A” errors. But these are industrial facilities, and therefore, everything is very serious!

In addition, we carry out non-state expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results. In this case, our activities are directly related to housing construction and design. A similar situation is observed here: very long design periods and an extremely large number of errors, non-compliance with regulatory documents, etc.

As a result, naturally, problems arise both during construction and during operation. Lots of nuances.

The impetus for the creation of the project team was communication with one of the investors who ordered our expertise. He came, sat down on the sofa, leaned back and exclaimed: “Find me a normal designer or take on the design yourself! I can't take it anymore!" So we decided to try.

I will say right away that not everything worked out the first time. There are many problems. Nevertheless, the basis of the project team has been created. These are seven designers: designers, architects, networkers. Three contracts are being executed today.

D.K.: Seven designers, and what do the other 90 people do?

Yu.I.: We employ building and construction experts, cadastral engineers, environmentalists, fire safety specialists, technologists, and network experts. We have estimators, lawyers, accountants. In total - about a hundred people.

D.K.: At a conference held by Bentley on October 6-7 in Moscow, your company showed a project for a residential complex for six houses in Orenburg. Please tell us about him.

Yu.I.: It was this project that was ordered by an investor who asked us to find a “normal designer”. The residential complex will be built in the suburbs of Orenburg. This is a completely different concept of housing. Neighborhood, which is a low-rise building. There will be no entry of vehicles into the residential area; underground parking is intended for this. Pedestrian zones, recreation areas within the microdistrict have been organized, moreover, in compliance with all necessary requirements for the passage of special equipment.

D.K.: What products were used for the design?

Yu.I.: Before making a decision about which software we should work with, I decided to visit several design organizations that use BIM technologies. Just at that time, an industry meeting was held in Minsk. I looked and talked to people. Then in Moscow I talked to representatives of organizations that used various products. As a result, the choice fell on software from Bentley Systems.

I will explain why Bentley Systems. Firstly, engineering information management systems are offered, a shell that allows you to track, structure, clearly record who, when, what and why, it is possible to provide the customer with access to documents related to his contract. In real time, you can make corrections, comments, notes, etc. There is the possibility of simultaneous work, and remote work, and it is really implemented.

For example, one of our employees is in Minsk, another, oddly enough, lives in Donetsk, the rest in Orenburg. There are not so many highly qualified specialists in the country. And collecting them all in one city is expensive.

D.K.: Was there any state or city support for this project?

Yu.I.: No, there was nothing. I always act only on the basis of my own understanding of the market and available working capital. We are now closely cooperating with PJSC Gazprom in terms of departmental expertise of project documentation. Strictly speaking, and non-state examination of project documentation, too. Our services are in great demand, they are at a high professional level, so we decided to work also in the field of design.

D.K.: I asked a question regarding support for a reason. For example, in the UK, the BIM-2 standard has long been introduced at the state level, that is, all project documentation for any objects is issued exclusively in electronic form. In Russia, in particular in Moscow, all this is at some initial level, it is just beginning to be introduced. Isn't there something like this in Orenburg?

Yu.I.: There is no such thing in Orenburg. If there is, then only individual elements are implemented. I haven't seen a design system based entirely on BIM technologies in Orenburg yet. Since you mentioned the introduction of BIM technologies in Russia, I am also, among other things, a member of the board of the National Chamber of Experts in Construction and closely monitor what changes are taking place in this area. Here, in particular, Andrey Viktorovich Akimov, vice president of the National Chamber, leads an expert organization that deals with non-state expertise - they work with major developers in Moscow. We cooperate with them as well.

Do you know what prompted the introduction of BIM technologies? Engaging in traditional design is providing yourself with another headache - no more, no less. Why? Because the deadlines are long, mistakes cannot be avoided. The most serious problem is the human factor... I am sure that as a result of the introduction of this technology and software products from Bentley Systems, we will be able to achieve a sharp reduction in design time, improve quality at a lower cost. It would seem that incompatible factors are low price, short time and high quality. These concepts are antagonists.

D.K.: And how do you understand the term "BIM"?

Yu.I.: Just like everyone else - Building Information Modeling.

D.K.: And how, in your opinion, does BIM design differ from traditional design?

