Torpedo weapon. Modern torpedo: what is and what will be

From their very first appearance in the theater of operations, submarines have demonstrated their most formidable weapon: self-propelled mines or, as we know them better, torpedoes. Now new submarines are coming into service with the Russian fleet, and they need new modern weapons. And it is already ready: the latest deep-sea torpedoes "Case".

In the last article with infographics, we talked about the new Russian submarine-launched ballistic missile carrier (PARB). This is the latest ship, equipped with a number of innovations, both in design and equipment, and in armament.

First of all, this, of course, is the R-30 Bulava ballistic missile. For the sake of this rocket, the Borey project was created. However, the submarine missile carrier also has the traditional submarine weapon with which this type of warship was born: torpedo tubes.

A bit of history

I must say that Russia was one of the founders of a new type of underwater weapons. This also applies to sea mines, and torpedoes, and actually submarines. The world's first successful mining was carried out by us during the Crimean War. Then, in 1854, the approaches to Kronstadt and part of the mouth of the Neva were mined. As a result, several English frigate steamers were damaged, and the Allied attempt to attack St. Petersburg failed.

One of the first people who expressed the idea of ​​creating a “self-propelled naval projectile” was an Italian engineer at the beginning of the 15th century. Giovanni da Fontana. In principle, this idea was then implemented in the form of the so-called "fireships" - sailing ships stuffed with gunpowder and flammable materials, which were sent under sail to the enemy squadron.

Later, when the sail began to be replaced by a steam engine, the term torpedo to refer to naval ammunition was used at the beginning of the 19th century by the creator of one of the first steamships and the submarine project Robert Fulton.

However, the first workable working model of a torpedo was created by a Russian engineer and inventor, artist and photographer. Ivan Fyodorovich Alexandrovsky. By the way, in addition to a torpedo and a submarine with compressed air engines (a principle that has become one of the main mines over the next 50 years), which Ivan Fedorovich created in 1865 and 1866 at the Baltic Shipyard, the Russian engineer was known for a number of inventions in photography . Including the principle of stereoscopic shooting.

The following year, 1868, an English engineer Robert Whitehead the first industrial design of the torpedo was created, which began to be mass-produced and entered service with many fleets of the world under the name "Whitehead torpedo".

However, the British themselves were not very lucky with the torpedo at first. The first time the English fleet used a torpedo was in the battle in Pacocha Bay, when two English ships - the wooden corvette "Amethyst" and the flagship - the frigate "Shah" attacked the Peruvian armored monitor "Huascar". The Peruvian sailors were not distinguished by great experience in maritime affairs, but they easily evaded the torpedo.

And again the palm turned out to be in Russia. January 14, 1878 as a result of an operation led by Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov against the Turkish fleet in the Batum region, two boats, "Chesma" and "Sinop", launched from the mine transport "Grand Duke Konstantin", sank the Turkish steamer "Intibakh". It was the first successful torpedo attack in the world.

From that moment on, torpedoes began their triumphant march in the maritime theaters of operations. The firing range reached tens of kilometers, the speed exceeded the speed of the fastest submarines and surface ships, with the exception of ekranoplans (but this is more of a low-flying aircraft than a ship). Of the unguided torpedoes, they first became stabilized (floating according to the program, using gyrocompasses), and then both guided and homing.

They were placed not only on submarines and surface ships, but also on aircraft, missiles and coastal installations. Torpedoes had a wide variety of calibers, from 254 to 660 mm (the most common caliber is 533 mm) and carried up to half a ton of explosives.

It is noteworthy that the most powerful torpedo in the world was developed in the USSR. The first Soviet nuclear submarines of project 627 were supposed to be armed with truly gigantic T-15 torpedoes, caliber 1550 (!) mm with a nuclear warhead.

By the way, the idea of ​​these torpedoes was proposed by the well-known fighter for peace and against totalitarianism, academician Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov. According to his humanistic thought, T-15 torpedoes were supposed to deliver super-powerful thermonuclear charges (100 megatons) to enemy naval bases in order to cause a tsunami there, which would sweep away the entire coastal strip and could potentially destroy cities like San Francisco or most of Atlanta.

Amazingly, after reviewing the calculations of the destruction that these torpedoes could cause, the admirals of the Soviet fleet dismissed this idea in the bud as inhuman. According to legend, the commander of the USSR fleet, Admiral of the Fleet Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov said then that he was "a sailor, not an executioner."

And yet, torpedoes, despite their considerable age, remain in service as a type of military equipment.

Why do we need torpedoes

If submarines need missiles to hit targets, mainly on the coast, then for naval duels you can’t do without torpedoes and missile torpedoes (a multi-stage missile that launches along an air trajectory, and hits the target with its head stage already under water in torpedo mode ).

New boats need new weapons, and now the Russian Navy is testing a new torpedo "Case". This is a long-range deep sea torpedo. It moves at a depth of almost half a kilometer at a speed of about a hundred kilometers per hour and is able to reach a target at a distance of up to 50 kilometers. The target can also be surface - the torpedo is universal. But the main target is enemy hunter boats - the main enemies of submarine missile carriers.

The new torpedo is designed to replace the universal deep-sea homing torpedo (UGST) of the Physicist project. In fact, "Case" is a further improvement of the "Physicist" project. The characteristics of both torpedoes, in principle, are close in numerical terms. However, there are also significant differences.

The development of the previous version of the universal deep-sea homing torpedo - "Physics" - was started back in the USSR in 1986. The torpedo was designed in St. Petersburg, at the Morteplotekhnika Research Institute. The "Physicist" was adopted in 2002, that is, after 16 years.

With the new torpedo "Case" everything happens much faster. Now it is undergoing state tests, and if positive results are obtained, it will go into service as early as this year 2016. Moreover, its serial production will be started in the next - 2017. The speed of development for this type of weaponry is enviable.

Boats of project 955 SSBN Borey and project 885 SSBN (with cruise missiles) Yasen will be armed with Cases. "Borey" has six bow 533-mm torpedo tubes, and "Ash" - ten of the same apparatus, but located vertically in the middle part of the hull.

Enemy weapon

And what about our sworn "friends"? In US service, the main long-range deep sea torpedo is the Gould Mark 48 torpedo. It has been in service since the late 70s. The American torpedo has a large launch depth - about 800 meters - and surpasses both "Physics" and "Case" in this indicator.

True, this characteristic sounds rather arbitrary than it matters in practice, since the maximum diving depth of the American boat of the Ohio series is 550 meters, and its potential target - the deepest of the Russian boats, the Yasen PLRK - has a maximum permissible diving depth of 600 meters. So at a depth of 800 meters, the Mark 48 torpedo can only hunt sperm whales.

But according to another characteristic, much more important - range, Mark 48 - is significantly inferior to the "Case". At a maximum speed of 55 knots (here the "Case" and Mark 48 are almost equal), the range of the American torpedo does not exceed 38 kilometers against 50 for the "Case". In order to fire a shot at a maximum distance of 50 km, the torpedo is forced to switch to an economical course of 40 knots. That is, reduce the speed by half.

But the main advantage of the "Case", about which, due to the high secrecy of the project, there are more rumors than real data, is the complex for overcoming the anti-torpedo protection of enemy warships. The fact is that torpedoes can be dealt with in two ways: by jamming and launching so-called anti-torpedoes and trap targets (often these are also special torpedoes) that imitate the acoustic, hydrodynamic, magnetic and thermal underwater picture of a real walking warship. Apparently, the "Case" will be able to bypass these levels of protection.

It is not yet known exactly what exactly this complex includes, for sure these are passive means that help to build up guidance means from interference, but apparently also means of electronic suppression. Perhaps the "Case" will not only not be confused in false targets, but will itself be able to set such traps for enemy anti-torpedoes.

While we do not know exactly what is hidden in the new "Case". But we can confidently say one thing: there is nothing pleasant for our potential adversary there.

This is clearly not a NATO birthday present.

Currently, there is a serious increase in the backlog of Russia in the design and development of torpedo weapons. For a long time, the situation was at least somehow smoothed out by the presence in Russia of the Shkval missile-torpedoes adopted in service in 1977, since 2005 similar weapons have appeared in Germany. There is information that the German Barracuda missile-torpedoes are capable of reaching speeds greater than the Shkval, but so far Russian torpedoes of this type are more widespread. In general, conventional Russian torpedoes lag behind their foreign counterparts by 20-30 years.

The main manufacturer of torpedoes in Russia is OJSC Concern Morskoe Underwater - Gidropribor. This enterprise during the international naval show in 2009 ("IMDS-2009") presented its developments to the public, in particular 533 mm. universal remote-controlled electric torpedo TE-2. This torpedo is designed to destroy modern ships and enemy submarines in any area of ​​the World Ocean.

The torpedo has the following characteristics: length with a coil (without a coil) of remote control - 8300 (7900) mm, total weight - 2450 kg., Weight of warhead - 250 kg. The torpedo is capable of speeds from 32 to 45 knots at a range of 15 and 25 km, respectively, and has a service life of 10 years.

The torpedo is equipped with an acoustic homing system (active for surface targets and active-passive for underwater) and non-contact electromagnetic fuses, as well as a fairly powerful electric motor with a noise reduction device.

The torpedo can be installed on submarines and ships of various types and, at the request of the customer, is made in three different versions. The first TE-2-01 assumes mechanical, and the second TE-2-02 electrical input of data on the detected target. The third version of the TE-2 torpedo has smaller weight and size indicators with a length of 6.5 meters and is intended for use on NATO-style submarines, for example, on German Project 209 submarines.

The TE-2-02 torpedo was specially developed for arming Bars-class nuclear multi-purpose submarines of project 971, which carry missile and torpedo weapons. There is information that such a nuclear submarine under the contract was purchased by the Indian Navy.

The saddest thing is that such a torpedo already now does not meet a number of requirements for such weapons, and is also inferior in its technical characteristics to foreign counterparts. All modern western-made torpedoes, and even the new Chinese-made torpedo weapons, have hose remote control. On domestic torpedoes, a towed coil is used - a rudiment of almost 50 years ago. Which actually puts our submarines under fire from the enemy with much greater effective firing distances. Not one of the domestic torpedoes presented at the IMDS-2009 exhibition did not have a telecontrol hose reel, all of them were towed. In turn, all modern torpedoes are equipped with a fiber-optic guidance system, which is located on board the submarine, and not on the torpedo, which minimizes interference from decoys.

