Natalya Kasperskaya in her youth. Natalya kasperskaya biography. "The driving force" of Russia according to the Financial Times

Natalya Kasperskaya is one of the most successful women in Russia, she took 2nd place in the list of the 50 most influential business women Russia according to the magazine "Finance" for 2009. She has big business and four children. She managed to survive the divorce and become happy again. About Natalia and will be discussed in a new article heading « « .

Natalya Kasperskaya is a very famous person, therefore, as is now customary, the main thing is read on wikipedia: Born in Moscow in 1966. Parents are typical representatives of the "technical intelligentsia". only child was born late by those standards: his father was already 46 years old, his mother - 30. Parents are engineers, worked in "closed" institutes, always busy.

We all come from childhood

She studied at a simple Soviet school. She was an ordinary schoolgirl, though very "socially active": "was engaged social activities and was even a member of the regional pioneer headquarters. In general, trips to the pioneer headquarters are one of the most vivid childhood memories: we were always inventing something there - we staged performances, made propaganda teams, traveled around the country.

In addition, I was involved in sports, enough long time I played basketball at the Youth Sports School. In winter, she went skiing in the Moscow region, and in summer she was fond of swimming. She also collected stamps, badges and Soviet coins, painted portraits of her friends and sang in the school choir. She composed poems for all sorts of skits and school concerts.

But sometimes it was sad, there were not enough brothers or sisters ... Then I thought that I myself would have three children.

In an interview, Natalya Kasperskaya said that she dreamed of becoming a veterinarian: “I really enjoyed working with animals. I even seriously thought about choosing such a profession, but when I moved to high school, I started having completely insurmountable problems with chemistry. And since my parents are “techies”, there was no special alternative. Naturally, I was advised to enter a technical university.”

last two school years studied at the Physics and Mathematics School at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM) at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. Later it turned out that Natalya's vocation is still not mathematics, in her warehouse she is more of a humanist. Although mathematics was given in exactly the same way as other subjects and problems were solved without problems, but I couldn’t invent some kind of algorithm, prove a theorem without memorizing it before.

Institute and family in one bottle

At the institute, Natasha studied with varying degrees of success. Thanks to her school habit, she studied well, and in the first three years she studied diligently, as a rule, she earned a scholarship. Then the habits began to change and the university was graduated in 1989 without a red diploma.

Posted by: Anna

Today is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - our Russian answer to the Western Valentine's Day. Our holiday is also associated with the saints - Peter and Fevronia of Murom, they are considered the patrons of the family, and their marriage is a model of love, matrimony and harmony. Peter and Fevronia had five children: four sons and a sweet daughter. In honor of today's holiday, we decided to talk about modern well-known large families.

The Raskovalov family, four children

Vadim and Yana Raskovalov met at a social event and already in the early 2000s officially formalized their relationship. The wedding took place at the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

Vadim Raskovalov is a former owner of a network of St. Petersburg fitness clubs, and now a co-owner of Podium. Yana is not only a great mother, she has her own brand Yana Raskovalova, where she brings her author's ideas to life.

The couple now has four children - three daughters and one son. Yana gave birth to her fourth child recently, and from the first days after the birth she is in great shape. Even on recent months pregnancy, the jeweler and designer showed her body without hesitation in fashion shootings - and it is not surprising, because even in interesting position the blonde looked great.

The Kaspersky-Ashmanov family, five children

Natalya Kasperskaya met Igor Ashmanov back in 1996, at the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover, while still married to Evgeny Kaspersky. As Natalya recalls, they began dating Igor three or four years after her divorce from her husband, and in 2001 they legalized their union.

Igor Ashmanov is a Managing Partner, CEO of Ashmanov & Partners, one of the founders and the most famous top managers of the Russian IT industry.

Since October 2007, Natalya Kasperskaya has been the CEO and majority owner of InfoWatch. This company was part of her share in the division of business with her ex-husband.

Natalia has two sons from her first marriage - Ivan and Maxim, and three daughters from her second - Maria, Varvara and Alexandra.

In interviews, Natalia often says that she would like to spend more time with her family, but business is another child of hers that needs to be looked after all the time. At the same time, Natalya believes that it is children who give a person an understanding that someone needs him, that there is someone to work for. And Natalya calls children her true value.

