Modern rocket "Zircon": specifications and features. Hypersonic era: the Zircon missile will make the enemy's missile defense system meaningless The new Zircon hypersonic missile

In a message to the Federal Assembly, the president surprised the Russians with the latest weapons

Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, spoke about the latest weapons countries: the Sarmat strategic missile system, an unlimited-range cruise missile, an underwater drone, the Kinzhal aviation missile system, a hypersonic missile system with a gliding winged unit and a combat laser system.

Russia is testing the Sarmat missile system

In fact, Putin officially confirmed the information that Russia is already testing the latest intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat". For the first time, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported this in December 2017, indirectly about the tests in January 2018 of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the newspaper, the first throw test of the Sarmat, which took place at the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region, was a success. It was noted that the mine launcher and the rocket worked normally, and the rocket flew several tens of kilometers and fell within the range. The President noted that "no, even promising missile defense systems, are a hindrance to the Russian missile system." According to the developers, the Sarmat, carrying a payload of about ten tons, has a flight range of about 16 thousand kilometers, that is, it is capable of reaching the enemy along a ballistic trajectory passing through South Pole, and is also capable of moving at ultra-low altitude.

A small-sized heavy-duty nuclear power plant for a global-range cruise missile has been created in Russia

Russia has created a "small-sized super-powerful nuclear power plant, which is located in the body of a cruise missile "and provides, compared with other missiles, a tens of times greater flight range. "Low-flying stealth cruise missile carrying a nuclear warhead, with a practically unlimited range, an unpredictable flight path and the ability to bypass interception lines, is invulnerable to all existing and future systems, both missile defense and air defense,” Putin said.

In fact, here we are talking about vehicles flying at high speed and low altitude - non-ballistic types of strategic weapons, against which traditional systems PROs are not effective. The ongoing developments of this kind in the country were known earlier, for example, only in February 2018 already about work on the creation of a low-altitude supersonic unmanned complex long range, which can fly like a cruise missile. However, then it was about an unmanned aircraft, and nothing was said about its power plant.

Frame: Russia 24 / YouTube

Russia has begun to create an unmanned underwater vehicle "Status-6"

In addition to air cruise missiles, an innovative nuclear power plant will receive a new underwater drone capable of moving over great depth with unlimited range. “I would say, at a very great depth and at an intercontinental range at a speed multiple of that of submarines, the most modern torpedoes and all types of even the fastest surface ships,” Putin said. The head of state added that such drones have low noise and high maneuverability, and “means that can resist them simply do not exist in the world today.”

Putin said that "the results of the tests made it possible for us to start creating a fundamentally new type of strategic weapon equipped with high-yield nuclear weapons." In fact, here we are talking about the underwater swimming apparatus "Status-6" - a weapon mass destruction, to destroy objects of the enemy's economy. The ongoing development of such weapons in Russia in conditions of high secrecy first became known in November 2015. Experts suggest that in its most lethal version, Status-6 will be a cobalt bomb with a yield of about a hundred megatons, the detonation of which off the coast of the United States will lead to powerful tsunamis that destroy big cities(New York and Los Angeles) and subsequent radiation damage to the territory they occupy, making them unsuitable for human life.

Frame: Channel One

Russia has a "Dagger"

“In December last year, the complex began to carry out experimental combat duty at the airfields of the Southern Military District. Unique flight- specifications high-speed carrier aircraft make it possible to deliver a missile to the drop point in a matter of minutes, while the missile, flying at hypersonic speeds ten times the speed of sound, also maneuvers in all parts of the flight path. This also allows it to reliably overcome all existing and, I think, promising anti-aircraft and missile defense delivering nuclear and conventional warheads to the target at a distance of up to two thousand kilometers,” Putin said about the new Kinzhal complex, which includes an aircraft carrying a hypersonic missile.

