Interstate Aviation Committee. History of creation and functionality Aviation Committee

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was established on a contractual basis on December 30, 1991. It is included in the ICAO Register of International Intergovernmental Organizations and registered in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

IAC is an intergovernmental organization of the sovereign states of the region of Eastern Europe who joined the Agreement on Civil Aviation and on the Use of Airspace, which was signed in Minsk (Republic of Belarus). As of the end

2005, 12 states are parties to the Agreement: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Georgia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Two states - the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia - have the status of observers.

In accordance with the powers delegated by the founding states, the IAC is intended to serve the achievement of the goals of a unified policy and coordination of activities in the field of the use of airspace, air traffic control, certification of aircraft, airfields and equipment, investigation of aviation accidents, ensuring the unification of the Aviation Rules systems, development of a coherent policy in the field air transport, coordination of development and implementation of interstate scientific and technical programs. Since the degree of delegation of powers of the IAC by the founding states is not the same, the nature of their participation in the activities of the IAC has significant differences.

The main activities of the MAC are:

    development and formation of the structure of unified Aviation rules and procedures in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace in the CIS region, as well as their harmonization with the Aviation Rules recognized by the World Aviation Community;

    creation and maintenance of the functioning unified system certification aviation technology and its production, its harmonization with other international systems;

    preservation for the CIS member states of a professional independent body for the investigation of aviation accidents, which ensures an objective investigation of aviation accidents not only in the territories of the Commonwealth states, but also beyond their borders;

    protection for the CIS countries of the air transport services market through interstate agreements and agreed regulations in the field of tariffs and mutual settlements;

    coordination of interaction between authorities in emergency situations and in zones of local military conflicts on the territory of the states-participants of the Agreement;

    the fight against unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation;

    development international cooperation with the states and international organizations of civil aviation in order to integrate the states-participants of the Agreement into the world aviation community.

air law civil aviation

All international civil aviation organizations can be divided into two groups.

The first group includes organizations within which various states are represented by their governments, ministries, aviation departments, etc. These are intergovernmental organizations in the field of civil aviation.

The second group includes international non-governmental organizations in the field of civil aviation. This is a fairly developed form of international cooperation. The subjects of legal relations are airlines, airports and other aviation associations.

The first includes organizations that are engaged in the provision of regional international air navigation, aimed at providing, planning and organizing international air traffic in a specific region. So, to improve air traffic control (ATC) in the territory Western Europe in 1960, Eurocontrol was created - the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation. In the same 1960, the Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar, ASECNA, was formed. With the same goals, since 1961, the Central American Organization for the Services of Air Navigation - KOKESNA began to function.

ASECNA has the following main objectives:

  • - ensuring the regularity and safety of flights over the territories of the Member States (except France);
  • - provision of flight, technical and transportation information;
  • - air traffic control;
  • - flight control, etc.

ASECNA's highest body is the Administrative Council, which makes binding decisions. Executive functions are carried out by management, accounting bureau and CEO. The headquarters of ASEKNA is located in Dakar.

KOKESNA was established for the direct service of air traffic control. KOKESNA provides services to both legal and individuals under special contracts or international agreements. The supreme body of KOKESNA is the Administrative Council.

The second subgroup of intergovernmental international organizations includes organizations focused on solving the economic and legal problems of regional air transport.

This is primarily the European Civil Aviation Conference EKAK, which was established in 1954. EKAK adopted recommendations to simplify the procedures for registering passengers, cargo, and baggage. According to Article 1 of the Charter of EKAK, the main tasks of this organization are the consideration and resolution of problems related to the activities of air transport.

The legal basis for the activities of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCC) is the Charter and Rules of Procedure adopted at a special Conference of representatives of 32 African States on January 18, 1969. In accordance with the AFCAC Charter, this organization undertakes to contribute to the development of a common policy of member states in the field of civil aviation, to promote a more efficient use of African air transport. AFKAK was created to carry out advisory functions. The objectives of its activities are:

  • - preparation of regional plans for air navigation services;
  • - promoting the integration of Member States' air transport policies;
  • - implementation of research on the use of air navigation facilities;
  • - promoting the application of standards and recommendations in the region, etc.

