Aviation parade. Victory parade. Where to watch aviation

MOSCOW, 9 May. /TASS/. The military parade dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War ended on Red Square in Moscow. Bad weather conditions, which forecasters had previously warned about, led to the cancellation of the aviation part of the parade.

This year, about 10 thousand people and 114 units of ground equipment took part in the celebrations on Red Square. A pleasant addition to this year's parade was the participation of Arctic military equipment and detachments of the Yunarmiya movement.

President's speech

Speaking at the Victory Parade, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that there is no force capable of enslaving Russia. "No, there was not and will not be a force that could conquer our people," the head of state said.

According to Putin, the Second World War could not be prevented because of the disunity of peoples, and the triumphant victory over this "terrible totalitarian force will forever remain in the history of mankind as the pinnacle of the triumph of life and reason over death and barbarism."

The President also stated that the Russian Armed Forces are capable of repulsing any aggression, however, in order to effectively combat terrorism and other modern threats, the entire world community needs to consolidate.

Foot calculations

Traditionally, students of the Moscow and Tver Suvorov Military Schools, the Nakhimov Naval School, as well as the combined regiments of the Ground and Aerospace Forces, the Navy and parade crews of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service, the Airborne Forces, the RKhBZ, the Strategic Missile Forces and the National Guard took part in the Victory Parade.

For the first time, detachments of youth soldiers, female cadets of the Budyonny Military Academy of Communications and the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, and marines of the coastal troops of the Northern Fleet from the 61st separate Kirkenes Red Banner Brigade marched through Red Square for the first time. Traditionally, the Kremlin cadets completed the walking part of the parade.

Military equipment

The mechanized column was headed by the legendary T-34 tank of the Great Patriotic War, followed by the Tigr multi-purpose armored vehicles, the Typhoon-K and Typhoon-U universal armored vehicles, the infantry fighting vehicle on the Kurganets-25 platform and the main combat vehicle infantry BMP-3.

After them, a column of modern tanks appeared on Red Square - the T-14 "Armata" and the main battle tanks of the Russian army T-72B3. Artillery was represented by the Koalitsiya-SV interspecific complex and Msta-S self-propelled howitzers, after which a division of Iskander-M high-precision missile systems and Buk-M2 and Tor-M2U anti-aircraft missile systems passed through the square.

In addition, the mechanized column included Rakushka and BMD-4M amphibious multi-purpose armored personnel carriers, S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems and autonomous launchers of the latest Yars missile system, as well as an infantry fighting vehicle on the Boomerang platform.

Arctic equipment, which for the first time this year took part in the Victory Parade, was represented by the Tor-M2DT anti-aircraft missile system and the Pantsir-SA anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems based on a two-link all-terrain vehicle.

Aviation was not

The parade was supposed to end with a flight over Red Square of aircraft and helicopters of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, however, as reported by the Ministry of Defense, due to adverse weather conditions in the Moscow region, it was decided to cancel the participation of aviation.

The Victory Parade was to be attended by a Mi-26 helicopter escorted by four Mi-8s, Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Mi-35M helicopters, Tu-160, Tu-22M3 and Tu-95MS strategic bombers, Il- 78, An-124 and Il-76MD military transport aircraft, Su-35S, Su-30SM, Su-27, MiG-29, MiG-31BM fighters, Su-34, Su-24M front-line bombers, Yak combat training aircraft -130 from the Wings of Taurida air group. The parade was to be completed by six Su-25 attack aircraft with smoke in the colors of the Russian flag.

On May 4, a rehearsal of the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. Formations of the Military Space Forces of Russia of the th Federation took part in it - planes and helicopters flew over the capital of Russia. Our photojournalist Vladimir Velengurin watched the strategic bombers with his own hands.

