A loan secured by real estate for legal entities and small businesses. How to get a loan secured by commercial real estate for legal entities or individuals - an overview of bank offers

Buying real estate is very convenient as collateral for obtaining a loan. Using this scheme for obtaining a loan, the borrower has the opportunity to become the owner of a significant amount of money without pledging his usual housing as collateral.

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Pledge with security in the form of a loan of purchased real estate can be taken both in a bank and in a private credit institution.

Its issuance is possible subject to the observance by the borrower of certain conditions put forward by the lender.

The most important are the following:

  • Russian citizenship of the borrower;
  • his permanent place of residence and registration;
  • collateral real estate should not be pledged simultaneously in another instance;
  • the borrower must be the actual owner of the collateral;
  • mortgaged property must be in good condition;
  • if there are other owners of mortgaged real estate, it is necessary to provide their written consent to its mortgage.

How to apply?

To apply for a secured loan, the borrower should contact the branch of the credit institution of their choice and submit an appropriate application.

In addition, he must have all the documents necessary to consider his application and make an appropriate decision.

Representatives of the creditor organization can resolve all emerging issues with the client over the phone and also by phone they will inform him of the decision made on his application.

If a positive decision is made, the client is informed about it and an appointment is made for him to sign all the necessary documents and issue money.

Bank offers

The form of lending, in which the purchased property acts as a collateral, is widely used by banks of the Russian Federation.

The table below contains information on the offers of several large banks, indicating the amount of loans provided, the interest rates of banks and the maturity of loans.

The information provided will help a potential borrower to navigate the situation and make a choice of an offer acceptable to him.

Bank Interest rate Term Sum Terms
Rosselkhoz-bank From 15.5% per annum Up to 10 years From 100000 to 10000 000 rubles Pledge of an apartment or house with a land plot
Alfa Bank From 14% per annum Up to 25 years old Up to 60000 000 rubles First installment 10% of the value of the collateral object
VTB 24 From 16% per annum Up to 20 years old Up to 50% of the value of the collateral Apartment deposit
SovcomBank From 15% per annum Up to 20 years old Up to 50000 000 rubles Initial payment of 10% of the value of the purchased property


The amount of the described loan at Sberbank is in the range from 1,000,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

At the same time, Sberbank can issue no more than 70% of the value of the collateral object. The final amount of the loan is set by the bank only after the value of the collateral object has been assessed.

The loan is given for up to 7 years and the interest rate on it is 14% per annum in rubles.

Do you want to know which bank has the most favorable conditions for refinancing a consumer loan secured by real estate? Read our.

If you want to take money secured by an apartment urgently in 1 day, then you need to go to the next one and read our article.

Real estate loan secured by purchased property

A real estate loan secured by the purchased property is issued in order to finance the purchase of a real estate object or its repair and construction.

It can be issued by a bank or a lending organization one-time or in tranches of a certain amount.

Such loans are issued for a period of up to 10 years for the purchase of real estate without a down payment or for 15 years, subject to availability. The fee is 40% of the amount of the purchased object.

The interest rate is determined individually in each case, depending on the amount of the loan and its maturity.

On the security of the purchased apartment

A loan secured by a purchased apartment is issued by banks for significant amounts of money that require liquid collateral.

Typically, the issuance of such loans does not provide for the need for an explanation of the intended purpose of the loan.

At the same time, the amount of the loan amount will be significantly lower than the estimated value of the collateral object, since, in this way, the bank will be able to fully protect its own interests.

To obtain such a loan, it is necessary to bring in full order the title and technical documentation necessary for the correct assessment of the value of the apartment being pledged and the drawing up of a loan agreement.

Requirements for borrowers

To obtain a loan secured by purchased real estate, the borrower must comply with a number of requirements.

They are different for credit institutions and, in general, boil down to the following:

  1. The borrower must have a residence permit and Russian citizenship.
  2. Borrower must be over 21 years of age.
  3. It must be registered on the territory of the representative office of the bank.
  4. The borrower must not have a criminal record.

