I dreamed of falling in an elevator. Why dream of an elevator - according to the Esoteric dream book. Dreams with romantic overtones

An elevator is one of the most mundane and material things in our lives. We come across it almost every day. Coming in a dream, this image most often symbolizes a career, work area. It indicates the fate of your new undertakings and projects, gives information about the activity of your rivals and enemies.

The elevator can also mean the dreamer himself, the state of his inner world. Is the cabin moving up or down? Or maybe she stopped altogether? What mood of your soul characterizes and what future these falls, rises and stops predict for you, we will find out in the article.

Why dream of an elevator - according to the dream book of A. Menegeti

In order for the elevator to start moving, we do not need to make great efforts: we just need to press the button. Therefore, the elevator going up represents your desire to contribute global changes into your life, without doing anything, but waiting for help external circumstances hoping for a miracle. Start taking responsibility for your life, take the initiative - and you no longer have to see the elevator cabin in your nightly dreams.

If the elevator moves down in a dream, it means that in life you feel the loss of something important, your self-esteem is hurt. Accordingly, a stuck elevator dreams of when in reality you have reached a dead end, got into hopeless situation.

Why dream of an elevator - according to G. Miller's dream book

The dream in which you ride the elevator is interpreted by this dream book as a harbinger of the fact that unprecedented wealth will soon fall on you, you will take steps up the steps of the social ladder. And this will happen not even thanks to your hard work, but by the will of circumstances. In other words, you will be lucky.

Going down the elevator, on the contrary, means that problems and failures await you soon, which, again, unexpectedly from the outside, and not due to your mistake.

If in a dream you got out of the elevator, which then immediately went down, then in reality you can hardly avoid trouble.

But the stopped elevator, inside which you are, predicts the danger that lies in wait for you from where you do not expect.

Why dream of an elevator - according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The authors believe that the elevator represents your life situation and your willingness to change it. So try to remember exactly how the cabin looked from the inside. Was it modern, clean and silent, or did you wince in your sleep bad smell and a heartbreaking creak? Did the cab rock or ride straight? Draw parallels with what is happening in your life right now.

The direction of movement of the elevator will tell you what awaits you. In a dream, climb the elevator - in reality, achieve success in your business without much stress. At the same time, the higher you rise, the more chances you have to realize your plan. The descent means that calm times await you when you can relax and unwind a little - big troubles on your life path will not occur.

Why dream of an elevator - according to Z. Freud's dream book

To a well-known psychiatrist, the doors of the elevator diverging to the sides reminded, oddly enough, the genitals of a woman. If a representative of the beautiful half of humanity has such a dream, then she clearly has a partner with whom she wants to keep a relationship a secret. A broken elevator symbolizes the fear that you will be bitten. You are disturbed by a premonition of an event that will not allow you to further hide this connection.

If you press the elevator call button and it doesn't arrive, your relationship is in danger of breaking up.

The interpretation of this dream for men is completely different: the elevator portends a stormy sexual life full of novelty and originality.

Why dream of an elevator - according to the Eastern Dream Book

The rapid rise in the elevator, ending with a flight to the roof, in a dream predicts new friends, a change in social circle. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life forever, will become very dear to you and heartily close. If you dream that you are stuck in an elevator, then in life you will have to face problems that only you can solve.

Why dream of an elevator - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

According to Tsvetkov, a very fast lift in a dream portends an equally rapid development of events in life, suddenness and surprise. You will be picked up and swirled by the course of many affairs and worries, both pleasant and not very pleasant. You just have to relax and follow where you are carried by this current. But a rapid descent is interpreted as the presence of an obstacle that slows down the development of affairs. If you dream that the elevator cabin brings you to the last floor, it is a sign that in reality you will have to lie and cheat in order to protect your loved one, to protect him.

Why dream of an elevator - according to the dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If in dreams you see not the vehicle itself, but the elevator shaft, you should be careful and not take hasty steps. Probably, you are in for troubles that your enemies had a hand in. But don't be afraid: by carefully considering each of your actions, you will be able to cope with the situation.

You can predict the outcome of the situation if you remember exactly with what feelings you looked into the elevator shaft. The anxious mood that took possession of you at that moment suggests that the solution to the problem depends on whether you perform some act that is usually not characteristic of you. If, when looking into the dark inside of the mine, you were seized with calmness, then in reality everything will end successfully, even special efforts on your part will not be required. Dreamers who are curious at the sight of this image are not afraid in life, but even crave change, they are drawn to experiments.

