Working in the garden in the last month of pregnancy. Summer vacation for a pregnant woman in the country, what can and cannot be done. Rules for pregnant women: bathing season

Summer is coming soon and expectant mothers, like no other, it is extremely important in the summer to relax in nature and in the fresh air. If you have your own dacha or a house in the village at your disposal, or you have the opportunity to rent them away from the bustle of the city, even for a short time, you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity and stay in nature as long as possible. And the results of such a country holiday will not keep you waiting for a long time. Unity with nature and moving away from the noisy city helps a pregnant woman. Let's talk with you about the countryside and country rest of expectant mothers.

What is good to relax outside the city?
During outdoor recreation, pregnant women get much better sleep, both at night and during the day, and the child himself can uninterruptedly receive the oxygen and vitamins he needs for development, especially vitamin D, which is actively synthesized in the mother's body under the influence of sunlight. Moderate physical activity will also be useful for a woman, which will help to more actively prepare the body of the expectant mother and her upcoming birth. Among other things, vacation in the country is a great opportunity for those women who, for various reasons and circumstances, cannot go on vacation to the southern regions or to the sea. So, for example, during pregnancy, there may be many contraindications to traveling long distances and flights, to changing the climate zone or time zones. But for living in a country house or in a country house, not far from your usual place of residence, there are practically no contraindications from medicine.

Naturally, carrying a pregnancy will oblige you to reconsider many of the aspects in the usual rhythm of life in the country, but all this can be completely solved. So, during pregnancy, doctors recommend limiting many types of physical activity in the country, it is worth reconsidering the time of your stay in direct sunlight, as well as an attentive attitude to such aspects as your daily routine and nutrition. As a result, the expectant mother and members of her family, who plan to open the summer season soon, may have many questions regarding the pregnant lifestyle in the country and the issue of permissible physical activity while on vacation. Let's take a closer look at many of the most frequently asked questions that relate to staying in the country.

During the bearing of a baby, especially closer to childbirth, most of the women begin to experience a special complex of behavioral reactions, which is called a special "nesting syndrome". This will manifest itself in the irresistible desire of a woman to put her house in order and equip any place of her residence, thus preparing it for the appearance of a new small family member. This syndrome can manifest itself in different women in different forms and at different stages of pregnancy - for some it is easier to focus on buying and collecting a dowry for an unborn child, someone wants to start with repairing and rebuilding the whole house, changing interiors or even a complete change of housing. If a woman during pregnancy finds herself in a country house or a country house, she may want to equip not only the house itself and its interiors, but also the entire plot of land. The future mother may want to bring to perfection not only the house itself, but also all its other territories, which are also perceived as part of the house itself. If this desire is within reason, then it is quite possible to satisfy such desires. Small dosed physical activity while being outdoors is even beneficial. But the most important thing is not to overdo it - with overwork, very unpleasant and dangerous syndromes can occur.

Some questions about work on the summer cottage.
The most important question is how much time during the day can be devoted to physical activity during pregnancy. Usually doctors say that you should not work in the garden or in the garden for more than half an hour in a row, regardless of what type of work you did, what the weather is like and what time of day it is. You can work for about twenty to thirty minutes in a row, and then you need to rest at least this time, for example, lie down in the shade with a book or sleep in a house. With such intervals of work and rest, under the condition of good weather and normal health, it is quite possible for the expectant mother to work in the summer cottage for about two hours a day.

Is it possible to water the garden during pregnancy - this is no less an urgent question. Naturally, pregnant women are forbidden to lift heavy buckets of water themselves and carry heavy watering cans, carry buckets with earth and seedlings, sand, and so on. Also, heavy irrigation hoses should not be carried unless they are located on special reels. When lifting weights, the abdominal muscles tense, and the tone of the uterus may increase, which threatens premature birth or other problems. You can get a small, light watering can or bucket, so watering will last longer, but it will be safer for your health and well-being of the child. In addition, you can install special water sprayers on the site - portable or stationary, and then watering will be carried out independently, you will only need to turn the water on and off. In addition, you can ask relatives to water your plantings.

Another important issue in country life is digging up the earth during pregnancy. Let's face it, this activity is not for pregnant women - it is a physically difficult procedure even for an ordinary woman, and even more so during pregnancy. For pregnant women, classes are dangerous in which sudden movements or significant physical exertion occur, so digging up the earth, loosening and other actions of a similar nature are prohibited for you, put the hoe, chopper and shovel aside. It is possible to cultivate and grind the already cultivated land with a rake, hand hoe or a special cultivator. You can use a lawn mower with wheels, but you should not do this for more than 15 minutes without a break, especially when working with vibrating equipment. When exposed to vibration on your body, you may feel bad. You need to be attentive to yourself.

Features of working in the garden or garden during pregnancy.
There are certain periods of time during which work in the garden or in the garden will be most favorable or unfavorable, and it is worth paying attention to this so that there are no health problems. You should try not to stay in the open sunlight for a long time in the very heat and its maximum activity - overheating of the body leads to a sharp expansion of the vessels of the skin and the whole body, which can lead to a deterioration in the activity of the uteroplacental circulation. The most optimal time for work in the garden or garden will be from the period of eight in the morning to ten or eleven, and in the evening, from five in the evening to about eight in the evening. If we talk about early morning or late evening - at this time dew usually falls and it is cool, there is a risk of freezing and catching a cold, at midday the sun is the most active and hot, at this time it is better to relax at home in the shade. While working in the sun or while relaxing, do not forget about the use of sunscreen - it is applied to the skin about twenty minutes before going out into the sun, and a hat is also a must.

