Modern scenario March 8 in the preparatory group. The script of the holiday in the preparatory group "March 8 - a special holiday

Holiday on March 8 for children 5-7 years old. Scenario



Concert progress

To the music, children enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

presenter. Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women!

We are happy to see you at the holiday,

Although there are many worries,

But you have postponed everything now.

What for? Everyone will understand this.

1st child.

You didn't come to visit, you came home.

We are very glad to see you.

Today is not an ordinary day

Today is mom's day!

2nd child.

Mom dear, I love you!

I give you all spring flowers!

The sun smiles from above.

3rd child.

Dear grandmother, kind and gentle,

I will give you fresh snowdrops.

I remember your gentle hands.

4th child.

Like a bell, the laughter of my sister rolls,

Blue dress, red braids.

We play merrily, pick flowers in the field.

How wonderful it is - I have you!

5th child.

I have a friend who is the best.

And we are always together, that is, inseparable.

Without you, my friend, I can't live a day.

How wonderful it is - I have you!

6th child.

We congratulate you on the spring holiday!

We wish you all happiness, laughter, joy, health!

May all your dreams come true today!

How wonderful it is - we are in the world!

T. Fadeeva

Children sing the song "Good Sorceress", music and lyrics by S. Yudina.

7th child.

dripping drops,

And spring at that door

bright bird

Fluttered today.

So let's sing

have fun, joke

In honor of spring

What warmth returned to us!

8th child.

On this sunny day

We are not too lazy to sing songs

And for moms to dance in this room.

We, relatives, are for you

Prepared "Waltz".

Look how hard we tried!

Children perform "Waltz" at the choice of the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


We sing at the festival

And we read poetry.

And to make it more fun

Let's play!

There are games with the participation of mothers.

"Decorate Your Mom"

Several willing couples are invited to play - children with mothers. A table with attributes is placed in the middle of the hall: hats, scarves, beads, clip-on earrings, hairpins, lipstick and so on.

Mothers sit on chairs around the table. On a signal, children begin to “decorate” their mothers with everything that is available. All those present appreciate the effort with friendly applause.

"Treat for Mom"

Several couples are invited to participate in this game. Mothers sit on chairs. On the tray are bananas cut in half. On a signal, children peel bananas and feed their mothers. You can use small packages of yogurt for the game. This is where teaspoons come in handy.

❧ The games are very fun. Both participants and spectators like it. Just do not forget to invite mothers - participants in the extreme show - wet wipes to clean up after these games.

During the games, the girls participating in the fashion show go backstage. Mothers help them change. For the manufacture of "evening models" of clothes, any mother's outfits are used. Suitable dresses, blouses, high heel shoes, hats, scarves, jewelry.

9th child.

Our girls

They don't want to stand on the sidelines.

Everyone smiles sweetly

Like mothers dress up.

They want to get on the podium,

To show yourself in a beautiful dress.

Such fashionistas are our girls!

And we'll go sit on the sidelines.

Fashion show "Evening dress from mom"

The music is recorded. The girls take turns going out in "evening" dresses made from mother's dresses. It is very easy to prepare an outfit: any mother's dress with the help of pins, ropes, hairpins is adjusted to the child's figure, complemented by all kinds of accessories (hats, handbags, scarves, etc.) and jewelry. The girls walk one at a time through the center of the hall, slowly circle in place, demonstrating their outfit, return to the central wall and stop at beautiful pose. When all the girls who want to demonstrate their outfit and stand in a line at the central wall, then once again they all go forward together, stop in front of the audience, stand for a short time and go backstage one after another.

While the girls are dressing in their outfits, the rest of the children sing the song "Fashionista", music by L. Olifirova ("The sun laughs")

Under the Russian folk melody “From under the oak”, Emelya enters the hall.


Oh, I'm almost too late!

But did I get there?

I hurried to the guys in the kindergarten,

After all, they are celebrating today!

It seems that guests are expected here?

Of course, I'm right here!

presenter. Of course, we are very pleased that you came to us for the holiday. But something we can not understand who you are?


If you solve the riddle

Who am I, you all know!

I sent buckets to the river,

I slept peacefully on the stove.

I slept for a whole week.

What is my name?

Children. Emelya!


And you know, kids

What book did I come from?

Another riddle to solve -

Find out the name of the story!

People are surprised:

The stove is coming, the smoke is coming,

And Emelya on the stove

Eats big rolls.

Tea pours itself

At his will.

And the story is called...

Children. "By magic!"

Leading. Emelya, do you know what holiday we celebrate here?

Emelya. Some good, funny one. Maybe New Years?

Children. Not!

Emelya. BUT! Understood! Dear teacher, I congratulate you on your birthday!

Leading. You're wrong again, Emelya! Today is not my birthday, but the very first spring holiday. Guess which one?


For a long time, children, do not languish,

Tell me quickly!


What a holiday we are with you

First met in the spring?

Ask Lera, ask Sasha,

Let's ask Dima and Natasha,

The children will all answer us:

Children(together). It's our mother's day!

1st child.

Today is a holiday!

Today is a holiday!

Grandma's and Mom's Day!

This is the kindest holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

2nd child.

This is the feast of obedience

congratulations and flowers,

devotion, adoration,

Holiday of the most tender words!

3rd child.

And for our mothers

We all sing and dance here!

And you, Emelya, do not be lazy,

Come dance with us!

Children perform a common dance at the choice of the music director.


I dance wildly

But I can only sing softly.

While I was catching pike

Throat very cold.

