The female dynasty of Tatyana Navka's family: very similar and happy. Tatiana Navka. Little-known period of life. To glory. Before medals How old is Tatyana Navka's mother

The name of this talented skater is known all over the world, which is not surprising. After all, the athlete from childhood showed perseverance and incredible hard work to achieve the goal. She herself speaks of Navka's high professionalism, noting that she managed not to lose her love for her profession. Like all people in show business, Tatyana Navka's personal life is always under the gun of the public.

Titled athlete Tatyana Navka is Ukrainian by nationality. She was born in April 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. The girl's parents, Raisa Anatolyevna and Alexander Petrovich, despite their "unsportsmanlike" professions, were related to sports in their youth, therefore they encouraged this daughter's passion in every possible way. First, little Tanya learned to roller skate, and after that she switched to ice skating.

Tatyana fell in love with sports since childhood, watching her idol, constantly went to his training and asked for autographs. Thanks to the parents who Hard times were able to buy professional skates for Tatyana, she replaced her usual skates with them at the age of five. From that moment on, Tatyana Navka's life acquired a certain meaning.

Skates and ice began to occupy a significant part of the girl's time. At the age of 12, she became the champion of Ukraine among juniors. At the age of 13, mother Raisa Anatolyevna, at the insistence of the coaches, transferred her daughter to the ice dancing section. A year later, the young athlete moved to Russia to train. Started there sports biography Tatyana Navka.

Sports career

Tatyana entered the big ice in 1991 as part of the USSR national team.

With their partner Samvel Gezalyan, they defend the honor of the team of the Soviet Union. The couple's coach, Natalya Dubova, transported the skaters to the United States for training. It is noteworthy that in the future Navka will receive citizenship of this country. Due to the collapse of the Union, Navka and Gezalyan represent the Belarusian national team, taking 11th place at the XVII Winter Olympic Games. In the same 1994, they became fifth at the World Championship, and a year later at the European Championship they took the fourth step.

In 1996, this couple broke up, and Tatyana Navka began performing on ice with Nikolai Morozov. This duet lasted two years. Representing Belarus, they became the winners of the Karl Schaefer Memorial (an annual open tournament held in Vienna from 1974 to 2008), and also took part in the Olympic Games in the Japanese city of Nagano.

Since 1998, the skater has been a member of the Russian national team: at this time she has a new partner - who was picked up by Tatyana Zhulin himself. At first he tried to ride with her in a pair himself, but a small difference in height - only 5 centimeters - made the duo unattractive. Yes, and disputes with this couple arose too often. Therefore, Zhulin offered a place in the duet to Kostomarov. He agreed and, leaving, with whom he then rode, began training with Navka.

Soon, the creative duo Navka-Kostomarov, under the guidance of coach Alexander Zhulin, achieved brilliant results. By 2003, the couple broke into first place in the Russian Championship, and in the European Championship they reached the prize. It was an undeniable success.

"Queen of Ice" - this title Tatyana Navka deservedly received. She has something to be proud of: in her piggy bank a large number of gold, bronze and silver medals. For her biography, the figure skater became the champion of Russia three times, twice the champion of Europe and the world, and the Olympics in Turin brought world recognition to Kostomarov and Navka.

Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka approached the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin as undisputed favorites: since 2004 they have not lost, they have taken gold everywhere. The skaters focused on the free program with the Carmen dance, which was choreographed by Tatyana Druchinina.

At the Olympics, Navka and Kostomarov showed the so-called "outstanding rental". The judges' score was 101.37 points, which is lower than the pair's record (113.17), but it was quite enough for Olympic gold. Enthusiastic newspapers wrote: Tears of happiness flowed down Carmen's face.". According to the ballet dancer, Tatyana Navka created a passionate, convincing image of Carmen on ice. Alexander Zhulin highlighted the risk-taking, artistry and "phenomenal intuition" of the figure skater.