Is it permissible for a pregnant woman to weed the beds herself or to harvest? Doctors say that it is quite possible, but not forgetting about their interesting position. You should not work in the garden in a bent position - this will provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke circulatory disorders and the threat of abortion. For the same reasons, when working in the garden, one should not stretch too much upwards - for example, when you pick fruits or berries from tall bushes and trees. Weeding or planting should be carried out in a comfortable position - sit between the beds on a low bench or folding chair, but do not bend down with your head. If you do the main work while standing, and you only need to bend over for a while, you should squat down and spread your legs wide apart, while resting entirely on the entire foot. A possible option may also be kneeling down, having previously spread some thing under them. But harvesting from tall trees should be entrusted to your loved ones, do not stretch yourself and do not climb the stairs - there is a risk of falls. If you yourself want to collect fruits, you need to use a collection of fruits - a special basket with a bag and a telescopic rod. It is strictly forbidden to climb trees, stand on garden ladders, chairs and other devices. When falling, the risk of injury and abruption of the placenta is high.

But what about pregnant women? Can they sunbathe and swim? Can you work in the garden? The answers to these and many other questions were given to us by experts.

So, doctors unanimously argue that pregnancy is not a disease. A special, interesting situation.

- First of all, I would like to note that pregnancy is not a disease, but a completely natural state for a woman, but at the same time, it is simply necessary to take care of yourself during this period. There is an opinion that in the first weeks of pregnancy there is no need to change the way of life, and the usual loads will not hurt in any way. There is certainly a grain of truth in this. However, do not forget that the usual activity that you are used to is designed for the usual state and the usual hormonal background - recalls obstetrician-gynecologist, Ulyanovsk Central City Clinical Hospital Yulia Kanaeva. - From the first weeks of pregnancy, the body undergoes a colossal restructuring, and even if the pregnancy has not yet fully manifested itself, this does not mean that there is a reason not to take care of yourself.

Of course, a dacha is not only relaxation, but also hard work. That is why pregnant women must follow a few simple rules.

First, you need to give up dragging weights. And it doesn’t matter at all what it will be - watering cans or buckets of water, sand, baskets with crops or something else.

Secondly, you can not make sharp jumps.

- Often, during routine activities on the site and in a country house, whether it is harvesting or banal cleaning, a woman stands on a hill - a stool, a window sill, a short flight of stairs, and then famously jumps off from there. In addition to the danger associated with damage to the musculoskeletal system: dislocations, bruises - after all, the center of gravity in the body shifts during pregnancy, and the mechanics of movement for changes in the body do not always have time - the danger is also a sharp concussion of the internal organs, which is an unfavorable factor in the course of pregnancy , - said the obstetrician-gynecologist.

The third point is contact with fertilizers. Despite the fact that they are very necessary and useful for plants, fertilizers are chemicals, and their vapors can adversely affect both the mother and the unborn baby.

- When working on a garden plot, I would recommend periodically warming up and not sitting for a long time in uncomfortable positions (when weeding, for example). The main thing for the expectant mother is to remember that no activities in the country, even the most simple and familiar ones, should bring her to exhaustion.

river, beach

Dacha - she is a dacha. But how do you want to soak up the sun in the summer months, sunbathe, splash in the cool water. And such desires are not alien to pregnant women. It’s just worth remembering that in an interesting position, a lady is responsible not only for herself, but also for the future baby.

- I would not recommend a pregnant woman to be in direct sunlight and lie on the beach - sand and pebbles get very hot on sunny summer days, and during pregnancy the load on the heart increases very much. As a result, a woman runs the risk of overheating rather quickly and fainting - heat stroke can be insidious. In addition, the general overheating of the body can provoke relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus, as well as a decrease in blood pressure - these factors can lead to the development of bleeding. Also, under the influence of the sun, especially coupled with a violation of the drinking regime, varicose veins often progress - as a result, blood circulates much more slowly in the body, and dehydration occurs. Due to these risk factors, I do not recommend that pregnant women, especially those who are not accustomed to high temperatures, stay outdoors for a long time: when the air temperature is above 27ºС, it is better to stay indoors.

Swimming is even more difficult. Do not forget that the condition of the reservoirs is not always good, so it is generally dangerous to swim there, and even more so for pregnant women. Therefore, if you are not sure about the sanitary safety of the reservoir, it is better to refuse swimming altogether.

Of course, you can still splash in the water, but it is better if it is an individual pool. For example, in the country you can install one. But at the same time, you need to monitor the purity of the water in it. In addition, pregnant women are not allowed to jump into the water, especially after a long stay in the sun. If you still decide to plunge into the water, you need to stand in the shade for a while so that the body cools down. And you can't dive into cold water.