Vodianov-Arno family

Antoine first saw Natalya in 2008 - at that time she was married to British lord Justin Portman. Arno then headed the communications department of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, and Vodianova starred for advertising campaign this brand. For Antoine, it was love at first sight. But he decided to write to Natalya only when he read in the newspapers that she was divorced.

Thanks to Natalia, Arno truly discovered Russia for himself, began to better understand his beloved.

Natalia is sure that Antoine has a very strong sense of empathy. And that's why they love each other so much - they both have something important, something in common in their souls.

The couple has two sons - Maxim and Roman. Natalia also has three children from her marriage to Justin Portman - Lucas Alexander, Neva, Victor.

Arno jokes that thanks to Natalia, five children appeared in his life in two and a half years. At the same time, he quite seriously claims that this is the best thing that happened in his life.

The Thompson family, six children

Olga came to America at the age of 14. She studied at the ballet school in California, then at the art history department of Stanford University, worked at the Legion of Honor Museum as an exhibition curator. Her chosen one was the English photographer Charles Thompson. They met in New York in 2000, and in 2002 they got married in Yasnaya Polyana. In choosing the venue for the celebration, apparently, Olga's passion for Tolstoy's work played a big role.

The family loves to travel around Russia - they were in the Tver region, in Vladimir, in Suzdal, they love to look for old dilapidated buildings. According to Charles, he sees in them layers of previous realities superimposed on each other. The whole family speaks excellent Russian.

Charles is still a professional photographer. Olga is a co-owner of Tissus Tartares, a designer fabric company.

Now the couple has six children - Tatyana, Alexander, Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Natalya.

The Thompsons often attend social events. So, for example, last year the whole family was seen at the Tatler debutante ball.

Aminov family

Stella and Vadim Aminov formalized their relationship in 2002. They have six children.

Vadim Aminov is a member of the board of directors of Neftetransservice, and his fortune in 2014 was estimated at $0.7 billion. Together with his wife, he owns a part of the shares of the Simachev brand, Stella's business is also developing and bringing in a good income. Stella is an example modern woman, who successfully combines parenting and business - she is the owner of the Five Kids boutique.

Photographer: Lena Sarapultseva

Over the years living together Stella Aminova's husband transported his family several times from one country to another until they settled in Russia.

Aminov always wanted to have big family and his dream came true. But Stella always dreamed of a career. The couple now have six children. Daniel Nathan, twins Miriam and Rachel, Joseph and Aron.

Stella Aminova is very caring mother, and with each subsequent child, her sense of responsibility for children only increases. If she and her husband go somewhere, they definitely take the children with them, except, of course, for social events and events that do not involve a children's society.

We hasten to congratulate all couples with this wonderful holiday, glorifying love and strong relationships. We wish you all a long and happy union!

The material was prepared by Polina Rtishcheva and Ilnara Sagandykova

Beautiful and large - on the Day of love, family and fidelity was last modified: August 9th, 2017 by Polina Rtishcheva

She was born on February 5, 1966 in Moscow. As a child, Natalya favored animals and dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but categorically did not work out with chemistry at school. But everything was in perfect order with mathematics, and her parents - a mother, a design engineer, and a physico-mathematical father-candidate - prophesied a great future for Natalya on a technical path. Even before entering the institute, Natalia showed herself to be a leader - she was engaged in active pioneering and social activities.

After listening to her parents, Kaspersky entered the specialty "Applied Mathematics" of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. In 1989 she received her diploma. Subsequently, she received a bachelor's degree from the Open University in the UK, majoring in Business.

Before going into sales and management, Natalya worked for several years at the Central Scientific and Design Bureau of Moscow as a private researcher. While still a student, she met the talented programmer Evgeny Kaspersky, and when in 1994 the opportunity arose to go to work at the Kami Science and Technology Center - the one where Evgeny began his career - Kaspersky seized the opportunity. In "Kami" she took up an unusual activity for herself. At first, Natalia worked as a sales manager in the computer equipment department, but soon she was transferred to manage the anti-virus development department, where Evgeny Kaspersky worked on AVP.

