The clock stood and suddenly went. Signs related to the clock. Is it possible to wear, buy, measure, put on, give someone else's, found on the street, broken, broken watches, take, hang someone else's watch in the house: folk signs. Why forget a clock in a strange house,

Watches are an ancient and extremely useful invention.

It is hard to imagine how we, modern, always in a hurry somewhere and all people who have time, could do without a watch. They are in every room, from an elite office building or a palace to a poor shop. Watches flaunt on almost every hand - from gold and expensive to simple, electronic ones.

This is a familiar and necessary thing, but not everyone knows that a watch is not just a necessary accessory or fashionable decoration. They also carry a mystical meaning.

A lot of signs and superstitions are associated with the clock, esotericists assure that this item can even change fate and affect karma. If you know how to wear them correctly, put them on, on which hand and how to use them, what should be done with this little thing, and what is impossible or undesirable, you can significantly influence your own life.

Each sign associated with the clock has ancient origins and secret meaning. Finding or losing a watch, breaking or breaking it if it stops or breaks, giving, receiving as a gift - all these are not simple everyday actions and accidents. They have a hidden mystical meaning.

Difficult subject

What to do if the hour hands suddenly stop? If the clock was broken or did you happen to find it unexpectedly? Is it true that giving a watch is an unlucky omen, and such a gift can bring trouble?

What if the gift has already been presented - do not throw away the donated watch! There are many questions, and you should not draw uncompromising conclusions until you know reliable and reasonable answers.

1. A common sign says that you can’t give a watch as a gift. Why? Because the sharp arrows have aggressive energy.

If, however, the watch was presented to you, there is a simple and familiar ritual for many - how to “redeem” the gift, that is, give the donor a symbolic amount of money, at least five kopecks. Thus, the gift will not bring harm, and you can give a beautiful watch with peace of mind.

2. A wall clock is a particularly mystical item. They can hang peacefully and inconspicuously on the wall. long years, but suddenly fall completely for no reason. This is a bad omen - in this case they say that this is a disaster.

But you should not worry - this is just a hint, a reminder that time goes on irrevocably and tirelessly, and if you don’t change anything yourself, then you can regret it later. Perhaps this sign hints - take care and value time, do not waste it in vain and live more consciously.

3. If the watch is broken, it cannot be kept at home. Broken watches should be repaired immediately or thrown away - this way you neutralize Negative influence.

If the watch that was received as a gift broke, this is probably a hint that the person who made this gift has changed his mind about you, probably for the worse.

4. If the arrows suddenly stop - this is not a terrible sign, as it turns out. In fact, this may be a hint that time is moving forward and is not waiting for us at all. You just need to think about whether you are correctly distributing and spending precious minutes of your life, whether you are wasting your time on useless or even unkind things.

When the arrows stop, you stop too, think about life, it will be useful. It is not difficult to find a free minute and think about your life rhythm, about your own lifestyle.

After that, it will be useful to make a plan for the future, decide on priorities, plan what you have long wanted to do - and restart the clock that has stopped - if necessary, change the battery or fix it. Let it be for you too new stage active actions.

5. Loss of hours, according to popular belief, does not bode well. Signs say that this can be a symbol of the loss of the old and the beginning of a new life stage, of some changes.

There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of here - in fact, fate knows how to give pleasant surprises that begin with changes or even losses. It is worth taking it wisely and calmly.

Let go of the loss and don't regret it, it's just a thing - let it teach you to value time more, not to waste it. Get a new watch and spend your life time wisely, appreciate it.

6. Very good sign- Find a watch. Superstitions say that this is fortunately and gifts of fate - it is pleasant to believe in such good beliefs with all your heart, in addition, the stronger the inner conviction, the more chances for the fulfillment of hopes!

But another thing is how to deal with the find. If you are lucky enough to find a watch, this is a good belief, but picking up and wearing someone else's thing can be risky - they carry the energy of another person and can transfer his illnesses and problems to you.

It is worth being more careful - it is best not to be lazy, consecrate the find with holy water, hold it over the flame of a lit church candle. This ritual will cleanse the item of old energy, and the watch you were lucky enough to find can be worn.

