Three-day split for mass: program for men. Split training: choosing the perfect system

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  • Category:

2 scoops (33 g). Mix a portion of the powder with 250-300 ml drinking water. Take between main meals or after workouts.

Getting protein from ordinary food, you get fats and carbohydrates, the excess of which negatively affects the figure and well-being.
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ISO PRO is required:
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It relieves the feeling of hunger for a long time, does not give the body extra carbohydrates and makes it spend a lot of energy on the absorption of polypeptides.

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Ingredients: whey protein isolate, alkalized cocoa powder, emulsifier - lecithin, food flavors, sweetener - sucralose.

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1 serving = 10 g of powder (1/2 scoop) in 125 ml of water. Depending on intensity, 1-2 servings per day 30 minutes before training.

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Benefits of Sustamin:
strengthens the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
reduces the risk of injuries and inflammatory diseases of the articular apparatus;
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inhibits the action of proteolytic enzymes that cause damage cartilage tissue and degradation of articular cartilage (collagenase, leukocyte elastase, hyaluronidase);
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has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of cartilage tissue, promotes the regeneration of the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces joints, restores the mechanical and elastic integrity of the cartilage matrix;
stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, strengthening connective tissue structures;
substrate stimulates and accelerates the biosynthesis of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans by chondrocytes;
normalizes the production of intra-articular fluid (acts as a "lubrication" of the articular surfaces);
partially blocks the release of free oxygen radicals;
slows down the development of degenerative changes in the cartilaginous hyaline tissue of the articular surfaces, prevents the collapse of the connective tissue;
reduces the accompanying inflammatory response and relieves pain in the affected joints;
increases the mobility of the affected joints;
slows down the resorption of bone tissue and reduces the loss of calcium, accelerates the process of bone tissue restoration.

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Take one capsule with breakfast with water.

Vitamin C makes it work immune system fighting against pathogens. It stimulates the production of hormones, neuropeptides and transmitters of nerve impulses that improve nervous and mental activity. In addition, vitamin C strengthens connective tissues and vessel walls.
Vitamin E performs a protective function, it neutralizes free radicals that destroy beneficial fatty acid and provides oxygen respiration of cells, prevents inflammatory processes and has a beneficial effect on sexual function, rejuvenates the body.
Vitamin B1 strengthens nervous system providing nutrition nerve cells glucose.
Vitamin B2 is involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, cellular respiration, improves vision, skin and nail structure.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) prevents aging, the appearance of wrinkles, helps to overcome stress and fights inflammatory processes, is involved in the synthesis of skin and mucous membranes, and hair growth.
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the synthesis of antibodies of the immune system, is involved in amino acid metabolism in the construction of proteins.
Vitamin B12 triggers the synthesis of DNA and RNA, is necessary for the formation of bones, revitalizes iron stores in the body.
Niacin is involved in the formation of hundreds of different enzymes involved in the production of gastric juice, heart function, and cholesterol control.
Folic acid is the main active ingredient in the production of hemoglobin and nucleic acids, synthesizes serotonin and norepinephrine - hormones of joy, uplifting mood.

For people leading an active lifestyle and taking care of themselves, was developed latest system training, thanks to which, it turns out, to pay attention to each muscle group and for short time achieve the desired results.

3 day splitlatest development training techniques, thanks to it, it turns out to assemble all muscle groups so that the athlete has time to use every muscle of his body in one set of exercises. Thanks to this, they are grouped in time and start working. The main thing is the right approach in such a matter, and then the work of each muscle group will be built in the right way. To achieve this kind of results, you need to work hard and perform two simple terms: pay attention during training to small and large muscle groups, and learn how to combine these muscle groups so that these very muscles become antagonists. The most correct ways of training will be the combination of such muscle groups as: chest and biceps, back and triceps and legs with shoulders.

The result of such a properly organized training day will not be long in coming! After all, first of all, the basic conditions for such training (which are described above) will be fulfilled. During the first training day, the athlete pays attention to the chest and biceps, in which case the chest acts as a large muscle group, which makes it follow, and the biceps - a small group that follows the higher one. The largest muscle group of muscles went to the legs of a person, and the shoulders can only perform their main function when walking or when the athlete is pushing up from the floor on his hands or standing on the horizontal bar. And no matter how strange it sounds, in this case, the shoulders are a big small muscle group, and thanks to the training of the legs, special hormones are released into the human body, which is why many recommend training the shoulders and legs together. You need to pay attention to the fact that a large muscle group should always be started at the very beginning of a workout, and a small one at the end.