Do not forget that picnics are often arranged at dachas and beaches. Pregnant women need to give up spicy, fatty, salty and smoked foods - it slows down heat transfer and leads to swelling. Also, in the heat, you should abandon dubious catering and ready-made confectionery products with oil and protein creams, mayonnaise salads and fish.

- When leaving the city, check the location of the nearest hospitals to the holiday village and estimate the time during which, in case of unforeseen circumstances, an ambulance can reach you. Be sure to take documents with you - a passport, an insurance policy and an exchange card of a pregnant woman. The exchange card contains all the information about the course of the pregnancy, which will certainly be important in case you need medical assistance. Each pregnancy is different, so before you go on vacation, be sure to consult with the doctor who is managing your pregnancy. Only he can give relevant recommendations for you, - summed up the obstetrician-gynecologist Yulia Kanaeva.

Photo from photo bank

For the expectant mother, outdoor recreation in the summer is very desirable. If you have your own dacha or the opportunity to rent a house in the countryside, even for a short time, be sure to use it. The results will not keep you waiting.

In nature, a pregnant woman’s sleep improves, the nervous system calms down, the baby uninterruptedly receives the much-needed oxygen and vitamin D (which is formed in the body under the influence of sunlight), and “healthy” physical activity helps prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

In addition, summer vacation is a great opportunity for those who, for various reasons, cannot go south, to the sea. During pregnancy, there are a lot of contraindications to long-distance travel, flights, changing climatic and time zones. On the contrary, there are practically no medical contraindications to living in a country house near the permanent place of residence.

Of course, the “interesting situation” obliges us to reconsider some aspects of the usual rhythm of country life. During pregnancy, doctors recommend limiting many types of physical activity, time spent in the sun, and being more attentive to the daily regimen and diet. In this regard, the family opening the summer season has a lot of questions about the lifestyle and permissible loads for the expectant mother. We will try to answer the most frequently encountered "country questions".

Physical activity during pregnancy

During pregnancy, most women develop a set of behavioral responses known as the nesting syndrome. It manifests itself in the irresistible desire of the expectant mother to "shoulder" her place of residence, to prepare the house for the reception of a new little tenant. This syndrome manifests itself in different ways for everyone: some women focus on buying a dowry for the baby, others are happy to start repairs in the house, change the interior or even change housing.

Once in the country, the pregnant woman, most likely, will begin to equip not only the house, but the entire plot. The future mother may wish to bring to perfection this piece of land, perceived in this case as part of her home. Within reasonable limits, satisfying such a desire is even useful: a small dose of physical activity in the fresh air will not hurt. The main thing here for a pregnant woman is not to overdo it with loads.

  • How much time per day can I spend on physical activity during pregnancy?

You should not work in the garden for more than 30 minutes in a row, regardless of the type of work, weather and time of day; you can work hard for 20–30 minutes, and then rest for the same amount, for example, lie down with an interesting book. With such intervals, with good weather and well-being, the expectant mother may well “garden” a couple of hours a day.

  • Is it possible to water the garden during pregnancy?

Of course, the expectant mother cannot independently lift and carry weights (watering cans or buckets of water, pots with seedlings, earth, sand, etc.), a watering hose if it is not on a reel, because when lifting weights, abdominal muscles tense up. Get a small watering can: it takes longer to water, but it's safer for health. You can also install special portable and stationary water sprayers in the garden, and then watering will cease to be your concern at all. Watering plantings can also be entrusted to relatives.

  • Is it possible to dig during pregnancy?

For the expectant mother, activities associated with sudden movements or significant physical activity, such as digging and loosening the soil, are not useful, so a shovel, hoe, chopper are not your tools for this summer. It is not forbidden to grind the already cultivated land with a hand hoe, rake or cultivator. It is much more convenient to deal with excess grass with the help of a lawn mower on wheels. By the way, a lawn mower and an electric cultivator should not be used for more than 15 minutes without a break: in the process of work, they create vibration, the excess of which can adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother.

  • What time of the day is gardening healthier for a pregnant woman?

Try not to stay in the open sun for a long time - overheating leads to the expansion of blood vessels and can cause a deterioration in uteroplacental blood flow. The optimal time for working in the garden is from 8 to 11 and from 17 to 20 hours. Dew falls early in the morning and late in the evening - there is a risk of catching a cold, and at noon it is better to rest at home or in the shade. When working and relaxing in the garden on a sunny day, do not forget about sunscreen (it should be applied to the skin 15–20 minutes before going outside) and a hat.

  • Is it possible for the expectant mother to weed the beds herself and harvest from the trees?

It is possible, but adjusted for pregnancy. Do not work in the garden bent over - this position provokes an increase in the tone of the uterine wall and may contribute to the threat of termination of pregnancy. For the same reason, you should not reach up too much (for example, when picking berries and fruits from trees and tall shrubs). It is more convenient to carry out earthworks - planting, weeding, loosening, hilling and harvesting, sitting between the beds on a low bench or folding chair.

If the main work is done while standing, and you just need to bend over for a while, squat down with your legs wide apart and resting on your entire foot. Another option is to kneel down, after laying something on the ground. Harvesting from trees is best entrusted to loved ones. If you still really want to pick apples or plums yourself, use the fruit picker (a plastic basket with slots on the sides on a light telescopic rod). It is definitely not worth it for the expectant mother to use garden stairs, stepladders, chairs and other devices from which you risk falling.