In addition, you should start them yourself, and if they are electronic, change the batteries and set them yourself right time. After such ritual actions be sure - you will be accompanied by unprecedented luck, and dreams will come true.

7. A very common and beloved sign is associated with the numbers on the electronic dial. They say that if you look at the dial, and there are the same numbers and figures, this is a great happiness and a dream come true.

It is worth making a cherished wish before the numbers change! Of course, these are just superstitions, but who knows - maybe the wish will come true?

Ancient beliefs should be treated wisely, reasonably, but with respect. In the end, they did not arise from scratch and it was not for nothing that they survived, having reached us unchanged - apparently, most of them really work and have a magical effect on fate.

Believe in the best, do not be too fanatical and do not rush to extremes. Remember that only you yourself create fate - and let only the best signs come true! Author: Vasilina Serova

Is it possible to wear someone else's watch, give a watch, pick up a watch.

A huge number of beliefs and traditions are associated with watches, which appeared a very, very long time ago, but are in demand to this day. Is it possible to wear someone else's, give, throw away watches and many other questions arise in almost every person, and the answers to these questions are not always unambiguous. So, let's start to understand them and look for answers.

Is it possible to wear someone else's, found on the street, broken or broken watch?

How often do we encounter finds? Agree that if not regularly, then at least several times this happened to everyone. Money, jewelry, watches - whatever, because if someone loses, then someone will definitely find it.

But there is the next point in this situation - it is very difficult to argue with the fact that almost all people are superstitious. Therefore, having found any thing, not every person will pick it up, and even if this happens, then doubts about the correctness of their actions will not take long. Of course, any sane person first of all thinks about the safety of both his own and his family, so questions about whether it is possible to take the things found for oneself will be absolutely logical and understandable.

It is also worth noting the fact that most people only know that it is impossible to pick up other people's things on the street, but only a few know why. Maybe it's not all that scary? That's exactly what we're going to look at today. Let's talk, perhaps, about the thing that has become an integral part of every person's wardrobe.

Clock can rightfully be called a part of our lives. Since ancient times, this attribute has symbolized both the eternity of time and its transience. Magical properties have always been attributed to this accessory.

Everyone knows the opinion that every thing has its own energy. And she receives it from the person to whom she belongs.

  • Since we are all different people, it is simply impossible to be sure that a stranger’s watch, and even more so a found one, has absorbed exclusively positive energy - therefore, in accordance with the sign, you cannot wear such a watch.
  • And at the same time, if you are going to wear a watch of a person close to you who has no malice in relation to you - wear with pleasure.
  • The watch you inherited will serve wonderful amulet, but only if you received them of the good will of the owner.

But with broken and broken clock things are a little different:

  • Broken clock have long been considered a bad omen, and carry bad luck and misfortune for their owner. Such watches can not only be worn, but also kept at home, as they radiate negative energy.
  • It is believed that broken watch stop the life of their owner, taking everything vitality move forward. A person loses his desire for life, and there is not enough time or energy to achieve his goals.

In order to protect yourself from such negative phenomena, you need to do just a little - immediately fix the broken thing. Agree, the way out of the situation is really simple.

Almost from childhood, we are accustomed to trying on the clothes of friends and relatives, to change things for a while or forever. But is it worth it to do this with a watch?

Is it possible to measure, put on other people's watches, change watches?

Since watches are considered personal items, it’s not worth changing them, and it’s not just about signs. It is quite easy to explain such an opinion, it is simply not customary to do so, just like changing underwear, for example.

  • By folk beliefs it is believed that a person who tries on someone else's watch also tries on the life of their owner. In this case, everything should also happen only on the basis of your desires. If you believe in this sign, then before putting on such an accessory, seriously consider whether it is worth it.
  • Our ancestors believed that do not wear and try on things of people who are ill with serious illnesses, the dead, as well as the bride and groom, as these things have too strong energy and not always good.

  • But, despite all these warnings, you need to remember that a lot depends on how you yourself feel about such signs. After all, one cannot exclude the fact that many things are passed down from generation to generation and at the same time do not cause any problems to their new owners.
  • change hours stands only with those people in whom you are absolutely sure, because by exchanging a thing, you exchange its energy.

