Unique physical, mechanical and chemical properties of ash wood. Majestic garden warrior - ash tree

Ash - amazing tree. It brightens the world around it, not in vain Russian name comes from the word "clear" ... The ash tree lets in a lot of sun, and its forests are airy, it is easy to breathe in them, they are overflowing with light.
In the beliefs of many peoples, the ash tree is the tree of the world axis and symbolizes the divine nature of mankind.
In the view of our ancestors, ash is a tree that connects the world of people and gods, personifying the connection between the past and the future. Ash fruits collected in a brush are like a bunch of keys that can open the door to the future. This is the tree of rebirth and renewal.
AT Ancient Greece ash was considered a symbol of just retribution, which is probably why the goddess of memory and just retribution, Nemesis, was most often depicted by artists with an ash branch in her hand. And the ancient Greek poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in his poem "Works and Days" says that Zeus created the third kind of people of the copper age from a spear shaft, which, ancient Greek gunsmiths carved from ash wood. The people turned out to be harsh, as they were given the warlike spirit that the ash tree absorbed.

In ancient Greece, ash was the same sacred tree Poseidon - god of the sea and brother of Zeus. This cult turned out to be so tenacious that even settlers in the 19th century, moving to America, took ash bark with them so as not to drown.

And in ancient Greece, the cult of the nymphs Melius, the spirits of ash, was just as widespread. All the same Hesiod said that these nymphs appeared from drops of blood of the sky god Uranus.

Ash - the tree of Peace, purity and light among the Scandinavians, the branches of the ash, according to their ancient beliefs, are a ladder to Heaven.

The Vikings called each other esklings, that is, "people of the ash tree." They drew their runes on ash boards. Among the Celts, this is the tree of Odin and at the same time goes back to female deities.

One of the legends American Indians tells that the first people appeared on an ash tree. An old Lithuanian legend tells that when the gods descended to earth to decide the fate of people, they gathered in the shade of a sprawling ash tree.

Common ash - Fraximus excelsior L.- tall tree with a wide oval openwork crown from the olive family. The ash tree has a powerful root system, without a tap root. Straight, slender trunk up to 25-45 meters high. The bark on the trunk and old branches is gray and smooth. Young shoots are yellow-gray or greenish. The branches are straight, thick and slightly branched. The kidneys are black, velvety. The leaves are dark green above, lighter below, pinnate, consisting of several leaflets and rather large, up to 40 cm long. Even in the late season of leaf fall, they often remain green.

Common ash blooms in late April - early May, before the leaves appear. The flowers are dark brown or purple, collected in tight panicles, odorless, pollinated by the wind. Female and male flowers are most often found on the same tree.

The fruits are oblong-elliptical lionfish, with a notch at the top and rounded at the base, up to 4 - 4.6 cm long. An oblong flat nut occupies about half the length of the lionfish. The fruits ripen in large quantities in September-October and often remain in the crown all winter, falling off only in early spring.

Ash grows fast. Fruits from 15-17 years. Lives 250-300 years. Adult ash tolerates frost of 40 degrees, and young tree can be damaged by late spring frosts. Such beautiful tree, like an ash tree, will decorate any village, as well as the streets and squares of megacities.

In the wild, ash grows throughout the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Moldova, Central Asia, prefers to grow on moist, fertile, neutral or similar soils, in floodplains.

Ash has long been used in traditional medicine. The leaves are harvested in the first half of summer in dry weather, slightly dried in the sun and dried in the shade. The bark is harvested during sap flow from trees to be cut down. It is cut into pieces 10-15 cm long and dried in the sun.

Ash leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, rutin, organic acids and their salts, carbohydrates, sucrose, starch, phosphorus, coumarins, tannins. The bark contains glucose, sucrose, sorbitol, bitter phenols, resin, gums. Fruits contain vitamins C, P, B1, fats, protein.

