Where did Verbitskaya go? Larisa Verbitskaya: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Star Trek Larisa Verbitskaya: federal television

- Just a year ago, at the Spring Ball of Beauty and Fashion, you were awarded a diploma as a participant in the 100 Most Beautiful People of Moscow-2003 nomination. Often, your charm and beauty are noted not only, let's say, by ordinary viewers, but also representatives of secular parties who are jealous of someone else's success. Does it make you happy?

- I like it, like any woman, it's nice. Even if I am included in the list of "Persons of the outgoing twentieth century." But the most interesting thing is that I am not a secular character and I don’t go to parties, although I am constantly invited there. I, thank God, have someone to spend my free time from work.

- Are you talking about the priority of family values? TV viewers know that you are an exemplary wife, mother, daughter, owner of Johnny the terrier and Sherry the parrot. But one thing does not interfere with the other: men, like twenty years ago, fall in love with your screen image. Even people like Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who, according to rumors, did not give you a pass on the island of "The Last Hero-3". And then, during the “Big Wash,” he publicly declared that you were his favorite?

- Well, I'm happy for Vladimir Volfovich - he has a very good taste! But seriously, there was nothing “such” on the island. Another climate: in Moscow minus 40, and on the island plus 35. And life becomes somehow measured, and the movements are the same. Like ... cougars. What was the main thing there? Do not fuss, do not waste the rest of your strength.

- Nobody expected that you, such a fragile reed woman, would reach almost the very finish line...

Do you think I'm that defenseless? Incidentally, I almost preschool age most different types I go in for sports and not at all unsuccessfully. In athletics, in general, she reached the candidate for master of sports as a schoolgirl.

- Larisa, not only peers, but twenty-year-old girls admire you: “How does she manage to look like that in her ...?”. Really, how?

- There is no secret here. For a woman, if she is not already twenty, and not even thirty, the most important thing is to get enough sleep. If it didn't work out, the best remedy- bath with salt. Recently, I got carried away with thallas therapy - these are such healing skin compresses seaweed, minerals, medicinal herbs. The effect is the same as previously achieved only plastic surgery

How do you feel about them, by the way? It's no secret that many famous women, including your television colleagues, they are often resorted to ...

- I never ran, I manage somehow. If you want to know my attitude to this, then I really like the phrase of a French centenarian, who is almost a hundred years old. She was asked if she was worried that she had so many wrinkles. She replied: “Wrinkles? I have only one wrinkle - and then I sit on it! Look at Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya. Everyone knows how old she is, but what form she is in, how much life is in her eyes! That's what we should strive for. And, of course, have a good rest.

- How are you?

– As you know, I was born in the Crimea, so I am always drawn to the sea. If this is not possible, then a dacha near Moscow in the Podolsky district saves. As soon as two or three free days fall at work, my husband and children will definitely leave the city, to nature. There are hares, squirrels - my daughter feeds them. At the dacha, I became interested in floriculture, I breed, for example, Mauritanian cornflowers, roses, clematis, white, pink and yellow lilies. Here for long years took up canvas and oil paints. I draw flowers, bouquets, nature. This also makes it possible to achieve inner harmony. But the most important thing, probably, is that a loved one is next to a woman. Then her soul is light, and her eyes glow, and she wants to look good. And age doesn't matter at all!

- Your husband Alexander has been with you for fifteen years.

Yes, this is my happiness! By the way, before the wedding, we called each other “you”, kept the “distance of the 19th century”.

- Larisa, what did The Last Hero give you personally?

- Lost ten pounds. And further. I used to be very afraid of horses, despite the fact that I liked them all my life. But after the island, she not only stopped being afraid, but also took a riding course in Podolsk.

– Your presence enhances any TV program, and your toilets are restrained, but always unusual. Who helps to work on the image?

- In clothes, I prefer the golden mean between English restraint and Italian sex appeal. Now both are available to almost everyone. But during my television youth there was such a case ... Do you want me to tell you?

- Certainly.

