What animals live in the African jungle? Animal life of tropical rainforests Animal life of african jungle

This material tells about the life of animals in the tropical zone. The article is illustrated with photographs of tropical forest animals.

In the African forest.

Most of the African forests are located between two tropics: the North (Tropic of Cancer) and the South (Tropic of Capricorn). In this part of the earth all the seasons are alike; throughout the year, the average temperature and the amount of rainfall are almost unchanged. Therefore, almost all animals of this zone lead a sedentary lifestyle - because, unlike the inhabitants of the temperate and cold climatic zones, they do not need to make seasonal migrations in search of suitable places for life.


The name of this animal in Greek means "river horse". It weighs over three tons.

Water is the natural habitat of this huge mammal, in which the hippo spends most of its time. However, with such a thick, squat figure, it is not easy to swim, so usually hippos do not go far into the water, but stay in shallow water, where they can reach the bottom with their paws. The sense organs - movable ears, nostrils equipped with closing membranes, and eyes with protruding overeyes - are located on the upper part of the muzzle, so that the hippopotamus can almost completely submerge in water, continuing to breathe air and carefully monitor everything around. In the event of a danger threatening him or his cubs, he becomes very aggressive and, no matter where - in water or on land, he immediately attacks the enemy.

Mothers give birth to cubs either on the shore, or more often right in the water. In the latter case, newborns, barely born, emerge to the surface so as not to suffocate. Childbirth in hippos takes place during the rainy season, at this time the mother's milk is in abundance due to the abundant and varied food. To feed the cubs, the female gets out on land and stretches comfortably on her side.

hippos never live alone; they gather in groups of several dozen individuals. Often, both in water and on land, adult males play with growing cubs. Moving on land. Hippos always follow the same paths they know.

Feeling in danger, the hippo emits a menacing roar, and opens its huge mouth as wide as possible, showing the enemy unusually long lower fangs. This menacing posture usually produces the desired result.


Only sometimes crocodiles can swim in sea water; usually they settle along the banks of rivers and lakes in areas with a warm and hot climate. Crocodiles are much more comfortable and calmer in the water than on land. They swim with the help of paws and tail; Under water, large individuals can spend about an hour. In the hottest hours of the day, crocodiles lie on land with their mouths wide open: due to the lack of sweat glands, they can get rid of excess heat only in the same way as dogs sticking out their tongues in the heat.

The female crocodile lays her eggs in a hole specially dug on the shore, not far from the water. The cub breaks the shell with the help of a special horn located on the head, which soon falls off.

Young crocodiles feed mainly on fish, but also on birds and insects. Only when they become adults will they be able to cope with larger mammals that need to be caught, dragged from the shore and kept under water for a while.

Crocodile teeth are not needed for chewing food, but only to grab prey and tear off pieces of meat from it.

Even such terrifying reptiles as crocodiles have enemies - animals that hunt for crocodile eggs. The most dangerous of them is the monitor lizard, a large lizard. Having found an egg, he begins to dig the ground near him unusually quickly, distracting the female crocodile, who usually stands guard, and stealing an egg from the nest, takes it to a place inaccessible to crocodiles and eats it.

Like many other land animals living in the water for a long time, the ears, nostrils and eyes of crocodiles are located on the top of the head, so that they remain above the water when the animal swims.

The smallest crocodile: Osborne's caiman, its length is 120 centimeters.


Due to its intelligence and trainability, it is the most famous of all monkeys. Although chimpanzees are great climbers, they spend a lot of time on the ground and even travel on foot. But they still sleep in the trees, where they feel safer. This is one of the few animals that uses various tools: a chimpanzee puts a broken branch into a termite mound, and then licks insects off it. These monkeys are practically omnivores. Communities living in different regions often eat differently.

The "vocabulary" of chimpanzees consists of various sounds, but in communication they also use facial expressions; their faces can take on a variety of expressions, often very human-like.

As a rule, only one cub is born in a chimpanzee, twins are extremely rare. All childhood cubs spend literally in the arms of their mother, firmly clinging to her wool.