The Commission includes:

The plenary session is the supreme body of AFCAK;

In 1991, such an international intergovernmental organization as the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was established. The IAC was established on the basis of the intergovernmental Agreement on Civil Aviation and on the Use of Airspace (Agreement), concluded by 12 new independent states, and in accordance with the established rules and procedures, is included in the ICAO register.

The formation of the Interstate Aviation Committee made it possible not only to prevent the destruction of the air transport market and aviation production in the CIS, to protect the political and economic interests of the region, but also to offer the governments of the Commonwealth states new approaches to implementing joint projects developers, manufacturers and operators of aviation equipment.

The main activities of the Interstate Aviation Committee are:

  • - preservation of uniform aviation rules and procedures in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace in the Commonwealth region and their harmonization with the aviation rules of other world systems;
  • - maintaining a unified certification system for aviation equipment and its production;
  • - preservation of a professionally independent body for the investigation of aviation accidents, recognized by similar structures in the world (provides an objective investigation of aviation accidents not only on the territory of the Commonwealth states, but also abroad);
  • - preservation of the market of air transport services for the CIS through interstate agreements and agreed regulations;
  • - development of constructive cooperation with ICAO, IATA and other international aviation organizations.

MAC operates on the basis of and in full compliance with international law and national legislations of the states-participants of the Agreement, having from them powers delegated in accordance with presidential decrees, government decrees and other legislative acts.

The headquarters of the Interstate Aviation Committee is located in Moscow, where its activities are ensured in accordance with the law ratified by the Federal Assembly Russian Federation, and the Air Code.

Among the non-governmental aviation organizations that currently exist (there are about 200 of them), the undisputed leader is the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the foundations of which were laid on August 28, 1919 in The Hague by a number of private airlines with the aim of "establishing uniformity in the operation of air lines international importance". This position was formulated in the founding documents International Association air travel in 1919. The year of formation of IATA, which is the actual successor of this association, is considered to be 1945.

The main objectives of IATA are:

  • - promoting the development of safe, regular and economical air transport in the interests of the peoples of the world;
  • - encouragement of aviation commercial activities, study of related problems;
  • - ensuring the development of cooperation between air transport enterprises;
  • - direct cooperation with ICAO and other international aviation organizations.

IATA develops recommendations on the construction and rules for the application of tariffs, establishes uniform standards for passenger service, transportation of goods, baggage, and is working on the standardization and unification of transportation documentation

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO from English ICAO -- International Civil Aviation Organization) -- specialized agency The UN, which establishes international standards for civil aviation and coordinates its development in order to improve safety and efficiency.

The goals and objectives of ICAO are defined by Article 44 of the Chicago Convention of 1944

They are:

  • - ensuring the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world;
  • - encouragement of the art of designing and operating aircraft;
  • - creation and development of air routes, airports and air navigation facilities for international civil aviation;
  • - meeting the needs of the peoples of the world in safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport;
  • - prevention of economic losses caused by unreasonable competition;
  • - promotion of flight safety.

The undisputed leader of the first group is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). If the activities of ICAO as a specialized organization of the UN are worldwide in nature, then the activities of other intergovernmental organizations extend, as a rule, to individual regions.

On a global scale, civil aviation (GA) activities are regulated by international intergovernmental (and non-governmental), universal or regional aviation organizations. Our article describes the most influential of them. The bulk of international aviation organizations was created during the period rapid development civil aviation (1944-1962), which was due to the need to standardize and unify the rules, documents, procedures, requirements and recommendations in the field of performance and support of flights, as well as the development of unified approaches to flight safety.

Undoubtedly, the main such organization is ICAO— GA International Organization (International Civil Aviation Organization), whose goal is the development of world civil aviation, the development and implementation of unified rules for the performance and maintenance of flights in order to increase the level of safety and regularity of air transportation. ICAO was established as a special agency of the United Nations on December 7, 1947 on the basis of the provisions of the Chicago Convention apartment in Montreal (Canada). Members of ICAO are states. Structurally, the Organization consists of the Assembly, the Council, the Air Navigation Commission, seven committees and the secretariat. The Assembly is the supreme body of ICAO. The regular session of the Assembly meets at least once every three years, and an emergency session may be held if necessary. ICAO's permanent body, the Council, is chaired by the President and consists of representatives from 36 Contracting States, elected by the Assembly every three years.

