Eleven of the rarest animals on the planet that are on the verge of extinction. The most dangerous turtles and lizards on the planet Predatory soft-bodied turtle living in Indochina

No zoologist can give an exact answer to the question of how many animals inhabit our planet. Unfortunately, due to the barbaric attitude to nature, many priceless animal species have already disappeared from the face of the Earth and are forever lost to mankind. Many species are on the verge of extinction. What are the rarest animals on the planet?

Giant soft-bodied turtle

The largest freshwater turtle. Its weight reaches 200 kg. Most she spends her life buried in the sand, exposing only the front of her head. Predator. It feeds on mollusks, shrimps, crabs, small fish. The attack speed of this seemingly clumsy giant is faster than that of a cobra.

Until 2007, it was believed that this species lost forever. But then 4 turtles were found. Two males live in a Vietnamese zoo, one male and a female live in a Chinese zoo. Scientists around the world are looking at the couple with hope, waiting for offspring.

The giant soft-bodied tortoise is the rarest animal in the world.

Lived only in China. It was mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, entered the lower reaches of the Qiantang River, it was also seen in Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake.

Nothing threatened this graceful animal until 1950, but then, due to the stormy economic activity human population began to decline sharply. By 1980, no more than 400 baiji dolphins remained, in 1997 - 13 individuals, and in 2002 the last male of the Chinese river dolphin.

In 2006, zoologists conducted a thorough survey of the distribution range of the dolphin, but not a single individual was found, and in August 2007 the species was officially given the status of "extinct". However, at the end of the same 2007, a Chinese photographer was able to capture several of these animals, which made a splash in scientific world. This fact even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. To date, only 10 baiji dolphins are known to have survived.

This is the most rare bird in the world. Today, only one colony is known in China, which has only 17 individuals. In the late 90s of the last century, several chicks from this colony were placed in a nursery in the hope that the birds would start breeding in captivity. But the red-footed ibises all died. Since then, environmentalists have not touched the birds, only protecting them from predators, poachers and keeping the habitat of this rarest bird on Earth clean.

Lives in the Far Eastern taiga forests in Russia, China and North Korea. A total of 68 individuals of the Far Eastern leopard were registered. The lithe and graceful wild cat is below the critical threshold of extinction. It is extremely difficult to breed in captivity, since males Amur leopard extremely picky. They look closely at the female for a very long time and often reject brides.

Who is to blame for the extinction of the Far Eastern leopard? The answer is laconic - man is the biggest threat to all life on Earth.

Another rare bird, endemic to New Zealand. Some ornithologists claim that this parrot is the most ancient bird in the world. The only parrot that leads night image life, cannot fly and has a polygamous breeding system (one male and several females). The unique property of kakapo is to emit a strong, but pleasant smell, reminiscent of a floral scent.

Today in nature there are only 70-75 birds. They do well in captivity but do not breed. The New Zealand Department of Conservation considers the restoration of the population of this unique ancient look feathered.

These unique and very rare animals are found only on the island of Java (hence the name). Scientists have determined that their number is no more than 80 individuals. It is extremely difficult to restore the population due to physiological characteristics animals.

This wild cat called the icon of the mountains. The Mongols still worship the irbis, considering it a mystical animal. It lives only in Asia, its distribution area in Russia is extremely small - only 3-5% of the total habitat area.

AT wild nature tracking it is extremely difficult, so it’s impossible to say exactly how many snow leopards roam the slopes Altai mountains scientists can't. According to rough estimates - just over a hundred. Such small number- the result of an increased demand for excellent, very warm and soft snow leopard skins. Luckily, Snow Leopard breeds well in captivity, so there is hope for a full recovery of the population.

The history of this bird is amazing. Its habitat is very small. It is found only in the Chatham archipelago, located south of New Zealand. In 1976, only 7 of these birds remained in the world. New Zealand ornithologist Don Merton led a risky and time-consuming campaign to save these birds from extinction. He took from the nest fresh eggs petroiki and placed them for incubation of another bird. The female, deprived of clutch, immediately laid new eggs, which the scientist also seized. So in one season it was possible to increase the bird population several times. Today in the world there are 200 individuals of this rare representative feathered.