For example, a modern American remote-controlled long-range torpedo Mk-48, designed to destroy high-speed underwater and surface targets, is capable of speeds up to 55 and 40 knots at distances of 38 and 50 kilometers, respectively ( at the same time, evaluate the capabilities of the domestic torpedo TE-2 45 and 32 knots at ranges of 15 and 25 km). The American torpedo is equipped with a multiple attack system that is triggered when the torpedo loses its target. The torpedo is capable of independently detecting, capturing and attacking the target. The electronic filling of the torpedo is configured in such a way that it allows you to hit enemy submarines in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe command post located behind the torpedo room.

Rocket-torpedo "Shkval"

The only positive moment at the moment can be considered the transition in the Russian fleet from thermal to electric torpedoes and rocket-fueled weapons, which are an order of magnitude more resistant to all kinds of cataclysms. Recall that the nuclear submarine "Kursk" with 118 crew members on board, which died in the Barents Sea in August 2000, sank as a result of the explosion of a thermal torpedo. Now torpedoes of the class that the Kursk submarine missile carrier was armed with have already been taken out of production and are not in operation.

The most likely development of torpedo weapons in the coming years will be the improvement of the so-called cavitating torpedoes (aka rocket torpedoes). Their distinctive feature is a nose disk with a diameter of about 10 cm, which creates an air bubble in front of the torpedo, which helps to reduce water resistance and allows achieving acceptable accuracy at high speed. An example of such torpedoes is the domestic Shkval missile-torpedo with a diameter of 533 mm, which is capable of speeds up to 360 km / h, the mass of the warhead is 210 kg, the torpedo does not have a homing system.

The spread of this type of torpedoes is hindered, not least by the fact that at high speeds of their movement it is difficult to decipher hydroacoustic signals for controlling a rocket-torpedo. Such torpedoes use a jet engine instead of a propeller, which in turn makes it difficult to control them; some types of such torpedoes can only move in a straight line. There is evidence that work is currently underway to create a new Shkval model, which will receive a homing system and an increased warhead weight.

Torpedo missiles are the main destructive means for destroying enemy submarines. For a long time, the Soviet Shkval torpedo, which is still in service with the Russian Naval Forces, was distinguished by its original design and unsurpassed technical characteristics for a long time.

The history of the development of the Shkval jet torpedo

The world's first torpedo, relatively suitable for combat use against stationary ships, was designed and even made in artisanal conditions by the Russian inventor I.F. Alexandrovsky. His "self-propelled mine" was for the first time in history equipped with an air motor and a hydrostat (depth control).

But at first, the head of the relevant department, Admiral N.K. Crabbe considered the development "premature", and later they refused mass production and adoption of the domestic "torpedo", preferring the Whitehead torpedo.

This weapon was first introduced by the English engineer Robert Whitehead in 1866, and five years later, after improvement, it entered service with the Austro-Hungarian fleet. The Russian Empire armed its fleet with torpedoes in 1874.

Since then, torpedoes and launchers have been increasingly distributed and modernized. Over time, special warships arose - destroyers, for which torpedo weapons were the main ones.

The first torpedoes were equipped with pneumatic or combined-cycle engines, developed a relatively low speed, and on the march left a distinct trail, noticing which the sailors had time to make a maneuver - to dodge. Only German designers managed to create an underwater rocket on an electric motor before World War II.

Advantages of torpedoes over anti-ship missiles:

  • more massive / powerful warhead;
  • more destructive for a floating target, the energy of the explosion;
  • immunity to weather conditions - no storms and waves interfere with torpedoes;
  • a torpedo is more difficult to destroy or knock off course with interference.

The need to improve submarines and torpedo weapons was dictated to the Soviet Union by the United States with its excellent air defense system, which made the American navy almost invulnerable to bomber aircraft.

The design of a torpedo that exceeds existing domestic and foreign models in speed due to a unique principle of operation started in the 1960s. The design work was carried out by specialists from the Moscow Research Institute No. 24, later (after the USSR) reorganized into the notorious State Research and Production Enterprise "Region". The development was supervised by G.V. Logvinovich - since 1967 Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. According to other sources, the group of designers was headed by I.L. Merkulov.

In 1965, a new weapon was first tested on Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, after which the Shkval system was refined for more than ten years. The designers were tasked with making the torpedo missile universal, that is, designed for arming both submarines and surface ships. It was also required to maximize the speed of movement.

The adoption of the torpedo into service under the name VA-111 Shkval dates back to 1977. Further, the engineers continued to modernize it and create modifications, including the famous Shkval-E, developed in 1992 specifically for export.

Initially, the submarine missile was devoid of a homing system, equipped with a 150 kiloton nuclear warhead capable of inflicting damage on the enemy up to the elimination of an aircraft carrier with all weapons and escort ships. Soon there were variations with a conventional warhead.

The purpose of this torpedo

Being a rocket-propelled missile weapon, Shkval is designed to strike at underwater and surface targets. First of all, these are enemy submarines, ships and boats, and shooting at coastal infrastructure is also possible.

Shkval-E, equipped with a conventional (high-explosive) warhead, is capable of effectively hitting only surface targets.

The design of the torpedo Shkval

The developers of Shkval sought to realize the idea of ​​​​an underwater missile, from which no large enemy ship could dodge by any maneuver. To do this, it was necessary to reach a speed indicator of 100 m / s, or at least 360 km / h.

The team of designers managed to realize what seemed impossible - to create an underwater jet-powered torpedo weapon that successfully overcomes water resistance due to movement in supercavitation.

Unique high-speed indicators became a reality primarily due to the double hydrojet engine, including the starting and marching parts. The first gives the rocket the most powerful impulse at launch, the second maintains the speed of movement.

The starting engine is liquid-fuel, it takes Shkval out of the torpedo complex and immediately undocks.

Sustainer - solid propellant, using sea water as an oxidizer-catalyst, which allows the rocket to move without propellers in the rear.

Supercavitation is the movement of a solid object in an aquatic environment with the formation of a "cocoon" around it, inside of which there is only water vapor. Such a bubble significantly reduces the resistance of water. It is inflated and supported by a special cavitator containing a gas generator for boosting gases.

A homing torpedo hits a target with the help of an appropriate propulsion engine control system. Without homing, Flurry hits a point according to the coordinates set at the start. Neither the submarine nor the large ship has time to leave the indicated point, since both are much inferior to the weapon in terms of speed.

Lack of homing theoretically does not guarantee 100% hit accuracy, however, the enemy can knock a homing missile off course using missile defense devices, and a non-homing missile follows the target, despite such obstacles.

The shell of the rocket is made of the strongest steel, which can withstand the enormous pressure that Flurry experiences on the march.


Tactical and technical indicators of the Shkval torpedo missile:

  • Caliber - 533.4 mm;
  • Length - 8 meters;
  • Weight - 2700 kg;
  • The power of a nuclear warhead is 150 kt of TNT;
  • The mass of a conventional warhead is 210 kg;
  • Speed ​​- 375 km / h;
  • The radius of action - for the old torpedo is about 7 kilometers / for the upgraded to 13 km.

Differences (features) TTX Shkval-E:

  • Length - 8.2 m;
  • Travel range - up to 10 kilometers;
  • Depth of travel - 6 meters;
  • Warhead - only high-explosive;
  • Type of launch - surface or underwater;
  • The depth of the underwater launch is up to 30 meters.

The torpedo is called supersonic, but this is not entirely true, since it moves under water without reaching the speed of sound.

Pros and cons of a torpedo

Advantages of a hydrojet torpedo rocket:

  • Unparalleled speed on the march, providing virtually guaranteed overcoming of any defense system of the enemy fleet and the destruction of a submarine or surface ship;
  • A powerful high-explosive charge - strikes even the largest warships, and a nuclear warhead is capable of sinking the entire aircraft carrier group with one blow;
  • Suitability of a hydrojet missile system for installation in surface ships and submarines.

Flurry Disadvantages:

  • the high cost of weapons - about 6 million US dollars;
  • accuracy - leaves much to be desired;
  • strong noise made on the march, combined with vibration, instantly unmasks the submarine;
  • a short range reduces the survivability of the ship or submarine from which the missile was launched, especially when using a torpedo with a nuclear warhead.

In fact, the cost of launching Shkval includes not only the production of the torpedo itself, but also the submarine (ship), and the value of manpower in the amount of the entire crew.

The range of less than 14 km is the main disadvantage.

In modern naval combat, launching from such a distance is a suicidal act for the crew of a submarine. Naturally, only a destroyer or a frigate is capable of dodging the “fan” of launched torpedoes, but it is hardly realistic for the submarine (ship) itself to escape from the attack site in the area of ​​​​operation of carrier-based aviation and the aircraft carrier support group.

Experts even admit that the Shkval submarine missile can be withdrawn from use today due to the listed serious shortcomings that seem insurmountable.

Possible modifications

Modernization of a hydrojet torpedo is one of the most important tasks for weapon designers for the Russian Navy. Therefore, work to improve the Flurry was not completely curtailed even in the crisis of the nineties.

There are currently at least three modified "supersonic" torpedoes.

  1. First of all, this is the export variation of Shkval-E mentioned above, designed specifically for production with the aim of selling abroad. Unlike a standard torpedo, the Eshka is not designed to be equipped with a nuclear warhead and destroy underwater military targets. In addition, this variation is characterized by a shorter range - 10 km versus 13 for the modernized Shkval, which is produced for the Russian Navy. Shkval-E is used only with launch systems unified with Russian ships. Work on the design of modified variations for the launch systems of individual customers is still "in progress";
  2. Shkval-M is an improved version of the hydrojet torpedo missile, completed in 2010, with better range and warhead weight. The latter has been increased to 350 kilograms, and the range is just over 13 km. Design work to improve weapons does not stop.
  3. In 2013, an even more advanced one, Shkval-M2, was designed. Both variations with the letter "M" are strictly classified, there is almost no information about them.

Foreign analogues

For a long time, there were no analogues of the Russian hydrojet torpedo. Only in 2005 the German company presented a product under the name "Barracuda". According to representatives of the manufacturer - Diehl BGT Defense, the novelty is able to move at a slightly higher speed due to increased supercavitation. "Barracuda" has passed a series of tests, but its launch into production has not yet taken place.

In May 2014, the commander of the Iranian navy stated that his branch of service also possesses underwater torpedo weapons, which supposedly move at speeds up to 320 km/h. However, there has been no further information confirming or refuting this statement.

It is also known about the presence of the American HSUW (High-Speed ​​Undersea Weapon) submarine missile, the principle of which is based on the phenomenon of supercavitation. But this development so far exists exclusively in the project. So far, not a single foreign Navy has a ready-made analogue of Shkval in service.

Do you agree with the opinion that Flurries are practically useless in modern naval combat? What do you think of the rocket torpedo described here? Perhaps you have your own information about analogues? Share in the comments, we are always grateful for your feedback.