Next, let's move on to perhaps the most common sign. When choosing a gift for family and friends, your choice can justifiably fall on this stylish wardrobe item. But there is far from one person in your environment who will assure you not to make such presents, explaining that you cannot give a watch as a gift.

Giving new and re-gifting someone else's watch is considered a bad omen. But why is it considered that way? There are several reasons why it is highly undesirable to present such a present:

  • Since the clock symbolizes time and life, it is believed that by making such a gift, you reduce the life of the person to whom you give it.
  • And by giving a watch to your loved one, you doom yourself not only to constant quarrels and disagreements with him, but also to parting.
  • It is also not customary to give any watch to newlyweds, since there is an opinion that such a present will bring squabbles and abuse to the couple, and subsequently a divorce.

If you are really inclined to believe this sign, then it will be useful for you to know that you can give a watch as a gift by taking a small nominal fee from a person in return, for example, and basically, this small coins. Thus, you kind of buy them, and do not receive them as a gift.

Can I buy my own watch?

It is in this case that our ancient signs allow us to act with absolute safety, but it is worth following some tips:

  • If the accessory chooses woman or girl, preference should be given to an oval or round watch, or other shapes, but always with rounded edges. It is believed that it is this form of the product that will provide a woman with a happy and carefree life, as well as success in personal affairs. But buying a square-shaped watch, the girl dooms herself to “carry an unbearable burden” and do all the male work on her own.
  • If he buys a watch for himself the male everything should be exactly the opposite. Guys should choose a rectangular or square shape dial. Having given preference to just such a form, it is generally accepted that a man will be successful in work, his finances will always only grow, and even in family life there shouldn't be any problems at all.

How does the shape of the clock affect family life and financial situation we cannot say today, but I would like to believe that by listening to these recommendations, you can really get what was promised.

Today, a lot has already been said about wristwatches, but what can be said about wall clocks? In principle, there is no significant difference in these accessories, since they perform the same role.

Is it possible to hang someone else's wall clock in the house

Here I would like to note that not only watches, but also other things should not be indiscriminately “pulled” into your house, and even more so you should not do this when you do not know the owner of these things. Bringing to yourself things that previously belonged to other people, you can decently “litter” the house. Do you need it - decide for yourself.

If the desire to hang someone else's watch is so great that you are ready to ignore all signs and superstitions, then be guided by at least the following recommendations:

  • When purchasing a watch, it is advisable to do it from your friends. Thus, at least you will know what the fate of the owners of this accessory is and will be able to assess the possible risks.
  • Buy only serviceable, working hours. You should not take a watch that "does not work" in order to repair them.
  • It is also not necessary to take a watch with a broken dial or a watch with other damage into the house.
  • If you liked the watch, it is in good condition, and its previous owner is familiar and pleasant to you, take your purchase and hang it at home with a positive attitude.

It often happens that we like the thing that has already been used and is sold by hand. But is it safe to buy watches this way. Let's figure it out.

Can I buy watches from my hands?

It's no secret that buying things from hand, including watches, whether they are new or used, you can save a lot, but is it worth it? Opinions of people, and signs do not give a clear answer.

  • The sign about buying watches from hands tells us again that by purchasing such a ticking accessory as a bonus, we we can get different kind diseases and a dose of negativity.
  • There is also an opinion that sometimes people spoil on such items, and then sell them to get rid of their problems, and you accordingly buy them and take them on yourself.
  • On the other hand, more mundane, you need to understand that we are all people. And most people sell things out of necessity, without any malicious intent.

What position you take, and what to believe in, the choice is yours. When we lose some things, we do not attach any importance to this, but is it the same with losing watches? Probably not.

Why lose a watch on the street?

There are many options that explain why the loss of hours can occur. Consider the most common of them:

  • You are being reminded that wasting time does not lead to anything good. This is such a kind of call for you to reconsider your life and perhaps decide to change something.
  • Also, the loss of hours may indicate that difficulties will await you in the future. That time will “stop”, you will not develop, and all your affairs will “stand still”.

  • Another possible explanation for this loss is as follows: certain stage in your life has already ended and gone into the past along with the lost hours, and ahead new round time. But what it will be depends not only on signs and superstitions, but also on yourself.

