Is it possible to watch hand worn. Watch etiquette

It is possible or not to wear someone else's watch - a lot of signs have accumulated on this score. After all, watches were once a very expensive thing, they were passed down from generation to generation, they were issued with a commemorative inscription on the case as a reward for special services. It never occurred to anyone to throw away a solid accessory. But can you wear it?

Is it possible to try on other people's accessories

The clock beats like a heart and is a symbol of life. Therefore, some people, as a sign of trust, friendship or love, short term exchange timepieces, as if giving each other their hearts and time. But is it possible to do this, and with whom?

Connoisseurs of beliefs say that trying on someone else's watch is the same as trying on someone else's fate. folk wisdom advises to be careful with such things. A wrist chronometer is a personal item that has a close relationship with the owner.

Due to the peculiarities of manufacturing, watches are literally “saturated” with the energy of the owner, they are able to convey negative or positive to people who have them on their hands - that is why you can’t wear someone else’s chronometer.

Folk wisdom advises:

  • No need to try on things seriously ill, deceased and unhappy people. These items have a strong negative energy.
  • You should not wear the watch of the bride or groom, because they also contain a clot of energy of an unknown direction.
  • You can exchange chronometers only with those people whom you know well, and their fate is not embarrassing.

If you happen to, you need to do as the inner voice tells you. After all, signs work the way a person perceives them. Superstitious people are often afraid to even touch a thing found on the street, let alone carry it to their home. They are guided by the instinct of self-preservation, anxiety for the safety of relatives and friends. When deciding what to do with the find, listen to your intuition. If there is no doubt in your heart about a particular watch, feel free to wear it.

Why you can't wear someone else's watch

When exchanging timepieces forever as a sign of friendship, you can wear someone else's watch, provided that you are absolutely confident in the person with whom you are changing. It must be completely excluded malice. Otherwise, with such an exchange, the consequences are likely:

Along with the received accessory, you will get severe illness and negative energy of the owner. With your thing you will give own forces and health.

According to signs, you can wear other people's watches when they were inherited. The chronometer will be an excellent amulet if the owner handed over the thing of his own free will. But at the same time, the personality of the donor must be taken into account.

If everything suits you in the life of a relative: he did not suffer from serious illnesses, behaved with dignity, such an accessory can be accepted as a gift and worn with pleasure. Otherwise, the gift must be discarded or taken and kept as a memento.

There are many more superstitions about second-hand watches that you like in a pawnshop that do not recommend buying and using such a thing. In addition to the same reasons as with the things of relatives, acquaintances, there is a possibility of damage.

An expensive watch is the best item for performing magical manipulations.

By purchasing a thing, you take on ailments, failures - everything that the owner wanted to get rid of.

And with a high degree of probability, a person sells a worthwhile thing cheaply when he is in need. Such an accessory is unlikely to bring joy. But there are exceptions. For example, you are lucky - someone does not pursue a commercial or other goal, but simply gets rid of an unnecessary or annoying item, wants it to fall into good hands.

When it's not dangerous to wear someone else's watch

In many families, watches are passed down from generation to generation - such accessories do not pose any danger.

In general, you can wear someone else's chronometer if you do not feel discomfort, you are sure that the thing does not contain negative information.

If it seemed to you that the clock attracted trouble, in order to protect yourself from destructive energy, perform a ritual of purification with water.

Rules related to how to properly handle watches have been around for a long time. They are so rooted in the minds of people that many of them have become traditions. These rules are still applied, as they are relevant to this day. In the article we will understand the question of Why you can not wear someone else's watch.

What to do with the watches left by relatives who have gone to another world? Is it possible to keep a stopped clock at home? Is it worth bringing someone else's watch found on the street into the house? Can the watch be given as a gift? Almost everyone faces such questions during their life. But, most often people are concerned about the question: Is it possible or not to wear someone else's watch?

How can someone else's watch get to you

Should I wear someone else's watch? The answer to this question often depends on under what circumstances and from whom you got them. Most often, watches are presented as a gift. It happens that people exchange hours as a sign of friendship and great trust in each other. For some, watches, like a family heirloom, are inherited from relatives. Someone finds a lost watch.

