The wolf is a wild predatory animal. Description and photo of the common wolf. Wolf in the wild. Life span of wolves Scientific description of the wolf

Wolves are one of the most famous and typical predators. Together with several closely related species - jackals, coyotes, wild dogs - they are part of the wolf family. There are only 2 types of real wolves in the world - gray and red. They can also include the coyote, which in fact is not much different from typical wolves. The appearance of these animals does not need detailed description. They are characterized by all the signs of real predators: a dense but slender body, relatively long legs, an elongated muzzle, armed with a set of sharp and large teeth.

Gray wolf (Canis lupus).

The claws of wolves wear down from contact with the ground, so they are relatively blunt. These signs indicate a mobile lifestyle and a pronounced carnivorous nature of these animals. The color and size of wolves vary greatly depending on the area where they live. So, the northern populations are large and have a light, almost white coat color; wolves of temperate latitudes are usually gray, sometimes completely black individuals come across among them; wolves from the southern regions are small, with red or brown hair.

Alaskan wolves are white.

The range of wolves covers vast areas of the Northern Hemisphere, but in some parts of the range ( Western Europe, British Isles) they are completely exterminated. These animals live in various landscapes - in the tundra, forests, mountains and steppes. Wolves lead a sedentary lifestyle, but in search of food they can roam long distances. In general, these animals are characterized by great mobility: in search of food, wolves can go almost a whole day without rest, overcoming up to 50-60 km at a time. Of particular note is the extreme endurance and vitality of wolves: a hungry wolf without food is able to remain fully active for up to 10 days, a wounded wolf leaves several kilometers from hunters, surrounded by dogs fiercely defends itself to the last drop of blood, and caught in a trap, bites off its own paw to escape from the pursuers. There are cases when a wolf, having received a broken paw during a hunt, remained lying on the ground, he remained motionless for 17 days, after which, as if nothing had happened, he continued to search for prey. Such a will to live is amazing! But wolves also have secret weaknesses: oddly enough, but these brave predators give in to the sight of a fluttering rag. This feature formed the basis of the famous wolf hunt with flags. In this case, the hunters, having found a pack of wolves, surround (“envelop”) it around the perimeter with a stretched rope with rags of fabric. The wolves, seeing the fluttering matter, do not dare to jump over the flags, and the hunters shoot the animals point-blank.

Wolves are pack animals. Each pack consists of several wolf families - a parental pair and a grown up young - and has from 7 to 30 individuals.

Wolves in a pack are related to each other.

The life of a pack is very complicated and is subject to internal "wolf" laws. The expression "wolf law" has become a household word for injustice and unscrupulousness. But is this how wolves really live? Observations show that in reality the situation is exactly the opposite. All pack behavior is subject to strict discipline and a clear hierarchy. In the pack there is a dominant pair of wolves (the so-called alpha male and alpha female), their behavior regulates the mode of life of other animals. The leader leads the flock to hunt and takes an active part in it, he is the first to start dividing the prey.

The wolf grinned, protecting the carcass of the elk.

In large flocks, the leading pair also limits the reproduction of other pairs, preventing other animals from mating. The remaining members of the pack are divided into ranks from the strongest to the weakest. Each beast obeys the higher in rank and "suppresses" the lower ones. But this pressure is not accompanied by violence! Wolves have a very developed language of facial expressions and sounds: with the help of various grimaces, grins, growls, whining and howling, they signal each other about their condition. So, if the leader is "dissatisfied" with the behavior of the subordinate, it is enough for him to grin or growl and his message will be immediately understood.

The male of the dominant pair with a grin declares his right to be the first to eat the prey. The male of the second rank demonstrates a submissive pose and averted gaze, thereby recognizing the right of the strong and begging for his share.

Weak members of the pack also signal their needs to the leader: whining, they beg for their share of the prey; roll over on their back, showing a stronger unprotected stomach. This gesture means "I obey you" and is never rejected. Skirmishes between animals are rare and almost always at the initiative of the lower members of the pack! If the wolf, who is in the second and third roles, believes that it is his time to be the leader, he stops receiving the pointing signals of the leader and enters into a fight with him. In general, the degree of dominance of an animal can be easily determined by characteristic feature- the position of the tail. At the leader it is always victoriously raised, at the animals of the second rank it spreads horizontally, at the ones following them it is lowered, at the weakest it is pressed. It would seem that such a hierarchy looks cruel, but in fact it protects the members of the pack from unnecessary rivalry. Each wolf "knows" its place in the pack and, in case of obedience to the laws, is completely protected from the aggression of other animals. In addition, a pack lifestyle gives advantages in hunting, allowing you to kill prey. large size. Sometimes individuals may leave the flock. Lone wolves, as a rule, lose to animals in groups. It happens that a strong lone wolf meets a lone female, thereby giving rise to his own pack.

Wolves make their lairs in burrows, often dug themselves; less often - occupy the holes of other animals. Wolves spend most of the day in the burrow, leaving it only at dusk. They hunt mainly at night. Only one pair of wolves lives in each hole, and they gather in a pack using an unsurpassed means of communication - howling. The howl of a wolf is not just a voice, it is literally a message in which certain signals are encrypted. Howling can be attractive during the mating season; he can be calling when the leader gathers a flock to hunt; can be reciprocal when members of the pack respond to the call; howling can be death-death in agonizing animals and, finally, howling can be just entertainment. Yes, wolves often howl without apparent reason, just like that, for the soul.

