Valery Leontiev's wife came to Russia for the first time. Long relationship Valery Leontiev Leontiev Valery personal life family children

Valery Leontiev, born in 1949, comes from a cross-cultural family living in Komi. His parents, Pomor and Ukrainian by nationality, were professionally engaged in reindeer herding and veterinary medicine. Valery abruptly changed his fate, deciding to succeed in the musical field that was interesting to him. Today everyone knows the artist as one of the brightest performers of the USSR and representatives show business modern Russia. For his activities, Leontiev was awarded many honorary awards and prizes, such as the Order of Honor and Friendship, the Golden Gramophone Award.

The future artist was married only once, and his marriage has survived to the present. Leontiev's chosen one was the bass player from the group musical accompaniment his concerts Lyudmila Isakovich. Their love did not happen immediately, it was formed from a long creative friendship and was based on Lyudmila's admiration for the singer's talent. Lyudmila since 1997 has become civil wife Valeria Leontieva, their couple did not feel the need for formalization relations.

For a long time, the couple traveled with concerts around the country of the Soviets and abroad. But along with the revolution, there were changes in the personal life of the artist. Lyudmila, during a concert in the USA, told her husband about her desire to stay in this country and start new life. Valery supported the initiative of his beloved woman, was able to give her several thousand dollars - the entire amount of the earned fee, and was forced to return to his homeland. Since that time, the couple have gone to different parts of the world, continuing to love each other and visit at the first opportunity.

Today Leontiev proudly talks about Lyudmila, her volitional qualities and the ability to make your own way in life. Left in a foreign country without support, she independently came up with her own business, developed it and is now a wealthy lady living in Miami. Ludmila is a professional groomer. She is a dog groomer and is considered a high-class specialist who is approached by the most elite clients.

During living together The couple did not have time to have children. Currently, there are rumors about Leontiev's desire, resorting to the services surrogacy, give birth to its continuation. Lyudmila, accustomed to supporting her star husband in everything, tells the journalists that, in the event of the birth of a son, she will accept the child and will love the child just like Valery.
It remains only to wish happiness to the family that managed to keep love through distance, time and life's difficulties.

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich

He always surprised with his appearance and unique manner of performance. It has always been difficult to get tickets for his concerts, and the number of his fans is incalculable. The attention of women was sometimes not only pleasant, but also intrusive. He did not particularly spread about his personal life, which allowed especially zealous ladies to come to him with their children and declare him a father. Next to him for a long time was a woman who became for him not just a wife, but also a friend. Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich have been together for more than 40 years, despite the occasional rumors about their next breakup.

creative acquaintance

Valery Leontiev in his youth.

Their first meeting took place in Vorkuta, but it was so fleeting that it left no trace, except for memories of a pleasant acquaintance. The second time they saw each other was at the Syktyvkar airport, when Valery Leontiev and a group of performers from the Syktyvkar Philharmonic returned from training at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art. They returned with a bunch of things, among which was the singer's huge pink basin. He did not part with this trough during his trips and tours, because he had to live on tour in completely unsuitable conditions, but in the evening he had to go to the concert in his normal form.

Lyudmila Isakovich was also in the group of those who were meeting at the gangway of the plane, looking in bewilderment at an incomprehensible young man with a huge basin in his hands. A little later, she still recognized him as her old friend.

Lyudmila Isakovich in his youth

Soon the young people became very close, Lyudmila even managed to persuade Valery to become a member of the Echo ensemble, which she led at that time. Gradually, creative intimacy turned into a romantic one.

They were in no hurry to officially register their relationship, they were quite satisfied with the realization that they had each other. The marriage registration took place much later, in a completely different country and after parting.

Through hardship to the stars

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich in their youth.

Their lives were not easy at all. They traveled all over the country, worked in different philharmonic societies. A bright talented performer simply could not go unnoticed. But his promotion was hindered by the discrepancy between the image of the artist and the ideas of what a Soviet singer should be like. He sewed extravagant costumes for himself, worked out every detail appearance. And I ran into misunderstanding on the part of officials. His speeches were cut from television programs and banned tours in major cities.

Valery Leontiev.

But Valery Leontiev's difficulties only tempered. He did not drink himself, although there was a time when the artist began to drink a lot of alcohol. At that moment, he managed to pull himself together.