After winning the Olympics, Navka and Kostomarov decided to end their sports career. However, the couple survived and continues to perform in professional shows and with demonstration numbers.

In 2010, a documentary film dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Tatyana Navka and her sports biography was released.

TV show

In addition to figure skating, the athlete is fond of dancing. Completion sports career figure skaters coincided with those organized on Channel One ice show which was then held annually. Tatyana Navka has become a kind of symbol of these projects, having missed the season only once. The year 2006 was remembered by the audience of the show "Stars on Ice", in which, together with an unsurpassed athlete, she took 1st place.

Since 2007, a new show has started glacial period held annually thereafter. That season Tatyana worked with the actor, the couple managed to take 2nd place. The figure skater took the same step the next season with, known from the films "Tatiana's Day", "Landing" and "Delta". In September 2008, she took part in the Eurovision Dance Contest: dancer Alexander Litvinenko became her partner. The pair took second place.

Tatyana Navka is a bright and talented woman. She is regularly invited to various TV projects. It is noteworthy that not only in those where you need to demonstrate sportsmanship. In 2008, she appeared in the rating vocal show "Two Stars". In a duet with her, she sang the famous song "And it's snowing", which was once performed by and.

Viewers were able to see Tatyana Navka on TV screens again in 2010. The popular TV show "Ice and Fire" again helped Tatyana Navka rise to first place. A partner helped her with this. This couple throughout the season delighted the audience with bright numbers, beautiful dances and acting skills.

In the next season of the "Ice Age" in 2016, fans of the famous figure skater again saw their favorite. This time Tatyana Navka went on the ice with an actor. Particularly close attention was riveted to this bright couple.

One issue of the project was devoted to world cinema. The Holocaust performance shown by Navka and Burkovsky caused heated debate and mixed reviews. The fact is that Ilya Averbukh, the mentor of the couple, settled on a too risky decision: the skaters took to the ice in costumes stylized as striped robes prisoners of the concentration camp during the Great Patriotic War. Stripes in the form of six-pointed stars suggested that the audience was Jewish prisoners.

The dance to the song "Beautiful That Way" from the legendary Italian film "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni was recognized as flawless. The jury gave the couple the highest marks for skill and artistry. But the social media discussion that followed was like an explosion. Many decided that the Holocaust-themed performance was a mockery of the memory of tortured Jewish prisoners.

But not everyone came to this opinion. For example, the director replied to critics that if books are written and films are made on the topic of the Holocaust, then “why this topic cannot but be comprehended in this form.”

Personal life

Personal life of Tatyana Navka and her professional growth long time were associated with the name. The girl was in love with this famous skater for a long time. She liked him even when he came with his wife Maya Usova to Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her girlfriend came to the skating rink every day and asked the handsome man for an autograph. She soon collected a couple dozen of them.

It seems that fate brought them together. In Moscow, where the Ukrainian athlete came to study, she managed to get close to Zhulin. At this time, his marriage to Usova was bursting at the seams.

Soon, 18-year-old Navka went to training camp in France. She secretly dreamed of meeting Alexander there. And they did meet. As it turned out, the skater liked the girl for a long time. The couple began to live together.

But they decided to register their relationship only five years later. It happened in one of America's notary offices in the winter of 2000. And in May they had a daughter, Sashenka. 2 weeks after her birth, the athlete returned to the rink.

The figure skater continued to actively participate in various sports shows. Project “Ice Age. The best "brought her closer to the actor. In the fall of 2009, the couple took to the ice.

The bright duet from the first broadcasts becomes the favorite of the program and wins the competition. But not only the number on the ice attracted the attention of fans of the show. In social networks and the media, they started talking about a romance that broke out between the two stars.

The piquancy of these rumors was added by the fact that both heroes were not free. Lovelas Basharov was married to Elizaveta Krutsko. Yes, and the skater was married to Alexander Zhulin. However, even then there were rumors that not everything was going well in both families.