- The most exciting moment of the parade on Red Square is the flight of aircraft. Millions of eyes are riveted on aces pilots. I also decided to be on the other side of the parade. My task is to fly an IL-78 and photograph a Tu-160 flying over Red Square. Usually the road to Red Square from home takes me no more than an hour, this time I got to the heart of Moscow for almost a day. Landing on my plane was at a military airfield in the city of Engels, Saratov region. Over Red Square, the IL-78 will imitate the refueling of the most powerful strategic bomber TU-160. From the rear cockpit of the IL-78 in the tail of the aircraft, where the tanker operator is located, there is a small window. From there, the refueling process is controlled, and there I will take pictures. The operation is similar to the passage of a camel through the eye of a coal. The refueling operator releases a hose with a length of more than 20 meters, which is “sucked” in flight by an aircraft that needs refueling.

Our photojournalist had to start ahead of time, although the flight itself was rather short. At the same time, the planes that fly over Red Square have "spare":

- At 8 am we started from the airfield. A Tu-160 joined us behind us. He flew all the way to Moscow, clinging to our tail at 30-100 meters, terrifying me. If we translate the distance between the planes into a car, then the distance was critical. What if we make an emergency stop? The planes at the Victory Parade are the same movie stars. Everyone has their own doppelgänger. If suddenly there is some kind of problem with the main apparatus, then an understudy will immediately take its place. And at the parade, no one will notice the substitution. Planes and helicopters start from military airports in the middle zone of the country in the morning. By 11 am, all participants in the parade flock to the Kubinka airfield, line up and fly to Red Square at intervals of several tens of seconds. But no duplicates.

It turned out to be quite difficult to take a picture and I had to work hard to make the shot successful:

- The height of the flight over the Red Square is different for everyone. From 150 to 500 meters. Our tandem flies at an altitude of 500 meters. At this height, usually due to air currents, strong turbulence begins at the IL-78. And shooting becomes simply unbearable! The sensations are as if you are riding a bicycle at great speed along the sleepers. I am thrown in a cramped booth from one wall to another, I touch the low ceiling. But I concentrate and try to hold myself and not lose the picture in the camera viewfinder. The main task is to shoot the TU-160 over Red Square! A long road - that's Red Square. She flashed for a few seconds and that's it. So fast that I barely have time to press the trigger. No impressions due to technical reasons. All my emotions went into the fight against turbulence - how not to drop or break the camera and take a picture in time.

For many pilots, this flight was the first and there were many emotions:

- After Moscow - back to Engels. The whole way there and back is about 4 hours. Upon arrival, I spoke to the crew. For most of them, this was the first flight over Red Square. And they have a lot of impressions from the flight. Only the best of the best manage to get to the Parade. I got photos. But not to say that I was pleased with them. Not everything depends on the photographer. The clouds prevented me, or rather the shadow from them, which fell directly on the Kremlin. It turned out to be somewhat shaded, but the details of its towers and buildings are visible. But the photograph is still impressive in its scale. Giant TU-160 in flight over Red Square against the backdrop of the panorama of Moscow!


Prior to this, aviation trained at other sites. The air equipment that participates in the parade is well known to everyone, said Artem Sherstyukov, spokesman for the Defense Ministry, before the rehearsal. - These are strategic missile carriers Tu-160 and Tu-95 MS, long-range bombers TU 23 MZ, transport aircraft, and all modern fighters, attack aircraft and helicopters. The most spectacular moments of the parade will be the flights of the Russian Knights aerobatic team on the SU 30 SM, and 6 SU-25 attack aircraft will paint the sky with the colors of the Russian flag with smoke. Crews of long-range aviation IL 78 and TU 160 carry out an imitation of refueling in the air. The parade will be attended by 55 aircraft, 17 helicopters, 77 crews in total.

The expert told how the decision was made to ban flights over Red Square

To much that happened on a dank, rainy (and sometimes - an unheard of thing - snowy) Tuesday, May 9, on Red Square, the word "for the first time" was applicable. For the first time, military Arctic equipment appeared at the Victory Parade, guys from the Yunarmiya patriotic movement marched, showed a new general's uniform, similar to the one in which the participants in the 1945 parade marched, and demonstrated a new uniform for female military personnel. The air part of the parade was also canceled for the first time. But there are no hidden reasons to look for here. The weather this spring is merciless for Muscovites - and on the coldest and most cloudy Victory Day in more than 30 years, no one would risk giving the go-ahead to fly planes in low cloud cover.

