Medicinal properties of moldy mushrooms mushroom mucor penicillin. Penicilli, aspergillus - mushrooms. Penicillium - structure, nutrition, reproduction, fungus, mycelium, mucor, mold

Penicilli rightfully occupy the first place in distribution among hyphomycetes. Their natural reservoir is the soil, and, being cosmopolitan in most species, unlike aspergillus, they are confined more to the soils of northern latitudes.

Like Aspergillus, they are most often found as molds, consisting mainly of conidiophores with conidia, on a wide variety of substrates, mainly of plant origin.

Representatives of this genus were discovered simultaneously with Aspergillus due to their generally similar ecology, wide distribution and morphological similarity.

The mycelium of penicillium in general does not differ from the mycelium of aspergillus. It is colorless, multicellular, branching. The main difference between these two closely related genera lies in the structure of the conidial apparatus. In penicilli, it is more diverse and is in the upper part a brush of varying degrees of complexity (hence its synonym "brush"). Based on the structure of the brush and some other characters (morphological and cultural), sections, subsections and series are established within the genus.

The simplest conidiophores in penicilli bear only a bundle of phialides at the upper end, forming chains of conidia developing basipetally, as in aspergillus. Such conidiophores are called monomerous or monoverticillate (section Monoverticillata, Fig. 231). A more complex brush consists of metulae, i.e., more or less long cells located at the top of the conidiophore, and on each of them there is a bundle, or whorl, of phialides. In this case, the metulae can be either in the form of a symmetrical bundle (Fig. 231), or in a small number, and then one of them, as it were, continues the main axis of the conidiophore, while the others are not symmetrically located on it (Fig. 231). In the first case, they are called symmetrical (section Biverticillata-symmetrica), in the second - asymmetric (section Aeumetrica). Asymmetric conidiophores can have an even more complex structure: the metulae then depart from the so-called branches (Fig. 231). And finally, in a few species, both twigs and metulae can be located not in one "floor", but in two, three or more. Then the brush turns out to be multi-storey, or multi-whorled (section Polyverticillata). In some species, conidiophores are combined into bundles - coremia, especially well developed in the subsection Asymmetrica-Fasciculata. When the coremia are predominant in a colony, they can be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes they are 1 cm high or more. If coremia is weakly expressed in a colony, then it has a powdery or granular surface, most often in the marginal zone.

Details of the structure of conidiophores (they are smooth or spiny, colorless or colored), the size of their parts can be different in different series and in different species, as well as the shape, structure of the shell and the size of mature conidia (Table 56).

As well as in Aspergillus, some penicilli have a higher sporulation - marsupial (sexual). Asci also develop in leistothecia, similar to Aspergillus cleistothecia. These fruiting bodies were first depicted in the work of O. Brefeld (1874).

It is interesting that in penicilli there is the same pattern that was noted for aspergillus, namely: the simpler the structure of the conidiophorous apparatus (tassels), the more species we find cleistothecia. Thus, they are most often found in sections Monoverticillata and Biverticillata-Symmetrica. The more complex the brush, the fewer species with cleistothecia occur in this group. Thus, in the subsection Asymmetrica-Fasciculata, which is characterized by especially powerful conidiophores united in coremia, there is not a single species with cleitothecia. From this we can conclude that the evolution of penicilli went in the direction of the complication of the conidial apparatus, the increasing production of conidia and the extinction of sexual reproduction. On this occasion, some considerations can be made. Since penicilli, like aspergilli, have heterokaryosis and a parasexual cycle, these features represent the basis on which new forms can arise that adapt to different environmental conditions and are able to conquer new living spaces for individuals of the species and ensure its prosperity. . In combination with the huge number of conidia that arise on the complex conidiophore (it is measured in tens of thousands), while the number of spores in the asci and in the leistothecia as a whole is incommensurably smaller, the total production of these new forms can be very high. Thus, the presence of a parasexual cycle and efficient formation of conidia, in essence, provides fungi with the benefit that the sexual process delivers to other organisms compared to asexual or vegetative reproduction.

In the colonies of many penicilli, as in Aspergillus, there are sclerotia, which apparently serve to endure unfavorable conditions.

Thus, the morphology, ontogeny, and other features of Aspergillus and Penicilli have much in common, which suggests their phylogenetic closeness. Some penicilli from the section Monoverticillata have a strongly dilated apex of the conidiophore, resembling the swelling of the Aspergillus conidiophore, and, like Aspergillus, are more common in southern latitudes. Therefore, one can imagine the relationship between these two genera and the evolution within these genera as follows:

Attention to penicilli increased when they were first discovered to form the antibiotic penicillin. Then, scientists of various specialties joined the study of penicillins: bacteriologists, pharmacologists, physicians, chemists, etc. This is quite understandable, since the discovery of penicillin was one of the outstanding events not only in biology, but also in a number of other areas, especially in medicine , veterinary medicine, phytopathology, where antibiotics then found the widest application. Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered. The widespread recognition and use of penicillin played a big role in science, as it accelerated the discovery and introduction of other antibiotic substances into medical practice.