The calling howl of a wolf.

Each animal has its own unique timbre of voice, by which the wolves determine the location and condition of the members of the pack. Wolves listen with pleasure to sounds similar to howling, and this feature was again used by humans. For hunting wolves, a decoy is often used - a special horn that resembles a wolf's voice. The wolves respond to the sound of the call and give out their location in the forest. Once, a pack of wolves even responded to the sound of ... a locomotive!

The basis of the diet of wolves is medium-sized ungulates - roe deer, deer, fallow deer, mountain goats and rams, wild boars. AT winter period, unfavorable for ungulates, wolves can also overcome larger animals - elk, bison, bison, musk ox. And vice versa, with starvation, wolves catch smaller animals - hares, ground squirrels, marmots, lemmings, voles. Sometimes wolves pick up dead fish, shellfish, eat grass and berries. In hunting, the wolf is helped by a keen sense of smell, good hearing, quick legs and the support of fellows. Wolves take their prey by starvation, exhausting the victim with a long pursuit. When running, a wolf can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h, the paws of wolves are wider than those of domestic dogs, which allows them to quickly move through deep snow.

In deep snow, wolves often move trail after trail.

During the hunt, members of the pack share duties, some of the wolves drive the prey, others cut it, if the victim has gone into the sludge (takes up all-round defense), the wolves surround it with a dense ring and try to exhaust it by alternately attacking from different sides. The bite of a wolf is very deep, for animals of small size (sheep, for example), the wolf bites the throat at once. The wolf can also carry the carcass of a small animal, but usually the victim is eaten immediately. Since the percentage of successful hunts is low, wolves try to eat in reserve. At one time, the wolf can absorb up to 10 kg of meat, the remaining pieces of the carcass are hidden in secluded places.

The wolf carries prey to hide in a secluded place.

The wolf remembers their location and after some time visits for more. In especially favorable cases, when there is a lot of prey and it is helpless (domestic animals in a pen), wolves can kill almost all animals. For this they earned the hatred of the farmers. Although the wolf prefers to eat fresh meat, it also willingly picks up carrion in times of famine.

Wolves breed once a year mating games start in winter. Unlike dogs, wolves form permanent pairs for life, a change of partner can occur only in the event of the death of the previous one.

A couple in love plays catch up.

The female brings offspring in the spring, there are 3-5 wolf cubs in the brood. Wolf cubs are born blind and spend the first weeks of their lives in a hole, from the age of one month they begin to crawl out of the hole, and from 1.5 months they begin to eat half-digested meat that the male burps. Grown up wolf cubs move farther and farther from their holes, and over time they begin to hunt small animals and wounded animals, which are brought by their parents.

The cubs are taking their first steps into the big world.

Females become fully grown by the age of two, and males by three. The life expectancy of wolves is 14-18 years. Wolves have few natural enemies. They can engage in skirmishes over prey with bears, lynxes. Sometimes wolves die during the hunt from injuries inflicted by elks, horses, bison. The main enemy of wolves is hunger: both adult animals and young animals die from starvation.

But the largest number wolves were exterminated by man. On the one hand, people were afraid of wolves because they were defenseless against the collective attack of predators. The primitive peoples still retain respect for the wolf (for example, the wolf is a totem animal among the Indians of North America). On the other hand, the development of civilization has put wolves outside the law. In almost all countries of Asia and Europe, wolves have a negative image. They act as negative heroes of fairy tales, legends and myths (cannibal wolves, werewolves, symbols of deceit). In fact, the way of life of wolves has nothing to do with these fictions, their only fault is that they are human food competitors and sometimes encroach on domestic animals (cases of wolf attacks on humans are rare). People used this pretext for the total extermination of wolves, and the ways of hunting a wolf are striking both in diversity and inhumanity. They are hunted with dogs (hounds, huskies, greyhounds), birds of prey (golden eagles), they use trap fishing, trailing (tracking in the footsteps), fishing with flags and decoys, just hunting from a gun. Those who lack the talent to use these methods shoot wolves from cars and helicopters, use them to train fighting dogs. As a result, in many places of the range, wolves have become rare. In fact, their extermination is justified in rare cases when wolves are carriers of rabies (such animals represent real threat for people and livestock) or encroach on livestock in areas of herd animal husbandry. In other places, wolves perform the indispensable function of forest orderlies, destroying weak, old and sick animals. It has been observed that in reserves where wolves live, ungulate populations are healthier and more stable, and in places where they do not exist, deer and elk suffer either from disease or from starvation caused by overcrowding. Another threat is genetic crossbreeding with feral dogs and coyotes. For this reason, the red wolf, which lives in the southern United States, is almost on the verge of extinction. Wolves are well tamed, but in captivity they retain the dignity of a wild beast, not descending to the subservience of a dog.

Wolves have always played a very important role in human life. They were both sworn enemies and best friends of people. Giant wolves, weighing about ninety kilograms, are especially terrifying.