In 2010, it became known that a couple of skaters broke up completely. Rumors about the upcoming marriage of Basharov and Navka again stirred up show business. But whether there was an affair between Tatiana and Marat is unknown. They denied its existence. Perhaps the two stars were not disingenuous, because the wedding, which everyone considered only a matter of time, never happened.

According to other sources, the couple actually lived together for some time. But Marat turned out to be too amorous, and Tatyana was tired of the rumors and gossip that well-wishers informed her. In addition, they say that Basharov demanded that his future half convert from Orthodoxy to the Muslim faith, to which she did not agree. And the blond beauty allegedly did not like Marat's mother, who always wanted him to marry a Tatar woman, quiet and submissive, who would take care of the family hearth, and not rotate in show business. Be that as it may, this couple did not go down the aisle.

Later, information appears about the novel of the titled athlete with the singer. Together they participated in the TV show "Ice and Fire". The media discussed that relations from the project migrated to real life. By age, Tatiana Navka is 13 years older than Alexei. Soon Alexey Vorobyov found himself new passion in the face. Neither the artist nor the skater commented on these assumptions.

In 2010, the skater began an affair with a press secretary Russian President. They met at the birthday party of a mutual friend. As the athlete admitted, Peskov courted her for a long time and patiently, until she herself realized that she was in love.

For a long time, the couple hid their relationship, which was associated with marital status Peskov. Four years after the start of the relationship, Tatyana Navka gave birth to a daughter, Nadezhda. This event took place on August 21, 2014.

Note that the children of Tatyana Navka never kept her on maternity leave for a long time. As a strong and talented athlete who loves her life's work, she cannot exist without ice skating and training.

August 1, 2015 took place in Sochi. Tatyana Navka's husband and the skater herself are very different people, but perhaps that is why the new marital union will be stronger than all the previous ones.

Tatyana Alexandrovna Navka is an amazingly beautiful woman who was able to fall in love with a strong and independent man. Tatyana not only bright girl and a young mother, but also a talented skater.

The woman achieved everything through hard work, so her medals, the title of world and Olympic champion are deserved by sweat and blood.

Famous Tatyana Tarasova often points to the professionalism of the high level, which strikes her skater. Navka says that her family and profession are two things for which she lives in the world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka

All over the world, fans are eager to find out such facts about Tatiana Navka as her height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka - this is a question that any person who can count can answer. To do this, you need to know the year and month of her birth.

Tatyana Navka was born in April 1975, so this year she celebrated her forty-second birthday. According to the sign of the Zodiac, a woman is kind and persistent, passionate and incredibly persistent Aries, who can achieve everything, but only in an honest way.

Eastern horoscope gives Tatyana the sign of the Rabbit and the ambition, luck, culture and kindness associated with it.

The growth of a talented figure skater reaches a meter seventy centimeters, and the weight does not exceed fifty-five kilograms.

Tatyana Navka is Jewish by nationality. She is very sensitive to the fate of the Jewish people during the Great Patriotic War. One of the numbers of the Navka-Burkovsky couple in the Ice Age show was dedicated to the Holocaust.

Biography of Tatyana Navka

The biography of Tatyana Navka began in 1975, when she was born in Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk. The girl got on skates early, and the impetus for this was the enchanting performance of Elena Vodorezova. Tanya got excited about skating, just like her, so her parents bought her roller skates.

As soon as she was five, Tanechka went out onto the ice already on real skates. A talented girl became the champion of Ukraine in the junior class. AT school years Tanya, a straight A student, fell into fours in many subjects, because she saw figure skating as a priority for herself.

At the age of 12, Tatyana grew up significantly and could not perform high-quality jumps, so she began to practice ice dancing in the capital of the USSR. The future champion was engaged in the Moskvich sports club, and after that she was sent for an internship in the USA. Tanya's partner at that time was Samvel Gezalyan.