The documents

To obtain loans, the borrower must submit a list of documents required by the credit institution.

The most important are:

  1. Application form for a loan.
  2. Borrower's passport.
  3. His individual tax number.
  4. A document confirming the fact that the borrower will be the owner of the collateral object.

Maximum and minimum amount

The amount of the maximum and minimum loan amount is set by the lending institution in accordance with its requirements.

Its size depends on the maturity of the loan, the interest rate on it and the estimated value of collateral real estate, if we take the average for the country, then the maximum loan amount is at the level of 50-70% of the value of the collateral.

In relation to banks issuing such loans, the ruble equivalent of the amount of collateral may be at the level 60,000,000 rubles. The lower limit of the collateral loan amount is about 100 000 rubles.

Loan terms

The terms for issuing a loan secured by the purchased property are determined by its amount and are discussed by the lending organization and the borrower on an individual basis.

As a rule, terms start from several months, their upper limit can reach up to 25 years.

Repayment methods

Repayment of a secured loan can be carried out in any way convenient for the borrower.

The most commonly used methods are listed below:

  • making monthly cash payments indicated in the loan agreement to the cash desk of a bank branch or other credit institution;
  • transfers of funds from the client's accounts in other banks;
  • making regular payments on a loan using the Internet banking service;
  • making payments through a bank terminal or ATM;
  • payment by using a bank card;
  • postal transfers.

Video: Loan schemes secured by real estate

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of this method of lending are not particularly different from the pros and cons of other methods of providing loans secured by real estate.

The advantages of a loan secured by the acquired property are as follows:

  1. Opportunity to get large sums of money quickly.
  2. The reality of receiving funds, provided that there is no collateral object that is in long-term use at the time of the transaction.
  3. No need to report to the employees of the lending organization in the targeted expenditure of funds.

  4. There is no need to confirm that the borrower has a permanent source of income, since mortgaged real estate acts as collateral for the loan.
  5. The possibility of obtaining a loan without guarantors on it.

Many people associate the term "mortgage" exclusively with the purchase of apartments or country houses.

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Meanwhile, the pledge of real estate, actually a mortgage, is used by entrepreneurs to secure their obligations to the bank no less often.

This method is provided for by civil law and is regulated:

  • articles 334-356 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • provisions of federal laws and "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate".

Bank offers

Many banks offer a loan to purchase a commercial real estate purchase or another object.

Legal entities in the Western world have been using this opportunity to expand their business for a long time.

In Russia, such loans as mortgages for legal entities are not yet widely popular. But there is reason to believe that the picture will change.


Commercial mortgages are characterized by short terms. If we compare it with loans for the purchase of an apartment, it can be noted that for citizens the maximum period is up to 30 years, but for entrepreneurs it does not exceed 10, or even 5.

Accordingly, the size of the monthly payment also differs - it is higher than for borrowers-citizens.

The similarity of a commercial mortgage with a similar loan for the purchase of a home is the obligation:

  • it usually ranges from 10 to 30%, depending on the offer of the bank;
  • This is the security that the bank receives in addition to the pledged real estate.

As for the subject of collateral, it can be both a premise for the purchase of which funds are borrowed, or any other owned by a legal entity.

Just like an apartment, it will have to be evaluated and.

The pledge is formalized by the relevant agreement and is subject to mandatory state registration (on the basis of).

Interest rates

is a payment for the opportunity to receive and use the bank's funds.

For it is higher than for a housing loan for individuals:

  • for citizens, the rate is 11.5-13%;
  • for entrepreneurs - 14-15%.

On the one hand, this is a rather high price for the use of borrowed funds. But, on the other hand, the loan term is much shorter, therefore, the overpayment will be small.

The size of the interest rate in each case is calculated individually.

It will depend on many factors:

  • term;
  • the size of the down payment;
  • the degree of reliability of the legal entity, etc.