With that, is it possible to use the watch of a person whom you know, everything is clear, but what if you found such an accessory and its owner is unknown?

Why find a wristwatch on the street and is it possible to pick them up?

There is no consensus on this belief. In some sources, it is strictly forbidden to raise the clock on the street, while others say that this is just a sign from above, intended for you.

  • In one version of this sign, it is believed that at the moment when a person passes away, his clock stops. Therefore, picking up such a find is extremely dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. By taking such an accessory for yourself, you run the risk of taking all the diseases of the deceased person. By picking up such a watch, you can take away all the negativity of the disease for yourself and doom yourself to suffering.
  • Also, before interpreting the meaning of such a find, it is worth paying attention to its appearance. Other sources indicate that if you find a watch that is not broken, working, then this is a pretty good sign. Such a find symbolizes new opportunities that will soon open up before you. These can be both opportunities related to work, for example, an increase, and to family life, for example, a new acquaintance, or a new stage in a relationship.

  • If you found a broken or stopped watch- You should seriously think about where you spend your time. Such a find may warn that you will spend precious minutes of your life completely irrationally. In such cases, you need to remember how fleeting time is and that you cannot return it back.
  • It should be noted that such a ticking find can also remind you that you forgot to fulfill your promise to someone. Try to remember to whom and when you promised something and correct the situation.

What to do if you find a watch on the street? Of course, it’s up to you to decide, but if you are superstitious, then perhaps you should just pass by, because few will want to check for themselves whether this is true or not.

Sometimes it also happens that we can forget our watch about someone from relatives or friends. What do the signs say in this case and is there any mysterious meaning in this at all?

Why forget a watch in someone else's house?

  • If you forgot the watch from one of your friends, then depending on the shape of the dial, you can talk about the following: sharp-angled clock- to disagreements, resentment, perhaps even to the fact that your friendship will soon end. Round or oval watch- to reconciliation, long friendship, understanding.
  • If you forgot your watch with a loved one - this is a wonderful sign. Most likely, your relationship will develop very well and will have a happy ending. Such relationships, as a rule, easily pass all the tests of time and become stronger from this.
  • But if you forgot the watch of a person who is unpleasant to you, then this can only mean that you cannot stop communicating with this person as quickly as you would like. Most likely, unpleasant conversations will drag on in time, and you will have to see and explain with this person more than once.

  • Forgotten hours at work, may indicate that you are not doing your job and, accordingly, do not get any pleasure from this process. In such cases, it is recommended to think about whether you are doing it, maybe you should forget about all the prejudices and forced situations and just allow yourself to do the thing that would truly interest you.
  • If you forgot the clock at the party or walking - this suggests that on this moment your priorities are set in favor of relaxation and enjoyment. You need to think about whether the accents are made correctly, and whether things are really necessary.

The most unpleasant sign is to break the clock. But why is everyone so afraid of it? We will now find out the answer to this question.

Why break a watch?

The sign of a broken clock is quite ancient and it never promised anything good.

  • The most common interpretation of this sign is this: if the glass cracked in the watch - this is a sign of the illness of one of the family members. To a greater extent, it is considered so for the reason that the clock, as mentioned earlier, symbolizes life and the transience of time, and a cracked dial is primarily a violation of integrity. It is worth noting that these are only assumptions and immediately take everything to heart, of course, you should not.

  • It should be noted that wrist watch generally they fight very easily, this may be due to a problem with the strap or the clasp, but this is also considered a bad sign. Although, unlike the first case, such a breakdown carries more negativity in the workplace. If the clock crashed in this way, you may experience failure at work, or at this stage you will not wait for a promotion up the career ladder.

Each thing has its own term, and even despite the fact that, it would seem, the main thing in watches is to change the battery on time, they also stop working over time.

Can you throw away watches?

On this occasion, there are enough a large number of opinions.