Russia has a hypersonic missile system with a planning winged unit

The President also announced the tests of the Avangard, a hypersonic missile system with a gliding winged unit, carried out in the country, which "is distinguished by its ability to fly in dense layers of the atmosphere at an intercontinental range, at a hypersonic speed exceeding the Mach number by more than 20 times." According to Putin, "it goes to the target, like a meteorite, like a fireball, the temperature on the surface of the product is 1600-2000 degrees Celsius," and "the winged unit is reliably controlled." Such characteristics of the complex, the head of state notes, were ensured by the use of composite materials.

Russian military receive combat laser systems

Thus, significant results have been achieved in the creation laser weapons, and this is no longer just a theory or projects, and not even just the start of production. Combat laser systems have already been delivered to the troops since last year. I do not want to go into details in this part, it's just not the time yet. But experts will understand that the presence of such combat systems greatly expands Russia's capabilities in the field of its security," Putin said. Thus, the president actually confirmed the recent one that the country has completed the creation laser complex, designed to suppress air and space reconnaissance vehicles from an aircraft.

The American television channel CNBC reported: tests of the Zircon hypersonic missilewent well

Citing sources familiar with US intelligence reports, CNBC reported that on December 10, 2018, another test of the Zircon ship-based hypersonic missile was conducted in Russia. According to the interlocutors of the TV channel, during the test, the rocket accelerated to a speed eight times the speed of sound (Mach 8, or about 9800 km / h). Earlier it was reported that the speed of the Zircons should exceed the speed of sound by 5-6 times. "Successful test carried out on last week, showed that the Russians were able to achieve a stable rocket flight, which is critical in the development hypersonic weapons one of the military experts explained to CNBC.

Interlocutors of the CNBC television channel noted that the United States is not yet able to reliably protect its ships and other objects from Zircons.

Work on the latest so-called 3K22 interspecific missile system with the 3M22 missile, developed by the Reutov NPO Mashinostroeniya Corporation, has been underway since at least 2011. France is doing the same. China tested the GZLA WU-14.

In Russia, launches of the latest hypersonic product have been carried out for several years, but only today some test results and performance characteristics of the rocket have been declassified.

“In tests, the new Russian hypersonic anti-ship missile Zircon reached eight speeds of sound,” a source in the military-industrial complex said.

"During the tests of the rocket, it was confirmed that its speed on the march reaches Mach 8," the source said. However, he did not specify when and from what platform the launch was carried out. The source added that Zircon can be launched from the same launchers that are used for Caliber and Onyx missiles.

Cruise missiles "Zirkon" (3M22) are being developed in the corporation "Tactical Missiles" at least since 2011. According to open information, the range of the rocket can be up to 400 kilometers. The export version of the Zircon missile, according to the assumption of USATU specialists, is anti-ship missiles "BrahMos II".

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Technical characteristics of "Zircon" on this moment classified. Despite the fact that tests of the Zircon have been going on for a long time, there is very little information about the rocket. There is no data whether there is an aviation version of it.

Nevertheless, some tactical and technical characteristics of the Zircon missile can already be identified, based on the history and dynamics of the design and testing process of the 3M22 product.

What is the rocket for, what is the likely target?

Hypersonic cruise missiles "Zircon" will be armed primarily Russian warships and submarines. How does Zircon differ from the already more or less well-known AGBO product - aeroballistic hypersonic combat equipment(it is also product 4202)?


unlike hypersonic combat equipment, the Zircon performs the entire flight in the atmosphere, well below the boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and space.


if product 4202 - strategic system to hit a target at a distance of thousands of kilometers, then 3M22 is developing a line of heavy anti-ship missiles "Basalt" - "Granite" - "Onyx", destroying surface and ground targets at a distance of 300-400 km.

The scope of application imposes severe restrictions on the strength of the structure, units and other performance characteristics on Zircon. At hypersonic speeds, a high-temperature flow acts on the rocket. It causes the structure to heat up to several thousand degrees (moreover, the lower the flight altitude, the greater the load).