I needed a concert dress. Knowing that feathers are the peak of the season, I, as a responsible person and creatively approaching my appearance on stage, went to the zoo, to a special aviary for birds, to get them. But the day before, there was a hairdressing festival, and all the hairdressers used feathers in their compositions that they dropped over recent times peacocks. So there is nothing left for me. Zoo workers were very sympathetic, but only shrugged. And I just really liked the parrots. So they let me into their cell. Such a cute bird, the size of a cat, playfully chirps like that. I began to flirt with her: “You are my little birdie,” I say, I tickle her neck. She already arches from pleasure. I must think what kind of contact with the parrot has improved. And I continue: “Oh, you are my good!”. She arches even more. And suddenly, at some point, this sweet creature with a speed jet aircraft sticks its beak into my index finger. And hangs on his phalanx, torn to the bone, clinging to his beak. The whole cell in the blood, I sob! Here is a scar, the memory remains for life!

“But did you still pull the pen out of it?”

- What a pen! I would like to pull my finger out, but I was afraid that half of it would remain in the beak. When the parrot was removed from me, I no longer had any pity and love for this bird. I think I pulled out his whole tail then! Then I had to go on stage in openwork gloves on bandaged fingers, but I was in an unusually beautiful dress with feathers. True, she paid for it with blood. Well, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice!

Still waters run deep...
Looking for beauty 2016-08-11 07:08:40

And this woman portrays the lady of all TV?? Isn't it time to pull out her entire tail? Evil, impudent, penetrating, cunning, one of those who are always on their minds, but how they can hide their essence! And what an inner core, what a claim to intelligence and beauty! There is no taste at all, all her outfits, as a rule, are from the GK-Naked King company. And on the island - what was it? Naked, skinny, dystrophic, in an ugly loincloth, and why she needed a bra I don’t understand at all ... There was nothing to do normal person on this island! Her diction is eternal memory-memory-memory like metal on glass! The face is swollen, pumped over by some kind of rubbish, the head is like a melon on a thin leg of the body. And her brain clearly lacks normal nutrition, hence the attempts at eternal youth ...

To whom and the mare is the bride !!
Envy of the world clowning 2016-08-12 06:02:06

Bow-legged beauty, with an ugly growth on her chin. The icicle's hair is thin, hanging in weakened stubs, repainted many times, now rusty, now gray. However, the hair is no longer visible, it is relegated to the background by a huge face, turned into a thick pancake, by someone's crazy hands ... The neck, of course, was torn by other hands. But the outfits are great! They are the envy of all the clowns of the world! To go out to people with a hole in the navel, on the chest, on the belly and thigh - you need to be able to do this, not everyone is given such a sense of elegant style! And already in a jacket with a sleeve torn off soft-boiled and a deaf scarf wrapped around the neck with a deaf noose in the style of a la-moron-Vasiliev! And what is her collection of pink clothes in the style of my mother's fool! No, I can't, I'm crying with envy along with all the circuses in the world!

Charming Russian TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya could well play a movie with success. For this, she has all the data: talent and charisma, boundless charm and bright attractive appearance. But Larisa preferred to work on television and did not lose. Today, Verbitskaya is one of the best presenters of modern Russian television and, undoubtedly, one of the most stylish Russian celebrities.

Personal data

Name famous beauty is constantly heard. Many years of work on Channel One as one of the hosts of Good Morning glorified Verbitskaya throughout the country. Larisa did not disappear from sight even after her departure from the project. She still regularly participates in various television shows, mainly as a fashion specialist. Verbitskaya also actively works in the League of Professional Image Makers.

  • Full name - Verbitskaya Larisa Viktorovna.
  • Date of birth - November 30, 1959.
  • City of birth - Feodosia.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Height - 1.70 m.
  • Weight - 51 kg.

early years

Future screen star was born in sunny Crimea. But Larisa was able to appreciate the beauty of this place only years later. The family led a nomadic lifestyle, so little Lara lived in her small homeland only for the first unconscious months of her life. The girl's father, Viktor Verbitsky, was a military man and, on duty, constantly traveled throughout the Soviet Union. The wife, and then the daughter, of course, accompanied the head of the family in all his moves.

Finally, the series of relocations ended. The whole family firmly settled in Moldova, where the father and husband were forced to go in the direction of command. So at the age of two, Larisa Verbitskaya came to Chisinau, where her childhood and youth will pass.