This is the smallest rhinoceros in the world. Today it can only be found in Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. According to environmentalists, their number is 250-280 individuals.

The Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the least studied animals on the planet. Few lives in captivity, does not give offspring. Therefore, this species can be saved only by restoring its natural habitat and stopping poaching.

The predator previously inhabited almost the entire territory of the United States. He was severely persecuted by the population for attacks on livestock. In 1967, there were no red wolf left in the wild, and 14 individuals lived in captivity. This subspecies was declared endangered, and active efforts began to save it.

Today, all red wolves are descendants of the last 14 predators. In total, there are 280 individuals, 100 of which are released into the wild in the North Carolina area.

The rarest subspecies of gorillas. Today it can only be found in Cameroon and Nigeria (Africa). Total in vivo no more than 300 mammals live. In the limited space of the zoo, river gorillas feel bad, so the only way prevent complete disappearance subspecies is the preservation of their natural habitat. For the preservation of river gorillas on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon, a national park, where 115 animals live.

Beautiful proud cat. At the beginning of the 20th century, these predators almost became extinct. There are only 15 of them left. But the Indian authorities took action, and today 523 Asiatic lions live in the Gir reserve. To increase the population, several pairs of animals were transferred to European zoos. Unfortunately, the animals did not survive acclimatization and died. Today, the Asiatic lion lives exclusively on the territory of the Indian reserve.

These amazing animals live only in northern Burma. The view was opened quite recently, in 2010. The name was given for the characteristically upturned nostrils. This is the rarest primate species in the world. Their number does not exceed 300 individuals. Breeding in captivity does not yet give the desired results, therefore rare monkey threatened with extinction within the next 20 years.

This unusual animal plows the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It reaches a length of 20 meters, weighs approximately 100 tons, 40% of which is blubber (whale oil), which is a kind of record among whales.

Previously, thousands of right whales swam near the coast. Now, due to hunting, there are no more than three hundred animals left in the whole world. Scientists are making every effort to restore the population, but the number of these marine animals is falling.

little animal from the order of primates distributed in Asia. The uniqueness of the animal is that its eyes are the same size as the brain. Its height is only 10-16 cm, and the hind legs are twice as long as the body.

Tarsiers are small predators. They prey not only on insects, but also on lizards, snakes, bats and birds.

Their number today does not exceed 400 individuals, which is sad, because in captivity the kids die very quickly.

Very rare bird, one of the largest. Previously, the condor was found in the United States and Mexico. In 1987 was last time recorded in the wild. At that time, 27 birds of this species were kept in captivity. They were taken under enhanced protection, a program to restore the population was launched. Today total strength condors is 405 individuals, including 179 birds released into the wild.

It lives exclusively in the forests of Brazil. In 2000, the last male disappeared in the wild, but the birds breed well in captivity. Although today there are no more than 500 individuals of the species in the world, a partial restoration of the population is planned by 2050.

A very rare animal. Ecologists note that no more than 500-600 individuals of this subspecies remain on the entire planet. They differ from other giraffes in their special wide patterns on the skin in the form of spots, enclosed by solid white stripes with bends. Also, the Rothschild giraffe is the tallest among its relatives. Its unique difference is the presence of five horns on its head. Two large and noticeable horns are located in the center of the head, a third small horn is in the center of the forehead, and two more small horns are behind the ears.

Humanity is obliged to take care of the safety of our planet, its amazing flora and fauna, otherwise irreversible changes in the animal and plant gene pool of the Earth are coming.

The diversity of flora on the planet is impressive, it is a pity that the number certain types very small.

international union defenders of flora and fauna determined the percentage of endangered species, which amounted to about 40% of the total number of existing animal organisms based on a variety of structural units that spread to the globe.

Rothschild giraffe

Science does not know of cases where mammals reached the size of this giraffe, an adult male has a height of over five meters, the female is much lower, about four and a half. The giraffe weighs about a spirit of tons, and the female is a little more than a ton.

