Warehouse manager profession. The current status of the warehouse manager

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The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language- at the choice of the university
  • Russian language - at the choice of the university

Specialists of the direction are professionals with fundamental theoretical knowledge in the industry, high level common culture and broad vision. Graduates are able to effectively use in their professional activity innovative socio-cultural methods and technologies to ensure the safety cultural heritage and its exaggerations. The activity of the future specialist is based on the most urgent needs of personal and social development. The main object of professional activity of a graduate of the direction is a person, considered as an object of socialization and education, inculturation and education.

Admission conditions

Specialists in the sphere of access control carry out the selection, storage, production and subsequent dissemination of cultural values ​​within the region of activity at the state and international level. The tasks of the future specialist include planning, organization and practical implementation of cultural and leisure activities. Applicants who have chosen this direction as a further professional activity must prepare for the entrance exams in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language:
  • literature (profile);
  • history, social studies (at the choice of the educational institution);
  • foreign language (at the request of the university).

Future profession

The professional activities of future bachelors are implemented in the field of cultural policy, social and humanitarian knowledge, marketing, management and cultural and educational education.

The objects of activity of specialists are:

  • institution management systems and public associations sociocultural sphere;
  • objects of the leisure industry;
  • processes of creative and cultural activity;
  • processes of pedagogical, methodological support and provision of leisure activities, cultural and educational work.

Where to apply

To date, the following universities of the country are engaged in the preparation of specialists in the direction:

  1. International University in Moscow (MUM).
  2. Moscow state academy utilities and construction.
  3. Moscow city Pedagogical University(MGPU).
  4. Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow (MGUU of the Government of Moscow).
  5. Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic Institute (MGGEI).

Training period

The normative term of full-time education is 4 years, part-time - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The tasks of the future specialist include the organization of cultural and educational activities in accordance with the socio-cultural interests and needs of people different ages, professions. Development innovative technologies The development of the leisure area requires fundamental knowledge of cultural studies, pedagogy, psychology, political science, sociology, management theory and law from the future specialist. The main disciplines of the course are:

  • leisure pedagogy;
  • literature;
  • methodology and technique of skd;
  • fundamentals of cultural policy;
  • history and theory of SKD;
  • art history;
  • cinema history;
  • music history;
  • informatics and bases of information culture;
  • social and cultural work abroad.

Acquired Skills

The main means of implementing the socio-cultural activities of the future specialist are:

  • word;
  • technical and visual aids;
  • amateur art;
  • works of art;
  • works of culture.

The implementation of professional activities requires the presence of such competencies as:

  1. Management of cultural institutions (rest and entertainment centers, cultural parks), organization and planning of their activities, search for sources of funding and recruitment.
  2. Organization of leisure activities for various social and age groups.
  3. Development guidelines regarding cultural events.
  4. Implementation of preparation and introduction into practice of recreational and animation programs.
  5. Formation public opinion in respect of cultural works and cultural heritage of the State.

Employment prospects by profession

Graduates of the direction successfully carry out professional activities as producers, directors of concert and promotion organizations. The tasks of specialists include negotiations with concert agencies, television and radio stations, sound recording organizations, etc.

This direction presents a wide range of employment opportunities after graduation. Graduates - bachelors can choose a profession:

  • animator
  • image maker;
  • art manager;
  • culturologist;
  • instructor-methodologist;
  • SKD manager;
  • tourism manager;
  • holiday organizer;
  • leisure organizer;
  • teacher-organizer;
  • social educator.

Most often, novice specialists receive from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. As the competence of a specialist and the level of his self-improvement increase, wages increase: individual divisions can count on income up to 50 thousand rubles.

The heads of production centers who have achieved success in their chosen field measure their own fees in six figures.

Prospects for professional development of graduates

As already noted, the salary of a future specialist depends on the level of his professionalism. Studying in a master's program provides a future graduate with the opportunity to continue the process of self-improvement in the scientific and research field, to deepen theoretical knowledge cycle disciplines and improve the skill level of the organization. Master's degree does not require recertification when carrying out professional activities outside our country, which is also important for specialists in this area. Continuing education is also possible in postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Management is understood as a system of management activities that provides successful operation a wide variety of social institutions - organizations designed to carry out some socially significant activities.