The ancient Greeks and Germans believed that the juice of an ash tree could heal a person bitten by a snake. The famous Roman physician Quintus Serenus Samonicus in the 3rd century AD wrote in the "Medical Book" about the use of ash seeds for the treatment of dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Ash preparations have antimicrobial, antipyretic, hemostatic, tonic, astringent, antispasmodic, antitussive and anthelmintic effects. Ash leaves and bark are used to treat diseases of the liver, intestines, urinary organs, respiratory diseases, rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, and as a wound healing agent. Ash seeds were used to treat dropsy, cough, and liver diseases.

Kinesiology - direction alternative medicine, which appeared in the 70-90s of the last century, ash is used to restore the harmony of the body, mind, spirit, to get rid of phobias, obsessions and fears.

In Russia, hoops, rocker arms, wheels were bent from ash wood, ax handles and beautiful, comfortable dishes with carved patterns were made. Archaeologists discovered such dishes during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Beekeepers still make beehives from ash.

Nowadays, bent and carved furniture, railings, parquet, facing veneer are made from ash wood, propellers of light aircraft, body sides, trim, window frames and car sofas, some parts of looms, stocks and stocks are cut out. firearms, hunting and combat bows, sports equipment.

For magical purposes, ash is harvested on Midsummer or Peter's Day or on July 23 before the growing moon. Ash is the tree of magicians, wizards and soothsayers. The best sets of divinatory runes are made from its wood. Our ancestors believed that wearing garters made of green ash bark protects against the evil eye, damage and slander. And ash leaves attract love and wealth. They were also placed under the pillow to see prophetic dreams.

Ash contributes to enlightenment, understanding the depth of one's own "I" and its connection with the universe. Meditation under the ash tree, as well as bijouterie and ash jewelry, contribute to maintaining a good physical health help to cope with stress and nervous disorders.

Ash is a tree familiar to many with early childhood. You can see this tree not only in the photo on the Internet and in the directory of trees, but also in bright pictures in children's books. The tree grows well in the Russian Central Strip and in more northern regions. It attracts attention with its majestic appearance. Many folk and author's poems and songs have been written about him.

At the sight of this tree, many people immediately recall a simple song from the film "The Irony of Fate" about how a lover turned to him in search of his soulmate.

However, few people know that this tree not only decorates gardens and parks. Wood is used to make a wide variety of wood products. And from the leaves they prepare healing decoctions and infusions, which are used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Description and photos of this tree can be easily found on the Internet and in specialized literature.

What does ash look like

The description of the tree goes something like this:

The sprawling handsome man is actively used in landscape design. This tree looks beautiful both in winter and in summer. The openwork foliage creates a light shadow, and in autumn its spiky leaves are painted in bright colors. He, along with birch, is one of the symbols of Russia. Seedlings for planting suburban area can be purchased from nurseries. Of course, you can try to grow it from seeds, but this is a rather troublesome business. The seedling will develop much faster, the main thing is to create favorable conditions for it. Recently, many summer residents have been planting ash simply because this tree looks very beautiful.

Where the ash tree grows

In nature, there are many types of this tree. Different types this tree grows in different countries Oh. In Russia, it grows in deciduous forests Middle lane and other nearby regions, it can also be found in the south. Since ancient times, this tree has grown in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. The myths and legends of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Vikings, which mention this tree, indicate that it has grown in the territory of Rome, Greece and the Scandinavian countries since time immemorial.

In America, this tree also grew, but not so everywhere. There grew their own, local varieties of this tree. However, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, and immigrants from Europe began to migrate there en masse, some species of European ash were also brought to the United States. Europeans took fruits and seeds of their favorite plants of all kinds with them on a long journey, and then planted these seeds in a new place.