Love for animals is inherent in both of them.

Lyudmila at some point decided to move to America, she tried to prove that something is worth in life. They bought a house in Miami, where lived more Lyudmila. In a foreign country, she first engaged in grooming dogs, then opened her own beauty salon for animals.

There was also a crisis in the relationship of the spouses, when they decided to leave. But later they realized how much they mean to each other. Relations were restored, Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich decided to sign.

Wedding in Miami

On the day of registration, she woke him up in the morning and asked if he was going to marry her. Having heard a positive answer, she reminded that the registry office opens at 9 o'clock. She had just returned from the garden, was in work overalls and had only washed her hands before leaving for the ceremony.

The employee of the municipality was surprised to see a very strange couple in front of her. She is in work overalls, smeared with earth, he is in a jacket befitting the event. The woman who registered the act of civil status had a suspicion that the American tramp decided to cheat a rich foreigner, and he does not understand the essence of what is happening. Leontiev had to strain himself and express in English his desire to register the marriage.

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich.

About wedding rings The newlyweds did not think either. I had to be content with the only ring that Leontiev had. First he put it on the bride's finger, then she put it on him. After the completion of all the ceremonies and the issuance of documents, municipal employees saw off the unusual couple with shouts of “Bravo, bravo, bravo!”.

happiness for two

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isakovich.

They continue to live in two countries. He often happens in Russia, she - in America. But whenever possible, they try to spend holidays together, to travel together. Lyudmila often accompanies her husband on tour. They do not like to give interviews and draw attention to their personal lives. Both admit: at their age, marriage is more friendship than love. The main thing is that they feel good together, and without each other they do not represent life at all.

Valery Leontiev

They try not to respond to the periodically flaring rumors about their divorce. Only once, when the performer was told about the program, which describes the details of his divorce, Valery Leontiev answered rather sharply, expressing the hope that this program would die much earlier than his marriage to Lucy.

Valery Leontiev is 68 years old, and he is still irresistible, energetic and insanely popular. But unlike stage activities, Valery Leontiev's personal life has always been kept secret. But what more mysterious man, the more interesting it is. What just did not come up with legendary singer for more than 40 years, storytelling journalists.

Valery Leontiev, born in 1949, comes from a cross-cultural family living in Komi. His parents, Pomor and Ukrainian by nationality, were professionally engaged in reindeer herding and veterinary medicine. Valery abruptly changed his fate, deciding to succeed in the musical field that was interesting to him.

Today, everyone knows the artist as one of the brightest performers of the USSR and representatives of show business in modern Russia. For his work, Leontiev was awarded many honorary awards and prizes, such as the Order of Honor and Friendship, the Golden Gramophone Award.

But few have seen legal spouse this People's Artist of Russia. The fact is that she lives in America, in Miami, and has not been to Russia for many years!

Leontiev was married only once, and his marriage has survived to the present. Leontiev's chosen one was the bass player from the musical accompaniment group for his concerts, Lyudmila Isakovich.

Their love did not happen immediately, it was formed from a long creative friendship and was based on Lyudmila's admiration for the singer's talent. Since 1997, Lyudmila has become the common-law wife of Valery Leontiev, their couple did not feel the need to formalize the relationship.

Here is how Lyudmila herself talks about the beginning of their relationship:“Everything happened quite prosaically - in 1972 I was the musical director of the Syktyvkar ensemble "Echo". Once a very handsome, stylish young man came to us. And I immediately realized that he had a great future - he was so plastic, unusual, with interesting vocals. My old friend, Batak, helped us a lot in those days. I met him when I was 19 and he was 34. He always told me: my house is your house. And when Valera and I arrived in Moscow, we went to him. Of course, Batak was very surprised to see such an unusual young man. And tactfully asked me in my ear who it was. I then said: “This dude will work with me!” At first, we just worked together and only then realized that we could no longer live without each other.”

Leontiev Valery Yakovlevich (b. 1949) - popular Soviet and Russian singer, actor, has title People's Artist Russian Federation.


Valera was born on March 19, 1949 in a small village called Ust-Usa, located in the Komi Republic.