Chimpanzees live in fairly numerous societies, but not as closed as other apes, such as gorillas. In contrast, chimpanzees often move from one group to another.

The strongest males, defending their superiority, uproot small trees and brandish this club with a menacing look.

A tender friendship usually reigns between female chimpanzees. It is not uncommon for a mother to temporarily entrust her cub to another female; sometimes such nannies take for a walk, in addition to their own, two or three other people's cubs.


Despite its intimidating appearance, this large, over two meters tall monkey is very friendly; males from the same flock usually do not compete with each other, and for the leader to obey him, it is enough to goggle his eyes and utter the appropriate cry, hitting his chest with his fingers. This behavior is just staged, it is never followed by an attack. Before a real attack, the gorilla looks into the eyes of the enemy for a long time and silently. Staring straight into the eyes is a challenge not only for gorillas, but for almost all mammals, including dogs, cats, and even humans.

Baby gorillas stay with their mother for nearly four years. When the next one is born, the mother begins to alienate the eldest from herself, but never does it rudely; she, as it were, invites him to try his hand at adulthood.

Waking up, gorillas go in search of food. The rest of the time they devote to rest and play. After the evening meal, a kind of bedding is arranged on the ground, on which they fall asleep.


These are relatives of the giraffe, its height is slightly less than two meters, and its weight is about 250 kilograms. Okapi are extremely timid animals and are distributed in a very narrow geographical area, so they have not been studied enough. It is known that they live in bushes, and their coloration, at first glance very unusual, actually makes them completely invisible in their natural habitat. Okapi live alone, and only mothers are not separated from their cubs for a long time.

With stripes on the back of the body and on the legs, the okapi resembles a zebra; these stripes serve as camouflage for them.

Okapis resemble some types of horses, but the differences are quite noticeable; for example, males have short horns. When playing, okapi lightly hit each other with their muzzles until the defeated one, as a sign of the end of the game, lies on the ground.

When a mother hears a special call made by a cub in case of danger, she becomes very aggressive and resolutely attacks any enemy.

Asian jungle.

Some species of animals that inhabit the Asian jungle, such as elephants, rhinos and leopards, are also found in Africa; however, over thousands of years of evolution, the inhabitants of the jungle have developed many features that distinguish them from their African "brothers".

Monsoons - this is the name of the winds that periodically blow in the tropical zones of Asia. Usually they bring heavy rains, contributing to the rapid growth and renewal of vegetation.

The time of the monsoons is also favorable for animals: during these periods, plant foods are plentiful and varied, which provides the best conditions for their growth and reproduction. Just like the forests of the Amazon, the Asian jungle is very dense and sometimes impassable.


The tapir is said to be a fossil animal; indeed, this species, which inhabits several distant regions one after another, has survived on earth since very ancient times, having survived several geological epochs.

black-backed tapir can walk on the bottom of the lake!

The female tapir is larger than the male. The most noticeable feature in the structure of the body is an elongated upper lip, which forms a small and very mobile trunk, with which tapirs can pick leaves and tufts of grass - their usual food. Black-backed tapirs live in Asia. Their coloration is very expressive: black with white. It may seem that these contrasting colors should make them very noticeable, but in fact, from afar, they are very similar to an ordinary pile of stones, which are many around. In cubs, on the contrary, the skin is pockmarked, with small specks and stripes. In the second year of life, this coloration will gradually change to an even black color with a characteristic white bandage - a saddlecloth.

Most tapirs eat leaves, shoots and stems of aquatic plants. They love the water and are excellent swimmers. They always walk along the same habitual paths, which eventually turn into well-trodden paths, ending, as a rule, in a "gutter" - a convenient descent to the water.

The most terrible enemies of tapirs are various types of cats on land and gharials in the water. Very rarely, a tapir tries to defend itself; he has practically no means for this and always prefers to run away.

