What year is it in India. Indian calendar. The charm of Indian autumn

Without a doubt, India is considered one of the most beautiful and interesting countries in the world. She still remains a mystery to most, despite the fact that everyone knows about her, about her traditions, cooking, history. Everyone knows that this is a country of contrasts. And yet in India, in a country with democracy, mobile phones, a developed pharmaceutical industry and Bollywood, there are many strange and incomprehensible phenomena.

It is known that more than a billion people live in India, it is the largest democratic country in the world. It is difficult to imagine such a huge amount of public support for the government, but society, in turn, makes the government work hard. Well, or so it seems! Until now, India has preserved the caste system, which indicates to each member of society his place.

In most countries of the world there are only 4 seasons, there are countries in which even less. For example, in countries located on the equator, it is warm all year round, and vice versa, in countries beyond the Arctic Circle it is constantly cold. In India, there are 6 seasons according to the calendar of Hinduism, the main religion of the country: summer, monsoon season, autumn, winter, pre-spring season, spring.

Unfortunately, the national currency of India, the rupee, is not allowed to be taken out of the country. This news will upset tourists, but it rules out currency speculation. Although locals are trying to export currency and speculate with neighboring Bangladesh, this is all happening on a small scale. More and more people in India are starting to use cards.

India is a country of contrasts. In the country, poor and rich, literate and people who cannot write and read live nearby, and such a majestic structure as the Taj Mahal is adjacent to shacks. The country has only 65% ​​of the literate population. There are 45% of literate women and 75% of men. Despite relatively high literacy, India has a high rate of poverty.

The country's population continues to grow. India is said to overtake China by 2028. Already today it has exceeded the total population of Western Europe.

At the time of Pangea, all the continents were one large piece of land. Thanks to tectonic processes, huge parts began to separate. It was then that India began the journey separately from other parts. Later, she came across the piece that is Asia today and stopped.

In India, people speak 1000 different languages ​​and dialects. A traveler will not be helped by a phrasebook, as many local dialects and languages ​​are radically different. True, most people know Hindi.

India has the highest death rate in the world. The main reason for this phenomenon is traffic accidents. Traffic on the roads in India, especially in cities, is extremely heavy and there is no regulation. It takes talent to maneuver safely between cars, motorcycles, rickshaws, animals, and pedestrians. People die under the wheels of cars or due to suffocation in overcrowded buses. The death rate of newborns and pregnant women also contributes to the high mortality rate due to insufficiently qualified medical care. In addition, they still kill for infidelity and for dowry.

When it comes to cinema, everyone has associations with Hollywood. However, about 1,100 films are released annually in India, which is twice as many as in the US. Believe it or not, most Indian films are not made in Bollywood. Although many people like the colorful, emotional, expressive films of Bollywood stars, this is only a small part of the entire Indian film production.

The passion of Indians for records in various fields can be called strange. For example, the Guinness Book of Records holds the record for the largest crocheted blanket in the world. The largest metal peacock in the world was erected in India. The record for the most massive performance of the national anthem was recorded.

Everyone knows the problem that arises in multimillion-dollar megacities around the world - this is air pollution from car exhaust, which manifests itself visually in the presence of smog, and physically in shortness of breath. China is most famous for this, but in Mumbai the situation is even worse. Staying in Mumbai or Delhi for one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes. According to the World Health Organization, 1.5 million people die each year from lung cancer and asthma in these cities.

Although most people in India eat plant-based foods, Indian cuisine has very tasty dishes made from chicken, goat, lamb. But India has the largest number of vegetarians. At the Indian Golden Temple, several thousand free vegetarian meals are handed out daily to the poor and homeless. Be sure to try paneer, naan and biryani - vegetable and rice dishes.

8. 53% of houses without running water and sewerage

In the cities of India, people die under the wheels of cars, from polluted air, and also from unsanitary conditions, since 53% of houses lack running water and sewerage.

Dowry is an ancient Indian tradition. When a guy and a girl are going to get married (very often parents make the choice for them), the bride and her family give a large amount of money to the groom's family. Especially these are large sums when through marriage they are going to improve their social and caste position. Unfortunately, because of this money, one girl is killed every hour in India.

In every spoon of almost all Indian dishes you can find turmeric, coriander, mustard, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, chili pepper. Not surprisingly, 70% of the world's spices are of Indian origin. If you want to try an authentic Indian dish, then it is better to visit any Indian family. They spend several hours preparing the dish, a huge variety of spices - this art is difficult to learn.

Unfortunately, slavery still exists in India today. The number of slaves reaches 14 million people. For a long time this topic was silent, and no one paid attention to it. People in many countries of the world could not even think that in India there is slavery, which exists due to imperfect legislation, corruption of local authorities. Most of the slaves are poor, illiterate women and children who are forced into hard labor and prostitution.