And on the territory of Russia, this representative of the flora grows not only in forests. It is often planted:

Ash bark and leaves: use in traditional medicine

Tree leaves have been used in folk medicine for centuries. From the dried leaves prepare a variety of decoctions and infusions for internal use. You can use medicinal raw materials from dried leaves separately or as part of herbal preparations. Also medicinal properties the bark of a tree also possesses, our ancestors also knew about this from ancient times. Medicinal raw materials from dry leaves and crushed bark are used in the following cases:

Medicinal raw materials made from leaves and bark effectively relieve inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, promote wound healing and tighten scars.

In occult medicine, it was traditionally believed that decoctions and infusions from the leaves “clarify” the mind, that is, enlighten thoughts. On the day of Ivan Kupala, folk healers and sorcerers went at midnight to collect medicinal herbs, and always brought with them, among other herbs and leaves. Livestock were whipped with branches to keep them healthy all year round.

Ash is not only leaves with medicinal properties, but also valuable wood. It's believed that wood is very durable and resistant to external influences. Also, wood has a beautiful, noble color, so furniture and other household items made of ash do not need to be painted, just cover them with a colorless varnish.

Craftsmen create real miracles from wood. Despite its hardness and resistance to external influences, ash wood is quite resilient, and therefore it is easy to work with it, for this you do not need to make special efforts. In Russia, from time immemorial, buckwheat (blanks for wooden spoons), children's toys and, of course, furniture were made from ash wood. It also makes very good, elastic bows and crossbows. Sports equipment is also made from ash wood. The tree is used even in aviation industry: from it to lathe turning important parts for aircraft.

Ash furniture very popular thanks to good quality and affordable price. Also, window frames are still made from this tree. Many owners of private apiaries still make houses for bees, because ash wood has bactericidal properties, and the bees living in such houses almost do not get sick.

Ash in the folklore of different peoples

Since ancient times, ash has been mentioned in folk art among representatives of different countries. So, one Lithuanian pagan legend tells that once people angered the gods with their evil deeds. The gods descended to earth to punish people, and decided to arrange a joint council to choose a punishment. But they could not find a place to sit and confer. Seeing a sprawling tree with its openwork crown, the gods immediately sat down in its shadow. They sat for a long time. In the end, the gods enjoyed relaxing in the lace shade so much that they decided not to punish people and retire to heaven again.

AT ancient rome and in ancient Greece, ash has long been considered the tree of the sea god Neptune (in Greek mythology, Poseidon). Boats, ships and ship gear were very often made of ash, as it was believed that a ship made of ash wood would never sink. This belief continued for a long time medieval Europe until the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. It is known that when the mass migration of Europeans to discovered by Columbus America, the Europeans took with them "for good luck" branches, pieces of bark and ash seeds. People sincerely believed that these miraculous talismans would help them sail safely to a distant land.

One of the legends of the indigenous people of America, the Indians, tells that once upon a time there were neither people nor animals on earth, but only water. The bird brought a piece of land and built a nest on the water, and then a small island appeared from this nest. A large ash tree grew on the island. When he began to bloom and bear fruit, the first people appeared from his seeds - distant ancestors modern people.

All these beautiful legends and tales testify to the fact that ash is one of the most beloved trees in the people. They love him for his beauty, for medicinal properties and for durable wood, from which you can make anything.

Deciduous tree ash has at least 70 species. Of these, only 4 grow in Russia. The climate of the Northern Hemisphere is suitable for ash. Its wood is very valuable and resembles. In the old days, ash was used to make weapons: clubs, bows, arrows. Now it is used in mechanical engineering, as well as in the creation of aircraft and in the manufacture of furniture, and here it is valued on a par with mahogany.

Almost all seven dozen species of ash are used by humans. This tree, by the way, grows even in North Africa. And on any continent, it belongs to the category of expensive, sometimes even elite.

The picture shows an ash tree, its leaves and fruits


This tree very rarely reaches forty meters in height, more often it does not exceed thirty meters. In a young common ash tree, the bark is gray-green; in an adult tree, it is dark gray with cracks. Each sheet has up to 15 leaves. Common ash has fruits. They ripen in August, but may hang on the tree until spring.

