General methodological principles of physical education. general methodological principles. In addition, additional hours are allocated for the so-called elective courses for classes at the choice of students in sports sections during extracurricular hours.

    Despite popular belief, a defender does not have to be tall. Even with a height of just over 170 cm, you can be a successful defensive player and neutralize tall attackers. It's all about power; general endurance, body, back and legs. General stamina and a powerful back will help to wipe off the opponent and not lose balance, and in combination with a powerful body, you will be able to close the ball from a tall opponent, hold back the opponent, stand firmly on your feet, tackle, etc. Powerful legs are the key to running fast and jumping, especially with short stature. Even being 20 cm shorter than some forwards, you will be able to win overhead fights thanks to the ability to push your opponent back and make a high jump.

    Exercises such as swimming are good for developing overall strength and endurance. Also, complex training in the gym with additional emphasis on the legs (for jumping) will not interfere. Do not forget to train jumping ability; on YouTube you can find training videos that, after years of training, will help you jump 20 cm higher.

    Positioning is extremely important for defensive players, especially central defenders. In this paragraph, we will focus on the players of this zone. Position selection is almost always instinctive and almost impossible to learn, but there are still a few tips. As the last line of defense, you'll have to keep an eye on everything from opposing attackers missed by your fellow defenders to attacking midfielders. Usually problems are solved by communication between defense players, but sometimes there is no time for this or it is simply not possible. The centre-back's job is to contain all attacks on the goal, so you can't focus on just one opponent. If you are facing two opposing players, then you need to keep an eye on both until you are in single combat with one of them, as in the case when the player with the ball intends to shoot at the goal. In this case, you should try to close the gate with yourself, throwing yourself under attack. It's hard to explain, because it's almost instinctive, but you have to be in the right place to tackle any player who gets the ball and stop them from hitting or pushing the ball. You need to be mobile and fast in order to keep up with the attackers, be able to abruptly change direction and hold back the player until help arrives. In fact, everything is even more complicated, but it cannot be explained in words.

    Player communication is the key to successful defensive play. Defenders must communicate with the goalkeeper, midfielders and among themselves; if the defense is trying to organize an artificial offside, if the player does not follow the line or does not cover the opponent, then he needs to quickly and loudly report this. If the midfielder does not see the ball or does not return to the defense, then he should be told about it. If a defender leaves the ball to the goalkeeper or passes the ball back, the goalkeeper must be warned. Defenders cannot afford to be timid; you cannot do without enthusiasm and a sense of competition. Communication is much easier when defenders and other players are familiar, know the way their teammates play, and have team play skills.

    It is very important for a defensive player to be able to read the game; they are under the most pressure. Forwards and midfielders usually do not have direct goal-keeping duties, and there is always a defensive line in front of the goalkeeper. Defense players have to sacrifice everything, including even health and the ability to continue the game. For example, if the ball soared high above the penalty area, then the defender must win the fight for him (it is advisable to play with his head so as not to break the rules), even if the opponent’s head or leg is first on the ball. If your opponent is about to strike at goal, then you need to block the ball's flight path with your body, legs, or even your face. Keep opponents with the ball away from the goal. This is the main task of the defender. Don't let yourself be beaten, lose a mount or get hit, even if there is a risk of injury. Defenders must always fight to the last and never give up, no matter how the situation develops around.

3.3.1. Individual tactics

Individual attack tactics should be understood as purposeful actions of a football player, his ability to choose the most correct from several possible solutions to a given game situation, the ability of a football player, if his team has the ball, to get out of control of the opponent, to find and create a playing space for himself and partners, and if you need to win the fight with the defender.

Individual actions in attack are divided into actions without the ball and with the ball.

Actions without the ball

Actions without the ball include “opening”, distracting the opponent and creating a numerical advantage in a separate part of the field.

"Opening"- this is the movement of a player in order to create favorable conditions for receiving the ball from a partner.