Perhaps the main reason for the low demand for mortgage loans among legal entities is too high requirements for the borrower.

For example:

  • work period of at least one year;
  • constant stable income, not dependent on seasonality;
  • the company is not engaged in the production of alcoholic or tobacco products;
  • The legal entity does not pollute the environment with emissions into water, soil or atmosphere.

Mortgage for legal entities

Most often, a mortgage loan for commercial real estate occurs according to the usual scheme for many:

  1. A contract of sale is concluded, according to which the seller receives a guarantee from the bank to deposit the necessary funds.
  2. After registering the ownership and transferring the premises on bail, the money is transferred to the seller.
  3. The seller can also receive part of the funds directly from the buyer. In this case, the loan is issued only for a part of the cost.

No down payment

Most of the proposals involve the introduction of the borrower. This is a kind of guarantee of the transaction under which the loan is issued.

In addition, this is an additional security for the fulfillment by the borrower of his obligations to the bank.

The size of the down payment affects the interest rate. The greater part of the cost of the premises will be paid initially, the less interest will be calculated by the bank.

But not always an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, has the funds to pay a third of the cost of real estate at once.

In this case, the way out is to get a loan with a zero down payment.

In order for the bank to agree to such a loan, you can offer it as collateral the existing property in addition to the one that is still planned to be bought.

But you should immediately expect that the interest rate will be significantly higher than the average.

In Sberbank

Sberbank offers the Business Real Estate product.

Terms of provision:

  • term from 1 month to 10 years;
  • interest rate from 14.75%;
  • amount from 0.5 to 600 million;
  • down payment from 25%.

There are benefits for agricultural producers: 20% down payment and 150,000 thousand minimum loan amount.

Mortgage for legal entities from Sberbank is perhaps one of the most profitable.

At VTB 24

Business Mortgage from VTB 24 allows you to get from 4 million rubles:

  • the term does not exceed 10 years;
  • the interest rate is calculated individually;
  • down payment 15-20%.

Below is a summary table with the conditions of banks on mortgages for legal entities:

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the high interest rate, a mortgage loan for legal entities is cheaper than for citizens due to a shorter term. That is, the overpayment will not be so big.

In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to rent out the acquired premises and speed up the repayment of the debt.

The second advantage is the ability to defer payment of the principal debt. Different banks are ready to provide such "holidays" for a period of 6 months to a year.

But one should not think that all this time the bank will not receive a penny. At this time, interest on the loan is paid off.

Of the shortcomings, perhaps, one can name, but very significant. This is too strict requirements for the borrower.

You can understand the bank, he wants to have a guarantee of repayment of the loan. But for many entrepreneurs, such a high bar closes the opportunity to use a banking product to expand and develop a business.

Registration procedure

A common feature of a mortgage for citizens and for legal entities is its rather complicated design:

  • you will need to collect and submit to the bank a lot of various documents related to both the borrower and the object purchased on credit;
  • The result of consideration of the application is not necessarily its approval.

But in the case of a positive answer, you will have to go through two mandatory stages:

  • appraisal of premises and registration of rights;
  • property insurance.

The documents

  • application form;
  • constituent documents and certificate of registration of the legal entity;
  • financial and business documents.

Registration fee

You will have to apply for registration of rights to Rosreestr twice:

  1. First, the buyer registers his right to the acquired premises, this is the right of ownership.
  2. Then the pledge agreement (mortgage) is registered.

Regardless of the form of ownership of a commercial enterprise, business development requires the attraction of additional funds. Most profitable receive financing from a banking institution or a credit union, while concluding an appropriate agreement. However, it should be borne in mind that there are many loan programs on the Russian market, which differ in rates, the size of the loan issued and the type of credit line. Having issued a real estate pledge as security, you can receive a large amount on acceptable terms. The characteristics of such loan programs for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies are presented in the article.

Features of real estate loans for legal entities (LE)

A legal entity is an organization operating in the legal field and having:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • constituent package of documents;
  • approved and registered charter;
  • legal address;
  • accounting reporting.