By 1997 - when Kaspersky's anti-virus product began to be sold, and things at the Kami Research and Development Center had completely deteriorated - Natalya raised the issue of separating and creating her own company. Eugene Kaspersky at first grumbled and did not want any changes - they say, they will only interfere with the work on the project. But Natalia still persuaded her husband.

In 1997, the Kaspersky Lab company appeared. Evgeniy acted according to the principle of "the idea ... of the initiator" - he threw all organizational responsibility on Kaspersky and returned to software development. At first, Natalya Kaspersky had a hard time. But she managed. And in 1998, hired technical, commercial and financial directors came to her aid.

In 1998, the family of Natalia and Evgeny fell apart under the pressure of everyday squabbles. This did not seem to affect the company. Until 2007, the leadership and responsibility for the activity of Kaspersky Lab in the market lay mainly on the shoulders of CEO Natalya Kaspersky. In 2007, as a major shareholder, she was elected to the post of head of the board of directors, while Evgeny took the place of general director.

In 2004, in parallel with her work at the "Laboratory", Natalia began to develop another area of ​​activity - the development of data protection systems in corporate intranet networks (DLP systems). After 3 years, Kaspersky took the post of CEO of the InfoWatch company she founded, a developer and distributor of such systems. Today, this company has a huge potential for expansion into Western markets. In Russia, InfoWatch became the first in its field.

In Russia, the successful work of Natalya Kaspersky was noted in 2008. She was ranked 4th in the top 10 most successful businesswomen in the country. By this time, Natalia already had many awards from foreign IT publications. In the same year, Kaspersky was elected a member of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce. By the way, in 2010, Natalya Kasperskaya won the second place among the best top managers in the Russian IT industry.

In business, Natalia appreciates teamwork. As a leader, she knows how to listen to the opinions of specialists before committing rash acts. At the same time, she does not accept all kinds of team building and other “nonsense” inspired from abroad. Work with Russian programmers requires a completely different approach, and Kaspersky is aware of this. In the "Laboratory" developers were never chastised for being late, but they had to do their part on time.

Married to Evgeny Kaspersky, Natalya became the mother of two children. After the divorce, she began to live with a prominent IT figure Igor Ashmanov. By 2011, she became the mother of two more children. The last daughter Masha was born in March 2009. A month earlier, fans of Kaspersky Anti-Virus had presented Natalya with a comic list of possible names for the child, each of which somehow related to the anti-virus area.

Natalia Kasperskaya knows two well foreign languages- German and English. Often travels on vacation ski resorts, is interested in tourism and travel. Natalia plays the guitar well.

Kasperskaya Natalya IvanovnaCEO InfoWatch Group of Companies, co-founder of Kaspersky Lab


In 1997, together with ex-husband Evgeny Kaspersky Natalia Kasperskaya founded the Kaspersky Lab company and became its CEO. For 10 years, under the leadership of Natalia Kaspersky, Kaspersky Lab has gone from an unknown startup to one of the leaders in the international IT market with a turnover of half a billion (in dollar terms).

In 2003, Kaspersky Lab created a subsidiary company, InfoWatch, which was engaged in developments in the field of protecting enterprises from information leaks. In 2007, Natalya Kasperskaya took the post of CEO in this company. In the same year, at the initiative of Natalia, InfoWatch begins active expansion, first to the European, and then to the Middle East and Asian markets.

From 2009 to 2013, Natalya Kasperskaya headed the working group on information and communication technologies within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007-2013" of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, at the initiative of Natalia, InfoWatch, together with Ashmanov & Partners, created a subsidiary, Kribrum, which develops a service for monitoring and analyzing the reputation of companies, brands, and persons in the media space.

In 2011, with the acquisition German company cynapspro GmbH, which develops products to protect corporate network workstations, Natalia transformed InfoWatch into a holding company of the same name.

In early 2012, Natalia became a shareholder of the Canadian company Appercut, which became part of the InfoWatch holding. Appercut is developing a software product designed to automatically audit the source code of custom business applications for vulnerabilities and bookmarks.

In October 2012, Natalya Kasperskaya invested in shares and joined the board of directors of the German anti-virus company G Data Software AG.