The healing properties of molds formed by penicillium colonies were first noted by Russian scientists V. A. Manassein and A. G. Polotebnov back in the 70s of the last century. They used these molds to treat skin diseases and syphilis.

In 1928 in England, Professor A. Fleming drew attention to one of the cups with a nutrient medium, on which the bacterium staphylococcus was sown. A colony of bacteria stopped growing under the influence of blue-green mold that got from the air and developed in the same cup. Fleming isolated the fungus in pure culture (which turned out to be Penicillium notatum) and demonstrated its ability to produce a bacteriostatic substance, which he named penicillin. Fleming recommended the use of this substance and noted that it could be used in medicine. However, the significance of penicillin became fully apparent only in 1941. Flory, Chain and others described the methods for obtaining, purifying penicillin and the results of the first clinical trials of this drug. After that, a program of further research was outlined, including the search for more suitable media and methods for cultivating fungi and obtaining more productive strains. It can be considered that the history of scientific selection of microorganisms began with the work on increasing the productivity of penicilli.

Back in 1942-1943. it was found that the ability to produce a large amount of penicillin also have some strains of another species - P. chrysogenum (Table 57). Active strains were isolated in the USSR in 1942 by Professor 3. V. Ermolyeva and co-workers. Many productive strains have also been isolated abroad.

Initially, penicillin was obtained using strains isolated from various natural sources. These were strains of P. notaturn and P. chrysogenum. Then, isolates were selected that gave a higher yield of penicillin, first under surface and then immersed culture in special fermenter vats. A mutant Q-176 was obtained, which is characterized by even higher productivity, which was used for the industrial production of penicillin. In the future, on the basis of this strain, even more active variants were selected. Work on obtaining active strains is ongoing. Highly productive strains are obtained mainly with the help of potent factors (X-ray and ultraviolet rays, chemical mutagens).

The medicinal properties of penicillin are very diverse. It acts on pyogenic cocci, gonococci, anaerobic bacteria that cause gas gangrene, in cases of various abscesses, carbuncles, wound infections, osteomyelitis, meningitis, peritonitis, endocarditis and makes it possible to save the life of patients when other medical drugs (in particular, sulfa drugs) are powerless .

In 1946, it was possible to carry out the synthesis of penicillin, which was identical to the natural, obtained biologically. However, the modern penicillin industry is based on biosynthesis, since it makes it possible to mass-produce a cheap drug.

Of the section Monoverticillata, whose representatives are more common in more southern regions, the most common is Penicillium frequentans. It forms widely growing velvety green colonies with a reddish-brown underside on a nutrient medium. Chains of conidia on one conidiophore are usually connected in long columns, clearly visible at low magnification of the microscope. P. frequentans produces the enzymes pectinase, which is used to clear fruit juices, and proteinase. At low acidity of the environment, this fungus, like P. spinulosum, close to it, forms gluconic acid, and at higher acidity, citric acid.

P. thomii (Tables 56, 57) is usually isolated from forest soils and litter, mainly from coniferous forests in different parts of the world, easily distinguishable from other penicilli of the section Monoverticillata by the presence of pink sclerotia. Strains of this species are highly active in the destruction of tannin, and they also form penicillic acid, an antibiotic that acts on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, actinomycetes, and some plants and animals.


Many species from the same section Monoverticillata were isolated from items of military equipment, from optical instruments and other materials in subtropical and tropic conditions.

Since 1940, in Asian countries, especially in Japan and China, a serious disease of people called poisoning from yellow rice has been known. It is characterized by severe damage to the central nervous system, motor nerves, disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. The cause of the disease was the fungus P. citreo-viride, which secretes the toxin citreoviridin. In this regard, it was suggested that when people get beriberi, along with beriberi, acute mycotoxicosis also occurs.

Representatives of the Biverticillata-symmetrica section are of no less importance. They are isolated from various soils, from plant substrates and industrial products in the subtropics and tropics.

Many of the fungi in this section are distinguished by the bright color of the colonies and secrete pigments that diffuse into the environment and color it. With the development of these fungi on paper and paper products, on books, art objects, awnings, car upholstery, colored spots form. One of the main mushrooms on paper and books is P. purpurogenum. Its wide-growing velvety yellowish-green colonies are framed by a yellow border of growing mycelium, and the reverse side of the colony has a purple-red color. The red pigment is also released into the environment.

Particularly widespread and important among penicilli are representatives of the section Asymmetrica.

We have already mentioned the producers of penicillin - P. chrysogenum and P. notatum. They are found in soil and on various organic substrates. Macroscopically, their colonies are similar. They are green in color, and, like all species of the P. chrysogenum series, they are characterized by the release of yellow exudate and the same pigment into the medium on the surface of the colony (Table 57).

It can be added that both of these species, together with penicillin, often form ergosterol.