The legal entity bears responsibility for its obligations only with the authorized capital.

Since any business is associated with risks, banks lend to enterprises that have high financial performance or have provided liquid collateral.

  • resort to the intermediary services of a credit broker;
  • go to a pawnshop
  • use the services of private investors.

The procedure for obtaining a loan secured by collateral for an LLC is the same as for legal entities.

Tips. What borrowers should consider when applying for a loan

  1. Before financing a business, the bank checks the founders of companies for the presence of a criminal record and the number of legal entities registered by them earlier. Such information is freely available, and it is not difficult to obtain it. If the borrower has established more than five legal entities, the bank may refuse to lend.
  2. Before making a decision on a loan, banks check the status of settlement accounts opened with other organizations. In the questionnaire it is necessary to indicate both active accounts and those that have not been used for a long time, but did not have time to close. All data on previous loans and existing current accounts must be confirmed with a certificate from the Federal Tax Service. If earlier, when repaying the loan, there were delays of more than 5 days, the bank may refuse to finance.
  3. When checking the legal address of the borrowing company, banks check it against the “black list” of mass registration addresses. Companies with an illegal address under which many enterprises are registered, the bank will refuse to lend.
  4. Banks check not only the credit history of the borrower, but also partner firms with a common profit and financial interests. Enterprises with closely related management and founders are especially checked.
  5. If the collateral is not enough to obtain the necessary funds, you can involve the property of a related company. If payments on the loan are delayed, the bank has the right to collect funds from both the borrower and the guarantor company. In this case, the pledge is realized last.

While banks offer mortgages for residential real estate to private clients, financial institutions satisfy the demand of legal entities with the opportunity to obtain a secured loan for the purchase of commercial space.

Commercial mortgages for legal entities are issued for the purchase of retail, office and warehouse premises, as well as land plots.

Features of a commercial mortgage

If a conventional mortgage is issued to an individual for a period of up to 30 years, a commercial property mortgage regulates much less loan terms - from 5 to 10 years maximum.

Interest rates on loans for legal entities are somewhat higher, starting from 13.5-14% and can reach up to 19.5%. The down payment does not differ from the one regulated by the terms of a residential mortgage and ranges from 10 to 30%. Some banks practice issuing a loan without a down payment.

As for the duration of the process, small and medium-sized businesses are also waiting for long processes for reviewing an application, checking documents and processing a loan, subject to a positive decision from the bank.

Benefits of a commercial mortgage for a borrower

The main advantage of a commercial mortgage for the borrower is to purchase your own premises for doing business in a short time. The presence of a personal office, shop, warehouse or industrial premises makes the entrepreneur independent of the growth in prices for renting commercial space. Of course, on a monthly basis, a legal entity will pay a certain amount of money to the bank, but this payment will be for personal property, and not for rent.

What are the advantages of commercial mortgage banks offer to the client? Sberbank, for example, guarantees the following conditions for 2019:

  • Financing not only on the security of new real estate, but also on existing real estate.
  • Extended terms of mortgage lending up to 120 months.
  • Accounting for the specialization of the client's economic activity at the time of making a decision to issue a loan.
  • Possibility to repay the existing debt on loans from other banks and leasing companies.
  • Opportunity to purchase properties under construction from developers accredited by Sberbank.
  • Absence of commissions for the issuance of credit funds and early repayment of the mortgage.

Bank VTB 24 offers the "Business Mortgage" lending program with its main advantages:

  • Loan term up to 10 years.
  • Possibility of lending without making an advance, subject to additional collateral.
  • Postponement of principal repayment up to 6 months.

Advantages of a mortgage loan for legal entities in Rosbank:

  • Postponement of principal repayment up to six months.
  • No commission for early repayment.
  • Issuance of mortgages on a wide range of real estate for business development.