Leading. And our guys sing very well, loudly. Songs for beloved mothers always sound sweet and tender. Listen, Emelya, to a song called "I love my mother."

Children sing the song "I love my mother", words by I. Skladanov, music by Yu. Mikhailenko.

Emelya. Good song, sweet. It's obvious that you love your moms.


By the day of the eighth of March

We've got advice:

Do we love our mom?

Love or not?

All children. We love!


All answered in unison

So she needs help.

Now Petya will tell us how he helps his mother to manage...

The child recites the poem "Mom's Helper".

I love my mom very much!

I will always help her.

Can I sweep the floor

Take the chair to the kitchen.

Dust off all things

And pour the kitten cabbage soup.

I can wash the dishes

But today I will not wash.

And I'm ready to help

Bake her pancakes!

I will definitely help my mom

I love pancakes too!

G. Galkina

Emelya. Tell me honestly, do you all help your mothers with housework at home? I believe, I believe, but I'd better check it myself now!

Games "Transfer mom's purchases" are held; "Cook soup and compote"; "Set the table for tea"; "Put away the dirty dishes."

Emelya. Did a great job! It is immediately obvious good helpers are growing! But something made me sad... After all, today is the holiday of all women. Grandma is also a woman.

She's my mother's mother! And I completely forgot to congratulate my beloved grandmother on such a wonderful holiday ...

presenter. But the holiday isn't over yet!

Let's congratulate all the grandmothers together at once!

Emelya. Will it work?

Leading. But how! But where is she, your grandmother?

Emelya. We are organizing it now! At the behest of the pike, at my will, grandmother-grandmother, appear, show yourself before my eyes!

Grandmother Emelya enters. Emelya joyfully rushes towards her.

Grandmother! The guys and I will now congratulate you and other grandmothers! Grandmother. Oh, Emelyushka, you scared me! Is it possible! He didn’t even let me say hello to the guys and the guests! Hello, dear guests: both old and young, married and single! I am glad to welcome you in this room! Happy holiday!

presenter. Hello dear grandmother! Sit down with us, listen to the poems that the guys have prepared especially for grandmothers.

1st child.

Grandmothers have a lot of different worries,

Grandmothers have a lot of trouble.

Our kind, sweet grandmother,

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful.

2nd child.

I love grandma at home

Help in the household

I love next to my grandmother

Walk down the street.

I love with my grandmother

Watch a football match.

Long ago decided with my grandmother

We are rooting for Spartak.

3rd child.

Our grandmothers

They love us grandchildren very much:

Buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.

Here are some good ones

Our grandmothers!

There are many different songs

In the world about everything

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Children sing the song "About Grandma", music and lyrics by N. Toptygina.


For our dear grandmothers

We, friends, will also dance!

The dance "Grandmothers-old women" is performed to the soundtrack of the song by V. Dobrynin to the verses of S. Osiashvili.


And now we'll play

We quickly wind the thread into a ball.

Grandmother holds the game "Who will wind the ball faster."


Have fun from the heart -

Songs, dances are good!

But now it's time for us to a fairy tale -

Perform another dance.

Goodbye friends,

I'll meet you again!

Emelya and Grandmother leave.

Leading. Dear grandmothers and mothers! Here comes the end of our fun party. Emelya and her grandmother went back to the fairy tale. And it's time for us to return to our group.

Goodbye one more time

We want to congratulate you!

1st child.

We congratulate today

Our dear, kind mothers.

And with all our hearts we wish

We are a great happiness to you!

2nd child.

We, of course, know ourselves

What are you exhausting with us.

We are not always good

And patience to every mother

We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

3rd child.

We will all carefully

Listen to your advice

And the soup is a must.

Eat two plates.

4th child.

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,

We know how often she gets tired.

And we give the word to our beloved mother

All children. That we will obey always and in everything!

Children sing the song "Dear grandmothers and mothers", lyrics by 3. Alexandrova, music by I. Bodrachenko

Vlasova Ludmila Viktorovna
music director
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 109"
Engels, Saratov region

Actors: Attributes:
Leading 3-4 balls for the game
Leading 4 balalaikas for dancing
Cat Basilio 2 aprons, 2 scarves, 2 flowers for the game
Fox Alice 4 dance canes
4 hoops, dance recorder
food replicas, play bags
10 baskets, 5 white and red flower balls
Sheets with letters on one side and pictures on the other side:
L-Fox Alice

Dance with baskets
Song It's Mother's Day
The song "Cap-cap"
Game: "Confusion" (general)
Song "Grandma's Tales"
The game "Rewind the balls" (3-4 children participate).
Dance "Factory Girls"
Game dress up girl. (4 children participate)
Mammoth's song "By blue sea»
Hula hoop dance
The game "Transfer mom's purchases" (3-4 children participate).
Song "Mom"
The game "Find your mother" (blindfolded).
Cane dance
The song "Mom, be with me"

Girls run diagonally into the hall to the beautiful music, each holding 2 baskets with white and red flowers, then the boys run in and form two circles, the dance begins.
Dance with baskets
At the end of the dance, everyone forms a semicircle. girls in the center.

Presenter 1
boundless beauty,
Breadth and holy purity
She owns - mom.
Presenter 2
In this human life
flowing stormy river,
Mother is given to all of us by God.
Presenter 1
Her face through the years
May it always stay with us
Mom, dear mom.

Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light,
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it!

We congratulate our nannies
And their educators
sisters and girlfriends,
And grandmothers.

This is the feast of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.

Let's have fun on holiday
Let the perky laughter sound
Happy March 8 and spring
Congratulations to all women!

drops of sunlight
We bring home today
We give to grandmother and mother,
Happy Women's Day!