Under the socio-cultural sphere we will understand the totality of industries whose enterprises produce goods and services necessary to meet the socio-cultural needs of a person.

Activities in the socio-cultural sphere are carried out by organizations, institutions, enterprises of various departmental affiliations (state, municipal, private, public organizations) and forms of ownership, as well as private individuals.

Management in the socio-cultural sphere is of particular interest to us.

Firstly, because its technological content reveals all the wealth of management in general - a variety of organizations operate in the field of culture.

Secondly, the prospects for such consideration are important for understanding the possibilities of cooperation with the sphere of culture of other spheres. business activity. main feature management in the socio-cultural sphere lies in the fact that money in this area is earned mainly not on the basis of simple commerce, but on the basis of attracting funds from interested donors: sponsorship, patronage, charity.

Thirdly, another circumstance is even more obvious - the growing requirements for the management competence of specialists and workers in the socio-cultural sphere. The transition from a purely administrative-distributive technology of managing the sphere to an ever wider use of economic methods, from purely subsidized budgetary financing of structures to financing programs, to competition for budgetary funds, the need for a wide attraction of extrabudgetary funds, ideological and political pluralism, economic independence - all this is radical changes the requirements for the professionalism of a manager in the socio-cultural sphere. If earlier he saw himself mainly as an employee of the “ideological front”, a teacher-educator, now he should be practically oriented in marketing technology in commercial and non-commercial activities, to be an economically and legally competent specialist, in short, to be fully competent in management issues, without any discounts on the notorious "specifics" of the field.

Moreover, this very specificity does not lie in the "truncation" of management, but, on the contrary, in its broad application. The socio-cultural sphere includes activities both purely non-commercial (non-profit) and commercial (paid services), both local and (including in relation to the same type of activity) international scale.

Usually, the specifics of management in the field of culture are associated with the features of "spiritual production". The “products” of such activity are not so much of a material nature as they are associated with the phenomena of consciousness (perception, understanding, thinking, experiencing, etc.), they are not amenable to direct direct calculation, storage. Their production often coincides with their consumption (watching a play, a movie, listening to a concert, reading a book, etc. A book that is not read, a picture that is not viewed, etc., are not artistic values). Moreover, in contrast to the products of material production that are destroyed in the process of consumption (boots wear out, apples are eaten), cultural values ​​increase their value in the process of consumption (the more people read a book, saw a picture, heard a concert, etc., the more higher their social significance).

In fact, at least two markets operate in the socio-cultural sphere: the consumer market and the donor market. And it is not always possible to say which of these markets is primary: either the types of work with consumers are determined first and then donors are sought to support them, or consumers are selected to ensure the interests of donors, who are ready to pay money for certain types work with these groups.

Management in the socio-cultural sphere may consist solely in the creation of organizational and economic conditions self-development of socio-cultural life - no more, but no less. And this is the true content of the nature of management in the socio-cultural sphere.



Methodical development

by subject:

"Economics and Management of the Socio-Cultural Sphere"

Completed by: Drapeko Tatyana Valerievna, teacher of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Education (college) "Karelian College of Culture and Arts"


Explanatory note. 2

Economics, basic concepts. 2

Planning. 2

Financial management spheres of culture.. 2

Management of socio-cultural activities. 2

Marketing of the socio-cultural sphere. 2

Business planning. 2

Calculation principles wages.. 2

Social and creative order. 2

Fundraising and design. 2

Price policy. 2

Sources used in preparation methodological development. 2

Explanatory note.

AT modern conditions functioning of cultural and leisure institutions, one of the main activities is to attract additional resources through the implementation paid services. This is a purposeful process arising from the needs of society, ensuring the profitability of cultural institutions and creative teams.

One of the main tasks of cultural institutions is the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Development of the Cultural Sphere Russian Federation”, the preservation of cultural heritage, scientific, design and infrastructure support for the preservation of cultural heritage sites, the widespread use of target crops, programs created for a specific audience in order to increase the level of culture of the population, taking into account the creative, economic and organizational capabilities of the personnel of cultural institutions.