ICAO's activities are focused on the following main areas: technical (development, implementation and improvement of standards and recommended practices - SARP), economic (study of air traffic development trends, on the basis of which recommendations are made on the values ​​​​of charges for the use of airports and air navigation services, as well as the procedure setting tariffs and facilitation of transport formalities, provision of ongoing technical assistance developing countries at the expense of the developed), in the legal (drafting of new conventions on international air law).

Another example of a universal organization is the International Air Transport Association. (IATA, International Air Transport Association), which was established in 1945 and headquartered in Montreal. Unlike ICAO, IATA members are legal entities- airlines, and the main goals of the organization are the development of safe, regular and economical air transport, as well as ensuring the development of cooperation between airlines. The supreme body is the General Meeting, and the permanent working body is the Executive Committee.

IATA generalizes and disseminates experience in the economic and technical operation of air transport, organizes the coordination of flight schedules between carriers and their work with sales agents, as well as mutual settlements between airlines. Another essential function IATA is to conduct an airline safety audit (IOSA, IATA Operational Safety Audit) - a strict check of the carrier's activities in 872 parameters, without which a company cannot join either IATA or any of the alliances such as Star Alliance, Skyteam or One World. Obtaining the IOSA certificate enhances the status of the airline and expands the opportunities for international cooperation.

There are also international organizations that represent and protect the interests of individuals, as well as increasing their role in the development of a safe and regular air service system, cooperation and unity of action: pilots - International Federation associations of line pilots (IFALPA - International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations) and controllers - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations). Both organizations function to increase and maintain professional level its members, social partnership, expansion of cultural and industry international relations, exchange of experience.

Regional international aviation organizations represented by: European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC - European Civil Aviation Conference), African Civil Aviation Commission (AfCAC - African Civil Aviation Commission), Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC - Latin America Civil Aviation Commission) and Civil Aviation Council Arab States(ACAC - Arab Civil Aviation Commission). The goals of each of these organizations are similar: to promote cooperation between the participating States in the field of air transport for its more efficient and orderly development, to ensure the systematization and standardization of common technical requirements to new aviation equipment, including communication, navigation and surveillance systems, flight safety issues, collection of statistical data on aviation accidents and incidents.

On the territory of the CIS also operates special organizationInterstate Aviation Committee (IAC) - executive agency in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace, common to 11 countries former USSR(except Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Georgia).

The IAC is engaged in the certification of aircraft, airfields and airlines, as well as the investigation of aviation accidents. However, as independent experts note, the combination of these functions in some cases raises suspicion of a conflict of interest, biased investigations and conclusions of commissions.

In the field of air navigation, the largest organization is the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation - EUROCONTROL. It was established in 1960 with the aim of ensuring air navigation and flight safety, managing and coordinating air traffic in the upper airspace over the territory of 40 member countries, developing uniform rules for performing flights and the activities of air navigation services. Supreme governing body EUROCONTROL is a Permanent Commission working with heads of state, ATS providers, airspace users, airports and other organizations. Among the main functions of the organization is the planning and management of aircraft flows. As you know, European ATC centers serve an average of 5-6 times more flights per year than Russian ones (in the busiest Center - Maastricht - the air traffic intensity exceeds 5000 aircraft per day!), Therefore, EUROCONTROL introduced a system of hard slots (time windows ) for each of the flights arriving for management.

On Thursday, November 5, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) recommended suspending the operation of Boeing 737 Classic and Next Generation aircraft. The reason is the non-compliance of these liners with safety standards due to the possible failure of the elevator control system. On the same day, the Federal Air Transport Agency announced that they would give the document a go only after consultation with representatives of the IAC, which was to be held on Friday, November 6. tells what the MAK does and what powers it has.

What is MAC?

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) is the executive body of 11 CIS states in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace. It was established on the basis of the intergovernmental "Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace" signed on December 30, 1991.

The parties to the agreement are:

  • Azerbaijan,
  • Armenia,
  • Belarus,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Moldova,
  • Russia,
  • Tajikistan,
  • Turkmenistan,
  • Uzbekistan,
  • Ukraine.

The headquarters of the IAC is located in Moscow at the address: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 22/2/1.

What does the organization do?

The IAC is engaged in the certification of aircraft, airfields and airlines and participates in the investigation of accidents in air transport. The organization performs the technical work of deciphering the data from the flight recorders, is engaged in the reconstruction of the course of events and gives expert assessment. The final conclusion about the causes of disasters and guilt is made by the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation.