  • Of course, you want to try on such a watch. And if they are also very beautiful, expensive or valuable as a memory, you want to wear them all the time.
  • According to ancient beliefs, trying on someone else's watch means trying on the fate and life of their former owner. Following folk legends, such things should be treated very carefully. After all, watches are a purely personal thing, so they have a close relationship with their owner, and carry his energy..
  • We are all superstitious to some degree. Many are afraid not only to bring what they found on the street into their home, but even to take someone else's thing in their hands. A person is guided by a healthy sense of self-preservation and the desire to protect himself and his family from negative consequences. And it is right.

Therefore, before putting on someone else's watch, listen to your inner voice. Do you have any doubts about the correctness of such an act. Your intuition will tell you whether or not you can wear these particular watches.

Why you can't wear someone else's watch

If you are offered to exchange watches as a sign of friendship, then this can only be done with the person in whom you are absolutely sure. You must know for sure that this is done completely sincerely and without malicious intent. After all, with such an exchange, you can take on serious illnesses and the negative of the owner of the watch. Together with a thing, when exchanging, you can not only receive bad energy, but also take away your strength and health along with your watch.

The watch that you inherited can be accepted and worn with gratitude, as a memory of a relative. But first you need to think about what kind of life this person lived.

If your relative did not suffer from serious illnesses, behaved with dignity during his lifetime, then such hours can be accepted. Otherwise, you shouldn't do it. If it is inconvenient to refuse such a gift, then someone else's watch can be taken, but not worn, but simply kept as a memory.

It happens that someone else's watch, seen in a pawnshop or somewhere else for sale, you liked, and you wanted to buy it. By folk omens from second-hand someone else's watches, you can get troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, it is better not to do this.

When it's not dangerous to wear someone else's watch

Despite the beliefs and folk signs, your personal attitude and the attitude of the one from whom you accept the watch play a big role. Often the same watch is used by more than one generation of relatives.

These watches are passed from father to son, from grandfather to grandson, and they bring only good and good luck to their new owners. Such watches are worn with pleasure, they are proud and kept as a family heirloom. After all, this is no longer someone else's watch, why not wear it?

They say that in former times life flowed measuredly and unhurriedly, and people did not know our current eternal haste. Wall clocks with weights ticked not in every hut, the hour was estimated “according to the roosters” and the sun, when asked about the time it was quite possible to get an answer “after noon”, and he suited everyone. A personal watch on a chain or strap was more of a status item than an essential item. Therefore, not many people had them, they were rarely lost, and their loss or discovery was always regarded as a very important sign.

If you find a watch ... Folk signs

By itself, your discovery does not mean anything. It all depends on what condition she's in. For example, a whole, or even better, ticking clock is always a good omen that warns of new opportunities.

What people forget in the most unexpected places!

  • You are advised to hurry. “The clock is ticking, time is running out, and you still don’t dare to do something important! Hurry, or it will be too late!" By the way, some interpret the discovery of the watch as a sign of the beginning of a favorable period in life. And the most optimistic beliefs directly promise: right now you are given a chance to fulfill your plan. If you start to act without delay, your plans will be crowned with success, and your hopes will be realized. A good incentive to immediately get up off the couch!
  • You forgot about the word given to someone, for a long time decision or other not less significant thing. Dig into your memory and try to understand what the ticking find reminds you of.
  • Those who suffer from loneliness can straighten their shoulders and look to the future with hope, because the watch promises them an early meeting with a soul mate. At least there will be a chance to find a close friend, as a maximum - to meet the love of a lifetime. Probably, such an association was evoked in the imagination of our ancestors by the ancient “onion clock”, which opened into two halves. Since the find is “double”, it means that you will no longer be alone. It doesn't matter that today the probability of finding such a mechanism is equal to meeting a porcupine in forest near Moscow. There is already a sign! And how and why it arose, now go guess ...

Broken watches that can't be repaired by simply changing the battery or twisting mechanical plant predict bad things.

  • If the find has no external damage, but stubbornly refuses to work, the signs say: "Time has stopped." In life, a period of stagnation begins and you will have to make remarkable efforts to move on. Any idea, whether it's organizing your own business or trying to start running in the morning, will be twice as difficult, but you can't give up. Only by overcoming the resistance of circumstances, you will achieve your goal.
  • A watch with a cracked glass or crevices on the case threatens the peace of the family, career and peace of mind. It is believed that the same cracks should soon run through one area or another of your life. To counter a negative prediction, carefully weigh your actions, do not give vent to emotions and do not embark on adventures. Be calm and precise, moving your way as firmly as the hands of a clock.