The body of the tapir is squat, the paws are short, there is almost no neck. Movable trunk is a very sensitive organ of smell. - with its help, the tapir explores the surface of the earth and surrounding objects. Vision, on the other hand, is very poorly developed. Asian cats.

There are no felines living in groups in Asia, like lions or cheetahs in Africa. All types of Asian cats are loners, each animal is the owner of its own territory and does not allow strangers there. Only tigers sometimes go hunting in small groups. Representatives of the cat family live everywhere in Asia, even in areas with a climate that is not very suitable for them, such as, for example, in the Far East, where the Ussuri tiger reigns. A feature of tigers living in the jungle is their manner of hunting. It consists in sneaking up to the victim as close as possible, remaining unnoticed, and at the last moment rushing at him with one jump from a place or a short run.

The royal, or Bengal, tiger is now quite rare. Found in India and Indochina.

Leopard or black panther.

The panther also has spots characteristic of a leopard, although they are completely invisible against a black background. The black panther is a dark-colored leopard.

Smoky leopard. He jumps from branch to branch like a monkey. These cats are sometimes called tree tigers.

Spotted cat.

I also call her the fishing cat. In fact, she loves to live near the water and swims well. In addition to fish and shellfish, it catches small vertebrates on land. The habits of this animal are little studied.


Tigers adapt to a wide variety of climatic conditions; they live in flat tropical areas, but are also found in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3000 m and in very cold areas; in the latter case, a thick, more than five centimeters, layer of fat forms under the skin, which protects against heat loss.

Almost all the inhabitants of the jungle are at risk of becoming the prey of the tiger. Only large and warlike thick-skinned, and even bulls and buffaloes with strong horns, can feel safe.

Contrary to popular belief, the tiger is not a very dexterous hunter; he is so heavy. That for a successful jump, he needs to start the run from a distance of 10 - 15 meters; if the tiger comes closer to its prey, it runs the risk of missing.

A tiger brood usually consists of two, three or four cubs. For eight weeks, the mother feeds them exclusively with milk; then solid food is gradually added to their milk. Only six months later, the female begins to go hunting, leaving the cubs for more than a day.

Tigers, like all wild animals, are afraid of humans. However, it happens that an old or sick animal, for which ordinary hunting becomes too difficult, overcomes its innate fear and attacks people.


Among the numerous species of monkeys, there are animals that weigh no more than 70 grams, and there are those whose mass reaches 250 kilograms. In Asiatic monkeys, the tail does not have a grasping function, i.e. the monkey cannot, having caught it on a branch, support its body so that its arms and legs remain free; this is typical only for monkeys living on the American continent.


The most common monkey in Asia is the orangutan. This is a large monkey that spends most of its time among the branches and only occasionally descends to the ground.

Female orangutans, perhaps, more than all other monkeys care about the upbringing of their children. Mothers bite their nails, bathe them in rainwater, yell at them if they start acting up. The upbringing received in childhood subsequently determines the character of an adult animal.


This monkey owes its name to a huge ugly nose, which in males sometimes goes down to the very chin. The proboscis not only climbs trees very well, but also swims very well and can sit under water for a long time.

Thin lory.

The pointed muzzle and huge eyes that can see in the dark make this half-monkey very cute. During the day, the lory hides in the branches, and at night it gets its own food.

Indian pachyderms.

The differences between Indian thick-skinned animals and African ones are imperceptible at first glance. The behavior of both of them is also very similar: they do not stay in one place for a long time, but move over fairly long distances in search of suitable food, mostly young foliage. They love water and swim well, sometimes for a long time. They often rest near the water's edge, bathing in silty mud, which is very good for their skin.


He is respected by all other animals who try to avoid meeting him. Only elephants do not fear them and easily put them to flight if they interfere with them. A newborn Indian rhinoceros weighs about 65 kilograms.

Unlike the African rhinoceros, it has only one horn and its body is covered with thick skin shields. Usually he moves slowly, but if necessary, speeds up to 40 kilometers per hour.


