Maria Golubkina who is her real father. The only husband of Maria Golubkina. Biography

The popular actress Larisa Golubkina gave her last name to her daughter Maria, while screenwriter Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is considered her father. However, on the sidelines they claim that the real father of Maria Golubkina is former director"Mosfilm" Vladimir Dostal, with whom Larisa Ivanovna had a short-term marriage.

Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina were friends before their wedding in 1977. Once the actor fell in love with Ekaterina Gradova, and in 1971 they legalized the relationship. In this marriage Mironov's daughter Maria was born.


Golubkina was not alone either. With his civil husband, screenwriter Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, she got together in 1969. However, after giving birth to Maria, Golubkina gave her her last name. Shcherbinsky-Arseniev stated in an interview several years ago that real father Mary - former director of Mosfilm Vladimir Dostal. The actress had a short-term marriage with him, "Sobesednik.Ru" competently reports.

At the same time, Maria Golubkina most life was sure that her dad is Andrei Mironov. Larisa Golubkina is reluctant to speak on this subject. The actress said only that Maria is the daughter of Andrei Alexandrovich and "there is nothing to grind here." Masha Mironova and Masha Golubkina, being children, did not interact with each other in any way. According to Larisa Ivanovna, Mironov was not against their communication. He just didn't have time for them..

Golubkina and Mironov got along when he broke up with Ekaterina Gradova. As the actress assured, she did not take the actor away from the family. “They lived for nothing at all - two years, they didn’t get divorced because of me. Andrei was already living with his parents when we got together, so I did not enter their house with an icebreaker", - said Golubkina.

Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina lived together for ten years. The popular actor died in Riga during the play Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro. Before finishing the last scene, he lost consciousness. He was taken to the neurosurgical department of a local hospital, but could not be saved. Specialists diagnosed extensive cerebral hemorrhage.

Maria Golubkina - star daughter, a talented artist, radio and TV presenter. The former wife of showman Nikolai Fomenko, a well-known and beloved person of the yellow press.

Childhood in a famous creative family

Maria was born in Moscow. The girl's mother is a famous people's artist and a loving woman - Larisa Golubkina. In the birth certificate in the father column, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is recorded.

Maria Golubkina in childhood

But from his words, information repeatedly surfaced that before him Golubkina, the eldest, met with Vladimir Dostal, it was he, according to Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, who was the real father of the child. And the future artist considered her dad last husband mother - Andrei Mironov, who already had a daughter from his first marriage.

Maria Golubkina with Andrei Mironov, whom the actress considered her own father

The relationship between half-sisters cannot be called related. The girls had experience working together in one of the films. The tension between Maria Mironova and Golubkina was visible to the entire film crew.

AT school age Maria was engaged in equestrian sports. She has repeatedly participated in various competitions and became a master of sports.

Easy start to acting career

Maria actually grew up behind the scenes of the theater, as a child she began to appear on the stage. And as a teenager, she made her debut in the film "Adam's Rib". Golubkina received a theatrical education at the Shchukin School. According to the direction given to her, she went to work in the troupe of the Satire Theater, where her famous parents played.

Maria Golubkina in the film "Adam's Rib"

After a long 11 years, Maria leaves the walls of the Moscow theater. To continue her career, the artist goes to the Pushkin Drama Theater. There she brilliantly worked for 5 years, but due to disagreement with the appointment of a new artistic director, Golubkina leaves the troupe.

Maria Golubkina in the movie "Scam"

Mary's cinematic career developed much better and easier than the theatrical one. The young actress starred in feature films and TV series. The most popular films with her participation were: “Fandago for the Monkey”, “Detective Bureau Felix”, “Round Dance”, “Tomorrow ... Love in the Forbidden Zone”, “Wedding” and “Scam”.

Maria Golubkina in the film "Frenchman"

For the role of Svetlana in the film "Wedding", Golubkina was awarded a prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Famous throughout the post-Soviet space, the film "Scam" emphasized the creative potential and talent of the Russian artist.

Maria Golubkina and Alexei Serebryakov on the set of the film "The Tale of a Woman and a Man"

The following pictures in which Maria played the main roles are Jackpot for Cinderella, Revelations, Crazy and Pearls. In a dramatic way, Golubkina appeared in mini-series dedicated to the life of Leonid Brezhnev and Sergei Yesenin.