The penicilli from the P. roqueforti series are of great importance. They live in the soil, but predominate in the group of cheeses characterized by "marbling". This is Roquefort cheese, which is native to France; cheese "Gorgonzola" from Northern Italy, cheese "Stiltosh" from England, etc. All these cheeses are characterized by a loose structure, a specific appearance (streaks and spots of bluish-green color) and a characteristic aroma. The fact is that the corresponding cultures of mushrooms are used at a certain point in the process of making cheeses. P. roqueforti and related species are able to grow in loosely pressed cottage cheese because they tolerate low oxygen content well (in the mixture of gases formed in the voids of the cheese, it contains less than 5%). In addition, they are resistant to high salt concentration in an acidic environment and form lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes that act on the fat and protein components of milk. Currently, selected strains of fungi are used in the process of making these cheeses.

From soft French cheeses - Camembert, Brie, etc. - P. camamberti and R. caseicolum were isolated. Both of these species have so long and so adapted to their specific substrate that they are almost not distinguished from other sources. At the final stage of the production of Camembert or Brie cheeses, the curd mass is placed for maturation in a special chamber with a temperature of 13-14 ° C and a humidity of 55-60%, the air of which contains spores of the corresponding fungi. Within a week, the entire surface of the cheese is covered with a fluffy white coating of mold 1-2 mm thick. Within about ten days, the mold becomes bluish or greenish-gray in the case of P. camamberti, or remains white with the predominant development of P. caseicolum. The mass of cheese under the influence of fungal enzymes acquires juiciness, oiliness, specific taste and aroma.

P. digitatum releases ethylene, which causes faster ripening of healthy citrus fruits in the vicinity of fruits affected by this fungus.

P. italicum is a blue-green mold that causes soft rot in citrus fruits. This fungus affects oranges and grapefruits more often than lemons, while P. digitatum develops with equal success on lemons, oranges and grapefruits. With the intensive development of P. italicum, the fruits quickly lose their shape and become covered with slime spots.

Conidiophores of P. italicum often coalesce in coremia, and then the mold coating becomes granular. Both mushrooms have a pleasant aromatic smell.

In the soil and on various substrates (grain, bread, manufactured goods, etc.), P. expansum is often found (Table 58). But it is especially known as the cause of the rapidly developing soft brown rot of apples. The loss of apples from this fungus during storage is sometimes 85-90%. Conidiophores of this species also form coremia. Masses of its spores present in the air can cause allergic diseases.

Some types of coremial penicilli bring great harm to floriculture. P. coutbiferum stands out from the bulbs of tulips in Holland, hyacinths and daffodils in Denmark. The pathogenicity of P. gladioli for gladiolus bulbs and, apparently, for other plants with bulbs or fleshy roots, has also been established.

Among the coremial fungi, penicilli from the P. cyclopium series are of great importance. They are widely distributed in the soil and on organic substrates, are often isolated from grain and grain products, from industrial products in different areas of the globe and are distinguished by high and diverse activity.

P. cyclopium (Fig. 232) is one of the most powerful toxin-producing soils.

Some penicilli of the section Asymmetrica (P. nigricans) form the antifungal antibiotic griseofulvin, which has shown good results in the fight against some plant diseases. It can be used to combat fungi that cause diseases of the skin and hair follicles in humans and animals.

Apparently, the representatives of the section Asymmetrica turn out to be the most prosperous in natural conditions. They have a wider ecological amplitude than other penicilli, tolerate lower temperatures better than others (P. puberulum, for example, can form mold on meat in refrigerators) and relatively lower oxygen content. Many of them are found in the soil not only in the surface layers, but also at a considerable depth, especially coremial forms. Some species, such as P. chrysogenum, have very wide temperature limits (from -4 to +33 °C).

Marsupials are a large and diverse group that make up the department Ascomycota in the kingdom of Fungi. The main feature of A. is the formation, as a result of karyogamy (nucleus fusion) and subsequent meiosis, of sexual spores (ascospores) in special structures - bags, ... ... Dictionary of microbiology

Deuteromycetes, or imperfect fungi, along with ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, represent one of the largest classes of fungi (it contains about 30% of all known species). This class combines mushrooms with septate mycelium, all life ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

In the entire history of mankind, there was no medicine that would save as many people from death as penicillin. It got its name from its progenitor, the fungus Penicillium, which floats in the air in the form of spores. We tell what happened in Fleming's laboratory and how events developed further.

Homeland - England

Humanity owes the discovery of penicillin to the Scottish biochemist Alexander Fleming. Although, of course, the fact that Fleming came across the properties of mold was natural. He went to this discovery for years.

During the First World War, Fleming served as a military doctor and could not come to terms with the fact that the wounded after a successful operation still died - from the onset of gangrene or sepsis. Fleming began to look for a means to prevent such injustice.

In 1918, Fleming returned to London to the bacteriological laboratory of St. Mary's Hospital, where he worked from 1906 until his death. In 1922 came the first success, very similar to the story that led to the discovery of penicillin six years later.