  • Of course, before you wonder if such an accessory can be thrown away, you need to make sure that it can no longer be repaired. Give the watch to the master, and only if his verdict is not comforting, start thinking.
  • Previously, there was a belief that a watchmaker, making watches, put a piece of his soul into them, which is why it was forbidden to simply throw away this product. By throwing away the watch, you doom the person who made it to illness and suffering.
  • If the watch is in good condition, but you don’t want to wear it anymore, just don’t rush to say goodbye to it. Just put them in a secluded place without stopping the arrows.
  • With a broken watch, our ancestors recommended doing the following: they should be put in a dark box, preferably wrapped in a shred purple. It is believed that this color absorbs negative energy well and can neutralize it.

Owners of old, albeit broken, watches should also think carefully before throwing them away.

What to do with old, broken and antique clocks?

  • The happy owners of antique watches, as well as the owners of ordinary wristwatches, must first of all make sure that they are not working and only after that, decide whether to throw them away or leave them. If it is still possible to repair the accessory, then this must be done in without fail, there should not be a faulty clock in the house.
  • And even if the watchmaker has confirmed the malfunction of the vintage watch, do not rush to send it to the trash. In order to protect yourself and your family from negative influence, you need to pull the mechanism out of the clock and hide everything in the same dark box.

Today, once again, we had the opportunity to make sure that signs and beliefs occupy an important place in our lives. Every day we are faced with many things that we try to explain not only with scientific point point of view, but also from the point of view of mysticism. Talking about ancient signs and traditions, I would like to recall the famous saying: "How many people - so many opinions." Each person has the right to independently make decisions regarding the veracity of certain superstitions, but we cannot deny that they have a place to be.

It is up to you to decide whether to use other people's things or not, to pick up your finds or not: if the opinion that every thing has the energy of its owner and it is not always positive does not scare you, then recharge yourself with positive, set yourself up for a wave of good luck and with pleasure use the thing.

Video: Why can't you wear other people's things?

"What is it? I paid off such money, but they are worth it!!” Are you familiar with this picture? When you want to see what time it is, and your watch, for which you paid good money, turns out to be worth it! Not a pleasant situation, is it? Especially when you are in a hurry for an important meeting.

So why does the clock stop?

The reasons are different. called out different factors. Or mechanical. Or bioenergy. It also depends on the type of watch.
Then let's start with mechanical. That is, let's try to find the answer to the question -

Why do mechanical watches stop?

Let's consider the following facts. Mechanical watches have been around for a long time. At least five centuries. They differ in size, models, styles and so on. However, the principle of operation and manufacturing remains the same. Like setting hours. And also the tendency to stop. There can be many reasons for stopping. Dozens. For example:

  1. Banal forgetfulness. That is, they forgot to start on time. Or not completely.
  2. Penetrated dust and dirt.
  3. Maybe hair.
  4. Corrosion caused by water ingress.
  5. Dried grease
  6. Also due to impact. (Although this applies already to ordinary negligence.)
  7. Well, or got under the influence of a magnet.
  8. The reason may be poor-quality repairs. Or poor quality parts.
  9. Or: self-employment! That is, an attempt to repair the watch yourself using improvised means.

For some of the reasons, you can ask the question: “How can dirt, dust or hair get inside the mechanism?” The answer is simple: depressurization of the case! How is this possible? Very simple. They took and opened the case. What for? Either because of a serious reason, or out of pure curiosity. Whatever the reason, the result is clear. The case was depressurized, as a result of which the ingress of dust, dirt or even water became possible.

Ordinary wear of parts may also occur. As the saying goes: "Nothing lasts forever under the moon", so do not be surprised that even the most accurate watch owner will once ask this question: "Why did my watch stop?"

In any case, for a sane watch owner, regardless of whether they are expensive or not, it is worth having a good master watchmaker with an excellent reputation among his acquaintances. And able not only to repair the watch, but also to advise the owner of the watch in detail.

“And I have a quartz watch” or

why do quartz watches stop?

It's wonderful too. To date, a lot of people on earth are the owners of such watches. Sometimes they, too, are surprised when their device for measuring time suddenly stops. In this case, you should also pay attention to the careful handling of the watch. This is, First of all.

Secondly: on the condition of the battery. If you want to check it, then using a voltmeter or a simple tester, you can determine how much the battery is still “alive”.

Thirdly: failure of a microcircuit or some other part.