In addition to slaves, there are a lot of poor people in India. A large number of families with children live on the street, collect alms. In India, the average person has to work 14-16 hours to earn little money. On average, they earn up to $1.25 a day. The government is trying to provide benefits to the poor, stimulate the development of agricultural areas and motivate the poor to take up farming, but so far to no avail.

There are a number of developed countries in the world where the rights of men and women are equally respected. In India, in some families, newborn girls are deliberately killed, as they will not be able to continue the race. Between 100,000 and 500,000 girls are killed annually in the country, just because of their gender. Selective abortions are practiced here, which were officially banned back in 1994. Those girls who manage to survive are often humiliated all their lives by the male population. If we talk about medicine, then more attention and respect, when talking about vaccinations and treatment, is shown to boys and men.

In accordance with the traditions of Hinduism, which is very common in India, the day of the funeral of the deceased is celebrated and commemorated by relatives. Most often in India, corpses are burned, and at the funeral they are not allowed to drink alcohol or eat meat products, this rule also applies to the next 12 days. The eldest son in the family pours the ashes of the deceased into the water of any reservoir nearby, it can be the ocean, sea, river, lake. Relatives and family friends commemorate the death of the deceased, wishing him a happy afterlife.

In ancient India, marijuana was used for various purposes. Today, this is an absolutely legal action, marijuana is used in different forms, although there are some restrictions that are associated with religion and traditions. For example, it is added to dishes, milkshakes are prepared from it. It is one of the five sacred plants that are mentioned in ancient Hindu texts. Marijuana is also used to treat various diseases and during religious ceremonies. Hindus are sure that Shiva also used marijuana.

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What year is it now? This is not as simple a question as it seems. Everything is relative.
People created calendars to measure the passage of time. But time is ephemeral
cannot be caught and marked with a reference point. Therein lies the difficulty. How to find a start? Where to count? And what steps?

This article website talks about different current calendars. Calendars exist and existed much more. But even these few are enough to realize all the relativity and ephemerality of time.

2018 will come to Russia

Most countries in the world follow the Gregorian calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the Julian one. The difference between these calendars is now 13 days and increases by 3 days every 400 years. Therefore, such a holiday as the Old New Year was formed - this is the New Year according to the old style, according to the Julian calendar, which continues to be celebrated out of habit in a number of countries. But no one refuses the usual New Year either.

The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 in Catholic countries and gradually, over several centuries, spread to other states. According to him, January 1, 2018 will come.

The year 2561 will come to Thailand

In Thailand in 2018 (according to the Gregorian calendar) the year 2561 will come. Officially, Thailand lives according to the Buddhist lunar calendar, where the chronology is from the attainment of Nirvana by the Buddha.

But the usual calendar is also in use. For foreigners, exceptions are often made and the year on goods or documents may be indicated in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. Also, according to the Buddhist calendar, they live in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

2011 is coming to Ethiopia

In Japan, there is both a chronology system from the Nativity of Christ, and a traditional one, which is based on the years of the reign of Japanese emperors. Each emperor gives the name of the era - the motto of his reign.

Since 1989, in Japan, the "Era of Peace and Tranquility", the throne has been occupied by Emperor Akihito. The previous era - "The Enlightened World" - lasted 64 years. In most official documents, it is customary to use 2 dates - according to the Gregorian calendar and according to the year of the current era in Japan.

The year 4716 will come according to the Chinese calendar

Ever-blooming India boasts a huge amount of rainfall. But this is only for the benefit of its lush vegetation. It is the lingering rains that tourists who are going on vacation to this country are often afraid of.

Weather in India now:

Although the best time to travel to India is usually between October and March, each season has its own unique beauty. Much depends on the choice of region. So, in the Thar Desert in the west, precipitation is practically absent, and the eastern lands are abundantly saturated with rainwater, providing lush plant growth and a variety of wildlife. The south of the country is always hot, and in the north it is quite cold in winter. But the climate of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is a bit like the Russian continental: hot summers and cold winters.

Climate of India by months:

Blooming spring in India

According to the Indian calendar, spring begins, as well as according to the European one, in March, only from the 20th. This is the time of the northeast monsoons, bringing dry and hot weather to a large area of ​​the country. At this time of the year, the daily air temperature fluctuates between 27-30 °C. Fans of sunbathing and beach holidays should choose this time for a trip. As early as May 20, the Indians begin summer, or grishma. So at this time it will be quite hot, more than 40 ° C.

Spring in India is a period of lush flowering. But bright colors are not only found in nature. In March, the country celebrates Holi - the festival of colors. This is a kind of spring festival, honoring the forces of fertility. Residents paint their bodies with paints. At the same time, you can often see how someone is doused with colored water. Fun celebrations are accompanied by the use of bhang drink, prepared from juice, milk and hemp leaves.