A cold Fleming, who had just placed another culture of Micrococcus lysodeicticus bacteria in the so-called Petri dish, a wide glass cylinder with low walls and a lid, suddenly sneezed. A few days later, he opened the cup and found that the bacteria had died in some places. Apparently - in those where the mucus from his nose got when he sneezed.

Fleming began to check. And as a result, lysozyme was discovered - a natural enzyme in the mucus of humans, animals and, as it turned out later, some plants. It destroys the walls of bacteria and dissolves them, but it is harmless to healthy tissues. It is no coincidence that dogs lick their wounds - this way they reduce the risk of inflammation.

After each experiment, Petri dishes were supposed to be sterilized. Fleming, on the other hand, did not have the habit of throwing away cultures and washing laboratory glassware immediately after the experiment. Usually he was engaged in this unpleasant work when two or three dozen cups accumulated on the work table. First, he examined the cups.

“As soon as you open a cup of culture, you are in for trouble,” Fleming recalled. “Something will definitely come out of the air.” And one day, when he was researching influenza, a mold was found in one of the Petri dishes, which, to the scientist’s surprise, dissolved the seeded culture - colonies of Staphylococcus aureus, and instead of a yellow cloudy mass, drops similar to dew were seen.

To test his hypothesis about the bactericidal effect of mold, Fleming transplanted a few spores from his bowl into a nutrient broth in a flask and left them to germinate at room temperature.

The surface was covered with a thick felt corrugated mass. It was originally white, then turned green, and finally turned black. At first, the broth remained clear. A few days later, he acquired a very intense yellow color, having developed some special substance that Fleming could not get in its pure form, since it turned out to be very unstable. Fleming called the yellow substance secreted by the fungus penicillin.

It turned out that even when diluted by 500-800 times, the culture liquid inhibited the growth of staphylococci and some other bacteria. Thus, an exceptionally strong antagonistic effect of this type of fungus on certain bacteria has been proven.

It was found that penicillin suppressed to a greater or lesser extent the growth of not only staphylococci, but also streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus and anthrax bacilli, but did not act on Escherichia coli, typhoid bacillus and pathogens of influenza, paratyphoid, cholera. An extremely important discovery was the absence of a harmful effect of penicillin on human leukocytes, even at doses many times higher than the dose that is detrimental to staphylococci. This meant that penicillin was harmless to humans.

Production - America

The next step was taken in 1938 by Oxford University professor, pathologist and biochemist Howard Flory, who brought Ernst Boris Cheyne on board. Cheyne graduated in chemistry in Germany. When the Nazis came to power, Cheyne, being a Jew and a supporter of the left, emigrated to England.

Ernst Chain continued Fleming's research. He was able to obtain crude penicillin in quantities sufficient for the first biological tests, first on animals, and then in the clinic. After a year of agonizing experiments to isolate and purify the product of capricious mushrooms, the first 100 mg of pure penicillin was obtained. The first patient (a policeman with blood poisoning) could not be saved - there was not enough accumulated stock of penicillin. The antibiotic was rapidly excreted by the kidneys.

Chain attracted other specialists to work: bacteriologists, chemists, doctors. The so-called Oxford Group was formed.

By this time, World War II had begun. In the summer of 1940, Britain was in danger of being invaded. The Oxford group decides to hide the mold spores by soaking the broth in the linings of their jackets and pockets. Cheyne said: "If I am killed, the first thing to do is grab my jacket." In 1941, for the first time in history, a 15-year-old teenager was saved from death with blood poisoning.

However, in warring England, it was not possible to establish mass production of penicillin. In the summer of 1941, the head of the group, pharmacologist Howard Flory, went to improve the technology in the United States. On the extract of American corn, the yield of penicillin increased 20 times. Then they decided to look for new strains of mold, more productive than Penicillium notatum, which had once flown in Fleming's window. Mold samples from all over the world began to be sent to the American laboratory. They hired a girl, Mary Hunt, who bought all the moldy products in the market. And one day, Moldy Mary brings a rotten melon from the market, in which they find a productive strain of P. chrysogenum.

By this time, Flory managed to convince the American government and industrialists of the need to produce the first antibiotic. In 1943, industrial production of penicillin began for the first time. The technology for the mass production of penicillin, which immediately received a second name - "the drug of the century", was transferred to the enterprises of Pfizer and Merck. In 1945, the production of pharmacopoeial penicillin of high activity was 15 tons per year, in 1950 - 195 tons.

In 1941, the USSR received secret information that a powerful antimicrobial drug was being created in England based on some type of fungus of the genus Penicillium. In the Soviet Union, work began immediately in this direction, and already in 1942, the Soviet microbiologist Zinaida Yermolyeva obtained penicillin from the mold Penicillium Crustosum, taken from the wall of one of the bomb shelters in Moscow. In 1944, Ermolyeva, after much observation and research, decided to test her drug on the wounded. Her penicillin was a miracle for field doctors and a saving chance for many wounded soldiers.