Fourth: Presence of moisture inside the mechanism. How could she get there? The reasons may be different, however, the main one: the owner himself! If he thinks that the watch also “loves” water and takes a bath or shower with a watch on his arm, then he may be in for a “pleasant” surprise in the form of a stopped watch.

The above reasons for stopping a quartz watch also apply to electronic hours. (Unless, of course, they are waterproof or shockproof). It must be remembered that household appliances such as a TV, microwave and refrigerator are also dangerous friends hours. Because they produce a strong magnetic field, which can easily disable the watch.

Another reason for the clock to stop: man!

It is no secret that we are walking generators of electromagnetic waves. Like any creature. Probably, many have already experienced the effects of static discharges when touching a person or object. Therefore, in this small part we are talking about bioenergy.

Watch owners, sometimes, with a sharp emotional shock noticed that their watch had stopped. The same thing sometimes happens at death. What led to the appearance of signs: a person died, and his watch stopped (read also Why giving a watch is a bad omen).

It is not difficult to explain this. You just need to understand how a mechanical watch works. The balancer, acting on the principle of a pendulum, acts on a spring that rotates the clock hands. When the balancer vibrates, a certain number of charged electric particles are produced. which gives rise to an electric field.

Therefore, the clock, having its own energy field, interacts with ours. And when a person dies, or experiences strong shock, there is a release of electricity that affects the clock mechanism. And the clock stops! Or at a short time or for a long time.

And it doesn't matter that we now live in an era of technological progress, most of people still continue to turn to signs, they believe in them unspeakably. It is worth noting that some of the signs are rooted deep in the past, now they are no longer so relevant. But the other part is still in demand and very useful. There are those signs that will always excite people and remain relevant. For example, when the clock stops. Almost everyone knows that this is not a very good sign.

It is believed that if the clock has stopped, then expect grief, death or serious illness. loved one. The clock measures the time of our life, and it is inexorably running out. When this "unit" fails (stops) - expect bad events. That is why many people panic when this happens. Let's understand everything in order.

When to start "sounding the alarm"

We must not forget that now the sign "with a clock" has somewhat lost its strength. Previously, it was more powerful, stronger, more significant. Modern watches are much worse, not more reliable than these things were before. If the quality of the product leaves much to be desired, then the watch may break (stop) within an hour after purchase.

It's not about signs, it's about the manufacturer. For example, cheap chinese watch break down quickly. It means absolutely nothing in terms of signs. Only that the clock was initially bad. It can be a weak mechanism, low-quality parts, and so on.

Previously, people wore good watches on their hands or hung them on the wall at home, the battery was changed (if it was there at all) every few years! Now this is hardly possible. And if we talk about mechanical watches, then there was no need for a battery. Run them every day and enjoy. It is also important to remember that the sign about “stopping the clock” does not apply to “devices” of the electronic type! The battery just sits down there, there is nothing terrible or fatal in this. Buy a new one and keep using it.

Also, if you have a mechanical watch hanging (or standing somewhere) at home, but it is out of order due to natural factors (for example, your neighbors flooded you), then the sign also does not work. The sign only works when your wrist or wall mechanical clock suddenly stops for no apparent reason.

Usually in this case, people take the product for repair. But what to think if the master did not find a breakdown, and the watch still does not work? That's when you need to worry - turn to folk beliefs. This doesn't happen often, of course. But if it was just with you, then you need to take action - to avert trouble by performing a certain ritual.

How to help yourself, what to do if the clock has stopped

If this happened to you, then you should not immediately panic. This “problem” is solvable, it is important to just know what and how to do so that trouble does not happen. Negative thinking is not very good for human health, and bad thoughts quickly materialize.

Therefore, do not immediately give free rein to emotions. So, you need to collect water in a container. If it is a wrist watch, then a deep plate will do. If the clock is wall - prepare a pot of water, a basin so that they fit there. Next, you should put the watch in water and keep it there for a day. It is necessary to “break”, let’s say, this bad circle so that the clock “clears up”.

You will not have to use the accessory anymore, it is important to understand this. But it is absolutely necessary to break such a connection so that nothing happens in your house and specifically with you!