Photo of common ash tree


This tree is long-lived and can grow up to 100 years. Its homeland is China, but this variety of ash is found in North America, Asia, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, as well as in the South of Russia. The tree does not belong to the category of giants. His maximum height rarely exceeds 30 meters. Its bark is smooth and dark grey. After touching the leaves (they are palm-shaped and can grow up to 60 centimeters), they emit an unpleasant odor.

Photo of Chinese ash


This species is native to Manchuria. The tree also grows in Northern China, Korea, Japan, the Khabarovsk Territory of Russia, Sakhalin and the Amur Region. The bark of an adult Manchurian ash is light gray in cracks. The crown is openwork. The tree picks up color in May. Its fruits are narrow lionfish. The leaves are unpaired, each with 7 to 15 leaflets. The second name of this species, which is most common in Russia, is Far Eastern ash.

Photo of Manchurian ash


This tree is the shortest of all varieties of ash, the height is not more than 20 meters. Its crown is openwork, sprawling, and the shoots are felt. Hence the name - fluffy ash. It can even grow where the soil is thoroughly flooded. The second name of the fluffy ash is Pennsylvania.

Most often, this species grows in North America. It is absolutely not whimsical to the soil, therefore it grows along rivers or even in flooded armholes. The leaves of the tree consist of 5-9 leaflets. Belongs to the category of frost-resistant trees.

Photo of fluffy ash

wood features

Ash is resilient, but durable wood light color. Wood does not have heart-shaped rays, more precisely, they are no more than 15% of the total volume. And, therefore, the ash tree is very hard to split. Due to the increased viscosity, it is difficult to process wood manually.

Staining and staining change the color of ash in the worst side. Therefore, ash is not painted, but must be dried. With proper drying, the wood practically does not crack. It is very expensive and costs almost as much as oak.

Physical Properties

Physical indicators of an ash-tree are rather high. This classifies the tree as durable and easily processed. Expensive furniture and high-quality parquet are made from ash.


The ultimate strength, measured in tension along all fibers, is on average 1300 kgf/cm2. But the strength of wood across the fibers can be only 1/20 of the tensile strength along the fibers. And this figure is 65 kgf / cm2.

There is another parameter - this is compressive strength. It also comes in two types - along and across the fibers. With increased compression along the fibers, the dimensions of the wood become shorter. The strength index is at least 500 kgf / cm2.

But when compressed across the fibers, the wood is compacted and its height decreases. After the destruction of the form, its side parts exfoliate. This indicator for ash wood ranges from 90 to 99 kgf / cm2.

Thermal conductivity

Ash, which has been heat treated, has the following thermal conductivity - 0.18 Kcal/m x h x °C. It is 20% lower than that of untreated wood. Sufficiently low thermal conductivity in combination with high density allows us to speak of ash wood as a tree that is able to retain heat. Wood is suitable for creating underfloor heating.


For ash, there is no average density. In late wood, the density is three times higher than in early wood. Its level is also affected by the moisture content of the tree. The optimal density of ash, whose moisture content is 12%, is measured from 680 kg/m3, and the maximum value is 750 kg/m3. This wood belongs to species with high density.

Elastic modulus

The modulus of elasticity of the 1st kind of ash wood in tension or compression along the fibers is practically the same. In ash, the ratio of these two indicators is at the level of 0.9. But the value of the modulus of elasticity in tension will be different.

This indicator is from 7 to 14 times less in ash when stretched across the fibers than along. And with radial tension, it is 1.5 times higher than with tangential tension. The torsion elasticity model of the second kind in ash is 16 times less than the elasticity modulus of the first.

natural humidity

The ratio of the mass of moisture, which is in the specified volume of wood, to the mass of the same, but absolutely dry volume, is called absolute humidity. When the drying process takes place (natural or artificial), the moisture from the cell membranes evaporates and the wood becomes dried or dry.