  • What can not be done during pregnancy?

Undoubtedly. These are works with the use of agrochemistry. It is strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to come into contact with chemical fertilizers, top dressings and garden pest control agents throughout the entire pregnancy. These substances can have a toxic effect on the fetus. Moreover, it is impossible not only to personally dilute and apply these chemicals, but also to be in the garden during their spraying.

Walking during pregnancy

In addition to working and relaxing in the garden, country life provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities. It is possible and very useful for a future mother to walk in the fresh air, and there are plenty of opportunities for this in the country! You can travel along forest paths, a river bank, a field, a country road or the streets of your holiday village. All these walks will be equally useful, each has its own merits, so it is better to alternate them, changing routes every day and enjoying new views.

  • Do you need a special clothes for pregnant women?

Required: for the well-being of the expectant mother, it is very important to choose the right “outfit” for a country walk. Clothing should be comfortable: loose, not impeding movement and made of natural fabrics (the skin of the expectant mother should “breathe”). It is important to dress for the weather, taking into account the time you plan to spend outdoors; neither overheating nor hypothermia during pregnancy is undesirable. For a walk in the forest, take a light windbreaker and a hat to protect yourself from scratches from branches and insect bites. Going to the river, throw a stole or windbreaker on your shoulders - the wind is stronger near the reservoirs. Shoes for a walk in the bosom of nature should not only be comfortable, but also stable, fully fixing the foot and worn out. An expectant mother whose pregnancy is over half should not go for a walk without a bandage.

  • How dangerous are insect bites during pregnancy?

Such close "contact" with insects is definitely not good for a pregnant woman. Almost any bite can cause an allergic reaction in the form of redness, swelling and itching, which during this period may be more pronounced than usual. In addition, many insects are carriers of infectious diseases; in our strip, the most dangerous from this point of view is the bite of some ticks - carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis (viral disease). Both diseases are dangerous for the expectant mother, as they can provoke pregnancy complications and disruption of the normal development of the fetus. Of course, this does not mean at all that the path to the forest (the main habitat of ticks) is “ordered” for the expectant mother. Forest walks should be refrained from late April to early - mid-June: during this period, ticks have a breeding season. After mid-June, ticks can no longer be feared, as they become inactive and do not bite a person. When the dangerous period is over, you can again safely walk through the forest - observing reasonable security measures. Even on hot days, it is better to go to the forest in clothes that completely cover your arms and legs, closed shoes and a hat (cap, scarf, bandana). And before entering the forest, for additional protection against insects, treat clothing and exposed skin (hands, neck) with repellent. Since ordinary repellents can have a toxic effect and are also not useful for a pregnant woman, it is best for a future mother to use products for children of the 1st year of life. If the repellent is in the form of a spray, it is recommended to apply it outside, after taking a deep breath and holding your breath for the duration of the spray; thus significantly reducing the risk of inhalation of harmful volatile compounds in the composition of the spray.

  • What should a pregnant woman take with her for a long walk?

It is worth taking a small amount of food with you (crackers, apples) and, of course, drinking water without gas. Another convenient thing for a future mother to walk is a compact “seat” (a special lining for walking, it can be inflatable or foldable, you can buy it in tourism stores), which will be simply indispensable during halts.

How to walk during pregnancy, so as not to overwork?

During the walk, determine for yourself a comfortable walking pace and, if possible, try not to change it. Watch your breathing: it should be measured, deep and even. Try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take a short break every 20-30 minutes. The total duration of your walk should not exceed 2-3 hours. Of course, it’s worth going on a journey only if you feel good. At the slightest sign of indisposition, the expectant mother’s walk should be interrupted and immediately return home. With this in mind, try not to go far from the cottage.

Rules for pregnant women: bathing season

On a warm day, a pregnant woman can relax in a sun lounger under an umbrella on the shore of a local reservoir. If the water temperature is not lower than 22 ° C, and the street thermometer indicates that the air is warming up to about 25 ° C, it is quite possible to swim. Water procedures in fresh water are no less useful than swimming in the sea. Water helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation in the placenta, normalization of blood pressure and uterine tone, and helps to get rid of edema.

  • How to determine the safety of a swimming pool?

Preference should be given to flowing reservoirs - small rivers, on the banks of which there are no industrial enterprises. Do not be too lazy to first inquire about the purity of the water from the locals. When choosing a place to swim, find out if there is a livestock watering hole, a port or a large boat station with motor boats upstream - these factors significantly reduce the safety of a swimming pool. Another important safety factor is the course of the river and the bottom topography in the selected reservoir. Even if the river is shallow, but the current in it is quite fast, and the bottom is dotted with large boulders or pits, it is better to refrain from swimming. But a river with a weak current, a flat bottom and a smooth entry into the water is quite suitable.

  • Are there any restrictions for a pregnant woman in traditional water activities?

During pregnancy, you will have to give up sports water games (water skiing, bicycles and motorcycles) - physical activity and the risk of injury are too great. For the same reason, participation in beach volleyball is cancelled. But you can play in the water with an inflatable ball and ride a boat - of course, as a passenger!

  • How long can a pregnant woman stay in the water?