For a skillful “opening”, the player must assess well the expediency of a particular position. Timely occupation of a more advantageous position may depend on the speed qualities of the attacker and the defender opposing him, the actions of partners and other factors. Success largely depends on how quickly the attacker is in position to receive the ball and follow up with it.

During the attack, the players constantly move without the ball, i.e. maneuver across the field. From how correctly they choose the position, how many “offers” they make to the partner who currently owns the ball, the results of the actions and ultimately the outcome of the match depend.

In all cases, when choosing a position, the player must be guided by the following:

1. “Opening” must be performed unexpectedly for the opponent and at high speed. This will allow you to “break away” from the opponent and create a certain margin of space to receive the ball.

2. "Opening" must not interfere with other partners' actions without the ball.

4. Care must be taken not to end up in an offside position.

Distracting the opponent- this is a complex movement to a certain area in order to take away the guardian and thereby provide freedom of action to the partner who owns the ball or is in a better position to directly threaten the goal.

When distracting actions, it must be remembered that the movements must be convincing, i.e. really create a threat and thereby force the defenders to follow the movers. It is advisable to have several options for distracting actions, which will make it extremely difficult for the defense to act.

Creating a numerical advantage in a separate section of the field- this is the expedient movement of one or a group of players to the zone where the partner with the ball is located. This creates a numerical advantage in a certain area of ​​the field, which can be used to beat an opponent in single combat or with the help of combinations. Most often, this tactical action is used in a gradual attack with the inclusion of a significant number of players in the attack.

An expedient combination of the tactical examples indicated here makes it possible to effectively use more options for various combinations in the development and completion of attacks.

Actions with the ball

The main options for a player in possession of the ball are dribble, dribble, hit, pass and stop the ball, i.e. all techniques.

Doing as a tactical tool, it is advisable to use in cases where the partners of the player who owns the ball are covered by opponents and there is no possibility for a pass. Then the player must start moving with the ball along the length or width of the field.

It must be remembered that a football player without the ball moves faster than with the ball, and therefore holding the ball slows down the development of the attack and makes it difficult for partners who, having moved to an advantageous position and not receiving the ball, often have to change position again.

Stroke- is the action of a player in possession of the ball, with the aim of winning a duel with an opponent. This is the most important means of individual defense overcoming. The more varied and effective the stroke techniques, the more dangerous the attack becomes.

There are the following types of stroke: with a change in the speed of movement; with a change in direction of movement; deceptive movements (feints).

Stroke by changing the speed of movement most beneficial when dribbling the ball along the sideline or when the ball carrier moves diagonally. You can vary this stroke method by decreasing or increasing the speed in some part of the movement.

Stroke by changing the direction of movement has two main options: the first is applied in cases where the defender is in front of the player in possession of the ball; the second option is used when the defender is behind or behind - on the side and moves in the same direction as the ball carrier, and catches up with him.

Stroking with deceptive movements (feints)- the most effective means of conducting martial arts in a relatively small playing space (actions in the opponent's penalty area, etc.).

Stroke should never be an end in itself. It is always a tactical tool that allows you to create favorable conditions for hitting, passing, creating numerical superiority in a separate section of the field, etc.

shots on goal- the main means of completing all attacking actions. Without skillful tactical application of these “final” actions, all efforts of the team aimed at achieving success will be fruitless.

Transfers are a kind of intermediate link between individual and group actions in football. Deciding which pass to whom should be given when, as well as implementing the decision, the player demonstrates individual skill. At the same time, the transfer can be a means of implementing interactions between two or three athletes, i.e. group action.

By varying different types of passes (Fig. 48), the attackers cause the opponent’s players to move, forcing them either to move forward (with transverse passes), or move closer to the flanks (with longitudinal passes), and also quickly shifting the direction of attack from flank to flank (with long diagonal gears).

Each of the passes can be effective in certain cases (fast or slow opponent; whether he is active at interceptions or prefers to tackle the ball; good or weak heading, etc.), which must be taken into account by the player making the pass.