Falling down the elevator shaft is a sign that in reality you have been dragged headlong into a routine, you dream of breaking out of the vicious circle of domestic duties, which seems to have no end. Find in yourself the strength and courage to resist this exhausting monotony, embark on the path of spiritual and creative development.

If in a dream you managed to cling to the edge of the mine, but you cannot get out of it, a period of stagnation and boredom is coming in life, which purposefulness and the desire to change something will help you survive.

From the shaft comes a cat's meow or even a fluffy body of a purr? Such a dream carries an alarming message - your enemies are more than ever ready to confront you. They are preparing a blow from behind, intending to take advantage of the surprise effect. Look at both, think over your every step and you will be able to defend yourself.

Why dream of an elevator - according to the Esoteric dream book

The elevator is a symbol of your inner world, the direction of its movement explains in which direction your spirit develops and whether it develops at all. So the rise means that you are doing everything right, skillfully maintaining a balance between the material world and the spiritual. You do not stand still, you are constantly morally and creatively growing.

The horizontal movement of the elevator in your dream, on the contrary, claims that you have chosen the wrong path and are about to get bogged down in problems and troubles with your head. You devote precious time of your life to caring for earthly goods, fleeting material things. You completely forgot that the spiritual needs of a person are no less important than the physical ones. Pay more attention to what you can’t buy for any money, do what you haven’t done since childhood.

If you dream that the elevator falls down the shaft, then you are in for a grand failure. To avoid it, you will have to completely change your life and moral guidelines.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence or absence of persons accompanying you. If you are alone in the elevator, then in life you should not allow strangers to interfere in your affairs. Go your own way and do not look back at the opinions of others. If you have one or more people with you, now you should work as a team. Don't be afraid to accept the help of others, especially those who are really professional.

What is the dream of the elevator - according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

AT this dream book the situation is deciphered when the elevator in a dream goes up and down, as if it cannot decide on the direction of movement. So the person who sees this dream is not able to decide which path to choose. He is a restless soul, endlessly seeking and not finding, striving for something unknown. But the subconscious still sends you signals for a reason that come to your dreams in the form of an elevator. Perhaps it is worth descending from heaven to earth, finally deciding on the direction of your activity.

Dream interpretation elevator falls down

An elevator is a means of transportation between floors. To find out why in a dream to be in an elevator, it is important to remember in which direction he was moving, up or down.

I dreamed of an elevator cabin

What do people use an elevator for? real life? For descent and ascent between floors. In fact, the dream book puts the same interpretation into it. Fall while in an elevator life's failures, to rise - to change for the better.

I dreamed of a fall

Dreamed of an elevator accident

The dreamer is not satisfied short definition that the fall threatens with failures and troubles? Do you want to understand your night vision more clearly? So you have to dig deeper. The first step is to consider the main predictions provided by the most popular dream interpreters.

What will the interpreter of the 21st century say

If the descent was too rapid, then the affairs of the sleeping person will not go the most in the best way. In principle, the dreamer will not even be able to influence them. Just be patient and get through the tough times.

True, the dream book believes that if the descent was not too rapid, did not cause you discomfort, then everything will be in order. The dreamer's life is settled, no storm, unexpected situations are foreseen.

Worse than a fall, interpreters consider a dream in which a person gets stuck in an elevator. Such a dream means that in the past you committed a rash act and will soon be called to account for it.

Gustav Miller's prediction

With Miller, even calmly going down the elevator is a bad sign. Failure will come upon you suddenly, and you will long time be perplexed.

Get out of the cabin in a dream and see her fall

Get out of the elevator and see how it flew down - you literally miraculously avoid trouble. Only after a while will you be able to assess the scale of a possible tragedy.

Rommel's interpretation

Dreaming that you are riding the elevator down? You will have to say goodbye to your hopes that you had on a certain occasion.

Rapid movement, no matter which way, dreams of obstacles and obstacles that will stand in the way of a sleeping person in the working area.

The elevator suddenly stopped - you will be in a dangerous situation.

Fear of closed space

A dream in which an elevator car flies through the roof of a building or falls into a shaft can be safely called a nightmare. What if a person suffers from claustrophobia, that is, is afraid of enclosed spaces? Then a simple stay in the elevator, albeit in night dreams, is an unpleasant dream.