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Lend-Lease. In the post-war years, the developers of torpedoes in the USSR managed to significantly improve their combat qualities, as a result of which the performance characteristics of Soviet-made torpedoes were significantly improved.

Torpedoes of the Russian fleet of the XIX century

Alexandrovsky torpedo

In 1862, Russian inventor Ivan Fedorovich Aleksandrovsky designed the first Russian submarine with a pneumatic engine. Initially, the boat was supposed to be armed with two linked mines, which were to be released when the boat sails under an enemy ship and, as it floats, cover its hull. It was planned to detonate mines using an electric remote fuse.
The significant complexity and danger of such an attack forced Aleksandrovsky to develop a different type of weapon. For this purpose, he designs an underwater self-propelled projectile, similar in design to a submarine, but smaller and with an automatic control mechanism. Aleksandrovsky refers to his projectile as a "self-propelled torpedo", although "self-propelled mine" later became the common expression in the Russian navy.

Torpedo Aleksandrovsky 1875

Occupied with the construction of a submarine, Aleksandrovsky was able to start manufacturing his torpedo only in 1873, when Whitehead torpedoes had already begun to enter service. The first samples of Aleksandrovsky's torpedoes were tested in 1874 on the Eastern Kronstadt roadstead. The torpedoes had a cigar-shaped body made of 3.2 mm sheet steel. The 24-inch model had a diameter of 610 mm and a length of 5.82 m, the 22-inch model had 560 mm and 7.34 m, respectively. The weight of both options was about 1000 kg. The air for the pneumatic engine was pumped into a tank with a volume of 0.2 m3 under a pressure of up to 60 atmospheres. through a reduction gear, the air entered the single-cylinder engine directly connected to the tail rotor. The depth of travel was regulated by water ballast, the direction of travel was controlled by vertical rudders.

On tests under partial pressure in three launches, the 24-inch version covered a distance of 760 m, maintaining a depth of about 1.8 m. The speed at the first three hundred meters was 8 knots, at the end - 5 knots. Further tests showed that with high accuracy in maintaining the depth and direction of travel. The torpedo was too slow and could not reach speeds of more than 8 knots even in the 22-inch version.
The second sample of the Alexandrovsky torpedo was built in 1876 and had a more advanced two-cylinder engine, and instead of a ballast depth control system, a gyrostat was used to control the tail horizontal rudders. But when the torpedo was ready for testing, the Naval Ministry sent Aleksandrovsky to the Whitehead plant. After reviewing the characteristics of the Fiume torpedoes, Aleksandrovsky admitted that his torpedoes were significantly inferior to the Austrian ones and recommended that the fleet purchase competitor torpedoes.
In 1878, Whitehead's and Aleksandrovsky's torpedoes were subjected to comparative tests. The Russian torpedo showed a speed of 18 knots, losing only 2 knots to Whitehead's torpedo. In the conclusion of the testing commission, it was concluded that both torpedoes have a similar principle and combat qualities, but by that time the license for the production of torpedoes had already been acquired and the production of Aleksandrovsky torpedoes was considered inappropriate.

Torpedoes of the Russian fleet of the early twentieth century and the First World War

In 1871, Russia secured the lifting of the ban on keeping a navy in the Black Sea. The inevitability of war with Turkey forced the Naval Ministry to speed up the rearmament of the Russian fleet, so Robert Whitehead's proposal to acquire a license for the production of torpedoes of his design turned out to be most welcome. In November 1875, a contract was prepared for the purchase of 100 Whitehead torpedoes, designed specifically for the Russian Navy, as well as the exclusive right to use their designs. In Nikolaev and Kronstadt, special workshops were set up for the production of torpedoes under Whitehead's license. The first domestic torpedoes began to be produced in the autumn of 1878, after the start of the Russian-Turkish war.

Mine boat Chesma

On January 13, 1878, at 23:00, the mine transport "Grand Duke Konstantin" approached the Batum raid and two of the four mine boats departed from it: "Chesma" and "Sinop". Each boat was armed with a launch tube and a raft for launching and transporting Whitehead torpedoes. At about 02:00 on the night of January 14, the boats approached the Turkish gunboat Intibah, which was guarding the entrance to the bay, at a distance of 50-70 meters. Two launched torpedoes hit almost in the middle of the hull, the ship lay on board and quickly sank. "Chesma" and "Sinop" returned to the Russian mine transport without loss. This attack was the first successful use of torpedoes in world warfare.

Despite the repeated order of torpedoes in Fiume, the Naval Ministry organized the production of torpedoes at the Lessner boiler plant, the Obukhov plant and in the already existing workshops in Nikolaev and Kronstadt. By the end of the 19th century, up to 200 torpedoes per year were produced in Russia. Moreover, each batch of manufactured torpedoes without fail passed sighting tests, and only then entered service. In total, until 1917, there were 31 modifications of torpedoes in the Russian fleet.
Most of the torpedo models were modifications of Whitehead torpedoes, a small part of the torpedoes were supplied by the Schwarzkopf factories, and in Russia the designs of the torpedoes were being finalized. The inventor A. I. Shpakovsky, who collaborated with Aleksandrovsky, in 1878 proposed using a gyroscope to stabilize the course of a torpedo, not yet knowing that Whitehead's torpedoes were equipped with a similar "secret" device. In 1899, Lieutenant of the Russian Navy I. I. Nazarov proposed his own design of an alcohol heater. Lieutenant Danilchenko developed a project for a powder turbine for installation on torpedoes, and the mechanics Khudzinsky and Orlovsky subsequently improved its design, but the turbine was not accepted into serial production due to the low technological level of production.

Whitehead torpedo

Russian destroyers and destroyers with fixed torpedo tubes were equipped with Azarov's sights, and heavier ships equipped with rotary torpedo tubes were equipped with sights developed by the head of the mine part of the Baltic Fleet A. G. Niedermiller. In 1912, serial torpedo tubes "Erikson and Co." appeared with torpedo fire control devices designed by Mikhailov. Thanks to these devices, which were used in conjunction with Gertsik's sights, aimed shooting could be carried out from each apparatus. Thus, for the first time in the world, Russian destroyers could conduct group aimed fire at a single target, which made them the undisputed leaders even before the First World War.

In 1912, a unified designation began to be used to designate torpedoes, consisting of two groups of numbers: the first group is the rounded caliber of the torpedo in centimeters, the second group is the last two digits of the year of development. For example, type 45-12 stands for 450 mm torpedo developed in 1912.
The first completely Russian torpedo of the 1917 model of the 53-17 type did not have time to get into mass production and served as the basis for the development of the Soviet 53-27 torpedo.

The main technical characteristics of the torpedoes of the Russian fleet until 1917

Torpedoes of the Soviet Navy

combined-cycle torpedoes

The naval forces of the Red Army of the RSFSR were armed with torpedoes left over from the Russian fleet. The bulk of these torpedoes were models 45-12 and 45-15. The experience of the First World War showed that the further development of torpedoes requires an increase in their combat charge to 250 kilograms or more, so 533 mm caliber torpedoes were considered the most promising. Development of the Model 53-17 was discontinued after the closure of the Lessner factory in 1918. The design and testing of new torpedoes in the USSR was entrusted to the "Special Technical Bureau for Military Inventions for Special Purposes" - Ostekhbyuro, organized in 1921, headed by the inventor inventor Vladimir Ivanovich Bekauri. In 1926, the former Lessner plant, which received the name of the Dvigatel plant, was transferred as the industrial base of the Ostekhburo.

On the basis of the existing developments of models 53-17 and 45-12, the design of the 53-27 torpedo was started, which was tested in 1927. The torpedo was universal in terms of basing, but it had a large number of shortcomings, including a short autonomous range, which is why it entered service with large surface ships in limited quantities.

Torpedoes 53-38 and 45-36

Despite the difficulties in production, the production of torpedoes by 1938 was deployed at 4 plants: "Engine" and the name of Voroshilov in Leningrad, "Krasny Progress" in the Zaporozhye region and plant No. 182 in Makhachkala. Tests of torpedoes were carried out at three stations in Leningrad, Crimea and Dvigatelstroy (currently Kaspiysk). The torpedo was produced in versions 53-27k for submarines and 53-27k for torpedo boats.

In 1932, the USSR purchased several types of torpedoes from Italy, including a 21-inch model manufactured by the Fiume factory, which received the designation 53F. On the basis of the 53-27 torpedo, using separate units from the 53F, the 53-36 model was created, but its design was unsuccessful and only 100 copies of this torpedo were built in 2 years of production. More successful was the 53-38 model, which was essentially an adapted copy of the 53F. The 53-38 and its subsequent modifications, the 53-38U and 53-39, became the fastest torpedoes of World War II, along with the Japanese Type 95 Model 1 and the Italian W270/533.4 x 7.2 Veloce. The production of 533-mm torpedoes was deployed at the Dvigatel and No. 182 (Dagdiesel) factories.
On the basis of the Italian W200/450 x 5.75 torpedo (designation 45F in the USSR), the Mino-Torpedo Institute (NIMTI) created the 45-36N torpedo, designed for Novik-class destroyers and as a sub-caliber torpedo for 533-mm submarine torpedo tubes. The release of the 45-36N model was launched at the Krasny Progress plant.
In 1937, the Ostekhbyuro was liquidated, instead of it, the 17th Main Directorate was created in the People's Commissariat of the Defense Industry, which included TsKB-36 and TsKB-39, and in the People's Commissariat of the Navy - the Mine and Torpedo Directorate (MTU).
In TsKB-39, work was carried out to increase the explosive charge of 450-mm and 533-mm torpedoes, as a result of which elongated models 45-36NU and 53-38U began to enter service. In addition to increasing the lethality, the 45-36NU torpedoes were equipped with a non-contact passive magnetic fuse, the creation of which began in 1927 in the Ostekhbyuro. A feature of the 53-38U model was the use of a steering mechanism with a gyroscope, which made it possible to smoothly change the course after the launch, which made it possible to fire in a "fan".

USSR torpedo power plant

In 1939, on the basis of model 53-38, TsKB-39 began designing a CAT torpedo (self-guided acoustic torpedo). despite all efforts, the acoustic guidance system on the noisy steam-gas torpedo did not work. The work was stopped, but resumed after the delivery of captured samples of T-V homing torpedoes to the institute. German torpedoes were raised from the U-250 submerged near Vyborg. Despite the self-destruction mechanism that the Germans equipped their torpedoes with, they managed to be removed from the boat and delivered to TsKB-39. The institute compiled a detailed description of German torpedoes, which was handed over to Soviet designers, as well as to the British Admiralty.