Superstitious people are often afraid valuable finds. And all because among our ancestors there was a strong belief in a slander that an evil sorcerer can impose on any thing. If you pick up an expensive watch or a ring with an emerald in the dust, you will get someone’s illness and hardships in addition! No, it's better to pass...

What does it mean to find female or male on the street

The round dial is traditionally considered feminine.

The ideal shape for women's watches are round and oval. It is they who should help their owner gently resolve conflicts, build relationships and seek their female happiness. If the dial of your find turned out to be square or triangular, no matter how good the watch is, it is better to get rid of it. You run the risk of putting on your fragile shoulders a bunch of problems that not every man will be able to do!

But the energy of the stronger sex has nothing against angles. But round feminine dials on a strong male wrist are considered to be the culprits of lack of money and downtime in a career.

What to do with the found hours if they do not suit you by gender, and you do not want to argue with the belief? It would be logical to offer to give them to another person, but even here it's bad luck - a gift watch symbolizes separation! Therefore, the most reasonable way out would be to sell the watch for a purely nominal fee. Then you will not frighten off luck with extra self-interest, and a friend will rejoice at a successful acquisition.

Find common or gold

... And again you are at a crossroads. On the one hand, the more expensive a random find, the more pleasant events it promises. Quality watches of a well-known brand, especially "on the go", speak of previously hidden talents that you should discover in yourself. And in some cases they are interpreted as a sign that a person is destined to commit an act of a global scale and remain in history! Nice prediction, right?

On the other hand, an expensive mechanism in a gold or silver case, which has fallen from someone's careless hand on the street, is considered an undesirable acquisition. noble metals are ideal carriers of energy. And both bad and good. Well, if the former owner of the clock was a cheerful and good-natured man! Then your unexpected acquisition will begin to radiate one positive attitude. Well, how was he distinguished by an evil disposition or suffered from depression? It's bad here. How not to get infected with a pessimistic view of the world!

Can I wear my find?

It would be best to try to return lost thing owner, especially if it is valuable. For this agitate the laws of the balance of the universe, karma and simple human decency. Think for yourself, your financial situation the find is unlikely to change radically, and someone could wear it in memory of a departed relative or as a gift from a loved one. By appropriating it, you will gain nothing but an extra stain on your conscience. And if you believe in the “boomerang law”, according to which everything that has been done returns to us, you can also add unpleasant events to your life! Therefore, looking for the owner is not a sin.

Is your conscience clear and your soul at peace? Bad omens have no power over you!

However, it is often not possible to do this, because no one scratches their home address on the clock, and lost and found offices now operate only in large entertainment centers. You can take the trouble to advertise in the newspaper about finding a valuable thing, but if we are talking about a simple watch, this idea is unlikely to work. Therefore, most often the question arises like this: should I wear the find myself or try to get rid of it?

If you can’t find the previous owner, no one bothers you to use the found watch. However, signs strictly insist: any personal thing that came to you from another person must first be cleared of alien energy. How to do this, we will tell a little later.

What threatens the loss of wrist

  • Since the clock symbolizes time, its loss is most often associated with a warning about wasted days and weeks. Perhaps you really have a prolonged period of apathy, and the sign does not lie: it's time to shake things up and start acting. Perhaps you are engaged in an empty business that will bring neither benefit nor moral satisfaction. In this case, the loss of hours is a reason to revise life attitudes and values, and, if necessary, correct them. Or maybe you are doing exactly what you need, but slowly and carelessly?
  • If the first point is clearly not about you, then the loss of hours can be a signal of problems in the future. Let's say you are waiting for stagnation in your personal life or career, creativity will drop to zero, personal development stop ... in other words, there will be complete calm. To prevent life from becoming a musty swamp, do not allow yourself to succumb to depression. It will be more difficult to put things in order.
  • Finally, the loss of hours is treated as the end of one period - "that time is up!" - and the beginning of a new one. According to beliefs, dramatic changes will take place in your life, and whether they will be good or bad, you will see for yourself.