Large breeds of wolves

It is known about seven types of wolves and seventeen varieties of gray wolf. Thus, there are twenty-four species of wolves all over the world, and not all of them are large. The Arctic (polar) wolf is recognized as the rarest. As the name suggests, it lives in the Arctic. He has a warm, dense coat that helps the animal survive in extremely difficult conditions. The unique fur has always been of interest to hunters, which is why the polar wolf was on the verge of extinction. The average weight of an individual ranges from sixty to eighty kilograms with a length of up to 1.8 m.

The Tasmanian marsupial wolf is considered the largest among marsupial predators. According to official data, the animal became extinct, but there is hope that a few individuals survived in wild places Tasmania. Excluding the tail, the length of this predator reached one and a half meters, and the height was about sixty centimeters. The weight of an individual was up to twenty-five kilograms.

The large species include the maned wolf. It has other names - it is aguarachay and guara. Long hair adorns the shoulders and neck of these wolves. Its average height is seventy-five centimeters, weight varies from twenty-one to twenty-three kilograms with a length of one hundred and sixty centimeters.

The Melville island wolf is considered especially large. With a length of up to a meter and eighty centimeters, the weight can be about eighty kilograms. The objects of his hunting are musk oxen, reindeer, elk.

On the Eurasian territory, the Central Russian forest wolf reaches its maximum size. The height at the shoulders can reach a meter, and the length sometimes exceeds a meter and sixty centimeters. The maximum weight of an adult male is almost forty-five kilograms. The Siberian timber wolf is practically not inferior in size to the Central Russian wolf when compared with average sizes.

Where do the biggest wolves live?

It is believed that the farther from the equator wolves live, the larger they are. So, the size of wolves from the tropics is usually equal to the size of an ordinary dog, but wolves from Alaska, Canada and Russia are among the largest.

The common gray wolf, recognized as the largest in the world, lives on a vast territory in various landscapes. More often it can be found in forest-steppes, deserts, steppes, tundra and open areas. mountainous areas. But in dense forests, this species lives less frequently. At one time, gray wolves lived on such a vast area that they conceded the rights of the owner only to humans. Today, the area of ​​​​residence has been greatly reduced.

The other largest wolf, the Melville island wolf, lives on the North American continent in the Arctic islands and on the island of Greenland in its northern part. To equip the lair, the wolf uses the natural landscape. More often, their dwellings are located in ledges of rocks, small depressions or caves.

A rare polar wolf lives in the Arctic. The living conditions are harsh, however, the predator managed to adapt. The polar wolf can do without water for several weeks, but after the first successful hunt, he may well eat up to ten kilograms of meat. Due to drastic climate changes, habitual habitats begin to change, this leads to a significant reduction in the number of polar wolves.

What do giant wolves eat?

Wolves, regardless of size, prefer to eat prey alive - often these are large ungulates that are driven by a wolf pack. The wolves pounce on the animal and tear it apart. The victims are still alive for some time.

It is known that cannibalism is common among wolves, they eat wounded and sick relatives. Sometimes in deadly fight between two flocks, alpha males die, who are later eaten by their own offspring.

The maned wolf is known to most often hunt alone. Its prey are small animals: various birds, pacu and agouti. These wolves often carry poultry, and when they gather in a flock, they can attack sheep. The maned wolf does not disdain plant food.

The Melville island wolf forages in packs using driven tactics. Prey are lemmings, moose, arctic hares, musk oxen, as well as large, but weakened animals.

The largest wolf in the world today

Gray predators today have “matured” and grown a little. It is known that the ancestor of the modern wolf is Canis dirus, which became extinct during the Ice Age. The length of the individual was about two and a half meters with a weight of one hundred kilograms.

In the nineteenth century, a wolf was considered large, whose weight was in the range of sixty to seventy kilograms. In 1939, a wolf weighing ninety kilograms was shot by a hunter in Alaska, its length was about one and a half meters. According to unconfirmed reports, a wolf weighing more than ninety kilograms was killed by one of the hunters in Siberia.

The largest wolf on the planet is the gray wolf Canis lupus. Its length, excluding the tail, reaches one meter and sixty centimeters, and its weight is about ninety kilograms. The height of the gray predator is ninety centimeters. Canis lupus is not only the largest wolf, but also the most big representative canine families.

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Less than half of the historical "reserve". This is the number of wolf species on the planet. Live varieties of predators 7. 2 more have sunk into oblivion. Four of the existing species are listed in the Red. One of the four wolves was even declared extinct. However, scientists managed to film the "last of the Mohicans" on video cameras.

Extinct wolf species

Since ancient times, wolves have been endowed with demonic power. No wonder the dark essence of man was attributed the image of gray. So there was a mythical character - a werewolf. To official species it does not apply to grays, and the existence of wolf people has not been proven.

Another question, the existence of 8 ancient species of predator. Their existence is proved thanks to the finds of skeletons, drawings and records of past eras.

dire wolf

This predator lived in the late Pleistocene. This is one of the epochs of the Quaternary period. It began 2.5 million years ago and ended 11 thousand years ago. So the dire wolves were hunted primitive people.