In the water, the expectant mother should be no more than 10 minutes in one bath; After plunging into a pond, try to move and swim more. After getting out of the water, immediately dry yourself with a towel and stay for 3-5 minutes in the sun to warm up.

  • Is tanning allowed during pregnancy?

The rules of "pregnant" tanning are very simple - like at sea, in the middle lane it is dangerous to stay in the open sun from 11 am to 4 pm; you should not sunbathe while lying on the ground (even on a bedding), because if the earth is not warm enough, you can catch a cold. If the shore of the reservoir is not equipped with sunbeds, grab a folding chair from the house. On the beach, be sure to cover your head with a hat and try to go into the shade every 20 minutes so as not to overheat.

  • What sun protection measures are recommended during pregnancy?

On a sunny day, be sure to take an umbrella from the sun or a panama hat with you - this will protect you from overheating. In addition, 15 minutes before leaving the house, it is worth treating exposed areas of the body with sunscreen. When choosing cosmetics from the sun, give preference to products without perfumes - during pregnancy, the risk of skin allergic reactions increases. The skin of the expectant mother becomes more sensitive - which means that the chosen product should have a sun protection factor one level stronger than the one you usually use. You can opt for sunscreen for babies - they are non-toxic, hypoallergenic and always have the maximum UV protection factor.

  • What if there is no decent place for swimming near the cottage?

If your health does not allow you to leave the house or there is no clean reservoir near the cottage, you can provide yourself with water procedures right on your own garden plot. It is enough to fill an inflatable pool with warm water, put a sun lounger next to it - and a “beach” vacation is guaranteed!

Nutrition during pregnancy

Unfortunately, summer is famous not only for the gifts of nature, but also for the increase in food poisoning and enterovirus infections (a viral disease that occurs with fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea). In order to avoid these ailments, it is important to follow the simple rules of the summer diet.

  • Can a pregnant woman have digestive problems due to eating fruits, berries and vegetables from her garden?

This happens frequently; however, the reason is not in the garden gifts themselves, but in their misuse. Firstly, in no case should a future mother eat berries in large quantities, especially on the opening day of the summer season; it is enough to limit yourself to 0.5–1 glass. Secondly, before enjoying the taste of garden berries, they must be thoroughly washed with running water. Even if you are sure that the plants in the garden are not pollinated by fertilizers and pesticides, remember - you can not eat unwashed fruits! This equally applies to all the "gifts" of the garden: berries growing in the garden and on the bush, vegetables and fruits. During pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother decreases, and the body becomes more susceptible to infection, and the risk of developing allergic reactions may increase.

  • Is it dangerous for a future mother to eat wild mushroom dishes?

There can be only one danger - poisoning with inedible mushrooms; it is also dangerous outside of pregnancy, but food poisoning is much more severe in the expectant mother. In addition, it should be remembered that mushrooms are heavy and indigestible food, so you should not eat them more than once a week and, of course, use only edible mushrooms in cooking.

  • Can a pregnant woman drink homemade fruit and berry drinks?

It is possible and very useful: they are good at helping to cope with thirst, and at the same time get rid of edema that has appeared against the background of heat, since some of them have a diuretic effect. Drinks made from sour berries are very useful - red and black currants, lingonberries, cranberries, stone fruits, cherries, cherries and rose hips. All of these berries improve kidney function and help remove excess fluid from the body. Apples, plums, pears, apricots and quince have the same useful qualities. You can prepare delicious and healthy drinks from the fruits of mulberry (mulberry), shadberry and chokeberry; They are also good for quenching thirst. There is no need to add sugar to summer drinks - all berries and fruits already contain the amount of glucose necessary for the body; besides, sweet drink quenches thirst much worse.

In addition to berries and fruits, fresh vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, beets and pumpkin can be used to make summer drinks. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are rich in minerals and trace elements; in undiluted form, they are recommended to drink on an empty stomach. You can dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 and use it as a drink throughout the day.

  • Is it worth it to buy milk in the country from private traders - neighbors who keep livestock?

On the one hand, fresh milk is much healthier than powdered milk; on the other hand, it did not pass the sanitary check. You can buy milk “from under a cow” only if you are absolutely sure that the owner complies with all veterinary requirements for livestock keeping (vaccinations, regimen, nutrition, care). At a minimum, the seller should be asked to provide a veterinary health certificate for the cow, goat or sheep whose milk he is selling. And, despite all the usefulness of fresh milk, for the same safety reasons, it should be boiled! In addition to milk itself, sour-milk products are very useful for the expectant mother: ayran, tan, curdled milk, boiled milk, yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk. They quench thirst well, are nutritious and beneficial for bowel function. The only thing to consider when using dairy products on a hot summer day is a sharp decrease in their shelf life at high ambient temperatures. Fermented milk drinks in the summer should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day, and be sure to check the expiration date before use.

First aid during pregnancy

When going to the country, just in case, find out in advance where the nearest medical centers, clinics and hospitals are located, what types of medical care they provide, whether there is a gynecological and maternity ward. Keep in mind that a local ambulance team arrives in the region on call, which, if necessary, takes patients to the nearest regional hospital. Departure to the dacha of the city "ambulance" is possible only if this type of service is stipulated in your contract for childbirth and prenatal care.