The 53-39 torpedo, which entered service during the war, was a modification of the 53-38U model, but was produced in extremely limited quantities. Problems with production were associated with the evacuation of the Krasny Progress factories to Makhachkala, and then. together with "Dagdiesel" in Alma-Ata. Later, the 53-39 PM maneuvering torpedo was developed, designed to destroy ships moving in an anti-torpedo zigzag.
The post-war models 53-51 and 53-56V, equipped with maneuvering devices and an active non-contact magnetic fuse, were the last samples of combined-cycle torpedoes in the USSR.
In 1939, the first samples of torpedo engines were built based on twin six-stage counter-rotating turbines. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, these engines were tested near Leningrad on Lake Kopan.

Experimental, steam turbine and electric torpedoes

In 1936, an attempt was made to create a turbine-powered torpedo, which, according to calculations, had to achieve a speed of 90 knots, which was twice the speed of the fastest torpedoes of that time. It was planned to use nitric acid (oxidizer) and turpentine as fuel. The development received the code name AST - nitrogen-turpentine torpedo. On tests, the AST, equipped with a standard 53-38 torpedo piston engine, reached a speed of 45 knots with a cruising range of up to 12 km. But the creation of a turbine that could be placed in the torpedo hull proved impossible, and nitric acid was too aggressive for use in serial torpedoes.
To create a traceless torpedo, work was underway to study the possibility of using thermite in conventional combined cycle engines, but until 1941 it was not possible to achieve encouraging results.
To increase the power of engines, NIMTI carried out developments to equip conventional torpedo engines with an oxygen enrichment system. It was not possible to bring these works to the creation of real prototypes due to the extreme instability and explosiveness of the oxygen-air mixture.
Work on the creation of electric torpedoes turned out to be much more effective. The first sample of an electric motor for torpedoes was created in Ostekhbyuro in 1929. But the industry could not at that time provide sufficient power for battery torpedoes, so the creation of operating models of electric torpedoes began only in 1932. But even these samples did not suit the sailors due to the increased noise of the gearbox and the low efficiency of the electric motor manufactured by the Electrosila plant.

In 1936, thanks to the efforts of the Central Battery Laboratory, a powerful and compact V-1 lead-acid battery was provided to NIMTI. The Electrosila plant was ready for the production of the DP-4 birotational engine. Tests of the first Soviet electric torpedo were carried out in 1938 in Dvigatelstroy. Based on the results of these tests, a modernized V-6-P battery and an increased power PM5-2 electric motor were created. In TsKB-39, on the basis of this power and hull of the steam-air torpedo 53-38, the ET-80 torpedo was developed. Electric torpedoes were met by sailors without much enthusiasm, so the tests of the ET-80 dragged on and it began to enter service only in 1942, and thanks to the appearance of information about captured German G7e torpedoes. Initially, the production of ET-80 was deployed on the basis of the Dvigatel plant evacuated to Uralsk and them. K. E. Voroshilova.

Rocket torpedo RAT-52

In the postwar years, on the basis of the captured G7e and domestic ET-80, the production of ET-46 torpedoes was launched. Modifications ET-80 and ET-46 with an acoustic homing system received the designation SAET (homing acoustic electric torpedo) and SAET-2, respectively. The Soviet self-guided acoustic electric torpedo entered service in 1950 under the designation SAET-50, and in 1955 it was replaced by the SAET-50M model.

Back in 1894, N.I. Tikhomirov conducted experiments with self-propelled jet torpedoes. The GDL (Gas Dynamics Laboratory), founded in 1921, continued to work on the creation of jet vehicles, but later began to deal only with rocket technology. After the appearance of the M-8 and M-13 (RS-82 and RS-132) rockets, NII-3 was given the task of developing a rocket-propelled torpedo, but work really began only at the end of the war, at the Gidropribor Central Research Institute. The RT-45 model was created, and then its modified version RT-45-2 for arming torpedo boats. The RT-45-2 was planned to be equipped with a contact fuse, and its speed of 75 knots left little chance of evading its attack. After the end of the war, work on rocket torpedoes was continued as part of the Pike, Tema-U, Luch and other projects.

Aviation torpedoes

In 1916, the partnership of Shchetinin and Grigorovich began the construction of the world's first special seaplane-torpedo bomber GASN. After several test flights, the maritime department was ready to place an order for the construction of 10 GASN aircraft, but the outbreak of the revolution ruined these plans.
In 1921, circulating aircraft torpedoes based on the Whitehead model mod. 1910 type "L". With the formation of the Ostekhbyuro, work on the creation of such torpedoes was continued, they were designed to be dropped from an aircraft at an altitude of 2000-3000 m. Torpedoes were equipped with parachutes, which were dropped after splashdown and the torpedo began to move in a circle. In addition to torpedoes for high-altitude release, VVS-12 torpedoes (based on 45-12) and VVS-1 (based on 45-15) were tested, which were dropped from a height of 10-20 meters from the YuG-1 aircraft. In 1932, the first Soviet aviation torpedo TAB-15 (aircraft high-altitude torpedo throwing torpedo) was put into production, designed to be dropped from MDR-4 (MTB-1), ANT-44 (MTB-2), R-5T and float version TB-1 (MR-6). The TAB-15 torpedo (former VVS-15) became the world's first torpedo designed for high-altitude bombing and could circulate in a circle or an unfolding spiral.

Torpedo bomber R-5T

The VVS-12 went into mass production under the designation TAN-12 (aircraft low torpedo launching torpedo), which was intended to be dropped from a height of 10-20 m at a speed of no more than 160 km / h. Unlike the high-altitude one, the TAN-12 torpedo was not equipped with a device for maneuvering after being dropped. A distinctive feature of the TAN-12 torpedoes was the suspension system at a predetermined angle, which ensured the optimal entry of the torpedo into the water without the use of a bulky air stabilizer.

In addition to 450-mm torpedoes, work was underway on the creation of 533 mm caliber aircraft torpedoes, which received the designation TAN-27 and TAV-27 for high-altitude and conventional discharge, respectively. The SU torpedo had a caliber of 610 mm and was equipped with a light-signal trajectory control device, and the most powerful aircraft torpedo was the SU torpedo of 685 mm caliber with a charge of 500 kg, which was intended to destroy battleships.
In the 1930s, aircraft torpedoes continued to improve. The TAN-12A and TAN-15A models featured a lightweight parachute system and entered service under the designations 45-15AVO and 45-12AN.

IL-4T with torpedo 45-36AVA.

On the basis of ship-based torpedoes 45-36, NIMTI of the Navy designed aircraft torpedoes 45-36АВА (Alferov high-altitude aviation) and 45-36AN (low-altitude aviation torpedo throwing). Both torpedoes began to enter service in 1938-1939. if there were no problems with the high-altitude torpedo, then the introduction of the 45-36AN met a number of problems associated with dropping. The basic DB-3T torpedo bomber was equipped with a bulky and imperfect T-18 suspension device. By 1941, only a few crews had mastered dropping torpedoes using the T-18. In 1941, a combat pilot, Major Sagayduk developed an air stabilizer, which consisted of four boards reinforced with metal strips. In 1942, the AN-42 air stabilizer developed by the NIMTI Navy was adopted, which was a 1.6 m long pipe that was dropped after the torpedo splashed down. Thanks to the use of stabilizers, it was possible to increase the drop height to 55 m, and the speed to 300 km/h. During the war years, the 45-36AN model became the main aviation torpedo of the USSR, which was equipped with the T-1 (ANT-41), ANT-44, DB-3T, Il-2T, Il-4T, R-5T and Tu-2T torpedo bombers.

RAT-52 rocket torpedo suspension on Il-28T

In 1945, a light and efficient CH-45 annular stabilizer was developed, which made it possible to drop torpedoes at any angle from a height of up to 100 m at a speed of up to 400 km/h. Modified torpedoes with a CH-45 stabilizer received the designation 45-36AM. and in 1948 they were replaced by the 45-36ANU model, equipped with the Orbi device. Thanks to this device, the torpedo could maneuver and reach the target at a predetermined angle, which was determined by an aircraft sight and introduced into the torpedo.

In 1949, the development of experimental rocket-propelled torpedoes Shchuka-A and Shchuka-B, equipped with liquid propellant rocket engines, was carried out. Torpedoes could be dropped from a height of up to 5000 m, after which the rocket engine was turned on and the torpedo could fly up to 40 km, and then dive into the water. In fact, these torpedoes were a symbiosis of a rocket and a torpedo. Shchuka-A was equipped with a radio guidance system, Shchuka-B was equipped with radar homing. In 1952, on the basis of these experimental developments, the RAT-52 jet aircraft torpedo was created and put into service.
The last combined-cycle aviation torpedoes of the USSR were 45-54VT (high-altitude parachute) and 45-56NT for low-altitude release.

The main technical characteristics of the torpedoes of the USSR

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation



for independent work

by discipline


Torpedo weapons: guidelines for independent work on the discipline "Combat weapons of the fleet and their combat use" / Comp.: ,; St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", 20 p.

Designed for students of all profiles of training.


editorial and publishing council of the university

as guidelines

From the history of development and combat use

torpedo weapons

Appearance at the beginning of the 19th century armored ships with thermal engines exacerbated the need to create weapons that hit the most vulnerable underwater part of the ship. A sea mine that appeared in the 40s became such a weapon. However, it had a significant drawback: it was positional (passive).

The world's first self-propelled mine was created in 1865 by a Russian inventor.

In 1866, the project of a self-propelled underwater projectile was developed by the Englishman R. Whitehead, who worked in Austria. He also proposed to name the projectile by the name of the sea stingray - "torpedo". Having failed to establish their own production, the Russian Naval Department in the 70s purchased a batch of Whitehead torpedoes. They covered a distance of 800 m at a speed of 17 knots and carried a charge of pyroxylin weighing 36 kg.

The world's first successful torpedo attack was carried out by the commander of a Russian military ship, a lieutenant (later - vice admiral) on January 26, 1878. At night, during heavy snowfall in the Batumi roadstead, two boats launched from the steamer approached the Turkish ship 50 m and simultaneously released torpedo. The ship quickly sank with almost the entire crew.

A fundamentally new torpedo weapon changed the views on the nature of armed struggle at sea - from pitched battles, the fleets moved on to systematic combat operations.

Torpedoes of the 70-80s of the XIX century. had a significant drawback: not having control devices in the horizontal plane, they strongly deviated from the set course and shooting at a distance of more than 600 m was ineffective. In 1896, Lieutenant of the Austrian Navy L. Aubry proposed the first sample of a gyroscopic course device with a spring winding, which kept the torpedo on course for 3-4 minutes. On the agenda was the issue of increasing the range.