Dad, Yakov Stepanovich, originally came from the Arkhangelsk region, worked as a veterinarian, specialized in deer. Mom, Ekaterina Ivanovna ( maiden name Klyutz), was of Ukrainian origin, was engaged in raising children, the family still had eldest daughter Mayan. Mom gave birth to a son quite late, at that time she was 43 years old, and the difference with her sister was 19 years (Maya was born in 1930, she is no longer alive, she died in 2005). Due to the father's profession, the family often changed their place of residence, moving from one village to another. Valery Leontiev's childhood years already passed in the village of Upper Matigory, it was located in the Kholmogory district of the Arkhangelsk region.

The boy grew up incredibly sociable and frisky, he needed everything. Quite in early age he got it from both the goat and the dog (the first gored him, the second bit him), and all because Valera cared about everything, he could not calmly pass by the animals. Also in preschool age Valera began his first performances in front of reindeer herders: he climbed onto a stool and read poetry.

When I went to school, immediately from the first grade I began to sing in the choir, and very soon I was already its soloist. The boy turned out to sing very well, but he just couldn’t stand calmly on stage during the performance, he was constantly spinning, waving his arms. The teachers made comments to him, but in vain, he was a very mobile boy, and it was impossible to keep him in one place.

Despite the fact that the family lived very modestly in material terms, in addition to the school choir, Valera was engaged in dancing and drawing, went to a drama club and to a music school for a piano class.

When Valery was 12 years old, his father began to have health problems, and the doctors advised him to change the climate. So the Leontiev family moved to the picturesque bank of the Volga, in Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets.


In Yuryevets, Valery graduated from the eighth grade of the school and decided to continue his studies at the Murom Radio Engineering College. Despite his talents in amateur performances, plasticity and artistry, Leontiev never dreamed of becoming a singer or artist. And for further study, he chose the earthly completely male profession.

However, he failed the entrance exams to the radio technical school, and he had to return home, where he completed his studies at high school two more classes.

At school, Valery Leontiev studied well, his favorite subject was Russian Literature, he was very fond of poetry. After many years this children's hobby will result in wonderful songs written to the verses of Akhmatova, Blok, Tsvetaeva.

In the meantime, he had a dream to tie his further fate with work at sea, he even chose educational institution, where I wanted to enter after receiving a certificate of secondary education - Far Eastern University, Faculty of Oceanology. But a family with a modest income could not afford such a distant departure of their son, the dream remained unfulfilled. And perhaps that is why, after so many years, so much space in the work of Valery Leontiev is occupied by Marine theme.

Then Valery decided to go closer to Moscow, where he applied for admission to GITIS. However, the huge and bustling capital put pressure on the provincial youth, at the last moment, due to indecision and confusion, he took the documents and returned home.

In Yuryevets, Valera immediately began working, he had to work hard in different places and master many professions - an electrician, an operator at a dairy plant, a handyman at a brick factory, a tailor and a postman, a webbing greaser at a flax-spinning factory.

However, education to receive at least some, but it was necessary, insisted on this older sister. And then the young man moved to Vorkuta, there was a branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, Valery became his student. In the evenings there was study, and during the day he worked part-time in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures, and later worked as a draftsman at the design institute.

The beginning of the creative path

In Vorkuta, Valera combined his studies and work with participation in amateur performances. At the local Palace of Culture, he went on stage as a singer in theatrical performances. His first works were musical performances in performances:

  • "The circus lights the fires";
  • "Black dragon";
  • "The Stuffed Apostle";
  • "Don Renaldo goes to battle."

At the end of 1971, the regional competition "Song-71" was held in Vorkuta, where Valera participated with the musical composition "Carnival in the North" and eventually became the second.

Already in 1972, the first solo performance of Valery Leontiev took place in the Vorkuta House of Culture of Builders and Miners. It was in the spring, and by the end of the year he went to Syktyvkar to the competitive festival "We are looking for talents", which was held among creative amateur youth, where he won.

The winner was entitled to a prize - training from Georgy Vinogradov in his creative workshop of variety art. Leontiev again went to the capital, but did not finish his studies and returned to Syktyvkar, where he became a soloist in the local philharmonic society with the Dreamers musical group.

In 1974, for his performances with the Joy on the Road program, Valera was awarded the first honorary title - "Excellent worker in the countryside."

Echo Team

Since 1975, Leontiev began to collaborate with another Echo team. The musicians' repertoire included two programs "Carnival in the North" and "Smile northern land”, with which they traveled almost the entire Soviet Union, only performed not on big stages and stadiums, but in local Houses of Culture.