Short and medium passes across the field are more reliable. However, these passes make it difficult to carry out high-speed attack maneuvers and allow the opponents to regroup their forces in the most dangerous sector of the attack. At the same time, long longitudinal and diagonal passes, and partly medium ones, allow attacking at high speed, introducing an element of surprise, which makes it difficult for the defenders to act and creates favorable conditions for players to enter the strike position. Of course, passes of this kind are associated with a significant risk of losing the ball. But this risk is fully justified, since if successful, an immediate threat is created to the gate.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of transmissions are:

1. Technical skill of a football player.

2. Ability to see the field (location of partners and opponents, their positions).

3. The tactical thinking of the player in possession of the ball, his ability to quickly determine which of the partners and which pass is most appropriate to perform in a given game situation.

4. Maneuverability of the partners and hence the number of “offers” made to the player in possession of the ball.

3.3.2. Group tactics

Most of the tactical tasks that arise during a football match are solved precisely by group actions, i.e. through combinations. Essentially, the whole game consists of a chain of combinations and countering them. At the same time, combinations are pre-prepared in the process of training and improvised, i.e. arising during the course of the match.

Each team consists of links, i.e. tactical units that

certain moments of the game jointly decide any tactical

task. It is quite obvious that only confident, coordinated actions of all participants can bring success to the combination. That is why mutual understanding, or, as they sometimes say, “sense of a partner,” is of particular importance when choosing and implementing a particular combination. Only athletes with a unified understanding of the game can solve the task in one plan and, having chosen a combination, successfully implement it.

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of combinations: with standard positions and during a game episode.

Rice. 48. Classification of gears

Combinations in standard positions(throw-in from the sideline, corner kick, free kick, free kick, goal kick) allow you to pre-position players in the most advantageous areas of the field for combinations. Each combination has its own options

Do not think that combinations in standard positions are always formulaic. A high-class team must be able to play different combinations from the same starting position.

Depending on the task at hand, either a player with a well-placed strong blow or a player with tactical thinking starts the combination. It is desirable that when performing strikes in the immediate vicinity of the opponent's goal, two or three players are located at the ball. Then the opponents will not be able to determine in advance whether a shot on goal will be taken or a rally will follow.

Combinations in game episodes occur after the team has gained possession of the ball. It is obvious that the players of this team, not being able to get into position before taking possession of the ball, must perform movements during the course of the combination itself. That is why combinations of this kind always have a touch of improvisation. The ability to change the content of a particular combination depending on the game situation that has arisen (while maintaining the basic principles of a combination of this type) is available only to football players with a high level of tactical skill. Thus, we can say that the highest level of tactical training of individual players and the team as a whole lies in the ability to creatively fulfill the plan outlined by the coach, skillfully combine simulated combinations with improvisation.

Group actions in game episodes are divided into interactions in pairs, triplets, etc.

Pair combinations. The interaction of two partners includes combinations “to the wall”, “crossing” and “one-touch transfer”.

Combination "on the wall"- one of the most effective ways to beat a defender with the help of a partner. Its essence is that the player who owns the ball, having approached a partner (or the partner has approached him), unexpectedly sends him the ball and rushes behind the back of the defender at maximum speed. The partner in one touch changes the speed and direction of the ball in such a way that the first player can take possession of the ball without slowing down, and the defenders cannot interfere with him or intercept the ball.

This kind of combination requires excellent rapport and technical skill from the partners. The wall player can take a position in front, diagonally, to the side, and even behind a teammate with the ball. The combination “to the wall” can be successfully used on any part of the field, but it is especially effective when breaking through the opponent’s defense right next to the goal.

Combination "crossing" most often used in the middle of the field or on the outskirts of the penalty area. It consists in the fact that at a certain point the player in possession of the ball meets with a partner, leaves him the ball and continues to move in the original direction. further initiative belongs to the player with the ball.

usually used to gain time, while providing for a quick exit of one of the partners to a new position. With the help of “one-touch passes”, the attackers make it difficult for the defenders to determine the further direction of the attack and, moving forward, reduce the distance from the opponents’ goal and at the same time do not allow the defenders to get close to one of the attackers to take the ball.