After a fifteen-year period of residence in the States, Navka returned to her homeland, where her couple entered the USSR national team. The guys invariably became winners of international tournaments, and after that they played for the Belarusian team and repeatedly represented this state at the Olympic Games.

Since 1998, she worked in tandem with the talented Roman Kostomarov, but he betrayed his partner, leaving for Anna Semenovich. In 2000, Tatyana was left without a couple and temporarily stopped performing, but in the summer of that year her partner returned with an apology. And already in 2003 the guys became champions Russian Federation and took third place in the European Championship.

In 2006, Tatyana and Roman became the undisputed favorites at the Olympic Games and announced the end of their careers.

From 2006 to 2014, Navka takes part in the television show "Ice Age", and also performs with demonstration numbers.

In 2015, she performed the role of Carmen in the three-hour production of the same name by Ilya Averbukh, which was warmly received by the public.

About Tatyana Navka created documentaries. She led the holidays and was on the jury of competitions, hosted her own program on the Zvezda TV channel and documentaries about winter sports.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov wedding photo July 17, 2015 is another beautiful and bright page in the biography of the famous figure skater. These people are complete opposites However, many fans and show business stars envy their love.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

The personal life of Tatyana Navka was constantly under the gun of TV journalists. The girl was not successful in terms of novels at school, and was in no hurry to start love affairs at a more mature age.

Tanya for a long time was unrequitedly in love with her idol Alexander Zhulin, but he was married and out of reach for the young skater.

After Navka's participation in the Ice Age show, she was credited with a relationship with partner Marat Basharov. Although the fans claimed that Marat is still that womanizer, so it’s too early to talk about marriage or relationships. Young people in every possible way refuted these speculations, as well as rumors that Basharov demanded that Tatyana accept Islam. They say that Marat's mother was against the Russian beauty, who predicted a Tatar wife for him, who would take care of the house and family.

They also talk about the possible relationship between Tanya and Alexei Vorobyov, with whom she appeared on the television show Ice and Fire. The guy was thirteen years younger than his partner. Comments on this situation were not given, and Alexey started a relationship with Oksana Akinshina.

Tatyana Navka's personal life is now more stable than ever. She loves, is loved and is happily married to Dmitry Peskov.

Tatyana loves horses and skiing. She loves cooking and good music. The woman sings and presents high-quality Oriflame cosmetics, and also wants to try herself as an actress.

Family of Tatyana Navka

Tatyana Navka's family is far from professional sports, although her parents were involved in sports sections. They did not want to connect their lives with sports, because they believed that more serious professions would help ensure a decent life for their children. But mother and father quickly considered their daughter's talent and even got her roller skates, which were in short supply at that time.

The father of the future Olympic champion - Alexander Navka - was educated as an engineer, and worked all the time by profession. Mother - Raisa Anatolyevna - worked as an economist.

Navka's sister Natalya is not a public person, so there is not so much information about her life. She got married in 2012, but she has not yet given her nephews to her sister. By the way, Natasha caught the bride's bouquet at the wedding of her beautiful sister. The girls are very similar in appearance and character, and they are also friendly since childhood.

Children of Tatyana Navka

The children of Tatyana Navka are not yet very numerous. The woman has two daughters different husbands. It is worth noting that the age difference between the sisters is fourteen years.

Tatyana's eldest daughter is happy to take care of the baby, helps her take her first steps on the ice and teaches her to sing. The younger Nadya just loves such a smart and beautiful older sister. Girls often travel with their parents and post in social media cool and bright photos.

Beauty Tatyana claims that she is not going to stop there and dreams of an heir.

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulina

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulina - was born in May 2000 in American New York. The girl's father was the first husband of the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin.

The girl has American citizenship, but lives in Russia. Sasha has always been a pretty musical and creative girl. She is making a career as a singer under the pseudonym Alexia and has already released her debut single.