In total, more than 10 thousand servicemen, over 100 units of modern weapons and military equipment took part in the parade. Direct participants in the Victory Parade - servicemen, cadets and Yunarmiya - began to arrive on Red Square early in the morning. The weather, apparently, decided to test their strength. On May 9 in Moscow, it was more like the beginning of winter. Heavy low clouds, gusty wind. The temperature in the morning was about -2 degrees, it was raining with snow. Since everyone was dressed in a summer dress uniform, in which it is easy to get wet to the skin, they decided to give them warm military jackets with hoods. But shortly before the start of the parade, the guys themselves threw off their outerwear. According to one of the officers, “everyone is now on such an adrenaline rush that they practically don’t feel the cold.”

The action itself, according to tradition, began at 10 am with the last blow of the chimes on the Spasskaya Tower. And certainly no element can prevent this tradition!

One of the innovations of the parade is an updated uniform, specially made for the generals of the Russian army: a sea-green tunic with a stand-up collar. In addition, ceremonial crews from the Combined Arms Academy and the Military Academy of the Aerospace Forces passed through Red Square in the same uniform. The uniform is certainly beautiful and pays tribute to the traditions of both the tsarist and the Soviet army. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu traditionally crossed himself before the start of the parade, greeted the parade "boxes", and then reported on readiness to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Speaking at the parade, the president emphasized that “no, there has not been and will not be a force that could conquer our people. He stood to the death, defending his native land, and did the seemingly impossible - he turned back the bloody wheel of the Second World War, drove the enemy from where he dared to come to our land, crushed Nazism, put an end to his atrocities. And we will never forget that it was our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who won the freedom of Europe and the long-awaited peace on the planet.”

For the first time, guys from the patriotic movement Yunarmiya took part in the walking part of the parade. They, apparently, were the luckiest of all, as they were dressed in insulated uniforms - red berets, sand-colored jackets and trousers.

The most memorable was the passage of two women's parade "boxes". The girls, despite the cold, smiled radiantly. In one "box" there were young ladies in dazzling white uniforms, in the other, for the first time, a new female uniform was presented - blue tunics and white skirts.

At the parade, samples of Arctic technology could not help but surprise. Indeed: a formidable fighting vehicle - and suddenly a peaceful white color! Two-link all-terrain vehicles DT-30 carried on trailers short-range anti-aircraft missile and gun systems "Pantsir-SA" and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems "Tor-M2DT". As one spectator joked, “Arctic technology brought arctic cold to Moscow.”

Of course, promising models of military equipment also passed through Red Square: Armata tanks, Kurganets infantry fighting vehicles, Boomerang armored personnel carriers, Coalition self-propelled howitzers.

But the expected air parade was canceled at the last moment. Moreover, the flight of air equipment was canceled for the second time in the history of the parades. The first was... June 24, 1945, during the famous Victory Parade, when yesterday's front-line soldiers threw fascist banners to the Mausoleum. Then the planes could not lift into the air due to heavy rain.

Despite the fact that from the evening of May 8, aviation tried to disperse the clouds over Moscow, these attempts ended unsuccessfully.

As military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told MK, the meteorological conditions on May 9 were extremely unfavorable.

It is clear that in the first place now was the provision of flight safety. Of course, our aviation is all-weather and can solve combat missions in the most abnormal conditions. However, one must understand that for flights over the city, especially in the parade air formation, good weather conditions are needed.

According to Murakhovsky, the flight manager can cancel the overflight. During the parade, a command post is set up in one of the Kremlin towers, from which it monitors the actions of aviation. Airplanes and helicopters go to the starting points of their route from different airfields. The flight director manages them online. He relies not only on the data that comes to him from the GLONASS system, from military meteorologists, but also monitors information coming from the pilots.