Here Lara went to school. Parents really wanted their daughter to become a diplomat in the future and decided to provide her with an appropriate education. Lara's preparation for a successful diplomatic career began as a child - the girl was enrolled in a school with an English bias. Studying was easy for Verbitskaya.

Who to be and what to do

Being a multi-talented person, young Larisa was interested not only in the sciences and art, but also in sports. Physical Culture immediately fell in love with an energetic girl. Lara signed up for her first sports section at the age of six - the girl's choice fell on an acrobatic circle, where she went with her friend. In subsequent school years Verbitskaya actively continued sports activities. She is was engaged various kinds sports:

  • swimming and diving;
  • gymnastics;
  • athletics, in particular the high jump.

In the last sports discipline that captivated the girl more than others, Verbitskaya achieved particular success, which even allowed her to join the athletics youth team of Moldova. But no matter how much Lara loved sports, she was not going to turn this hobby into a profession.

Meanwhile, schooling was coming to an end. The eleventh-grader seriously thought about her future. According to the parental plan, the next step was to study at the Institute international relations. But Larisa assessed her capabilities much more critically. In addition, the diplomatic career did not attract Lara much - her aspirations were directed in the other direction, so she did not consider entering MGIMO.

During study at English school Verbitskaya studied the language well. This circumstance allowed the girl to turn her gaze to the Institute of Foreign Languages. But the flared desire to enter this university almost immediately faded from the fear of not passing through the competition. Subsequently, Lara learns that it was in the year of her probable admission that the competition, which she was so afraid of, was unusually small. She regretted the missed opportunity for a very long time.

As a result of much thought, Larisa decided to become a teacher. Parents accepted the choice of their daughter and did not interfere with her. At the end high school Verbitskaya entered State Pedagogical University Chisinau, bearing the name of Ion Creange, and became a student at the Faculty of Philology.

After completing her studies at the university, Larisa received a diploma as a teacher of Russian language and literature, but she did not work a single day in her specialty. During her studies, she discovered another calling in herself.

TV announcer

The young beauty did not initially have a desire to work on television. Larisa was systematically moving towards her intended goal of becoming a teacher, but chance intervened. In her last year at the Pedagogical Institute, Lara heard from friends about the recruitment of announcers for the Russian-language segment of television in Moldova. Verbitskaya, who loved to try everything new, could not resist the temptation to try own forces in an unfamiliar area.

The girl decided to participate in the casting and applied. After that, among other contenders, Larisa got to the audition. There were many who wanted to "get on TV", but unexpectedly for Lara, she was chosen from all the participants. It started television career Verbitskaya. The philologist's diploma soon received was put aside - as unnecessary.

The talented beauty was appointed as the host of several programs at once, aired on one of the Moldovan federal channels. The work was interesting, but with its own complexities and subtleties. In general, Larisa, who was liked by the leadership, received a strong recommendation to take up voice at the casting. The diction was excellent, but strength and plasticity were lacking.

Putting the voice of an inexperienced presenter was not easy. In addition, the task was complicated by the fact that each of the programs in which Larisa worked had their own ideas about the requirements for the speech of the presenter. As Verbitskaya herself will later tell, she was engaged in voice production with an experienced teacher - a real master of her craft. Thanks to this, Larisa, while still a newbie on TV, was able to demonstrate a professionally delivered speech.

After a year of work on the Moldovan television, Verbitskaya was allowed to work in live- she is became a news anchor. Soon an even greater responsibility fell upon the girl. At that time, it looked truly incredible - the young presenter was entrusted with reading an obituary on the occasion of the death of L. I. Brezhnev. Verbitskaya justified the high trust and coped with the task. This helped Larisa to rise to a new level of professionalism. In the television world, they stopped seeing her as a newcomer and began to take her seriously.

From capital to capital

After three years of work on Chisinau television in 1985, the beauty takes fateful decision- to move from the Moldovan capital to Moscow, to her then lover, who will become her second husband. Who knows what the biography of TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya would have been like if she had stayed in Moldova. One thing can be said with certainty - she has nothing to regret.

Then the decision was risky - in Chisinau she had a job and clear prospects for rapid career advancement. There was personal happiness in Moscow, but in a career, to a certain extent, everything had to be started anew. Although the presenter already had a fairly serious experience in television, she again needed to go through a difficult casting. Hardworking and purposeful Larisa, who also does not have the habit of giving up, brilliantly overcame all obstacles.