Alexandra has been playing tennis since the age of five, she competed and earned well-deserved awards. Currently, the girl has ceased to engage in this sport.

She is doing well at school and tries herself as a model.

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

Daughter Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova was born in 2014 out of wedlock. Her father's name was kept secret for quite some time, then it turned out that daddy was quite famous person. It turned out to be a well-known diplomat and politician Dmitry Peskov.

Photos of the little princess have not appeared on the Internet for quite some time. It is worth noting that the two year old many hobbies. Little Nadenka skates and plays tennis well.

Baby goes to specialized English Kindergarten and speaks a little Chinese, thanks to his nanny. Outwardly, Nadenka is very similar to a star mother. She is hardworking, responsible, but restless, like all children. And Nadya Peskova is a big fashionista who looks after her wardrobe on her own.

Former husband Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Ex-husband Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin was a very famous figure skater and coach in this sport when she met him in 1994 future wife. Alexander at that time was legally married, however, he immediately laid eyes on the young beauty.

He was the coach of a talented eighteen-year-old figure skater, in 1999 the couple moved to America. Soon their daughter Sashenka was born. With the help of Alexandra's training, Tatyana became a famous and professional athlete, she achieved high professional success.

The marriage did not break up even after possible relationships Tatyana and Marat in the show "Ice Age". The couple broke up fourteen years later, and then only after it became known about Zhulin's betrayal with his ward Natasha Mikhailova.

Husband Tatyana Navka - Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka's husband, Dmitry Peskov, appeared in her field of vision in 2014. They met at a festive party in honor of the birthday of a mutual friend. The young people met several more times and realized that they could not live without each other, although their age difference was eight years. The novel developed quickly, but Tatyana and Dmitry kept it in the deepest secret.

Navka was well aware that her chosen one was not free, and four children of different ages were growing up in his family. The politician was also not too lazy to make inquiries about his beloved and find out about her daughter.

Peskov's marriage did not survive, and the daughter Nadyushka, who appeared out of wedlock, became the fruit of love. In the family of Dmitry and Tatyana, all the children of the diplomat often visit, who get along well with their stepmother.

Photo by Tatyana Navka before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Tatyana Navka before and after plastic surgery often appear on the Internet, and with comments that plastic surgery did not decorate the skater.

Fans claim that the facelift and eyelid surgery was carried out incorrectly, so her eyes are wide open just unnaturally.

In the Teplyashin clinic, the famous figure skater corrected her nose, that is, she did high-quality rhinoplasty. Navka is also suspected of having gone under the surgeon's knife in order to make her lips plumper and outline their contours.

Tatyana Navka photo in a swimsuit literally blew up the Internet. The fact is that in the photographs of a woman with little Nadia in the water, a swimsuit is not at all visible. But the figure that Tatiana showed in a bikini, impressed everyone with her smartness and harmony.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka are available on the Internet. In them you can find all reliable information that relates to personal and family life, creative and sports plans.

For all information posted on Instagram and Wikipedia, their author is responsible. 535 thousand people are signed to the page of the famous figure skater, whom Navka indulges with photos and video materials that relate to her family.

On the page you can see Tatyana surrounded by famous politicians, athletes, musicians, show business stars and fans.

Tatyana Navka is an amazing woman, whose beauty, diligence and perseverance can only be envied. She conquered not only the gold of the Olympics and television, but also became happy wife and mother of lovely, talented daughters.

However, in the first steps of Tatyana Navka on ice, few could see the future Olympic champion.

Childhood and parents

Tatyana was born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk in an average family. Despite the fact that the parents had a sporting youth, they chose more than serious professions for life.

Mom worked as an economist, and her father worked as an engineer. However, they still tried to instill in Tanya and her younger sister Natalya a love for the sport. Girls themselves could choose for themselves the sport that was more to their liking.

In childhood

Little Tanya was greatly impressed by the performance of the Soviet figure skater Elena Vodorezova, which she accidentally saw on TV. It was then that the choice fell on figure skating.

