Employee's personal badge. Production of a personal number (token) of a soldier. A sample of a special badge for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

Now it is possible to order authorized tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Armed Forces of Russia, the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and any other tokens with delivery to any regions of the Russian Federation.

All tokens are made by diamond engraving and pass any checks.

The cost of delivery of tokens, which is carried out by the Russian Post, is 600 rubles, and the shipment is carried out with the full prepayment of the order.

To order a token, you must write to the post office -, be sure to indicate in the letter - the type of authorized token, photo, personal number of the token, your full address, zip code, and phone number. Tokens are made and sent within 24 hours after payment.

Delivery times vary from 3 to 10 working days, depending on the remoteness of the settlement. The number of the mail identifier is also sent within 24 hours after payment.

Making duplicate tokens to order

A token is a metal badge that indicates the affiliation of its owner to any society, or is issued in memory of an event. Any image can be applied to the surface of the token, and on both sides. The result is a rather original souvenir. There is also a variety of army tokens, tokens of various services, such as the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB. This gift will be especially appreciated by people who prefer military style. In our engraving workshop, you can order a token with any image, logo of your company, or you may want to engrave an inscription about some important date on the token.

If you do not know what to give your loved one, but want to give him something worthwhile and memorable, then an engraved token is a great gift! Making an engraving in the form of a picture, date, address on a token would be a great solution. We can offer to make a token with an engraving for your pet, with the specified address, phone number, so that if it suddenly gets lost, it will be immediately found.

Production of tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Making tokens of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a rather laborious work, and few people are engaged in the manufacture of these tokens, since it is quite difficult. EMERCOM tokens are made from special blanks of ellipsoidal stainless steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm, and then the necessary engraving is applied to them. In our engraving workshop you can order a token of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which will be made in your presence.

Production of FPS tokens of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

We are engaged in the manufacture of tokens of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of a new sample - tokens of the FPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. These duplicate tokens are made of high quality stainless steel, 1.5 mm thick. All work on the manufacture of a stainless steel token will be performed with you, within 15 minutes.

Production of tokens of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

You can order the production of tokens of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from us. We make these tokens only from high-quality ellipsoidal stainless steel blanks. If you are a police officer who has lost his badge, we are happy to offer you to order a duplicate name badge from us.

Making tokens of the FSB of Russia

Also, in our engraving workshop you can order FSB tokens for yourself. Our craftsmen will make a duplicate in your presence and put all the necessary information on the token. When ordering the production of an FSB token from us, you can be sure of the timing of the work and the quality of the product received.

Army tokens, production of army tokens

In our engraving workshop you can order army dog ​​tags of any type - whether it is the Russian Armed Forces or the USSR Armed Forces, and you can also order an army dog ​​tag of any other country. A military badge will be a great gift for a person who dresses in military style. By ordering this product from us, you can be sure of the quality of the product, and we are also ready to fulfill an order for the manufacture of an army dog ​​tag in Moscow in 15-20 minutes. In the hustle and bustle of life in the capital, a person does not have much extra time to spend on traveling and waiting while his order is being fulfilled, so we do our work quickly, professionally and efficiently, so that in case of a hurry, all the work will be done with you. Army dog ​​tags are usually made to order in two cases: either in case of loss by a soldier of his personal military dog ​​tag with a personal number, or as a gift and souvenir.

If you have a question where to buy an army dog ​​tag in Moscow, you can feel free to contact us. We use only blanks made according to the original technology and with the fulfillment of all requirements. An engraved army dog ​​tag ordered in our workshop will pass any checks before the authorities. Our engraved army dog ​​tag is made according to the regulations, and is indistinguishable from the dog tag that was lost. So, in case of loss of your military badge, we are waiting for you.

If you have a desire to buy engraved tokens as a gift, then we will fulfill any ideas. We have a large amount of metal of excellent quality, as well as all the necessary equipment for the manufacture of blanks of various sizes. A custom-made gift token will be a wonderful souvenir. You can order gift tokens (made to look like military tokens, or completely different shape and size from the existing standard tokens) from us, both as a single item and as a wholesale order.

We are engaged in the manufacture of army dog ​​tags of the Russian Armed Forces with personal engraving, as well as old-style aluminum dog tags of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces. Such a token is necessary for a military or reservist who is leaving for the reserve, which may have been lost, in this case we suggest ordering a duplicate. Also, such a token on the neck with a personal engraving can be used as a gift or a souvenir. The price of this service depends on the urgency.