“One of the carriers of the Zircon missile should be the fifth-generation Husky submarine developed by the Malachite Marine Engineering Bureau”

At the same time, the Zircon should not only fly to a certain area, but, having found a target, overcome the enemy’s air defense. Against the background of electronic interference, the rocket should reveal desired object and guaranteed to hit him. Hence the extremely high requirements. Taking into account the speed of the Zircon missile, its RLGSN must operate under maximum load conditions.

The navigation system of the rocket, which controls the flight on the marching section, is distinguished by accuracy and speed. In the final section of the trajectory, the target is identified radar head homing, which will be interfered with by decoys and electronic interference.

"Zircon" for a potential adversary is a goal that will not be able to cope not only with the air defense systems in service with a potential adversary, but also with promising ones, work on which is only underway.

A brief history of the creation of a hypersonic anti-ship missile

Let's restore the chronology of events in order to assess what opportunities it gives Russian Navy rocket "Zircon".

The first mentions in open sources about the creation of a missile system with hypersonic anti-ship missile operational purpose "Zircon" 3K22 appeared in the media at the end of 2011. Later, the corporate newspaper of NPO Mashinostroeniya Tribuna VPK wrote that in 2011, a group of chief designers on the 3M22 topic was created in one of the directorates.

In 2011 Central Institute aircraft engine building from Lytkarino near Moscow showed hypersonic vehicles at the MAKS air show. Models of rockets were exhibited at the institute's stand unusual shape- similar to the Australian platypus (they had a flattened spade fairing and a box-shaped body).

It was then that the name of the promising Zircon missile system was also announced, the creation was officially announced for the first time only now. By the way, the Indian company Brahmos announced work on hypersonic vehicles, demonstrating the layout of the same "platypus".

Interesting information is provided by the annual report of the Tactical Missiles Corporation Ural design and engineering Bureau "Detal"(one of the areas of his work is the development of radio altimeters). In 2011, on the topic "Zircon", a project of two products was approved and sent to the customer (NPOmash) - Zircon-S-ARK and "Zircon-S-RV". Experts believe that the abbreviation RV means a radio altimeter, and ARC means an automatic radio compass.

In the same year NPO "Granit-Electron", lead developer radio-electronic complexes Russian Navy, reported on the creation of a project for 3M22 autopilot and inertial navigation systems. In the report for 2011 of Orenburg Software "Strela"(producing anti-ship cruise missiles, including the P-800 Oniks), the priority for the coming years is the creation of a production base for serial production missiles "Zircon".

According to the report of NPO Mashinostroeniya Corporation for 2012, the development of industrial technology production laser and optoelectronic systems of the complex of transceivers and computing facilities for guidance of hypersonic missiles.

It was at this time that the name "Zircon" disappeared from all open sources. Even from the Strela PA report for 2012, items on the creation of a base for the production of a new rocket were removed.

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced the creation of a super-holding on the basis of the Corporation for Tactical Missiles and NPO Machine Building, which should deal with hypersonic technologies.

Later, the idea of ​​creating a hypersonic industrial association on such a scale was abandoned in favor of merging with the Reutov NPOmash machine-building plant located in Dubna design bureau "Rainbow", which develops and produces air-launched missiles, including cruise missiles.

In the summer of 2012, at the training ground of the 929th Flight Research Center in Akhtubinsk, a hypersonic air-launched cruise missile was tested. The carrier of the missile was the Tu-22M3 bomber.

In September 2013, Boris Obnosov, head of the Corporation for Tactical Missiles, admitted that Russia had already tested products with a speed of about Mach 4.5.

Hypersonic missile and heavy cruiser upgrades

After 2013, information about the missiles of the 3K22 project again disappeared from open sources. In the fall of 2015, they started talking about the rocket in connection with the modernization of Admiral Nakhimov.

According to an agreement between PO "Sevmash"(engaged in the re-equipment of TARKR) and the corporation Almaz-Antey, the latter should supply ten vertical launchers (UVPU) ZS-14-11442M for the ongoing modernization of the heavy nuclear missile cruiser at the enterprise project 11442.