Maria Golubkina on the stage of the theater

In addition to theatrical and cinematic activities, Maria was a member of the jury of the popular entertainment program KVN, radio host of the morning broadcast, and co-host of the talk show "Girls" on Russian television.

The personal life of an extravagant artist - Golubkina

First serious relationship Maria was with Andrei Sokolov. Swift love relationship young people did not reach the registry office. The reason for the separation was the acquaintance of Golubkina with her future husband Nikolai Fomenko.

Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko

The showman and actress legalized relations in 1996. In marriage, they had two children - Anastasia and Ivan. The couple Fomenko and Golubkina were considered the standard of family life, but unexpectedly for many, the couple broke up in 2008 due to Nikolai's betrayal.

Divorce Maria experienced very hard. Repeatedly, journalists wrote about her addiction to alcohol and antidepressants, her unwillingness to communicate with friends and relatives. For the sake of her children, Golubkina pulled herself together, and that's it. free time dedicated to them.

Maria Golubkina with her daughter Anastasia

Now Maria continues to work on television, acts in films and communicates with fans on social networks. Golubkina is a frequent guest of the popular Instagram networks. There you can see a lot of photos of the artist in various guises.

About the lives of others Russian actors read

Maria Golubkina is a popular Russian theater and film actress. Gained fame after the release of the films "Adam's Rib", "Scam", "Frenchman" and others.

Maria Golubkina was born in Moscow on September 22, 1973. The girl's mother was the famous actress, who gained fame after the role of Shurochka Azarova in the film "The Hussar Ballad", and she also gave her daughter her last name. The question of Mary's father is much more confusing. Officially, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, a screenwriter with whom Larisa Golubkina lived in a civil marriage for some time, is considered the blood dad of Maria Golubkina.

However, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev himself admitted in some interviews that the real father of Maria Golubkina is Vladimir Dostal, former leader Mosfilm, with whom Larisa Ivanovna was married before resuming relations with Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev. Golubkina Sr. claims that she became pregnant with her only daughter a year and a half after she divorced Dostal and returned to Shcherbinsky-Arseniev.

Nevertheless, Maria Golubkina herself was sure all her youth that her father was, whom Larisa Ivanovna married when Maria was still very young. There really is some truth here, because Mironov, who at that time already had a daughter from his first marriage with, officially adopted the child of Larisa Golubkina.

daughters famous actor did not communicate much in childhood and did not become close people in adulthood, although Golubkina and her half-sister as a result chose acting career. Andrei Mironov tried to be a stepdaughter good father, although due to the constant employment at work, he did not have too much free time. But Golubkina Jr.'s relationship with her mother is excellent: Larisa Ivanovna can always cheer up her excessively serious daughter.

The girl had no idea that she own daughter famous artist, until one day "kind" people shared this information with her. After what happened, Larisa Golubkina had to tell the truth. Nikolai never took part in raising his daughter. In an interview, the People's Artist admitted that one day the relatives of Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev called her and offered help, but the woman refused.

Maria received her secondary education at the Moscow secondary school No. 18. Despite acting genes, the girl did not always plan to continue the eminent acting dynasty. From the age of eleven, she became professionally interested in equestrian sports, won prizes in competitions and even defended the title of master of sports.


The creative vein still did not allow Maria Golubkina to devote herself to professional sports, and therefore, already in her teens, she began attending the theater and participating in productions. And the girl's film debut was the film "Adam's Rib", released on screens in 1990.

The picture was popular in the USSR and dispelled Maria Andreevna's doubts that she could become a successful actress. Then, being a 16-year-old teenager, the girl could even argue with the director, which she does not allow herself today.

It is not surprising that after completing her studies at school, the actress entered the Shchukin Theater School, which she graduated in 1995. In 1996, Maria Golubkina began working at the Moscow Theater of Satire, on the stage of which both the girl's mother Larisa Golubkina and her adoptive father Andrei Mironov performed at the time. In the period from 2007 to 2010, Maria worked at the Moscow drama theater name . The audience could see the actress in the theatrical works "Thunderstorm", "Man, Beast and Virtue".