Features of the commercial real estate market

To date, commercial mortgages are only at the development stage, primarily due to the fact that Russian legislation regulates housing mortgages and lending to legal entities for the purchase of commercial real estate with a significant difference. In the case of buying a home, the sale and purchase agreement is drawn up simultaneously with the mortgage and mortgage agreements.

Acquisition of commercial real estate is more difficult. A pledge encumbrance on an immovable object cannot be imposed immediately, the contract is drawn up only after the transfer of ownership to the buyer. Such a period of time for the bank is a risk zone, in order not to lose their money, credit organizations use various schemes.

In addition, commercial real estate is much more difficult to evaluate compared to a residential apartment or a private house. Housing lending is developed at the proper level, banks divide all objects into liquid and illiquid, liquidity criteria are the technical characteristics of the premises, location, and so on. The assessment of the liquidity of commercial space is considered individually.

With office and retail premises, the situation is very clear - the cost of the object directly depends on the location, distance from the city center, traffic, nearby strategic points, and so on. But how to evaluate warehouse and industrial premises - it is much more difficult to determine the liquidity of such areas.

When choosing commercial real estate, you should calculate its liquidity as much as possible, this will increase the chances of a positive decision of the bank. A financial institution will quickly issue a large mortgage for the purchase of a target premises in a strategic center than issue a small amount for the purchase of a retail premises located in an inconvenient place for buyers.

Requirements for the borrower and necessary documents

A loan in the form of a commercial mortgage is issued on certain conditions, in addition, the borrower must meet the requirements of the bank. The main criteria that the client must meet:

  • The borrower's company is a resident of the Russian Federation.
  • The company's annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles.
  • The minimum age of the borrower is 21 years, the limit is 70 years at the end of the loan (age restrictions apply to individual entrepreneurs).
  • The term of the company's activities is at least six months for all types of work, except for seasonal ones, at least twelve months for seasonal types of activities.

A package of documents for registration of a mortgage on commercial real estate:

  • Application for a loan.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Constituent documents, as well as registration documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Documents on economic activity.
  • Financial statements.

A complete and accurate list of required documents should be found in the branches of a particular bank, the conditions in different banks may vary.

The procedure and schemes for obtaining a loan

Commercial mortgage does not have reliable legislative regulation and carries certain risks for banking organizations. To reduce these risks to a minimum, banks apply various schemes for obtaining mortgage loans for legal entities, which, incidentally, has certain disadvantages for the borrower. There are three main schemes for obtaining and issuing a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate.

Registration of a mortgage according to scheme No. 1

This is the longest, but the most transparent procedure for issuing a loan, the stages of the scheme:

  1. The seller and the buyer enter into a contract of sale.
  2. The buyer pays the seller a down payment from his own finances, the bank, in turn, guarantees the receipt of the rest of the money to the seller's account after the pledge is issued.
  3. The buyer registers ownership of the immovable object
  4. The buyer and the bank draw up a pledge agreement for the acquired property.
  5. The bank transfers the mortgage money to the seller's account.

Registration of a mortgage according to scheme No. 2

The second scheme includes the following stages of the transaction:

  1. The buyer pays the seller a down payment from his own funds, the bank provides the seller with a guarantee to receive the rest of the amount after the pledge is issued.
  2. The property is pledged to a credit institution.
  3. The change of ownership of real estate is registered, a contract of sale is drawn up.
  4. The bank transfers the remaining money to the seller.

Loan processing according to scheme No. 3

The third scheme differs significantly from the first two, it consists of the following stages:

  1. A legal entity is registered, the property is transferred to its ownership.
  2. The buyer redeems the ownership rights of this legal entity with the loan funds provided by the bank.
  3. After repaying the loan, the buyer has the right to re-register the immovable object for himself or leave everything as it is.

Before proceeding with the direct execution of a mortgage and related agreements, banks carefully check the legal purity of the borrower's business, as well as the property.