It is possible that in reality you never noticed such a phobia in yourself, but in night vision the subconscious presents it as a hidden fear of loneliness. The dreamer is afraid to be alone, to be misunderstood in society.

Other troubles associated with the elevator car

Why the falling elevator is dreaming is more or less clear. But after all, in a dream you can get stuck in it, not be in time, fall into the mine. You never know what horrors a dreamer can dream of. Interpreters consider each individual situation.

Many of the actions that a person performs in a dream are quite symbolic. They often carry some kind of omen, so it is very important to remember all the details of the dream. One of these important actions, carrying symbolic meaning, is a drop. Therefore, this article will talk about what dreams of falling from a height.

Many of the actions that a person performs in a dream are quite symbolic.

The dream interpretation gives a fairly broad interpretation of this action. Here are the most common meanings of such a dream:

  1. A man fell off a cliff in a dream - it means that he is growing in reality. If a teenager has a dream, then we are talking about physical growth, but if an adult - about spiritual growth.
  2. A dream in which the dreamer flies straight into the abyss means some interesting thing in his life. However, if he did not survive in a dream, having crashed into an abyss, then success in this matter will not be achieved.
  3. Watching your own fall in a dream means suffering because of unrequited love. The symbolism of the fall, in this case, is as follows: a falling person is the collapse of his hopes for a bright future with the chosen one (chosen one).
  4. Such a dream may mean the loss of one's own ideals in real life.
  5. If a person dreamed that he was falling, then in reality he would experience bitter regret. Perhaps he will face losses.
  6. Falling in a dream means having trouble in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will take a risky business to achieve his goal, but it will not be successful.
  7. If a star fell from the sky on the dreamer, this is a very good sign. All his wishes will come true very soon.
  8. If the fall was in the sea, then the dreamer's wishes are not destined to come true.
  9. A male dreamer may experience sexual dissatisfaction.
  10. If during the fall a person experienced fear, then in life he will face serious trials. Will he deal with them? It depends only on him.
  11. To break something after a crash on the ground - to quarrels with loved ones. Perhaps the dreamer will conflict with a friend.

Falling from a height means losing health, getting sick.

Falling from a height in a dream book (video)

Interpretation in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller believes that this dream has a very significant meaning. In his opinion, a fall is a sign that the dreamer will face serious problems, after solving which, he will acquire important qualities for himself.

  • Falling off a cliff means overcoming difficulties in real life. If at the same time the dreamer is afraid, then there will be many problems that need to be solved.
  • Injure or break a limb after a fall - to the loss of something important. Perhaps the dreamer will have to part with a close friend.

A fall is a sign that the dreamer will face serious problems.

Why dream of falling from a great height?

Great height in a dream has an important semantic meaning. The larger it is, the more serious the difficulties will be in the way of achieving the dreamer's goal. That is, if the dreamer fell from high altitude- Failure awaits him.

The dream book warns that fear is the main enemy. A person should be easier to relate to his problems, otherwise he will be completely mired in them. Fearing their failures, they cannot be solved; on the contrary, the more the dreamer is afraid, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with problems. It is necessary to remember these words: To solve a problem, it is not enough just not to be afraid to take action for this, it is important not to be lazy.

Break in a dream, falling from a height

At first glance, it may seem like a very bad dream which does not bode well. No matter how! To break in a dream does not mean to die in reality. If in a dream a person died after a fall, this is a good sign, which is an omen of grandiose events in his life.

  1. If the dreamer had a need to jump down a cliff, he had good reasons for this. Perhaps in reality he feels depressed. It turns out that having crashed to death in a dream, he will be able to start new life in the reality. In this case, sleep is a clue.
  2. However, if in a dream death from a fall did not occur immediately, but after some time, which was torment for the dreamer, this speaks of unpromising matters that he does in reality. Perhaps, in order to succeed, he must turn his attention to other projects, abandoning the old ones.

To break in a dream does not mean to die in reality

Why dream of falling in an elevator?

  • If in a dream a person was riding in an elevator and at the same time experienced a strong fear of falling, this suggests that in real life he is afraid for something very valuable to him. This fear fetters the dreamer's actions, so the problem is not solved.

Such a dream is a warning to the dreamer.

The dream interpretation warns of the need for the dreamer to take actions to solve this problem, otherwise the problem will never be solved. A person must remember that inaction is not the best way decide something, therefore - you need to start acting.

