Tropical desert vegetation and wildlife. Presentation "Animals and plants of tropical deserts". What is the secret to scorpion survival in the deserts

The desert, as a habitat for plants, is a harsh land. It is characterized by the scorching sun, low air humidity, winds, seasonal precipitation. Not every representative of the flora is able to survive in such conditions.

Euxerophytes. Their root system is shallow, but quite branched. Leaves with a protective down (desert wormwood).

Succulents. The root system is weak, but they accumulate water in the leaves and stems (cacti, aloe, agave).

Poikiloxerophytes. They differ in falling into anabiosis with a lack of moisture (selenium).


Ephemera - desert plants that live only one cycle, lasting from 1.5 to 8 months. The rest of the time they experience in the seed stage, the viability of which lasts up to 7 years. There are many examples of such plants, mostly desert flowers: desert beetroot, dimorphic quinoa, peacock poppy, sickle-shaped hornhead, cleavage cleavage, etc.

desert plant seeds

Plants in the desert reproduce mainly with the help of wind, i.e. they are anemophiles. Therefore, their seeds can be with "propellers", like in sandy acacia, "wings", like in saxaul, "parachutes", like in selenium. Once in a new place, the seed germinates quickly and in a few days grows a root, reaching a length of 50 cm.

Plants tropical deserts

There is very little rain in deserts, but some still have underground water. In the large oases of the Sahara, they use it by raising it to the surface. Under the current conditions, they are even engaged in intensive gardening, growing palm groves. Tropical desert plants are of great economic and agricultural importance. These include date palms, the fruits of which are very important for the livelihood of local residents. Nature is multifaceted. Oases alternate with places that seem lifeless. Similarly, desert plants differ significantly from each other, but they all adapted, grow and bear fruit.

Animal and vegetable world in Africa

Africa has a rich and varied fauna, with 1,000 species of mammals and 1,500 bird species.

Animals The fauna of Africa is extremely rich and diverse. main role animals of the savannas play in the fauna - open spaces developing under conditions of periodic moistening at high year-round temperatures. Savannahs and light forests occupy about 40% of the mainland. In the savannas, there is an abundance of large ungulates (giraffes, buffaloes, antelopes, gazelles, zebras, rhinoceroses, elephants) and carnivores (lions, hyenas, cheetahs, jackals). Monkeys (baboons) are widely distributed, among birds - ostriches, weavers, crowned cranes, secretary bird, marabou, vultures. Numerous lizards and snakes.

Deserts and semi-deserts also occupy vast areas of the African continent. The deserts of the south and north of the continent differ greatly. The fauna of the northern deserts is similar to the deserts of Asia - jerboas, gerbils, fennec foxes, jackals, hyenas. Many snakes (efa, gyurza, cobra) and lizards, invertebrates. The deserts of the south are characterized by a greater number of endemics, a large variety of turtles.

Equatorial forests Moist equatorial evergreen forests are typical for equatorial zone and coastal regions of subequatorial zones. The animal world of the terrestrial tier is relatively poor (of ungulates - okapi, pygmy hippopotamus, gorillas), in the crowns - a lot of birds (turaco, hornbills, sunbirds), monkeys (monkeys, colobuses, chimpanzees). Everywhere - invertebrates, frogs, snakes (pythons, mambas), in the rivers - crocodiles.

Reserves In reserves tropical Africa, attracting many tourists, an abundance of elephants, rhinos, hippos, zebras, antelopes, etc.; lions, cheetahs, leopards and other large predators are common. Numerous monkeys, small predators, rodents. Lots of birds including ostriches, ibises, flamingos.

News and Society

Africa is an amazing continent, stretching hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the northern to the southern outskirts. Most scientists consider it the cradle of mankind. The oldest human remains were found there. The fauna of Africa is extremely diverse. This is not surprising, because almost all the climatic zones of the earth are located on the continent, with the exception of the Arctic deserts, tundra and taiga. It is found on this continent and altitudinal zonality. Animals of Africa, despite the fact that the ecology of many areas is deteriorating due to the consequences economic activity human and global warming are still found in large numbers. Many countries are setting up reserves and national parks or proclaiming the protection of certain species of animals in order to protect them from complete destruction.

Consider the amazing and rich world of a huge and such a different continent called Africa. Animals of the equatorial part live in the jungle. it moist forests, often swampy, with mangroves. Due to the hot climate and precipitation, the trees here reach a considerable height, and the forest closes its crowns into one large green roof.

The rainforest can be compared to a multi-story building, and each floor has its own inhabitants. Birds live on the upper floors. The middle tier was chosen by monkeys - from orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas to monkeys. The branches of the trees also serve as a home for large feline predators - leopards and panthers, as well as numerous snakes. In the lower tier live small artiodactyls - warthogs. The okapi is one of the most interesting animals of the African jungle, similar to a cross between a zebra and a horse, but in fact it represents a separate species in the Congo River basin. These clean animals have an extremely long tongue - so long that the okapi can easily lick itself behind the ear.

From the north and south, equatorial forests are surrounded by savannahs. This largest climatic zone occupies almost half of the entire Black Continent. In the savannas, trees grow singly, and the entire space is occupied by grass. Herd animals confidently drift in these grassy seas. Giraffes, thanks to their long necks, can reach high tree branches. In addition to the longest-necked animal on the planet, the largest land representatives of Africa and the whole world, elephants, also live in the savannas. The African elephant reaches a height of about 4 meters and weighs more than 7 tons. These are extremely intelligent animals that live in small herds dominated by females.

The world of savannas is inhabited by a large number of antelopes of various species, herbivores, small and large predators. There are only two seasons of the year - dry and wet periods. Huge herds of gazelles, antelopes and zebras, several thousand heads each, migrate in search of green grass, and hunting predators roam after them. Wild animals of Africa, considered the "kings of beasts" are lions. They live in large families - prides.

And the fastest animal on the planet also lives on this continent: it is a cheetah. It can reach speeds up to 92 km per hour!

Deserts, despite the "lunar landscape", are quite populated. The animals of Africa in the zones of deserts and semi-deserts in the course of evolution have adapted to a hot and arid climate. Many species are crepuscular and nocturnal. The smallest fox on the planet has huge ears that protect the animal from overheating. And the camel and the saber-horned oryx can go without drinking for a long time, drawing scarce moisture only from the plants they feed on.

The extreme north and south of the continent are occupied by subtropics. Animals of Africa in this climatic zone resemble their European counterparts. Monkeys live in the foothills of the Atlas (North of the mainland), and dog-headed monkeys - baboons - live in the forest-steppe zone.


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The richest and most diverse flora and fauna of the central and southern parts of Africa.

There are many endemic species here. In the equatorial climate, humid equatorial forests are common, which occupy 8% of the mainland. In the subequatorial climate with a pronounced dry period, they are replaced by variable wet forests, and with an increase in the duration of the dry season - savannas and light forests. The narrow transitional strip (about 400 km) from the savannas to the Sahara desert is called the Sahel. In the tropical zones of Africa, deserts and semi-deserts are common, which occupy almost half of the mainland area. AT North Africa This is the largest desert on Earth - the Sahara. In the south, tropical deserts dominate the Kalahari Basin. There is more precipitation here than in the Sahara. Washed by cold currents western shores mainland coastal tropical deserts. In the northern part of Africa - these are the deserts of Western Sahara, in the south - one of the driest deserts in the world - the Namib. The extreme north and south of the mainland are occupied by narrow strips of subtropical hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs.