Threesome combination. The interaction of the three partners includes such types of combinations as “interchangeability”, “passing the ball” and “passing the water touch”.

"Interchangeability" combination most effective and has the greatest prospects. Its main goal is to beat opponents by moving the player from his line to the line of his partner, after he “led away” the opponent opposing him from there.

On fig. 49 shows the "interchangeability" combination. Its goal is to connect one of the extreme defenders to the attack. The defender in possession of the ball (No. 3) passes it to a teammate (No. 2), who started moving towards the attacker (No. 7). At the moment when the defender of the opponent (No. 5) tries to attack his ward, the player who received the ball gives it to his teammate (No. b), who immediately makes a pass to the flank player (No. 2) who has connected (at high speed) on the right edge ). Interchangeability occurred between the striker (#7) and the winger (#2). With the same success, players of the defensive line interact with the players of the middle line. As a result of the combination, a playing space was formed for a player who joined the attack from his own half of the field. These combinations can be successfully used on any part of the field. Moreover, several combinations of this type allow you to advance for a long time, beating opponents due to the numerical advantage in one or another part of the field.

Rice. 49. Combination “interchangeability”

Combination "passing the ball" successfully used when completing flank attacks directly in the opponents' penalty area.

Finishing the attack on the edge, the attackers often use a strong transverse (shooting) pass along the gate. Actively going to a shooting pass and simulating an attempt to make a shot on goal, the football player secretly misses the ball to a partner who gets the opportunity to make a shot on goal, since all the attention of the defenders, as a rule, is focused on the player who is closer than others to the ball.

One Touch Transfer Combination with three partners is performed in compliance with the same principles as with two partners. The only difference is that transmissions can now be made in a variety of directions. Most often, a combination is carried out in a triangle and in motion. “One-touch passes” allow you to suddenly and at high speed change the direction of the development of the attack, and, if necessary, gain time to regroup forces or change positions.

General instructions for the combination game

1. In the process of training, you should learn the structure of the combination, its meaning and the basic principles of execution. Only in this case, the players will be able to carry out combinations in relation to a specific game situation.

2. Tactical combination is a synthesis of individual tactical thinking and group understanding. The main thing in the implementation of combinations is not the mechanical memorization of one or another group action structure, but the creative application of one's knowledge and skills during the match.

3. A football match consists of a combination of simple, well-played, and complex multi-way tactical combinations with a large number of players participating in their implementation. It is rather difficult to prepare for multi-way combinations: they arise during the meeting itself and are mostly improvised. The quality of their performance will largely depend on the ability of the players to be fluent in simple, well-played combinations.

4. When studying various variants of combinations, one must remember that the more parts of one previously learned combination are included in a new one, the faster it is mastered. It is very useful to know the different ways of developing combinations with the same standard opening. Such a variety of ending combinations greatly complicates the organization of defense.

5. When performing combinations, distracting actions of teammates are of particular importance. With their movements, they create a potential threat to the opponents' goal and distract the attention of the defenders.

3.3.3. Team tactics

Team tactics unites the efforts of all players, gives harmony to the organization of the game. Without a clear organization of the attacking and defensive actions of the entire team, the game will be chaotic, unfocused, and the players will simply run around the field, trying at any cost to take possession of the ball and score it into the goal.

During the meeting, each team has to repeatedly attack when it has the ball, or defend when the opponent has the ball, while using various methods and means of struggle, which constitute the tactics of the game. The main thing in tactics is the determination of the optimal means, methods and forms of attack and defensive actions.

The choice of tactics in each individual case will depend on the tasks facing the team, the balance of forces and combative pairs of players, the state of the field, climatic conditions, etc.

For more than a century of football history, many tactical systems have been created that provide for a clear placement and distribution of player functions. Consider the basic principles of team attack tactics.