In 2013, Natalya Kasperskaya invested in the Russian startup Taiga, which was part of the InfoWatch Group of Companies. Taiga designs innovation system protection mobile devices from tracking and stealing information.

Led by Natalia Kaspersky InfoWatch became the recognized leader of the DLP market in Russia and CIS countries.


Natalia is married for the second time. Husband - businessman Igor Ashmanov, a specialist in the field artificial intelligence, development software, project management. Natalia Kasperskaya has five children, two sons from her first marriage and three daughters from her second.

Achievements, awards

Natalya Kasperskaya is a laureate of numerous prestigious international awards in the field of information technology:

Laureate of the prestigious international award "Russian Business Leader of the Year" for merits in the development of the Russian IT industry according to Horasis, the Global visions community.

Winner of the Women in Technology Awards EMEA 2014, in the nomination "Best Information Technology Entrepreneur".

Nominated by the British edition of BRIC Magazine for the title of the most influential person in Russia in the first quarter of 2015 for his contribution to the development of the IT industry.

Laureate of the "Information Security of the Bank" award 2015.

Natalia Kasperskaya actively invests in the development of high-tech companies, is a member of the advisory boards of:

- Russian Venture Company,

Department of Strategy, Analysis and Forecast of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Member of the board:

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP),

Association of Software Developers (ARPP) "Domestic Soft".

Member of:

Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Communications and mass communications RF,

Working subgroup "Internet + society" under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation,

Grant Committee of the Skolkovo Foundation,

Skoltech Board of Trustees,

Union of machine builders of Russia,

Information Protection Association (IPA),

Associations of Experts information security BISA,

Board of Trustees of the Eurasian Cancer Foundation (EAFO).


December 2015:

November 2015:

October 2015:

September 2015:

August 2015:

Kasperskaya Natalya Ivanovna

Kasperskaya (Stutser) Natalya Ivanovna- CEO of InfoWatch - a developer of systems for protecting confidential information from internal threats. For more than 10 years she was the head of Kaspersky Lab.


Natalya Ivanovna Shtutser (later Kasperskaya) was born on February 5, 1966. Parents are typical representatives of the “technical intelligentsia”. The only child was born late by those standards: the father was already 46 years old, the mother - 30. Parents are engineers, worked in "closed" institutes, always busy.

In her youth she went in for sports, for a long time she played basketball in the Youth Sports School. In winter, she went skiing in the Moscow region, and in summer she was fond of swimming. She also collected stamps, badges and Soviet coins, painted portraits of her friends and sang in the school choir.

In an interview, Natalya Kasperskaya said that she dreamed of becoming a veterinarian:

“I really enjoyed working with animals. I even seriously thought about choosing such a profession, but when I moved to high school, I started having completely insurmountable problems with chemistry. And since my parents are “techies”, there was no special alternative. Naturally, I was advised to enter a technical university.”

For the last two school years she studied at the Physics and Mathematics School at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM) at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics.

1986: Acquaintance with Evgeny Kaspersky

In 1994, she came to work at the Kami Research and Development Center, where she headed the AVP anti-virus project.

1997: Co-founder of Kaspersky Lab

In 1997, Natalia convinced her husband to start his own company and make the name a brand. The founding father worked technical part. Natalya Kasperskaya became the CEO of Kaspersky Lab and was engaged in sales, personnel and access to international markets.

Six people initially worked in Kaspersky Lab, but gradually it grew to international group companies headquartered in Moscow, ten foreign representative offices and a staff of more than 500 people. To questions like: “What is the success of the company?”, “Who did more for success?” etc. Natalia was responsible for her life dozens of times. The company came at the right time in right place, very successful - there was just a growth of the market, that is, the market was still new, this is the first. Secondly, in Russia it was generally unknown, that is, the Kasperskys, in fact, were the pioneers in this sense in the field of software. The third is that the competitors also did not know where to go, that is, everyone wandered blindly and made just as many mistakes. All were on an equal footing.

In October 2007, Natalya Kasperskaya became the company's CEO and sole owner of InfoWatch, a developer of systems for protecting confidential information from insider threats.

2011: Sale of a part of a share in Kaspersky Lab

On January 20, 2011, it became known that the American direct investment fund General Atlantic acquired a large stake in Kaspersky Lab. This is the first time in the history of an anti-virus developer that a professional institutional investor has entered the company.