Africa has a rich and diverse fauna, home to 1,000 species of mammals and 1,500 species of birds.

The northern part of the mainland, together with the Sahara, belongs to the Mediterranean subregion of the Holarctic zoogeographic region, the rest - to the Ethiopian region, which is distinguished by a special wealth of fauna (Fig. 108).

Rice. 108. Zoogeographic zoning of Africa

However, there are no sharp zoogeographical boundaries on the mainland, and the differences in the fauna of individual regions of Africa depend mainly on modern landscape differences. The fauna of the northern part of the mainland is in many respects close to the fauna of southern Europe and Western Asia.

In the arid regions of the Atlas and the Sahara animals live that do not require much water or are able to overcome large spaces in search of water and food. These are various gazelles: gazelle-dama, derkas, etc. There are also North African deer, fallow deer, predators - striped hyena, jackals, desert fennec fox, wild cats. Lions come from the savannahs to the deserts. In the Atlas Mountains lives the same kind of small monkey (tailless macaque) that lives in southern Spain. There are many rodents (hares, jerboas), wild rabbits, one species of porcupine. Reptiles are richly represented, especially lizards: desert monitor lizard, geckos, spiketail. Of the snakes, a sand boa constrictor, various vipers, and an African cobra are characteristic.

Crocodiles, turtles, a poisonous Nile snake live in riverside thickets and rivers.

In semi-deserts and deserts African ostrich, bustard, larks are common in North Africa; in the Atlas mountains - stone partridge, black vulture, vulture, griffon vulture, lamb (these birds are also in Southern Europe). Flamingos, pelicans, storks and herons live along the rivers and lakes. A typical North African bird is the canary finch, or wild canary (Serinus canaria), nesting in forests and gardens, as well as in the mountains at a fairly high altitude.

Locusts cause great harm to the population; agriculture in the countries of North Africa suffers from its frequent invasions. Many beetles, butterflies, often with bright colors. Scorpions and phalanges pose a great danger to people.

Ethiopian fauna The region is characterized by great uniformity within the mainland, with only some differences depending on the habitat conditions, which is reflected in the division into sub-regions.


In the savannas with their vast food resources, there are many herbivores, especially antelope, of which there are more than 40 species. Until now, in some places there are herds of the largest wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) with a large mane, powerful tail and horns bent down; Kudu antelopes are also common ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros) with beautiful helical horns, cannes (Tragelaphus oryx), etc. There are also dwarf antelopes, reaching a little over half a meter in length.

W remarkable are the animals of the African savannas and semi-deserts saved from extinction - giraffes(Giraffa reticulata and Giraffa camelopardalis), they are preserved mainly in national parks. Long neck helps them to get and gnaw young shoots and leaves from trees, and the ability to run fast is the only means of protection from pursuers.

In many areas, especially in the east of the continent and south of the equator, African wild horses are common in the savannas and steppes - zebras(Equus zebra, Equus grevyi; Equus. quagga). They are hunted mainly for their strong and beautiful hides. In some places, domesticated zebras are replacing horses, as they are not susceptible to tsetse bites.

D are still preserved African elephants- the most remarkable representatives of the fauna of the Ethiopian region (Loxodonta africana). They have long been exterminated for their valuable tusks, and in many areas they have completely disappeared. Elephant hunting is currently banned throughout Africa, but this ban is often violated by ivory poachers.

Elephant African elephant with a baby elephant

Now elephants are found in the least populated mountainous areas, in particular in the Ethiopian highlands (Fig. 109).

Rice. 109. Distribution of some animals in Africa

In addition, they live in national parks of eastern and southern africa where their population is even increasing. But still, the existence of the African elephant as a biological species in recent decades has been undermined. real threat, which can only be prevented by active joint activities of national and international organizations.

endangered animals include rhinos who lived in the eastern and southern parts mainland. African rhinos have two horns and are represented by two species - black and white rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis, Ceratotherium sinum). The latter is the largest of modern species and reaches a length of 4 m. Now it has been preserved only in protected areas.

black rhinoceros

Much more widespread hippos(Hippopotamus amphibius), living along the banks of rivers and lakes in different parts of Africa. These animals, as well as wild pigs, are exterminated for their edible meat and also for their skin.

Herbivores serve as food for many predators.

In the savannas and semi-deserts of Africa, lions (Panthera leo) are found, represented by two varieties: the Barbary, living north of the equator, and the Senegal, common in the southern part of the mainland. Lions prefer open spaces and almost never enter forests. Hyenas, jackals, leopards, cheetahs, caracals, servals are common. There are several members of the civet family. In the plains and mountain steppes and savannahs there are many monkeys belonging to the group of baboons: real Raigo baboons, geladas (Theropithecus gelada), mandrills (Papio sphinx). Of the thin-bodied monkeys, the Gverets (Colobus guereza) are characteristic. Many of their species live only in a cool mountain climate, as they do not tolerate the high temperatures of the lowlands.

Among rodents of note are mice and several types of squirrels.

Numerous in the savannas birds: African ostriches, guinea fowls, marabou, weavers, the secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius), which feeds on snakes, is very interesting. Lapwings, herons, pelicans nest near water bodies.

bird secretary

reptiles no less than in the northern deserts, they are often represented by the same genera and even species. Many different lizards and snakes, land turtles. Some types of chameleons are also characteristic. There are crocodiles in the rivers.

Tropical rainforests

Tropical rainforests have peculiar fauna, far from being as rich as the fauna of the open spaces of Africa. There are significantly fewer herbivores in forests and therefore fewer predators.

And Ungulates in the forests are characterized by the okapi, related to the giraffe ( Okapia johnstoni) - an animal hiding in dense forest thickets, very shy and cautious. There are also forest antelope, water deer, wild boar, buffalo, hippopotamus. Predators are represented by wild cats, leopards, jackals and viverras. Of the rodents, the brush-tailed porcupine and broad-tailed flying squirrels are common.

giraffe okapi

Monkeys are diverse in the forests, and many of them lead tree image life.

Numerous monkeys, baboons, mandrills. Africa between 10°N and 10° S is the habitat of two genera of great apes - chimpanzees (genus Pan) and gorillas (genus Gorilla), each of which is represented by 2-3 species.


In the mountains of the western rift zone, rare and little-studied mountain gorillas live. There are also two species of lemurs in the forest fauna of the mainland.

Characteristic representatives of the avifauna of the forests are several species of parrots, banana-eaters, beautifully feathered and brightly colored forest hoopoes, tiny sunbirds, African peacocks, etc.

There are numerous lizards and snakes, a blunt-nosed crocodile is found in the rivers. Of the amphibians, frogs are especially diverse.

Deserts and semi-deserts

The desert and semi-desert spaces of South Africa are much poorer in faunistic terms than other parts of the mainland, including the deserts of North Africa. Of the ungulates, the Kaffir buffalo (Syncerus coffer), one species of zebra (quagga), and some species of antelope are typical there. Of the predators, the kama fox, the earthen wolf, and several species of viverra are characteristic. Lions are almost completely exterminated. There are some endemic species of rodents and insectivores; among the latter, golden moles (Chrysochloridae) are especially interesting.