In any tactical system, command tactics are carried out through two types of actions: a quick and gradual attack.

fast attack

The most effective way for a team to attack is to attack quickly. The advantage of a quick attack is that the opponents in this case do not have enough time to regroup their forces in defense. the actions of the attackers are extremely saturated with elements of surprise, the players act at high speeds. They maneuver a lot around the field and create an opportunity in the shortest possible time, with the help of a small number of passes, to bring one of the partners to a shock position. The most effective is a quick attack in retaliatory attacks.

After a team has gained possession of the ball during a play sequence, three phases of a fast attack can be distinguished:

the initial phase - the transition from defense to attack: the return of the players who participated in the defense to their places in the attack line and the quick transfer of the ball to the player in front;

development of an attack - the implementation of a breakthrough in the defense of opponents before they have time to strengthen and organize actions to neutralize the attack;

the completion of the attack - the creation of a scoring situation and a shot on goal.

On fig. 50 shows a quick attack variant after a team has won a duel in its own penalty area, where the ball was directed after an attack on the right side. One of the central defenders - Z won the fight for the high ball and sent it to the midfield player - b. He immediately makes a transfer to the attacker free from guardianship - 9 and moves forward at high speed. The player who received the ball has two options for subsequent actions: using a distracting maneuver of the partners, go to the shock position or, moving forward and “pulling out” one of the defenders, pass the ball to the released partner for further actions.

Rice. 50. Fast attack

Basic requirements for organizing a fast attack

1. Quickly execute a forward pass and cut off the attacking opponents so that they do not have time to return to the defense.

2. When developing and completing an attack, use well-played combinations at high speed.

3. To carry out a high-speed breakthrough maneuver along the flank, in the center or along the entire front. The main thing is to choose the shortest path to the exit to the shock position.

4. Players of the front line of attack should master the art of martial arts well, i.e. be able to beat an opponent alone. Using the shortest paths to reach the striking position, at the first opportunity to take a shot on goal or create conditions for a goal to be scored by a partner.

5. Have several players on the team to whom the first pass from defense is addressed. Partners must know well the favorite position of these players in order to address the ball to them with the least amount of time. It is in the fastest possible transfer of the ball to the front edge of the attack that the surprise of the team action lies. The first transfer is often received by the “dispatcher” of the team. He is better than others able to continue a swift attack, as he assesses the game situation faster and more accurately than other partners.

6. The mid-line players must move at maximum speed towards the opponents' penalty area, creating a second line of attack in case a quick attack does not bring the desired result and the opponents manage to organize a defense.

Gradual attack

The most common form of organizing attacking actions of a team is a gradual attack. It creates the possibility of long-term control of the ball, as combinations are made using short and medium passes. At the same time, some passes are performed across the field, especially when players from the defensive line are connected to the attack. The long time spent on the development of the attack allows the defenders to regroup their forces and reliably block the most dangerous zones for scoring. Organized defense, in turn, requires the attackers to perform a series of combinations (based on a breakthrough of defensive formations in one of the links). It is quite obvious that it is extremely rare to overcome a massive defense with small forces, which means that a significant number of players must be included in the attack in order to create a numerical advantage in a separate section of the field.

Maneuvering along the length and width of the field allows you to increase the base of the attack, complicate it. Without all this, the team cannot count

to success in the implementation of a gradual attack.

Figure 51 shows an attack launched by the goalkeeper with the involvement of a midfield player. Due to multi-way combinations, with a gradual attack on the shock position, a number of players from the middle of the field and the defensive line are displayed

With a gradual attack, the following phases are distinguished:

initial phase- transition from defense to attack: the return of the attacking players who participated in the defense to their places in the attack line and passing the ball to one of the opened extreme defenders;

attack development- a gradual advance to the opponents' goal, carried out through various combinations with the creation of a numerical advantage in certain areas of the field and individual actions of the attackers. These actions take place in a well-organized defense of opponents;

completion of the attack- creating a scoring situation in order to bring one of the attackers to the shock position.