Despite the shortage in the country, parents were able to get skates for their 5-year-old daughter. T. Yarchevskaya and A. Rozhin became her very first coaches. After some time, Tanya began to devote more time to ice classes than to school.

Being in primary school A straight A student, lower grades began to appear in the diary of the future champion. School matinees and holidays also passed by, because. Tanya preferred festive productions on ice.

AT adolescence in 1987 she stretched out. A strong increase in height (more than 10 cm) had a negative impact on the performance of various jump combinations. Parents were advised to transfer the girl from classical figure skating to the ice dancing section.

A year later, when Tanya was 14 years old, she was noticed by a coach from Moscow, Natalya Dubova.

In youth

In 1988, she moved to Moscow and began training in tandem with S. Gezalyan. Soon the coach signs a contract for training in the USA, and the choice falls on a couple of Navka and Gyozalyan. Tatyana moves even further away from home and her parents to distant New Jersey.

Sports career

Until 1991, Navka was a member of the USSR national team. After the collapse Soviet Union the couple began to play for Belarus. The first major performances for young athletes were performances at the 1994 Olympics in Norway.

Then they were a little short of points to get into the top ten. They took 11th place. Almost immediately after the Olympic Games, the couple Navka and Gezalyan broke up.

The next partner in ice dancing for Tatyana is N. Morozov, with whom she did not skate for long. They represented Belarus at the Nagano Olympics in 1998. The result was a little worse than the previous one - 16th place in the overall standings. In 1998 Roman Kostomarov became the 3rd and last sports partner. He is 2 years younger than Tatyana, but they had an ideal height difference for pair figure skating.

Kostomarov is 12 cm taller than Tanya. Such a promising and talented partner was recommended by A. Zhulin, who later became Navka's coach and first husband.

The couple initially trained with Natalia Linichuk, who did not see the hidden pair talent. She decided to change her partner for Roman, offering him Anna Semenovich instead of Tatyana. Then Kostomarov was too young and inexperienced, and did not dare to disobey the coach. Left without a partner, Tatyana Navka left figure skating for a while, having given birth to her first child.

A few years later, Roman, realizing his mistake, apologized to Tatyana and asked to ride in pairs. Since 2000, the newly united couple began to ride under the guidance of a coach and Tatyana's husband, A. Zhulin. The duet with Kostomarov brought long-awaited success on the ice arena. In 2003 they become Champions of the Russian Federation, get bronze at the European Championship.

Since 2004, figure skaters have been constantly winning prizes in all competitions. By 2006, they did not miss a single “gold” and by the Olympics in Turin they had become the undisputed leaders in dance pirouettes on ice. On the Olympic Games for the free program "Carmen", the couple received a long-awaited victory. They ascended the pedestal to the anthem of Russia.

Olympic "gold" is not easy for athletes. This is facilitated by many years of hard work, not knowing pity and rest. That is why Roman and Tatiana, having fulfilled their dream in Turin, decide to end their sports career.

However, they decide that they will perform together in various exhibition performances or professional projects. For their sports achivments before the state, Tatiana Navka received an apartment in Moscow from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with total area 180 sq. m.

Even after finishing her sports career, Tatiana continues to sometimes go on the ice. At the invitation of Ilya Averbukh, she danced for a while leading role in ice show musical"Carmen", which went on for more than a month and a half with a constant full house. However, soon the star was forced to refuse to participate in the musical due to a busy schedule.

Tatyana has repeatedly stated that she plans to try her hand at cinema and learn to sing - at one of the concerts, Navka even sang the song in a duet with.

Navka continues to work on television. So, in the project of the First Channel “Ice Age. Children", she became one of the project's coaches, in addition, she can be regularly seen on Match TV as a commentator. Recently it became known that Tatyana Navka decided to become a co-owner of the Crimean company "Galit", engaged in mining sea ​​salt. They say that a certain childhood friend invited her to this project.