In order to make a decision to cancel flights, there are several factors, - Murakhovsky explained. - A mandatory requirement is the visual visibility of aircraft from the ground. In addition, the pilots themselves must see their colleagues in the air in low cloud conditions. Wind speed and gusts are also taken into account. Probably, these data did not satisfy the conditions.

No matter how many planes were involved in dispersing the clouds, and no matter how much money was spent, the cyclone would not allow creating the visibility necessary for the viewer, - added Yury Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet. - Alas, we do not always have power over the weather. The fact is that today's clouds look like a layered cake, some of the layers were removed with special reagents, which made it possible to avoid rain and snow, and some remained. The lower edge of the clouds hung at a height of 300 meters, so military equipment could not fly under it.

According to Varakin, the planes began to fight the clouds early in the morning on the border with the Tver region, but the lower edge of the front was still oversaturated with steam. In addition, he noted that if there were no active influences on the clouds, then the spectators of the parade would expect a repetition of the Monday snow storm.

According to eyewitnesses, the overflight attempt was nevertheless carried out. The planes took off from their base airfields and reached the assembly point in the Tushin area. However, having received the command, they turned around and returned to their airfields.

Also, due to unfavorable weather conditions in St. Petersburg, warships could not participate in the parade. At least this version was voiced by one of the high-ranking officers of the Western Military District. 13 ships and auxiliary vessels were to take part in the naval parade. Including the large landing ship "Minsk", landing boats "Denis Davydov" and "Lieutenant Rimsky-Korsakov", small missile ships "Rain", "Serpukhov" and large missile boat "Morshansk".

However, there is another version. Now NATO is active on the borders of the Russian Federation with the Baltic countries. So, on April 25, several fifth-generation F-35 aircraft arrived at the Estonian air base at Emari, and in early May, NATO ships began to arrive in the Baltic. So, in the Gulf of Gdansk there is now the USS Carney missile destroyer with guided missile weapons (URO), equipped with the Aegis system. According to some reports, the forces and means of the Baltic Fleet were sent to neutral waters to escort NATO ships.


Cloud dispersal technology was invented by Soviet scientists back in the 80s of the last century. First, the forecasters study the meteorological situation, and they prepare for the crews of aircraft with special spray guns containing the reagent - silver iodide - a map from which it becomes clear where, at what time and what kind of cloud needs to be sprayed to make a "hole" of the required size reached Red Square at a certain time. From water vapor, that is, the cloud itself, nuclei are formed, and rain is shed - allegorically: the cloud is losing weight. If it were not for the anomalously cold and wet front with occasional cumulus clouds, these measures would have been enough, and the sun, as in all previous years, came out at the right time.

Due to unfavorable weather conditions in the Moscow region, the Ministry of Defense decided to cancel the flight of military aircraft over Red Square during the Victory Parade. It was planned that 72 planes and helicopters would fly over the square.

Aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces over Red Square at the dress rehearsal of the Victory Parade on May 7 (Photo: Ekaterina Shlyushenkova / RBC)

The Ministry of Defense has canceled the air part of the parade in honor of the 72nd anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, TASS reports citing the press service of the department.

The decision was made due to adverse weather conditions in Moscow and the region.

“The planes and helicopters involved in the Victory Parade on Red Square will return to their base airfields,” the defense ministry said in a statement.

In 2017, about 10,000 military personnel and 114 units of ground equipment took part in the parade.

It was assumed that 72 aircraft and helicopters would take part in the air parade. The air column was to be led by the world's largest military transport helicopter Mi-26, accompanied by four Mi-8s. The parade was to be attended by Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 strategic and long-range bombers, as well as fighters, including the latest Su-35S, front-line bombers and attack aircraft, Yak-130 combat training aircraft, military transport vehicles and aircraft - tankers. It was also planned that Mi-26 and Mi-8AMTSh, Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Mi-35M helicopters would fly over Red Square. Aviation was concentrated at eight airfields in eight regions of Russia.