Yu.I.: Yes, here is a completely different principle - the design is carried out on the basis of building an information model of objects. Any object consists of a finite number of elements. Each element can be described as it has physical, mechanical, geometric parameters. There is a directory of elements that can be expanded indefinitely. These elements can be used to compose any object. In fact, changing the parameters of any of these elements will affect all the others, which is simply impossible with traditional design. If a mistake is made somewhere at the initial stage in normal design, correcting it at a later stage entails an almost complete redesign. Using BIM technologies, you can act much easier and more flexible. By the way, we had such a moment in the current project: we had to fit the houses on a more compact site than previously thought. With traditional design, all work would have to be started almost from scratch.

D.K.: At what stage is the project now?

Yu.I.: We are finishing the architectural part. By the end of November, the project must be completed and assembled in the form in which it can be submitted for non-state examination in order to obtain a building permit. Working drawings, of course, are not all yet, they will have to be issued before the end of December, the process will traditionally be extended, but, nevertheless, in fact, all architectural solutions are already in place.

D.K.: How long has it been since you received the MOT?

Yu.I.: We started work in June.

D.K.: That is, roughly speaking, in six months you reach the level of construction?

Yu.I.: Actually yes. In fact, six months is not a result. We had to do not double, but even triple work. Firstly, we had to create a project team from scratch, that is, to look for people who, moreover, had to retrain. None of them worked with AECOsim BD or ProjectWise. Quite a lot of time was required to work out the interaction of completely new procedures for us. That is, six months is not an indicator. At the same time, we were implementing, and developing project documentation, and training.

D.K.: Where did you find experts?

Yu.I.: in Orenburg. True, I found one person in Minsk - Andrei Aksenov. It all started with him, he has been dealing with these issues for a long time. In fact, without him, we would not have started the implementation, because without an external consultant - someone who has already worked on this and understands what is at stake - there is no way in such things. Installing software systems is a complex matter. We undertook this, and everything worked out only because we have very strong IT specialists working in our company. We develop a lot of software for ourselves, so to speak, for our own needs. If these developments did not exist, I would have thought a hundred times about implementation. Some points that our guys have implemented, even the official vendors could not tell. This also speaks of a high level. We can't wait for help.

D.K.: It's clear. Recruitment is now a very serious problem, not only in our country, but all over the world - young people do not want to become engineers. It used to be a prestigious title of engineer. And today it is easier to be a manager of some kind, to sell something or resell.

Yu.I.: I think a lot is changing now. A couple of years ago, the situation really was like this, but today many machine-building enterprises are breathing again, they have received government orders, wages have become decent, at least higher than that of an office plankton, sorry for the expression. I treat him like plankton. We have a slightly different organizational structure. And there is no such plankton. There are experts who, as a rule, do not sit still. These are people who have already traveled the length and breadth of the country, they have been working, living and communicating in such a rhythm for many years. That is, they rotate in the environment of real industrial production.

Also specialized universities help us to solve the personnel problem. From institutes, for example, we invite more students, accept them as interns, technicians, and so on, from scratch.

But we have recruited already established designers. In this we were helped, oddly enough, by the current crisis, which allowed us to choose people. I had the opportunity to pay them normally, because there were funds to invest in the development of a new type of activity. And young people are always interested in a stable salary and new technologies. For many, professional growth is an essential argument when choosing a job. In addition, we have an equipped gym in the office for employees who visit it with pleasure. And this is also an important factor in the rapprochement of the team. There is a voluntary medical insurance program and, of course, a completely “white” salary.

D.K.: You have now completed the implementation phase, what's next?

Yu.I.: To be honest, the implementation phase is not over yet. We are interested in the fact that the product, with which you can go to objects of any complexity, is still worked out. Now this cannot be said yet. First, the project team has not yet been fully formed. We need a few more networkers - it will be hard without them. Secondly, debugging of procedures is required, that is, a description of the algorithm of actions when fulfilling contracts, processing applications, resolving disputes, etc. All this must be formalized. We will work out the form of the contract, it should also be specific. Here a lot depends on the time of feedback from customers. Otherwise, everything turns into a run in a circle. I repeat: we still need to clearly formalize all interaction procedures, both internal and external. This is also an important factor, otherwise the result I was talking about - minimizing the price while improving the quality and reducing the time frame - will be unattainable.

Yu.I.: As without plans, of course, they are. I am personally interested in industrial design. After all, we have a specialized expert organization, and I can see at what level project documentation is being done in the country now. To the greatest regret - on the low. So, there is where to apply forces.