Tokens for the Russian Armed Forces of a new sample, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service are made of ellipsoidal stainless steel.

Army dog ​​tags are engraved on blank blanks, similar to the blanks of original dog tags.

Also available are brass badge inserts for police badges. Their cost is 1900 rubles.

For your convenience, we accept orders by phone:

8-901-517-8186 or 8-495-978-8186

Token cost:

In normal mode - 500 rubles.

Urgent - 900 rubles.

History of army dog ​​tags

An army dog ​​tag, or as it is often called the "Talisman of Death", was first mentioned in the history of ancient Sparta. Before the battles, the Spartans wrote their names on small tablets and hung them around their necks so that in case of death they could be identified. In the modern world in making army badges duralumin alloy is used as it is more reliable and less deformable than others. To each token assigned its own unique serviceman's number.

Production of army dog ​​tags

Army token can also serve as a fashion accessory for those people who prefer military style. The engraving on the surface of the token can be artistic, it can also carry useful information such as a first and last name, as well as a blood type. Well and beautifully made token can even be a gift, say on February 23rd.

Inscriptions on army dog ​​tags performed by milling engraving.

Production of tags and numbers

tags apply in any place where a large number of people gather, I think everyone has seen tags with numbers on the backs of the seats in the cinema. Main purpose tags, this is the numbering of rooms, or places. But there is another kind of tags, like tags for collars animals, where you can specify the name of the owner, the name of the animal and the contact phone number.


The problem of identifying dead servicemen after the battle is relevant at all times. Many bodies were mutilated so much that even relatives simply could not identify the body. Therefore, such a practice as the assignment of a personal number has been introduced. To date, the best ways to identify a person's identity have not been invented.

Moreover, the functionality of the personal codes of military personnel is constantly expanding. In particular, today they can be used to enter the personal account of the SRC, which contains information about many benefits for the military, in particular about salaries, housing queues, etc. Therefore, today we’ll talk about why a personal number is needed, how learn about its assignment, how to make it, if for some reason it is absent.

Getting a personal number

If in the Armed Forces of the USSR only the officer corps of military personnel had the right to receive this privilege, then in modern Russia a personal code is assigned to both sergeant and enlisted personnel. At the same time, a special electronic register was developed, where all personal numbers are entered, which greatly facilitates the search, in which case.

Please note that the receipt of a personal code is carried out at the military commissariat. When a person is sent for military service under a contract or by conscription, he is assigned a personal number in the military registration and enlistment office. Obtaining the corresponding personal badge is carried out at the time of issuing a military certificate. At the same time, each serviceman receives a token with a personal number strictly against receipt, which is placed at the bottom of the title page of the service record of the personal file indicating the date of issue.

If a conscript or contract serviceman retires with enrollment in the reserve, he must hand over his personal badge along with a military certificate. At the same time, it is not lost or thrown away anywhere, but is placed in a personal file and stored there until it is called for. Every soldier is required to keep the token with him at all times, regardless of whether he is in a combat zone or not. Commanders must regularly check the presence of personal signs and punish privates, non-commissioned officers and officers who do not have them with them.

If a serviceman has lost his badge somewhere, he needs to contact the military commissariat at the place of registration. There he will be told his personal number and will be helped to make a new sign.

Please note that not only the personal code of a serviceman can be applied to duralumin plates. As a rule, they contain absolutely all the information that will allow you to quickly identify. For example, they may also contain information such as:

  • the unit to which he is assigned;
  • blood type.

In Soviet times, they could also indicate nationality, belonging to a particular religion, etc.

All personal numbers are mandatory registered. It is impossible to get it without registration. However, today there are a number of companies involved in the manufacture of such tokens. Therefore, you can contact them by ordering it for yourself. However, the personal code applied by such a company to a duralumin plate will be invalid. Moreover, receiving a sign by a civilian may have bad consequences for him if this fact becomes known to anyone. Counterfeiting dural plates is prohibited by law. Only military personnel have the right to wear personal numbers.