Singing "It's Mother's Day"

Presenter 1: We thought for a long time how to build our holiday so that everyone would be interested and have fun.
Presenter 2: We thought and all together decided to play the game "Field of Miracles".
Presenter 1: Attention ! You must guess and read the hidden word. If the letter is guessed correctly, we open it.
Presenter 2: So, is everyone ready? We started.

On the wall there are sheets with the letters: P O D R A V L Y E M, on reverse side pictures with clues

Presenter 1: We have a holiday today, and all women love to receive a gift for the holiday (ROZY),
opens the encrypted letter R

Presenter 2: Well, there are roses, but where should they be placed ??? (VASE)
the ciphered letter B is revealed

Girl(the letter Z is encrypted)
Congratulations on Women's Day
We'll sing a song for you.
The song "Cap-cap" is performed

Presenter1: drip, drip icicles ring merrily in the spring,
And if the spring rain comes, what will help mom (C O N T)
opens the encrypted letter Z

Out to the musicCat Basilio and Fox Alice.
Cat Basilio: Oh-pa. And where did we get to?
fox alice: (Laughs). Don't know.
Presenter 1: Hello. Who are you?
fox alice: (Approaches the presenter). Hello. I am Lisa Alice, and this is ...
Cat Basilio: (Approaches the Fox Alice and the leader, pushes the Fox Alice away). Well, well, well. Don't talk to us with your teeth, say where is the gold?
Presenter 1: What gold?
Cat Basilio: What, what? Golden! As if you don’t know, well, what else Pinocchio dripped 5 Soldo in the ground.
Presenter 1: Excuse me, but where were you going?
Cat Basilio: Where where. To the land of fools On the field of miracles.
Presenter 1: But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood - Kindergarten.
Cat Basilio: (Turns to Lisa Alice). Well, where did you take me?
fox alice: Well, how did I know that we would go the wrong way.
Cat Basilio: (grimaces). How did I know? How did I know?
Presenter 1: Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.
fox alice: What holiday is today?
Presenter 1: What don't you know?
Cat Basilio: Not. And we have no idea.
Presenter 1: (Turns to children). Come on, kids, let's remind our guests what holiday it is today.
The kids are in charge.

Cat Basilio: So what? What is good about this holiday?
Presenter 2: Well, like what? Children are gold.
Cat Basilio: Gold? So Alice we came not right. Let's go for the gold.
Presenter 2: Stop! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.
Cat Basilio: Good. What are you doing here?
Presenter 2: We are playing a game. But do you like games?
fox alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens with goose. (licks lips). But my friend Cat Basilio likes to play with a slingshot, shoot birds. (Shows a slingshot with his hands).
Presenter 2: Well, so that you unlearn from such games and take the first step towards good. I will let you play with the children. Want to?
fox alice A: Well, you can try.

Game: "Confusion".
Behind the cat, the boys become a train in the back, and behind the fox, the girls become a train in the back. Then everyone stands in a circle and begins to dance to the music. When the music ends, the two teams must find their hero. The boys are the cat, and the girls are the fox.
Cat Basilio and Fox Alice quarrel. They pull the girl to their side.

Presenter 1: What happened, why are you fighting?
Cat Basilio: We share the gold.
fox alice: Yes Yes. Don't interfere with us.
Presenter 1: Nothing needs to be shared. And let the girl go.
fox alice Q: Why not share?
Presenter 1: Because we invite you to our party.
Cat Basilio: And what is needed for this?
Presenter 1: Nothing. Only your consent.
fox alice: And you don't need money?
Presenter 1: Not.
Cat Basilio: Good. We agree.
fox alice: Yes, we agree.
Presenter 1: Well then, have a seat.
Cat Basilio and Fox Alice sits on the chairs for the children.

Girl(encrypted letter O)
Song about grandma
We'll sing now
Our grandmother.
The song "Grandmother's Tales" is performed
Presenter2: what subject do we help our grandmothers to read us a fairy tale or knit socks (O CH K I)
the ciphered letter O opens

My grandmother knits
Scarves, socks,
Who is the fastest of the guys
She rolls her balls.
The game "Rewind the balls" (3-4 children participate).

fox alice: I didn't like this game. But the kids here are good.
Cat Basilio: Yes Yes. Let's take a few children and make them dig gold for us in the Land of Fools. But when we find all the gold, then we will give these children to Karabas Barabas. (They start playing with their hands.)
Presenter 2: Well, what are you talking about. These are good children, they don't do dirty tricks and they won't go anywhere.
fox alice: And why else?
Presenter 2: Because we won't give them to you. We will prove to you that our children are very good.

On a wonderful holiday
We have so much fun -
Dance with balalaikas
We will do it for you!
The dance "Factory Girls" is performed

Boy(coded letter A)
That's when we grow up
together in army let's go,
Let's serve in the army
Love mothers and grandmothers.
Strong and brave
Let's grow up
Our mothers and grandmothers
We will protect.
Presenter 2: Tell me where our boys are going to go when they grow up.
(A R M I A)
the ciphered letter A is revealed

We dance and sing
And we read poetry
And to make it more fun
We'll still play.
Presenter 1: Guess who our boys want to play with? (GIRL)
the ciphered letter D opens

Game dress up girl.
The boys take a scarf, an apron, put it on a girl, then take a flower and give it (who is faster).