Although his skin looks rough, it is actually very sensitive due to a cover of short and flexible bristles that respond to even the lightest touch.

The mother never lets the baby elephant leave her. She watches the cub all the time and begins to call him as soon as she notices that he is a little behind.

The female Indian elephant carries the fetus for about 20 months!

There's nothing sweeter than good old animal stories. But today I will not talk about pets, but about those that live in tropical forests. The rainforest ecosystem is home to a greater variety of animals than any other ecosystem. One of the reasons for this great diversity is the constantly warm climate. Rainforests also provide an almost constant presence of water and a wide variety of food for animals. So here are 10 amazing rainforest animals and some facts about their lives.


Toucans can be found in South and Central America under rainforest canopies. During sleep, toucans turn their heads and place their beaks under their wings and tail. Toucans are very important to the rainforest because they help spread the seeds from the fruits and berries they eat. There are about 40 different types of toucans, but unfortunately some species are endangered. The two main threats to the existence of toucans are the loss of their habitat and the growing demand in the commercial pet market. They vary in size from about 15 centimeters to just over two meters. Large, colorful, light beaks are the hallmarks of toucans. These are noisy birds with their loud and raspy voices.

flying dragons

Tree lizards, so-called flying dragons, actually glide from tree to tree on their skin flaps, which look like wings. On each side of the body, between the fore and hind limbs, there is a large flap of skin supported by expanded movable ribs. Usually these "wings" are folded along the torsos, but they can open up to allow the lizard to glide for many meters in an almost horizontal state. The flying dragon feeds on insects, in particular ants. For reproduction, the flying dragon descends to the ground and lays 1 to 4 eggs in the soil.

Bengal tigers

The Bengal tiger lives in the Sundarbans regions of India, Bangladesh, China, Siberia and Indonesia, and is seriously endangered. Today, about 4,000 individuals remain in the wild, while at the turn of the century in 1900 there were more than 50,000. Poaching and habitat loss are the two main reasons for the declining numbers of Bengal tigers. They have not been able to adapt to harsh conditions, despite their belonging to the dominant species. Tigers, also known as the Royal Bengal Tiger, which is a subspecies of the tiger, can be found in the Indian subcontinent. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh and is considered the second largest tiger in the world.

South American harpies

One of the largest and most powerful of the fifty species of eagles in the world, the South American harpy lives in the tropical lowland forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico south to eastern Bolivia, and southern Brazil to northern Argentina. This is a disappearing view. The main threat to its existence is habitat loss due to constant deforestation, destruction of nesting and hunting grounds.

Dart frogs

These are frogs found in Central and South America. They are known for their bright colors that warn other animals that they are poisonous. Frog venom is one of the most powerful poisons known and can cause paralysis or death. It is so powerful that one millionth of 30 grams of poison can kill a dog, and less than a crystal of salt can kill a human. One frog has a supply of poison sufficient to send up to 100 people to the next world. Local hunters used poison for their arrows, from where the frog gets its name in English Poison-Arrow Frog (poisoned arrow frog).


Sloths are extremely slow mammals that can be found in the rainforests of Central and South America. There are two types of sloths: two-toed and three-toed. Most sloths are about the size of a small dog. They have short, flat heads. Their fur is grey-brown, but sometimes they appear grey-green because they move so slowly that tiny camouflage plants have time to grow all over their fur. Sloths are nocturnal and sleep curled up with their heads between their arms and legs turned close together.

spider monkeys

Spider monkeys are large. An adult monkey can grow to be almost 60 centimeters tall, not counting the tail. The tail is very powerful. Monkeys use it as an extra limb. Spider monkeys like to hang upside down, clinging to branches with their tail and paws, which makes them look like spiders, where they get their name from. Also, these monkeys can jump from branch to branch at high speed. Their coat color can be black, brown, gold, red or bronze. Spider monkeys are the object of close attention of hunters, which is why they are on the verge of extinction. This photo is probably your only chance to ever see this monkey. Not to mention our species...

wine snakes

Only about a centimeter in diameter, wine snakes are a surprisingly "slim", elongated species. If the snake lies among the branches of forest trees, its proportions and green-brown color make it almost indistinguishable from dense creepers and vines. The head of a snake, just as thin and oblong. A slow-moving predator active during the day and at night, the wine snake feeds mainly on young birds, which it steals from nests, and on lizards. If the snake is threatened, it puffs up the front of its body, revealing the bright coloration that is normally hidden, and opens its mouth wide.