Carrying eighty hypersonic Zircons, Peter the Great will be capable of destroying not only a couple of attack aircraft carrier groups of a potential enemy, but the entire navy of such a power as Turkey in a matter of minutes.

According to reports, one of the carriers of the Zircon should be a fifth-generation submarine. "Husky", the development of which was started by the Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite". As conceived by the developers, the latest nuclear submarine is designed on the same basic platform in two versions. First, a multi-purpose, anti- submarines enemy. Secondly, anti-aircraft SSGN, armed with cruise missiles, including Zircons.

From the appearance of the first information about the new rocket and the creation of a group of chief designers to the start of testing, only five years passed. Probably, Zircon is based on technical solutions that are largely ready-made and tested.

“State tests of Zircon, in accordance with the contract, are planned to be completed in 2017, and next year start it mass production", - said the representative of the OPK.

Cruise missiles "Zirkon" (3M22) are designed, first of all, to replace the heavy anti-ship missiles of the "Granit" complexes in the arsenal of the fleet and should be included in the armament of promising ships of the oceanic zone (missile cruisers) type "Leader" and modernized nuclear cruisers of project 1144 "Orlan".

According to channel sources, US intelligence reports say that Russia will be able to start mass production of Zircons in 2021, and their deliveries to the troops will begin in 2022.

The name "Zircon" was not mentioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018, a significant part of which was devoted to the presentation of new types of weapons, including hypersonic ones. “The possession of such weapons, of course, gives serious advantages in the field of armed struggle. Its power, power, as military experts say, can be enormous, and its speed makes it invulnerable to today's missile defense and air defense systems, since anti-missiles, in a simple way, simply cannot catch up with them. Russia has such weapons. We already have,” Putin said at the time, referring to the Kinzhal air-launched system.

2019-01-16T18:01:40+05:00 Sergey SinenkoDefense of the Fatherlandarmy, armed forces, missile, watch videoTechnical characteristics of the rocket "Zircon" American CNBC channel reported: tests of the hypersonic missile "Zircon" were successful According to the interlocutors of the TV channel, during the test, the rocket accelerated to a speed, in ...Sergey Sinenko Sergey Sinenko [email protected] Author In the middle of Russia

The topic of "military" hypersound has been on the front pages of the world's leading publications for several decades now. Moreover, this issue is raised not only by specialized media, but also by tabloids dedicated to international relations economics, finance...

The reason for such close attention is the likely change of the "planetary hegemon", because a country that can put on stream the production of hypersonic aircraft (GZLA) before potential opponents will gain real freedom in foreign policy. New offensive weapons will be out of reach for modern systems protection, which means that the usual rhetoric of “historical parity” in the rivalry between the West and the East will also remain in the past.

According to experts, Moscow and Washington once again became participants in an unannounced duel: no one doubts the fact that the hypersonic missiles of Russia and the United States will have diametrically opposed goals - the only mystery is who will “take aim” at whom ...

Weapons labeled "Top Secret"

Today, “absolute weapons” are spoken about literally on every corner. Newspapers, magazines, television programs - everywhere they trumpet about the imminent approach of the "terrifying prospect." And at the same time the flow is for real useful information so meager that sometimes it seems that hypersonic cruise missiles are nothing more than a figment of the imagination of science fiction writers.

Why is this happening? Yes, because, having given publicity to the results of individual developments, the military is in no hurry to reveal all the cards, because at stake is the future of the country, its ability to adequately respond to global threats and the challenges of potential adversaries. In addition, many projects have the status of state secrets, and this not only complicates professional activity journalists, but also "inclines to silence" those who could tell something about shifts and breakthroughs in this direction. Nevertheless, bit by bit the data suggests that the Russian rocket troops are on the verge of a qualitative rebirth, which is another year or two - and secret systems will take up combat duty ...

The emphasis on hypersound is not accidental - a target moving at a speed of three to four kilometers per second ceases to be vulnerable to the vast majority of missile defense systems. Now only intercontinental ballistic missiles can boast of such performance indicators. However, their "cruising acceleration" is realized exclusively in airless space (at great heights). As you know, a material body in space is deprived of aerodynamic maneuvering, that is, invulnerability.