The ambitious girl got a place among the announcers of the Central Television of the Soviet Union. After a couple of years successful work in the announcer department, Larisa gropes for an opportunity career development. Presenters were recruited into the still emerging segment of morning broadcasting. The nature of the upcoming work was somewhat different from the announcer's duties. In addition, for the morning broadcasts, presenters with a bright, memorable appearance, well-groomed and attractive were required.

Larisa came to the conclusion that such a chance should not be missed. She had the necessary external data, and she loved innovations in her work. The presenter did her best to get into this project and eventually, to some extent, became one of its creators. As a result of her efforts, the leader became a member of the Good Morning Directorate- programs constituting morning broadcast of Channel One.

It is worth noting that Larisa is the only one of her fellow TV presenters who has worked in the same program for such a long time. For almost thirty years, Verbitskaya met viewers on the screen in the morning and charged them with positive energy for the whole day.

In 2006, the presenter was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

During her work at Good Morning, Larisa turned into a real symbol of the morning broadcast - it was already impossible to imagine the program without this wonderful TV presenter and simply charming woman. But in 2014, when Verbitskaya's contract expired, the channel did not renew it, so the legendary presenter can no longer be seen on the morning air.

mom and wife

In her interviews, the TV presenter often shares the details of her biography and personal life. Larisa Verbitskaya talks about children willingly, about her current husband as well. But the beauty's first husband is a closed topic. Not even his name is known. Everything that was told about them family life Verbitskaya, is that her husband was against her work on television and at one point put an ultimatum “either-or” in front of her. As you know, Larisa preferred a career.

From this marriage, Verbitskaya has a son, Maxim. In the upbringing of the child, the left alone Larisa was helped in every possible way by her parents. According to the presenter, it was Maxim's communication with his military grandfather that shaped the character of his son and made him a real man. Now Larisa's son is the owner of a law firm.

After spending several years alone, in a kind of romance with work, Verbitskaya unexpectedly met a man with whom she lives happily to this day. They met in the Chisinau circus - Larisa brought her son to the performance, and the cameraman Alexander Dudov filmed scenes with horses. Alexander immediately noticed a young beautiful mother and decided to get acquainted during the intermission. After Alexander's departure home - to Moscow - an affair began in letters.

After a year of correspondence, they finally realized that they wanted to be together. Larisa and her son moved to Dudov. Soon the lovers got married. In 1990, the happy couple had a daughter, Inna.

The embodiment of style

Larisa's activities are not limited to appearances on television. The favorite of the audience holds the position of vice president in the League of Professional Image Makers, where Larisa Verbitskaya now works to a much greater extent than on television. But the constant workload does not prevent Verbitskaya from pursuing her various hobbies and for many years remaining a wonderful wife and mother.

Larisa is a real expert in the field of fashion, style, beauty and personal care, which she clearly demonstrates on own example. The TV presenter is always up to date with all fashion trends - for her, this is already more than just a job or hobby. The beauty willingly shares her knowledge with other women and helps them learn how to create attractive images.

You can hardly find an interview in which Larisa would not be asked a single question about the secret of her youth and beauty. And this is not surprising - the telediva is in great shape and has not changed much over the years. It is absolutely impossible to visually determine how old Larisa Verbitskaya is. But the presenter does not hide her age - now she is 58 years old, and this seems incredible. The slender beauty has the appearance of a thirty-year-old woman.

Of course, natural data is not the only thing that allows Larisa to look chic and young, regardless of age. Verbitskaya is attentive to her health, monitors general condition organism and follows certain rules that it has established for itself. Larisa calls these rules as the secrets of her youth. These include:

  • compliance with the daily routine (if possible);
  • enough sleep (i.e. lack of sleep deprivation);
  • thalassotherapy (rejuvenation with the help of seafood);
  • complete exclusion of meat from the diet.

Larisa actively promotes and promotes her lifestyle through a series of dietary complexes developed by her personally. Each of these diet programs helps maintain youth and beauty at any age. To be convinced of the effectiveness of Verbitskaya's author's diets, just look at the TV presenter herself.

Attention, only TODAY!