Neutralization of negative energy

And now the promised recipe for getting rid of the energy you don't need from the previous owner of the watch.

Ideally, any thing that you doubt the “reliability” of needs to be lowered into running water for several minutes so that the river or stream from the tap takes away everything superfluous with it. The only pity is that after such manipulations, the question “is it possible to wear someone else’s watch” will be resolved by itself, and the find will have to be sent to a landfill. Therefore, it is better to choose a simpler way. For example:

  • Hold the clock in a box of salt.
  • Put them on a saucer next to the candle and let it burn to the end.
  • Some leave several small coins"paying" for the acquisition. Choose what you like best.

If you carefully read the signs about the discovery and loss of watches, you have already noticed that they largely duplicate each other. And they say about the same thing: "do not waste time in vain." Holy to follow their advice, of course, is not necessary. That is why superstitions are called "vain faith", that when too serious attitude they will only add to your worries and spiritual doubts, but will not solve your problems. But if you perceive the loss of your favorite watch not as a reason for frustration, but see it as an incentive to move forward and achieve your goals, you will derive your benefit from the signs. So, the ancestors tried not in vain.

Signs can be treated differently. Some people believe in them, others are skeptical. But one cannot deny the fact that signs do not arise from scratch. People have been going to various beliefs for years, passing through themselves all the negative or positive that was associated with them. This is an echo of the past that leaves its mark on our future. I can’t say that I blindly believe in signs, but there is still something mysterious and mystical in them. Recently, my parents gave me a watch, to which my friend, with concern in her eyes, asked me not to accept such gifts anymore. Therefore, I decided to collect all the signs about the clock that you need to know. Whether or not you follow them is up to you!

Hour-related notes:

1. Cannot be stored in the house broken watch. They should be thrown into the trash or immediately taken to the workshop. Thus, you will get rid of the negative energy associated with the stopped time. A broken watch carries a danger, a person may begin to be haunted by trouble.

2. Found working hours - to great luck. You are promised success in all your endeavors, feel free to take on a new business, luck is now on your side. Also, such a find is a sign that in the near future you will have true friend or maybe even a significant other.

3. It is impossible to give a watch, otherwise a quick parting with the gifted person is possible. The clock will start counting the time that is allocated for you to communicate. For the same reason, you should not give a watch to a person with whom you do not want to quarrel. If you already gave a watch, ask for a coin in return. By this you "deceive" fate, as if buying a thing.

4. New watch - new life. If a black streak has come in life, nothing comes out and every new business ends in failure, urgently run to the store and buy yourself a watch. You will be surprised how soon life will improve, and luck will become your constant companion.

5. Repeating numbers on the clock - urgently make a wish. How often have you encountered the fact that the clock showed, for example, 20 hours 20 minutes? Has it happened sometimes? Now you are fully equipped and know that you need to have time to make a wish that will surely come true.

6. A long-stopped clock suddenly started working - to the death of one of the close relatives. A terrible sign, so a broken watch must be repaired or sent to the trash in time. Although you can’t run away from fate, no matter how hard you try!

7. A watch given for a wedding is for divorce. Of course, watches are a necessary thing in the house, but let the newlyweds purchase them on their own. You do not want to become the cause of quarrels and scandals in a young family?!

8. A fallen watch is a kind of reminder to its owner that time is fleeting. You can’t waste a minute, you shouldn’t waste your life on meaningless actions, time is running out quickly and irrevocably. In order not to regret the years spent aimlessly in old age, it is necessary to change something today.

9. Lose hours - expect a black streak in life. It's like the opposite of finding hours when success awaits you. Here, on the contrary, get ready for possible difficulties and troubles. It is better not to start new cases, and old ones should be completed as soon as possible.

10. Family value - protection from all troubles and hardships. Often, watches are passed down from generation to generation and this is a good tradition. Thus, all the positive energy of the previous owners passes to the new owner. This is a kind of amulet from troubles. However, it only works if the watch was given to you by a person during his lifetime. If this does not happen, it is better to refuse such a thing.

11. The clock struck thirteen times - to death. AT real life it is practically impossible, only if the clock mechanism fails. But since there is such a sign, it is better to treat it with caution.