In the presidential elections in 2018, Navka was not the first to become a confidant of the incumbent head of state, because of which a discussion arose in society whether a person, most temporarily residing in the United States of America, and having housing there, to act in such a role.

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

The idol of youth for Tatyana was Alexander Zhulin, who was 12 years older than her. Their first meeting takes place in 1993 in Prague at the World Championships.

After 3 years, fate brings them to the USA, and feelings flare up between them, which the couple tries to hide from prying eyes.

With Alexander Zhulin

In 1999, they buy joint housing in New York, and in February 2000, the marriage is officially registered. A few months later, the firstborn appears in the family - the daughter of Alexander. Already 12 days after giving birth, Tatyana entered full-fledged training on ice.

By 2008, relations between the spouses went wrong, and after 2 years their official separation and divorce was announced. After the journalists attributed to Tatyana stormy romances with M. Basharov and A. Vorobyov, with whom she skated in the Ice Age television projects.

In 2012, on the birthday of one of her friends, Tatyana met Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. The couple hid their relationship for a very long time, perhaps the reason for this was that D. Peskov was married at that time.

With Dmitry Peskov

In 2014, Tatyana's second daughter, Nadezhda, is born. After her birth, Tatyana and Dmitry stop hiding their romance.

In 2015, they will organize a solemn wedding ceremony in Sochi.

Life after sports

After completing her sports career, Tatyana could not just enjoy a quiet and measured life. She is accustomed to a rigid schedule and constant action.

Therefore, since 2006, she has been taking Active participation in the TV project of I. Averbukh on Channel 1 "Ice Age".

For a change in 2008, she participated in the ballroom dance competition "Dance Eurovision", where, together with A. Litvienko, she took an honorable 2nd place. In 2010, I. Averbukh puts new genre performance on ice "Lights big city”, where he invites Tatyana Navka. A year later, he is a member of the jury of the Bolero dance show.

In 2013, she tries herself as a TV presenter on the Zvezda channel, and since 2014 she has been hosting the Olympic Peaks series of films. In the same year, she became an Olympic ambassador in Sochi. So next year Tatyana's main activity is the management of various corporate parties and festive events.

She also manages to star in commercials for hair dye and Oriflame cosmetics. In the fall of 2016, Tatyana Navka made new round in your career. She solemnly announced the opening of her own school for talented children "I".

03/08/2015 - 13:08

The famous figure skater shares happy moments from her recent wedding. The press secretary of the president fulfilled her dream - he brought her down the aisle in a white dress, the couple is raising a daughter, the athlete shines in a new show, which was presented in the Olympic Sochi. Journalists recall what path the athlete and mother had to go through in order to feel truly [[NEW STATS FROM THE WEDDING OF TATYANA NAVKA AND DMITRY PESKOV IN SOCHI|happy]] have been PUBLISHED.

Tatyana Navka, parents - future star figure skating was born in Dnepropetrovsk. Tatyana's father was an engineer, her mother worked as an economist. It was they who instilled in her a love for sports. Parents were passionate about him in his youth. Tanya was given complete freedom of choice - she decided to try her hand at figure skating. The road to an Olympic future began at the age of five. By this time, the girl was confidently standing on roller skates. She easily mastered ice skating. Parents managed to find a pair of skates in a scarce time. Navka was inspired by the performances of the figure skater Vodorezova. When sports appeared in Tanya's life, I had to forget about the fives at school. Fours began to appear more and more often in the girl's diary.

At the age of 14, a talented girl was invited to Moscow. She went to training from Mytishchi every day. I had to leave the house after dark. Tanya was encouraged by her mother, telling her that she was the best and she had a great future.

Tatyana Navka, how old, what does the last name mean - the figure skater is 40. Tanya did not like her last name since childhood, many teased the girl. In Ukrainian, "navka" is a mermaid.