It is worth noting that the color of animals is much brighter, the number of horns is not two, like the rest of the representatives of the species, but as many as five. Animal habitat is East Africa. Ecologists state that on the planet, unfortunately, there are about seven hundred Rothschild giraffes.

northern right whale

The northern whale has a length of up to 21 meters (males), and weighs about a hundred tons. Almost half of the total mass is whale oil. The northern right whale lives in Atlantic Ocean, mostly in the northwest, while in the east it is completely exterminated.

On the entire globe, no more than three hundred northern right whales have survived. Currently, it can be found in New England waters and in Gulf of Mexico. About three hundred individuals survived.

White Lion

The view was discovered relatively recently - in 1975. It has about three hundred individuals, which now do not live in the wild nature of Africa, but in the conditions necessary for the conservation of the species, which are in the special reserves of South Africa. Length white lion is more than three meters, and the weight can reach 310 kilograms.

White Lion - unique representative felines

Tonkinian rhinopithecine

You can meet this animal from the order of primates only in the north of Vietnam, near the Song Coi River. They belong to the monkey family. They live in trees, where they create harems. They feed on leaves, bamboo and fruits. To date, less than 250 individuals have survived. Life expectancy reaches twenty years. Females are able to give birth to one cub per year.

Small monkeys are very mobile and deftly climb trees.

kakapo parrot

The only parrot in the world that has lost the ability to fly in the process of evolution lives in New Zealand. This probably happened due to the lack of predators that could harm the parrot. Max Height with which the bird can glide is 25-30 meters.

The kakapo parrot has a rich green color and silky plumage.

He spends most of the day passively in the nest, and at night he starts hunting to get his own food. Kakapo live for a long time, an average of nine decades. On the this moment less than a hundred kakapo parrots remain.


The animal belongs to the order of primates. Tarsiers existed on the planet 55 million years ago. They have a rather funny appearance, big cute eyes, as well as mimic wrinkles that allow them to change their facial expression depending on the situation.

Tarsier is one of the few animals that has facial expressions.

However, they are very small and fit in the palm of your hand. Tarsiers live in the forests of the Philippine Islands. They spend most of their lives in trees. At night, they come out to hunt in search of prey.

red-legged ibis

ibis has big size for individuals of their own species, reaching 78 cm. The bird has plumage white color, which acquires a grayish tint during the breeding season. Previously, the red-footed ibis consisted of a huge number of individuals in different countries peace.

The red-footed ibis has a beautiful light orange color.

However, less than twenty individuals have survived to this day, which are protected from predators and poachers. During the day, the ibis lives in river valleys and in rice fields, and at night - on tall trees.

Peters proboscis dog

It is difficult to say why this animal is called a dog. All that unites her with the usual dog is an excellent sense of smell, which helps a small black-and-orange animal to look for opponents on its land, as well as determine where the female is.

Peters' proboscis dog looks more like a mouse

The Peters dog lives in Kenya, Tanzania and on the islands close to Tanzania. In the daytime, the dog is looking for insects that it feeds on, and at night it rests in small holes in which it independently makes a nest from branches and grass.

Giant soft-bodied turtle

A unique species of turtle, which has a few representatives. It is found exclusively in fresh water, and weight reaches two hundred kilograms. The turtle does not have a shell, and the body is covered with soft skin, which is unusual for most turtles in the world.

In this reptile one can hardly distinguish a turtle

Snow Leopard

The representative of the cat family has a light gray color and thick fur. They live in the mountains of Asia: in the Himalayas, in Tibet and Altai. Leopards have a solitary lifestyle. They feed on goats, roe deer, rams, and deer.

Snow leopard hunting has been banned worldwide since 2016.

The mating season for white leopards falls on February-March, and they can produce offspring when they reach three to four years. The female can give birth twice a year.

No zoologist can give an exact answer to the question of how many animals inhabit our planet. Unfortunately, due to the barbaric attitude to nature, many priceless animal species have already disappeared from the face of the Earth and are forever lost to mankind. Many species are on the verge of extinction. What are the rarest animals on the planet?