This charming woman cannot be fully called an actress. But her appearance on the screen always makes you admire. The biography of Larisa Verbitskaya, one of the brightest TV presenters of modern television, will be the topic of our article.

Searching for yourself

Larisa was born in sunny Feodosia in 1959. Curiously, she never lived there. The girl saw her hometown when she had already matured. The military father often moved around the country, so his wife and little daughter were forced to follow him. When the latter was two years old, the family settled in Moldova. Here our heroine stayed until she came of age, here she began her career path.

How did life develop in Chisinau, which became a second home for several years? Verbitskaya Larisa Viktorovna entered the school with in-depth study in English. Fortunately, objects were easily given to her, and her parents described their preferences quite simply. They wanted to see their daughter as a student at the Institute of International Relations, but Larisa still did not become a diplomat. She dreamed of a completely different hobby.

Conquering peaks

Love for the sport was manifested in everything. Hardworking, accustomed to achieving her goals, Larisa enrolled in several circles at once, managing to combine swimming, acrobatics and athletics. The biography of Larisa Verbitskaya includes information that it was athletics that was especially easy for her. Later, Verbitskaya herself admitted this more than once.

Sports achievements led the girl to the youth team of Moldova. It seemed that she was given any obstacles. Remaining a purposeful child, Larisa showed interest in many disciplines. Unexpectedly for her parents, she announced that she intended to become a teacher, and therefore, after the eleventh grade of high school, she applied to pedagogical institute. Parents did not dissuade, and the daughter entered the Faculty of Philology.

Screen Alignment

To call it a mistake would be unfair. The biography of Larisa Verbitskaya contains facts that directly indicate that today's famous TV presenter walked a conscious path, which eventually led her to where she found her calling. Of course, we are talking about television. Having heard about the recruitment of announcers, Larisa applied. She was invited to audition, and she was casting with the rest of the applicants on a common basis. Television, albeit Moldovan, beckoned her with a magic wand. Probably, only a great desire helped to achieve the desired.

Good morning!

Larisa worked in her native Chisinau for three years. Having gained experience, the girl makes another fateful decision - to move to Moscow. In the Russian capital, she found a place on central television. It is not known how it would later career, but the nascent morning broadcast announced a set of presenters. This was markedly different from the duties of an announcer. Among other things, a textured appearance was required, which should have been given Special attention. But these were trifles compared to the fact that Channel 1 became the place of a new, long-term work. Larisa Verbitskaya began to wake up the audience, and it was in the profile of the morning programs that she felt most comfortable.

Over many years of fruitful work, Larisa has become national symbol ether. One can hardly imagine Good morning"without this graceful woman, personifying beauty. She gave Channel One for more than twenty years, which not many of her colleagues can boast of.

For a long time, Verbitskaya was considered an expert in the program " fashion sentence". The innate sense of style that she developed in herself with the advent of television makes her one of the most beautiful women not only of Good Morning, but of the entire capital.

Larisa Verbitskaya: personal life

Our heroine began to build her female happiness in her youth. Relations with the first spouse did not work out, but the couple had a son, Maxim. Today he runs a small legal services firm.

The second husband was the famous director of commercials, cameraman Alexander Dudov. In 1990, their daughter Inna was born. Like her mother, she was fond of swimming and acrobatics, attended design courses, took riding lessons, but expressed a desire to realize herself in the field of public relations.

Biography of Larisa Verbitskaya: other interesting facts

A sense of style helps Larisa in her ability to choose clothes. She leads the League of Professional Image Makers. Verbitskaya carefully monitors her figure, adheres to diets, visits beauty salons and speaks negatively about plastic surgery. Larisa is invited to various talk shows, where she gladly shares her beauty secrets. Today Verbitskaya Larisa Viktorovna is one of the sophisticated female TV presenters, often compared with the first beauties of Hollywood. With a height of 170 centimeters, its weight is 50 kilograms. Adherent to everything natural, she pays special attention to nutrition.

It is absolutely true to note that Larisa Viktorovna contributed to the development of domestic television. For this, she was awarded the Order of Friendship, and thanks to her special merits in the field of arts and many years of activity, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist.

In 2012, Larisa played a small role in the comedy Hello, We Have Arrived. Together with Povilas Vanagas, she participated in the "Ice Age", and as an invited guest appeared in the "Ford Boyard".