D.K.: Do you work only in Orenburg or somewhere else?

Yu.I.: We work throughout Russia: in Astrakhan, and in Noyabrsk, and in Yugorsk, and in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and in Saratov, and in Nizhny Novgorod, and in Omsk, and in Tomsk, and in many other places. The oil and gas industry, chemical enterprises, metallurgy - to one degree or another, these are our clients.

D.K.: Do you plan to apply, for example, to an international competition held by Bentley?

Yu.I.: I personally find it very interesting, at least participation in such competitions will be one of the indicators of the qualifications of specialists who will work in the project team. But I repeat: first you need to see how the project documentation will pass the non-state examination. We would like to know the opinion of colleagues on this issue. To do this, we specifically give the project to an expert organization, to our most strict colleagues. I am interested in the real level of quality of the developed project.

In addition, participation in various competitions will allow you to communicate and see how everything is implemented by colleagues in the field of design.

D.K.: What would you like to wish our readers?

Yu.I.: As I said, lately, unfortunately, I have not read literature like your magazine. Now I will carefully read the copy given to me. Most likely, I will subscribe to my guys. I would like it to be a collection of news, accompanied by some kind of analysis, systematization. That would be, in my opinion, very useful for your readers. Personally, I evaluate information according to the degree of usefulness in this way: when it is short, when it is necessary, when it is timely and formulated clearly, simply and specifically. Here, actually, and all wishes.

D.K.: Thanks for the interesting conversation.

What is a laminate, its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons.

Laminate is another popular flooring that is well suited for the home. Everyone knows that he is preferred for apartment renovation. But why? What are its features, what does it consist of, what are its advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, and the main question - is laminate flooring harmful to health? We will learn everything about laminate in this article. And additional articles will help you decide on the choice of its class and type. I will say right away that the laminate outperforms other floor coverings for its price. And this is also an important and decisive factor for the purchase.

A bit of history

It is interesting to know that it turns out that originally laminate flooring was invented from laminated panels for kitchen furniture in Sweden. The name itself translates as layered material. And this is true - the laminate consists of several layers, depending on the type, the thickness can be from 6 to 12 mm. In this article, we will study what these layers are, why they are needed and what their functionality is. At the same time, one must be able to distinguish between solid wood floorboards and parquet boards. It is easy to do this in the store - according to the inscriptions and the price, but there are other nuances that you should pay attention to.

What is laminate made of?

Let's take a look at the picture - top layer of laminate is a film that consists of acrylic or melamine synthetic resin. Melamine is better - because it is more durable and more durable. And it not only protects the board itself, but also the pattern, which is also important for the appearance of your flooring. And it is this layer that must correspond to one or another class, according to which it is necessary to choose a laminate:

In addition, the overlay (top) layer can be made completely glossy, with regular gloss or matte. Gloss is created by graphic additions to the layers.

decorative layer, which you see in the photo is the pattern that we choose for the design of our new interior. It is not at all necessary to buy a wood-like laminate, it can be absolutely any texture. Psychologically, buyers prefer wood, because such a coating looks more natural. But this is worth giving up for. For the kitchen and the corridor, a tile or stone coating is often chosen. What's more, the laminate can be embossed to look exactly like a tile. The pattern can also be single-strip, two-strip, or three-strip. For large rooms, it is better to choose a single-lane, for medium-sized rooms - a two-lane, and for small ones - a three-lane.

third layer- it's a board. It can be either chipboard, fiberboard, or their other variants - I’ll say right away that this is what distinguishes laminate from parquet, there is no pure, natural wood in the laminate and its environmental friendliness, which is so important to many advanced buyers. These are fibreboard and chipboard, which are much cheaper than solid wood. High-quality laminate has a high strength plate. So that he can withstand the influences of the external environment and the load that is present in an ordinary apartment.

And last, the bottom layer is plastic or paper impregnated with resins. It protects the third, previous layer from changes in temperature and humidity in the house.

Depending on the manufacturer, there may be more layers to give the laminate even more strength or decorative features. Why do we need to know about the composition of the laminate? Yes, if only because when you buy this flooring and pay money for it, you have the right to know what you are paying for. And if you find a very cheap laminate, first check its composition, its thickness. After all, the floor is made for centuries, no one wants to walk on frank cardboard.