Collect an individual first aid kit for expectant mothers. Be sure to take your passport and all medical documents that you have at the time of departure with you:

  1. an exchange card (issued at the antenatal clinic upon request from 22 weeks of pregnancy);
  2. birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic after 12 visits or 12 weeks of observation, at about 30 weeks);
  3. data from ultrasound, CTG and other studies during pregnancy, the results of laboratory tests, extracts from the outpatient card;
  4. compulsory medical insurance policy (CMI);
  5. voluntary medical insurance policy (VHI) - when concluding a contract for childbirth and? /? or prenatal medical supervision;
  6. childbirth contract, if you have one.

When collecting a first-aid kit for a summer residence, put in it vitamins for pregnant women, no-shpu (antispasmodic), valerian (sedative) and all the medicines that you take additionally as prescribed by the doctor. Do not forget about seasonal preparations:

  1. repellents, as well as means to reduce itching and accelerate the healing processes of insect bites;
  2. sunscreen and sunburn treatment;
  3. antihistamines;
  4. drugs that normalize bowel function.

Before leaving, consult with the doctor who sees you during pregnancy. Discuss supportive care while you're away (if needed), get advice on lifestyle, daily routine, and nutrition, set a date for your next doctor's appointment.

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Pregnancy brings certain changes in the habitual life of a woman and even the whole family. In such conditions, women begin to be wary of everything that was previously familiar to them. They constantly think about the risk that their favorite activities are fraught with.

Should pregnant women work in the garden, is it dangerous, is there a need to refuse such activities? This will be discussed in this article. Answers to other questions about pregnancy can be found on the official website of the 9 months magazine

The decision on the possibility of working in the garden should be taken by the woman herself, taking into account the recommendations of doctors. Only a woman can determine whether her well-being allows her to work, whether she has a psycho-emotional need to relax while doing this favorite activity. Of course, if it does not harm the health of the baby.

If the woman's health is satisfactory and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, then doctors recommend such work. However, we must remember that this is possible with a gestational age of more than 12 weeks. At the same time, the physical condition should allow working, for example, a woman should not have edema.

Working in the garden should not be an overwhelming task for a pregnant woman - any heavy workload is contraindicated. At the slightest sign of fatigue, it is necessary to stop work and lie down to rest in the house. You should also be careful about being under the sun. After all, direct sunlight is harmful to any person, and for a pregnant woman, prolonged exposure to the sun can be dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right time and mode of gardening work. The best time to work is in the morning or in the afternoon. The duration of work should not exceed 30 minutes, followed by a break of 2 hours to rest in the shade of trees or in the house.

Working in the garden is a great way of psycho-emotional unloading

Any work is important for a person, and work that brings pleasure is twice as useful. If a woman does not have obvious signs of poor health and there are no contraindications, working in the garden will be beneficial. Experts note the following important points:

1. Being outdoors for a woman during pregnancy will help improve her psychological state, will create a positive emotional background and improve mood. In addition, fresh air is an effective means of combating insomnia, because the blood is actively saturated with oxygen.

2. Moderate physical activity is necessary for a woman, because they allow the body to prepare for childbirth and facilitate the process in the future. Passive pastime, as well as excessive physical activity is harmful. Loads are also unacceptable if a woman has clear instructions from a doctor regarding a more passive lifestyle, for example, with uterine tone, a threatened abortion, and in other similar situations. In other cases, moderate work in the garden will only be useful.

3. Moderate exposure to the sun during a period of low activity allows the expectant mother to recharge her energy and replenish her vitamin reserve by eating washed, freshly picked fruits and berries. After all, for example, vitamin D is essential for the baby.

4. The expectant mother working in the garden is a great example for the rest of the family. Joint work is able to unite the family, tear relatives away from gadgets and TV, focus on the fact that in the future the help and care of all family members will be especially necessary for the mother.

When should you limit gardening?

In some cases, a woman may begin to experience physical discomfort while working in the garden, even if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. After all, the body of each woman is individual, it can react differently to various physical activities.

If during gardening work a woman begins to get very tired, then the load must be stopped. But this does not mean that now you should just lie down. Loads in the garden can be replaced by leisurely walks near the river or in the park.

Caution should also be taken to the fact that after small loads there are strong pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This can be caused by an unfortunate movement or an awkward posture while working. You should stop working and lie down, raising your legs above your head. In the future, you need to choose those postures for work that would not allow squeezing the abdomen. It is also advisable to use low benches or chairs.

In the normal course of pregnancy, moderate physical activity in the garden or vegetable garden is useful for a woman. But at the same time, you need to listen to your body, follow the recommendations of doctors and strive to ensure that the work is comfortable and enjoyable.

So, your pregnancy fell on the summer. A natural question arises about how and where it is better to spend it - for the benefit of yourself and the unborn baby. It is quite possible that you will refuse to travel to distant countries and distant seas, rightly deciding not to risk it, especially without medical insurance (pregnancy is not included in cases subject to medical insurance abroad). City entertainment in the summer is not very diverse, plus closeness, heat, hot asphalt. Naturally, a dacha version of a summer vacation comes to mind - fresh air, picturesque nature around, fruits and vegetables from your garden, swimming in the river, the sun, a deck chair standing in the shade of a tree - what for many is associated with a classic relaxing holiday.