The parties do not disclose either the size of the stake in Kaspersky Lab acquired by the Americans or the amount paid, but they report that upon completion of the transaction, General Atlantic will become the second largest shareholder of the Lab. The largest shareholder of the company will remain Evgeny Kaspersky, who has a controlling stake.

Part of the shares transferred to the General Atlantic fund previously belonged to one of the company's former shareholders, the other part, which Evgeny Buyakin called "symbolic", was issued additionally. According to CNews, Natalya Kasperskaya, co-founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Laboratoriya, acted as the main seller of the shares. Shares of Eugene Kaspersky did not participate in the deal.

Natalya Kasperskaya told CNews that the share of the new investor in the "Laboratory" will be "less" than 20%. She maintains a substantial stake in the company and has no plans to step down as chairman of the board of directors, "unless the shareholders decide otherwise," she said.

She plans to invest the proceeds in her own projects. This is a developer of solutions for leak protection Infowatch, a company "Nanosemantics", which is engaged in semantic analysis writing, and the Kribrum project, which studies the reputation of companies by analyzing their mentions on the Internet and other media.

The initiator of the deal was General Atlantic: its Executive Director John Bernstein says that the fund has been looking for a manufacturer of protective investment solutions for a long time and "approached Kaspersky Lab about a year ago with a proposal for cooperation."

According to the source of the agency, the motive for the crime of the Savelyevs and their friends was the desire to pay off the ransom received for loans made in one of the banks.

The attackers searched the Internet for a potential victim for ransom. Their choice fell on Ivan Kaspersky after they found his home and work addresses on his Vkontakte page.

At the same time, according to the Kommersant newspaper, the kidnapping was organized by a repeatedly convicted "professional criminal", and the attackers followed the young man for several months, choosing a scheme for committing a crime.

Interlocutors of LifeNews said that the kidnapping was carried out "unprofessionally". At about 8:15 a.m., Ivan was filmed by surveillance cameras in the Strogino metro station closest to his place of work, and at about 9 a.m., the kidnappers forced him to call his relatives and hand over the terms of a ransom of 3 million euros.

The second evidence of the unprofessionalism of the criminals, law enforcement officers called the content of the prisoner in the same house in the garden partnership "Grove" near Sergiev Posad, where they lived themselves.

  • On the evening of April 21, 2011, LifeNews reported that a ransom was paid to the kidnappers of Ivan Kaspersky, the amount of which was not disclosed. After the prisoner was released, law enforcement sources said the media had been misinformed to appease the kidnappers.

In an interview with RSN, Natalya Kasperskaya said that her son was not tortured and was kept handcuffed and locked in a bathhouse. The kidnappers constantly changed the phone numbers from which they made ransom calls. Till law enforcement engaged in liberation young man, she and her husband "sat on Petrovka in a separate room and waited for the kidnapper's call." On the last day, the offender did not get in touch, and the parents of I.Kaspersky found out that everything was over, after the information appeared in the media.

“On Sunday, at Easter, we were still waiting for a call, but we already saw that the operatives were increasingly conferring without our participation, they were clearly preparing for something,” says Ashmanov. “This is a very dangerous moment when the vectors diverge: the operas need to grab the kidnappers, and the parents need to return the kidnapped child alive and unharmed.” After lunch, the operatives said that there would be no more calls, the kidnappers were identified and caught, now they are going after Ivan, who is no longer in danger. The operation ended in the evening. Ivan was released. Five participants in the abduction were detained (three are members of the same family), four of them are now under arrest, an investigation is underway. Evgeny and Natalya Kasperskaya with Ashmanov were invited to the office of the head of the department, congratulated and offered to celebrate happy event vodka with coarsely chopped sausage and cheese. Ivan's mother saw Ivan only at 4 o'clock in the morning, before that he was taken testimony.

  • According to the official information of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Ivan Kaspersky was released from the hands of the kidnappers only on Sunday, April 24, 2011. By this time, his location had already been located on a working mobile phone. This information has been made public official representative the capital's police department Viktor Biryukov. According to law enforcement officers, Ivan Kaspersky's condition is "satisfactory."