Very peculiar faunaMadagascar with an abundance of endemic forms in the complete absence of such animal groups common in Africa as true monkeys, top predators and poisonous snakes.

D Lemurs are characteristic of Madagascar, represented by many genera and species and widespread throughout the island, since the local population does not exterminate them, some are even tamed. Of the predators, there are only viverrids. There are many insectivores, among which tenrecs are endemic.

The African fauna, peculiar and one of the richest faunas of the Earth, causes great damage human activity. The long years of colonialism, as well as individual socio-economic processes that are taking place in the countries of modern Africa, are also to blame for this. The rapidly growing population satisfies the need for meat food by 80% by hunting animals. The trade in ivory, leather or animal skins plays an important role in the budget of a number of countries. All this cannot but lead to the impoverishment of the fauna. At the same time, in a number of African countries, great attention is paid to the protection of fauna, and many species only thanks to this have avoided complete destruction.

The first national parks in Africa were created in the first half of the 20th century, including national park Kruger in South Africa (1928) and nature reserve in the region of Mount Toubkal in Morocco (1944). There are now approximately 3,000 protected areas in Africa with total area almost 240 million hectares. Their main goal is the protection of wild animals and natural ecosystems in general. However, the vast and diverse biological heritage in all sub-regions of Africa is under threat. Civil wars and armed conflicts sometimes cause irreparable damage to the biodiversity of the mainland. Thus, in 2002, 289 species of mammals, 207 species of birds, 127 species of fish, 48 species of reptiles and 17 species of amphibians were endangered.

National parks Africa .

Virunga National Park.

Virunga is one of the oldest national parks in Africa. It is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Virunga National Park was officially founded in 1929. Then it was called Albert and Kivu National Park. In 1969, a separate Virunga National Park was separated from the Albert and Kivu single conservation area.

Reserve Air and Tenere.

Air and Tenere Nature Reserve is located on the southern border of the Sahara Desert. Its area is 77000 sq. km. The reserve was founded in 1988. Immediately, about 15% of its territory was allocated to a special reserve with a strict protection regime to protect the addax antelope. In 1991, the reserve was included in the list of UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites.

Serengeti National Park.

The Serengeti National Park is a 30,000 square kilometer low-grass hilly valley in Tanzania and Kenya. They are covered with juicy grass, which grows well on fertile soil of volcanic origin. The Serengeti is an animal paradise that delights everyone who visits it.

Ishkel National Park.

The first mention of the conservation status of Ishkel dates back to the 13th century, when the then ruling Arab Caliphate The dynasty forbade hunting in the vicinity of the lake. The national park within its present borders was founded in 1980. At the same time, the park was included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.

Nairobi National Park.

Just seven kilometers from the capital of Kenya, there is a small savannah with tall grass and rare sprawling trees - Nairobi National Park, with a total area of ​​​​only 117 square meters. km. This park was opened before many similar parks in Kenya, in 1946. This is one of the few parks in the world where you can simultaneously enjoy the beauty of almost untouched wildlife and not lose sight of the skyline of a big city.

Masai Mara National Park.

The Masai Mara National Park is the northern (Kenyan) part of the Serengeti Plain with an area of ​​​​1510 square meters. km, located at an altitude of 1650 m. The climate here is mild and warm, and the scenery is breathtaking. The Masai Mara National Park is considered the most densely populated park in the world. In terms of the richness of flora and fauna, only the Serengeti and Ngorongoro can be compared with it.

Mole National Park (Ghana)

Mole National Park is located in the Northern region of the African state of Ghana. The reserve in Mol, with an area of ​​4,840 square kilometers, was founded in 1971. 93 species of mammals, 9 species of amphibians and 33 species of reptiles inhabit its territory. In addition, the park is home to over 300 species of birds.

Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania).

Kilimanjaro National Park was founded in 1973 and now occupies 756 square meters. km. The foot of the mountain is located at an altitude of 1829 m above sea level, and Kibo Peak is at an altitude of 5895 m.

Dzanga Ndoki National Park.

Dzanga Ndoki National Park is located 480 kilometers from Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, in the southern point Central African Republic - between Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo.

Volcanic National Park in Rwanda.

Volcanoes National Park is one of the most famous attractions in Rwanda. The Volcanoes National Park area currently borders the lands of the Virunga National Park in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as several other protected areas.

Kruger National Name (South Africa).

The Kruger National Park is the largest natural reserve in the South African region. It is comparable in size to the territory of Israel and Wales. Its area is 20,000 sq. km. The park stretches for 350 km from north to south and 60 km from east to west.


by geography"

on the topic: "Animal World of Africa"

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Miroshnikova Karina

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Ilya Melnikov


Africa -


This country is often called "diamond", "oil", "banana" ... Delightful Angola! You will find unique wildlife, unique architectural monuments and hospitable residents.

Ilya Melnikov


Africa is the many-voiced rumble of tom-toms, the reflections of night fires, the muscular and naked bodies of dancers, the dust of the red African earth - laterite - a mysterious world that beckons with unexpected and mysterious adventures.

Africa is the deadly suggestion of the Gabonese sorcerers, sorcerers seconded to the football clubs of Kenya and Senegal, these are “tiger people”, “panther people”, “cayman people”.

Much of what is happening in Africa is hard to believe. Here, only one order of the ruler can change one religion to another (for example, Islam to Catholicism or vice versa), you can prove that his black compatriot looks nobler and more civilized only because his French is better than that of another.

Central Africa is located between the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean, from the north, the borders of the region are limited by the Congo-Chad watershed, and in the east by the East African Plateau, from the south, the borders of Central Africa run along the Congo-Zambezi watershed.

States: Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), Sao Tome and Principe, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad and Equatorial Guinea is Central Africa.

In addition to these states, the countries of Central Africa also include islands of volcanic origin, which are located in the Gulf of Guinea: Fernando Po, Sao Tome, Annoboi.

Within Central Africa, changes can be traced African nature- from the tropical deserts of the northern hemisphere to the semi-deserts of southern Africa.

The main merit in the exploration and discovery of Central Africa belongs to the Portuguese explorers. In the last quarter of the eighteenth century, they penetrated deep into the African continent.

German missionaries I. Rebman and I. Krando in 1848-1849 reached the foot of the volcanic mountains of Kilimanjaro and Kenya covered with eternal snow. The English explorer, doctor and missionary D. Livingston managed to cross the whole of Africa from west to east. It was he who discovered the Victoria Falls and Lake Nyasa.

The geological structure and relief of Central Africa is rather heterogeneous. There are several active volcanoes to date: Cameroon, 4,070 meters high, off the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, in the United Republic of Cameroon, Tuside volcano, 3,265 meters high, in the north of the Republic of Chad, volcanoes in the extreme east of Zaire, where significant eruptions and the formation of new volcanic craters. The entire central part is occupied by the vast flat depression of the Congo.

The depression is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges: in the north - the Banda and South Guinean uplands, in the west - Lunda-Katanga, and in the south - the plateaus of Angola.