Undoubtedly, the discovery and work of Yermolyeva is no less significant than the work of Flory and Cheyne. They saved many lives and made it possible to produce penicillin, so necessary for the front. However, the Soviet drug was obtained in an artisanal way in quantities that did not at all correspond to the needs of domestic health care.

In 1947, a semi-factory plant was created at the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute (VNIHFI). This technology, on an enlarged scale, formed the basis of the first penicillin plants built in Moscow and Riga. This produced a yellow amorphous product of low activity, which also caused fever in patients. At the same time, penicillin, which came from abroad, did not give side effects.

The USSR could not buy the technologies for the industrial production of penicillin: in the USA there was a ban on the sale of any technologies related to it. However, Ernst Chain, the author and owner of an English patent for obtaining penicillin of the required quality, offered his help to the Soviet Union. In September 1948, the commission of Soviet scientists, having completed their work, returned to their homeland. The results were formalized in the form of industrial regulations and successfully introduced into production at one of the Moscow factories.

At the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ceremony that Fleming, Florey, and Chain received for their discovery of penicillin and its curative effects, Fleming said: “They say I invented penicillin. But no man could invent it, because this substance was created by nature. I didn't invent penicillin, I just drew people's attention to it and gave it a name."

Comment on the article "Penicillin: how Fleming's discovery turned into an antibiotic"

And now, many years later, penicillins are produced in various forms and combinations, they are used to treat bacterial infections in pregnant women, which is very important. Without antibiotics in the modern world anywhere.

Total 1 message .

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Penicillium Link, 1809

(lat. Penicillium) - a fungus that forms on food and, as a result, spoils them. Penicillium notatum, one of the species of this genus, is the source of the first ever antibiotic penicillin, invented by Alexander Fleming.

  • 1 Opening penicillium
  • 2 Reproduction and structure of the penicillium
  • 3 Origin of the term
  • 4 See also
  • 5 Links

Opening penicillium

In 1897, a young military doctor from Lyon named Ernest Duchene made a "discovery" by observing how Arab groom boys used mold from still damp saddles to treat wounds on the backs of horses rubbed with these same saddles. Duchene carefully examined the mold taken, identified it as Penicillium glaucum, tested it on guinea pigs for the treatment of typhoid and found its destructive effect on Escherichia coli bacteria. It was the first ever clinical trial of what would soon become world famous penicillin.

The young man presented the results of his research in the form of a doctoral dissertation, persistently offering to continue work in this area, but the Pasteur Institute in Paris did not even bother to confirm receipt of the document - apparently because Duchenne was only twenty-three years old.

Well-deserved fame came to Duchenne after his death, in 1949 - 4 years after Sir Alexander Flemming was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery (for the third time) of the antibiotic effect of penicillium.

Reproduction and structure of the penicillium

The natural habitat of the penicillium is the soil. Penicillium can often be seen as a green or blue moldy coating on a variety of substrates, mostly vegetable. The fungus penicillium has a similar structure to aspergillus, also related to mold fungi. The vegetative mycelium of the penicilla is branching, transparent and consists of many cells. The difference between penicillium and mucor is that its mycelium is multicellular, while that of mucor is unicellular. The hyphae of the fungus penicilla are either immersed in the substrate or located on its surface. Erect or ascending conidiophores depart from the hyphae. These formations branch in the upper section and form brushes carrying chains of unicellular colored spores - conidia. Penicillium brushes can be of several types: single-tier, two-tier, three-tier and asymmetrical. In some species of penicilla, conidium conidia form bundles - coremia. Reproduction of penicillium occurs with the help of spores.

Origin of the term

The term penicillium was coined by Flemming in 1929. By a lucky coincidence, which was the result of a combination of circumstances, the scientist drew attention to the antibacterial properties of the mold, which he identified as Penicillium rubrum. As it turned out, Flemming's definition was wrong. Only many years later, Charles Tom corrected his assessment and gave the fungus the correct name - Penicillum notatum.

This mold was originally called Penicillium due to the fact that under a microscope its spore-bearing legs looked like tiny brushes.

see also

  • Penicillium camemberti
  • Penicillium funiculosum
  • Penicillium roqueforti


penicillamine, penicillin, penicillin gezh yu ve, penicillin instruction, penicillin history, penicillin discovery, penicillin formula, penicillin series, 5th generation penicillins, penicillins bulgiin

Penicill Information About

Penicillium is a fungus. Penicillium is a genus of fungi, that is, penicilli include many different species, but similar to each other.

Often, penicillium can be observed as a bluish moldy coating on plant foods. However, the preferred habitat of this fungus is the soil, especially in the temperate climate zone. The mycelium of the fungus can be both in the substrate and on its surface. In the first case, only the spore-bearing filaments of the penicillium are visible on the surface.

Unlike mukor, in which the mycelium is one huge multinucleated cell, in penicillium, the mycelium (mycelium) is multicellular. The filaments (hyphae) of the penicilla consist of a chain of individual cells. The hyphae are branching.

Reproduction of the penicillium is carried out by spores, which are formed at the ends of the threads, which look like a brush. Such threads, bearing brushes at their ends, are called conidiophores. The brushes themselves are called conidia.