Boy(the letter M is encrypted)
We love cartoons
We love cinema very much.
This song is simple
We know for a long time!
Mammoth's song "On the blue sea" is performed

Presenter 1: who sang this song in the cartoon? (M A M O N T E N O K)
opens the encrypted letter M

Cat Basilio: (Dances near the cane and sings music from Pinocchio).
fox alice: What got you into songs?
Cat Basilio: I don't know, I wanted to sing something. It's just that the children sang well, so I wanted to sing.
fox alice: What do you like about children?
Cat Basilio: Don't you understand? How much money will we earn, because they also know how to sing. And Karabas Barabas loves singing children.
fox alice: Ah-ah-ah-ah.
Presenter 1: I hear everything.
fox alice: So what?
Presenter 1: Aren't you ashamed? Whisper.
Cat Basilio: We are not ashamed of anything.
fox alice. Exactly. I don't see any evidence. A little more and we will lose patience.
Cat Basilio: Yes. But when I'm angry, nothing will stop me.
Presenter 1: Good good. Then I invite you to watch another wonderful dance.

Be always healthy
Be always happy
Watch our dance
Mommy beloved!
Performing the hula hoop dance

Let on holidays and weekdays,
In the mornings, in the evenings
We will be helpers
For our beloved mothers.
Presenter1: now our guys will show how they can help their mothers and bring from the store what ... (P O K U P K I)
opens the encrypted letter P
The game "Transfer Mom's Purchases" is being held

Cat Basilio: Wow Wow wow. Blimey. What good kids. (Rubs hands).
fox alice: Do you think about what I think about?
Cat Basilio: I don't know what you think? But definitely not what I'm talking about!
fox alice: Why do you think so?
Cat Basilio: Because you don't have the stuff they think.
Fox Alice: How is it not? I'll show you now. (Waving his hand at the cat.)
Presenter 2: Well, well, well. Quietly. Do not quarrel. Now we all stand. And you Fox Alice don't worry, we'll play now.
fox alice: So what?
Presenter 2: Like what? A few riddles and you'll be smart.
fox alice: Truth?
Presenter 2: Well, of course.
fox alice: Well, guess what, I want to be smart.
Cat Basilio: It won't help you. You can't put brains in a tree.
fox alice: You yourself are a tree. (Shows tongue.)
Cat Basilio: Wait. I will play too.
Presenter 2: Divide into two teams of children and parents. Started:

D. Circus jester. (Clown)
B. Stowaway. (Hare)
D. A dish of cereals. (Porridge)
B. Science about diseases and their treatment. (The medicine)
D. Utensils for boiling water. (Kettle)
V. Predatory night-bird. (Owl)
D. An insect that brings honey. (Bee)
B. Slow dance to the score of 1,2,3. (Waltz)

Fox Alice: oh, I think I’ve grown wiser and I also want to open this letter, can I? It's me Lisa Alice
opens the encrypted letter L

If a cloud frowns in the sky,
If snow flies in the garden,
I look out the window at the street
And I'm waiting for my mother from work.
I'm not even afraid of lightning
The rain is pouring - so be it!
I only remember my mother's smile -
And I'm not afraid at all!

my dear mother,
Very, very much I love
I'll sit next to you
And quietly sing a song to my mother:
The song "Mama" is performed

fox alice: Yes, your kids are smart and so good. All are so beautiful.
Presenter 1: Did you just understand that?
fox alice: Yes. Well, I didn't look at them.
Cat Basilio: Oh, what's so good about these kids? They just know how to sing and dance. And nothing else.
Presenter 1: No you are not right. Our children are capable of many things. Not only to sing and dance, but they also know how to play and have fun.
fox alice: Have fun? I love to have fun.
Cat Basilio: And you just have to have fun. You only have one thing on your mind. And who will look for gold?
fox alice: Take it easy. We have already found the treasure.
Cat Basilio: Did you find it? Where is he?
fox alice: Here in front of you.
Bazi the cat lio: Is that what you call a treasure?
fox alice: Yes. (Turns to presenter). Well, what are we going to play?

Presenter 1
And now, kids
A fun game for you.
The game "Find your mother" (blindfolded).

Cat Basilio: Now I see that children really are gold. But not the one that glitters.
fox alice: How beautiful they are.
Cat Basilio: Very, very beautiful. I liked it here so much.
May I open the letter. I also want .. I really want .... me, me, me, me ....
the encrypted letter I opens

We want to congratulate our girls
Therefore, we dedicate our dance to them
Cane dance performed

Presenter 1
Only one letter left, name it
the ciphered letter E opens

Presenter 2
Here you go. All letters are open! Let's read in unison. "CONGRATULATIONS!"
Presenter 1
The holiday has come to an end
What else can we say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish everyone good health.
Presenter 2
Do not be ill. Don't get old.
Never get angry!
So young
Stay forever!
Presenter 1
And now - gifts to our mothers,
Presenter 2
What the children have done
With my own hands!
Children present present.

Moms, sweet moms!
Happiness that we have you!
We trust you with secrets
And secrets without embellishment.
We hasten to please you,
For love and understanding
For patience and attention
We say "thank you" to you.
Thank you moms for your kindness
For tenderness, affection and warmth!
For the life that they gave us
Thank you moms!
The song "Mom, be by my side" is performed.

fox alice: I really liked you. I would have stayed. But we need to go.
Cat Basilio A: Yes, we need.
Presenter 1: Where are you going?
Cat Basilio: To your home.
fox alice: We will tell about your children in our country. And we will strive to make our children the same as yours.
Cat Basilio: Goodbye.
fox alice: See you soon.
Presenter 2: Children, let's say goodbye to our guests. See you again.