12. The watch received as a gift broke - to a break in relations with the donor. Thus, fate, as it were, tells you that a person has changed his mind about you in the worst side or puts spokes in your wheels. It is worth reconsidering your relationships with others and drawing conclusions based on your own feelings.

13. Forget the clock somewhere - to change. If you forgot your hours at a party, then expect a break in relations with those people in the near future. If you forgot your watch with your loved one, you will always be welcomed in this house as a long-awaited guest. But forgetting the clock at home is a waste of time.

14. Late clock - time is wasted, especially if the clock is constantly late. You seem to be chasing time, but you just can't make it. You will abandon all your affairs halfway and you will not achieve your goals. Tidy up first own time only then move on to more important tasks.

15. They stole a watch - relations with some person will not work out. You will spend a lot of your time on a person with whom there will be no further relationship.

Of course, these are just signs that you can believe in, or you can not believe. But since they exist and have been tested for years, it is worth treating them with respect. No matter how strange it may sound, but with the help of watches, people are able to control time!

Nata Karlin July 10, 2018, 11:00 am

Since mankind invented the clock, this amazing and necessary mechanism the most magical properties . Previously, they got by with the position of the stars in the sky or the morning wake-up call of a neighbor's rooster to determine the time. Centuries later, watches became an item of status and luxury, because not everyone could afford these miraculous mechanisms. It was at that time that signs were born, among them the belief that you can’t wear someone else’s watch is considered very important, it’s best to get your own - those that will please you more.

Women's watch with mother-of-pearl and crystals on a metal bracelet, SL(price link)

Folk signs about watches

Understanding why you can’t wear other people’s watches (including hand-bought, inherited or found on the street) comes when a person begins to learn at least a little important signs about these mechanisms. It's believed that:

  • You can't give them because it portends trouble. It is believed that from the moment a person accepts this gift, the arrows begin to measure the time remaining for him, inevitably bringing the end of life closer. However, such a gift can be "buyed off." Just give a coin to the donor with words of gratitude. It is believed that this is how you simply buy jewelry from him.

A watch presented to a man brings his death closer, to a woman they prophesy an early old age, to the bride and groom - scandals and conflicts

  • The clock that fell from the wall to the floor promise a lot of misfortune to those who live in this house. The clock mechanism destroyed by the fall foreshadowed the imminent death of one of the household members or their relatives.
  • Break a watch- a harbinger of danger. Broken clocks should be disposed of immediately, thrown away or taken in for repair, and never kept in the house. This will help you avoid a lot of trouble. In addition, a broken watch said that all the efforts of a person in life are in vain and you don’t even have to try, because in the near future only failures await.
  • Lose your watch- too Bad sign. This fact says that all the actions of a person are wrong and he simply “marks in one place”, not moving a single step towards the intended goal. You need to think about your actions, reconsider your views on many life moments and change direction.

Old clock in a man's hand

  • Find a watch on the street is considered a great success. From that moment on, Fortune turns its face, and a person's life is getting better. Changes are possible that will lead to a happy ending.
  • Stopped clock hands testify that their owner was given a warning from above that he was mediocrely wasting his time. This is very important for those who are used to procrastinating or running their own business.

Considered a family heirloom and inherited, wrist watches are considered the strongest amulet against evil forces.

They protect the owner from negative messages from the outside, attract success and abundance. It is believed that the speed of the passage of time depends on which hand a person is used to wearing a watch on. If you wear the device on your left hand, then time speeds up, on your right hand it slows down.

Why can't you even measure other people's watches?

Hours are considered exclusively item for personal use. These devices are able to adopt not only the energy of a person, but also adapt to his rhythm of life. Therefore, not only wearing, but even measuring other people's watches is considered unacceptable.

Folk signs say that trying on someone else's watch means try on the life of their master. If you want to live someone else's life, no one minds, just think, is this step worth it? After all, you may simply not know about the serious illnesses of a person, his bad deeds and hidden character traits that this subject will endow you with. Therefore, it is best to buy new ones.

Women's watch with mother-of-pearl and calendar on a metal bracelet, SL(price link)

However, it is impossible to discount the fact that all these are superstitions and omens. After all, there are things, which passed down from generation to generation over the centuries. And among them, watches are very common. At the same time, the devices did not cause any problems to their owners. A lot depends on the attitude of the person himself to signs. However, many people cannot make mistakes right away, so you can change hours only with those in whom you are absolutely sure.