They consist of chains of maturing spores.

The drug penicillin is obtained from penicillin. This is an antibiotic, i.e. a substance that kills bacteria. If a person is infected with a bacterial disease, then penicillin can help treat it.


Penicillium Link, 1809

Penicillium(lat. Penicillium) - a fungus that forms on food and, as a result, spoils them. Penicillium notatum, one of the species of this genus, is the source of the first ever antibiotic penicillin, invented by Alexander Fleming.

  • 1 Opening penicillium
  • 2 Reproduction and structure of the penicillium
  • 3 Origin of the term
  • 4 See also
  • 5 Links

Opening penicillium

In 1897, a young military doctor from Lyon named Ernest Duchene made a "discovery" by observing how Arab groom boys used mold from still damp saddles to treat wounds on the backs of horses rubbed with these same saddles. Duchene carefully examined the mold taken, identified it as Penicillium glaucum, tested it on guinea pigs for the treatment of typhoid and found its destructive effect on Escherichia coli bacteria.

It was the first ever clinical trial of what would soon become world famous penicillin.

The young man presented the results of his research in the form of a doctoral dissertation, persistently offering to continue work in this area, but the Pasteur Institute in Paris did not even bother to confirm receipt of the document - apparently because Duchenne was only twenty-three years old.

Well-deserved fame came to Duchenne after his death, in 1949 - 4 years after Sir Alexander Flemming was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery (for the third time) of the antibiotic effect of penicillium.

Reproduction and structure of the penicillium

The natural habitat of the penicillium is the soil. Penicillium can often be seen as a green or blue moldy coating on a variety of substrates, mostly vegetable. The fungus penicillium has a similar structure to aspergillus, also related to mold fungi. The vegetative mycelium of the penicilla is branching, transparent and consists of many cells. The difference between penicillium and mucor is that its mycelium is multicellular, while that of mucor is unicellular. The hyphae of the fungus penicilla are either immersed in the substrate or located on its surface. Erect or ascending conidiophores depart from the hyphae. These formations branch in the upper section and form brushes carrying chains of unicellular colored spores - conidia. Penicillium brushes can be of several types: single-tier, two-tier, three-tier and asymmetrical. In some species of penicilla, conidium conidia form bundles - coremia. Reproduction of penicillium occurs with the help of spores.

Origin of the term

The term penicillium was coined by Flemming in 1929. By a lucky coincidence, which was the result of a combination of circumstances, the scientist drew attention to the antibacterial properties of the mold, which he identified as Penicillium rubrum. As it turned out, Flemming's definition was wrong. Only many years later, Charles Tom corrected his assessment and gave the fungus the correct name - Penicillum notatum.

This mold was originally called Penicillium due to the fact that under a microscope its spore-bearing legs looked like tiny brushes.

see also

  • Penicillium camemberti
  • Penicillium funiculosum
  • Penicillium roqueforti


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Molds from the genus Penicillium are plants that are very widespread in nature. This is a genus of fungi of the imperfect class, numbering more than 250 species. Of particular importance is the green brush mold - golden penicillium, as it is used by humans to produce penicillin.

The natural habitat of penicillium is the soil. Penicilli can often be seen as a green or blue moldy coating on a variety of substrates, mostly vegetable. The fungus penicillium has a similar structure to aspergillus, also related to mold fungi. The vegetative mycelium of the penicilla is branching, transparent and consists of many cells. The difference between penicillium and mucor is that its mycelium is multicellular, while that of mucor is unicellular. The hyphae of the fungus penicilla are either immersed in the substrate or located on its surface. Erect or ascending conidiophores depart from the hyphae.

These formations branch in the upper section and form brushes carrying chains of unicellular colored spores - conidia. Penicillium brushes can be of several types: single-tier, two-tier, three-tier and asymmetrical. In some species of penicillium, conidia form bundles - coremia. Reproduction of penicillium occurs with the help of spores.

Many of the penicillins have positive qualities for humans. They produce enzymes, antibiotics, which leads to their widespread use in the pharmaceutical and food industries. So, the antibacterial drug penicillin is obtained using Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium notatum. The production of an antibiotic occurs in several stages. First, the culture of the fungus is obtained on nutrient media with the addition of corn extract for better production of penicillin. Then penicillin is grown by the method of immersed cultures in special fermenters with a volume of several thousand liters. After removing penicillin from the culture liquid, it is treated with organic solvents and salt solutions to obtain the final product - sodium or potassium salt of penicillin.

Molds from the genus Penicillium are plants that are very widespread in nature. This is a genus of fungi of the imperfect class, numbering more than 250 species. Of particular importance is the green racemose mold - golden penicillium, as it is used by humans to produce penicillin.