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" FEBRUARY 2018

The boys enter the hall to the music.
Boy: The holiday is coming soon! All is ready?
Hey, nobody late?
Boy: There are girls, everything is new,
Decorate the room!
Boy: I told you guys
We may miss the deadline!
Boy: All the girls are to blame
They would only sing songs!
Boy: Hush, hush, don't swear!
Here they are, right here, right there!
Have fun, smile

Our girls are coming!
The girls enter, the boys applaud.
Child: Our dear mothers,
Our grandmothers, friends!
On this day, the most wonderful,
The earth is waking up.
Girl: Joyful spring holiday
Opened the doors to the sun!
Invited here fun
How many balloons inflated!
Boy: We blew up the balloons to congratulate you today!
Boy: We barely fell asleep in the evening, we were so afraid to oversleep.
Girl: We peeped, we know:
You boys are great
Today women are congratulated
Children, grandfathers, fathers.
Child: Whole country, other countries
Congratulations dear mothers
Because our mothers
All relatives and closer to us!

Child: Let this day be like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home,
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love!
Child: And let the frost, snowstorm and blizzard
Still walking outside the window
But here we are warm, cozy
And, like in spring, flowers are all around.
Child: Today we want to congratulate
All our grandmothers and mothers.
We prepared so hard,
And we present our concert to you!
Child: Streams run in all directions
Under the windows along the streets
Home funny starlings
From warm countries returned.
Child: Here on the thaw in the forest
Snowdrop silver,
Spring is really on the nose -
No wonder it says so.
Child: More precisely - on the noses she
And shines on the cheeks
Freckled friends spring
She gilded her face.
Child: I love my mother
Congratulations, a little worried
I'll even sing a song
To make mom smile!

Presenter: On the day of March 8, all women are given gifts. Let's give mothers and grandmothers a family album.
Shows the album.

Child: This girl in a cotton dress
School deuces are no longer afraid.
This is a wonderful night over Tsna,
It's mom and prom.
And for our mother
We will tell poems
Let's sing a song
Congratulations on Women's Day!

Child: Mom was busy for a long time:
All things, things, things...
Mom is so tired for the day
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand by.
Let her sleep a little
I will sing a song to her.

Child: I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's a pity that he can't hear
Mom my song.
There is no better song.
Maybe sing louder to me
To mom this song
It was heard in a dream ...

Child: And in this photo - my grandmother.
The best, sweetest!
Child: Mom and dad at work,
We're at Grandma's all day.
Surrounds us with care
And bakes pancakes.
Child: Cleans everything in the apartment,
Cooks, irons and washes.
When everything in the house shines
Looks after health.
Child: Our grandmother recently
Went on a diet
Engaged in exercises
And he doesn't eat meatballs.
Child: Grandmother says to me:
“Nothing hurts!
Started running in the morning
Lost five kilos!
Child: Our grandmothers are relatives,
We are singing for you now.
Stay young
Congratulations on Women's Day!


Child: On a bench in the yard
Grandmothers are sitting.
All day until evening
They talk about grandchildren.
Three boys dressed as grandmothers come out.

1 grandmother: Youth, what is it?
What about actions and words?
Look at their mods.
Get dressed, you bastards!
Before: dancing and quadrille,
They wore fluffy skirts.
And now it's not.
Pants - in, (shows length)
And skirts - in.

2 grandmother: Well, and dancing, and dancing!
Everyone became like foreigners.
How they hit to dance
Scratch your legs!
They are shaking like a fever
Look - so shame and disgrace!
1 grandmother: We didn’t dance like that,
We studied figures
And they went to balls!
3 grandmother: Enough, grandmothers, grumble,
Youth to discuss everything.
We were also:
Young, naughty.
Let's drop fifty years
Let's dance for the boys!


Child: But mom is fashionable
And in the eyes of enthusiasm.
This is mom on the program
"Fashion Judgment"!
Boy: And the girls in our group
They imagine all the time.
And everyday outfits
New ones change.
They will wear a dress -
Then in trousers very fashionable
They go out for a walk.
Just outside the window again
The drops will ring
Turn girls
Our garden in the Model House.


Moderator: What kind of peanut is this?
Here he is in bed.
Beady eyes closed
And snores so sweetly?

Two girls come out with dolls in their hands, in aprons, with a ladle or a basin for washing and all such household paraphernalia. They play mother-daughters, busily and boastfully pretend to be mothers. Conducting a dialogue:

1 girl: Doll, Masha is a daughter,
Mom Tanya is me.
On me from under the handkerchief,
Masha is looking at me.
I have a lot of trouble -
I need to cook compote,
Need to wash Masha
And feed compote!
I need to be everywhere
Laundry, wash dishes,
Need to iron, need to sew,
Masha needs to be laid down.
How stubborn she is!
Doesn't want to sleep!
It's hard to be a mom
If she does not help!
2 girl: Doll, Tosha is a son!
He is the only one in our family.
He's handsome like Apollo
He will be the president!
Toshka needs to be bathed,
Swaddle in a warm blanket
Tell a story at night
And rock in the crib.
Let's take the alphabet tomorrow
Let's learn letters.
Antoshka needs to be brought up,
To study better.
All day I'm spinning like a spinning top,
Wait Antoshka!!! (waves her hand at him)
I need to call Tanya
Chat a little.
(Talking on the phone, imagining each other)
Hello Friend,
How are you?
I'm busy, I'm tired!
1 girl: (answers the phone)
And I didn't sleep all night
The car was rocking!
2 girl: Let's put the children to bed
And let's go for a walk in the yard?!
1 girl: We will not waste time,
Let Masha wait! (throws doll)
2 girl: I'll hide Toto in the closet,
Let him live there now (throws the doll)
1 girl: Oh, how hard it is to be a mother,
Why so much trouble?
Wash and sew and swaddle!
2 girl: Cook compote in the morning?!
1 girl: Teach, educate, heal!
2 girl: Lessons check!
1 girl: After all, you can just in the yard
Walk with friends!!!