In 2010, Golubkina Jr. left the troupe of the theater. Pushkin, and she did it simultaneously with (at that time already her ex-husband). The reason for such a cardinal decision was the fact that the new artistic director of the theater was appointed almost immediately after the death of everyone's beloved Roman Kozak. The artists were very upset by the death of their mentor and considered such a decision not too ethical.

To date, Maria Golubkina is not a member of the official troupe of a particular theater and plays in an enterprise: she participates in productions in which artists from different theaters are invited. At the same time, the actress is sure that theatrical art in modern Russia is undergoing a crisis, as, indeed, is cinema and many other creative genres. Maria Andreevna calls the last heyday of the Russian theater today the 80s.

Maria Golubkina in the movie "Scam"

Despite being far from retirement age, the actress has already participated in in large numbers film projects. AT track record Maria has both feature films and TV series. Among the iconic roles, thanks to which Maria Andreevna became famous even in her youth, it is worth noting the film "The Wedding", which received the prize of the Cannes Film Festival "For the best ensemble cast". After this picture, the whole country learned about Golubkina.

A year later, the actress starred in the film "Scam". The picture tells about young man, who corrected some scientific data so that the impressionable world public was frightened environmental catastrophe. Having achieved a panic on the New York Stock Exchange, the guy intended to “break big score". Mary in this picture got the role of a journalist. The film was popular in Russia and consolidated the success of the actress.

This was followed by other films, mostly melodramatic, and the popular series "Jackpot for Cinderella", "Revelations", "Crazy", "Pearls" and others. In addition, Golubkina starred in two biographical mini-series - about and. And in 2004, the girl even appeared in two action films: “ Personal number”, filmed in Russia, and “Moscow Heat”, filmed jointly by Russian and American specialists.

In the mid-2000s, Maria Golubkina was a jury member of the Major League of KVN. In addition, in 2007 she was assigned to host a daytime show on the popular Mayak radio station. In 2014, the actress began working at this station again, hosting the Love and Doves program in the company.

Maria Golubkina in the program "Alone with everyone"

Since 2012, the actress has been broadcasting the “Girls” program broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel, along with others. popular actresses. In 2014, the fifth and last season of the program was released. In 2013, the actress became a guest of the program “Alone with Everyone”, and in 2015 she took part in the project “Be a Poet!”. She also invited Maria to the program “Wife. Love story" .

In 2016, Golubkina appeared in the synchronized swimmers mini-series about synchronized swimming. According to the plot, Yana Zakharova () and Olya Steblova () have been engaged in synchronized swimming since childhood. But on the eve of the World Cup, the girls face a problem. Yana is getting married and wants to take a break in her career, while Olya, on the contrary, is full of strength and energy to go to victory. To the horror of the coach, whose role went to Maria Golubkina, the star duet breaks up.

However, Yana's chosen one is not ready to marry his beloved, and Olya cannot do without a partner. But girls because of pride are not able to reconcile. In addition, synchronized swimmers are interested in what awaits them there, outside the pool.

Personal life

The first love of Maria Golubkina was whom the girl met when she was not yet 20 years old. The actor was ardently in love with the chosen one, introduced the actress to the family and was even going to propose to her, but the wedding did not take place.

The reason for this was the showman, musician and athlete Nikolai Fomenko, who captured the heart of a miniature actress (height 165 cm). Golubkina and Fomenko were married from 1996 to 2008, during which time the couple had two children: daughter Anastasia and son Ivan. official reason The fact that the parents of Nastya and Vanya divorced, Maria herself calls the fact that her husband cheated on her. Together with her husband, the actress appeared in the 147th issue of the newsreel "".

Soon after the divorce, Golubkina was repeatedly noticed in the company of a charming actor, but over time, rumors about a new star romance subsided. Since then, the press has regularly written about how Maria Andreevna allegedly suffers because of an undeveloped personal life: either she drinks alone, or she has greatly recovered due to stress. In reality, Golubkina feels quite well, devoting time to her children and her favorite work. BUT ex-husband helps her with the upbringing of her son and daughter.

Nevertheless, Maria herself is not averse to stirring up interest in her person with gossip about her personal life. Because news travels at the speed of light today, thanks in part to social networks in the spirit of Instagram", In 2013, the actress played a prank on her fans. She appeared on the red carpet of the Moscow Film Festival in wedding dress and began to assure journalists that she was marrying a mysterious astronaut.