  • Falling in an elevator is very scary, even in a dream. But such a dream does not portend death or some terrible event that should happen in a person's life. However, this does not mean that sleep is unimportant. It is a warning to the dreamer. He must have some unfinished business in real life. The dreamer cannot finish it, because he does not feel confident enough in himself for this. At the same time, the person shifts the blame for this to someone else.

The dream book advises to gain confidence as soon as possible and cope with the difficulty that has arisen.

If a stranger or loved one falls from a height in a dream

A fall is almost always associated with problems. Most often, the dreamer himself has to fall, but how to interpret a dream in which misfortune happened to someone else?

Falls are almost always associated with problems.

Watching another person fall means helping the poor fellow in real life. In such a dream, it is important to see the face of a person.

  1. Watching one of the dreamer's close friends fall means helping this person in reality. Perhaps very soon he will be asked to assist in some matter. It is unlikely that we are talking about some kind of friendly concession, for sure this is something very important, requiring attention and responsibility from the dreamer.
  2. Watching the fall of an outsider - to the unexpected assistance of a stranger. Again, the likelihood that one of the passers-by will ask the dreamer how to get to the right street is too small. Help will be significant.

If a woman has a dream?

  • It is believed that if a woman falls in a dream, then her moral qualities are discussed in society. People give them a negative connotation. That is, there is a moral fall.
  • A blow to the ground symbolizes the dreamer's femininity, because the earth is a symbol feminine. Such a dream has a very good interpretation.

Such a dream can also be interpreted as follows: the dreamer is ashamed of her act, which people condemn. Surely she has already managed to face public condemnation. In reality, a girl can experience suffering and a lot of negative feelings and emotions.

Fall in a dream: meaning (video)

Thus, a dream about a fall can be interpreted in completely different ways. Its interpretation depends on where the dreamer fell from, under what circumstances it happened, what he felt at the same time, and so on. But if correct interpretation was found, and it cannot be called comforting, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the dream book, and then the dreamer will be fine.

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If you manage to remember the details of night vision, then it will not be difficult to correctly understand what the elevator is dreaming of. Usually such an object in a dream turns out to be a symbol career development, raise social status, improvements financial position and other similar changes. It is very important to try to remember whether the elevator moved down or up.

Why dream of getting stuck in an elevator

If a person dreams of getting stuck in an elevator, it means that in reality there is a situation in which little depends on the sleeper himself. He shouldn't be worried for nothing. You need to relax and just wait until the situation is resolved on your own or under the influence of other people.

Does the dreamer initially enter a broken standing elevator? In real life, he dreams of achieving success without making any effort. A dream tells a man or woman that this is impossible to do. You will have to try - spend time and effort.

Miller's dream book notes that getting stuck in an elevator in a dream is a bad sign. It portends a person problems in various areas of life - in love, family, career, business. Already now you can begin to mentally prepare for trouble.

Ride up or down in an elevator

If you had to take the elevator up to the last floor in a dream, it means that in the near future the sleeping person will need to hide the bitter truth from others. This will be necessary so as not to harm a close loved one.

If the dreamer simply rides up in an elevator in a dream, without feeling any discomfort, in reality he will experience unprecedented success. Perhaps a person will literally fly up the career ladder or grab luck by the tail in another area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

It happens that the elevator moves up at high speed. So success can be achieved very easily. You don't even have to put in a lot of effort to do this.

Going down in the elevator cabin from a great height is not a good sign. On the contrary, he promises a person problems in work. Perhaps even a demotion awaits a man or woman.

One of the most common dream images is a moving or falling elevator. If you dream of an elevator, it always means some kind of change in real life - for the better or the worst side. It is often associated with dynamic events in life, as well as with inner world person. We can say that the elevator in a dream is a projection internal state a person, his view of himself and his feeling in the world. Often in such a dream the image of a staircase also comes.

Upward movement

Taking the elevator up is a good sign. To the dreamer, such a dream promises success in business, climbing the career ladder and resolving internal contradictions.

It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the cabin. A new and well-maintained elevator in a dream symbolizes the absence of obstacles to achieving your goals.

Slowly moving elevator - everything will not go as smoothly as we would like, but the goal will be achieved. A fast-moving elevator - nothing interferes on the way to a dream, or a person does not see obstacles. In real life, problems may exist, but the dreamer will cope with the difficulties.

Climbing to the roof - a person will exceed his capabilities, that is, he will either be appointed boss, or noticed by an influential patron, or get rich.