Plenty of time for rest and recovery such a significant plus is that the interval between workouts of large muscle groups big enough. Approximately, it lasts about a week, it helps to gain strength and get in shape not only for novice athletes, but also for professionals. More experienced athletes can independently distribute the load level and divide training into several levels: light, medium and heavy. This helps the athlete to strengthen absolutely all large muscle groups and bring the moment of their super compensation closer before each start of a new training day. You should not then think that the chest can be trained on the same principle as the legs. It will be necessary to divide exercises with legs into light, medium and heavy, and for the chest, choose only light and heavy levels loads. To achieve supercompensation of all muscle groups, you need to be very careful during training, and the athlete will also need to start their own training diary, in which it will be possible to mark all the techniques that are used during training and which muscle groups are trained on a given day. Keeping a diary will help to monitor the gradual achievements of the results, and, if necessary, to correct the training process.

The schedule for compiling training days is suitable for any athlete - this advantage has been discussed above. Now the emphasis is on what is still connected with this kind of difference. It all lies in the fact that during training, muscle mass increases, and naturally, it will already need significantly long time recovery. The principle is that if the muscle becomes large, then more time is needed to restore it! Recovery process for the muscle is necessary because with each workout the athlete plans to increase the load on his muscles, this is the only right decision to force the human body to hypertrophy muscle mass. If there is no constant increase in loads, then the body will consider it necessary not to increase the volume of muscle tissue, and the process will stand still. In order to be able to increase the weight on the bar each time, the athlete needs to train at the very moment of supercompensation. note if attempts to increase the athlete’s load are successful, then this scheme works fine. There are no special schemes that would not work, you just need to use them smartly in certain time, and you should think about changing the training process only if the previous training option does not allow the athlete to grow further.

Small muscle groups should be trained twice a day.- such a distribution is obtained as a result of a special grouping of muscle tissues during a split (it was written about above). There is no doubt that when an athlete trains the chest muscles, then the entire load will also apply to the triceps, and if the back receives the load, then the biceps will also be trained. After all, it is as a result of training large muscle groups that triceps and biceps are rewarded with surface load, which helps create conditions for their micro periodization. All large groups muscles are best trained only once a week, this is very suitable for those athletes who are just starting to train, as they still do not know how to correctly distribute the load on all muscle groups, but only change the degree of load. As a result, the training scheme is lost, results are achieved slowly and the athlete remains dissatisfied and puzzled.

Significant disadvantages of this type of training.

Does not require specialization- such a minus is associated with a reduced number of classes, as a result of which it is difficult for an athlete to allocate time for training a certain muscle group. Undoubtedly, the muscles will respond and work better if the athlete focuses only on certain muscle groups throughout the entire session. It is closely related to the limited capacity human body, with regard to the direct intake of all the necessary elements and the endocrine system. It is most likely that in the first place the human body will restore large muscle groups, which is why the shoulders are best trained along with the legs, since they are the largest and smallest muscle group at the same time. Well, if you decide to train your legs along with your biceps, then it may happen that your strength simply runs out. When an athlete has a lot of experience, it may also happen that there may not be enough resources for training small muscle groups, then it is best to postpone this activity to the next day or week.

Not enough space for the deadlift- such awkwardness lies in the fact that the training of the back muscles is divided into two main parts - this is the training of the long muscles and the training of the broad muscles of the back. If you start to engage in both back muscles at once, then you will not see any result. The correct way out in such a situation would be to organize a joint workout, at the end of which it would be desirable to do the main thrust. The deadlift is the heaviest and effective exercise for the joints, but often there is no longer enough strength for it. If you start to develop long muscles at the very beginning of the workout, then during the exercise of the broad muscles of the spine, they will get very heavy load, since tired long muscles will not be able to withstand the entire load on themselves. Therefore, for such an intense and hard workout, it is necessary to carve out a separate day.

What can replace this kind of load?

First way- in the process of this type of training, the athlete needs to do a joint workout of the chest and triceps, back muscles and biceps, leaving only the load on the legs and shoulders from the previous proposed method. The basis of such training is targeted work only with large muscle groups, and for small muscle groups they are taken only at the end of the session with special isolating exercises. The advantage is that he devotes the bulk of his strength only to the development and training of large muscle groups, which will make it possible to develop and increase better. total mass muscles. One disadvantage is that with such training, little attention is paid to the hands.