Animal died last glacial period. There were several of them during the Pleistocene. The latter was distinguished by the severity of frosts.

Appearance of a wolf terrible lived up to its name. In length, the predator was one and a half meters long, and weighed over 100 kilograms. Modern wolves are not larger than 75 kilos, that is, at least a third less. The bite force of prehistoric ones was just as superior to the grip of modern grays.

lived dire wolf in the North. The remains of the animal are found in Florida, Mexico City, California. Wolves from the east and center of the continent had longer legs. Skeletons found in Mexico City and California are short-legged.

Kenai wolf

That's who should be called terrible. However, the remains of the Kenai gray were found later than the prehistoric. The animal, which once lived in Alaska, reached a length of 2.1 meters. This is without taking into account the 60-centimeter tail. The height of the wolf exceeded 1.1 meters. The predator weighed about a centner. Such dimensions allowed the predator to hunt moose.

The existence of Kenai gray was established by studying wolf skulls found in Alaska. In accordance with research, the species was described in 1944 by Edward Goldman. This is an American zoologist.

The Kenai wolf became extinct by the 1910s. The beast was exterminated by the settlers who arrived in Alaska. Predators fell during the hunt for them and due to the use of strychnine by people. It is obtained from the seeds of the bird cherry grass and is used to poison rodents.

newfoundland wolf

He lived not only on the island of Newfoundland, but also on the east coast of Canada. Describing wolf species criteria, it is worth mentioning first of all the black stripe along the ridge on a snow-white background. Indigenous people The Newfoundland called the predator beothuk.

Settlers exterminated the Newfoundland gray. For them, the predator was a threat to livestock. Therefore, the government put up a reward for the dead wolves. For each gave 5 pounds. In 1911, the last island gray was shot. The species was officially declared extinct in 1930.

Tasmanian marsupial wolf

In fact, he was not a wolf. With a gray beast compared for resemblance. However, the Tasmanian predator was a marsupial. Still premature cubs “came out” into the skin fold on the stomach. In the bag, they developed to the point where they could go out into the world.

On the back of the Tasmanian wolf were transverse stripes. They encouraged associations with a zebra or. According to the structure of the body, the marsupial resembled a short-haired dog.

The official name of the species is thylacine. The last one was shot in 1930. There were still a few animals in zoos. The Tasmanian wolf lived there until 1936.

Japanese wolf

He was short-eared and short-legged, lived on the islands of Shikoko, Honshu and Kyushu. The last animal of the species was shot in 1905. 5 stuffed Japanese wolf have been preserved. One of them is on display at the University of Tokyo. The other four stuffed animals are also in Tokyo, but already in the National Museum.

Japanese kind of animal wolf was inconsequential. The body length of the predator was no more than a meter. The animal weighed about 30 kilos.

In the 21st century, Japanese scientists have restored the genome of an extinct wolf. Protein compounds were isolated from the enamel of the teeth of the disappeared animal. Fangs were taken from found skeletons. Proteins grafted to the skin modern wolves. It turned out that the genome of the island grays differs by 6% from the set of DNA of continental individuals.

mogollon mountain wolf

The Mogollons are located in the states of Arizona and New Mexico. There once lived a wolf. He was dark gray with white markings. The length of the animal reached 1.5 meters, but more often it was 120-130 centimeters. The Mogollon predator weighed 27-36 kilograms.

The species was officially declared extinct in 1944. Compared to other wolves, the Mogollon was long-haired.

wolf of the rocky mountains

Also an American, but already lived in the mountains of Canada, in particular, the province of Alberta. Part of the population lived in the northern United States. The color of the animal was light, almost white. The predator was medium in size.

Montana has Glacier National Park. The name translates as "glacier". The area is cold. It was the first in the world to be recognized as an international park. It happened in 1932. So, there is a report of several wolves living in Glasya, and corresponding to the parameters of predators of the rocky mountains. There is no official confirmation of the information yet.

Manitoba wolf

Named after the Canadian province of Manitoba. Representatives of the extinct species had thick, light, long fur. Clothes were made from it. Also, the skins of Manitoba predators were used to decorate and insulate dwellings. This served as an additional incentive to shoot predators that encroached on livestock.

Manitoba wolf artificially recreated in Yellowstone national park. However, experiments with the genetic material of an extinct predator made it possible to create a “double”, not a “twin”. The genome of the modern Manitoba gray differs little from the true one.

hokkaido wolf

Otherwise called edzo, lived on Japanese island Hokkaido. The predator was distinguished by a large skull with large and curved fangs. The size of the animal exceeded the parameters of the island Japanese gray, approaching the indicators common wolf.

The fur of the Hokkaido wolf was slightly yellowish, short. The paws of the predator did not differ in length either. The last representative species became extinct in 1889. The reason for the death of the population was the same shooting, "warmed up" by the government reward. They got rid of the wolves by actively plowing the lands of Hokkaido under the farmland.

Florida wolf

He was completely black, thin, tall-legged. In general, the animal resembled a living red wolf, but of a different color.

From the name of the animal it is clear that it lived in Florida. The last specimen was shot in 1908. In addition to hunting, the reason for the extinction of the species was its displacement from habitats. Florida wolf preferred american prairie.