Good sign in a dream - to manage the lift yourself. This means climbing the career ladder and moving into the category of managers.

To dream about how the elevator stopped - it will take a lot of effort to achieve the goals, but someone is standing in the way and preventing you from achieving what you want. It can be both circumstances and the opponent.

If there are strangers in the cabin and it drives smoothly, the dreamer will be assisted by other people, without whom it would be difficult to get what you want alone in reality. Also, such a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Stuck in the cockpit - it's time to reconsider strategies for achieving goals. Perhaps the chosen plan is ineffective. To avoid stagnation in life will help a fresh look at habitual actions. If the elevator has stopped and is about to fall, but the person manages to open the doors and get out of the cab, a danger is possible that can be avoided. Also, such a dream speaks of self-doubt.

The swaying floor under your feet - the precariousness of the position. A person who sees such a dream feels very uncomfortable in life.

Downward movement

Going down the elevator always means moving down the career or social ladder.

The cabin is rapidly falling down - the dreamer is waiting for disappointment, loss of strength, or even dismissal. But if the elevator does not break, but stops on the top floor, then troubles can still be avoided if you understand yourself in time and correct your behavior.

To see an elevator broken as a result of a fall - the dreamer does not see life guidelines, feels himself at the bottom of society.

Jumping out of a cabin falling at full speed means that in extreme conditions a person will find an unexpected way out. A good sign if the dreamer continues the way up the whole staircase, without broken railings and steps or unexpected dead ends. Such a dream promises that plans will be violated, but a person will find another, simpler and more effective way to solve the problem.

If the cabin is stuck between floors, the person is in a difficult position. He faced a dilemma, but sooner or later the choice would have to be made.

Movement to the side - you should expect unexpected turns in life. For a woman, such a dream means a meeting with interesting people perhaps a change of residence or marriage. For a man - a sudden business trip.

If the elevator went down and the doors opened on the top floor, this means failure, uncertainty, and a possible loss of work. For girls, the dream book hints at paying attention to relationships with a partner. She may feel insecure and insecure in the relationship.

For a man, opening and closing doors promise success in love affairs, fun adventure with a few frivolous women.

A non-working connection with the elevator operator indicates an imminent break with a loved one if the dreamer does not take measures to prevent quarrels.

Waking up after falling in the elevator shaft - failures, self-doubt, spiritual devastation.

Cabin condition

When observing sleep, you should pay attention to the state of the cabin. The older she is, the more broken and broken a person feels. The absence of several or even all call buttons should be puzzling - this means that the dreamer does not see a solution to his problems. Cabin details:

  • A mirror on the wall means that in order to achieve results, you need to rely on your own strength. Problem solving will be prompted by intuition, which is worth listening to.
  • A broken backlight means the loss of a guiding star and landmarks. Brightly burning lighting - good luck in love and career.
  • If she does not arrive when calling the cabin, and the path has to continue up the stairs, such a plot may mean parting with loved ones and unexpected changes in the dreamer's fate.
  • A cabin without walls (only with a platform) means a feeling of insecurity. There are too many strangers intruding into life.

A small cabin means that some thoughts are strangling a person, the dreamer is in a constrained position, perhaps he is obliged to someone and does not feel personal freedom because of this.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

Turning inwards

The mood in a dream shows how a person feels in life. If the dreamer good job and a wonderful personal life, but a falling elevator is dreaming, which means that in some matters he feels very insecure. It's about about psycho-emotional fatigue. It is worth understanding internal contradictions with the help of introspection.

The dreamer falls asleep in the elevator - he fences himself off from solving problems. If this happens in the company of people, then the person is not responsible for himself and entrusts the management of his life to others.

The often repeated story about a moving elevator means that the dreamer understands the need for impending changes, but is not yet able to change anything. An uncontrolled mechanical device usually means that changes in life occur without the control of the dreamer.

The elevator is like a cage

Often the elevator car acts as a kind of cage. A person subconsciously understands that he is stuck in some role, but is not able to change anything. If a person has locked himself inside and does not let other passengers in, the dreamer needs a rest from society to restore mental strength.

The upward movement may also be accompanied by negative emotions. Such a dream indicates that a person is being moved forward without his desire.

The feeling of flying means that the dreamer is comfortable in life, he does not have enemies or does not know about their existence. A good sign is that nothing interferes with the movement of the cab, the person feels comfortable on the trip and reaches the destination. Such a dream speaks of good emotional state and confidence in their value.

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