Someone else's wall clock: is it possible to keep them in the house?

There is no doubt that everyone knows about the negative impact of other people's things and objects on the energy of their own home. Often bringing other people's things, you just litter your home with them. This is especially true for the things of people you have never known in this life.

If you have a watch in your hands that is simply impossible to refuse, and you decide to hang it on the wall of your house at all costs, use a few tips:

  1. Try to buy the device only from people you know very well. The reason is simple - you know this person, his fate, character and can assess the degree of risk.
  2. Bring home only serviceable, working clocks. Those that need to be "repaired", bring them to repair immediately.

Never take a watch that does not work, with a broken glass or a torn pendulum

Can I buy another person's watch with their hands?

Many people are simply sure that buying things from their hands saves money from the family budget. Opinions on this matter differ greatly. For example, esotericists fully agree with folk signs of the following content:

  1. By purchasing used walkers, we get with them all the troubles and illnesses of the former owner.
  2. The thing itself or the person who wore it could be damaged. Accordingly, part of the negative energy can be received along with the clock.

However, most people do not have any malicious intent by selling unwanted or disliked items.

Vintage cuckoo clock

Why you can not lose and forget a watch: signs and explanation

There are a lot of beliefs among the people about what will happen if you lose your watch. The most common of these include:

  1. This incident is considered a harbinger of the coming difficult times.
  2. An important and possibly difficult stage of your life is already over, and now something new and interesting awaits you.

We often forget our things at home, at a party, at work. However, regarding hours there are a number of clues:

  1. If you forgot your thing, which has an acute-angled dial, this threatens with disagreements, quarrels and insults. Round and oval watches - peace and long friendship.
  2. Forgetting a watch with a lover means that this relationship will become long and happy.
  3. Leaving the clock with someone who is unpleasant to you - you will not be able to break off relations as quickly as you would like.
  4. The hours left at work indicate that you are not doing your job or devoting a lot of time to solving other people's problems.
  5. At a party - think about whether you spend a lot of time on vacation?

Is it possible or not to throw away the watch?

This question interests a lot of people. However, we can definitely say that an accessory that cannot be restored will have to be thrown away in any case. According to ancient beliefs, it was believed that you cause pain and suffering to the watchmaker who created this mechanism if you throw it away. If you no longer want to wear a watch, just put them in the box, but don't stop the arrows.

In the old days, it was believed that broken desktop, floor, wrist, Wall Clock don't just throw it in the trash

Thus, a person attracts to his house negative energy. If you have already made sure that the watch is not working, remove the mechanism from it and put it in a box, and then wrap it with a piece of cloth purple. It is believed that this shade neutralizes negative energy.

How to clean the clock from alien energy?

It is not unreasonably believed that someone else's thing carries a negative energy for your home. So, a person who has found, received or bought a watch from his hands may notice that he has become a kind of magnet for trouble. Very often this energy can accumulate in simply old and unnecessary rubbish. Therefore, esotericists advise getting rid of it without fail.

Antique table clock with a figurine of a girl

The easiest way to clear the found clock from someone else's energy is put them in salt or just wipe the entire body of the object with it. After that, put the salt on the windowsill under the rays of the sun, and only then can it be dissolved in water and poured into the sink or toilet.

Another interesting way- take the bell and call them over a thing. Enhance the effect of fumigating the watch with incense. In China, it is believed that evil spirits can be warded off with a loud noise. You can also use this method. For example, blow up firecrackers near things, clap your hands loudly and shout. As incense, it is enough to light a sprig of wormwood. It is said that her fragrance can exorcise evil spirit from everywhere.

Antique floor clock with a fight

The oldest way to eliminate negative energy is to light a candle over an object and move it counterclockwise. In the case of a precious watch, it is best to remove the bracelet and base, melt them down and get an absolutely pure energetic item.

To believe or not to believe in folk signs and observations of esotericists is everyone's business. However, most people believe that it is not worth incurring even probable misfortunes and prefer to buy new watches in stores.

Women's watch on a leather belt, SL(price link)

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