Rice. 51. Gradual attack

Basic requirements for organizing a gradual attack

1. Perform exactly the first transfer to one of the opened partners. It is most expedient to make this transfer to the sideline, since there is no great saturation of players there, and in case of an error, the opponent does not get the opportunity to directly threaten the goal.

2. Actively maneuver along the front and the length of the field to all players of the front and middle line. Especially important is the skillful “opening” of the partners closest to the player with the ball.

3. Provide for the possibility of a quick longitudinal or diagonal pass directly to the front line of attack, i.e. transition to a high-speed breakthrough.

4. Skillfully use the alternation of fast and slow speeds (the ability to “explode”) in the development of an attack. Such actions always complicate the organization of defense to the limit.

5. Change the direction of attack from one flank to another due to long, transverse or diagonal passes. This ensures the development of the attack across the entire width of the field and stretches the defense of the opponents.

b. Apply simulated combinations with the withdrawal of a number of players to the shock position. These team activities are creatively carried out by groups of players who can sometimes improvise as the situation dictates.

7. Connect the players of the middle and back lines of the attacking team to the strike position, since the players of the front line of attack are guarded more strictly.

8. Conduct an attack in layers. In this case, the attack can be continued even if the opponents manage to hit the ball at some point without address.

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Individual tactical defense exercises in football.

Exercise 1(scheme 9). Two serving players (A 1 -A 2) stand at a distance of 20-25 m from each other. A defender and an attacker are in constant motion between them. The attacker should always be closer to the server, and the defender either next to or behind him. The task of the defender is to prevent the attacker from playing. Serving players may occasionally pass the ball to each other in an arc. If the attacker beats the defender, he must try to pass the ball to the second server.

Exercise 2. An attacker and a defender are placed inside the penalty area. In the middle of the field between the two side lines are 3-4 players with balls. In the established sequence, they serve the balls in an arc-shaped manner into the penalty area. The defender, with interference from the attacker immediately or as a result of passes, must hit the ball back to the server (this can also be done by playing with the head). The ball must not touch the ground. The exercise can also be carried out with the goalkeeper.

Exercise 3 Defenders stand in the middle of half of the field facing the goal. Forwards with balls are on the center line. Each defender must take the ball away only from the attacker he has predetermined. Changing places, the attackers move towards the goal. At the whistle of the coach, the defenders quickly meet and disassemble each of their partners, do not give them the opportunity to hit the goal from the inside of the penalty area. If the tackle is successful, the players switch roles.

This exercise can also be done as a competition between teams.

Joint Defense Tactics Exercises

Below are exercises that help the training of two defending players (maneuvering, substitution, etc.).

Exercise 1("Cat game" and its variants). On a certain area (for example, in the corner of the field), a two-touch game is organized with a ratio of 4x2. If the ball hits the line, it is considered that a tackle has been made. From the "cats" it is necessary to replace those who are inside the longest. This is the only way to ensure the joint acquisition of the ball.


a) if several teams are playing, then two predetermined groups change places on the whistle, but the ball after the transfer remains in the old place. During the exchange, the "cats" have the opportunity to directly take the ball away. In this case, the last player to arrive becomes the "cat". In this case, the counterattack may be more successful;

b) at the whistle, if the game is in the corner of the field, inside the penalty area, the ball must be taken out of the center line and returned back. The remaining conditions do not change, therefore, it is necessary to “catch cats” while running.

Exercise 2(scheme 10). Its value is in the joint actions of players on the most dangerous parts of the field. This creates an artificial disadvantage for defenders. The defensive and offensive players standing next to each other look at each other, and behind the defensive row, the attacker is waiting for a pass. At the same time as the ball is served, the struggle between attack and defense begins.

At present, the importance of heading has increased from the point of view of defensive actions. It is very important to whom the ball will hit near your own goal after a header. A football player who plays with his head needs to be insured and helped in the game. In particular, it is important to open where he can play the ball freely.

Exercise 3(Scheme 11). In the part of the field in front of the penalty area, where the attackers and defenders are located, they hang from various places, serve balls. The score goes to the goals that the forwards score with their heads, and for the defenders, a “goal” is considered if, after a header, they pass the ball to each other five times so that it does not get to the opponent.