Second way- the proposed type of such training focuses on the training of the hands. In the course of such classes, the athlete does a joint workout of the legs and chest, back and shoulders, and one free training day is left, which is completely devoted to exercises for the hands. The advantage of such training is that all exercises are aimed at strengthening the upper body of the athlete, since during exercises for the legs and chest, all the loads performed are performed only in order to improve the functioning of the endocrine system. As a result, this type of training will help to develop and progress without problems only in better side. This is because the athlete is very a large number of time for hand exercises. As a result, after a while, the arms gain good muscle mass. Such workout will do for those who have already gained a lot of muscle mass and are ready for further development. The only drawback is that now the legs will practically not be given attention.

Third way is a collaborative following groups muscles: chest and shoulders, legs and biceps, back and triceps. The best results from such training can be achieved in the prone mode. In this case, the shoulders are sacrificed, and if the emphasis is on the legs, then the biceps are immobilized. But, despite this, such training makes it possible to devote a lot of time to the legs and at the same time maintain the tone of the biceps. So this helps to restore the delta for each next workout, which will be directed to the chest. But when the session reaches the legs and shoulders, the front delta can interfere a little with the development of the athlete in the bench. The most striking benefits were not found during such training. But, despite this, such a scheme can be used by those who want to pump up their legs and strengthen their chest muscles.

3 day split aims to increase muscle mass during intense physical activity. The greatest results can be achieved if you use such a scheme systematically and follow all necessary rules. Such training will help the athlete gain a sufficiently large muscle mass, but in order not to lose it, you need to train hard, otherwise the body itself may decide to burn the muscle fibers that are very necessary for it. For better quality and speed dial muscle mass, it would be better to adhere to a special diet - the diet of bodybuilders. It contributes to the creation of an excess number of calories, which is the main source of the anabolism process. The main thing is to understand the fact that taking proteins, vitamins and regular meals will not help to achieve the desired result. To gain muscle mass, you need an excess of nutrients that take Active participation in the formation of new muscle tissue, as well as regular training and physical activity.

The main thing in successful training is a properly organized system of classes, correct modes loads, as well as long rest for recuperation. Therefore, it is so often recommended to use the most basic and in the process of training the basic split, and only later begin to include isolating exercises in the training process. This happens when the base becomes not enough to gain muscle mass. The minimum rest between sets is about a minute. This pace of training will better stimulate hypertrophy of muscle tissue. You also need to know that all bodybuilder workouts are very long and voluminous. On average, a session can last from forty to fifty minutes. Therefore, it turns out that the athlete does not have much time left for rest.

3 day split workout plan

Standard Approach- chest and biceps, back and triceps, legs and shoulders.
Chest and biceps

- the exercise is performed four times for ten repetitions

- four times twelve repetitions
- four times and twelve repetitions of the exercise.

Back and triceps
- three times as much as you can
- four times twelve repetitions
Standing French Press

Legs and shoulders
- the exercise is performed four times x twelve repetitions
- three times fifteen repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions
- three times twelve repetitions
- three times fifteen repetitions.

Alternative for the first way to replace the workout: chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs and shoulders
chest and triceps
- Perform the exercise four times for ten repetitions
- four times twelve repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions
- four times twelve repetitions.

Back and biceps
- do the exercise four times for twelve repetitions
- three times maximum
- three times twenty repetitions
- five times twelve repetitions.

Leg and shoulder workout remains similar.

The second alternative way to perform exercises is legs and chest, back and shoulders, arms.

Legs and chest
- Perform the exercise four times for fifteen repetitions
- four times eight repetitions
- four times twelve repetitions
- four times fifteen repetitions.

Back and shoulders
- Perform the exercise four times x twelve repetitions
- three times
- four times fifteen repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions.

Biceps Curls and Close Grip Press- perform four super sets of 12 reps per exercise
Push-ups on the uneven bars and- three sets of 12 reps
Standing French press and hammers- Three sets of 15 reps per exercise.


We are all familiar with the concept of split training both in theory and in practice. However, techniques in bodybuilding are constantly evolving, and in this article we offer you new approaches with which you can more effectively build quality muscle mass. So, the split training program is a new approach.

Due to the fact that the number of sets and exercises required to train the body is becoming greater, bodybuilders have developed the concept Split Routine(split training). Today, we understand split training as training only certain parts of the body on a specific day. Moreover, this implies isolation of either the upper or lower body.

The term "split" in relation to training in literally means "dividing". The split system came about at a time when bodybuilders stopped training all muscle groups on one training day and started working individual muscle groups on different training days.