The absorption of moisture in ash is much lower than, say, in coniferous trees. This is due to its high density. So, freshly felled common ash has a moisture content of 36%. But in Manchurian ash, the humidity reaches 78%. When drying, cracks may form on this wood. Although it is believed that when performing the drying and processing technology, ash is excellent for the production of parquet.


Ash does not actively absorb external moisture. But in a humid environment, its saturation point can cause some volume change. That is why dense and hard ash is not suitable for interior lining of saunas and baths.

The weight

Pure wood checkered fabric, the amount of water and anatomical structure wood affects the specific gravity of wood. In ordinary ash, these parameters may vary depending on how dry the wood is.

Specific gravity indicators

These indicators make it possible to attribute ash to the first class of very heavy woods.

Hardness and strength

The density of ash wood at a moisture content of 12% reaches 700 kg / m3.

Ash has the following hardness:

  • end - 78.3 N/mm2;
  • radial - 57.1 N/mm2;
  • tangential - 65.1 N/mm2.

The tree belongs to the category of durable, hard and heavy. voluminous sculptural compositions.

Color and texture

Despite its density, ash wood is resilient and viscous. Due to its strength, it is easily processed, having an interesting texture even after drying. Ash wood heartwood is light brown, and sapwood is pink or yellow. Bright fibers are visible on the saw cut, which makes ash wood related to oak.

Ash is used in the production of parquet. One of the GOSTs, which determines how the product for flooring should be painted, is GOST 8832.

Burning ash wood

Best of all, that wood burns, which is not only dry, but also dense and heavy in physical parameters. When heated to 105 ° C, the process of water evaporation will occur. And at 150°C, the evolution of gaseous products begins. Heat will be released at temperatures above 270°C.

Wood, including ash, can fully catch fire at a temperature of 450 to 620°C. With a significant increase in temperature, oxygen is released from the wood, which helps to form charcoal and ash. Ash has the highest heating efficiency, its figure is 87%. It is achieved at maximum temperature 1044°С.

Ash content

Hard woods give a large number of ash. It is considered to be an invaluable organic fertilizer. So, in the ashes of ash wood there is a record amount of potassium and its content is higher, the younger the tree was.

At the same time, according to GOST 3243-88, firewood for combustion and ash formation is divided into three groups. The first includes ash, as a tree with a high calorific value. Considering that this tree has excellent physical and chemical indicators, it is unprofitable to use it for firing furnaces. Moreover, after processing, the value of ash wood only increases.

Heat treated ash

At high temperatures ash wood completely loses hemicelluloses. This makes it possible to eliminate the very possibility of the occurrence of fungi and the reproduction of microorganisms. Heat treatment of ash significantly changes its molecular composition. Wood becomes protected from deformation when humidity changes.

Heat-treated ash has a pronounced texture. The color of the wood is uniform from light beige to dark brown. Recent times such wood was also used for outdoor construction, in particular for facing terraces.

The undeniable advantages of heat-treated ash include:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the beauty of the product;
  • its durability.

The only downside is the fact that already expensive wood becomes even more expensive.

Photo of heat-treated ash


Edged ash is mainly used in construction. Such boards can be used for laying on the floor, as well as for wall cladding. Wood of standard humidity can be grades 1, 2 and 3. The cost of 1 m3 of first-class ash wood is from 18,000 rubles. But for this money you can get a quality floor or beautiful walls. All this can last for decades.

In general, ash wood has unique characteristics, which makes it possible to use it in exclusive construction, as well as in the creation of luxury furniture. Moreover, such a uniquely expensive acquisition is able to perform its functions for a very long time.

Photo of edged ash

Common ash tree

Botanical name: Common ash or high ash (Fraxinus excelsior) - genus Ash, family Olive.

Homeland of the common ash: Europe.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: fertile, hydrated.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 40 m

Average life expectancy: 300 years.

Landing: seeds, seedlings.