A hypersonic cruise missile (Russia has yet to conduct a series of tests before the modernized Koala model, which is how the domestic X-90 is called in the NATO armies, will become a serious deterrent in relations with the "presumptuous hegemon") - this is an ultra-precise weapon with a kill radius several tens of thousands of kilometers. In fact, such a combat unit is the embodiment of the military's dream, because, in addition to speed and "selectivity", it will have absolute invulnerability.

Not so long ago, the revelations of Boris Obnosov, the head of TRO, leaked to the press. The director of the corporation said that in 2013, one “dream” was already tested at the Akhtubinsk training ground, capable of reaching a speed of 5 thousand km / h. And although the rocket was able to hold out in the air for only a few tens of seconds, the designer unequivocally hinted that the final success was close, and that the American product - the notorious X-51A - in many respects technical parameters significantly inferior to the Russian one.

Hypersonic Cruise Missiles: The Cold War That Never Ended

The role that the United States assigns to "hypersound" is, of course, colossal. According to intelligence, the practical implementation of the idea is part of an overall strategy aimed at "forcing" Moscow into geopolitical capitulation. In other words, the Pentagon has once again embarked on building a dialogue from a position of strength.

Until 2025, the moment when, according to official doctrine, Russia's new hypersonic missiles will have to "become operational", Washington will definitely try to "eliminate the Russian threat." Moreover, he has plenty of political and economic opportunities to influence domestic processes. However, the possibility of a direct confrontation cannot be ruled out. It is no coincidence that the number of CRBDs (long-range cruise missiles) in the US Army is brought to 7 thousand units - an unprecedented figure since the active phase of the Cold War.

Hidden Threats, or What's Behind NASA's Space Programs?

NASA's peaceful space exploration program isn't really that friendly. Among other things, it implies that by 2020 the agency should have at its disposal a hypersonic carrier (supposedly for launching tonnage cargo into orbit). The tests conducted last summer - we are talking about the launch of the X-43A from the Kodiak test site, Alaska - showed that the true intentions of the "astronauts" are completely different (before the launch, the task was set: to hit a target located on a Pacific atoll at a speed not less than 6.5 thousand km/s). In fact, there was a "demonstration performance" with the participation of a combat prototype. The result of "peaceful" research will most likely be a hypersonic missile with a kinetic warhead.

Similar projects are being implemented by the US Army and Navy. In the US Air Force, in parallel, work is underway to study the potential of the Falcon HTV-2: during the last “California experiment”, the device exceeded all expectations and reached a speed of Mach 20 (about 23,000 km / h). However, there is no need to talk about a successful start - the sample lost control and collapsed, never reaching its destination. The reasons for the loss of communication with the missile remain unclear.

What will be the response of Russia?

It must be understood that "military" hypersound for Russia is not a new topic. The first attempts to create "something maneuverable and super-fast" were made in the USSR back in the 70s of the last century (meaning an experimental model with a split charge and a flight range of up to 3000 km; later it "entered the series" and was called "Cold" ), and their results formed the basis of the technology for the production of "elusive" warheads. Topol-M, Bulava, Liner - for these modifications of intercontinental ballistic missiles it is common to change the heading and flight altitude on the final leg of the journey. And it's not a secret. But as for the presence of "aerospace planes" - everything here is shrouded in a veil of mystery.

The Americans, for example, are betting on the Falcon and X-51A. As expected, a new class aircraft will be able to constantly “hang” in orbit, and if necessary, launch deadly missiles that can hit a target in a matter of minutes. There is almost no information about Russian analogues. However, the calm demonstrated by the country's leadership indicates that the Kremlin still has a couple of trump cards up its sleeve.