Basically, the relief of Central Africa does not have sharp jumps and elevation changes, since the countries of Central Africa are located on the ancient African platform, only the outskirts of the region are distinguished by rugged terrain.

The natural contrasts of Central Africa are especially pronounced in the climate. These features are due to the geographical location of Central Africa. The northern part of the region belongs to the deserts and semi-deserts of the tropical zone. Peculiar in terms of climate and central part located on both sides of the equator. Humid equatorial air prevails here throughout the year. Humidity is formed under the influence of the air masses of the Atlantic Ocean.

In the Congo basin, the average temperature ranges from +25 to +28 degrees in the warm season and from +23 to +25, in cold period of the year. At higher elevations, temperatures are lower and the climate is cooler.

On the coast of the Gulf of Guinea is the wettest place in Africa. (up to 10,000 mm of precipitation per year falls on the slopes of the Cameroon volcano).

The presence of a large amount of precipitation led to the formation of a large and extensive network of rivers with many waters. Most of the territory belongs to the Congo River basin with a network of tributaries. In terms of its length, the Congo ranks second in Africa after the Nile. In terms of basin area and water content - the first place in Africa and the second in the world - after the Amazon River. A large area of ​​the territories of Central Africa is occupied by swamps.

Tiered tropical forests are the flora of Central Africa. A large number of trees, tree ferns and other plants grow in multi-tiered forests. Uncontrolled felling of valuable tree species leads to deep and often irreversible processes. But even today, the equatorial forests of Central Africa amaze with their splendor. Only in certain areas of Gabon and Zaire have intact islands of wet virgin forests with palm trees in the lower tiers and trees of the upper tiers intertwined with lianas. In the subequatorial climate, gallery forests grow, watersheds are represented by savannahs of various types, and mangroves have grown in the mouths of rivers.

Gallery forests are located along rivers and form, as it were, corridors along which vegetation from tropical rainforests tries to penetrate into the northern, drier regions. In Central and Middle Africa, such forests are called tugai. Pterocarpus santalinoid grows in the gallery forests, reaching a height of up to twelve meters. The tree, during the flowering period, is covered with wonderful white inflorescences and produces edible fruits of a peculiar twisted shape. The monilkara obovata grows here, the height of which reaches up to thirty meters, as well as the Guinean dialium, which has edible fruits resembling lentils in shape.

In Central Africa, on the watersheds, typical savannahs with cereal grasses reaching 1.5 meters or more in height with separately growing deciduous or evergreen trees (baobabs, acacias, different kinds palm trees, tree spurges).

The fauna of Central Africa differs in habitats, rich in large mammals that prefer savannahs (antelopes, gazelles, zebras, giraffes). They love Central Africa and large predators, as well as elephants and rhinos.

The forest inhabitants of Central Africa are characterized by those who prefer to live in the crowns of trees. In the forests of Central Africa, artiodactyls such as okapi, many wild pigs, and a great number of various monkeys are still numerous.

Crocodiles and hippos (hippos) have survived in the rivers and swamps of the region. Most of the exotic animals of Central Africa were exterminated, so very few of them have survived.

Central Africa is a breeding ground for tsetse and tropical malaria.

Throughout Central Africa there are many diverse reptiles, among them many poisonous snakes.

The bird world of Central Africa is diverse and rich, on lakes and rivers you can meet marabou, flamingos, storks, herons and many other representatives of birds.

Very rare, but can be found in the savannas of the ostrich, also rare in the forests are large parrots, hornbills.

Central Africa is a difficult area for Agriculture. In arid areas, a lot of effort is required to grow products, and in humid areas, large-scale land reclamation activities are required.

The population of Central Africa according to the 2006 census is 112 million people. The ethnic composition is diverse, but more homogeneous than that of West Africa. The largest ethnic groups are Chokwe, Teke, Fang, Kongo.

The majority of the region's population belongs to the large Negroid race. Most of the peoples of the northern part of the region have a noticeable admixture in the blood of Caucasians. They differ from typical Negroids in lighter skin and less curly hair, as well as a narrower nose. Among the representatives of these peoples, people with strongly protruding jaws are less common.

The majority, by religious affiliation, belong to Christians and animists, but many peoples retain traditional beliefs. These are belief in the spirits of nature, fetishism, belief in magic, the cult of ancestors, witchcraft, talismans and amulets. The peoples who had their own states in the pre-colonial era have a strong belief in a sacred ruler. Almost all the peoples of Central Africa, professing local beliefs, have their own idea of ​​the creator of our world. It is called differently: Nzambi, Nyambe and so on. Western religions saw in this a god equal to the Christian and appreciated the religions of this large region - monotheism. But in the regions there is no corresponding ritual of addressing the creator.

Islam is widespread in the extreme east, southeast and north, and plays an insignificant role in the life of the peoples of Central Africa. The exceptions are Chad and Cameroon, where Muslim believers make up 60% and 20%, respectively.

The main form of government of the countries of Central Africa is the republic, mainly the former Portuguese and French colonies.

The tourist features and attractions of Central Africa include: Victoria Falls, Cameroon Volcano, many national parks and reserves.

Travelers and tourists wishing to visit these areas must be vaccinated against malaria, yellow fever. Risk factors include rabies and snake bites.

Flora of Africa

The Congo Basin contains most of the rain forest Africa. In the rainforest it is always humid, the dark is hot. There is never enough light here. The forests of the Congo contain up to 25,000 plant species. In a tropical forest, it is almost impossible to see something at a distance of a meter: the ground is shaded by foliage, everything is blocked by dense shrubs, climbing vines climbing the trunks of tall trees, overgrown ferns and moss, and fallen trees. The branches of low shrubs are so strongly intertwined that because of them the crowns of taller plants and trees of the first tier are not visible. Tall trees (80 meters) are crowned with lush crowns, and below the trunks rest on disc-shaped outgrowths on the roots.

It's easy to get lost in this forest. The rainforest was described by the English scientist Leslie Brown: “In the equatorial forest one cannot behave lightly. It is always twilight here, the air is humid, heavy and still. In crowns big trees high above the wind sighs, but its breath is not felt on the ground among the bushes. The call of invisible birds, the crackling of a broken branch, the cry of a monkey or the buzzing of insects only reinforce the impression of oppressive silence. Involuntarily, you begin to step slowly and carefully, measuring each step. Gradually, a reverent feeling comes over you. And the more you learn about the forest, the further this first unconscious feeling of danger threatening you recedes. The one who has experienced it, the rainforest will always attract to itself with unrelenting force.

The tropical forest is the heart of Africa - a world of severe trials, filled with life. It stretches from Uganda in the east to Sierra Leone in the west. Jungle on the territory - five and a half thousand kilometers. These are ideal conditions for plants - they are everywhere. There are trees in the jungle that are filled with poison. Nature has come up with everything to protect itself. The tropical jungle is still poorly understood and mysterious. Africa knows how to keep its secrets.

The rainforest canopy is a world of heavy rains, a world of sunshine, and a world of extremes.

The seasons are different here. Spring in the jungle dresses up in crimson colors, but this is not old, as in the European strip, foliage, but new, young. Young tender leaves do not yet have poisonous protection, but in order to survive, the tree has so many leaves on itself that even flocks of the most voracious monkeys cannot eat them.