In 1899, a lieutenant of the Russian fleet invented a heating apparatus in which kerosene was burned. Compressed air, before being fed into the cylinders of the working machine, was heated up and already did a lot of work. The introduction of heating increased the range of torpedoes to 4000 m at speeds up to 30 knots.

In the First World War, 49% of the total number of large ships sunk fell on torpedo weapons.

In 1915, a torpedo was first used from an aircraft.

The Second World War accelerated the testing and adoption of torpedoes with proximity fuses (NV), homing systems (SSN) and electrical power plants.

In subsequent years, despite the equipment of the fleets with the latest nuclear missile weapons, torpedoes have not lost their significance. Being the most effective anti-submarine weapon, they are in service with all classes of surface ships (NK), submarines (submarine) and naval aviation, and have also become the main element of modern anti-submarine missiles (PLUR) and an integral part of many models of modern sea mines. A modern torpedo is a complex single set of systems for movement, movement control, homing and non-contact charge detonation, created on the basis of modern achievements in science and technology.


1.1. Purpose, composition and placement of complexes

torpedo weapons on the ship

Torpedo weapons (TO) are intended for:

To destroy submarines (PL), surface ships (NK)

Destruction of hydraulic and port facilities.

For these purposes, torpedoes are used, which are in service with surface ships, submarines and aircraft (helicopters) of naval aviation. In addition, they are used as warheads for anti-submarine missiles and mine torpedoes.

A torpedo weapon is a complex that includes:

Ammunition for torpedoes of one or more types;

Torpedo launchers - torpedo tubes (TA);

Torpedo fire control devices (PUTS);

The complex is complemented by equipment designed for loading and unloading torpedoes, as well as devices for monitoring their condition during storage on the carrier.

The number of torpedoes in the ammunition load, depending on the type of carrier, is:

On NK - from 4 to 10;

On the submarine - from 14-16 to 22-24.

On domestic NKs, the entire stock of torpedoes is placed in torpedo tubes installed on board on large ships, and in the diametrical plane on medium and small ships. These TAs are swivel, which ensures their guidance in the horizontal plane. On torpedo boats, TAs are fixed on board and are non-guided (stationary).

On nuclear submarines, torpedoes are stored in the first (torpedo) compartment in TA pipes (4-8), and spare ones are stored on racks.

On most diesel-electric submarines, the torpedo compartments are the first and the end.

PUTS - a set of instruments and communication lines - is located at the main command post of the ship (GKP), the command post of the commander of the mine-torpedo warhead (BCh-3) and on torpedo tubes.

1.2. Torpedo classification

Torpedoes can be classified in a number of ways.

1. By purpose:

Against submarines - anti-submarine;

NK - anti-ship;

NK and PL are universal.

2. By media:

For submarines - boat;

NK - ship;

PL and NK - unified;

Aircraft (helicopters) - aviation;

anti-submarine missiles;

Min - torpedoes.

3. By type of power plant (EPS):

combined-cycle (thermal);



4. By control methods:

With autonomous control (AU);

Self-guided (SN + AU);

Remote controlled (TU + AU);

With combined control (AU + SN + TU).

5. By type of fuse:

With a contact fuse (KV);

With proximity fuse (HB);

With combined fuse (KV+NV).

6. By caliber:

400 mm; 533 mm; 650 mm.

Torpedoes of caliber 400 mm are called small-sized, 650 mm - heavy. Most foreign small-sized torpedoes have a caliber of 324 mm.

7. By travel modes:

Single mode;


The regime in a torpedo is its speed and the maximum range corresponding to this speed. In a dual-mode torpedo, depending on the type of target and the tactical situation, modes can be switched in the direction of travel.

1.3. Main parts of torpedoes

Any torpedo structurally consists of four parts (Figure 1.1). The head part is a combat charging compartment (BZO). Here are placed: an explosive charge (BB), ignition accessory, contact and proximity fuse. The head of the homing equipment is attached to the front cut of the BZO.

Mixed blasting substances with a TNT equivalent of 1.6-1.8 are used as explosives in torpedoes. The mass of explosives, depending on the caliber of the torpedo, is 30-80 kg, 240-320 kg and up to 600 kg, respectively.

The middle part of the electric torpedo is called the battery compartment, which, in turn, is divided into battery and instrument compartments. Here are located: energy sources - a battery of batteries, elements of ballasts, a high-pressure air cylinder and an electric motor.

In a steam-gas torpedo, a similar component is called the department of energy components and ballasts. It houses containers with fuel, oxidizer, fresh water and a heat engine - an engine.

The third component of any type of torpedo is called the aft compartment. It has a conical shape and contains motion control devices, power sources and converters, as well as the main elements of the pneumohydraulic circuit.

The fourth component of the torpedo is attached to the rear section of the aft compartment - the tail section, ending with propellers: propellers or a jet nozzle.

On the tail section are vertical and horizontal stabilizers, and on the stabilizers - the controls for the movement of the torpedo - the rudders.

1.4. Purpose, classification, basics of the device

and principles of operation of torpedo tubes

Torpedo tubes (TA) are launchers and are intended for:

For storing torpedoes on a carrier;

Introduction to torpedo locating motion control devices

data (shooting data);

Giving the torpedo the direction of the initial movement

(in rotary TA of submarines);

Production of a torpedo shot;

Submarine torpedo tubes can also be used as launchers for anti-submarine missiles, as well as for storing and laying sea mines.

TAs are classified according to a number of criteria:

1) at the place of installation:

2) according to the degree of mobility:

Rotary (only on NK),


3) by the number of pipes:

single pipe,

Multi-pipe (only on NK);

4) by caliber:

Small (400 mm, 324 mm),

Medium (533 mm),

Large (650 mm);

5) according to the method of firing


Hydraulic (on modern submarines),

Powder (on small NK).

The TA device of a surface ship is shown in Figure 1.2. Inside the TA pipe, along its entire length, there are four guide tracks.

Inside the TA pipe (Fig. 1.3), there are four guide tracks along its entire length.

The distance between opposite tracks corresponds to the caliber of the torpedo. In front of the pipe there are two obturating rings, the inner diameter of which is also equal to the caliber of the torpedo. The rings prevent the breakthrough of the working fluid (air, water, gas) supplied to the rear of the pipe to push the torpedo out of the torpedo.

For all TAs, each tube has an independent device for firing a shot. At the same time, the possibility of salvo fire from several devices with an interval of 0.5 - 1 s is provided. The shot can be fired remotely from the ship's GCP or directly from the TA, manually.

The torpedo is fired by applying excess pressure to the aft part of the torpedo, providing a torpedo exit speed of ~ 12 m/s.

TA submarine - stationary, single-tube. The number of TAs in the torpedo compartment of the submarine is six or four. Each unit has a strong back and front cover, locked with each other. This makes it impossible to open the back cover while the front cover is open and vice versa. Preparing the apparatus for firing includes filling it with water, equalizing the pressure with the outboard and opening the front cover.

In the first TA submarines, the air pushing the torpedo out of the pipe and floated to the surface, forming a large air bubble that unmasked the submarine. Currently, all submarines are equipped with a bubbleless torpedo firing system (BTS). The principle of operation of this system is that after the torpedo passes 2/3 of the length of the torpedo, a valve automatically opens in its front part, through which the exhaust air enters the hold of the torpedo compartment.

On modern submarines, hydraulic firing systems are installed to reduce the noise of the shot and ensure the possibility of firing at great depths. An example of such a system is shown in Fig. 1.4.

The sequence of operations during system operation is as follows:

Opening the automatic outboard valve (AZK);

Equalization of pressure inside the TA with outboard;

Closing the filling station;

Opening the front cover of the TA;

Opening the air valve (VK);

piston movement;

Movement of water in TA;

firing a torpedo;

Closing the front cover;

Dehumidification TA;

Opening the back cover of the TA;

- loading rack torpedoes;

Closing the back cover.

1.5. The concept of torpedo fire control devices

PUTS are designed to generate the data necessary for aimed shooting. Since the target is moving, there is a need to solve the problem of meeting the torpedo with the target, i.e., finding that preemptive point where this meeting should occur.

To solve the problem (Fig. 1.5), it is necessary:

1) detect the target;

2) determine its location relative to the attacking ship, i.e. set the coordinates of the target - the distance D0 and the heading angle to the target KU 0 ;

3) determine the parameters of the movement of the target (MPC) - the course Kc and speed V c;

4) calculate the lead angle j to which it is necessary to direct the torpedo, i.e., calculate the so-called torpedo triangle (marked with thick lines in Fig. 1.5). It is assumed that the course and speed of the target are constant;

5) enter the necessary information through the TA into the torpedo.

detecting targets and determining their coordinates. Surface targets are detected by radar stations (RLS), underwater targets are detected by hydroacoustic stations (GAS);

2) determining the parameters of the movement of the target. In their capacity, computers or other computing devices (PSA) are used;

3) calculation of the torpedo triangle, as well as computers or other PSA;

4) transmission and input of information into torpedoes and control of the data entered into them. These can be synchronous communication lines and tracking devices.

Figure 1.6 shows a variant of the PUTS, which provides for the use of an electronic system as the main information processing device, which is one of the schemes of the general ship combat information control system (CICS), and, as a backup, an electromechanical one. This scheme is used in modern

PGESU torpedoes are a type of heat engine (Fig. 2.1). The source of energy in thermal power plants is fuel, which is a combination of fuel and oxidizer.

The types of fuel used in modern torpedoes can be:

Multicomponent (fuel - oxidizer - water) (Fig. 2.2);

Unitary (fuel mixed with an oxidizing agent - water);

Solid powder;

- solid hydroreacting.

The thermal energy of the fuel is formed as a result of a chemical reaction of oxidation or decomposition of the substances that make up its composition.

The fuel combustion temperature is 3000…4000°C. In this case, there is a possibility of softening of the materials from which individual units of the ECS are made. Therefore, together with the fuel, water is supplied to the combustion chamber, which reduces the temperature of the combustion products to 600...800°C. In addition, the injection of fresh water increases the volume of the gas-vapor mixture, which significantly increases the power of the ESU.

The first torpedoes used a fuel that included kerosene and compressed air as an oxidizer. Such an oxidizing agent turned out to be ineffective due to the low oxygen content. A component of the air - nitrogen, insoluble in water, was thrown overboard and was the cause of the trace unmasking the torpedo. Currently, pure compressed oxygen or low-water hydrogen peroxide are used as oxidizing agents. In this case, combustion products that are insoluble in water are almost not formed and the trace is practically not noticeable.