After the clock has lain in the water for a day, you need to remove it from there. This should be done with gloves. Don't touch the clock with bare hands! It is important! Otherwise, the energy will again pass to you. The clock will need to be thrown away from home. Pour water from the nearest bush or tree. In no case not in the sink, bath or toilet! That's all that needs to be done in order to completely "remove from oneself" the negative influence of the stopped clock.

For what reasons can a wrist watch "stand up"

Psychologists and psychics unanimously say that the watch adopts (and exchanges) energy with its owner. If your wristwatch suddenly stops, then something not very good has happened to your biomagnetic field. The reason may be the evil eye, spoilage, unexpected depression, apathy, negative thinking, and the like. Always follow what you think. Thought is material, it can greatly affect your life in general and health in particular.

What to think if the clock on the wall has stopped, what to do

The clock that you bring into the apartment, hang on the wall, take over the energy of the house, release its energy and an exchange takes place. If the clock suddenly “stands up” for no apparent reason, it means that “not going well” in your house. The apartment will need to be cleaned, sprinkled with holy water. You can invite the priest to consecrate. And as for the watch, they need to be “treated” in the way we wrote about above (hold it in water).

Watch who comes to your house, what they say, how they behave. It would be very suspicious to find, for example, a needle stuck in the door jamb. Take action right away! People who come to visit do not always have good intentions and good thoughts. This applies not only to friends, comrades, but also relatives and relatives. Do not invite people into the house with whom you do not have a very good, tense relationship.

Why does the clock stop when a person dies?

There are very frequent and well-known situations when the clock stops in an apartment or house immediately after the death of the owner or just a tenant. Many psychics and people involved in parapsychology believe that this may be due to the human biomagnetic field.

When a person “departs to another world”, then his biofield closes, his life also ends. And the clock, which has absorbed the energy of this person, also stops. The reasons are clear. The end of one life and the second. But this doesn't happen all that often. It is necessary that a person wear this very watch on his arm for a sufficiently long time, become related, or something, with them. Then what happens is what we wrote above. If the watch is new, just bought, then it will “not respond”, most likely to death.

All signs are born of our tendency to think in metaphors. By similarity, we transfer meaning from one subject to another. People think: what happened to our watches will happen to fate, the course of life. Of course it isn't. But still mystical stories there is plenty about the usual household appliance with arrows, you need to treat it with careful respect. It's not easy sometimes with a watch, I confirm.

1. Buy a new watch - start life from a clean page.

Rites and rituals have been of great importance since ancient times, because they helped a person to re-tune to the desired wave, to change. If you do such symbolic actions with faith and determination, then, indeed, you can influence fate. Let the new watch be the first step towards a wonderful future, the main thing is not to stop there! Look for new friends, new hobbies, new goals and objectives. Then it will definitely work!

2. I saw repetitions of numbers on an electronic watch - good luck.

This is a newfangled sign that arose with the invention of the electronic scoreboard. In general, numerology as a belief in the magic of numbers has thousand-year roots. Our mothers and grandmothers looked for happy repeats on travel tickets. Therefore, it is not surprising: if the numbers “double”, then you want to make a wish faster.

“And sometimes I come up with signs for myself to cheer me up. Electronic clock shows 22:22 - good luck.

3. Finding a watch in working order is a good sign.

Time is a resource that cannot be restored and replenished. It is priceless because it is limited! Therefore, ticking clocks on your way are considered a good find. You should expect a happy occasion, good luck in business, luck and success.

4. Wristwatches are constantly late - to empty chores and troubles. Real evidence rather suggests the opposite: the more we fuss and worry, the more likely it is that the watch will start to fail after its owner.

“I had such that the watch stopped working or started to fail. As soon as I started to think “I don’t want to live anymore”, “I’m tired”, “I’m tired of life”, “time makes me nervous”, they immediately turned off. Associated with my state of apathy, uselessness and "stopping" development. As soon as I set goals, got out of a dreary state, everything returned to normal. ”

“I noticed that my hours depended on my rhythm. Now I live every day, I don’t think about the future: the clock runs smoothly. When I'm in a hurry, fussing, trying to bring some moment closer, the clock starts to run away. Definitely connected with the human field. It's good when the clock is fast. When they lag behind, it means that they are fixated on the past. They are in a hurry, which means that there are many plans and actions.