Where does Larisa Verbitskaya work today? As before, she is faithful to Channel One. In her free time, Larisa develops her own weight loss methods and diet programs. According to her, they help to preserve women's natural beauty and youth. In addition, Verbitskaya is often invited to conduct various "fashionable" ceremonies and private events.

Larisa Verbitskaya today is known to all, without exception, the inhabitants of Russia. This beautiful woman with a Slavic appearance - a true example of a real Russian beauty. For many years now, with her usual calm manner, she has been leading the Morning on the First program and giving us good mood all day.

Larisa Verbitskaya: biography and private life

Larisa Viktorovna Verbitskaya was born on the last day of autumn 1959 in the southern picturesque town of Feodosia, which is located on the Crimean peninsula. Her father, Viktor Verbitsky, was a soldier, and her mother, Elena Ivanovna, worked as a nurse in a hospital. Soon after her birth, her father was transferred to serve in the city of Chisinau, where Larisa spent her childhood. Parents dreamed that their daughter was fluent in foreign languages, so they sent her to an English special school. Here, a girl who was tall beyond her years was often attacked by her peers, but very soon she was able to take the school team into her own hands and become a leader in the class. In addition, Larisa attended various sports sections: swimming, acrobatics, athletics, etc. After graduating from school, her parents planned to send her to study in Moscow, at the MGMIO, but the girl, frightened by fierce competition, decided to apply to the Chisinau Pedagogical Institute. A year later, the biography of Larisa Verbitskaya changed radically. From a simple student, Larisa turned into married woman, then gave birth to her first child Maxim. Her parents were against her, but she did not listen to anyone. She was driven by an almost childish love, which soon passed. Since 1982, the biography of Larisa Verbitskaya has been marked by a new stage - work on television. This year, having passed the casting, she became an announcer on the Moldovan State Television. Larisa's husband did not approve of her television activities and was terribly jealous. And then she had to make a choice between him and her favorite work. She chose the second. While living in Chisinau, she met the Moscow television man Alexander Dudov, and an affair began between them. After he made her a marriage proposal, and he and Maxim accepted him, they had to move to the capital.

This is how the Chisinau TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya came to Moscow. From that moment on, her biography went down the path from which she did not turn off for many, many years. After passing the casting on the central television, she became the host of the news block. Thanks to her appearance and pleasant manner of speaking, she was trusted to host such responsible programs as New Year's Light, Meetings in the Ostankino Concert Studio. In 1990, her daughter Inna was born. As a mother of two children, she was also entrusted with hosting a number of children's programs, " Goodnight, kids! ”,“ Alarm Clock ”, etc. However, the role of the host in the program“ Good Morning! ”Brought her the greatest popularity. For more than 20 years, she has remained faithful to her morning viewer.

Awards and titles

The biography of Larisa Verbitskaya also has solemn pages. In 2004, she was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2007, she was awarded the Order of Friendship for her contribution to domestic television and the development of culture, and also became the laureate of the Russian Union of Journalists award “The Most Charming Journalist of Russia”.

Today, the life of a 55-year-old TV presenter is in full swing. She never ceases to delight her fans with participation in various television projects, such as " glacial period", etc., and the biography of Larisa Verbitskaya is replenished with new facts and events.

Larisa Verbitskaya is a bright TV presenter and just beautiful woman. There were many interesting moments in her fate, and therefore at present our today's heroine has been and remains one of the most prominent representatives of the world of Russian television. She is compared with the first beauties of Hollywood, noting her sophistication and grace. But is it worth saying that a woman owes her success only to her external data? Of course not. After all, any success is built from hundreds of small bricks.

Early years, childhood and the family of Larisa Verbitskaya

Larisa Verbitskaya was born on November 30, 1959 in the southern Ukrainian city of Feodosia. However, the girl practically did not live in the Crimea. The thing is that her father was a military man, and therefore the family of our today's heroine often moved. So, in particular, after the birth of Larisa, her father was sent to Moldova, and therefore the sun-drenched Chisinau became the hometown for the little girl.