Also, bank employees can offer the borrower the representation of his interests in the registration services, thus, the representative of the credit institution takes care of all the paperwork, which allows the borrower to save time, get rid of the need to run through various services, and also reduces the risks of monitoring all stages of the process.

Commercial mortgage with no down payment

A commercial mortgage without a down payment is a tempting offer at first glance, but is it really so beneficial for the borrower? Some banks offer their clients a similar condition, explaining that the purchased property will be pledged anyway.

A commercial mortgage without a down payment can be issued in the event that the acquired property is assessed as the highest category of liquidity. In this case, the real estate itself acts as a kind of insurance and covers the risks of the bank, provided that the borrower is unable to repay the mortgage loan. However, it should be understood that this is only one of the options.

In most cases, if the bank makes concessions to the borrower and offers loans without a down payment, this means that the advance amount has been replaced by provision of additional collateral to the bank. The client will have to draw up a pledge agreement for a vehicle owned by a legal entity or other real estate.

Another option for additional conditions for issuing a commercial loan without making a down payment is shortening mortgage payments, for example, if a mortgage for legal entities can be issued for up to 10 years, in the absence of an advance payment, the bank reduces the mortgage repayment period by a third.

Commercial mortgage for individual entrepreneurs

A commercial mortgage for an individual entrepreneur can be issued if an individual entrepreneur meets the requirements of the bank, in particular, credit organizations refuse to issue a mortgage to persons who conduct business under a simplified taxation scheme. In this case, the bank cannot assess the real income and solvency of the client, therefore, it makes a negative decision.

If the borrower satisfies the requirements of the bank, the bank issues a mortgage loan, regulating the process as working with individuals. In fact, the registration process is no different from the issuance of a commercial mortgage to legal entities.

A commercial mortgage gives legal entities and individual entrepreneurs a chance to purchase real estate for doing business in a short time. Although the terms of a loan for commercial purposes are less attractive compared to residential mortgages, given the high income of the borrower, the option is optimal.

Video: The nuances of a commercial mortgage

It is easy to get loans secured by non-residential objects, since such a transaction is characterized by a minimum of banking risks.

If the debtor does not repay all the funds on the loan, they will be charged from the sale of the collateral object.

That is, a banking institution receives money in any case.

To further mitigate risks, non-residential properties are checked for the following facts before disbursement of funds:

  • receipt of the object by the owner on legal grounds;
  • state registration of real estate in a legal manner;
  • no other encumbrances.

REFERENCE: The exact requirements for the object depend on the specific bank.

Terms and Conditions

There are a number of requirements for property provided for a loan secured by commercial real estate:

  • absence of serious defects;
  • satisfactory condition;
  • absence of unregistered objects on the land plot;
  • liquidity;
  • no encumbrances;
  • consent to registration of property as a pledge from other owners.

A banking institution may refuse to issue a loan for commercial real estate in the presence of the following circumstances:

The amount of funds issued will depend on the characteristics of the collateral. First, the object is evaluated, and only after that the amount of lending is determined. The amount issued by the bank is affected by the location of the property, its engineering condition.

Documentary support

To apply for a loan secured by commercial real estate, the bank will require the following documents:

  1. passport of each of the property owners.
  2. Certificate of state registration of the object.
  3. Title papers, on the basis of which the right of ownership arose (contract of sale, deed of gift).
  4. Cadastral passport, which can be taken at the BTI.
  5. Extract from the EGRP.
  6. Written consent of the spouse to the registration of property as a pledge. The signature on the document must be certified by a notary.
  7. If the person is not married, a statement of this fact is required, which is also certified by a notary.
  8. If the debtor is over 60 years old, a certificate of legal capacity from a neuropsychiatric dispensary will be required.

ATTENTION: The bank may require additional documents. Their exact list is required to find out in a particular financial institution.

Step-by-step instructions for lending

The loan process can be divided into the following steps:

The choice of a bank depends on what loan programs are presented in it. You should focus on the following indicators:

  • credit limit;
  • conditions for obtaining;
  • terms of refund;
  • interest rate.