5. Break the clock - to trouble.

The defect of the watch is transferred to the whole life of their owners. As a thing has suffered, people can also suffer from the blows of fate. There is a certain meaning in this, I wrote in detail in the article hidden tension, a signal of the subconscious, synchronicity.

6. Broken clocks are not kept in the house. A stopped clock cannot be kept at home.

They should be repaired or thrown away without regret. The metaphor is as follows: just as a damaged device has ceased to perform work, so the movement through the life of the inhabitants of the apartment will stop, time will freeze for them. If you are sensitive to these kinds of signs, then anxious expectations may arise. When there is a lot of old rubbish in the apartment, it really affects the human condition.

“I heard such a sign that you can’t keep a broken watch at home. It is believed that time will “stand” in the house.

7. You can not give a watch - part with this person.

The most famous and controversial sign. It seems like a watch and a symbol of eternity, but the gift can be taken as a hint - "your time in my life is running out." It doesn't matter if this prophecy comes true. There are many people who blame an unsuccessful gift for parting and even divorce. But they won't tell you all the details. Perhaps even without a watch, the relationship was not strong. strong feelings it is difficult to do harm with trifles, and for temporary and burdensome relationships, of course, the sign will work 100%.

8. You can’t give a watch to a wedding - the couple will divorce.

I am skeptical about this notion. There is a clock in the kitchen, a gift from my husband's friend for our wedding. We have been living with my husband for 18 years. But since there are many superstitious people, it is better to take into account signs when choosing a gift. Few people admit that they were an egoist and a tyrant, making the life of their spouse unbearable, so they left him. It is more pleasant to blame everything on the harmful energy of an unsuccessful gift. And you can turn up under a hot hand. Remain guilty of a "bad" gift.

There are special stories when a divorce or a serious discord in a relationship coincides with the breakdown of household appliances:

“When the former left the family, all the clocks in the apartment stopped. And those that were presented to us for the wedding broke completely. But on top of that, my technique was all broken.”

“It happened to me that once an icon fell. Last year we fought a lot. And she took it as a sign: we must part! But she was afraid that one with three children could not be pulled out. Forgive for everything. At the same time, the clock given to us for the wedding broke down. One more hint. After a while, I had to drop everything altogether and go far, far away. I needed one, but I dragged him with me! More life did not have! One maeta for me and the children. All signs are clues. If they are correctly deciphered, then many misfortunes can be avoided.

9. The clock has fallen - to illness or death.

Death, especially premature, sudden, is sometimes preceded by mystical signs. It's rare special cases. More often, the reasons for things falling off the wall are banal: the rope broke from old age, carnations could not stand it, children or pets were naughty. I read this story on one of the forums. The man got the fight of the expensive wall clock that a neighbor hung in his room. They beat so hard that the wall vibrated. He, unable to stand it, came under some pretext to visit and, left alone, made accurate measurements: the location of the nail on which this clock hung. Returning home, I found this point on my side, applied a bar and hit it with a sledgehammer so that the nail flew out from the opposite side. So reality can be much more unpredictable than any mysticism. But mysticism also happens.

“I didn’t really believe in omens. Therefore, when the clock fell from the wall and smashed to smithereens hanging in this place for eight years, I did not want to believe in bad omens. But ... The next day my life passed away native brother, at 34 years old. Now I believe in the signs of fate.

Be careful with signs. Clock like a mirror pectoral cross have a sacred meaning, that is, a special sacred dimension. A symbol of the flow of the stream of life, their stop is a metaphor for death. Therefore, it is worth something to happen to them, anxiety arises, as these deep meanings are actualized. But there is also household plan! An ordinary thing in the house, most often made in China, of average quality. In most cases, watch stories are trifles of life, devoid of any mysticism, but due to the anxiety and suspiciousness of many people, they can really spoil the mood and lead to trouble. Save common sense, and then the true magic of being will open before you.

Since the topic is too extensive, I had to start a separate section where amazing stories eyewitnesses of strange coincidences or signs of fate.

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