Child: Oh, how hard it is to be a mother,
How difficult it is to do everything!
Let's help moms
And always take care of them!

Boy: But in this photo
With my girlfriend.
We've been friends with her for 5 years.
We share toys with not

1 boy: We want our girls
Now congratulate too!
After all, this is a holiday for them.
Why are you silent?
(referring to the second boy)

2 boy: Yes, to me, if you want to know
It's almost embarrassing to tears!
Congratulations girls again
How are they not ashamed?
They are congratulated, but we are not!
Why, pray tell?
For the fact that each into the world
Was born a girl?

1 boy: It's hard to be a girl, believe me.
We're better off with them!
Don't be mad, buddy, them to the dance
We need to invite everyone!


Child: But dad is a border guard,
Guards the peace of the country.
All men must
Must serve in the Army.

Child: I have toys so far:
Tanks, pistols, guns,
tin soldiers,
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes
To serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I work out in the yard.

Child: We play "Zarnitsa" there -
Drawn a line for me
I'm on post! I'm guarding!
Once trusted - I can!
And parents in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son
I'm the future man!


Child: But this is a holiday for my whole family.
At the holiday we play funny games.

Child: From dawn to dawn, spoons play for us.
Wooden spoons are very musical!


Host: Well, we are closing the album,
What's ahead, we don't know.
There are many events along the way.
We will be able to pass them with honor!

Child: May this day live with you for a long time,
With all our hearts, we congratulate you,
And whatever you wish for yourself,
This is exactly what we want for you.
Child: Silky hair, white teeth
Husbands so that they are caring, children so that they are gentle.
Child: Trips not to the garden, but to the sea!
Cakes so tasty, but without calories.
Child: Salary for more, serious purchases
Five-room and five-star dwellings!
Child: Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is on the left.
Perfume from Dior! Clothes from Cardin!
Child: washing machines, vacuum cleaners, combines -
Both functional and stylish designs!
Child: And it seems that we forgot something else? Oh ok! Love!!!
And flowers to give!
Child: And a dream come true, do not be sad, do not get angry!
And women's day- at least 300 times a year!


preparatory group

Date: 03/02/2017

Target: creating a festive atmosphere; develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech; educate the desire to please loved ones with poems, songs, dances.


One of the most touching holidays celebrated in kindergarten is without a doubt International Women's Day on March 8th. The most precious thing for a child is a mother, a grandmother, the closest and dearest people ... Our dear mothers and grandmothers! May the beginning of spring bring joy and mutual understanding, bright hope, may the feminine charm never leave you!

So that everyone smiles today

Your children have worked hard for you!

You accept our congratulations,

Check out the children's performance!

Dance entrance with helium balloons.


With the first rays in this bright hour!

Dear mothers, we love you very much!

And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!


Many stars in the sky, many spikelets in the fields!

The bird has many songs, many leaves on the branches!

There is only one sun - it warms gently.

There is only one mother - she is dearer to me than all!


Here comes spring again

She brought a holiday again.

The forests are noisy, the earth is blooming,

The brook sings.

Spring is coming spring is coming

In clothes made of rays.


Mother's Day is coming, Women's Day is coming.

I know that my mother loves roses, poppies and lilacs very much.

Only in March there are no lilacs, roses and poppies are not available.

But you can draw all the flowers on a piece of paper!

I'll pin this picture above my mother's table.

In the morning I will hug and kiss my dear mother

And Happy Women's Day!


There is a day in March, with a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know what the number stands for?

The children will tell us in chorus: “This is the holiday of our mothers!” (in chorus)

Song about mother


What wonderful poems and songs! It's obvious that you love your moms! Tell me honestly, do you all help your mothers with housework at home? And now Denis will tell us how he helps his mother run the house.


I love my mother very much and will always help her.

I can sweep the floor, take the chair to the kitchen,

Brush off the dust from all things and pour the kitten cabbage soup.

I can wash the dishes, but I won't wash today.

And I'm ready to help, I bake pancakes.

I will definitely help my mother, because I love pancakes myself!


I believe, I believe that you are helping mothers, but I’d better check now.

The game "Transfer mom's purchases"

"Help get mom to work"


And now a surprise for you, dear guests!

Dance "Daisies"


Today, grandmothers came to us for the holiday, the kindest, most caring. It is the grandmother, by virtue of her life wisdom, who imperceptibly passes on her experience to the young, supports the well-being of the family with reasonable advice, deeds, and strengthens happiness in the family.


Mom has a job, dad has a job,

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home

She never scolds me.

With my grandmother, we parse the letters in the book,

We play with dolls, play with blocks.

We whisper important secrets in her ear,

Because grandma is the best friend!

Nastya T.

All day long I carefully spin around my grandmother

And everything that is possible, I will learn from my grandmother.

How much love and affection is in her, remembers many poems,

You can listen to grandmother's tales even to the roosters!

Dear grandmother, kind and gentle,

I will give you fresh snowdrops!

I remember your gentle hands

How wonderful it is - I have you!

There are many different songs in the world about everything,

And now we will sing a song about your grandmother!

Song about grandma


We have already said that the most affectionate, kindest and most caring are grandmothers. Grandmothers have the most skillful hands, and we will see this now.