The rainforest canopy is a storehouse of valuables, you just need to be able to get them. Currently tropical jungle are going through their wet period, and the forest has grown too much. It rains here every day, in some areas of the jungle, the amount of rainfall is 10 meters.

In the mountainous regions of Africa, Spanish firs, Atlas cedars, Aleppo pines, several types of oaks grow, including holm and cork oak. With its forests and trees, the Mediterranean coast of Africa is very similar to Southern Europe.

On the Ethiopian highlands there are juniper tree, heather tree and almost extinct olive forests.

In the mountains of South and East Africa grows "iron tree", yew, tree ferns. Mountain forests are located above the tropical and subtropical.

The wood of the iron tree is very heavy, it sinks in water, otherwise the “iron tree” is called temir-agach (damiragach). Thickets of "iron trees" form impassable parts. The bark of the tree is unusually thin and breaks down quickly. Tree branches grow rapidly, intertwine with each other and form bizarre weaves. Damiragach trees are often used to make hedges, which only become thicker and denser over time.

The mountains of Africa are low, they rise above sea level by 1300-2000 meters. Above the plains covered with grasses, there are separate mountains of volcanic origin: the highest mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 meters), Mount Rwenzori (5109 meters), Kenya (5199 meters). There are places where no human foot has set foot, they are beautiful with their pristine beauty ( locals accustomed to the heat and they do not rise to great heights). Only these peaks are covered with snow, while on the rest, the snow does not linger for a long time, the proximity of the equator affects.

Distributed over the mountains, the vegetation obeys the law of vertical zoning. The lower belt is represented by tropical forests, which are almost completely destroyed by people. Mountain forests are similar to tropical forests, but they have plants that are unique to them. This is a magnificent camphor forest. These are huge trees that lean with age, and then fall and lie on the ground for years. Wikipedia says that “Grows fairly quickly and has a great overgrowth capacity from stump, trunk and branches. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, trees at 20 years old reach a height of 15–18 m, at 50 years old - 25–30 m; further growth in height slows down sharply, but the growth of the crown and trunk in thickness increases. At home, it lives up to 1000 years. - Lectures. No - 2014-2018. (0.011 sec.) All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only and do not pursue commercial purposes or copyright infringement

The flora of Africa has been fully studied (40,000 species and 3,700 families, of which 900 are endemic flowering plants). But South Africa is very special and more welcoming.

But there are also problems. The fauna and flora of Africa is quite diverse on earth. Tropical rainforests move away from the equator into savannas, then into deserts and semi-deserts.

Africa is one of the largest continents (second in size only to Eurasia). In the North - the Mediterranean Sea, East and Northeast - the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, West - Atlantic Ocean. Africa is unusual, harsh and amazing. Africa, located above the equator, is almost entirely on the Sahara Plate. The relief is a system of plateaus and plateaus with erosion ulcers that arose in this part of the mainland in ancient times.

Two sub-regions can be distinguished - the desert-tropical Sahara and the savannas of Sudan. There is no such concentration of so many plant species in a tiny area anywhere in the world. The flora of the rainforests of the tropics stood nearby. But although there are few species of animals in the North, there are many individuals of these few who were able to adapt.

Geography of continents and oceans (Grade 7)

Snakes, turtles, lizards represent the reptile world of North Africa. You can also meet a crocodile in some water natural reservoirs. And again - the South is not the North for you, no matter how trite it sounds. Home to more than 500 species of birds, about 100 species of reptiles, many amphibians and insects.

This is a lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, elephant. They are a universally recognized calling card of South Africa. Poaching, illegal shooting, mismanagement are the enemies of the animals of South Africa. Mediterranean dry acacia-argan sparse forests and spurge succulents are common along the Atlantic coast in Morocco, as well as on the eastern tip of the Canary Islands.

Most of the region of Mediterranean dry acacia-argan sparse forests and succulent thickets lies in Morocco, slightly capturing the northwestern corner of Western Sahara. By the edge, it also enters the Algerian Northern Sahara (Tindauf, near the border with Morocco). In the Canary Islands, the flora is very rich and contains more endemics than on the mainland. In Morocco, argan forests currently cover about 8.3 thousand km2 and are considered biosphere reserve UNESCO.

Argan fruits fall in July, then they turn black and dry. In the eastern part of the region, in acacia-argan woodlands, the Egyptian balanites Balanites aegyptiaca and thick-leaved myra Maerua crassifolia are also common. Paleozoic volcanic rocks and Mesozoic limestones are common here. In the vegetation here there are separate light forests of evergreen oaks, mainly of Quercus ilex, sandarac tree Tetraclinis articulata and argan Argania spinosa.

Mediterranean dry woodlands of acacias and argans and succulents

In particular, Euphorbia regis-jubae and Euphorbia officinarum are abundant. Sunflower Sonchus pinnatifidus and Astydamia Astydamia latifolia are also common here. On each of the islands, natural plant communities are now also fragmented to a greater or lesser extent, depending on climatic conditions and the history of nature management.

The Sahara steppes and woodlands extend across North Africa, covering the western regions of the Sahara and parts of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.

Timanfaya, Islotes y Famara, Pozo Negro and Jandia National Parks are organized in the Canary Islands. The main environmental threats to the region continue to be overly intensive exploitation of argan sparse forests and rapid development of agriculture in the wettest ecotopes. The vegetation of the dunes in Fuerteventura and in the south of Lanzarote in Playa de los Papagayos is heavily disturbed by off-road vehicles.

Once upon a time, forests and light forests were widespread here, but at present most of the territory is occupied by sparse groves and sparse groves. Mediterranean woodlands and steppes are distributed by a wide strip separated from mediterranean sea wetter Mediterranean forests.

On the site of the destroyed forests, woodlands and shrubs, representing a natural transition from moist evergreen forests to deserts, a significant part of the African savannas arose

From the point of view of botanical and geographical zoning, this region falls into transition zone between the Sahara and the Mediterranean. The population of the region is sparse, only the valleys are inhabited, in which agriculture and viticulture develops. The modern development of settlement and agriculture leads to a general desertification of the lands, the most noticeable of all the ecoregions of North Africa.

Deserts are such natural areas, which are characterized by high temperatures, lack of humidity, almost complete absence of precipitation and a strong drop in temperature at night. Deserts are not associated with fertile soils where fruits and vegetables, trees and flowers grow. At the same time, the flora of these natural areas is unique and diverse. It will be discussed in this article.


Botanists still do not have reliable information about how desert plants have changed. According to one version, some adaptive functions were acquired by them millions of years ago due to environmental changes. Therefore, representatives of the flora were forced to adapt to adverse conditions. So, during the rain, the processes of growth and flowering are activated. So, what are the characteristics of desert plants?