Indian summer

Summer in India lasts from May 20 to July 20. And then the monsoon season begins with a lot of rainfall. Heat (more than 35 ° C), high humidity - comfortable conditions for the reproduction of insects, so it is difficult to do without repellents. Heavy rains often scare away tourists. But the monsoon season has its own charm - all the dust, dirt and even garbage are mercilessly washed away by rain streams, giving cities an extraordinary cleanliness. The most comfortable air temperature during this period is in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (18-30 °C) and in the south of the country. The north receives 75% of all annual precipitation.

The charm of Indian autumn

Indian autumn can be called the velvet season, which is so loved by tourists. At this time it is no longer hot, but warm enough and comfortable. This is the harvest time for apples, fire peppers, rice and other crops. In autumn, tourists flood the country, hurrying to enjoy the comfort of the passing warm days and visit the National Parks with rare animals.

It is on these warm days that a whole series of holidays takes place in India. It all starts with the celebration of the birth of the deity Ganesh Chaturthi, depicted with the head of an elephant. Not without a harvest day - the Onam festival. It is traditionally celebrated in the state of Kerala and is full of songs, flowers, and various recreational activities. Do not forget about Diwali - the festival of lights celebrated everywhere, which is a symbol of the victory of light over darkness.

Winter India

Winter sports enthusiasts choose this time of year to relax, as ski resorts open in the Himalayas from December. But in other parts of the country it is quite comfortable for rest and excursions. At this time, the flow of tourists to India is increasing even more. It is worth noting that migratory birds arrive in this country in winter, so this is the best time of the year to observe them.

Christians in India celebrate Christmas and New Year holidays. And already in January, in the northern part of India, celebrations of the end of winter begin - Lori. The Pongal Harvest Festival usually falls on this month as well.

Every year we celebrate the New Year - this holiday is dearly loved in every country. It is hard to imagine, but this date is not the same for all countries. Yes, there are places on the planet where a completely different year comes, and sometimes even a millennium!

We celebrate the beginning of the new year according to the Gregorian calendar. However, it was adopted only in the 16th century, before that Julian was used. Even earlier - many other ways of reckoning. After all, humanity has been living on the planet for several millennia, and our ancestors also had their own ways to keep track of time.

In some states, other calendars are still used to this day. While the whole world is living in 2018, these countries are celebrating a very different year...

1 Israel

Along with the Gregorian calendar, the Jewish one is used in this country. It is based on the lunisolar and is used for religious holidays, birthdays and commemorations of loved ones, and in agriculture. The Hebrew calendar begins on the very first full moon, October 7, 3761 BC. Accordingly, now the year 5779 has come in Israel.

2 Ethiopia

But Ethiopia is 7-8 years behind the rest of the world, now 2011 is passing there. This is due to the fact that the inhabitants of this country use the Alexandrian calendar, which in turn originated from the Egyptian one. As in the Gregorian there are 12 months, but there are still an additional 5-6 days, which are combined into the 13th month. Also, their day does not begin at 00.00, but with the sunrise.

3 Iran and Afghanistan

These two states live according to the Hijri solar calendar. According to him, in Iran and Afghanistan now it is only 1440. It was introduced to these countries in the 11th century. It was created by the greatest astronomers, including Omar Khayyam. It is more accurate than the others, tied to the vernal equinox, and the year begins on March 21st. The week also starts on Saturday.

4 Nepal

Nepal now celebrates the year 2075, this is due to the use of the Nepalese calendar. It is based on the ancient Vikram Sakrat calendar, which dates back to the reign of Emperor Vikramaditya. He sat on the throne in 56 BC. The number of days in a month is constantly changing, depending on the year. There are also several popular calendar options.

5 Bangladesh

Along with the Gregorian in Bangladesh, Bengali is officially used. Now there is 1424, the chronology differs from the classical one by 593-594. The creation of the calendar is attributed to King Shashank, but the final version appeared only in 1585. The year in Bangladesh starts on April 14-15.

6 India

The Unified Indian National Calendar is used in the media, government-issued calendars, bulletins and other official documents. It was introduced only in 1957, and according to this reckoning in India, it is now 1939. Local peoples also use other calendars.

7 Japan

In addition to the traditional Gregorian, there are two other versions of the chronology in Japan. One begins from the date of the birth of Christ, and the other from the beginning of the reign of the emperor. Thus, at the moment in Japan - the 30th year, exactly so many years have passed since the beginning of the reign of Emperor Akihito. By the way, this era is called the era of peace and tranquility. Yes, this country is ruled by the only current emperor in the world!

So, the famous Chinese calendar, which we so often use in speech. Now there is 4716, because the reckoning begins in 2637 BC. e. We all know about 12 animals that are the patrons of 12 years, during which Jupiter makes one circle around the Sun. There are also five more colors and five elements of the Eastern calendar.

This is how different years are celebrated all over the world. Surprisingly, years later, some states have retained their traditions and even chronology!

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