Consider the programs offered by the largest banks.

  • Sberbank. The "Express on bail" program is valid for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The credit limit is from 300,000 thousand to 5 million rubles. Funds are provided for purposes related to business development. Return periods: 6 – 36 months. It is possible to extend them. The rate ranges from 16 to 23% per year.
  • Rosselkhozbank. Provides a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate secured by the acquired object. It is required to pay a down payment of 20% of the property value. Terms range from 12 to 96 months. Credit limit: up to 200 million rubles. The rate is set on an individual basis.
  • Promsvyazbank. It also provides a loan secured by purchased commercial real estate. The limit is up to 50 million rubles for individuals, and 120 million rubles for legal entities. Terms: from 6 to 36 months.

REFERENCE: It is better to take a loan in the bank in which the person has already issued loans. This is due to the fact that institutions are loyal to regular customers.

Loan for the purchase of commercial real estate

A loan can be issued using either acquired or existing real estate as collateral. The rules for its provision are set out in the Federal Law No. 102 "On Mortgage". Credit specialists, before issuing funds, check the condition of the object, the solvency of the debtor.

Real estate insurance is provided. The main condition for lending is the down payment. It is 20-30% of the value of the object. Usually, the following requirements are imposed on the borrower:

The procedure for obtaining a loan is standard:

  1. filing an application.
  2. Providing all required documents.
  3. Real estate appraisal.
  4. Object insurance.
  5. Making an initial deposit.

A pledge can be issued only after a contract of sale has been concluded. The bank will require the following documents:

  • company's financial statements;
  • information about fixed assets;
  • information about the acquired object;
  • information about guarantors;
  • the passport;
  • marriage certificate or family document;
  • certificate from the TIN, indicating the level of income;
  • military ID;
  • information about the settlement accounts of the organization;
  • license, if the company is engaged in certain activities;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • object appraisal report;
  • contract of sale.

Application processing time ranges from a week to a month.

IMPORTANT! As a rule, the lower the interest rate, the longer the consideration period.

For individuals

Obtaining a loan secured by commercial real estate by an individual can have its own pitfalls. By an individual, many banks mean individual entrepreneurs and managers. That is, the programs differ little from lending to legal entities. The debtor is subject to the following requirements:

A personal loan has a number of advantages. This is the possibility of deferring payments for up to six months, a small list of documents for receiving funds.

To apply for a loan for commercial real estate for individuals, you will need the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • title papers for the acquired object (contract of sale, insurance, certificate of registration).

REFERENCE: The procedure for receiving funds is standard. You need to apply, submit the required documents. If the application has been approved, you can go for a loan.

For individual entrepreneurs

The main difficulty in obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur for commercial real estate is that it is difficult for a bank to check the solvency of a client. The result of consideration of the application may depend on the taxation system chosen by the entrepreneur. The predominant system is the patent system, which reflects the level of actual income. The greatest problems are observed with a simplified taxation system.

To obtain a loan, you will need to submit the following documents:

A loan for commercial real estate has the following feature: the limit for it for individual entrepreneurs will be less than the limit for legal entities. The maximum amount is 5 million rubles. Money secured by commercial real estate is provided for up to 120 months.

As a rule, banks require a down payment. You can reduce it in the following ways:

  1. the presence of a guarantor whose income can be verified.
  2. Positive credit history.
  3. Proof of your actual income.

ATTENTION: Some banks provide a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate without a down payment, but this is very rare.


Payment terms depend on the particular bank. The usual time limit is 10 years. However, such loans secured by non-residential real estate are issued extremely rarely. It is easier to get funds for a period of five years.

The easiest way to get a loan for commercial real estate legal entities. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to collect an extensive package of documents.

The nuances of the loan program are determined depending on the solvency of the client and other conditions. But in general, it is quite possible to mortgage commercial real estate in order to purchase a new one or take a loan secured by the acquired one.

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