  • The root system is very deep, it is highly developed. Roots penetrate the soil great depth in search of groundwater. By absorbing them, they transfer moisture to the upper parts of the plants. Those representatives of the flora that have this feature are called phreatophytes.
  • The roots of some plants, on the contrary, grow horizontally to the surface of the earth. This allows them to absorb as much water as possible during periods of rain. Those species that combine both of the above features are best adapted to life in desert regions.
  • For representatives of the flora growing in deserts, it is very important to accumulate a large amount of water. Absolutely all parts of plants, especially stems, help them in this. These organs not only perform a storage function, but are also the site of photosynthesis reactions. Simply put, stems can replace leaves. To keep moisture longer in the body of the plant, the stems are covered with a thick layer of wax. It also protects them from the heat and the scorching sun.
  • The leaves of desert cultures are small, they contain wax. They also store water. Not all plants have leaves. In cacti, for example, they are represented by prickly thorns. This prevents the waste of moisture.

So there are created evolutionary way properties that allow flora to exist in the desert zone. What plants can be found there? Below is a description of the most popular of them.

Cleistocactus Strauss

This plant is often called woolen torch. It has to do with his appearance. Cleistocactus can grow up to 3 meters. Its stems grow vertically upwards, have a gray-green color. The ribs of the culture are dotted with medium-sized white areoles, located at a short distance from each other. It is about 5 mm. Thanks to this, the plant seems woolen, which is why it got its "folk" name.

Flowering occurs at the end of summer. At this time, dark red flowers are formed, which have a cylindrical shape. Cleistocactus can be grown at low temperatures that reach -10 ° C. The territory of Argentina and Bolivia is considered the birthplace of culture.


This desert plant, described in this article, is one of the rarest coniferous trees in the world (discovered in 1994). It can only be found on the territory of such a mainland as Australia. Wollemia is considered one of the ancient species plants. Most likely, the history of the tree began at least 200 million years ago, and today it belongs to the relic.

The plant looks mysterious and unusual. So its trunk is shaped like an ascending chain. On each tree, female and male cones are formed. Wollemia perfectly adapts to adverse environmental conditions. She takes enough low temperatures dropping down to -12 °C.

desert iron tree

This plant can be found in North America, namely, in height it can reach 10 m. The diameter of the trunk, on average, is about 60 cm, but in some places it can expand or narrow. The plant can be either a bush or a tree. Its bark changes color over time. The young tree has a smooth, shiny gray bark, and later it becomes fibrous.

Despite the fact that this plant is considered an evergreen, at low (colder than 2 ° C) temperatures, it loses its foliage. With a long absence of precipitation, the leaves also fall off. The flowering period begins in late April - May and ends in June. At this time, pale pink, purple, purple-red or white flowers appear. The density of a desert tree is very high, it exceeds that of water, which is why the plant sinks. It is solid and heavy. Since the wood is strong and fibrous, it is used to make knife handles.

Euphorbia obese

Because of its unusual shape, it is often called the "baseball" plant. This representative of the flora is common in South Africa, namely in the Karoo desert.

Euphorbia has a small size. So, its diameter is about 6 - 15 cm and depends on age. The shape of this typical desert plant is spherical. However, it becomes cylindrical over time. In most cases, Euphorbia obese has 8 facets. They have tiny bumps on them. The flowers of this representative of the flora are commonly called cyathias. This plant can store water for a long period of time.


These desert plants are often referred to as "cholla". They can be found in the United States, namely in the southwestern regions and in the Sonoran Desert. This representative of the flora is a perennial. Its entire surface is covered with sharp silver needles. Their size is 2.5 cm. Due to the fact that the cylindric densely covers all free space, the plant can be confused with a small dwarf forest. A large amount of water accumulates in a thick trunk, which allows the culture not to suffer much from the hot desert climate. The flowering period begins in February and ends in May. At this time, greenish flowers form on the plant.


What other desert plants exist? These include This representative of the flora can reach truly gigantic sizes. So its height is about 15 m. This plant grows in the United States, in the state of Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert.

The flowering period of Carnegia is in the spring. An interesting fact is that the cactus flower is the national symbol of Arizona. Thanks to the presence of thick spikes, the culture saves precious water. Carnegia is a long-liver. Her age can reach 75 - 150 years.

african hydnora

One of the strangest desert plants common in Africa is due to its unusual and very extravagant appearance, not all botanists classify this organism as a representative of the flora. Hydnora has no leaves. The brown trunk can merge with the surrounding space. This plant becomes most noticeable during the flowering period. At this time, spherical flowers form on the stem. Outside they are painted Brown color, and inside - in orange. In order for insects to pollinate the plant, hydnora emits a pungent odor. Thus, she continues her race.


Known to many, it belongs to the genus Adansonia. Its homeland is the African continent. This tree is most often found in the southern region of the Sahara desert. Most of the local landscape is represented by the baobab. By the presence of this plant, you can determine whether there are nearby sources of fresh water in the desert. Plants can adapt to unfavorable conditions different ways. So, the growth rate of the baobab directly depends on the availability and amount of groundwater or precipitation, so the trees choose the wettest places for their life.

This plant is long-lived. The maximum age ever reached by representatives of this species is 1500 years. Baobab is not only a guide through the desert, but it can also save lives. The fact is that not far from this tree you can find food and water. Some parts of the plant can be used as medicines or sheltered under a spreading crown from the heat. People from all over the world compose legends about this representative of the flora. It attracts many tourists. Previously, the names of scientists and travelers were carved on it, but now the tree trunks are defaced with graffiti and other drawings.


A desert plant may look like a shrub or a low tree. It can be found on the territory of such states as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and China. Often, several trees grow near each other at once. In this case, they form a kind of forest.

Saxaul is a desert plant that can reach a height of 5 - 8 m. The trunk of this representative of the flora is curved, but its surface is very smooth. The diameter varies within one meter. Massive, bright green crown looks very noticeable. The leaves are represented by small scales. With the participation of green shoots, the process of photosynthesis takes place. When strong gusts of wind act on the tree, the branches begin to flutter and cascade down. During flowering, pale pink or crimson flowers appear on them. In appearance, one might think that saxaul is a very fragile plant that is not able to withstand bad weather. However, this is not so, because it has a very powerful root system.

In tropical deserts, there are very extreme conditions of existence, which have left their mark on the animal world that exists here. Firstly, it is water scarcity and an extremely hot arid climate. Secondly, the almost complete absence of vegetation. Thirdly, the presence of huge daily temperature differences. The picture is complemented by hot sand, on which it is impossible to walk.

Despite such harsh conditions, life in the desert exists. The animals living here were able to adapt to both the hot climate and the lack of water. They are capable long time do without food and moisture, endure heat, travel great distances in search of food. Some of their species, in case of emergency, can simply burrow into the sand and fall into a state of suspended animation. At the same time, they practically do not consume energy, and safely live to a more favorable time. So, for example, some invertebrates, rodents and snakes do.

To escape from the scorching sun, some animals lead an underground lifestyle. They dig holes in the sand, and spend most of their time in them. They come to the surface only for hunting, mainly at night and in the evening, after the heat of the day subsides. In fact, almost all desert animals are nocturnal. During the day, they try to find shade and hide from the scorching sun. True, there are few such places in the desert. Bushes and lonely trees here once, twice and counted.

But still, the desert animal world is very diverse. Here live: antelopes, camels, voles, jerboas, hyenas, desert foxes and cats, birds, reptiles, spiders, scorpions, beetles, etc.

Sometimes it rains in the desert. For animals, this is a real treat. The bare sands suddenly come to life and are covered with vegetation. The desert is blooming. In this short time, it is necessary to accumulate reserves of fat that animals will need during the dry period.