This style of training has become very popular with many athletes due to the ability to save time and perform higher sets per exercise for certain muscle groups. Having learned this from professional bodybuilders, many bodybuilders have come to develop programs that are based on this concept of split training.

For example, on Mondays and Wednesdays they trained the chest, abs and back, on Tuesdays and Thursdays the hips, shins and lower back, and on Fridays and Sundays they trained the shoulders and arms. In general, each part of the body was worked out twice a week. The result was a training scheme in which the body was never worked as a whole (that is, the upper and lower body together).

By the way, in the past, split workouts were usually used in terrain training to separate the training scheme of the day. Thus, a higher intensity of training and a higher number of sets were achieved. So, the bodybuilder trained some muscle groups in the morning, and others in the evening. In the modern split training schemes used by many today, the study of all segments of the upper and lower parts bodies in one training session.

Split Programming

Since it turned out that the body responds better to training the whole body instead of isolating the upper and lower parts in separate sessions, the concept of a split program style began to make more sense to bodybuilders. In split programs, the following characteristics are unique and different from typical split workouts:

  1. Workouts are planned in which exercises for the upper and lower body are performed in the same session, but the angles of impact of the exercises are changed so as to allow rest of the previously worked muscles;
  2. Each training session uses a powerful "multi-joint" exercise to create a central physiological stimulus for the growth and metabolic activity of the whole body.

Training schemes using split programs are a huge help for many athletes. They can give the same time savings and provide stimulation of both localized muscle tissues and the central reactions of the whole organism.

Program requirement

Typically, split programs require a minimum of 4 sessions per week. But workouts can also be performed 3 times a week, however, you need to alternate classes over a two-week period. To apply this concept of split programs, muscle development should be optimized by using different sets of exercises on different days.

We know that recovery is affected by the following factors:

  • the use of exercises with exposure from different angles;
  • rest breaks;
  • cycling the intensity and volume of training.

The old concept of not working a muscle two or more days a week should be replaced by the rule:

Do not train the same muscle two days in a row or more than once a week in the same way.

Example of a four-day program

For example, the exercises used in a 4-day split program for general strength training might look like this:


Monday and Thursday

  • sit-ups
  • bench press
  • hip extension
  • leg curls
  • head pull
  • seated deadlift
  • lifting on socks standing
  • arm curls
  • lying torso lift

Tuesday and Friday

  • hanging barbell row
  • incline bench press
  • hack squats
  • leg curls
  • pullover
  • tricep extensions
  • lifting on socks sitting
  • reverse grip curls
  • deadlift

This is a full body exercise program. Typically, workouts begin with exercises for large group muscles to stimulate the body's metabolism and release hormones from the endocrine glands. This central body stimulus is very important as it sets the physiological environment for the rest of the session and the post-workout recovery phases. At the same time, when only one small portion of the total lean body mass is being trained, many of the body's central responses are not triggered.

With programs designed to develop a small portion of total muscle mass, central responses such as metabolic factors, cardiovascular demands, and endocrine output are reduced. Thus, deterioration of the optimal physiological environment becomes possible. When a typical split workout is used due to the need for a high number of exercises to separate parts body, this scheme can be improved by adding a powerful one at the beginning of such a session.

The length of the rest breaks can be cycled like other changes (intensity or volume of training). The goal is to prepare different training schemes that differ from each other, and to activate metabolic and endocrine processes.

Workout Intensity

Split programs can use just about any plan to increase the intensity of each exercise. Training cycling ranging from heavy (1-5RM) to moderate (6-10RM) to light (11RM and above) can be used in this type of program. One recommendation would be to cycle during the week when using a split program. For example, on a four-day program, you could train hard on Monday and Thursday, then use short rests and 10RM on Tuesday and Friday. This allows you to be different and load, and pauses for rest. In the next week, the intensity and duration of rest breaks can be changed.

This is one example of the many types of variations that can be used in such split programs to adapt to the exercises for the whole body in each training session.

Choice of exercises

A key concept in exercise selection is the angle changes in a series of two different exercises. In our example of four days mentioned above, we trained the chest with a bench press on a horizontal and on an incline bench. We could also choose many other exercises, depending on our training goals and the angles at which we need to perform the exercises. For example, breeding with dumbbells for the chest, bench presses on the incline bench and the like.

Most easy way track what you are doing - arrange the exercises in pairs so that you can easily see that the angles are different in two sessions or that muscle groups are being worked out differently on different training days.

The only exception in our example is that the hamstrings are worked every day using leg curls. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you apply load variations in certain exercises (such as leg curls) that are important to keep the hamstrings and quads muscularly balanced.