Indeed, there are many advantages to such a pastime, and above all it is the climatic factor: during pregnancy, especially in summer, you should not change the climate dramatically, it is desirable that it be close to the one in which you spend most of your life. During the summer heat (this is the second half of July - the first half of August), it is especially important not to overheat, and this is much easier to do in a familiar climate than in the best resort. Therefore, a country house or cottage is quite capable of providing all the joys of life, only in striving for these joys it is worth remembering the old truth: caution does not hurt. So, what should you pay special attention to? We will try to solve problems as they come.


Naturally, you need to somehow get to the dacha, and to the city too, especially since there is a doctor waiting for you at the antenatal clinic. Of course, the best option for a pregnant woman will be personal transport - a car. To drive her herself or to entrust her husband - this decision must be made and, depending on how you feel, do not forget that during pregnancy, the attention necessary on the road may be weakened; but it is quite possible that you feel comfortable behind the wheel, especially if the stomach is not too big (remember that the seat belt should not put pressure on the stomach - it must pass under the stomach). The scourge of big cities is traffic jams, especially intensifying during the summer-summer hours of the face - Friday evening and Sunday evening, so it's better not to take risks at this time. If, nevertheless, the road took longer than you expected, you need to get out of the car, walk around a bit to stretch your legs - it is undesirable to sit for a long time, because the legs can swell and hurt.

A more extreme version of transport is public: bus, commuter train. The first rule that must not be violated is no assaults, no matter how much you want to go in and sit down first: in the crowd a wide variety of troubles can await you. Rule two: you need to ride sitting, not standing - it is much more difficult for a pregnant woman to keep her balance, and her legs will get tired. How to solve this problem - ask to give way or wait for free transport - can be determined by the situation, but it must be resolved without fail.

What not to forget to take to the country?

I carry everything with me," this means that on a trip you need to take copies of the results of all the tests and studies that you did during pregnancy, the latest extracts from the medical history if you suffer from serious illnesses, and the coordinates of your gynecologist. And also a cell phone a phone number to contact your doctor, etc. Find out in advance if you can call an ambulance in an emergency and where the nearest hospital is located.

Do not forget the necessary supply of medicines that you take. Do not rely on the range of local pharmacies.

It is better to bring sunscreen with you. It must have a protection rating of at least 15 SPF.

Do not forget about mosquito repellents that will help make life in the country more comfortable. It can be a nylon canopy over the bed, which will allow you to sleep peacefully. Or means for repelling insects such as a fumigator (do not forget the pills for it) - their choice is now very large. Remember that during pregnancy you can not use insecticides that are applied directly to the body: numerous studies have clearly proven their harm to the body of a pregnant woman.

Country fun future mother

Of course, for many, a dacha is not only outdoor recreation, but also taking care of this nature, plus a favorite entertainment for many of those who want to be closer to the earth - to grow crops and stock up for the winter. This event worthy in all respects for a woman during pregnancy should be adjusted in connection with her special condition.

The main principle of summer fun of this kind is not to get tired! It needs a detailed explanation: firstly, no work in the open sun in the summer heat - this threatens to overheat the body and, accordingly, other serious troubles for a pregnant woman. If the desire to dig in the beds is so strong, it is better to do it in the morning, before 11 o'clock, and in the evening, after 17.

Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to lift any weights - in the country it can be a bucket of water, a container of fertilizer, boards, logs, stairs, bricks, garden tools and much more. Neglect of these recommendations can have the most unpleasant consequences, up to termination of pregnancy, and in order not to regret later on your own indiscretion, you should know that if work is associated with lifting weights, then a pregnant woman may have an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the movement of the diaphragm is limited, and pressure increases on the organs located in the lower abdomen, including the uterus, and the muscles of the pelvic floor. Carrying weights in the hands increases the compression of the spine and worsens the ventilation of the lungs. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can aggravate an existing pregnancy. Therefore, during pregnancy, you can not lift weights! The maximum weight that a pregnant woman can lift should not exceed 5 kg, although the specific number of kilograms that can be lifted without harm should be determined individually, depending on the state of health, the woman's physique and other factors. Therefore, away with heavy shovels and rakes, especially since gardening stores now have a large selection of light, handy tools.

Thirdly, bending over to your favorite beds is also not recommended, because this is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and a possible loss of balance, the load on the spine increases, lower back pain may occur. induce an abortion. If the thirst for activity is stronger than common sense, you can weed, tie, pinch, either sitting on a bench, moving it behind you from bed to bed, or standing on all fours (after putting on trousers and putting a litter under your knees) - you can even see something similar in this for a special exercise that prepares the muscles for childbirth, just don’t get carried away with them!

Another obvious dacha danger is the possibility of contact with various kinds of fertilizers and chemicals. She is much more serious than she looks. Substances used to control pests or increase yields are mostly toxic, they can adversely affect the formation of the fetus and provoke disturbances in the course of pregnancy, so this area of ​​activity is absolutely contraindicated for a pregnant woman! If someone close to you needs to spray the trees, it is better to take a walk somewhere far away at this time, surveying the surrounding landscapes.