The effect was achieved: the publications began vying to report that Golubkina had married for the second time. Someone congratulated Maria, someone said that she had gone a little crazy. But it soon became clear that all this was nothing more than a successful outrageous joke. Whether the actress will marry again in reality, time will tell.

In June 2017, the actress openly admitted that she was dating and going to marry her beloved man. Boris is the son of a famous artist. The couple met in their youth.

Livanov Jr. has a difficult fate. In 2009, the man was sentenced to 9 years in prison and sent to serve his sentence in a strict regime colony for premeditated murder. After 5 years, Boris was released ahead of schedule.

The relationship between the lovers began after Livanov's release from prison. At first, Maria and Boris corresponded on social networks, then they met. A romance ensued. In the program "Secret for a Million", the actress shared that she no longer thought that she would meet a person who would speak the same language with her and whom she could fall in love with. Beloved lived together and even. However, at the end of 2017, the couple announced the end of their relationship.

Later, Maria admitted that no one was to blame for the breakup. Romance collided with everyday life, and the characters of both did not allow to find out who was the boss in the house.

During the romance of the artists, the journalists spoke with ex-wife son of "Sherlock Holmes" - Catherine. The woman shared that Boris and Maria agreed, because supposedly both drink. And it was after the banquet that the couple began a relationship. At the same time, it is known that Catherine herself was treated for alcoholism. But the fact that Boris's parents coded at the age of 18 was a revelation.

Today, the biography and work of Maria Golubkina are watched by thousands of fans on the Instagram social network. There, the artist shares personal and work photos with subscribers.

Already at the beginning of 2018, information appeared that the actress had restored relations with Boris Livanov, although he wrote on his Facebook page after the break that there was an affair with the artist.

Maria Golubkina now

In early 2017, Maria appeared as Irina Odintsova in the detective series Cuba. In addition to her, others starred in the multi-part tape.

In the same year, the artist became a guest of the Secret to a Million program with. There, Maria shared the details of her personal life with Nikolai Fomenko and told why the children are in London today.

Maria Golubkina in the Secret for a Million program

The series premiered in June 2018. main role Vera Smolina was performed by Golubkina's half-sister Maria Mironova. According to the plot, the girl's life is happy and cloudless. But everything changes when loving wife and mother's son Ilya disappears. Then Vera begins her own investigation to understand what happened to Ilya. And then a frightening truth is revealed - the world that has surrounded Smolin all the years is not what it seems.

Maria played the role of Katya in the series. In addition to Golubkina and Mironova, others starred in the tape.

The director's chair was taken by the young director Alexei Smirnov, and he was one of the producers.


  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 2000 - "Wedding"
  • 2001 - "Scam"
  • 2003 - "Frenchman"
  • 2004 - "Jackpot for Cinderella"
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2005 - Yesenin
  • 2007 - "Leningrad"
  • 2009 - Village Comedy
  • 2011 - "Revelations"
  • 2011 - "Crazy"
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber
  • 2013 - "The Way of the Leader"
  • 2017 - Cuba
  • 2018 - Garden Ring


  • 2003 - "Apple Thief"
  • 2003 - "A. - it's different"
  • 2006 - Piggy Bank
  • 2007 - Thunderstorm
  • 2007 - "Man, Beast and Virtue"
  • 2018 - Love and Doves

Russian theater and film actress. Maria Golubkina was born on September 22, 1973. Her mother is an actress Larisa Golubkina, father - Nikolai Shcherbinsky, director and cinematographer for more than 50 documentaries. Maria's surname at birth is Shcherbinskaya. When the girl was six months old, Larisa and Nikolai broke up. In 1976 Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov formalized the marriage, and Andrei Mironov adopted the girl. The actors lived together for 14 years. And, of course, with such parents, Maria had practically no doubts about choosing a profession - for example, as a child she appeared on the stage of the Theater of Satire. Maria Golubkina entered the Shchukin School and graduated in 1995.

Film career of Maria Golubkina

The first film in which Maria Golubkina appeared on the movie screen, Rib Adam". She was 16 at the time.

I don't think 16 is teenage years. At that time I already had some experience and played in the theater. Of course, at that time I had a slightly different approach to work. She could, for example, argue with the director, she considered herself too smart. Now I don't allow myself to do that. The painting "Adam's Rib" was a success. And this dispelled all my doubts, convinced me that I would succeed in being an actress.