What common ash looks like: description and photo

Tall deciduous tree, reaching 40 m. The crown is wide, rounded, light, raised high, branches directed upwards.

The trunk is low, the correct cylindrical shape. The bark is ash-gray, smooth, in older trees with deep, longitudinal and narrow, small cracks.

The kidneys are black, hairy.

Ash leaves are pinnate, opposite, consisting of 7-15 leaves, developing after flowering, serrated at the edges, pointed above, dark green, smooth, pale green below, hairy.

The flowers are collected in bunches, have neither a calyx nor a corolla. Each flower contains several red stamens, which distinguishes the tree from other species. Flowering begins in May, before the leaves appear.

The fruit is a lionfish 4-5 cm long, first green, then brown, narrow, slightly widened above, with a small notch, collected in several pieces in an inflorescence - a panicle. The seed is flat, wide, tapering downwards. Ripen in August. They stay on the tree throughout the winter.

In the photo, the common ash is presented in all its glory. The graceful, openwork crown with large foliage and a slender pyramidal trunk give it decorativeness.

Where does the ash tree grow in Russia

Widely distributed in Europe, Transcaucasia, Mediterranean and Asia Minor. There are quite a lot of places where ash grows in Russia, its range covers European part countries. It is located along the line St. Petersburg - the Right Bank of the Volga - the mouth of the Medveditsa River. It grows in the Crimea, Moldova, Ukraine and the Caucasus. In the Caucasus, it rises high into the mountains, reaching large sizes under favorable conditions. Settles on different soils, sometimes on marshy ones. Adjacent to alder. Pure stands are very rare. Found in broad-leaved and mixed forests as an impurity. Grows in clearings, cutting areas.

Growing fast. Photophilous. Prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils. It is frost-resistant, maintains temperatures to -40 °C. However, in very coldy young shoots can freeze slightly, so they should be covered for the winter. Does not tolerate dry soil. Easily adapts to urban conditions.


AT vivo the plant reproduces by stump shoots and layering, it is well renewed by seeds. In artificial plantations, ash is propagated by seeds that have undergone preliminary stratification. Decorative forms are propagated by grafting.

Ash application

Thanks to rapid growth and unpretentiousness, common ash is considered a valuable tree for landscaping cities, creating parks, alleys, and road lining. Looks good in complex compositions.

It has several decorative forms used in landscape design. The most interesting of them are monumental, with a pyramidal crown; low - with a slow growth rate and a compact rounded crown; weeping, reaching up to 8 m in height, with a domed crown and long branches hanging to the ground.

The wood of this tree is light, with a dark core, beautiful texture. It has high strength, toughness, crack resistance, flexibility, beautiful texture. It resembles oak wood, has the same density and strength.

Previously, ash was used to make battle clubs, stakes, horns, bows, spears and arrows, which is why in ancient times this tree was considered a symbol of war. Products from it turned out strong, moderately heavy and durable.

For peaceful purposes, the ash tree was used to make sledges, rocker arms, wheels, small handicrafts, and souvenirs. Dishes made from this tree were in great demand. It was not varnished, painted or patterned. The only decoration was a light, shiny wood grain. Ash boards have been used in shipbuilding since ancient times.

AT modern world the scope of the ash tree has expanded significantly. Parquet, facing material, aircraft parts, gymnastic bars, sports equipment items are made from it: skis, oars, tennis rackets, turning and other products. Wood is used in shipbuilding, aircraft building, car building. Stair railings and tool handles are made from it, furniture and plywood are made.

Ash fruits contain fatty oils and are eaten. In the Caucasus, unripe fruits are cooked with vinegar and salt. After harvesting, they are carefully crushed and then canned. Serve at the table as a seasoning for meat or fish.

From the seeds of the ash tree, a dark green oil is obtained, which is used in the production of paint, artificial rubber and soap.

The bark is rich in tannins, blue, black, brown paint is obtained from it.