Current species of wolves

In fact, there are not 7, but 24 wolves, since the usual gray has 17 subtypes. We will single them out in a separate chapter. In the meantime, 6 self-sufficient and "lonely" types of wolves:

Red Wolf

Red Wolf-view, which absorbed the external signs of not only gray, but also with a fox. The latter is reminiscent of the red color of the fur and its length on the back and sides of the predator. In addition, the wolf has a narrow muzzle, like a red cheat. Long, fluffy tail the red predator also resembles a fox. The structure of the body is closer to the jackal, the same lean.

Around the eyes, nose and at the end of the red tail, the hair is almost black. Together with the tail, the length of the animal is 140 centimeters. The wolf weighs 14-21 kilograms.

Red Predator Presents types of wolves in Russia, but is listed as endangered on the lands of the Federation. However, outside the country, the predator is also protected. Hunting is allowed only in India and only with a license.

polar Wolf

He's white. According to the name and color, the predator lives in. In order not to succumb to the cold, the beast has grown thick and long fur. The polar bear also has short ears. This eliminates heat loss through large sinks.

Among the existing ones, the polar wolf is large. The growth of the animal reaches 80 centimeters. Growth - also 80, but kilograms.

In conditions of food shortage, the polar predator lives without food for several weeks. Then the beast will either die, or still get game. From hunger, the Arctic wolf is able to eat 10 kilograms of meat at a time.

Food stocks in the Arctic are declining due to melting glaciers, climate change, and poaching. The number of the polar wolf has also decreased. It is listed in the International Red Book.

Maned wolf

The name is associated with the presence of a "necklace" of long hair on the neck and shoulders of the wolf. It is tough, reminiscent of a horse's mane. Likewise, the animal lives in the pampas and prairies. The main wolf population settled in the South. There is no animal beyond the ocean.

Maned lean, high-legged. The latter property allows the beast not to "drown" among the tall grasses of the pampas. You need to look out for prey, and for this you need to be above the "situation".

The color of the predator is red. Unlike the Arctic wolf, the maned wolf has large ears. At the same time, an American is comparable in height to a resident of the Arctic Circle, but weighs less. On average, a maned wolf weighs 20 kilograms.

There is no threat of extinction of the species yet. However, the maned wolf is listed in the International Red Book as endangered. The status indicates the declining population of a still thriving species.

Ethiopian wolf

How many types of wolves do not sort it out, but you will not find more like a fox. The animal is red, with a long and fluffy tail, large and sharp ears, a thin muzzle, and high paws.

The predator is endemic to Ethiopia, that is, it is not found outside. Prior to the DNA test, the animal was classified as a jackal. After research, it turned out that the predator's genome is closer to wolves.

Compared to jackals, the Ethiopian wolf has a larger muzzle, but small teeth. The height of the African predator at the withers is 60 centimeters. The length of the animal reaches a meter, and Weight Limit 19 kilos.

Ethiopian wolf recognized as a rare species, listed in the International Red Book. Part of the extinction of the species is caused by interbreeding with domestic dogs. This is how the genetic uniqueness of wolves is lost. Among other reasons for the disappearance, the main one is the development of wild territories by humans.

tundra wolf

The least studied of the existing ones. Outwardly, the animal looks like a polar predator, but it does not reach the size, weighing no more than 49 kilograms. The height of large males reaches 120 centimeters. Females are inferior to the representatives of the stronger sex in height, weight, but not in body length.

The thick fur of the tundra wolf consists of guard hairs about 17 centimeters long and a downy undercoat. The layer of the latter is 7 cm.

spanish wolf

A small red-gray wolf, as the name implies, lives in Spain. The species was declared extinct, but scientists managed to find a few surviving individuals.

Spanish wolves have white markings on their lips and dark markings on their tail and front paws. The rest of the predator is similar to the common wolf. Many scientists consider the Spaniard to be a subspecies of it.

Gray wolf and its varieties

Seventeen subspecies of the gray wolf is a relative number. Scientists are arguing about the separation from the rest of a particular population. Let's get acquainted with the subspecies that unequivocally "defended" their right to a separate place in the classification. Six of them are found on the territory of Russia:

Russian wolf

It lives in the north of the country, weighs from 30 to 80 kilograms. Females are about 20% smaller than males. Once hunters shot an 85-kilogram predator.

Otherwise, the Russian is called ordinary, does not need to be introduced in appearance. As for temperament, domestic grays are more aggressive than similar animals from America. Some individuals of the common wolf are black in color.

Siberian wolf

Typical not only for, but also the Far East. There are not only gray, but also buffy individuals. Their fur is thick, but you can’t call it long.

The size of a Siberian is not inferior to an ordinary one. Only here the sexual dimorphism between males and females of the subspecies is less pronounced.

Caucasian wolf

Among Russian wolves, his fur is as short as possible, coarse and rare. The animal itself is small, rarely weighing more than 45 kilograms.

The color of the Caucasian predator is gray-ocher. The tone is dark. Siberian and ordinary wolves are light gray, and thujas are almost black individuals.