After that there were films and series, but the brightest film in acting biography Maria Golubkina was the painting by Pavel Lungin "Wedding". By the way, she played in it with her half-sister Maria Mironova.

In 2012, Maria Golubkina became the host of the show "Girls" on the Russia-1 channel. Together with her in different years the program was hosted by Irina Saltykova, Olga Shelest, Alla Dovlatova, Rita Mitrofanova, Yulia Kuvarzina, Marina Golub and Yulia Baranovskaya. In 2014, the actress again began to host the show "Love and Pigeons" together with Margarita Mitrofanova on the radio "Mayak".

Theatrical career of Maria Golubkina

After graduation Maria Golubkina came to the troupe of the Theater of Satire, where she played and Larisa Golubkina, and Andrei Mironov. Then she moved to the Pushkin Theater, but in 2010 Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko announced their departure from the theater troupe. This decision was caused by the not entirely ethical appointment of a new artistic director of the theater almost immediately after his death. Roman Kozak. Now Maria plays in the entreprise.

There is a devaluation acting profession. We have, only in our country. This is what I see. The performances of the 20th century are great, great actors, they are personalities. Was like this happy period in the Russian theater, which ended by the end of the 80s. Compared to that period, there is probably a crisis now. But this is not only in the theater, it is the same everywhere.

Maria Golubkina's personal life

Maria Golubkina continued family tradition and married a character adored by the people - an actor and musician Nikolai Fomenko.

I got married at 22. Speaking about the impossibility of combining creativity and normal family life, people sometimes cover up their unwillingness to start a family. It is important that people want to be around and communicate. One must love (although, in my opinion, this is so understandable that it is stupid to talk about it), but the main thing is not to overstep the bounds, not to declare: “I am the master of the house.” Even in conflict situation you must remain polite, do not offend or offend a loved one.

Together, the couple lived for 13 years and gave the impression of being perfect, they had a daughter, Nastya, and a son, Vanya. However, not everything was fine in the family - Maria did not want to give way to her husband either at home or in the profession. Constant rivalry led to a divorce. The separation of the couple was stormy, about the desire to divorce Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina said on the air of the Mayak radio station, where Maria worked at that moment.

For me, my family is my children. Families must be preserved at all costs. Whatever happens, there is no need to look for happiness, it will not happen, because there will only be difficulties. These are the difficulties in my life, and I will somehow try to come to terms with them ... Therefore, do not ascribe any marriages to me, this will not happen, no! I won't marry again. I have been there for 13 years. And I can’t really imagine why and how this can be done a second time ... I am for people to stop this terrible thing - divorces. Unfortunately, this is how the world works - for some reason people need to converge and disperse ten times. And the funny thing is that the state is built on this. And people's lives. Is that bad.

After divorce Maria Golubkina gave a number of emotional interviews in which she talked about rethinking life values and takes a fresh look at how family relationships should be built - not to fight for leadership, not to put work above family relations, yield to her husband, be more feminine, etc.

In 2017 Maria Golubkina in the show "Secret to a Million" shocked everyone with the news that she was marrying her son famous actor Vasily Livanov Boris. The families of Golubkina and Livanov had known each other for a long time, Maria and Boris studied at the Shchukin school. Boris Livanov said that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years. In 2008, Livanov was convicted of murder, but Golubkina is not at all embarrassed by his past.

It's good that Bori has such a past. All our men should be sent to Kolyma, at least for two years. There he hardened. To be honest, I still don't understand what it was. Perhaps there was some kind of protest on his part ... For me, the main argument in favor of Boris is his parents. Borya - intelligent person, in such a family, he simply cannot be different.

Now we live in Boris' apartment. He doesn't drink at all. He writes scripts, libretto, works a lot, though he sleeps until 12 noon. I tell him: if you behave like this, I will disgrace the whole country - I will cancel the wedding. The wedding can be in a month or a year. It depends on what else my spiritual father Father Vladimir will say. Borya is a non-religious person. But now he has nowhere to go, he will become churched. Otherwise, I will turn our matrimonial plans into a joke if he does not do as I want. Men cannot be pitied. Just give them free rein ... Yesterday, Borey and I had a fight, and now I don’t even know what will happen next. He got it right. When, on his initiative, we announced the wedding on the Secret for a Million TV program, he thought that I couldn’t get away after such PR, I would have to marry him. But in fact, he got it, not me. Now I can do whatever I want. And, in which case, I will say that our wedding was a joke ...