How to properly wear a badge with a personal number

We remind you that tokens are issued to each serviceman, regardless of whether he is a conscript or a contract soldier. Therefore, many questions arise, in particular, how to wear them correctly. To date, there is not a single legal act that would regulate this issue. Actually, the form of wearing is free, but there are some recommendations in this regard. In particular:

  1. The classic version - a token with a personal number is hung on a special metal chain and hung around the neck of a soldier. Some believers may even combine wearing a personal sign with a symbol of religion. In particular, in Russia there are quite common cases in which a duralumin plate is hung on the same chain with an Orthodox cross. Many military men believe that this keeps them out of trouble.
  2. Modern version. Since the chain can break, and the token is lost, the standards for making trousers for military personnel have been revised. In particular, today they are equipped with a special pocket designed just for storing the sign. It is located between the fly and the right pocket of the trousers. Each sentry, before taking up the post, is obliged to put a personal sign with a personal number in the indicated place.

Starting from the middle of 2012, the payroll, in other words, all the money transferred to the serviceman, is displayed in the appropriate section on the official website of the Ministry of Defense mil.ru.

Any military person has access to a personal account. Let's take a closer look at what a military payroll is and how to enter your personal account without registering.

Registration of a personal account

To constantly monitor your own financial contentment, you must register on the website. This is an extremely simple process. The soldier is required to provide the following personal data:

  • identification number assigned to him;
  • date of his birth;
  • the password required to enter your page;
  • write an email address.

The password must not be simple, for this reason, in order to form it, it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers. In order to check and confirm the entrance to the site, you need to type the password twice.
Also, in order to find out and carry out payroll, in addition to specifying personal data and creating a password, it is necessary to specify an e-mail for further account activation and, in case the password is lost, to restore it.

To register in your personal account, follow the Registration link and enter all your data in the form.

Login without registration

Dear readers, since recently, viewing payslips is available only for registered users of the "Personal Account" on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Information from the section of the article "Login without registration" is no longer relevant.

In order to be able to enter the website and check the salary, it is not always necessary to enter a username and password. For the military, using the services of the website of the Ministry of Defense, the entrance is provided by a personal number. This gives the right to receive a payslip without going through the necessary registration. To view the required data, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Login without registration". As a result, a form will open (see below and fill out), which indicates the personal number of the serviceman and his date of birth.
  2. Enter the code from the picture.

After such actions, the user will be given the opportunity to enter the website and view the data required by him. The simplified login system is considered the most secure, since entering a numeric code and indicating personal data makes it possible to visit the account only by the owner himself, another person will not be able to do this.

If a citizen is considered a civil servant, and not a military contract employee, he will need to dial a social security number and his own date of birth. It should be taken into account that the payroll of a serviceman in the case when registration has not been carried out can provide the citizen with only part of the available data. If you need complete information, then you need to register.

Possibilities of a personal account

After completing all the steps described above, you can start working in the personal account of the Ministry of Defense website. The following is now available to the user:

  • it is possible to generate a payslip, which indicates all the detailed information about accrued, incoming funds and other actions with the finances of a soldier;
  • save payslips in electronic form on a PC, which provides the right to view documents when necessary;
  • continuously monitor the amounts paid.

This list of actions allows the soldier to control his finances to the maximum in a single register.

It should be noted that the funds transferred by the ERC MO RF on a monthly basis to all military personnel, regardless of their rank, are called monetary allowances, and not wages.

The site provides the right to get acquainted with the information in the pay slips, which previously could only be found out through the system of special closed channels.

The online data review system was launched due to frequently received complaints from military personnel regarding inconsistent payroll amounts, bonuses and other allowances.

The military man is required to provide information about the accruals on the payslip. The document must be issued together with cash and contains the following information:

  • components of wages that are due to the military for a specific time period;
  • other financial accruals, including those provided during vacation,
  • being on sick leave, etc.;
  • the total amount of accrued funds;
  • amounts withheld from wages;
  • the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Thanks to the functionality of the portal, every military citizen has the right to order the required extracts and certificates online, without losing time for a personal visit to the relevant units.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the military office on the website of the Ministry of Defense is provided in a fairly understandable and simple form. The user has the right to visit his own page at any time and check all the information of interest.

The personal number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the personal number of the Armed Forces) consists of one or two capital letters of the Russian alphabet denoting the series, and a six-digit number (for example, E‑100100, AB-200200). On the front side of the token are engraved: a horizontal line, above which is the inscription "AF OF RUSSIA" or "AF of the USSR", and below the line - the series and number of the token.