In the Moldovan capital, the father of the future TV presenter continued military service, and my mother got a job as an operating room nurse. Larisa herself began to study at an English school. Such a very unusual Soviet Union the choice was due to the fact that her parents dreamed of seeing their daughter as a student at the Institute of International Relations, and therefore systematically prepared her for a career as a diplomat.

However, the girl herself dreamed of several other peaks. She was fond of sports, and therefore in early childhood dreamed of achieving significant success in this field. Among her favorite sports were acrobatics, swimming, diving, and athletics. In the last of these disciplines, our today's heroine has especially succeeded. At a certain period of time, Larisa Verbitskaya was even a member of the youth team of Moldova in this sports discipline.

Summing up everything that was said above, we note that our today's heroine has always been a rather diverse child. She had many aspirations, and therefore few people were surprised at the appearance of another one. The whole point is that in high school the future celebrity suddenly decided to become a teacher. Having received a diploma of graduation from school, the girl applied to the Chisinau Pedagogical Institute, where she began to study at the Faculty of Philology.

Everything went pretty smoothly, but Larisa Verbitskaya did not begin to work in her specialty. In her senior years at the institute, the girl learned about the recruitment of announcers for Russian-language television programs in Moldova. The idea of ​​working on TV seemed tempting to her, and therefore very soon she decided to try her hand at a general casting. As a result, unexpectedly for everyone, a girl without necessary education successfully passed many rounds of difficult competitive selection and received the coveted job on Moldovan television. This is how it started long way Larisa Verbitskaya to the heights of television journalism.

Star Trek Larisa Verbitskaya: federal television

In a new capacity for herself, the girl worked for three years. During this time, she was able to perfectly master all the subtleties of the chosen specialty, as well as accumulate the necessary experience. Deciding that in Moldova she had already achieved everything she wanted, in 1985, our today's heroine went to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Larisa passed a difficult casting and eventually received the only place in the announcer's department of the USSR Central Television.

Larisa Verbitskaya leading on the First

In this capacity, the well-known Moldovan-Russian TV presenter worked for another two years, after which she received one of the positions in the directorate of the nascent morning broadcast. Since then, various "morning" programs have become the basis of her professional profile for her.

As the host of the Good Morning program, our today's heroine has become known throughout Russia. For many years, Larisa Verbitskaya has become a true symbol of the morning television, as well as a living embodiment of beauty and grace. It is quite remarkable that at present the Moldovan-Russian TV presenter is the only person in the Russian television system, who worked in the same program for more than twenty years.

For her painstaking work in the field of Russian television, the girl was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the Order of Friendship for her huge contribution to the development of the television and radio broadcasting industry.

Vanagas and Verbitskaya - Ice Age

In addition, as a participant and guest star, Larisa Verbitskaya also appeared in such entertainment projects as Ford Boyard and Ice Age. In the last of these programs, the girl acted in tandem with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas.

Larisa Verbitskaya today

Concluding the conversation about the television successes of Larisa Verbitskaya, it is also worth noting the fact that for some time our today's heroine worked as a "fashion expert" on the Fashion Sentence program. Alexander Vasiliev, Nadezhda Babkina, Evelina Khromchenko also worked in this TV project.

It is quite remarkable that fashion and style are one of Larisa's main hobbies in ordinary life. For many years now, she has been one of the beautiful people Moscow, and also works as vice president of the prestigious League of Professional Image Makers.

In addition to everything else, our today's heroine is also the author of numerous diet programs designed to help women of mature age maintain youth and beauty. A clear example of the effectiveness of the proposed methods in some way is Larisa herself. After all, it is incredibly difficult to believe that she is already fifty-four years old.

Currently, Verbitskaya continues to work on previous projects. She is working on the creation of a new cycle of "morning" programs, and also continues to be active social life outside of television. From time to time, Larisa also acts as a host at concerts and private corporate parties.

Personal life of Larisa Verbitskaya

It is known that in her youth Larisa Verbitskaya got married and divorced. main reason The gap was the age-old conflict between home and work. From that marriage, the TV presenter had a son, Maxim (born in 1979).

At present, our today's heroine is happy with her second husband - VGTRK cameraman Alexander Dudov. Her new husband works as a director of commercials and documentaries.

As part of a new marriage, the daughter of Larisa and Alexander, Inna (born in 1990), was born.

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