Yu-71 as a tool to limit the effectiveness of overseas missile defense

Until February current year there was no reliable information about Object 4202. Nowhere did any information about the Yu-71 warhead (Yu-71) come up. But after the launch of the prototype from the Dombarovsky training ground, near Orenburg, all the dots over the “i” were finally dotted. Judging by the official report, by 2025 the local regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces will receive more than 20 special installations, each of which will be able to work with "invulnerable charges." Behind this wording lies what has been talked about for so long - Russia's latest hypersonic missiles.

Some analysts claim that the February tests did not go quite smoothly - they say, the “modernized” UR-100N (UTTKh) was the carrier, and it did not cope with the task. However, the achieved acceleration rate - about 5.2 Mach - is already a huge breakthrough. It remains to “tighten the nuts” and “tighten the bolts”.

Data coming from open sources indicate that the designers of NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov) are behind the implementation of the 4202 project, and they have been working in this direction since 2009. That is, with the observance of the regime of secrecy in the military department, things are going well.

Independent experts believe that Russia's new hypersonic cruise missile is a kind of "hybrid" capable of operating both independently and as part of an intercontinental ballistic launch system. Probably, we are talking about several modifications that will be compatible with both light Topols and heavier Sarmats (the debut of the latter is expected at the turn of 2019-2020).

The 25-140 km corridor is not the only topical area for research. Moscow is mastering the technology at an accelerated pace, which allows launching objects on unthinkable trajectories at ultra-low altitudes with an acceleration of Mach 3-4. Being aerodynamic targets for missile defense systems, such cruise missiles will be able to get ahead of interceptor charges and hit targets regardless of the saturation of the defensive shield.

Is the Pentagon ready for a meeting with Zircon?

Russian hypersonic missiles are a "closed" topic. What ends up in print is usually "deliberate drain". Therefore, there is no exact information about Zircon even now - three years after the official "bride-in" was supposed to take place. But if we take into account the fact that last summer military officials approved a program for the development of hypersonic technologies immediately for 6 years in advance, then the conclusion suggests itself: the phantom rocket performed adequately during the next exercise, its appearance in the Armed Forces is a settled issue.

It is suggested that the Zircon will become an operational element at a distance of 300 to 400 km. But how it will be in reality is still unknown. And this uncertainty greatly worries the Pentagon - they are used to believing that hypersonic missiles of Russia and the United States, in their own performance characteristics very similar. The birth of the "eastern Phoenix", which has outstanding abilities, is a serious cause for concern for NATO generals.

Again, the mechanism for delivering Zircon to the target is unclear. And the Americans today are forced to puzzle over exactly what changes they should make to their "long-suffering" missile defense system in order to minimize the potential damage from the "sending".

Hypersonic missile and long-range aircraft: an explosive mixture

The head of the "TRO" admits that the first hypersonic missiles of Russia will still be based not on ground stations with MBN, but in the air - on the sides of long-range and medium aviation. The reason for such changes may be the need to give combat elements initial speed(Practical tests have shown that during a “stationary launch”, a ramjet engine is not activated until the moment the loaded warhead is launched, and this negatively affects the acceleration dynamics).

With an additional “push” from the aircraft, a Russian hypersonic cruise missile can easily cross the Mach 6 threshold. According to Obnosov, in the future (not earlier than 2030), “profile launch vehicles” will appear in service - manned vehicles that accelerate to Mach 4-8.

American X-51A Waverider and domestic "Mosquito": no one is safe from failures

Overseas "partners" perceive Russia's hypersonic missiles as a nightmare. Therefore, huge sums are allocated annually from the US federal budget for the development of air force. One such semi-secret project is known as code name X-51A Waverider.

The first and, in fact, the only "open" tests of the carrier took place in 2010. Then the X-51 booster stage launched the rocket along a steep trajectory to a height of 19.8 km, and the supersonic engine that turned on provoked the acceleration of the prototype to Mach 4.8. But after the prototype managed to rise another 1500 meters above the ground and accelerate to Mach 5 (more than 5.5 thousand km / h), interruptions in telemetry began. Since the signal from the object was unstable, it came to forced liquidation. By the way, according to a similar scenario, a month before the events described, the FHTV-2, an aircraft designed by the Boeing concern, was tested. It turns out that the cause of the Falcon crash was the same disconnection (the route ran over a non-navigable area Pacific Ocean, so they did not blow up the prototype).