Even then, Valery's repertoire was different from all performers on the Soviet stage. He did not sing patriotic songs, did not go on stage in a formal suit. He himself came up with concert clothes, designed them, drew sketches and carried them to the House of Life to sew. Local dressmakers laughed at him and twirled a finger at his temple. Then he took everything and made the costumes himself.

In 1978, the team performed for the first time on the big stage, it was the Oktyabrsky concert hall in the city of Gorky. A year later, Leontiev and his group began work under the auspices of the Gorky Philharmonic. In this city, the singer got his first own apartment.

From here, in 1979, the singer was sent to Yalta for the first all-Union competitive festival, which brought together the best song performers from the countries of the socialist community.

Leontiev performed the musical ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist" for 12 minutes to the verses of Robert Rozhdestvensky and the music of David Tukhmanov, for which he was awarded the main prize. The festival was broadcast on all-Union television. Valeria was overwhelmed with joy, but soon she was replaced by pain and bitterness, since his father died.

After the competition, Valery met the composer David Tukhmanov, which later turned into a long and fruitful collaboration.

Having received the first prize in Yalta, a year later Leontiev went to Sopot for the 16th International Festival of Pop Songs "Golden Orpheus", where he won main prize behind musical composition"Dance hour in the sun". And the Bulgarian fashion magazine Lada awarded him with a special prize, appreciating the original concert costume of his own performance.

Leontiev became popular, and already many national concerts could not do without his participation, he sang on the stage of the Variety Theater and Luzhniki, gradually conquering Moscow, and with it the whole country.

The thorny path to the top of glory

In 1981, a prestigious music festival was held in Yerevan, at which Valery won the popularity prize. But journalists from America, who covered this event, wrote that the singer is very expressive and looks like Mick Jaeger, which did him a disservice. This did not please the highest ranks on the Soviet stage and during three years Valery was no longer invited to concerts in the capital and broadcast on television.

Along with creative problems, health problems also arose. In 1982, the singer had a throat tumor removed. Singing career was under threat, and Leontiev decided to still get a diploma of higher education, he began training as a director of mass performances at the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after N. K. Krupskaya.

In 1983, Leontiev began working at the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic in Ukraine, and the composer Raymond Pauls helped him return to the big stage, who by that time was already quite influential person in the world of Soviet show business.

In 1984, in the Moscow concert hall "Russia", a creative evening of Pauls "Saint love for music" took place, where Leontiev was allocated a whole department.

Already in 1985, Leontiev received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for his work. Soon, together with other artists, he gave concerts in Afghanistan, in next year in Chernobyl, and in 1987 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Creative activity Leontiev has almost 30 released albums, among which the most famous are:

Album release year Album name
1983 "Muse"
1984 "Dialog"
1986 « The Velvet season»
1990 "Wrong Way"
1992 "There in September"
1993 "Full moon"
1995 "On the Road to Hollywood"
1998 "Santa Barbara"
1999 "Everyone wants to love"
2001 "Augustine"
2004 "Night call"
2005 "I'm falling into the sky"
2009 "Years of wandering"
2011 "Artist"
2014 "Love Trap"

His best songs that every listener knows former USSR, present-day Russia and the CIS countries, more than once got into the finals of the "Song of the Year" and occupied the top lines of the charts:

  • "The Beloved Side";
  • "Flying on a hang glider";
  • « Green light»;
  • "Verooka";
  • "Eclipse of the Heart";
  • "Disappeared sunny days»;
  • "Margarita";
  • "Casanova";
  • "Treasures of the Black Sea";
  • "You don't forget me";
  • "Everyone wants to love";
  • "Augustine".

Leontiev is the director of all his concert shows and the creator of original costumes.

Personal life

Valery Leontiev never gave interviews about his personal life, which gave rise to many rumors. They also talked about him gay, about the affair with the Primadonna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva, that he has a child.

In fact, the singer since 1972 lived in civil marriage with bass guitarist Lyudmila Isakovich. In 1998, they officially signed.

The singer's wife lives permanently in Miami. Valery is still busy with a very busy tour schedule. The couple never hid from their loved ones that their marriage is more of a partnership than a love one.

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