Tatyana Navka, personal life - Tanya's first childhood love - figure skater Zhulin. She was several times at his concerts in her native Dnepropetrovsk. And every time I asked for an autograph. Over time, when Tanya moved closer to Moscow, she began to see Alexander more often. The figure skater also became interested in a talented athlete. They became close at the training camp in France. Since then, the couple has been together. They got married five years later. In marriage, a daughter, Sasha, was born.

Zhulin trained Tatyana in tandem with Roman Kostomarov. It was this tandem that made Navka an Olympic champion.

Most famous novels All of Russia discussed Tanya - her passion for Marat Basharov and Alexei Vorobyov. Navka rode with them on the Ice Age show. But the novels were not destined to grow into something more. Tanya divorced her first husband. They managed to maintain a good relationship.

Tanya's most discussed novel is, of course, an affair with Dmitry Peskov. The couple had a daughter, Nadia. The other day they played a magnificent wedding in Sochi. Tatyana admits that she has never been so happy. In Sochi, Tatyana and fellow figure skaters participate in Averbukh's new show "Carmen", where she was entrusted with the main role of a sultry beauty. Tanya generously shares moments from her life on her Instagram. Fans do not get tired of wishing her happiness.

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The Olympic champion made a chic gift for New Year

Many celebrities came to the premiere of the musical on ice "Ruslan and Lyudmila" with their children. Author of the idea, producer, performer of the role of Lyudmila, Olympic champion Tatyana Navka, after a grand premiere, took to the ice with her 3-year-old daughter Nadezhda Peskova. The girl was not at all afraid and rode the "lap of honor" in her mother's arms to the applause of the audience. Nadia sat all evening in her father's arms and did not take her eyes off her mother and fairy tale characters on ice. As Tatyana Navka noted in an interview with us: “Now, for obvious reasons, Nadya most often recites by heart an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” “At Lukomorye there is a green oak”.

At the premiere, Raisa Anatolyevna Navka (the mother of the champion) was the most worried and applauded the loudest. "My main support- Mom, she helps with Nadia when I'm busy. Mom is our family locomotive, she has guided me since childhood, she was an engine that gave energy and faith in one's own strengths. She in different situations found Right words, and I believed: I can, I will cope with a new task. Now the grandmother plays a big role in Sasha's life: she charges her granddaughter with confidence in own forces, supports, inspires,” Tatyana Navka told us.

The eldest daughter of Navka, Sasha Zhulina, who is now in her senior year, was also on the show. Her dad Alexander Zhulin took part in the production of Ruslan and Lyudmila - he participated in the choreography. Next to Raisa Navka on the front row sat Native sister Tatyana - she filmed what was happening on the ice of the Megasport sports palace on an iPhone. The family is very friendly - everyone supports each other and is proud of Tatyana.

Tatyana Navka with her mother, sister and daughter Nadia.

The characters in the show "Ruslan and Lyudmila" sing, including the voices of Philip Kirkorov and Ani Lorak.

The performance turned out to be magical: the famous talking head, 3D projections, flights of artists over the arena on the beard of Chernomor, ice glowing with hundreds of light bulbs encrusted under it, fireworks and amazing costumes fascinated young spectators and adults. The premiere was a full house. The stars were the first to see the most anticipated show of the year Russian stage, theater and cinema, directors, politicians and athletes: Dmitry Peskov with his daughter Nadezhda, Sasha Zhulina, Philip Kirkorov with children, Ani Lorak with her daughter, Alla Verber with her daughter Ekaterina and granddaughters, Olga Slutsker, Evelina Khromtchenko, Galina Yudashkina and Petr Maksakov, Valentin and Marina Yudashkin, Ekaterina Mtseturidze, Mikhail Kusnirovich, Aras Agalarov, Vladislav Tretyak, Evelina Bledans, Yulia Baranovskaya, Valentina Matvienko, Margarita Simonyan, Ekaterina Gamova and many others.

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