In any case, no matter what you do, you must, without bringing yourself to fatigue, periodically rest, especially since where, if not in the country, it is so nice to sit in an armchair in the shade of a tree. It is very important!

Whatever work you do in the country, remember that any activity should be stopped when the following alarms appear:

  • pain in any part of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • difficulty walking;
  • contractions;
  • lack of fetal movements;
  • heart palpitations.

Of course, ideally, in order not to be tempted by agricultural work, it would be nice not to plant anything at all in this spring-summer season, which coincided with your pregnancy - and the earth will rest, and you will not have a reason to grab a shovel.

Country life in anticipation of a child

Of course, country houses have a different degree of convenience, and most often many household problems in the country have been resolved. However, you have to deal with the same laundry, cleaning and cooking. What can be said about this?

While there is still no automatic washing machine in every country house, the problem of washing dirty laundry is very relevant, and, perhaps, this is one of the most serious problems. As a way out, the following can be proposed: do not wash dirty linen in the country, but, having accumulated more of it, transfer it to a city apartment for washing, in order to bring it back later. If this method is not suitable, and there are small children in the country whose clothes must be washed constantly, hand washing remains. It is highly desirable to avoid it by entrusting it to other family members. In the extreme case, when you have to do it yourself, the same principle remains: no tilt over the pelvis, no bent postures. The fact is that growing rapidly leads to a mixture of the center of gravity and an increase in the load on the spine. In a bent position, the spine and back muscles are even more stressed, which leads not only to fatigue, but to pain in the lower back (the more serious consequences of bending are described above). The only way out is to put a stool or other elevation, sit next to a chair with a back, clasping your pelvis with your knees, and wash in a sitting position. A basin with water and linen should not be raised by yourself either.

Cleaning rooms, especially floors, should also be treated with caution: instead of crawling with a rag in your hands, it is best to take a mop with a spin system and, without bending over, wipe the floors safely and calmly.

Stairs - to the cellar, to the attic, to the second floor - a very common detail of country architecture. You also need to be extremely careful with them - naturally, it’s worth shifting the trip or to the attic to other family members, you need to carefully climb up and the room to the second floor, holding on to the railing, which must be done if they are not. Slippery stairs are best covered with carpet or stuffed with rubber "corners" so that the foot does not slip off.

Country diet of a pregnant woman

The principle of "fresh vegetables and fruits from your own garden" should be corrected during pregnancy by the following considerations.

Firstly, all the gifts of nature must be thoroughly washed, rinsing with boiled water and not forgetting that the dirt could remain on the hands.

Secondly, this summer season of raspberries, strawberries, cherries, red currants will have to be missed. The fact is that red berries and fruits for the most part contain histamine - a substance that plays a significant role in the occurrence of allergic reactions in an unborn child, so it is better not to risk it and limit yourself to a few berries. The same goes for tomatoes. But iron-rich apples of the new crop, pears, plums, as well as carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, greens harvested in your garden can replenish your body with vitamins and have a positive effect on the stomach due to the fiber contained in vegetables.

Thirdly, if the cottage is located next to a village or a village, local residents often sell eggs and dairy products to summer residents - sour cream, cottage cheese, sour and fresh milk. Naturally, fresh milk must be boiled before drinking, and the number of eggs eaten should not exceed 1-2 per week.

Fourth, on hot days, you should drink plenty of fluids (unless otherwise directed by your doctor). No raw well water, only boiled, but it is best to drink mineral water without gas.

Country entertainment and leisure

Communication with nature in the country is the sun, a river or a lake, a forest. Let's consider each of these points separately.

The sun in moderation, residents of the middle lane are simply necessary. Sunlight will contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the metabolism of trace elements in the body - calcium, phosphorus. The baby will "take" the substances necessary for his body. Expose your tummy to the sun for a few minutes. But such sunbathing has nothing to do with sunburn, which should be discussed separately during pregnancy.

So that the sun does not cause trouble, the expectant mother needs:

  • Try to avoid direct sunlight and spend more time in the so-called "lace shade" - before 10 am and after 7 pm, when the sun's rays break through the trees or morning (evening) haze.
  • Use sunscreen: apply it 30 minutes before sun exposure and then every 2 hours.

Bathing and swimming it is very refreshing in the summer and is useful in every way, since during swimming a group of muscles develops and trains, which will have to "work" during childbirth. But something else is more important here - the safety of the reservoir for health: you can swim only if you are 100% sure that there are no funnels, holes, undercurrents in the river, lake or pond and that the reservoirs are ecologically clean, otherwise infection can be almost imperceptible. And no hypothermia - in no case do not sit in the water until you freeze. If you can’t swim, you can just wander through the water, going into it up to your ankles - the coastal sand soothes the feet, on which the nerve receptors are located.

During walks in the woods be careful not to get your feet wet. Do not get too carried away picking mushrooms and berries - all because of the same slopes (it is better not to bend over, but to squat). It makes sense to recall that mushrooms should not be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. In addition, insect bites should be foreseen in advance: in order not to pick up, on the ankles and wrists, clothing should fit snugly against the body. From mosquitoes - clothing and mosquito net: repellents, as mentioned above, are harmful.

By following these simple rules, you can make your vacation in the country safe and unforgettable.

Galina Bogdanova

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