The capybara spends a lot of time in the water and is an excellent swimmer and diver. She has webbed toes on her front and hind feet. When she swims, only her eyes, ears and nostrils are visible above the water. Capybaras feed on plant foods, including aquatic plants, and these animals' molars grow throughout their lives to counteract wear and tear from chewing. Capybaras live in families and are active at dawn and dusk. In areas where they are often disturbed, capybaras may be nocturnal. Males and females look the same, but males have a gland on their nose that is larger than females. They mate in the spring, and after 15-18 weeks of pregnancy, there may be 2 babies in the litter. Babies are well developed at birth.

Brazilian tapirs

Brazilian tapirs can almost always be found near bodies of water. These animals are good swimmers and divers, but they also move quickly on land, even in rough and mountainous terrain. Tapirs are dark brown in color. Their coat is short, and a mane grows down from the back of the neck. Thanks to the mobile snout, the tapir feeds on leaves, buds, shoots and small branches that the tapir cuts off trees, as well as fruits, herbs and aquatic plants. The female gives birth to one spotted-striped baby after a pregnancy that lasts from 390 to 400 days.

    Live in the jungle

    1. Monkeys.
    2. Gorillas.
    3. Papuans.
    4. Indians.
    5. snakes.
    6. Spiders.
    7. Poisonous insects.
    8. Termites.
    9. Boa.
    10. Sloths.
    11. Parrot.
    12. Jaguar.
    13. Tiger.
    14. Monkeys.
    15. Mowgli.
    16. Panther.
    17. Banderlog.
    18. Ants.
    19. bees.
    20. Wild pigs.
  • The correct answers to the game 100 to 1 to the question Who lives in ...? quot ;:

    The most popular answer in the jungle lives - Mowgli- seventy-two points;

    In second place, the correct answer lives in the jungle - monkey- forty-two points;

    In third place, the correct answer is Tarzan- thirty-four points;

    In fourth place, the answer lives in the jungle - a lion- fourteen points; 4

    In fifth place, the answer is - tiger- sixteen points;

    In sixth place, the correct answer is - elephant lives in the jungle - eight points.

    It makes you want to shout the words of the Russian president - Banderlog!

    But the correct one would be:


    In the forests with Mowgli live:


    And of course it happens:


    In addition to these representatives of our fauna, zhuvut live in the forest:


    Of all the monkeys, the most:


    And how will the forest do without:


    And here is probably a mistake, how can it live in the jungle:


    And the very last inhabitant of the jungle:


  • 100 to 1 game.

    Who can live in the jungle? Probably the Papuans can definitely live there.

    Animals such as tigers, monkeys, snakes, various insects can also live there.

    Indians, too, probably can live in the jungle. A city dweller in the jungle will definitely not be able to live.

    An excellent question from the famous and popular game 100 to 1 and we have to answer the question of who can live in the jungle. And most likely every player knows this answer. Because we studied and studied it in geography. And of course, many people live in the jungle various animals.

    And in order to pass the level, we must answer as follows:

    Mowgli is a famous character from a fairy tale

    Monkey - many species of them live there

    Tarzan - he lived there and jumped on the vines

    The lion is the king of the beasts of the jungle

    The tiger is a very beautiful animal from there.

    The elephant is a powerful animal and resides in the jungle.

    Answer like this and collect your reward points at this level in the game, good luck.