Central Russian wolf

This gray wolf view has a formidable. Representatives of the subspecies are larger than tundra wolves. The body length of the Central Russian gray reaches 160 centimeters. In height, the animal is 100-120 centimeters. The mass of the Central Russian wolf is gaining 45 kilograms.

The subspecies is typical for the central regions of Russia, occasionally entering Western Siberia. Preference is given to forests. Therefore, there is an alternative name for the subspecies - the forest wolf.

Mongolian wolf

Among those found in Russia, the smallest. The predator lives in the forest-tundra of Kamchatka and Western Siberia. Externally, the Mongolian wolf differs not only in size, but also in the off-white tone of the coat. It is hard, rough to the touch.

The name of the species is associated with its homeland. She is Mongolia. It was from there that the wolves of the subspecies switched to Russian territories.

steppe wolf

It has a rusty-gray, tending to brown color. It is darker on the back, and lighter on the sides and on the belly of the animal. The predator's coat is short, sparse and coarse.

The steppe subspecies of the gray wolf is typical for the south of Russia, lives in the Caspian lands, steppes before Caucasus mountains and the Lower Volga region.

It becomes clear why Russians call wolves gray. On the territory of the Federation, the gray tone is present in the coloration of all predators living here. However, in principle, wolves are both red and black. However, whatever the color of the beast, size is the main thing in the social hierarchy. The largest individuals become the leaders of wolf packs. Usually, these are males.

Common wolf, gray (Canis lupus) is different high development nervous system and especially keen hearing and sense of smell. high mental development The wolf, combined with great strength, exceptional endurance and the ability to adapt to various conditions of existence, is the reason that, so stubbornly pursued by man from time immemorial to the present day, he has not yet been exterminated.

Brief description of the wolf

The gray wolf is one of the most dangerous animals in Ukraine. Belongs to the dog family. The body length of the common wolf is over 120 cm. Males are always larger than females. Outwardly, gray wolves resemble shepherd dogs, but are characterized by signs that are characteristic only of wolves. The head is large, broad-browed, the neck is short, inactive, the muzzle is massive, elongated. The eyes are light brown, placed obliquely. Superciliary ridges prominent, making the eyes appear sunken and larger than in dogs.

The strong high scruff and the habit of the gray wolf to bend its hind legs give the impression that the dorsal part of its strong body is tilted towards the tail, and the powerful wide rib cage separates from the folded belly. The front limbs of ordinary wolves, although slender, are muscular and strong. The gray wolf never throws a uniformly fluffy tail on his back, he always hangs like a log.

The color of the wolf's fur is reddish in summer, much darker along the back and almost to half of the tail. In winter, rusty-reddish shades disappear in the hairline of an ordinary wolf, and the color becomes brownish-gray, and lighter on the abdominal part.

wolf habitat

The distribution of common wolves on the territory of Ukraine is uneven: there are more of them in the forest regions of northern Polissya and the mountain ranges of the Carpathians, they are less common in the forest-steppe zone and steppe regions, and they are absent in the Crimea. Typical inhabitants of the forest, gray wolves have long adapted to life in cultivated landscapes. Especially favorite habitats are thickets of shrubs in semi-dry swamps, among the forest.

Active common wolves are predominantly at dusk and at night, and only occasionally can they be found during the day. However, where they are not pursued, they hunt during the day. In the dark, wolves see much better than other animals from the canine family.

Nutrition of common wolves

The gray wolf is a typical predator that obtains its own food, actively seeking and tirelessly pursuing its prey. The basis of the diet of common wolves is represented by wild boars, deer, roe deer, domestic ungulates, etc. In pursuit of them, wolves can run at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour. Gray wolves also hunt small animals, especially hares, ground squirrels, bear-like rodents, waterfowl and other birds nesting on the ground. As an exception, berries, wild and garden fruits are found in the diet of the gray wolf.

wolf breeding

Gray wolves arrange a lair for breeding babies in secluded places provided with food resources. Build it in a shallow hole, a recess under the root of an upside-down tree among windbreaks, in a wide bush of thorny bushes or in a recess on the ground among dense reed thickets, always near a reservoir. In mountainous areas, common wolves make a lair in rocky cliffs, rock crevices, caves or rubble.

Once a year, in mid-March or early April, after a 62-64-day pregnancy, a she-wolf often gives birth to five or six blind, deaf, toothless wolf cubs, which develop rapidly and are even able to crawl out of the den at the age of three weeks. At the age of one month, they are fed by belching, that is, small pieces of half-digested meat swallowed by their parents. In June-July, old wolves are already accustoming wolf cubs to get food on their own. In autumn (at the end of September - October), young gray wolves change their milk teeth with permanent ones. Since that time, the wolf cubs have been actively helping the old wolves to hunt.

Why is a gray wolf dangerous?

Common wolves - dangerous predators. Until recently, they caused great losses to our economy. Settling near settlements, gray wolves attack domestic animals and dogs. They are especially dangerous in hunting grounds. The gray wolf, covering great distances every night, regardless of whether he is hungry or not,
destroys on its way all the game it meets, and much more than it can eat. In addition, gray wolves are the main distributors of an incurable disease - rabies.