Giant soft-bodied turtle
The largest freshwater turtle. Its weight reaches 200 kg. She spends most of her life buried in the sand, exposing only the front of her head. Predator. It feeds on mollusks, shrimps, crabs, small fish. The attack speed of this seemingly clumsy giant is faster than that of a cobra.

Until 2007, it was believed that this species was lost forever. But then 4 turtles were found. Two males live in a Vietnamese zoo, one male and a female live in a Chinese zoo. Scientists around the world are looking at the couple with hope, waiting for offspring.

The giant soft-bodied tortoise is the rarest animal in the world.

River chinese dolphin baiji
Lived only in China. It was mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, entered the lower reaches of the Qiantang River, it was also seen in Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake.

Nothing threatened this graceful animal until 1950, but then, due to the rapid economic activity of man, its number began to decline sharply. By 1980, no more than 400 baiji dolphins remained, in 1997 - 13 individuals, and in 2002 the last male Chinese river dolphin died.

In 2006, zoologists conducted a thorough survey of the distribution range of the dolphin, but not a single individual was found, and in August 2007 the species was officially given the status of "extinct". However, at the end of the same 2007, a Chinese photographer was able to capture several of these animals, which made a splash in the scientific world. This fact is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. To date, only 10 baiji dolphins are known to have survived.

red-legged ibis
This is the rarest bird in the world. Today, only one colony is known in China, which has only 17 individuals. In the late 90s of the last century, several chicks from this colony were placed in a nursery in the hope that the birds would start breeding in captivity. But the red-footed ibises all died. Since then, environmentalists have not touched the birds, only protecting them from predators, poachers and keeping the habitat of this rarest bird on Earth clean.

Far Eastern (Amur) leopard
Lives in the Far Eastern taiga forests in Russia, China and North Korea. A total of 68 individuals of the Far Eastern leopard were registered. The lithe and graceful wild cat is below the critical threshold of extinction. It is extremely difficult to breed it in captivity, since the males of the Amur leopard are extremely picky. They look closely at the female for a very long time and often reject brides.

Who is to blame for the extinction of the Far Eastern leopard? The answer is laconic - man is the biggest threat to all life on Earth.

kakapo parrot
Another rare bird, endemic to New Zealand. Some ornithologists claim that this parrot is the most ancient bird in the world. The only parrot that is nocturnal, cannot fly and has a polygamous breeding system (one male and several females). The unique property of kakapo is to emit a strong, but pleasant smell, reminiscent of a floral scent.

Today in nature there are only 70-75 birds. They do well in captivity but do not breed. The New Zealand Department of Conservation considers the restoration of the population of this unique ancient species of birds as one of their main tasks.

Javan rhinoceros
These unique and very rare animals are found only on the island of Java (hence the name). Scientists have determined that their number is no more than 80 individuals. It is extremely difficult to restore the population due to the physiological characteristics of animals.

Irbis. Snow Leopard
This wild cat is called the icon of the mountains. The Mongols still worship the irbis, considering it a mystical animal. It lives only in Asia, its distribution area in Russia is extremely small - only 3-5% of the total habitat area.

It is extremely difficult to track it in the wild, so scientists cannot say exactly how many snow leopards roam the slopes of the Altai Mountains. According to rough estimates - just over a hundred. Such a small number is the result of an increased demand for magnificent, very warm and soft snow leopard skins. Fortunately, the snow leopard breeds well in captivity, so there is hope for a full recovery of the population.

Chatham petroica
The history of this bird is amazing. Its habitat is very small. It is found only in the Chatham archipelago, located south of New Zealand. In 1976, only 7 of these birds remained in the world. New Zealand ornithologist Don Merton led a risky and time-consuming campaign to save these birds from extinction. He took fresh petroica eggs from the nest and put them in for another bird to incubate. The female, deprived of clutch, immediately laid new eggs, which the scientist also seized. So in one season it was possible to increase the bird population several times. Today in the world there are 200 individuals of this rare representative of birds.