Three grandmothers are called, the children represent them: what is their name, what does she do, whose mother.

Competition "Magic Ball"


And now grandmothers will teach us how to cook the most delicious porridge. How to do this without a stove and pan? Very simple! Guys, listen and remember: I am reading a poem that lists products. If the named product is needed for making porridge, the grandmother says “yes”, if not needed, “no”. Grandma, are you ready?

Magpie-white-sided conceived to cook porridge,

To feed the kids.

I went to the market and this is what I got...

Fresh milk - yes!

Egg- No!

Semolina - yes!

Cabbage - no!

Pickle- No!

Meat jelly - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans- No!

Melted butter - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bulgarian pepper - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuits - no!


How can we surprise our guests? What else will surprise you?

Scene: "Old women on the mound"

Two old women are sitting on a bench - one knits, the other shakes a child in a stroller.

1 old woman:

Women's Day is coming soon, Vasilievna. How did you decide to do it?

2 old lady:

How? Don't you know, Andreevna? I will download my grandson!

1 old woman:

Well, I said to mine and waved my hand cutely:

Enough, my turn has come - I have been waiting for the holiday for many years -

Then a granddaughter will be born, then a granddaughter. And you, I suppose, will forget to give a gift?

2 old lady:

Look, they gave me a handkerchief - I can’t bear it for a century.

1 old woman:

Eco wonder! Every year your son-in-law brings you a handkerchief.

And a granddaughter to the scarf: sit with him for now!

As if a holiday only for them, for such young people.

A “lady” comes out in a hat with a fashionable handbag.

2 old lady:

Look, I’ve gathered for the holiday: dressed up, curled up!

They follow the lady with their eyes, whispering. A lady in a headscarf walks towards

with stroller and heavy bag.

1 lady:

Zina, dear, hello! How many winters and how many years.

We haven't seen you. Don't rush, stay with me

All in business, do not rest, tell me how you live.

2 lady:

Yes, we live slowly, Lenka also appeared.

Dasha will go to first grade. In general, like everyone else, we have.

Here I bring food to the house - a women's holiday is on the nose.

1 lady:

Is yours not helping you?

2 lady:

Yes, he always sits! It gets so wet in a day that it’s too lazy to get up from the couch!

1 lady:

Well, I'm not his wife! He would get it!

Darling, bye, I've got things to do!

Dad walks in with bags full of shopping.

1 lady:

My hostess is coming, what is he bringing home?


Oh, I'm tired, you really need to buy groceries.

Prices inflated in stores: how much should you get?

1 lady:

Let's go see what you bought there ... (leave)

The old ladies are arguing.

1 old woman:

He is not really playing: there are no such dads.

Dads are all sitting in armchairs, watching TV.

2 old lady:

Either they smoke, or they sleep, or they read everything.

It’s not too lazy to help moms only on Women’s Day for dads.

Dance "I won't brag, dear"

Nastya N.

Dad and I are a little light today, we got up early,

We began to prepare surprises for mom.

We made excellent coffee for mom,

Daddy and I gave flowers to mom.

dad games


Dad was proud today! He baked a huge cake.

The cake is beautiful and puffy, but it was so salty,

Surprisingly tasteless, dad walks sad, sad.

He later explained to everyone how he confused salt with sand.

He said he was clueless. Sorry dad! Seen new

The Japanese recipe was like this - sprinkle each layer with salt!

Oh, how mother was surprised, surprised, smiled.

And then she said: - The hardest thing is always the beginning!

We will forget the failure, we will not bake in Japanese.

Let's bake a big one now a delicious cake we are the whole family!

Song about dad


Girls, grandmothers and mothers

We speak frankly and directly:

We are gathered in this hall now,

To heartily congratulate all of you!

Girls, be gentle, like snowdrops in spring,

Be nicer, kinder like fairy sorceresses!


We want to say to the girls from the boys of all the earth:

We will boldly protect you so that you cannot cry!

Come out to the dance boldly, come out do not lag behind!

All the girls are queens, you invite anyone!

Dance with flowers

Mom games


Let the sky be blue, let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the formidable guns be silent and machine guns not scribble.

For people to live, cities, peace is always needed on Earth!

Boys dance "Border"

Mom and son come out


Without adventure, kids are bored,

If my son is happy, then so am I.

Let it be interesting in life

And there is room for adventure.

It's good to have a son!

He is the most important of men!

Your golden ray of sunshine

A smile that is always with you!

There is no more beautiful happiness in the world!

He is a bright light of your soul!

It's good to have a son!

He is the most important of men!

Son (Kolya)

I can't cry anymore important reason

Yesterday my dad told me that I'm already a man.

Men are not afraid to stay without a mother.

Men temper themselves and dress themselves.

But if I'm very, very nostalgic for my mother

My father allows me to shed a man's tear.

And so ... I can’t cry, there is an important reason -

Dad told me yesterday that he and I are men.

Dance of boys with mothers


Our "Young Musicians" prepared their musical surprise.

noise orchestra

Song "Dear grandmothers and mothers"


We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers?

After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!

We cannot give a "jacuzzi"

And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus

It's hard to give us Mercedes too.

What to give our mothers?

Anya F.

And the answer came by itself:

Our gift is not simple, you can't take it with your hand

We give hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

And we invite you, at this hour, to listen to a song about you

Let our song sound, my beloved mother amuses.

They give gifts, the boys sit down, and the girls dance a dance with their mothers.

To the music, children with flowers enter the hall

1) "Dance with flowers"

(They give flowers to mothers.)