It must be said that Russia also possesses hypersonic missiles not thanks to a "happy accident" - this event was preceded by dozens of unsuccessful launches and delayed launches. What is the "epopee" with the introduction of the anti-ship "Mosquito" (P-270) into operation? But there it was “only” about the speed in 4 Max!

Close acquaintance with the "Koala": Russian hypersonic missile "Kh-90"

The history of the creation of the X-90 goes back to the now distant 1971. The case concerned a medium-class strategic carrier applicable at low altitudes. However, the leadership of the USSR reacted to the initiative of the designers of NPO Raduga very cool, and until 1976 the project was not remembered. In the 80s prototypes already accelerated to Mach 4; at the same time, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"bifurcation" of the warhead was brought to life (each charge could be aimed at a separate target, provided that the distance to it from the point of "decay" did not exceed 100 km). In 1992, for obvious reasons, all developments were “mothballed”.

Five years later, the Russian hypersonic missile with the X-90 index was transformed into an "experimental aircraft operating at superspeeds." In NATO, the project was immediately dubbed the AS-19 Koala. It is worth noting that Moscow officially insists that the Koala and X-90s built in the 1970s have nothing in common, although experts, all as one, say otherwise.

The speed of the 1997 hypersonic missile declared by the designers is Mach 5, the radius of action is 3500 km. After detaching from the TU-160M ​​(at an altitude of 7-20 km), the wing mechanism is activated. This is followed by the launch of a solid fuel booster, which outputs combat unit to the supersonic line, and only then the main engine is turned on.

Modern Poplars and Stilettos are a new step in the evolution of the X-90. Large-scale military exercises in 2004 confirmed that 5000 m / s is far from the limit for a hypersonic warhead.

Moscow and Delhi: the birth of BrahMos-2

Of course, testing Russia's hypersonic missile was expensive. And it's not even about money, of which a lot has been spent on military needs over the past twenty years. Political and sometimes economic pressure from the West forced the Kremlin to "active defense", to search for new strategic partners...

Not so long ago, the tests of BrahMos were completed. The joint Russian-Indian project was marked by the birth of the "winged beast", which can move at a speed of 650 m/s. But no one is going to stop there. The next stage of cooperation is "BrahMos-2" with indicators of 6.5-7 Mach. If it is possible to realize what was planned, then Moscow and Delhi will be able to share the laurels of the winner, because one can only dream of a weapon with similar characteristics.

Interestingly: high-ranking official The Pentagon, in an interview, answering a journalist's question about whether there are hypersonic missiles in the Russian Federation, chose to remain silent. Although some 15 years ago, foreign experts categorically stated that the Kremlin's expectations in this area were in vain, and that Mach 7 was an unattainable limit (according to unofficial data, the scramjet, created by domestic designers, successfully "passed the test" back in 1998).