Despite the fact that the gray wolf belongs to hunting and industrial animals, however, the cost of its skin is low compared to the harm that it brings. This is the most harmful predator of the fauna of Ukraine. The persistent struggle against this predator, which is carried out in Ukraine during all seasons of the year, has greatly reduced its number and, compared with the last century, the harm from wolves is not of a threatening nature. However, in recent times in connection with the approval of the sanitary significance of the common wolf in nature, the fight against this predator was significantly weakened, and, naturally, the number of wolves increased again. Now there is a need to strengthen the control of the number of gray wolves, both in Ukraine and throughout the CIS.

A short video about gray wolves shows how smart and hardy these animals are, how they communicate in a pack. Also see how wolves in a pack hunt ungulates, helping each other.

There are about seven separate species of wolf, and another seventeen (or so) varieties of the gray wolf, resulting in a total of about 24 species that can be found worldwide.

Wolf- a typical predator that gets food on its own active search and persecution of victims. Everywhere, ungulates form the basis of the diet of wolves: in the tundra - wild and domestic reindeer; in the forest zone - moose, roe deer, wild pigs, domestic sheep, cows, horses; near the steppe and desert - antelopes different types and sheep; in the mountains - wild and domestic goats.

polar Wolf (Canis lupus tundrorum) is one of the rarest animals on our planet. The habitat of the polar wolf is the Arctic. to harsh conditions arctic climate the wolf is well adapted. The wind-proof dense and warm coat helps it survive in extreme temperatures. The wolf has sharp eyesight and an excellent sense of smell, which are indispensable in hunting for the small living creatures that inhabit these harsh places. Scarce reserves of biological food and difficulties in obtaining food lead to the fact that the wolf eats its prey whole, leaving neither the skin nor the bones of the caught animals after the meal. Having an average weight of 60 to 80 kg with a height of up to 80 centimeters, the polar wolf is able to survive without food in the event of an unsuccessful hunt for several weeks, but then it can eat up to 10 kilograms of meat at one time. Polar wolves live in packs of up to 10 individuals and hunt polar hares, reindeer and other animals. In one she-wolf litter, approximately 3 to 5 cubs are born. The unique fur of the polar wolf has always attracted the increased attention of hunters, which has put the polar wolf on the brink of extinction. In connection with global warming and melting polar ice number polar wolves continues to decline also due to drastic changes in the climate of its habitual habitats. Currently, the polar wolf is listed in the Red Book, and hunting for it is prohibited.

rare view, included in the IUCN Red Book and the Red Book of the Russian Federation. On the territory of Russia is under the threat of extinction. Hunting is allowed in India, but only with licenses. Outwardly, this animal has a peculiar appearance - the features of a gray wolf, a fox and a jackal are mixed. Body length 76-103 cm, tail - 40-48 cm, weight - 14-21 kg. The red wolf has thick long reddish-red hair on the back and sides, on the chest, belly and inside of the legs - cream-colored. The long fluffy tail looks like a fox, it is darker than the rest of the body, almost black at the end. The head shows a dark pattern around the eyes and on the nose. The red wolf is a predator, it feeds mainly on wild animals, but in the summer it also consumes plant foods, namely, mountain rhubarb. Puppy dens always have this plant. It is believed that wolves feed them to little wolf cubs by regurgitating half-digested rhubarb inflorescences. Sometimes they eat carrion. Wolves hunt in packs of 15-20 individuals, they act very well together, which allows them to catch even a large animal, for example, a buffalo. Thanks to their endurance, they drive their prey to exhaustion, after which its fate is decided. Red wolves are quite "talkative" animals. Awake animals almost constantly emit a quiet whine, apparently maintaining contact with other members of the pack. In India, red pegs breed within six months. The duration of pregnancy of females is 60-68 days. The average size broods 4-6 puppies. Wolf cubs are dark brown in color, blind, weighing 200-350 g. Puppies leave the burrow at 70-80 days, at seven months they already participate in collective hunting. Sexual maturity occurs at 2-3 years. Life expectancy in captivity is about 16 years. In captivity, this period is much less.

Marsupial wolf or thylacine, as it is otherwise called, is officially considered an extinct animal. According to official data, the last wild representative of this species was killed in 1930, and the last kept in captivity in a private zoo died of old age in 1936. But still, the possibility remains that the marsupial wolf still managed to survive in the wilderness of Tasmania (where it once thrived). But so far not a single animal has been caught or even photographed. But scientists do not lose hope. In 1999, scientists at the National Australian Museum based in Sydney issued a press statement announcing the start of an ambitious thylacine clone project. The scientists intended to use DNA from marsupial wolf puppies that had been preserved in alcohol. DNA was extracted, but, alas, the samples were damaged and unsuitable for the experiment. The project was suspended. But in 2008, scientists managed to “revive” one of the marsupial wolf genes and “embed” it into a mouse embryo. So who is this marsupial wolf? Marsupial wolf (Tasmanian wolf or marsupial tiger) is a mammal, the only one in the thylacine family. His first studies and descriptions date back to 1808. These descriptions were made by a certain Harris, he was an amateur naturalist. His work was published by the London Linnean Society. The thylacine was one of the largest carnivorous marsupials in the world. The length of his body reached one and a half meters, and even more with the tail. The height at the withers is approximately sixty centimeters. The weight of the marsupial wolf was twenty - twenty-five kilograms. But the most surprising thing about his appearance was his mouth - elongated and elongated, it could open as much as 120 degrees. An interesting fact is known that when a wolf yawned, its jaws formed a straight line (well, almost a straight line).