The use of liquid unitary propellants made it possible to simplify the ESU fuel system and improve the operating conditions of torpedoes.

Solid fuels, which are unitary, can be monomolecular or mixed. The latter are more commonly used. They consist of organic fuel, a solid oxidizer and various additives. The amount of heat generated in this case can be controlled by the amount of water supplied. The use of such fuels eliminates the need to carry a supply of oxidizer on board the torpedo. This reduces the mass of the torpedo, which significantly increases its speed and range.

The engine of a steam-gas torpedo, in which thermal energy is converted into mechanical work of rotation of propellers, is one of its main units. It determines the main performance data of the torpedo - speed, range, track, noise.

Torpedo engines have a number of features that are reflected in their design:

short duration of work;

The minimum time to enter the mode and its strict constancy;

Work in the aquatic environment with high exhaust backpressure;

Minimum weight and dimensions with high power;

Minimum fuel consumption.

Torpedo engines are divided into piston and turbine. Currently, the latter are most widely used (Fig. 2.3).

The energy components are fed into the steam-gas generator, where they are ignited by an incendiary cartridge. The resulting gas-vapor mixture under pressure

ion enters the turbine blades, where, expanding, it does work. The rotation of the turbine wheel through the gearbox and differential is transmitted to the inner and outer propeller shafts, rotating in opposite directions.

Propellers are used as propellers for most modern torpedoes. The front screw is on the outer shaft with right rotation, the rear screw is on the inner shaft with left rotation. Due to this, the moments of forces that deviate the torpedo from a given direction of movement are balanced.

The efficiency of engines is characterized by the value of the efficiency factor, taking into account the influence of the hydrodynamic properties of the torpedo body. The coefficient decreases when the propellers reach the speed at which the blades begin to

cavitation 1 . One of the ways to combat this harmful phenomenon was

the use of attachments for propellers, which makes it possible to obtain a jet propulsion device (Fig. 2.4).

The main disadvantages of the ECS of the considered type include:

High noise associated with a large number of rapidly rotating massive mechanisms and the presence of exhaust;

Decrease in engine power and, as a result, the speed of the torpedo with increasing depth, due to an increase in exhaust gas backpressure;

Gradual decrease in the mass of the torpedo during its movement due to the consumption of energy components;

The search for ways to ensure the elimination of these shortcomings led to the creation of electrical ECS.

2.1.2. Electric ESU torpedoes

The energy sources of electrical power plants are chemicals (Fig. 2.5).

Chemical current sources must meet a number of requirements:

Permissibility of high discharge currents;

Operability in a wide range of temperatures;

Minimal self-discharge during storage and no outgassing;

1 Cavitation is the formation of cavities in a dropping liquid filled with gas, steam or their mixture. Cavitation bubbles are formed in those places where the pressure in the liquid becomes below a certain critical value.

Small dimensions and weight.

Disposable batteries have found the widest distribution in modern combat torpedoes.

The main energy indicator of a chemical current source is its capacity - the amount of electricity that a fully charged battery can give when discharged with a current of a certain strength. It depends on the material, design and size of the active mass of the source plates, discharge current, temperature, electro concentration

lita etc.

For the first time in electric ECS, lead-acid batteries (AB) were used. Their electrodes, lead peroxide ("-") and pure spongy lead ("+"), were placed in a solution of sulfuric acid. The specific capacity of such batteries was 8 W h/kg of mass, which was insignificant compared to chemical fuels. Torpedoes with such ABs had low speed and range. In addition, these ABs had a high level of self-discharge, and this required them to be periodically recharged when stored on a carrier, which was inconvenient and unsafe.

The next step in the improvement of chemical current sources was the use of alkaline batteries. In these ABs, iron-nickel, cadmium-nickel, or silver-zinc electrodes were placed in an alkaline electrolyte. Such sources had a specific capacity 5-6 times greater than lead-acid sources, which made it possible to dramatically increase the speed and range of torpedoes. Their further development led to the appearance of disposable silver-magnesium batteries using outboard sea water as an electrolyte. The specific capacity of such sources increased to 80 W h /kg, which brought the speed and range of electric torpedoes very close to those of combined-cycle ones.

Comparative characteristics of energy sources of electric torpedoes are given in Table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

The motors of electric ECS are electric motors (EM) of direct current of series excitation (Fig. 2.6).

Most torpedo EMs are birotational type engines, in which the armature and the magnetic system rotate simultaneously in opposite directions. They have more power and do not need a differential and gearbox, which significantly reduces noise and increases the specific power of the ESA.

The propellers of electric ESUs are similar to the propellers of steam-gas torpedoes.

The advantages of the considered ESU are:

Low noise;

Constant, independent of the depth of the torpedo, power;

The invariance of the mass of the torpedo during the entire time of its movement.

The disadvantages include:

The energy sources of reactive ECS are the substances shown in fig. 2.7.

They are fuel charges made in the form of cylindrical blocks or rods, consisting of a mixture of combinations of the presented substances (fuel, oxidizer and additives). These mixtures have the properties of gunpowder. Jet engines do not have intermediate elements - mechanisms and propellers. The main parts of such an engine are the combustion chamber and the jet nozzle. In the late 1980s, some torpedoes began to use hydroreactive propellants - complex solids based on aluminum, magnesium or lithium. Heated to the melting point, they react violently with water, releasing a large amount of energy.

2.2. Torpedo traffic control systems

A moving torpedo, together with its surrounding marine environment, forms a complex hydrodynamic system. While driving, the torpedo is affected by:

Gravity and buoyancy force;

Engine thrust and water resistance;

External influencing factors (sea waves, changes in water density, etc.). The first two factors are known and can be taken into account. The latter are random. They violate the dynamic balance of forces, deflect the torpedo from the calculated trajectory.

Control systems (Fig. 2.8) provide:

The stability of the torpedo movement on the trajectory;

Changing the trajectory of the torpedo in accordance with a given program;

As an example, consider the structure and principle of operation of the bellows-pendulum automaton of depth shown in Fig. 2.9.

The device is based on a hydrostatic device based on a bellows (corrugated tube with a spring) in combination with a physical pendulum. The water pressure is sensed by the bellows cap. It is balanced by a spring, the elasticity of which is set before the shot, depending on the given depth of movement of the torpedo.

The operation of the device is carried out in the following sequence:

Changing the depth of the torpedo relative to the given one;

Compression (or extension) of the bellows spring;

Moving the gear rack;

Gear rotation;

Turning the eccentric;

Balancer offset;

Spool valve movement;

Movement of the steering piston;

Relocation of horizontal rudders;

Return of the torpedo to the set depth.

In the event of a torpedo trim, the pendulum deviates from the vertical position. At the same time, the balancer moves similarly to the previous one, which leads to the shifting of the same rudders.

Instruments for controlling the movement of a torpedo along the course (KT)

The principle of construction and operation of the device can be explained by the diagram shown in Fig. 2.10.

The basis of the device is a gyroscope with three degrees of freedom. It is a massive disk with holes (recesses). The disc itself is movably reinforced within the framework, forming the so-called gimbals.

At the moment the torpedo is fired, high-pressure air from the air reservoir enters the holes of the gyroscope rotor. For 0.3 ... 0.4 s, the rotor gains up to 20,000 rpm. A further increase in the number of revolutions up to 40,000 and maintaining them at a distance is carried out by applying voltage to the gyroscope rotor, which is the armature of an asynchronous alternating current EM with a frequency of 500 Hz. In this case, the gyroscope acquires the property to keep the direction of its axis in space unchanged. This axis is set to a position parallel to the longitudinal axis of the torpedo. In this case, the current collector of the disk with half rings is located on an isolated gap between the half rings. The relay supply circuit is open, the KP relay contacts are also open. The position of the spool valves is determined by a spring.

When the torpedo deviates from the given direction (course), the disk associated with the torpedo body rotates. The current collector is on the half ring. Current flows through the relay coil. Kp contacts close. The electromagnet receives power, its rod goes down. The spool valves are displaced, the steering machine shifts the vertical rudders. The torpedo returns to the set course.

If a fixed torpedo tube is installed on the ship, then during torpedo firing, to the lead angle j (see Fig. 1.5), the heading angle under which the target is located at the time of the salvo ( q3 ). The resulting angle (ω), called the angle of the gyroscopic instrument, or the angle of the first turn of the torpedo, can be introduced into the torpedo before firing by turning the disk with half rings. This eliminates the need to change the course of the ship.

Torpedo roll control devices (γ)

The roll of a torpedo is its rotation around the longitudinal axis. The causes of the roll are the circulation of the torpedo, the re-raking of one of the propellers, etc. The roll leads to the deviation of the torpedo from the set course and the displacement of the response zones of the homing system and the proximity fuse.

The roll-leveling device is a combination of a gyro-vertical (vertically mounted gyroscope) with a pendulum moving in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the torpedo. The device provides the shifting of the controls γ - ailerons in different directions - "fight" and, thus, the return of the torpedo to the roll value close to zero.

Maneuvering devices

Designed for programmatic maneuvering of the torpedo along the course on the trajectory. So, for example, in the event of a miss, the torpedo begins to circulate or zigzag, ensuring that the target's course is repeatedly crossed (Fig. 2.11).

The device is connected to the outer propeller shaft of the torpedo. The distance traveled is determined by the number of revolutions of the shaft. When the set distance is reached, maneuvering starts. The distance and type of maneuvering trajectory are entered into the torpedo before firing.

The accuracy of stabilization of the torpedo movement along the course by autonomous control devices, having an error of ~ 1% of the distance traveled, ensures effective shooting at targets moving at a constant course and speed at a distance of up to 3.5 ... 4 km. At longer distances, the effectiveness of shooting drops. When the target moves with a variable course and speed, the accuracy of shooting becomes unacceptable even at shorter distances.

The desire to increase the probability of hitting a surface target, as well as to ensure the possibility of hitting submarines in a submerged position at an unknown depth, led to the appearance in the 40s of torpedoes with homing systems.

2.2.2. homing systems

The homing systems (SSN) of torpedoes provide:

Detection of targets by their physical fields;

Determining the position of the target relative to the longitudinal axis of the torpedo;

Development of the necessary commands for steering machines;

Aiming a torpedo at a target with the accuracy necessary to trigger a proximity torpedo fuse.

SSN significantly increases the probability of hitting a target. One homing torpedo is more effective than a salvo of several torpedoes with autonomous control systems. CLOs are especially important when firing at submarines located at great depths.

SSN reacts to the physical fields of ships. Acoustic fields have the greatest range of propagation in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the SSN torpedoes are acoustic and are divided into passive, active and combined.