The development of a system for the modern game of defenders is long and laborious. In the training of defensive actions, sometimes there is not enough emotionality. Therefore, the development of appropriate requirements must be approached with great patience, prudence and new ideas. It is necessary to achieve that the players love to defend themselves and find the same joys in the game of the defender as the attackers in scoring goals.

Like attack, defense also needs to train tactical decisions at certain stages of the game. Even if it is impossible to achieve 100% luck in some cases, everything possible must be done to prevent a shot on goal.

So, with a free kick near the gate, the attacking side, because of the “wall” of defense, is in the numerical majority. This advantage can be somewhat reduced by the defense only if all the players move back to the penalty area. Not only that, the players must position themselves in such a way as to create equality in dangerous or possibly dangerous places. To do this, of course, you need to know the possible options for playing free and free kicks by the opponent and players who are good at kicking, because it is most likely that one of them will complete the attack.

There are 4-5 players in the defensive "wall", depending on where the strike is made from. The "wall" should not break, the movements of its players towards or towards the ball must be coordinated. Constantly two players are obliged to insure the flanks of the "wall" from the oncoming players. They must be escorted until they are safe.

If a free kick is taken from 25-30 meters and the enemy has players who can dangerously shoot from this distance, then one must be prepared to fight behind the “wall”. It is possible to temporarily abandon the offside position formed on the wall line, but in a favorable situation, of course, you need to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the offside position.

An important requirement of defense tactics is to predict (foresee) the direction where the ball will be sent, and to secure the goalkeeper. Until the ball hits the defense players, you need to concentrate all its forces, taking into account even the unlikely possibility of an attack by the enemy.

With a corner kick, the defensive team can already allow itself to leave somewhere around the halfway line one or two players who play poorly with their heads, but with a quick reaction.

The goalkeeper is placed at a distance of 1 m from the goal line, in their center or closer to the side post. Its main position is parallel to the goal line, turning the head towards the ball. From this position, you can profitably, without losing pace, reflect the ball coming from any direction (you can’t stand in the far corner, as the goalkeeper may not have time to serve to the near corner).

In the most important positions from the point of view of defense, players who play well with their heads (No. 2, 3, 4 and 5) are placed so that everyone can see the ball (diagram 12).

At that moment, when the goalkeeper moved out of the goal, the player standing in the far corner runs into them and, together with the goalkeeper, insures the goal together (of course, it would be nice if this task was solved by three people, but two are simply necessary). The remaining players, depending on the actions of the enemy, are placed in the area of ​​​​the 16.5-meter line and the 11-meter mark. If the attackers play the ball at the corner flag, two defenders must prevent the ball from entering the penalty area.

Training in solving individual tactical tasks of defense at various stages of the game should be carried out just as purposefully as practicing attack tactics in the exercises described above. However, it is possible to create a situation that is equally useful for training defense and attack. Moreover, in training sessions, you need to practice simultaneously transitions from defense to attack and from attack to defense. For example, two teams line up to receive a corner kick and play according to the rules. The attacking team sends the ball into the normal goal, and the defending team - into the goal set on the middle line (diagram 13).

Therefore, defensive players should send the ball to the center and touchlines as soon as possible. It is advisable to do this faster, as there are favorable opportunities for long diagonal and cross passes of the ball, which is very significant. And from the attack you immediately need to move on to defense, holding back the enemy’s quick attack. One must be able to foresee at which gate the most dangerous position is created. The goalkeeper of the attacking side is in the middle circle and from there goes to defend the goal that is in the most dangerous position.

The options for playing in the middle of the field after a corner kick can be as follows:

a) the game can only last for a certain time (for example, 30 seconds or 3 minutes, etc.);

b) a player (or team) can only have possession of the ball twice;

c) you can make a certain number of touches of the ball (for example, no more than 4 players can touch the ball).

The game described above can also start with a free kick, or you can replace the goal with two moving players who need to be beaten.

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