    And, what, actually difference, lives or lives. People usually answer, all the same, what they have is associated with creaturesquot ;, which can be found in the jungle. This is:

    • Monkeys.
    • Parrots.
    • Crocodiles.
    • Behemoths.
    • Elephants.
    • Tigers.
    • snakes.
  • Tarzan lives in the jungle.

    Mowgli lives in the jungle.

    Monkeys live in the jungle.

    Porcupines live in the jungle.

    Tigers live in the jungle.

    Lemurs live in the jungle.

    Crocodiles live in the jungle;

    Elephants live in the jungle.

    1) Monkeys

    4) insects

    Answer the question Who lives in the jungle? in the most popular game 100 to 1 people were offered the following options:

    2. Monkeys

    8. Parrot

    Good luck with this game!

    Mowgli lives in the jungle. Monkeys can live in the jungle. Tarzan may live there. It is possible that there are snakes in the jungle. You can also note the option about macaques. The tiger lives in the jungle. Other options in the game: elephant and parrot.

    First of all, a wonderful comedy comes to mind Hello, I'm your aunt, in which they discussed the jungles of Brazil, where many, many wild monkeys live.

    But among the most popular answers, monkeys were only on the second line:


    In order to correctly answer this question and be the winner in the game 100 to 1quot ;, you must offer the following options as answers:


    It is these species that are most often found in the jungle according to the respondents.

    In the game 100 to 1 when answering the question about who lives in the jungle, the following versions of answers should be given:

    • 40 points - Mowgli(the hero of Kipling's book and many cartoons based on this book),
    • 80 points - monkeys,
    • 120 points - Tarzan,
    • 160 points - snakes,
    • 200 points - macaques,
    • 240 points - tiger,
    • 280 points - elephant,
    • 320 points - parrot.
  • I would answer that Papuans, parrots, blacks, tarantulas, all sorts of sores live in the jungle., Chinese, monkeys, dragons :-), but the correct answers.

    jungle animals


    Grigoryeva S.A.

    The name of this animal in Greek means "river horse". It weighs over three tons.

    Water is a natural habitat where hippos spend most of their time. However, with such a fat figure, it is not easy to swim, so usually hippos do not go far into the water, but stay in shallow water, where they can reach the bottom with their paws.

    Feeling in danger, the hippo emits a menacing roar, and opens its huge mouth as wide as possible, showing the enemy unusually long lower fangs. This menacing posture usually produces the desired result.

    He is respected by all other animals who try to avoid meeting him. Newborn rhinoceros weighs about 65 kilograms. It has only one horn and its body is covered with thick leather shields. Horn a rhinoceros can be as long as 1.5 meters. Usually he moves slowly, but if necessary, speeds up to 40 kilometers per hour.

    Although in appearance leather his hair is coarse, in fact very sensitive thanks to a cover of short and flexible bristles that respond to even the lightest touch.

    Tusks and trunk are two miraculous tools for elephant survival. tusks the elephant defends itself against predators and uses them during drought to dig up the ground in search of water. Very mobile trunk it plucks leaves and scoops up water, which it then puts into its mouth. The elephant loves water very much and at the first opportunity climbs into the pond to freshen up. He's fine swims .

    The elephant willingly hides in the shade, because its huge body is hardly cooled. For this purpose serve huge ears, which he fanned rhythmically to cool off.

    More often tapirs are eating leaves, shoots and stems of aquatic plants. They love water and are great. swim. They always walk along the same habitual paths, which eventually turn into well-trodden paths, ending, as a rule, in a "gutter" - a convenient descent to the water.

    Body the tapir is squat, the legs are short, there is almost no neck. Movable trunk is a very sensitive organ of smell. - with its help, the tapir explores the surface of the earth and surrounding objects. Vision, on the other hand, is very poorly developed.

    They are settle down along the banks of rivers and lakes in areas with a warm and hot climate. Crocodiles are much more comfortable and calmer in the water than on land. swim they use paws and tail.

    young crocodiles eat mainly fish, but also birds and insects. Only when they become adults will they be able to cope with larger mammals that need to be caught, dragged from the shore and kept under water for a while.