Sumatran rhinoceros
This is the smallest rhinoceros in the world. Today it can only be found in Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. According to environmentalists, their number is 250-280 individuals.

The Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the least studied animals on the planet. Few lives in captivity, does not give offspring. Therefore, this species can be saved only by restoring its natural habitat and stopping poaching.

red wolf
The predator previously inhabited almost the entire territory of the United States. He was severely persecuted by the population for attacks on livestock. In 1967, there were no red wolf left in the wild, and 14 individuals lived in captivity. This subspecies was declared endangered, and active efforts began to save it.

Today, all red wolves are descendants of the last 14 predators. In total, there are 280 individuals, 100 of which are released into the wild in the North Carolina area.

river gorilla
The rarest subspecies of gorillas. Today it can only be found in Cameroon and Nigeria (Africa). In total, no more than 300 mammals live in natural conditions. In the limited space of the zoo, river gorillas feel bad, so the only way to prevent the complete extinction of the subspecies is to preserve their natural habitat. For the preservation of river gorillas on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon, a National Park has been created, where 115 animals live.

Asian lion
Beautiful proud cat. At the beginning of the 20th century, these predators almost became extinct. There are only 15 of them left. But the Indian authorities took action, and today 523 Asiatic lions live in the Gir reserve. To increase the population, several pairs of animals were transferred to European zoos. Unfortunately, the animals did not survive acclimatization and died. Today, the Asiatic lion lives exclusively on the territory of the Indian reserve.

Burmese snub-nosed monkey
These amazing animals live only in northern Burma. The view was opened quite recently, in 2010. The name was given for the characteristically upturned nostrils. This is the rarest primate species in the world. Their number does not exceed 300 individuals. Breeding in captivity does not yet give the desired results, so the rare monkey is threatened with extinction within the next 20 years.

northern right whale
This unusual animal plows the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It reaches a length of 20 meters, weighs approximately 100 tons, 40% of which is blubber (whale oil), which is a kind of record among whales.

Previously, thousands of right whales swam near the coast. Now, due to hunting, there are no more than three hundred animals left in the whole world. Scientists are making every effort to restore the population, but the number of these marine animals is falling.

A small animal from the order of primates is common in Asia. The uniqueness of the animal is that its eyes are the same size as the brain. Its height is only 10-16 cm, and the hind legs are twice as long as the body.

Tarsiers are small predators. They prey not only on insects, but also on lizards, snakes, bats and birds.

Their number today does not exceed 400 individuals, which is sad, because in captivity the kids die very quickly.

California condor
Very rare bird, one of the largest. Previously, the condor was found in the United States and Mexico. In 1987, it was last recorded in the wild. At that time, 27 birds of this species were kept in captivity. They were taken under enhanced protection, a program to restore the population was launched. Today, the total number of condors is 405 individuals, including 179 birds released into the wild.

blue macaw parrot
It lives exclusively in the forests of Brazil. In 2000, the last male disappeared in the wild, but the birds breed well in captivity. Although today there are no more than 500 individuals of the species in the world, a partial restoration of the population is planned by 2050.

Rothschild giraffe
A very rare animal. Ecologists note that no more than 500-600 individuals of this subspecies remain on the entire planet. They differ from other giraffes in their special wide patterns on the skin in the form of spots, enclosed by solid white stripes with bends. Also, the Rothschild giraffe is the tallest among its relatives. Its unique difference is the presence of five horns on its head. Two large and noticeable horns are located in the center of the head, a third small horn is in the center of the forehead, and two more small horns are behind the ears.

Humanity is obliged to take care of the safety of our planet, its amazing flora and fauna, otherwise irreversible changes in the animal and plant gene pool of the Earth are coming.