Passive SSN

Passive acoustic SSNs respond to the primary acoustic field of the ship - its noise. They work in secret. However, they react poorly to slow-moving (due to low noise) and silent ships. In these cases, the noise of the torpedo itself may be greater than the noise of the target.

The ability to detect a target and determine its position relative to the torpedo is provided by the creation of hydroacoustic antennas (electroacoustic transducers - EAP) with directional properties (Fig. 2.12, a).

Equal-signal and phase-amplitude methods have received the widest application.

As an example, consider the SSN using the phase-amplitude method (Fig. 2.13).

The reception of useful signals (noise of a moving object) is carried out by the EAP, which consists of two groups of elements that form one radiation pattern (Fig. 2.13, a). In this case, in the case of a deviation of the target from the axis of the diagram, two voltages equal in value, but shifted in phase j, operate at the outputs of the EAP E 1 and E 2. (Fig. 2.13, b).

The phase shifter shifts both voltages in phase by the same angle u (usually equal to p/2) and sums the active signals as follows:

E 1+ E 2= U 1 and E 2+ E 1= U 2.

As a result, the voltage of the same amplitude, but different phase E 1 and E 2 are converted into two voltages U 1 and U 2 of the same phase but different amplitude (hence the name of the method). Depending on the position of the target relative to the axis of the radiation pattern, you can get:

U 1 > U 2 – target to the right of the EAP axis;

U 1 = U 2 - target on the EAP axis;

U 1 < U 2 - the target is to the left of the EAP axis.

Voltage U 1 and U 2 are amplified, converted by detectors to DC voltages U'1 and U'2 of the corresponding value and are fed to the analyzing-commanding device of the AKU. As the latter, a polarized relay with an armature in the neutral (middle) position can be used (Fig. 2.13, c).

If equal U'1 and U'2 (target on the EAP axis) the current in the relay winding is zero. The anchor is stationary. The longitudinal axis of the moving torpedo is directed at the target. In the event of a target displacement in one direction or another, a current of the corresponding direction begins to flow through the relay winding. There is a magnetic flux that deflects the armature of the relay and causes the movement of the spool of the steering machine. The latter ensures the shifting of the rudders, and hence the rotation of the torpedo until the target returns to the longitudinal axis of the torpedo (to the axis of the EAP radiation pattern).

Active CLOs

Active acoustic SSNs respond to the secondary acoustic field of the ship - reflected signals from the ship or from its wake (but not to the noise of the ship).

In their composition, they must have, in addition to the nodes considered earlier, a transmitting (generating) and switching (switching) devices (Fig. 2.14). The switching device provides switching of the EAP from radiation to reception.

Gas bubbles are reflectors of sound waves. The duration of the signals reflected from the wake jet is greater than the duration of the radiated ones. This difference is used as a source of information about the CS.

The torpedo is fired with the aiming point displaced in the direction opposite to the direction of the target's movement so that it is behind the target's stern and crosses the wake stream. As soon as this happens, the torpedo makes a turn towards the target and again enters the wake at an angle of about 300. This continues until the moment the torpedo passes under the target. In the event of a torpedo slipping in front of the target's nose, the torpedo makes a circulation, again detects a wake stream and maneuvers again.

Combined CLOs

Combined systems include both passive and active acoustic SSN, which eliminates the disadvantages of each separately. Modern SSNs detect targets at distances up to 1500 ... 2000 m. Therefore, when firing at long distances, and especially at a sharply maneuvering target, it becomes necessary to correct the course of the torpedo until the SSN captures the target. This task is performed by remote control systems for the movement of the torpedo.

2.2.3. Telecontrol systems

Remote control systems (TC) are designed to correct the trajectory of the torpedo from the carrier ship.

Telecontrol is carried out by wire (Fig. 2.16, a, b).

To reduce the tension of the wire during the movement of both the ship and the torpedo, two simultaneously unwinding views are used. On a submarine (Fig. 2.16, a), view 1 is placed in the TA and fired along with the torpedo. It is held by an armored cable about thirty meters long.

The principle of construction and operation of the TS system is illustrated in fig. 2.17. With the help of the hydroacoustic complex and its indicator, the target is detected. The obtained data on the coordinates of this target are fed into the computing complex. Information about the parameters of the movement of your ship and the set speed of the torpedo is also submitted here. The counting and decisive complex develops the course of the KT torpedo and h T is the depth of its movement. These data are entered into the torpedo, and a shot is fired.

With the help of the command sensor, the current parameters of the CT are converted and h T into a series of pulsed electrical coded control signals. These signals are transmitted by wire to the torpedo. The torpedo control system decodes the received signals and converts them into voltages that control the operation of the corresponding control channels.

If necessary, observing the position of the torpedo and the target on the indicator of the carrier's hydroacoustic complex, the operator, using the control panel, can correct the trajectory of the torpedo, directing it to the target.

As already noted, at long distances (more than 20 km), telecontrol errors (due to errors in the sonar system) can be hundreds of meters. Therefore, the TU system is combined with a homing system. The latter is activated at the command of the operator at a distance of 2 ... 3 km from the target.

The considered system of technical conditions is one-sided. If information is received from the torpedo on the ship about the state of the on-board instruments of the torpedo, the trajectory of its movement, the nature of the target's maneuvering, then such a system of technical specifications will be two-way. New possibilities in the implementation of two-way torpedo systems are opened up by the use of fiber-optic communication lines.

2.3. Igniter and torpedo fuses

2.3.1. Igniter accessories

The ignition accessory (FP) of a torpedo warhead is a combination of primary and secondary detonators.

The composition of the SP provides a stepwise detonation of the BZO explosive, which increases the safety of handling the final prepared torpedo, on the one hand, and guarantees reliable and complete detonation of the entire charge, on the other.

The primary detonator (Fig. 2.18), consisting of an igniter capsule and a detonator capsule, is equipped with highly sensitive (initiating) explosives - mercury fulminate or lead azide, which explode when pricked or heated. For safety reasons, the primary detonator contains a small amount of explosive, not enough to detonate the main charge.

The secondary detonator - ignition cup - contains a less sensitive high explosive - tetryl, phlegmatized hexogen in the amount of 600 ... 800 g. This amount is already enough to detonate the entire main charge of the BZO.

Thus, the explosion is carried out along the chain: fuse - igniter cap - detonator cap - ignition cup - BZO charge.

2.3.2. Torpedo contact fuses

The contact fuse (KV) of the torpedo is designed to prick the primer of the igniter of the primary detonator and thereby cause the explosion of the main charge of the BZO at the moment of contact of the torpedo with the side of the target.

The most widespread are contact fuses of impact (inertial) action. When a torpedo hits the side of the target, the inertial body (pendulum) deviates from the vertical position and releases the striker, which, under the action of the mainspring, moves down and pricks the primer - the igniter.

During the final preparation of the torpedo for the shot, the contact fuse is connected to the ignition accessory and installed in the upper part of the BZO.

In order to avoid the explosion of a loaded torpedo from accidental shaking or hitting the water, the inertial part of the fuse has a safety device that locks the striker. The stopper is connected to the turntable, which begins rotation with the beginning of the movement of the torpedo in the water. After the torpedo has passed a distance of about 200 m, the turntable worm unlocks the striker and the fuse comes into firing position.

The desire to influence the most vulnerable part of the ship - its bottom and at the same time provide a non-contact detonation of the BZO charge, which produces a greater destructive effect, led to the creation of a non-contact fuse in the 40s.

2.3.3. Proximity torpedo fuses

A non-contact fuse (NV) closes the fuse circuit to detonate the BZO charge at the moment the torpedo passes near the target under the influence of one or another physical field of the target on the fuse. In this case, the depth of the anti-ship torpedo is set to be several meters greater than the expected draft of the target ship.

The most widely used are acoustic and electromagnetic proximity fuses.

The device and operation of acoustic NV explains fig. 2.19.

The pulse generator (Fig. 2.19, a) generates short-term impulses of electrical oscillations of ultrasonic frequency, following at short intervals. Through the commutator, they go to electro-acoustic transducers (EAP), which convert electrical vibrations into ultrasonic acoustic vibrations that propagate in water within the zone shown in the figure.

When the torpedo passes near the target (Fig. 2.19, b), reflected acoustic signals will be received from the latter, which are perceived and converted by the EAP into electrical ones. After amplification, they are analyzed in the execution unit and stored. Having received several similar reflected signals in a row, the actuator connects the power source to the ignition accessory - the torpedo explodes.

The device and operation of the electromagnetic HB is illustrated in fig. 2.20.

The stern (radiating) coil creates an alternating magnetic field. It is perceived by two bow (receiving) coils connected in opposite directions, as a result of which their difference EMF is equal to

When a torpedo passes near a target that has its own electromagnetic field, the torpedo field is distorted. The EMF in the receiving coils will become different and a difference EMF will appear. The amplified voltage is supplied to the actuator, which supplies power to the ignition device of the torpedo.

Modern torpedoes use combined fuses, which are a combination of a contact fuse with one of the types of proximity fuse.

2.4. Interaction of instruments and systems of torpedoes

during their movement on the trajectory

2.4.1. Purpose, main tactical and technical parameters

steam-gas torpedoes and the interaction of devices

and systems as they move

Steam-gas torpedoes are designed to destroy surface ships, transports and, less often, enemy submarines.

The main tactical and technical parameters of steam-gas torpedoes, which have received the widest distribution, are given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2

Name of the torpedo



engine la


torpe dy, kg

Mass of explosives, kg




70 or 44




No svede ny



piston howl

Opening the locking air valve (see Fig. 2.3) before firing a torpedo;

A torpedo shot, accompanied by its movement in the TA;

Reclining the torpedo trigger (see Fig. 2.3) with a trigger hook in the pipe

torpedo launcher;

Opening the machine crane;

Compressed air supply directly to the heading device and the tilting device for spinning the gyroscope rotors, as well as to the air reducer;

Reduced pressure air from the gearbox enters the steering machines, which provide the shifting of the rudders and ailerons, and to displace water and oxidizer from the tanks;

The flow of water to displace fuel from the tank;

Supply of fuel, oxidizer and water to the combined cycle generator;

Ignition of fuel with an incendiary cartridge;

Formation of a steam-gas mixture and its supply to the turbine blades;

The rotation of the turbine, and hence the screw torpedo;

The impact of a torpedo into the water and the beginning of its movement in it;

The action of the depth automat (see Fig. 2.10), the heading device (see Fig. 2.11), the bank-leveling device and the movement of the torpedo in the water along the established trajectory;

Counter flows of water rotate the turntable, which, when the torpedo passes 180 ... 250 m, brings the percussion fuse into the combat position. This excludes the detonation of a torpedo on the ship and near it from accidental shocks and impacts;

30 ... 40 s after the torpedo is fired, the HB and SSN are switched on;

The SSN starts searching for the CS by emitting pulses of acoustic vibrations;

Having detected the CS (having received reflected impulses) and having passed it, the torpedo turns towards the target (the direction of rotation is entered before the shot);

SSN provides maneuvering of the torpedo (see Fig. 2.14);

When a torpedo passes near the target or when it hits, the corresponding fuses are triggered;

Torpedo explosion.