According to the official information of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the release was carried out as a result of a military operation by officers of the FSB, the MUR and special forces. The operation in the area of ​​Sergiev Posad "passed without a single shot being fired."

The kidnappers had an appointment to hand over the ransom in Moscow, where the Saveliev family and one of their accomplices went. The cars they were driving were stopped to check their documents, and the perpetrators were detained.

At the same time, another capture group entered the territory of the garden where the prisoner was kept. Ivan Kaspersky was found in the building of the bathhouse, where he was guarded by another accomplice of the Saveliev family.

Ashmanov did not rule out that the ultimate goal of the bandits was not a ransom at all.

“I think they wanted to put pressure on Evgeny Kaspersky or Natalya, the shareholders of Kaspersky Lab,” he argues. “Perhaps we never heard the true demands.”

2012: Purchase of 16% in the German antivirus company G Data

On October 15, 2012 it became known that Natalya Kasperskaya owning InfoWatch holding acquired 16.8% of stocks of the German anti-virus company G Data Software AG.

The shares were bought from several former minority shareholders, in particular from a Berlin-based venture capital investment company. On October 23, at the annual meeting of GData shareholders, Natalia Kasperskaya will be elected to the board of directors of the German company.

The cooperation between Natalia Kaspersky and G Data began in 1996, when the co-founder of the German company Kai Figge offered Natalia a partnership at the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover. Then Natalya headed the anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab, and the two anti-virus manufacturers agreed on technological cooperation.

As Natalya Kasperskaya herself stated, she has been watching G Data for many years and believes that she "deserves more international success." “In a few years, G Data has made a major technological breakthrough. As a member of the Board of Directors of G Data, I will be committed to building the company's outstanding reputation for international market, and I also want to bring my knowledge and experience in the anti-virus industry to the company,” Natalia said.

As the press service of InfoWatch commented on Tadviser, the company has long looked aside European companies, and this acquisition fits into the plans for promotion in this market. Moreover, this is not the last acquisition, but the press service refused to give more detailed comments. Further plans to increase the package in G data are also unknown, as well as the cost of the acquisition.

2015: Foundation of the farm

As TAdviser found out, in the fall of 2015 Natalya Kasperskaya established the Green Lamb peasant farm. The farm is located in the suburbs, in the picturesque places of the Serpukhov district, Natalya Kasperskaya confirmed to TAdviser. More details - in a separate.

2017: Head of the Information Security Committee

August 2, 2017 President of the group of companies (GK) InfoWatch Natalia Kaspersky was elected head of the Information Security Committee, created by the Association of Software Developers "Domestic Software". The Committee was formed as part of the implementation of the program "Digital Economy Russian Federation”, which defines the goals, objectives, directions and deadlines for the implementation of the main measures public policy to create necessary conditions for the development of the digital economy in Russia.

2018: Natalya Kasperskaya became the owner of Neklis-bank

In February 2018, the CEO of the InfoWatch group of companies, Natalya Kasperskaya, spoke about how she was forced to become the owner of Neklis Bank. According to her, the deal was not carried out from a good life: the credit institution is “a big headache". Read more.


Natalya Ivanovna has two children from her first marriage and two from her second. Natalya Kasperskaya has repeatedly stated that four children are not so many. And, if there had been an opportunity earlier, she would have given birth again.

After the publication of a message on the ITpedia website that Natalya Kasperskaya celebrates her birthday on February 5, readers had the idea to give something to the respected master of the Russian IT market. Being limited in funds, they decided to donate a list of names for the fourth child of Natalia. It was not known for certain who Natalya was waiting for - a girl or a boy. Therefore, the list of names spontaneously began to include both female and male. Maybe it's an accident, but the name Maria, which the child eventually received, was on the list of ITpedia readers long before her birthday.