Production technology and assembly types

For the production of laminate, one of two technologies is used. It can be DLP which means low, direct pressure and HDL which means high pressure. How are they different and what is their meaning? With DLP technology, the first and second layers (film and decorative pattern, respectively) are pressed in one stage with chipboard or fiberboard and the last layer. And in HDL technology, first the film and the pattern are combined under pressure and high temperature, and then they are already connected to chipboard or fiberboard or the last layer.

Laminate panels

You may already know that laminate flooring is easy to install yourself. All this thanks to the quick step locking system, which was invented and replaced the adhesive laminate (let me remind you that the adhesive laminate has its advantages - thanks to the application of glue in the joints, the coating becomes more moisture resistant, so I do not advise completely dismissing this assembly option) . Snap-in systems for laying laminate flooring can be different, depending on the manufacturer. When choosing a floor covering, this is not fundamentally important. You can read more about how to lay laminate flooring yourself easily and simply in this article:

The advantage of such a system is that you can easily do the styling yourself, without assistants. You can later change the damaged boards, or you can even disassemble the laminate and move it to another room.

Health risks of laminate flooring

Whether the laminate is harmful, everyone who pays attention to the price thinks, because it is much lower than on parquet. And that's right. But there is no need to panic ahead of time. If there is not enough money for parquet, I suggest to study the reasons why laminate can be harmful and ways to choose a safe option:

1. Let's return to our main layer - chipboard or fiberboard, they are sawdust and shavings glued together. Quality manufacturers use only safe resins for gluing. Which can also be used in the manufacture of doors or furniture.

2. The upper surface of the laminate is also resin. It can be acrylic or melamine resin. Since melomin does not have viscosity, it is mixed with formaldehyde component. So we got to this frightening word, from which consumers shy away.

3. As you have heard, formaldehyde is unhealthy, toxic and dangerous. According to laminate manufacturers, you should not be afraid of it, since it is harmful only at high concentrations, and it is released into the air only at very high temperatures (something it reminds me of the dangers of plastic windows).

4. Emission classes have been devised to determine the safety of laminate flooring. It is believed that class E1 is the safest and all European manufacturers follow it. Now you can also find the E0 class on sale, which means special environmental friendliness. It is assured that it contains a minimum of formaldehyde. And, of course, they ask for more money for it than for a regular laminate. For information - there are also E2 and E3 classes that cannot be laid in the house. Then I wonder why it is produced at all. In general, my opinion is that they make money on it. Of course, the norms prescribe the content of formaldehyde. Only those who look at the norms, the majority are guided by these letters and prices. If you can, ask for example, what is the difference between E1 and E0.

5. Study the same documents. The correct manufacturers will also indicate the above-mentioned emission class and other quality marks on their products. In addition, information on the thickness of the layers, composition and moisture resistance will be useful. Protecting the laminate from water, whether it's spilled tea or a broken dishwasher, is also an important factor when choosing.

6. Can laminate flooring be used in a child's room? Again, if you focus on quality and safety standards, then you can. Additionally, you can look for laminate with the EPLF label, which means the manufacturer's membership in the Association of Laminate Flooring Manufacturers in Europe. Now laminate flooring can also be found in other children's institutions, for example, in kindergartens.

Does laminate flooring have disadvantages?

If we compare the laminate with linoleum or carpet, the disadvantage is that for its installation it is necessary to level the floor. You can read about whether it is possible to do it yourself and in general about the alignment process here:

Another disadvantage is that it cannot be repaired. But you can replace damaged boards. To do this, you need to buy a little more boards than required for your footage. Well, you need a place to store them. And damage to the laminate, by the way, is quite possible. For example, when bringing furniture in or out of a room. I had this, and depending on the pattern, the damage may or may not be noticeable.

If you already have a laminate at home, leave your feedback on the operation in the comments, they will definitely come in handy for our readers!

To always be in great shape, have a beautiful figure, you must certainly follow the principles of healthy eating.

Just think, just 15 nutritional principles that are easy to follow can be made into a habit, and the bonus will be a beautiful figure and excellent well-being!

The basic principles of healthy eating as a step towards an ideal figure

The most important rule is to eat when you are hungry, and not because you were invited to eat for company. True, the feeling of hunger, which lasts for more than an hour, makes us uncontrollable gluttons. We begin to frantically suppress this feeling with fast food, sandwiches, sweets, etc. If we are very hungry, then we are guaranteed to eat more than usual. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to our feelings.