The natural habitat of penicillium is the soil. Penicilli can often be seen as a green or blue moldy coating on a variety of substrates, mostly vegetable. The fungus penicillium has a similar structure to aspergillus, also related to mold fungi. The vegetative mycelium of the penicilla is branching, transparent and consists of many cells. The difference between penicillium and mucor is that its mycelium is multicellular, while that of mucor is unicellular. The hyphae of the fungus penicilla are either immersed in the substrate or located on its surface. Erect or ascending conidiophores depart from the hyphae. These formations branch in the upper section and form brushes carrying chains of unicellular colored spores - conidia. Penicillium brushes can be of several types: single-tier, two-tier, three-tier and asymmetrical. In some types of penicillium, conidia form bundles - coremia.

Penicillium - structure, nutrition, reproduction, fungus, mycelium, mucor, mold

Reproduction of penicillium occurs with the help of spores.

Many of the penicillins have positive qualities for humans. They produce enzymes, antibiotics, which leads to their widespread use in the pharmaceutical and food industries. So, the antibacterial drug penicillin is obtained using Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium notatum. The production of an antibiotic occurs in several stages. First, the culture of the fungus is obtained on nutrient media with the addition of corn extract for better production of penicillin. Then penicillin is grown by the method of immersed cultures in special fermenters with a volume of several thousand liters. After removing penicillin from the culture liquid, it is treated with organic solvents and salt solutions to obtain the final product - sodium or potassium salt of penicillin.

Also, fungi from the genus Penicillium are widely used in cheese making, in particular, Penicillium camemberti, Penicillium Roquefort. These molds are used in the manufacture of "marble" cheeses, for example, Roquefort, Gorntsgola, Stiltosh. All of these types of cheeses have a loose structure, as well as a characteristic appearance and smell. Penicillin cultures are used at a certain stage in the manufacture of the product. So, in the production of Roquefort cheese, a selection strain of the fungus Penicillium Roquefort is used, which can develop in loosely pressed cottage cheese, as it tolerates low oxygen concentrations well, and is also resistant to high salt content in an acidic environment. Penicillium secretes proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes that affect milk proteins and fats. Cheese under the influence of mold fungi acquires oiliness, friability, a characteristic pleasant taste and smell.

Currently, scientists are conducting further research work on the study of penicillin metabolic products, so that in the future they can be used in practice in various sectors of the economy.

The lecture was added on 08.12.2012 at 04:25:37


Mushroom penicillium: structure, properties, application

The mold fungus penicillium is a plant that has become widespread in nature. It belongs to the imperfect class. At the moment, there are more than 250 of its varieties. Golden pinicillium, otherwise racemose green mold, has a special meaning. This variety is used for the manufacture of medicines. "Penicillin" based on this fungus allows you to overcome many bacteria.


Penicillium is a multicellular fungus for which the soil is a natural habitat. Very often this plant can be seen in the form of a blue or green mold. It grows on all kinds of substrates. However, it is most often found on the surface of vegetable mixtures.

The structure of the fungus

As for the structure, the penicillium fungus is very similar to aspergillus, which also belongs to the moldy fungus family. The vegetative mycelium of this plant is transparent and branching. It usually consists of a large number of cells. The fungus penicillium differs from mukor in its mycelium. He is multicellular. As for the mycelium of mucor, it is unicellular.

Penicillium vultures are either located on the surface of the substrate or penetrate into it. Elevating and erect conidiophores depart from this part of the fungus. Such formations, as a rule, branch in the upper part and form brushes that carry colored unicellular pores. These are conidia. Plant brushes, in turn, can be of several types:

  • asymmetrical;
  • three-tier;
  • bunk;
  • single-tier.

A certain type of penicilla forms bundles of conidia called coremia. The reproduction of the fungus is carried out by the spread of spores.

Is it harming a person

Many believe that penicillium fungi are bacteria. However, this is not the case. Some varieties of this plant have pathogenic properties with respect to animals and humans. Most of the damage is done when the fungus infects agricultural and food products, multiplying intensively inside them. If stored incorrectly, penicillium infects feed. If you feed it to animals, then their death is not ruled out. After all, a large amount of toxic substances accumulate inside such feed, which negatively affect the state of health.

Application in the pharmaceutical industry

Could Penicillium Mushroom Be Helpful? Bacteria that cause certain viral diseases are not resistant to antibiotics made from molds. Some varieties of these plants are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to their ability to produce enzymes. The drug "Penicillin", which fights many types of bacteria, is obtained from Penicillium notatum and Penicillium chrysogenum.

It is worth noting that the manufacture of this drug occurs in several stages. For starters, the fungus is grown. For this, corn extract is used. This substance allows you to get the best production of penicillin. After that, the fungus is grown by immersing the culture in a special fermenter. Its volume is several thousand liters. Plants are actively growing there.

After extraction from the liquid medium, the fungus penicillium undergoes additional processing. At this stage of production, salt solutions and organic solvents are used. Such substances make it possible to obtain end products: potassium and sodium salt of penicillin.