But still, let's return to the animal world of the tropical desert, and dwell on some of its representatives.

Let's start with a small desert fox, nicknamed fennec fox. It lives in the desert regions of the African and Asian continents. The word fenech has Greek roots, and in Russian interpretation it is translated as dry, which indicates the halo of the animal's habitat. This is a small predator, up to 40 centimeters in size and weighing about one and a half kilograms. Thanks to the structure of its paws, the fennec fox moves calmly along the hot sand. But if the heat becomes unbearable, then he just burrows into it. The fox hunts for lizards, rodents, gerbils, rabbits, insects. Can feed on plant roots. The animal leads a group lifestyle. Offspring are brought twice a year.

Well, you probably heard about the “ship of the desert”. This is a one-humped camel dromedary. The animal is incredibly strong and hardy. Its homeland is the Middle East, Africa and India. In Australia, these animals were brought artificially. An adult grows up to two meters in length and can weigh 700 kilograms. The color of the coat depends on the halo of habitat and can be either black or white. The hump of the dromedary accumulates fat reserves, thanks to which it can go without food and water for a long time. The size of the hump depends on the amount of accumulated fat reserves. The camel feeds on shoots of desert plants and dry grass. Even incredibly thorny shrubs gnaws without problems. On the hot sand, he calmly moves thanks to his hooves. Lives in small groups of several dozen individuals.

Of the desert birds, hazel grouse can be distinguished. This little bird flies incredibly fast. She finds water, wets her wings and body, collects moisture in her crop, and carries it to her chicks. It feeds on the seeds of desert plants. The nest is located directly on the ground. Both parents are involved in the upbringing and feeding of offspring.

Among the desert rodents special attention deserves a jerboa. In their appearance, these miniature animals are incredibly similar to Australian kangaroo. They have the same short front legs, and incredibly long hind legs. The body is covered with soft fur, camouflage sand color. Jerboas live in burrows they dig in the sand. This is a complex multi-tiered structure, with several emergency exits. Animals are nocturnal. They move on their hind legs, and with incredible speed. In case of danger, the jerboa can run at a speed of 50 km / h. Omnivorous. It feeds on both plant and animal food.

To cope with a sharp lack of moisture, plants are helped by some adaptations that prevent evaporation: a greatly reduced leaf area and their pubescence, a film on the surface of the leaves of great thickness. This film is called the cuticle; it is completely waterproof. Sometimes desert plants have underdeveloped leaves in the form of tiny scales. The functions of the leaves are carried out by green stems rich in chlorophyll.

In deserts, there are species that are completely unable to tolerate drought. These include ephemeroids and ephemera. They grow only in the spring, when it is still humid and not very hot in the desert, and with the onset of the summer heat, their above-ground part dies off.

There is another type of desert plant - pump plants, which are called phreatophytes. Even the strongest heat does not affect the bright green color of their leaves and open flowers. This is explained by the fact that the roots of phreatophytes penetrate extremely deeply into the soil (up to 30 m) and reach groundwater. Camel thorn is an example of this.

Desert vegetation belongs to Asteraceae, legumes, cruciferous and cereals. There are even desert sedge plants. However, the most common of them belong to the haze family. Wormwood also grows well in this climate.

Tropical desert plants

Moisture deficiency is a serious problem for all desert plants, so in the process of evolution they have learned to adapt to a long drought.

Unbearable heat during the day, very cold at night. Around only dried earth, sands or cracked stones. Not a single green tree nearby. Instead of trees, dry trunks or "rocking" bushes. How does the desert live? More specifically, how do plants and animals survive in these harsh desert conditions?

In nature, there are areas where there is no or almost no vegetation, as well as very few animals. Such natural areas are called deserts. They are on all continents the globe and occupy about 11% of the land surface (about 16.5 million sq. km).

A prerequisite for the formation of a desert on the surface of the earth is the uneven distribution of heat and moisture. Deserts form where there is little rainfall and dry winds prevail. Many are located near or already surrounded by mountains, which prevent precipitation.

The desert is characterized by:

  • - Dryness. The amount of precipitation per year is approximately 100-200 mm, and somewhere they do not happen for decades. Often, even these small precipitations, evaporating, do not have time to reach the surface of the earth. And those precious drops that fell into the soil will replenish their reserves groundwater;
  • - Winds arising from excessive heating and associated air flows that reach 15 - 20 m / s or more;
  • - The temperature, which depends on where the desert is located.

Desert climate

The climate in Putin is influenced by geographical location. There can be either warm or dry climate. When the air is dry, it practically does not protect the surface from solar radiation. During the day, the air warms up to + 50 ° C, and quickly cools down at night. During the day, the sun's rays, not lingering in the air, quickly reach the surface and heat it up. Due to the lack of water, there is no heat transfer, which is why it is so hot during the day. And at night it is cold for the same reason - the lack of moisture. There is no water in the soil, so there are no clouds to hold heat. If the daily temperature fluctuations of the desert of the tropical zone are 30-40 ° C, then the temperate zone is 20 ° C.

The latter are characterized by hot summers and Cold winter(up to - 50 ° C with a light cover of snow).

Desert flora and fauna

Few plants and animals can get along in such complex climatic conditions. They are characterized by:

  • - Long roots to get moisture in the deep layers of the soil;
  • - Small hard leaves, and in some they are replaced by needles. All for less evaporation of moisture.

Desert dwellers change depending on the location of the desert. Wormwood, saxaul, saltwort, grate, juzgun are characteristic of the temperate desert; succulents (cacti) are added to the subtropical and tropical deserts of Africa and Arabia. A lot of light, poor soil, lack of a lot of water - all that cacti need. Cacti have adapted perfectly: thorns do not allow excessive waste of moisture, a developed root system collects morning dew and night soil moisture.

The deserts of North America and Australia are much richer and more diverse (stunted acacia, eucalyptus, quinoa, prutnyak, etc.). in subtropical and tropical - evergreen palm, oleander. And this small list is very valuable in the desert. Plants serve as food for camels, for heating on cold nights.

The animal world is not whimsical to food, water, and the color is close to the color of the earth's surface. For many it is typical night life they sleep during the day.

The most famous and widespread is the camel, the only one who can eat camel thorn and get by for a long time without water. All thanks to its hump, which contains a supply of nutrients.

Reptiles also live: lizard, agama, monitor lizard. The length of the latter can reach one and a half meters. A variety of insects, arachnids, mammals (jerboas, gerbils) make up the desert fauna.

What is the secret to scorpion survival in deserts?

Scorpios are representatives arachnid. And this is surprising, since they do not look like spiders at all. Scorpions prefer dry and hot deserts, but even some of their species have adapted to wet tropical forests. These arachnids also live in Russia. For example, the yellow scorpion can be found in the forests of Dagestan and Chechnya. In the Lower Volga region, the motley scorpion lives in wastelands and dried-up desert areas, and the Italian and Crimean scorpions are found on the Black Sea coasts.