For military personnel of all compositions, tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of a single sample are provided.

Currently, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are 3 types of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces:

When drawing up accounting documents, it is necessary to pay special attention to fulfilling the requirements of clauses 89 and 94 of the Manual.

The personal number of the Armed Forces is assigned to a serviceman once and is retained by him for all periods of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and stay in the reserve.

If the personal number of the Armed Forces is assigned to a serviceman by another federal executive body in which military service is provided, then the serviceman is counted according to this personal number of the Armed Forces (clauses 89, 94 of the Manual). At the same time, a number-by-number accounting card is drawn up (Form No. 12 of the Manual) and sent to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces, issued earlier to military personnel, are not subject to replacement, except for the case specified in the first paragraph of clause 93 of the Manual.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces to military personnel is carried out only from the range of tokens available.

Personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the new sample (containing two letters of the Russian alphabet) are assigned only after the stock of personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the old sample (with one letter) is used up. At the same time, for military personnel of all compositions, it is allowed to issue blanks of a number-based registration card (form No. 12) of an old sample or a new sample (Appendix No. 13).

Number-by-number cards (Form No. 12), the execution of which did not comply with the general requirements for the preparation and maintenance of accounting documents of the Manual, are subject to return, re-issuance and re-submission to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The headquarters of the military unit submits to the personnel body of the formation information on the required number of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces:

for assigning personal numbers of the Armed Forces to servicemen undergoing military service on conscription and contract;

to form and maintain a stock of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces in the amount necessary for the mobilization deployment of a military unit.

The personnel body of the formation summarizes information on the required number of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces and presents them in the prescribed manner.

When submitting information on the required number of tokens with the personal numbers of the Armed Forces, the required number of metal plates necessary for the manufacture of duplicate tokens with the personal numbers of the Armed Forces to replace the lost ones is taken into account.

Citizens who are not in the reserve and are called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces are issued at the assembly points of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces is carried out when registering materials for citizens for military service on conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for military service under a contract - by military units.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces in the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the military commissariat) for citizens is carried out in the Book of assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Book) (Appendix No. 14).

The surname, name and patronymic of the conscript are entered in the third column opposite the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces.

When compiling personal lists of conscripts sent as part of a military team to a collection point for sending to the place of military service (hereinafter referred to as personal lists), the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces is indicated after the last name, first name, patronymic of the conscript.

If a conscript with a fixed personal number of the Armed Forces will serve in other federal executive bodies in which military service is provided, and if the conscript is returned to the military commissariat at the place of registration without conscription, then the assigned personal number of the Armed Forces will not assigned and subject to return to the military commissariat where he was assigned to the conscript.

AT fourth column it is indicated who issued the order on conferring the military rank and personal number of the Armed Forces, the number of the order and the date of its publication.

AT fifth column The book is entered with the number and date of the nominal list after its return from the military commissariat of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the fixing.

The assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces to citizens called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by orders of military commissars simultaneously with the assignment of the military rank of "private". The personal number of the serviceman in the order is indicated after the surname, name and patronymic. The personal numbers of the servicemen are included in their military cards. The numbers of orders for the assignment of personal numbers of the Armed Forces are entered into number cards, which, together with extracts from the relevant orders, are sent to the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At the assembly points of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a statement is issued for the issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces (Appendix No. 15). Issuance of tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces to servicemen is carried out against signature in the statement for issuing tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces and in the column "Special Marks" military ID with the date of issue. For example: “Token with a personal numberAA-300300 received20 June 2010 _________».


Information about the issuance of a token with a personal number of the Armed Forces is entered in the service record (form No. 6 of the Manual) and in the registration card of the conscript (form No. 14 to the Instruction approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 1999 No. 400).

The basis for the monthly write-off of tokens with the personal numbers of the Armed Forces in the military commissariat are nominal lists.

An act on writing off tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces is drawn up within a month after the expiration of the terms of conscription, in accordance with the orders of the military commissar on the assignment of military ranks and personal numbers of the Armed Forces and is stored in the established order in the affairs of the military commissariat.

After the military commissar approves the statement for issuing tokens with the personal numbers of the Armed Forces, it is filed into a separate folder and kept for 10 years.

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