Relations between cultural institutions and the population are currently being built mainly in a commercial form. Self-financing, expanding the volume of paid services, create significant opportunities for changing the attitude of the population towards cultural institutions. In this connection, the entrepreneurial activity of cultural institutions ensures the attraction of additional financial resources into the industry.

In modern economic conditions, commercialization is becoming an integral part of the activities of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere. Also in the practice of applying economic mechanisms in the sphere of culture, opportunities and priorities are expanding.

An important task for the formation of professionals in this field is the study important issues organization and management of the sphere.

In this regard, it became necessary to create a collection of lectures and reference notes on the subject "Economics and management of the socio-cultural sphere".

Economics, basic concepts.


1. Oikos and nomos - economics - legal housekeeping.

2. Economy - the production of tangible and intangible goods.

3. Economy - correct and competent division of labor

4. Economics - the implementation of the production process in conditions of limited resources.

Economy resources:

Labor is a combination of physical and intellectual abilities, all work force creating a product;

Capital - the entire material and technical base of the enterprise, i.е. property used to produce the product;

· Natural resources- all the natural benefits of nature used in manufacturing process;

· Entrepreneurial ability;

Parts of the economy

· Macroeconomics - a part of the economy that studies the economy in the global sense; macroeconomic indicators - GNP, GDP, economic growth, employment and unemployment, inflation, etc.;

Microeconomics - internal structure industry and specifically organizations and includes the following resources: Human resources; Financial; Logistics; Technological; Instrumental; Administrative; Informational; Temporal;


Club establishment– MC - (B, K, A) independently plans its activities and determines the prospects for its development, based on the goals provided for by its Charter, the availability of its own creative and economic resources.

Classification planning.

  • By level state regulation(F, R, M, L);
  • Plans within the organization (O, SP, Sotr)
  • By terms (short, average debt-strategy)
  • According to the content of the activity (E, Creative, Social)
  • By administrative purpose (Directory, Recommendation, Forecast)

Planning principles

  • Systemic
  • Proportional
  • Perspective

Planning stages

  • Administrative-command system (until 1986 administrative-command)
  • Perestroika period (1986 - 1991 - system of norms and standards)
  • Post-perestroika period (1991 to the present day - program-targeted planning)

Other species (by importance)

  • Calendar plan
  • Annual Plan
  • Thematic plan
  • strategic plan
  • lesson plan

Financial management of the cultural sector .

Financing-allocation Money from certain sources for specific purposes: development of the industry, construction of facilities, maintenance budget institutions, holding social and cultural events.

Two components - Formation and use of financial resources.

Channels and sources.

· Direct;

· From entrepreneurial activity;

· According to the Federal target program "Development of the sphere of culture until 2020" - target;

Approximate estimate

Sources of financing:

  • Appropriations of the Founder;
  • Fees from ticket sales and income from the sale of related services;
  • Receipt under contracts (STZ);
  • Voluntary donations;
  • Credit relations;
  • Income from undertaken activities;

Financing provides:

Management of socio-cultural activities

Management is the management, organization and creation of (creative) products.

Management is a system of current and advanced planning, forecasting and organization of activities, sales of products.

Management is the ability to achieve the set goal, using labor, intelligence, motives for the behavior of other people. Creation of a personnel management system, control over all changes occurring within the cultural institution. Clear responsibilities, financial planning.

Management - independent view professionally carried out activities aimed at the organizational aspect.

A manager is an executive who ensures the execution of the entire work process in his organization, creating a profitable enterprise based on human and material resources.

The founder of management, the American metallurgist Frederick Taylor (1856-1915), introduced a system of training and retraining of personnel, standardization of working hours, and the principle of remuneration for the results achieved.

Henri Fayol - like-minded and successor of Frederick Taylor's ideas of competent management; created a functional approach in management, on the basis of which a specific system of functions was formed in the socio-cultural sphere (since work is carried out by people and for people the function of coordination is divided into coordination and motivation).

11 manager restrictions:

inability to manage oneself;

Blurred personal values;

vague personal goals;

stopped self-development;

Lack of problem solving skills

Lack of creativity

inability to influence people;

Insufficient understanding of the features of management;

Weak leadership skills

inability to teach

Poor ability to form a team.

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