Exercises can be selected for almost any conceivable angle of impact on the muscle you want to work. Try to carefully plan for the entire training period before developing training options, otherwise you will not achieve optimal results.

Split programs allow you to approach other variables, such as order and volume of exercises (and reps), in a similar way, using the flexibility of the circuit to provide variability. Again, knowing your training goals is essential to successfully designing your training program.

So, split programs allow you to load the whole body in every workout and provide significant flexibility in design. training programs. The use of exercises for large muscle groups in order to stimulate central reactions that increase local demands in the muscles is a plus for this type of scheme. Therefore, the evolution of the old split workouts has now advanced to the concept of split programs that appeal to all bodybuilders.

Split is a method of splitting a training program into separate workouts, each of which is performed on a separate day. For example - on Monday we train the back and shoulders, on Wednesday - chest and arms, on Friday - legs. This is what a classic split program looks like. The advantage of such a training system is that you can maximize each muscle group.

Split training in bodybuilding makes sense only for experienced athletes (the experience of constant training is more than 1 year), for beginners they are ineffective. It is best for beginner athletes to follow the principle - the whole body in one workout, so they will work out each muscle group several times a week and constantly progress. Such training programs are not suitable for more trained athletes, due to the increase in fitness, they simply cannot qualitatively load all muscle groups in one session - this is where you need to start switching to splits.

Popular splits in bodybuilding

When you see that the training program "working out the whole body in 1 session" is no longer producing results, it's time to switch to a split. Splits are usually called by the number of different workouts in the program, that is, double, triple, and so on. Athletes who have been exercising for more than 1 year should first switch to a double split - it consists of two different workouts, but you can still do the same 3 workouts a week, they just alternate with each other.

The most popular option for a two-day split is “top-down”, that is, in one workout we train only legs (quads, hamstrings, calves) + abs. On the other, we work out the rest of the upper body - chest, back, shoulders. At this stage, we are not talking about a separate study of the arms or trapezium, since we need to spend all our strength on the largest muscle groups. Some athletes add a few arm exercises on the first day (leg day). All exercises are only basic (traction, bench press, squats).

Another option for a double split, we examined in detail in

After 6-12 months of training on a double split, you can switch to a triple (only if you can no longer effectively work out the main muscle groups). This way you will work out a split every week (if you train 3 times). Here you can add a few isolated exercises. We recommend the following three-day split scheme:

  • Monday - legs + shoulders;
  • Wednesday - chest + biceps;
  • Friday - back + triceps.

You can choose any other scheme, there are a lot of them. Let's see what a triple split would look like in practice:

Workout 1 (legs + shoulders):

  • Leg press;
  • Deadlift;
  • Army press;
  • Seated dumbbell press;
  • Pull the bar to the chin with a wide grip;
  • Mahi on a slope.

Workout 3 (back + triceps):

  • Pull-ups with a wide grip;
  • Bent over row;
  • Traction of the lower block;
  • Press with a narrow grip;
  • French bench press.

Such a three-day split is perfect for experienced athletes. Four-day and five-day splits in bodybuilding are no longer designed for straight athletes, they are used only by professional athletes using pharmacology. Some professional athletes even train 6 days a week. Without a quality diet and steroids, the body of an amateur athlete will quickly get overtrained with such a load regimen.

Video: Three-day split from Sergey Yugay

A training split is a breakdown of the training of various muscle groups by day of the week. Exist different kinds- 2x, 3x, 5 and even 7 day splits. In this section, you will find many options and you can choose a training split according to your abilities.

while playing in gym, people are faced with the problem of choosing a training program. There are a huge number of training programs that are aimed at achieving various kinds of results: weight gain, drying, development of strength and endurance. The most popular are split workouts.

Three-day split for mass

If you're looking for the perfect muscle building program, then you've come to the right place. Find out how best to split your split into muscle groups. Look at the examples of compiling a workout, based on classes three times a week. Get advice on nutrition, daily routine and organization of the training process when working on the mass.

How to make your first training split? Where to begin? By what principle "to divide" muscles into groups? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading the article. You will also learn a lot useful information, including specific examples of programs.

4 day mass gain split

P before people involved in the gym, the question often arises, how many days a week to train? Many people think that the more the better, but as practice shows, this is not always the case. For the most part, three-day and four-day splits are used, which one is better? In this article, we will look at the pros of a 4-day split. Consider the options for splitting muscle groups by day of the week. And also we will touch upon the issues of nutrition in the mass-gathering period.

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