Molds and the food industry

Due to some properties, penicillium fungus is widely used in the food industry. Certain varieties of this plant are used in cheese making. As a rule, these are Penicillium Roquefort and Penicillium camemberti. These types of mold are used in the manufacture of cheeses such as Stiltosh, Gorntsgola, Roquefort and so on. This "marble" product has a loose structure. For cheeses of this variety is characterized by a specific aroma and appearance.

It should be noted that the culture of penicillium is used at a certain stage in the manufacture of such products. For example, the mold strain Penicillium Roquefort is used to produce Roquefort cheese. This type of fungus can multiply even in loosely pressed curd mass. This mold perfectly tolerates low oxygen concentrations. In addition, the fungus is resistant to high levels of salts in an acidic environment.

Penicillium is able to release lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes that affect milk fats and proteins. Under the influence of these substances, the cheese acquires friability, oiliness, as well as a specific aroma and taste.

In conclusion

The properties of the fungus penicilla have not yet been fully studied. Scientists regularly conduct new research. This allows you to reveal new properties of the mold. Such work allows you to study the products of metabolism. In the future, this will allow the use of penicillium fungus in practice.

mold mushrooms

  • mold mushrooms develop saprotrophically in the soil, on moistened products, fruits and vegetables, on animal and plant residues, forming fluffy or cobweb plaques (mold) of gray, green, black, and bluish color. Molds are found among zygomycetes (for example, mukor), marsupials and imperfect fungi.

Mukor. Class Zygomycetes.

  • Mukor. Class Zygomycetes.

  • The mycelium is unseptate, branching, multinucleated (the nuclei contain a haploid set of chromosomes), looking like a white mold.

  • Forms numerous vertical sporangiophores with sporangia. in sporangia endogenously up to 10 thousand multinuclear spores are formed.

  • Once in suitable conditions, the spores germinate and give rise to a new mucor mycelium. This is how asexual reproduction of mucor occurs.

  • When the substrate is depleted, mucor passes to sexual reproduction by the type of zygoogamy (gametangiogamy).

Genus Penicillium ( Penicillium) HyphomycetalesDeuteromycota)..

  • Genus Penicillium ( Penicillium) belongs to the order Hyphomycetes ( Hyphomycetales) from the class of imperfect mushrooms ( Deuteromycota)..

  • Its mycelium consists of branched filaments separated by septa into cells, and sporulation resembles a brush, hence its name "bunch". conidiophores chains of conidia are formed, with the help of which the penicillium multiplies. This fungus is found in the form of mold (green, gray, blue) on soil and plant products (on fruits, vegetables, jam, tomato paste, etc.). Some types of penicillium are used to prepare penicillin, one of the most well-known antibiotics.


  • Penicilli

  • Genus Penicillium ( Penicillium) belongs to the order Hyphomycetes ( Hyphomycetales) from the class of imperfect mushrooms ( Deuteromycota)..

  • Even in the XV-XVI centuries. in folk medicine, green mold was used in the treatment of purulent wounds. In 1928, the English microbiologist Alexander Fleming noticed that penicillium, accidentally introduced into a staphylococcus culture, completely suppressed the growth of bacteria. These observations of Fleming formed the basis of the doctrine of antibiosis (antagonism between individual types of microorganisms). L. Pasteur, I.I. Mechnikov.

penicillin G.Flory and E.Chain,

  • The antimicrobial effect of green mold is due to a special substance - penicillin released by this fungus into the environment. In 1940, penicillin was obtained in its pure form by English researchers. G.Flory and E.Chain,

  • and in 1942, independently of them, by Soviet scientists Z.V. Ermolyeva and T.I. Balezina. During World War II, penicillin saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of wounded.


  • Penicillin used for pneumonia, sepsis, pustular skin diseases, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, rheumatism, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases caused by gram-positive bacteria.

  • But green molds are successfully used not only in medicine. Of great importance are penicilli of the species P.roqueforti. In nature, they live in the soil and in the preparation of cheeses characterized by “marbling”: Roquefort, whose homeland is France, Gorgonzola cheese from Northern Italy, Stilon cheese from England, etc. In the preparation of soft French Camembert cheeses , "Brie" and some others are used P. camamberti and P.caseicolum,

Wide application in biotechnology got the ability A.niger a.niger, able to synthesize

  • Wide application in biotechnology got the ability A.niger and other species of this group to formation of citric, oxalic, gluconic, fumaric acids . In addition to the organic acids of Aspergillus, and in particular a.niger, able to synthesize vitamins: biotin, thiamine, riboflavin, etc.

Unicellular fungi

  • Unicellular fungi do not have mycelium and are immobile oval-shaped cells 2-10 microns in size with one nucleus.

  • Yeast breeds budding or division. They also have a sexual process that occurs in the form of copulation of two cells. The resulting zygote turns into a bag with BUT-8 spores.

  • Of greatest practical importance are baker's yeast, represented by several hundred races - wine, beer, bakery, etc. They are used in brewing, baking, and the production of alcohol. Wine yeast occurs naturally on the surface of fruits (e.g. grapes), in the nectar of flowers, in the exudates of trees, and is used in winemaking.


  • Application.

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