Since the respiratory system of these arachnids is poorly adapted to a dry and hot climate, this feature makes the insect hide from the heat in various crevices, cracks, under stones, burrow into sand or soil. There they find at least some moisture. That is why scorpions are nocturnal animals: during the day they sleep, waiting out the heat, and at night they are good. Desert scorpions can do almost without water, feeding on various insects, and large individuals can eat a lizard or a small rodent. Cases have been recorded when a scorpion survives after starvation from 0.5 to 1.5 years. In the desert, scorpions mainly extract moisture from food, but sometimes suck it out of wet sand.

For any animal and plant of the desert, the main difficulty is the lack of moisture, the lack of water. It is this feature that gives the world such bizarre forms of life. Someone adapted not to drink, limited to moisture obtained from food. Someone often changes their place of stay in search of water. Someone moves in the dry season closer to the water. For some, metabolic water is formed in the process of metabolism. One way or another, desert animals have found a way to survive in the harsh desert climate.

In addition see documentary BBC from the "Forces of Nature" series, the film explains in detail the features of desert branding

One of the most characteristic plants of the northern clay desert - sagewort(Artemisia terraealbae). It grows in the form of a small bush with a bluish, grayish-greenish color, does not attract attention to itself in any way. To get to know this polynya, it is best to dig it out with a shovel. The root of the plant is thick, strong, woody, extending deep into the soil. Of course, it will not be possible to extract it entirely - it is several meters long. Underground organs of wormwood in terms of power of development and weight are much superior to above-ground ones. This is typical of desert plants. Most of them are in the ground.
From the root of the wormwood, several above-ground stems go up.

In the lowest part, near the soil surface, they are very strong, woody, resembling thick rods. Above, the stems become thinner and softer, small leaves are visible on them. It is easy to guess that the upper part of the stem, bearing the leaves, is very young, it is only a few weeks old, or maybe months. The age of the lower, woody part is much older - several years. Further fate both parts are completely different. The young part of the stem dies in winter, while the old part is preserved, giving a new shoot next spring. Consequently, the stalk of wormwood is perennial only at the base, like in trees and shrubs, and throughout the rest of its length it is annual, like in herbs. Plants of this type are called shrubs. They are characteristic of our deserts.

Wormwood serozem

desert plants

Plants that have adapted to live in desert conditions with its high temperatures, constant winds and lack of moisture are called psammophytes. Almost all of them have small hard leaves. Long, often deep roots and thin stems allow them not only to extract moisture from the thickness of the sand and retain it, but also keep them during sandstorms.

Among the desert plants you can find small trees and thin shrubs. Among them are sand acacia, ammodendron, juzgun, broom, caragan, sandy saxaul, Persian saxaul (aka white saxaul), calligonum, kandym, eremosparton, smirnovia and others. Almost all of them have a developed root system and a number of adventitious buds on the stem. The latter allow them to grow if the main body is covered with sand. Among the psammophytes, there are also many herbs. All of them have either long underground shoots or developed rhizomes.

These include selenium and sedge.

There are also many xerophytes and ephemera among desert plants. Xerophytes- These are plants that can withstand high temperatures and a long absence of water. As a separate group of plants, xerophytes are divided into:

  • succulents (desert plants, with a shallow root system, capable of accumulating water in the stem or leaves); these include agaves, aloe, cacti
  • hemixerophytes (desert plants, with a deep root system reaching groundwater); these include sage, camel thorn
  • euxerophytes (desert plants, with a shallow but branched root system, the leaves are covered with a protective fluff); these include all desert species of wormwood
  • poikiloxerophytes (desert plants, with a lack of moisture, falling into suspended animation); they include selenium

Ephemera- these are desert plants that live only one cycle, which different plants lasts from 1.5 to 8 months. The rest of the time they will remain in the form of a seed. The viability of most seeds reaches 3-7 years. Most of the desert flowers belong to the ephemera: peacock poppy, cleavage, dimorphic quinoa, desert curl, desert beetroot, sickle-shaped hornhead and others.

According to the method of reproduction, almost all psammophytes are anemophilous, that is, they reproduce with the help of the wind. To do this, many desert plants have "wings" (saxaul), "propellers" (sand locust) or "parachutes" (selenium) on their seeds. When it gets to a new place, the seeds can germinate up to 50 centimeters deep in a few days.

Camelthorn plant

News and Society

Desert plants and how they adapt to dry climates

Desert plants do not at all determine the appearance of an area with an arid climate. The colors of a desert landscape depend more on the soil than on the vegetation cover. A feature of the cover is its extreme sparseness. The bulk of plants are drought-resistant species (extreme xerophytes).

Ways to retain moisture by plants in a hot desert climate

To cope with a sharp lack of moisture, plants are helped by some adaptations that prevent evaporation: a greatly reduced leaf area and their pubescence, a film on the surface of the leaves of great thickness. This film is called the cuticle; it is completely waterproof. Sometimes desert plants have underdeveloped leaves in the form of tiny scales. The functions of the leaves are carried out by green stems rich in chlorophyll.

To overcome the long summer drought, plants in the desert shed their leaves when the heat comes. This phenomenon is very common in dry climates.

The fleshy and succulent plants of the desert (they are called succulents) cope with the drought in a peculiar way. They have thickened stems or leaves. Equipped with a special aquifer, plants store water in the aerial part. The outer integumentary tissue with a dense cuticle film protects them from strong evaporation. Such plants in the desert usually have very few stomata, which also reduces moisture loss.

In deserts, there are species that are completely unable to tolerate drought. These include ephemeroids and ephemera. They grow only in the spring, when it is still humid and not very hot in the desert, and with the onset of the summer heat, the aerial part dies off.

There is another type of desert plant - pump plants, which are called phreatophytes. Even the strongest heat does not affect the bright green color of their leaves and open flowers. This is explained by the fact that the roots of phreatophytes penetrate extremely deeply into the soil (up to 30 m) and reach groundwater. Camel thorn is an example of this.

The leading role in the desert belongs to woody plants. These include shrubs, semi-shrubs and even small trees (for example, saxaul).

Desert Plant Families and the Dependence of the Type of Vegetation Cover on the Type of Soil

Desert vegetation belongs to Asteraceae, legumes, cruciferous and cereals. There are even desert sedge plants. However, the most common of them belong to the haze family. Wormwood also grows well in this climate.

According to the composition of the desert are sandy, rocky, saline and clayey. Soil conditions significantly affect the nature of the vegetation. For desert plants, the mechanical composition of the soil is very important, which affects the water supply. In clay deserts, plants are content exclusively with the amount of water that comes from the atmosphere with precipitation.

Tropical desert plants

In the tropical and subtropical deserts of Arabia and Africa, perennial grasses and xerophilous shrubs predominate, but succulents can also be observed here. Completely devoid of vegetation sand dunes and salt-covered areas.

In tropical deserts adjacent to the ocean (Western Sahara, Atacama, Mexico, California), plants belonging to the succulent type grow.

The salt marshes of the tropical zone are covered with plants such as halophilic and succulent shrubs and semi-shrubs (for example, tamarisk, saltpeter) and annual saltworts (for example, saltwort, sveda).

Plants of tropical deserts, belonging to the phytocenoses of oases, large river valleys and deltas, differ significantly from other species. For river valleys tropical belts characteristic palm trees, oleanders.

Moisture deficiency is a serious problem for all desert plants, so in the process of evolution they have learned to adapt to a long drought.

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