The tasks of the MAC also include:

Development and formation of the structure of unified aviation rules and procedures in the field of civil aviation and the use of airspace in the CIS region and their compliance with the aviation rules of the world aviation communities;

Creation and maintenance of the unified certification system for aviation equipment and its production, its harmonization with other international systems;

Creation of a professional independent body for the investigation of aviation accidents, providing an objective investigation of aviation accidents not only in the territories of the states of the Commonwealth, but also beyond their borders;

Protection for the CIS countries of the air transport services market through interstate agreements and agreed regulations in the field of tariffs and mutual settlements;

Coordinating the interaction of authorized bodies in emergency situations and in zones of local military conflicts on the territory of the states parties to the agreement;

The fight against unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation. Development of international cooperation with states and international organizations of civil aviation.

According to Life, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree establishing the International Bureau of Investigation of Air Accidents and Serious Incidents. The new structure is designed to fulfill the functions of the IAC, created back in 1991. AT new structure will include specialists from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The doors to the new international organization are also open to other CIS countries.

Part of the functions of the IAC for the certification of aircraft, engines and airfields is planned to be transferred to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Thus, according to the instructions of the Prime Minister, the functions of the IAC for certification of types of aircraft will be transferred to the Federal Air Transport Agency, airfields - to the Ministry of Transport, and engines and propellers - to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Previously, these functions were delegated to the MAC, in fact, on a voluntary basis.

The government believes that, unlike the MAC, the new Bureau will investigate not only accidents, but also serious incidents that differ not only in consequences, but also in circumstances.

The main function of the new structure is an expert investigation into the circumstances of aviation accidents, says a Life source in the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation notes that after the formation of national air legislation in Russia and other CIS countries, the 1991 agreement on the creation of the IAC "has largely lost its functions."

The new structure will include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Negotiations with the countries belonging to the EurAsEC took place throughout 2018. It was about their entry into the International Bureau of Investigation of Air Accidents and Serious Incidents.

According to executive director of the Aviaport company of Oleg Panteleev, if the creation of a new investigation body proceeds without haste, then the new bureau will have time to prepare personnel, scientific, technical and material base for its work. At the same time, maintaining cooperation with the IAC in this area will make it possible to use the achievements of highly qualified specialists and international contacts.

Life's sources in the aviation industry express another version of the creation of the International Bureau of Investigation of Air Accidents and Serious Incidents in the Eurasian economic union(EAEU). In their opinion, this is how the Federal Air Transport Agency is trying to take control of the system of independent investigations that the IAC has been conducting for 27 years.

Honored Pilot of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia Magomed Tolboev says that he does not understand why create a new structure for the investigation of aviation accidents in the CIS countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), if competent specialists worked at the IAC.

Experts link the problems of the IAC in Russia and with its legal status on the territory of the country.

On the one hand, the IAC is the federal executive body of the Russian Federation responsible for investigating aircraft accidents, and on the other hand, it is an interstate structure that is not accountable to Russia. This is the legal conflict.

The MAC, its officials, as well as the decisions they make, are not controlled by the administrative and judicial system Russian Federation. Consequently, the IAC is a supranational body, absolutely free to make any decisions, which excludes legal mechanisms for holding its officials accountable, and also does not allow using provided by law RF means of judicial and administrative protection of the violated rights of subjects of aviation activities, lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky explained to Life.

Now the IAC is investigating all aviation accidents with aircraft of the states parties to the agreement, both on their territories and outside them, as well as within the framework of agreements concluded with other states. The main principle of the IAC investigation system is independence, which is in line with the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the European Community Directive regarding the independent investigation of aviation accidents.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) was established on December 30, 1991. The parties to this agreement so far are the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

The IAC itself refused to tell Life the details about the creation of a new structure.

Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) does not comment on decisions government agencies Russian Federation, - said Life in the IAC.

According to Life, Russia may announce its withdrawal from the IAC at the next meeting of the executive committee, which will lead to a chain reaction.

It cannot be ruled out that, following Russia, representatives of other participating countries will also announce their withdrawal from the founders of the IAC. Then the organization will simply cease to exist, - said the interlocutor of Life, who is familiar with the situation.

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