It is important to ensure that full meals are at least once every 5 hours, and between them you need to have snacks in the form of an apple or a glass of kefir. Research data from scientists from the United States showed that those women who ate an apple or drank a glass of liquid about one hour before lunch consumed 200 fewer calories during meals than usual.

2. Chew food thoroughly

This has two advantages: the first - the stomach will digest food more easily, the second - there is a chance not to overeat and not get better. Since the feeling of fullness comes about 20 minutes after the start of the meal, it is right to eat slowly so as not to eat three times as much during this time.

3. We combine products

There are a number of foods that are contraindicated in one meal. They can cause severe bloating. For example, milk, cabbage and grapes are incompatible, because they are already the culprits of fermentation.

If you eat milk (alkaline) and tomatoes or cranberries (acidic) at the same time, you are guaranteed to get an upset stomach. There are products that, when combined, will add extra centimeters to your figure. So, combining fats and carbohydrates, for example, bacon and bread, coffee with cream and cake, you run the risk of gaining new deposits of adipose tissue.

4. You can’t drink food

Drinking while eating disrupts the digestive process! If you can't kick the habit, it's best to take the liquid in tiny sips. Less is better!

It should also be borne in mind that the drunk should not be more than a third of the total volume eaten. According to the rules, a glass of water and a cup of tea can be drunk only an hour and a half after a meal.

5. Choose the right drinks

What you drink is also an important factor. Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, coffee, tea are incompatible with food.

Such drinks, in extreme cases, can be supplemented with bitter chocolate, marshmallow, marmalade and other simple desserts.

By themselves, they should be drunk half an hour before and an hour and a half after a meal. Alcoholic drinks can be combined with food.

6. Use small dishes

Less food will fit into the dessert plate, but it will seem to you that there is enough food, because the plate will be full. Moreover, putting an additive or some other dish will not work right away.

We have a bad habit of eating everything to the end, so we always try to leave the dishes clean. If the plate is smaller than usual, then you can eat 20 percent less food.

In the process of eating, you need to concentrate on the meal itself, so put off all important conversations, discussions of events, reading magazines, books, watching TV.

All external stimuli lead to the fact that you eat more. In addition, you also need to listen to your taste sensations: hunger exacerbates them, and satiety dulls them. If you already don't like eating, then it's time to stop eating.

8. The right desserts

The choice of dessert should be approached with particular importance, because some of the fruits (pomelo, lingonberries, grapefruit, pomegranate) are successfully combined with vegetables and meat. All of them are digested by gastric juice with the same acidity, so they can be combined.

If your goal is a beautiful and slender figure, dessert is your enemy. Occasionally, you can allow yourself a "little joy", but only after the main meal in an hour and a half. This rule also applies to fruits, because different foods require the participation of different types of enzymes and different digestion times. Experts recommend eating fruit before six in the evening. It is believed that until this time they saturate the body with energy, and in the evening they can create fat deposits and cause fermentation.

9. Don't eat stress

Emotions can sometimes overwhelm so much that it becomes impossible to control the consumption of food. This threatens to bust both calories and weight. A feature of emotional experiences is the choice of products.

Most often, these are cakes, chocolate bars, to which we are "attracted" due to the high production of the hormone cortisol.

It is necessary to fight like this: do not endure hunger, but eat only healthy food - boiled breast, whole grain bakery products, etc. In addition, we are looking for inedible ways to have fun.

10. We recognize satiety in the face

Many people don't eat right. Some starve all day, and in the evening they are ready to eat an elephant. Others constantly snack, but do not feel full or hungry.

Yes, and eating everything to the last crumb, even if it doesn’t fit, is also in the rules of many. What to do? Eat slowly, from a small dish, stop when it's full. You can also purchase a kitchen scale and accurately measure the amount of food. With this approach, your figure will be perfect.

11. Breakfast and lunch should be tight, and for dinner, choose light foods.

12. The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, which positively affects the functioning of the metabolic system.

13. It is better to exclude refined foods from the diet.

14. In the cooking process, heat treatment should be minimized. It is advisable to prepare dishes for a couple.

15. Eat less sweet or salty foods. At first, it will be difficult for the body to get used to the new rules, and after 3 weeks you will no longer feel the restrictions.

Try to make these rules your good habits and you will be healthy and happy! Surely you will be interested to know about those that have appeared on the market!

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