    Teeth the crocodile is needed not for chewing food, but only to grab prey and tear off pieces of meat from it.

    Chimpanzee excellent climb, they spend a lot of time on the ground and even travel on foot. But are sleeping they are still in the trees, where they feel safer.

    These monkeys are practically omnivorous. For example, insects, bananas.

    live quite numerous societies.

    This is a large monkey that spends most of its time among the branches and only occasionally descends to the ground.

    Female orangutans, perhaps, more than all other monkeys care about the upbringing of their children. Mothers bite their nails, bathe them in rainwater, yell at them if they start acting up.

    It's big, more two meters the growth of the monkey is very friendly; males from the same flock usually do not compete with each other, and for the leader to obey him, it is enough to goggle his eyes and utter the appropriate cry, hitting his chest with his fingers.

    Waking up, gorillas go in search of food. The rest of the time they devote rest and games. After the evening meal, a kind of bedding is arranged on the ground, on which fall asleep .

    This monkey owes its name to a huge ugly nose, which in males sometimes goes down to the very chin. The proboscis not only climbs trees very well, but also swims very well and can sit under water for a long time.

    The pointed muzzle and huge eyes that can see in the dark make this half-monkey very cute. During the day, the lory hides in the branches, and at night it gets its own food.

    Sloths so named for the extreme slowness of the movements, reminiscent of the movements in slow motion filming. The constantly wet skin of sloths serves as a breeding ground for microscopic algae, due to which the animal's coat acquires a greenish tint, making them almost invisible among the foliage.

    Its height is slightly less two meters, and the mass is about 250 kilograms.

    It is known that live they are in the bush, and their coloration, at first glance very unusual, actually makes them completely invisible in their natural habitat. Okapi live alone, and only mothers are not separated from their cubs for a long time.

    The giraffe can feed on the leaves of trees that other herbivores cannot reach: thanks to six meters tall he is superior to all other animals. The giraffe can also take food from the ground, as well as drink water, but for this it must spread its front legs wide in order to bend over. In this position, he is very vulnerable to predators, because he cannot immediately rush to flight.

    Giraffes live in herds, divided into two groups: in one female with cubs, in the other - males.

    The black panther is a dark-colored leopard.

    She jumps from branch to branch like a monkey.

    I also call her the fishing cat. In fact, she loves to live near the water and swims well. In addition to fish and shellfish, it catches small vertebrates on land. The habits of this animal are little studied.

    The "secret weapon" of the cheetah is its flexible body with a strong spine, curved like the arch of a bridge, and powerful clawed paws that allow it to firmly rest on the ground. This is the fastest animal. No one can imagine an animal running faster than a cheetah. In short moments, it develops speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour. The cheetah climbs trees and surveys the area from a height to detect herds of grazing herbivores that could become its prey.

    adapt to a variety of climatic conditions; they live in various localities, they are also found in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3000 m and in very cold areas; in the latter case, a thick, more than five centimeters, layer of fat forms under the skin, which protects against heat loss.

    Almost all jungle dwellers are at risk of becoming tiger prey. Contrary to popular belief, the tiger is not a very dexterous hunter; he is so heavy. That for a successful jump, he needs to start the run from a distance of 10 - 15 meters; if the tiger comes closer to its prey, it runs the risk of missing.

    An animal similar to a leopard, but larger; it also differs in a special pattern on the skin: ring-shaped dark spots, inside of which there are smaller specks. Jaguars hunt alone and mostly on the ground, although they are good at crawling through trees and swimming. Having caught the prey, the predator usually hides it somewhere in a secret place and then eats it piece by piece.

    The lion prefers open spaces, where he finds coolness in the shade of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide view in order to notice herds of grazing zebras, buffaloes, antelopes from a distance and develop a strategy for how best to approach them unnoticed. Outwardly, this is a lazy beast, which, on duty, dozes and does nothing. Only when the lion is hungry and forced to pursue herds of herbivores, or when he must defend his territory, does he come out of his stupor.