Description and conservation status

Svaino softshell turtle ( Rafetus swinhoei) the largest freshwater turtle - its length reaches 110 cm, width 160-200 cm, weight up to 200 kg. These reptiles are characterized by sexual dimorphism: females are larger than males, in addition, males longer tails. The head of the soft-bodied turtle is quite large and wide, the muzzle resembles a pig's snout, the eyes are raised high up. The carapace and plastron are very wide and flat, the limbs are quite massive and powerful. The head, neck and chin are dark olive or olive in color with many large yellow spots. Carapace olive green with numerous yellow spots and many small yellow dots between them, gray plastron; top part limbs dark olive, but below - yellow. The specific name of this tortoise is given in honor of the British naturalist Robert Swino, who sent a specimen of a giant tortoise to the British Museum in 1873. The Svaino softshell turtle is one of the world's rarest reptiles and is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN Red List.

Distribution and lifestyle

The soft-bodied turtle is widespread in China (Yunnan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces), as well as in Northern Vietnam. Inhabits freshwater reservoirs: rivers, swamps, lakes. Active during the day and at dusk. Feeds on fish, snails, crabs, insects, green frogs, water hyacinth seeds, rice leaves.


The female at night or in the morning lays from 60 to 130 eggs with a diameter of 20 mm. Life expectancy is 80-100 years, and maybe even longer.

Came in 2013 amazing information that the female is the largest in the world freshwater turtle laid eggs in June. In June, researchers collected the eggs of Earth's last female Yangtze giant three-clawed tortoise in the hope that at least one would hatch.

Captive breeding attempts

The 100-pound freshwater giants that spend most of their lives buried in mud were once common in Chinese river Yangtze, Taihu Lake and lakes of Yunnan Province, as well as freshwater reservoirs of Vietnam. But by the end of the 1990s, human devastation of their habitat and poaching (the shell of this turtle is highly valued in Chinese traditional medicine) rapidly reduced the population of the species. And today, only four Yangtze giant tortoises remain in the world: two wild males in Vietnam, as well as a female and a male at Suzhou Zoo, located in Jiangsu province. For the sixth year now, giant three-clawed turtles have been mating at the zoo, but so far none of their eggs have bred. Researchers don't exactly know the cause of infertility, but they suggest that one of the factors is the poor quality of the male's sperm due to his age (he is about a hundred years old).

As is the case with many other endangered species, by the time scientists realized that the number of this species was falling, these turtles were almost gone in nature. In 2006 the American non-profit organization Turtle Survival Alliance launched a breeding program soft-bodied turtles Pileno in China: they asked experts to determine the sex of three turtles of this species that lived then in captivity. When an expert visited the Shanghai Zoo and a Buddhist temple in the Suzhou city district in 2007, where two individuals of this species were supposed to live, it turned out that they had already died there. The soft-shelled turtle Svaino (male) remained only in the Suzhou Zoo. That's what the experts originally thought. However, it later turned out that another individual lives in the Changsha Zoo - and besides, a female. Of course, transporting a male or female from one zoo to another was risky (it causes stress for the animal), but the researchers had no choice. Indeed, in the wild there is no longer a single individual of this species, except for two males in Vietnam. But their capture and transportation would also cause a lot of stress for the animals, which could lead to death. And it was decided to transport the youngest individual living in captivity - a female, who at that time was about 80 years old.

In May 2008, the female finally arrived at the Suzhou Zoo with the male. And a month later, surprisingly for the researchers, the first clutch of 45 eggs appeared. However, she did not bear offspring, like all subsequent ones. Today, researchers do not know how long this pair of turtles will live and lay eggs (although there is speculation that the Yangtze giant tortoises can live for much more than a hundred years), but they hope that the last clutch will bring offspring, and it will be possible to save this one. unique look from extinction.

According to other sources, seven living specimens of this species are known. Five of these turtles live in Chinese zoos (one at the Beijing Zoo, one at the Shanghai Zoo, one at the Suzhou Zoo, and two at the Temple of the Western Gardens in Suzhou). Scientists found the sixth in 2007, after several years of searching. During a survey of forest areas west of Hanoi, at the foot of Mount Ba Vi, in a small lake Đồng Mo, a sixth turtle was discovered. This is the only turtle of this species living in natural environment. Until this incredible discovery, Svaino soft-bodied turtle thought to be extinct in nature!