Hobbies of Maria Golubkina

Maria Golubkina is a master of sports in equestrian sports, has her own horse, takes part in horse races.

As a child, I saw a horse, and from the age of 9 I began to go in for equestrian sports. With varying success, but all my life I can’t somehow part with it. This is partly professional, but it is not earnings. I have my own horse. I raised this horse with different people, friends and their own high physical and financial costs. Animals must be loved, they must not be hurt, they must not be beaten, they must be fed, they must be cleaned, and this must be done very well and regularly. This is your culture and your understanding.

Filmography of Maria Golubkina

  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 1992 - Fandango for a monkey
  • 1993 - Detective bureau "Felix"
  • 1994 - Khorovod
  • 1995 - Tomorrow. Love in the forbidden zone
  • 2000 - Wedding - Light
  • 2000 - Instead of me
  • 2001 - Scam
  • 2001 - The Fifth Corner (TV series)
  • 2003 - Heaven and Earth (TV series)
  • 2004 - French
  • 2004 - Personal number - Tatyana
  • 2004 - Moscow heat
  • 2004 - Jackpot for Cinderella - Natasha
  • 2005 - Yesenin - Sophia Tolstaya
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2007 - Leningrad - Ageeva
  • 2007 - Picturesque adventure - Vika Gagarina
  • 2009 - Village Comedy - Galina
  • 2011 - Crazy - Ekaterina Kerzhakova
  • 2011 - We came in large numbers here - Tatyana
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber - Ustinya, abbess
  • 2013 - Upside down - Zoya Olgovna Salamatnikova, car mechanic
  • 2013 - Iron Mountain - Aunt Stesha
  • 2013 - The Path of the Leader - Aunt Stesha
  • 2014 - Breaking the vicious circle - bus driver
  • 2016 - Garden Ring - Katya
  • 2016 - Synchronists (mini-series)
  • 2016 - Pearls (TV series) - Aglaya Sievers
  • 2017 - Cuba (TV series) - Irina Odintsova

Golubkina Maria is an outstanding theater and film actress. At 44, she managed to star in more than thirty films, including "Girls", "Personal Number", "The Tale of a Woman and a Man", "Instead of Me", "Leningrad" and others. The biography of Maria Golubkina is not easy. There were many difficulties in her life. However, this did not stop her from climbing the star Olympus and becoming the favorite of millions of viewers.

The parents of the actress and her childhood

Maria Andreevna Golubkina was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on September 22, 1973. Her blood father, Nikolai Grigoryevich Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, is the owner of three international awards that he received for directing and camera work. Mary herself biological father do not recognize. Most likely, this is due to childhood resentment. After all, Nikolai Grigorievich left the family almost immediately after the birth of Masha.

Maria Andreevna's mother, Larisa Ivanovna Golubkina, is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, known for films such as The Hussar Ballad, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog, etc. When Masha was a year old , Andrey Mironov came to their family. Her mother lived with him for 14 years - until the death of Andrei Alexandrovich. Mironov loved Masha very much, so after a few years living together with Larisa Ivanovna, he officially adopted her. So two daughters appear in the life of Andrei Alexandrovich: one from his first marriage, who, by the way, was also called Maria, the second is our heroine. Unfortunately, the sisters never got along. To this day, the girls feel dislike for each other, which has been visible since the moment they worked together in the film "Wedding" (dir. Pavel Lungin).

In her interviews, our heroine very often raises the topic of her parents. In the biography of Maria Golubkina, they played an important role - this is true. Their advice always helped Masha to accept correct solution.

The beginning of the creative path

As is often the case, Maria followed in the footsteps of her parents, although she had all the makings to become a professional athlete. From the age of 11, the future actress began to engage in equestrian sports. She devoted all her free time to horses and riding. However, over time, acting genes still took their toll - Golubkina wanted to become a great artist.

For the first time, Maria managed to try herself in the cinema in school years. So, at the age of 16, she was invited to star in the film "Adam's Rib" (dir. Vyacheslav Krishtofovich) in the role of Nastya. After the picture was released on TV screens, Masha had her first fans.