    A characteristic feature of the lion is the thick mane of males. The claws of a lion can reach 7 cm.

    The skin of a zebra is original and easily recognizable. At first glance, all zebras seem the same, but in fact, each animal has its own stripe pattern, like human fingerprints.

    Zebras are deprived of horns and other means of protection, fleeing from predators. Once in the environment, they defend themselves with their teeth and blows of hooves.

    A pursued zebra can run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, but not for a long time.

    The mass of an ostrich exceeds 130 kilograms. The long neck increases the growth of the ostrich up to two meters. A flexible neck and excellent eyesight allow him to notice danger from afar from this height. Long legs give the ostrich the ability to run at speeds up to 70 kilometers per hour. The ostrich prefers open spaces where everything can be seen from afar and there are no obstacles for running.

    The beak of an ostrich short, flat and very strong. It is not specialized for any particular food, but serves to pluck grass and other vegetation and grab the insects, small mammals, and snakes it feeds on.

    This bird cannot be confused with any other because of the huge motley beak, which toucans sometimes longer than the whole body. Toucans nest in the recesses of tree poles, but often they occupy hollows left by woodpecker families.

    This tiny bird (size from 5.7 to 21.6 cm; weight from 1.6 to 20 grams) with a long curved beak is able to flap its wings so often that it manages to hang almost motionless in the air, sucking nectar from a flower. It is the only bird in the world that can fly backwards.

    Jungle, or scientifically, rainforests, from the tops of the trees to the forest floor are filled with life. Found here animals, each of which can be written a separate report: it is a crocodile, anteater, hippopotamus, bat, sloth, koala, chimpanzee, porcupine, gorilla, armadillo. Insects: termites, tropical butterflies, mosquitoes. Tarantulas, hummingbirds and parrots. Hundreds of plant, bird, and animal species thrive in the rainforest.

    Select a report about a rainforest inhabitant:

    What does "tropics" mean?

    The tropics are called forests growing near the equator. These forests are the most important ecosystem of the Earth. The coast of the Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, the South American coasts, the West Indies, part of Africa, the island of Madagascar, and some Asian countries and the Pacific Islands are occupied by tropical thickets. The tropics make up only 6 percent of the land mass.

    High humidity and a hot climate are the main features of the fabulous variety of forms of life here. Constant heat, frequent, plentiful, short-lived tropical downpours, contribute to the rapid growth and development of the flora. And the fauna, thanks to the abundance of water, also does not suffer from drought. Tropical forests have red or mottled soils, and the forest itself is multi-tiered, and each level is densely populated. Such a variety of flora and fauna is possible due to ideal living conditions.

    Who lives in the rainforest and how?

    The wilds of the forest are inhabited by a variety of animals. Giant elephants and small insects, birds and medium-sized animals can live simultaneously in one part of the forest, but at different levels, finding shelter and food in the forests. No other place on land has such a wealth of ancient forms of life - endemics. Due to the dense foliage cover, the undergrowth in the rainforest is weak and animals can move freely.

    The variety of animals in the rainforest is amazing: along with reptiles (turtles, crocodiles, lizards and snakes), there are many amphibians. The abundance of food attracts herbivorous animals. They are followed by predators (leopards, tigers, jaguars). The color of the inhabitants of the tropics is saturated, since spots and stripes help to better camouflage in the forest. Many species of ants, tropical butterflies and spiders provide a food base for hundreds of bird species. The tropics are home to the most monkeys on the planet, there are more than one and a half hundred parrots, 700 species of butterflies, including giant ones.

    Unfortunately, many representatives of the jungle fauna (antelopes, rhinos, etc.) were exterminated by man during colonialism. Now many animals that used to live freely in tropical forests are left only in nature reserves and zoos. The destruction of forests by man leads to the reduction of fauna and flora, soil erosion, and the loss of the ecological balance of our planet. Tropical forests - the "green lungs of the planet" - have been sending us a message for decades, signaling that a person must be responsible for his actions.

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