The healing properties of ash allow it to be used in medicine.

Healing properties of ash

Ash has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound healing, diuretic properties. It has an analgesic, laxative effect on the human body. It is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, powders and medicinal teas. Compresses are made from a decoction of the leaves for the treatment of sciatica, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. A decoction of fresh, crushed leaves is used to treat wounds, bruises, and severe bruises. Such compresses quickly relieve pain, eliminate swelling and accelerate healing. With pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids make an infusion of crushed tree roots.

Ash preparations help get rid of worms, cure cough. Thanks to the rich chemical composition This plant is used to treat many diseases. Active ingredients: essential oils, coumarins, tannins, bitterness, resin, gum, flavonoids.

A decoction of ash roots is used to treat chronic respiratory diseases. In diseases of the kidneys, sciatica, dysentery and worms, a decoction of the leaves is used. The infusion helps to calm nervous system, relax, positive effect on sleep. A decoction of the tree bark effectively treats colds.

Tea from ash leaves has a diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid from the body. The powder from the seeds is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic. Infusion from the kidneys is used for gout, diseases Bladder and female diseases. A mixture of different parts plants are used for arthritis.

Despite numerous beneficial features, the common ash tree is poisonous plant therefore, it should be used with caution and only under medical supervision. Contraindicated in hypertension. In case of overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, poisoning occur.

For medicinal purposes, young leaves, bark, fruits, seeds, tree roots are collected.

The bark and leaves are harvested in early spring or early summer. Dried in the shade, at a temperature not exceeding -40°C. The roots are harvested in the spring. The fruits are in autumn.

Landing and care

Only strong plants are suitable for planting seedlings. It is impossible to plant weak or damaged seedlings, since there is little chance that they will take root. Before landing, choose the most suitable place. Ash is photophilous, so it is better to choose a site well lit by sunlight or semi-shaded. The tree can grow on any soil, but develops best on fertile, fertilized, moist, slightly acidic soil. When planting, it should be noted that its powerful roots grow strongly and form root offspring, they must immediately be cut at the very base.

Spring is the best time to plant. The distance between seedlings should be at least 5 m. When the plant is placed in a hole, the root is placed 20 cm above the soil level, because after planting the soil compacts and settles. Then the plant is abundantly watered with water. Regular watering is done in the next 4-6 days.

The tree is corrosive. When it appears, all trees are affected. Caterpillars penetrate into the buds and petioles of the leaves, after a few days they turn into shoots.

Ash fruits are affected by weevil - seed-eater. The larva lives inside the seeds. Dark small dots appear on the infected seed. In May, the beetles begin to eat the fruit.

Chemicals are used to control all insect pests.

If stored improperly, the fruits develop a moldy coating caused by certain types of fungi. To prevent it, the fruits are stored in a dry room, with an optimal humidity for them of no more than 12%.

In winter, seeds often serve as food for bullfinches and squirrels. Fallen fruits are eaten by rodents.

In the people, this tree is called "holly", "ash tree", "ash tree". Adjacent to elm, maple, but more often to oak. Watching the oak and ash in the spring, people remarked: "If the oak opens its leaves earlier, the summer will be dry."

The ancient Greeks believed that the juice of the leaves of this plant heals wounds from the bites of poisonous snakes. The juice of the branches was instilled into the eyes to improve vision and give them shine. A decoction of the fruit was used to enhance sexual desire. In Russia, the bark of the tree was used as an antimalarial and antifever remedy.

Ash was worshiped by many nations. It was called the "tree of knowledge", considered a symbol of wisdom and life. In Ukrainian folklore, he personifies suffering. In the mythology of the ancient Scandinavians, the forces of nature were presented in the form of a huge ash tree supporting the vault of heaven. In magic, he personifies good and evil. Has strong energy. Best time to communicate with the tree - the first half of the day.

In the 19th century, it was customary to use the word "ash" in the feminine gender.

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