At the military parade in St. Petersburg, the flight of aviation went according to plan. “The most experienced crews of Su-35, MiG-29, Su-27, Su-34 fighters, Ka-52, Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-26 helicopters, An-12 transport aircraft, An-26, Tu-134, more than 40 units of aviation equipment in total, ”TASS was told in the press service of the Western Military District.

However, the St. Petersburg parade took place without the participation of ships, Interfax reports. Earlier it was reported that ships of the Baltic and Leningrad naval bases of the fleet will take part in the celebrations in the Neva on Victory Day. In total, it was planned to use more than ten ships, boats and support vessels of the Baltic Fleet. However, despite their announced participation in the celebrations, the ships did not appear in St. Petersburg.

In 2016, 71 units of military equipment flew over Moscow in an air formation. This year, among other things, Ka-52 attack helicopters and the Russian Knights aerobatic team were supposed to fly over the capital.

As previously RBC, according to the public procurement website and according to RBC estimates, more than 509 million rubles were spent on the celebration in Moscow.

As it became known from the message of the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, training flights of aircraft that will participate in the Victory Day parade began in Kubinka (Moscow region).

Traditionally, May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, a military parade takes place on Red Square in Moscow. This event annually arouses great interest among Russians and not only. The best of the best take part in the parade: representatives of all military branches, the most advanced military equipment. One of the most spectacular moments is the overflight of aviation.

What aircraft will participate?

It turned out that the largest helicopter in the world, the Mi-26 helicopter, will be the first in the air system. Following this giant, the Mi-28N, Mi-35, and also the Ka-52 will fly.

In addition to helicopter aviation, heavy bombers Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22MZ will fly over Red Square on May 9. Spectators will also be able to see Il-78 tanker aircraft and An-124, Il-76MD transport aircraft. Fighters will traditionally be visible: Su-35S, Su-ZOSM, Su-27, MiG-29, MiG-31BM, coupled with Su-34, Su-24M front-line bombers, reports ftimes.ru. Su-25 attack aircraft with Yak-130 combat training aircraft will be presented.

As usual, the Russian Knights aerobatic team, which this year received the latest equipment - Su-30SM fighters, will also participate in the Parade. The Swifts aerobatic team will also be in the skies of Moscow.

Planes and helicopters will pass at an altitude of 150 meters and a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. For aircraft of transport, tactical and long-range aviation, an altitude of 300 to 500 meters and a speed of 500 kilometers per hour are determined.

Aviation in the Victory Parade 2017 - aircraft over the northern capital

By the way, this year aviation will take part in the Victory Parade in St. Petersburg for the first time, informs ftimes.ru. Mi-8, Mi-26, Mi-35, Mi-28N, Ka-52 helicopters, Su-27, MiG-29SMT, MiG-31BM, Su-35, Su-34 fighters, transport aircraft An-12, An-26 and Tu-134 - more than 40 units.

In 2015, we recall, in the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, tanks passed through the Northern capital for the first time.

Aviation in the Victory Parade 2017: how many planes will be in the sky over Moscow?

In total, on May 9, during the Victory Parade in Moscow, 17 helicopters and 55 aircraft will be presented, including strategic missile carriers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS,

In total, 72 combat aviation crews - strategic missile carriers, long-range bombers, military transport aircraft, fighters, attack aircraft, front-line bombers and helicopters - will take part in the parade.

The air part of the Victory Parade in 2017, according to ftimes.ru. helicopters will be opened, then demonstration performances of aircraft will begin, including the aerobatic team\"Russian Knights\" will perform the figure \"Cuban Diamond\" on Su-30SM fighters, and the parade will end with a flight of six Su-25s with smoke in the colors of the Russian flag.

It should also be noted that Muscovites have recently seen aircraft in the sky. This was during the first part of the training flights. However, it is pleasant to observe the work of domestic aces in unlimited quantities. On the day of the Great Victory, they will once again demonstrate their skills, as well as the power and strength of the Russian army.

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