Leading : Dear women: grandmothers and mothers!Congratulations on the holiday - gentle, kind, glorious.All our guests are smiling, so the holiday begins!Today is not a simple holiday, bright, affectionate such -It flies all over the planet, their children congratulate their mothers!

1 child

What suddenly happened today? What suddenly happened today?

Look how many guests are in the hall today!

With every ray of spring, with nightingale sonorous singing

In every house comes the holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

2 child

I have prepared a surprise for my beloved mother.

I will wash all the dishes, even a brand new set!

I will put things in order in the house, wipe the dust, water the flowers.

Mom will happily tell me: “Well done, what are you!”

3 child

I mold from plasticine, mother of a red cat.

And then mom will exclaim: “Oh, what a beauty!”

The sun is playing, the rays are sparkling.

Congratulations on the spring holiday mom!

4 child

The sun joyfully shines with wondrous, wondrous beauty.On Women's Day - March 8, flowers bloom.We want to congratulate all mothers on International Women's Day!
I am glad to amuse you with a song by our cheerful children's choir.

2) "Song about mom"

Leading: Our mothers are the most beautiful and kind, the most affectionate and caring. And now we invite our mothers to play a little - to compete.

Hoop competition (for moms)

(Music playing)

Leading: It seems that guests are rushing to our holiday

(doll girls included)

5 child

We are little dolls, we know how to dance.

Shake your head, arms and blink your eyes

We lay in a box and no one knew us,

He didn’t put on a dress for us, he didn’t curl his curls

But now, this morning we came to Kindergarten,

How many toys are here, how many children are here!

Leading: Our dolls are princesses, our dolls are lovely.
Heels crystal sound in the dance is heard knock-knock!

3) Dance " living doll»

6 child

And now let's talk with you about mom

Mom can be given the medal "Hero of Labor" without shame

All her deeds cannot be counted, even there is no time to sit down.

And cooks, and erases, reads fairy tales at night.

7 child

And when we grow up, we will go to serve in the army,

We will serve in the army, love our mothers and grandmothers.

We will grow up strong and brave

We will protect our mothers and grandmothers!

8 child

Admire our mothershow angry we are:Pull up, grow upmuscles pumped up.Let us be small in staturebut brave as soldiers.beloved homelandwe will protectSun, happiness on earthwe will protect

4) The song "We will serve in the Army"

5) Dance with flags.

Leading : And now we will see how our children help their mothers.



Leading: The task of each team is to remove the garbage - cubes - as quickly as possible. We don’t touch the cubes with our hands, sweep with a broom, put them in a bucket with a scoop. The team that cleans up the trash the fastest wins. Reade set Go.

Leading: What good fellows! What helpers grow in mothers! Grandmothers also help mothers. Let's see how well they know how to tie bows.

    Game "Tie a bow."

Leading: For the next game, we need grandmothers. Your task is to tie bows as quickly as possible. Get ready, attention march to the start.

(Ribbons are tied on a rope. Grandmothers begin to tie bows on both sides. The winner is the one who reaches the middle ahead).

Vedas: Who caresses you the most, who loves you, adores you? Buys you toys, books, ribbons, rattles? Who bakes pancakes?

Children: These are our grandmothers!

9 Child

My grandma has the kindest eyes

EIf everyone is asleep, her eyes do not sleep.She sews and knits, bakes pies,

Tell me a story, sing a song to me.He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

Silently smile, press me to him!

10 child

My grandmother is just beautiful.

We live happily with her, we want to, we sing songs.

We play different games or take a walk in the park

We can drink Coca-Cola with her, because we live with her for fun

Grandma is still so very young

Can run and dance, even play ball

I love my grandmother and I will give her a gift.

11 child

We wish our beloved grandmother good, health, beauty.

Let adversity fly by, let all dreams come true.For you, dear grandmothers, only for you

Let's sing a funny song now.

6) The song "Grandma"

Competition "Bouquet for grandma"
The girls are divided into two teams. And at a distance from each team there are tables on which flowers cut out of paper and glue lie. At the command of the facilitator, the children take turns running to the table, smearing the flower with glue, running up to the board, gluing the flower on the drawing paper, on which vases and stems are drawn, and return to the team. Then other participants also run. Whose team is the first to finish collecting a bouquet for grandmother, she won.

12 child

Long live girls with pigtails and without!May the sun smile upon them from blue skies!Long live skinny, long live fatThose with earrings and freckles on their noses.We congratulate you all and please do not be angry:Not everyone manages to be born boys!

13 child Dear girls, you are like princesses!

Beautiful, tender, like a snowdrop!You are smiling like a clear sun,

Never met girls more beautiful!And what eyes, what eyelashes!

In you, dear, it is impossible not to fall in love!We heartily congratulate you

And we dedicate the dance to you.

7) Boys dance

14 child

Today is a special day, today is the holiday of mothers.

Spring streams ring and sing along to us.

Agile rooks shout, perched on the branches.

The sun is shining brighter and brighter in honor of our kind mothers.

15 child

And it's spring outside and the cat is purring.And a little midge woke up from a dream.And red freckles jumped up on his nose.And ships - toys floated along the stream.A sunny bunny began to play around.And woke up a real clubfoot bear.

8) Dance "Crazy Spring"

presenter - We would like in the days of spring

Take away all adversity from you,Cup sunny mood present to lovely women.So that under the dome of a clear sky, where the frost is angry in the spring,Your children grew up beautiful, without sadness and without resentment.So that the eyes are filled with joy, new freshness for many years,And so that your life blazes brighter than a rainbow for the whole world.

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