2.4.2. Purpose, main tactical and technical parameters of electric torpedoes and interaction of devices

and systems as they move

Electric torpedoes are designed to destroy enemy submarines.

The main tactical and technical parameters of the most widely used electric torpedoes. Are given in table. 2.3.

Table 2.3

Name of the torpedo





torpe dy, kg

Mass of explosives, kg






swede ny

* STsAB - silver-zinc storage battery.

The interaction of torpedo nodes is carried out as follows:

Opening the shut-off valve of the torpedo high pressure cylinder;

Closing the "+" electrical circuit - before the shot;

A torpedo shot, accompanied by its movement in the TA (see Fig. 2.5);

Closing the starting contactor;

High-pressure air supply to the heading device and the tilting device;

Supply of reduced air to the rubber shell to displace the electrolyte from it into the chemical battery (possible option);

Rotation of the electric motor, and hence the propellers of the torpedo;

The movement of the torpedo in the water;

The action of the depth automaton (Fig. 2.10), the heading device (Fig. 2.11), the roll-leveling device on the established trajectory of the torpedo;

30 ... 40 s after the torpedo is fired, the HB and the active channel of the SSN are turned on;

Target search by active CCH channel;

Receiving reflected signals and aiming at the target;

Periodic inclusion of a passive channel for direction finding of target noise;

Obtaining reliable contact with the target by the passive channel, turning off the active channel;

Guiding a torpedo on a target with a passive channel;

In case of loss of contact with the target, the SSN gives a command to perform a secondary search and guidance;

When a torpedo passes near the target, HB is triggered;

Torpedo explosion.

2.4.3. Prospects for the development of torpedo weapons

The need to improve torpedo weapons is caused by the constant improvement of the tactical parameters of ships. So, for example, the depth of immersion of nuclear submarines has reached 900 m, and their speed of movement is 40 knots.

There are several ways in which the improvement of torpedo weapons should be carried out (Fig. 2.21).

Improving the tactical parameters of torpedoes

In order for a torpedo to overtake a target, it must have a speed of at least 1.5 times greater than the attacked object (75 ... 80 knots), a cruising range of more than 50 km, and a diving depth of at least 1000 m.

Obviously, the listed tactical parameters are determined by the technical parameters of the torpedoes. Therefore, in this case, technical solutions should be considered.

An increase in the speed of a torpedo can be carried out by:

The use of more efficient chemical power sources for electric torpedo engines (magnesium-chlorine-silver, silver-aluminum, using sea water as an electrolyte).

Creation of combined-cycle ECS of a closed cycle for anti-submarine torpedoes;

Reducing the frontal resistance of water (polishing the surface of the torpedo body, reducing the number of its protruding parts, selecting the ratio of the length to the diameter of the torpedo), since V T is directly proportional to the resistance of water.

Introduction of rocket and hydrojet ECS.

An increase in the range of a DT torpedo is achieved in the same ways as an increase in its speed V T, because DT= V T t, where t is the torpedo movement time, determined by the number of power components of the ESU.

Increasing the depth of the torpedo (or the depth of the shot) requires strengthening the torpedo body. For this, stronger materials, such as aluminum or titanium alloys, must be used.

Increasing the chance of a torpedo hitting a target

Application in fiber optic control systems

waters. This allows for two-way communication with the torpe-

doi, which means to increase the amount of information about the location

targets, increase the noise immunity of the communication channel with the torpedo,

reduce the diameter of the wire;

The creation and application of electroacoustic converters in SSN

callers made in the form of antenna arrays, which will allow

improve the process of target detection and direction finding by a torpedo;

The use on board the torpedo of a highly integrated electronic

computing technology that provides more efficient

the work of the CLO;

An increase in the response radius of the SSN by an increase in its sensitivity


Reducing the impact of countermeasures by using

in a torpedo of devices that carry out spectral

analysis of received signals, their classification and detection

false targets;

The development of SSN based on infrared technology, is not subject to

no interference;

Reducing the level of own noise of a torpedo by perfecting

motors (creation of brushless electric motors

alternating current transformers), rotation transmission mechanisms and

torpedo screws.

Increasing the probability of hitting a target

The solution to this problem can be achieved:

By detonating a torpedo near the most vulnerable part (for example,

under the keel) goals, which is ensured by the joint work

SSN and computer;

Undermining a torpedo at such a distance from the target at which

the maximum effect of the shock wave and expansion

rhenium of a gas bubble that occurs during an explosion;

Creation of a cumulative warhead (directed action);

Expanding the power range of the nuclear warhead, which

connected both with the object of destruction and with their own safety -

radius. So, a charge with a power of 0.01 kt should be applied

at a distance of at least 350 m, 0.1 kt - at least 1100 m.

Increasing the reliability of torpedoes

Experience in the operation and use of torpedo weapons shows that after long-term storage, some of the torpedoes are not capable of performing the functions assigned to them. This indicates the need to improve the reliability of torpedoes, which is achieved:

Increasing the level of integration of electronic equipment torpe -

dy. This provides an increase in the reliability of electronic devices.

roystvo by 5 - 6 times, reduces the occupied volumes, reduces

equipment cost;

The creation of torpedoes of a modular design, which allows you to

dernization to replace less reliable nodes with more reliable ones;

Improving the technology of manufacturing devices, assemblies and

torpedo systems.

Table 2.4

Name of the torpedo



move body

energy carrier

torpedoes, kg

Mass of explosives, kg




Combined SSN

Combined SSN,

SSN for CS

Porsche nevoy


Combined SSN,

SSN for CS

No information




The end of the table. 2.4

Some of the paths considered have already been reflected in a number of torpedoes presented in Table. 2.4.


3.1. Tactical properties of torpedo weapons

The tactical properties of any weapon are a set of qualities that characterize the combat capabilities of a weapon.

The main tactical properties of torpedo weapons are:

1. The range of the torpedo.

2. Its speed.

3. The depth of the course or the depth of the torpedo shot.

4. The ability to inflict damage on the most vulnerable (underwater) part of the ship. The experience of combat use shows that to destroy a large anti-submarine ship, 1 - 2 torpedoes are required, a cruiser - 3 - 4, an aircraft carrier - 5 - 7, a submarine - 1 - 2 torpedoes.

5. Secrecy of action, which is explained by low noise, tracelessness, large depth of travel.

6. High efficiency provided by the use of telecontrol systems, which significantly increases the likelihood of hitting targets.

7. The ability to destroy targets moving at any speed, and submarines moving at any depth.

8. High readiness for combat use.

However, along with the positive properties, there are also negative ones:

1. Relatively long exposure time to the enemy. So, for example, even at a speed of 50 knots, a torpedo takes about 15 minutes to reach a target located at a distance of 23 km. During this period of time, the target has the opportunity to maneuver, use countermeasures (combat and technical) to evade the torpedo.

2. The difficulty of destroying the target at short and long distances. On small ones - because of the possibility of hitting a firing ship, on large ones - because of the limited range of torpedoes.

3.2. Organization and types of preparation of torpedo weapons

to shooting

The organization and types of preparation of torpedo weapons for firing are determined by the "Rules of Mine Service" (PMS).

Preparation for shooting is divided into:

For preliminary;


Preliminary preparation begins at the signal: "Prepare the ship for battle and march." It ends with the obligatory fulfillment of all regulated actions.

Final preparation begins from the moment the target is detected and target designation is received. It ends at the moment the ship takes up the salvo position.

The main actions performed in preparation for firing are shown in the table.

Depending on the shooting conditions, the final preparation may be:


With a small final preparation for guiding a torpedo, only the bearing to the target and the distance are taken into account. Lead angle j is not calculated (j =0).

With reduced final preparation, the bearing to the target, the distance and the direction of movement of the target are taken into account. In this case, the lead angle j is set equal to some constant value (j=const).

With full final preparation, the coordinates and parameters of the movement of the target (KPDC) are taken into account. In this case, the current value of the lead angle (jTEK) is determined.

3.3. Methods of firing torpedoes and their brief description

There are a number of ways to fire torpedoes. These methods are determined by the technical means with which the torpedoes are equipped.

With an autonomous control system, shooting is possible:

1. To the current target location (NMC), when the lead angle j=0 (Fig. 3.1, a).

2. To the area of ​​the probable target location (OVMC), when the lead angle j=const (Fig. 3.1, b).

3. To a pre-empted target location (UMC), when j=jTEK (Fig. 3.1, c).

In all the cases presented, the trajectory of the torpedo is rectilinear. The highest probability of a torpedo hitting a target is achieved in the third case, however, this method of firing requires maximum preparation time.

With telecontrol, when the control of the movement of the torpedo is corrected by commands from the ship, the trajectory will be curvilinear. In this case, movement is possible:

1) along a trajectory that ensures that the torpedo is on the torpedo-target line;

2) to a lead point with correction of the lead angle according to

as the torpedo approaches the target.

When homing, a combination of an autonomous control system with SSN or telecontrol with SSN is used. Therefore, before the start of the SSN response, the torpedo moves in the same way as discussed above, and then, using:

A catch-up trajectory, when the continuation of the torpedo axis is all

time coincides with the direction to the target (Fig. 3.2, a).

The disadvantage of this method is that the torpedo is part of its

the path passes in the wake stream, which worsens the working conditions

you are the SSN (except for the SSN along the wake).

2. The so-called collision-type trajectory (Fig. 3.2, b), when the longitudinal axis of the torpedo all the time forms a constant angle b with the direction to the target. This angle is constant for a particular SSN or can be optimized by the torpedo's onboard computer.


Theoretical foundations of torpedo weapons /,. Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1969.

Lobashinsky. /DOSAAF. M., 1986.

Zabnev weapons. M.: Military Publishing, 1984.

Sychev weapons / DOSAAF. M., 1984.

High-speed torpedo 53-65: history of creation // Marine collection 1998, No. 5. with. 48-52.

From the history of the development and combat use of torpedo weapons

1. General information about torpedo weapons …………………………………… 4

2. The device of torpedoes ……………………………………………………………… 13

3. Tactical properties and basics of combat use

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