The seventh turtle was apparently caught in Hoan Kiem Lake in central Hanoi in 2013. This was a real event for all residents of the Vietnamese capital. After all, for centuries in Hanoi there has been a legend about a mysterious turtle goddess that lives in the waters of Hoan Kiem Lake. This legend is known to all Vietnamese, since the turtle of Hoan Kiem Lake is a symbol of Vietnam's struggle for independence. The people of Hanoi worship her like a deity and believe in her supernatural power. Employees Chinese zoo want to mate turtles, in the hope that they will produce offspring that can be bred.

40% of species from the multi-million variety of animal species that exist on Earth and known before 2006, the International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies as endangered. Unfortunately, the number of some species is measured in dozens. We offer you a short excursion into the world of the rarest animals living on planet Earth.

Rothschild giraffe

There is not a single mammal in the world higher than the Rothschild giraffe. The growth of the male reaches five and a half meters, the female - 4.5 meters. At the same time, the male weighs two tons, and the female - a little more than a ton. Distinctive feature these unusual animals - a rare beauty color and a non-standard number of horns - they have five instead of two. The habitat of these giraffes is limited to Kenya and Uganda. Ecologists believe that there are no more than seven hundred individuals left in the world.

northern right whale


The weight of the northern whale reaches one hundred tons with a length of up to 21 meters (males). Most of the mass of this mammal is fat. The northern whale lives in the Atlantic Ocean, mainly in the northwest, while in the east it is completely exterminated. You can meet the northern whale in the waters of New England and in the Gulf of Mexico. Ecologists believe that about 300 individuals have survived.

White Lion


The number of white lions is about three hundred individuals, living, of course, not in the wild nature of Africa, but in the conditions necessary for the conservation of the species, which are created in special reserves in South Africa. The length of a white lion from the crown to the tip of the tail is more than three meters, the weight can reach 310 kilograms.

Tonkinian rhinopithecine


This rare animal from the order of primates lives only in the north of Vietnam, near the Song Coi River. Rhinopithecus belong to the monkey family. They live in whole harems on trees, despite the fact that females are able to give birth to only one cub per year, they eat leaves, bamboo and fruits. It is believed that there are fewer than 250 of them left in the world.

kakapo parrot


This is the only parrot in the world that has lost the ability to fly in the process of evolution. The maximum height from which the bird can glide is 25-30 meters.
Kakapo live in New Zealand. These birds spend most of the day in the nest, and go hunting at night. The life expectancy of kakapo reaches 90 years. According to environmentalists, there are no more than a hundred individuals of the kakapo parrot left in the world.



These ancient animals that existed on Earth as much as 55 million years ago belong to the order of primates. Tarsiers have a funny appearance, large lively eyes and wrinkles that change the expression of a funny muzzle depending on the situation. They are so small that they fit in the palm of your hand. Tarsiers live in the forests of the Philippine Islands. They spend a significant part of their lives in trees, looking for food at night.

red-legged ibis


The size of the ibis from the tip of the tail to the beak reaches 78 cm - this is quite a lot for this species. The plumage is white during the breeding season acquires a grayish tint. Previously, the red-footed ibis consisted of a huge number of individuals in different countries of the world. The ibis spends daylight hours in river valleys and rice fields, and nights in tall trees. To date, there are no more than 20 individuals.

Peters proboscis dog


This animal is not at all like a dog, the only thing they have in common is a great sense of smell, which helps a small black-and-orange animal to escape from opponents on the ground, and also to find a female. The Peters dog lives in Kenya, Tanzania and on the islands close to Tanzania. During the day, the dog searches for insects that it eats, and at night it rests in nests built by it from branches and grass in small pits.

Giant soft-bodied turtle


representatives of this rare species There are very few turtles. It is called so because of the lack of a shell, its body is covered with soft skin, which is not typical for most turtles. The soft-bodied turtle lives exclusively in fresh water. Its weight can reach two hundred kilograms.

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