Student and further work in the cinema

To continue developing her acting talent, Masha enters the Shchukin School. In parallel with her studies, Golubkina continues to act in films. Over the entire period of her studies at Pike, she managed to star in four excellent films, including Tomorrow (dir. Alexander Pankratov), ​​Fandango for the Monkey (dir. Alexander Burko), Felix Detective Bureau (dir. Vladimir Laptev) and Khorovod (dir. Vladimir Kuchinsky). However, the film "Wedding", filmed in 2000 by director Pavel Lungin, will bring all-Russian fame to our heroine. After millions of viewers see this picture, a sharp creative upsurge will occur in the biography of actress Maria Golubkina. Her filmography will begin to replenish rapidly.

Today, Maria continues to act in films. Among her recent works films such as "Cuba" (2017), "Garden Ring" (2016), "Synchronists" (2016), "Pearls" (2016), "Muscovite" (2014), "Breaking the vicious circle" (2014), " The Way of the Leader (2013) and others.

Theater career

In 1995, our heroine graduated from the Shchukin School and joined the troupe of the Satire Theater, in which her stepfather, Andrei Alexandrovich Mironov, once played. Maria will work there for 11 years, and then move to the Theater. Pushkin, where it will not last long either.

About personal

Personal life in the biography of Maria Golubkina occupies a special place, she has always been interesting to many of her fans. Therefore, it would be unfair if we do not talk about it.

The first husband of Maria Golubkina was the notorious Nikolai Fomenko (actor, showman, musician). The lovers got married in 1995, almost immediately after Maria Andreevna graduated from the Shchukin School. Their marriage did not last long - only 13 years, but gave former spouses two wonderful children - Anastasia and Ivan.

In general, Maria was very upset by this divorce. In order to somehow drown out her pain, Golubkina began to take antidepressants. Then alcohol was added. Her children helped Maria Andreevna return to life. For their sake, she pulled herself together and continued to build an acting career. From that moment in the biography of Maria Golubkina began new period. By the way, now Maria and Nikolai maintain friendly relations.

Were there any other husbands in the biography of Maria Golubkin? And here the most interesting begins. In 2013, five years after her divorce from Nikolai Fomenko, the actress appears in public in a wedding dress, arguing that she had recently left the registry office and had not yet had time to change clothes. Then Maria Andreevna revealed the secret that her new husband was an astronaut, who immediately after the end of the marriage went to conquer space. The actress could not disclose the name of her chosen one due to the fact that it was a state secret. Of course, all this turned out to be an invention of the artist. With such a trick, she wanted to expose Russian journalists to the ridicule of the public. You have to admit that she did a great job.

A true story about a new lover

More recently, a "real" man appeared in the life of our today's heroine. Mary's new lover was the son of the Soviet "Sherlock Holmes" - Boris Livanov. The fate of this man is not easy. He had to spend several years behind bars. But, despite this, Maria Golubkina was still able to discern in him a sensitive and kind man. There is also information that the lovers have already submitted an application to the registry office and soon want to play a luxurious wedding. Well, we can only wait. Let's hope that this is not another invention of Mary.

We have already talked about the biography, personal life and new husband of Maria Golubkina. Now it's time for some interesting facts:

  • Russian actress has been involved in equestrian sports for more than thirty years.
  • Maria passed on her love for horses to her first husband, Nikolai Fomenko. A few years ago, he even had his own horse.
  • After the Theater. Pushkin, a new artistic director began to work, our heroine immediately quit her job.
  • In 1991, Maria Andreevna was awarded the Constellation Prize in the Debut nomination.
  • After her divorce from her first husband, Maria long time She avoided contact with her family and friends. By the way, about the reasons for the breakup of relations former lovers there is still no exact information. Someone says that the divorce occurred due to the betrayal of Nikolai with a young lady from St. Petersburg, others believe that the “hard” character of Mary, with whom Fomenko was very difficult to come to terms, is to blame.
  • Maria Golubkina had known her new man, Boris Livanov, since the Shchukin school. However, love between them broke out only decades later.

present tense

Today, the biography of Maria Golubkina continues to be replenished with bright events: she actively acts in films, works on radio and television, and is trying to build new relationships. In addition, the actress is a frequent guest on Instagram. There you can see a huge number of photographs of Mary in various guises.

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