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation indirectly confirmed the existence of work on the creation of hypersonic strike weapons: a message appeared on the website of the military department that, as part of the armament program for 2018-2025, it is planned to “complete the development and supply to the troops of fundamentally new types of hypersonic weapons, intelligent robotic systems, weapons for new physical principles, as well as a number of traditional samples of the next generation of military and military equipment. ”This became a kind of commentary on the Saturday report of the TASS agency that during the tests of the newest Russian rocket Zircon, a speed of eight Machs - nine thousand kilometers per hour was reached. Neither TASS, let alone the Ministry of Defense, began to clarify the details of the tests. There are more than enough explanations for the closeness of the Zircon program. Hypersound is one of the main fetishes of the ongoing competition between Russia and the United States in the field of creating advanced military technologies. The Mach number, or M, determines the ratio of the local flow velocity to the speed of sound - 331 m/sec. Exceeding the speed of sound by six, eight, ten times is one of the global tasks for the development of modern aircraft and rocket manufacturing. From a military point of view, hypersonic aircraft are an extremely effective strike tool. Hypersonic flight is indistinguishable for modern means radar. The creation of means of intercepting such missiles does not exist and is not even expected. In the United States, the implementation of the Prompt Global Strike program (Prompt Global Strike(PGS)), which will allow the US military to deliver pinpoint strikes on any region of the world within 60 minutes from the moment the decision is made. For us, this is an opportunity to fend off this threat with a weapon that can reach any target in the oceans or in America with the same speed. In August 2014, the Americans launched the X-43A hypersonic missile from the Kodiak training ground in Alaska. Gaining speed of about 6.5 thousand km / h, after seven seconds of operation, the device burned out in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, Washington called this flight a success: the car demonstrated the ability to gain the required acceleration. In December 2015, the NPO Mashinostroeniya, followed by the Ministry of Defense, also reported “on testing a certain missile” at a test site near Arkhangelsk.
Which one, the managers of the joint Russian-Indian venture BrahMos Aerospace Limited have already said. Taking as a basis the Russian supersonic missile P-800 "Onyx" / "Yakhont", the company created its Indian analogue "BrahMos". The representative of the company, Pravin Patak, said that the hypersonic BrahMos-2 has been created and is being tested in India. It is easy to assume that if there is an Indian, then there is a Russian version of such a missile. This can be judged from even earlier information in the corporate newspaper of NPO Mashinostroeniya Tribuna VPK, which reported that back in 2011, in one of the directorates, a group of chief designers was created on the topic 3M22 - an interspecific missile system with a hypersonic anti-ship operational missile "Zirkon ".
So what is Zircon? This can be judged from the information of the same BrahMos Aerospace Limited. At one of the international exhibitions, they showed the BrahMos-2 model: a flattened spatulate nose, chopped forms of the hull itself. The rocket is two-staged: the first is a powder booster, the second is a liquid-propellant jet engine. Honorary General Director and Honorary General Designer of JSC VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Herbert Efremov, in his interview with Izvestia, explained that "chopped forms" and "shovel-shaped nose" products are necessary to ensure the normal rate of fuel burning in the engine. During hypersonic flight, it is impossible to ensure this process without reducing the speed of the air entering the combustion chamber to the supersonic threshold. Therefore, as the designer noted, only liquid-propellant jet engines can provide long-term hypersonic flight. The TASS report and the comments of the Ministry of Defense say nothing about the test parameters, during which eight Machs were achieved. Did this flight take seconds or minutes, how far did the car fly, was this flight controlled or not? The veil of secrecy remains over Zircon. Although it is already known that a number of Russian ships received universal launchers of the "revolving type" 3S-14. They are designed to accommodate and launch anti-ship cruise missiles 3M-55 "Onyx" and long-range 3M-54 "Caliber". "Zircon" is replacing them, from which it can be concluded that in 2018 new rocket will receive several types of Russian surface and submarine ships and coastal missile systems at once.
These can be heavy nuclear cruisers of the 1144th project of the Orlan type. The head cruiser of this project, Admiral Nakhimov, is already being upgraded at the Severodvinsk Zvezdochka enterprise. According to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, a decision has been made to modernize four of the eight Project 949 nuclear submarines in the Navy for the deployment of Onyxes and Calibers.
The work will be carried out at the Zvezda plant in the Far East, located in Bolshoi Kamen Bay. The launchers of supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles "Granit" (according to NATO classification SS-N-19 Shipwreck - "Shipwreck") located on the sides of the submarines will be replaced with new launchers. This will allow not only to increase the ship's ammunition from 24 to 72 missiles, but also to place new weapons on it. By analogy with surface and submarine cruisers, the Zircon will also be used by Bastion coastal missile systems with Onyx missiles. There is no doubt that the Russian-Indian BrahMos Aerospace Limited will integrate the new missile into the armament of the Su-30MKI fighter. Testing of the vehicle with the BrahMos missile began last year.

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