  • Trajan- a real imperial Roman name, consonant with the professional interests of Natalia Ivanovna
  • Klava- No comments
  • Bagomir- Bringing peace to software filled with bugs
  • Optimizander- consonant with "optimizer" (occupation of Natalya's husband - Igor Ashmanov)
  • Aipion- there is an assumption that the IPO is the desired goal of Natalia
  • Aitislav- Glory to information technology
  • insiderina- in tune with Natalia's professional interests
  • virusilium- a derivative of the name Vasily and the word "virus"
  • Yuesbina- from USB - the main tool of insiders with whom Natalya Ivanovna is fighting
  • Avira- the name of the antivirus, quite suitable for the name of a person
  • Folder- folder - a person with this name is doomed to become a good dad
  • Exenia- from the extension of the executable file exe
  • Kav- for son - from KAV - Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  • Keys- for daughter - from KIS - Kaspersky Internet Security
  • Casperite- for son - abbreviated from the surname and IT
  • Masha!- just Maria, without reference to IT and profession.
  • Runetta Igorevna- loudly
  • Verusoid- a derivative of the name Vera and the word "virus"
  • Ivanka- a derivative of the Patronymic, Name and Surname of Natalya Ivanovna, very respected by me
  • skyper- a derivative of the Skype program, as well as meaning free communication with the whole world without borders
  • Bluetooth or Bluetooth- you know what the name comes from
  • Connectin- derived from Konstantin and connect
  • immunity- strong immune system
  • Camputador and Camputador- Spanish computer names echoing Toreador


He is fond of playing the guitar, skiing, hiking, reading professional literature, likes to travel in the company of friends and children. Fluent in English and German.


  • About Evgeny Kaspersky as a manager- Kaspersky is not a manager. He is engaged in other activities that have little to do with the formal position of "CEO". Since Eugene is the main shareholder of the company, he can appoint himself to any desired position.
  • About the crisis at Kaspersky Lab- Unfortunately, over the past 4 years, the Lab has focused its portfolio of products (in fact) in the field of protection for Windows quite strongly ... The problem is that modern technologies they are developing quite quickly - new platforms appear, under which there are either no viruses, or they are very rare. They need new types of protection… Another threat to the market is free antiviruses, which, although gradually, are gaining more and more popularity ... The third problem that I would pay attention to is the so-called. targeted attacks. Those. attacks with a specific target. For example, special Trojans written for Alfa-Bank systems. Antiviruses are powerless against such threats. We need new solutions. I do not rule out that they will come not from old market players, but from newcomers ... At one time, I convinced Kaspersky and other shareholders that it was necessary to attract external capital just for the purpose of buying businesses and technologies in new interesting areas. We even managed to attract an investor, but, unfortunately, Kaspersky blocked the idea of ​​development through acquisitions... To be honest, I do not see new growth drivers within the company that would give LK the opportunity to organically grow faster than the market. Consequently, the business growth rate will continue to decline.
  • About own employment- Basically, I am engaged in the affairs of the company. Another 2-3 times a week there are questions about the Kribrum project - this is such a project for automatic monitoring social networks, Infowatch has a solid share in it. On the third spot goes Nanosemantics is a company that works in the field of artificial intelligence. She is also known for her "mass" project - Now we are reworking it quite a lot and by the summer we plan to roll out something completely new. And last week, for example, the Cebit exhibition took all my time ... I have a couple of small projects, but I take much less personal part in them.
  • About my teachers- I consider the head of Kami - Alexey Borisovich Remizov - my first business teacher. My second husband Igor Ashmanov, who has whole line high technology businesses.
  • About the female president of Russia- We have a lot of women in the government. Two ministers and a vice-speaker, that's not counting a bunch of lower-ranking officials. Perhaps the next president will be a woman. Just for this, a worthy candidate should (more precisely, should) appear. So far, there are no such politicians on our horizon.
  • On the meeting with Vladimir Putin- Just three weeks ago, several representatives of the IT community of software developers met with the Prime Minister in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok and proposed a number of measures to stimulate domestic software development. The prime minister accepted our proposals, and, as far as I know, relevant instructions have already been given to the ministries. In particular, we proposed introducing mandatory reporting by state departments and state-owned companies on the volume of purchased domestic and imported software. They proposed some measures to support state patenting abroad, as well as the possibility for high-tech enterprises to invest in development without the risk of being closed. tax office for losses. The prime minister promised to think about these two points. There were several other proposals - to stimulate the export of high-tech products, to develop self-determining organizations, etc. The prime minister accepted these proposals and gave instructions to the responsible ministers.
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