(Chrysocyon brachyurus) or guar, aguarachai got its name because of the long hair that adorns its shoulders and neck, resembling a horse's mane. The habitat of the maned wolf is mainly savannas South America, but it can also be found in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and Northern Argentina, where it lives in the pampas and along the outskirts of swamps overgrown with tall grass. Lean and light, the maned wolf has a red coat color, an elongated muzzle and large ears, which makes it remotely similar to a very large fox. The length of the body of a maned wolf, from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, is approximately 160 cm, the height of the wolf in the shoulder area reaches, on average, 75 cm, and the weight varies from 20 to 23 kilograms. Aguarachai - the tallest of all known species wolves. Long legs help the maned wolf locate prey over tall grass that covers savannahs and wetlands. The wolf hunts, as a rule, alone, and its prey is mainly small animals, such as agouti, pacu, various birds and reptiles. The wolf also eats fruits and other plant foods, carries around poultry, and is capable of attacking sheep when in packs. Auarachai live in pairs, but rarely contact each other. The cubs of the maned wolf have a black coat color and are born in winter, 2-3 wolf cubs per litter. Aguarachai or maned wolves are listed in the International Red Book as a species in danger. Currently, there is no immediate threat of extinction, but the maned wolf still remains a very rare animal.

(Canis lupus arctos), also called the Ellesmere or Arctic wolf, lives in North America on a group of Arctic islands and in the northern part of the island of Greenland. The Melville island wolf is slightly smaller than the common wolf, and its length, from the ears to the tip of the tail, varies from 90 to 180 cm. The wolf reaches a maximum height of 69-79 cm, with a weight of about 45 kg., although especially large , adult males can weigh about 80 kg. The fur of the Melville island wolf is usually light white or greyish. The ears of the wolf are small in size, which helps him rationally expend heat in conditions low temperatures. In order to more successfully hunt, Melville wolves unite in packs of 5-10 individuals. The main objects of hunting of the Melville island wolf are reindeer and musk oxen, to which the wolf pack uses driven hunting tactics, attacking mainly weakened prey that cannot offer strong resistance. The food of the wolf is also Arctic hares, lemmings and, occasionally, moose. Permafrost is a significant obstacle that makes it difficult for a wolf to set up and dig a den, so wolves use the natural landscape and place their dwellings in rock ledges, caves or small depressions. Few cubs are born in the Melville island wolf, 2-3 cubs per litter, which is largely due to harsh conditions life in the arctic climate.

It belongs to the class of mammals and the order of carnivores. The name Japanese wolf comes from two subspecies of the common wolf family (Canis lupus) that once inhabited the islands of Japan. In the world classification, the Japanese wolf belongs to the Hokkaido wolf (Canis lupus hattai). He is also known as Ezo, the wolf that lived on the island of Hokkaido. And the second subspecies is the Khondos wolf or Honshu wolf (Canis lupus hodophilax). Today, both species are considered extinct. By external dimensions Hokkaido was much larger than the Honshu wolf, and in terms of parameters approaching the size of an ordinary wolf. In 1889, this subspecies became extinct due to the increased settlement of the island for the construction of farms, during the Meiji Restoration period, the Existing Meiji Government determined the reward for anyone who brought the head of a dead wolf, thereby organizing a campaign to exterminate them.

Lyry wolf found exclusively in South America

Newfoundland Wolf - Officially disappeared in 1911

Newfoundland Wolf (Canis lupus beothucus) Newfoundland wolf lived on an island near Newfoundland east coast Canada. The color was light with a dark stripe along the ridge. The size had an average of 5.5 feet (from the nose to the tip of the tail). The diet was: Caribou (as reindeer are called in Canada), beavers, voles and other rodents. Hunting and fur trade in the region has led to complete disappearance of this species in 1911. Factors such as a severe food shortage in the 1900s, which led to a sharp decline in the caribou population, also had an impact on the disappearances.

A wolf that looks a lot like a fox. This species is under the threat of extinction, for fur, which has no analogues (fur color can reach yellow), fishing for this animal is common.

Also known as Mountain Wolf, Alaskan or Canadian Forest Wolf. A direct relative of our timber wolf, but due to specific habitat conditions, it has a thicker coat and a whitish color that remains even in summer.

On the territory of Russia there are wolves of six subspecies:

Tundra wolf, Central Russian forest wolf, Siberian forest wolf, Steppe wolf, Caucasian wolf, Mongolian wolf.

Contrary to popular belief, it is this wolf that reaches its maximum size on the Eurasian continent, and not the tundra wolf. The color is classic, not bleached like the tundra. Body length of adult Central Russian timber wolves can exceed 160 cm, and the height at the shoulders reaches 1 meter. Of course, such sizes can only apply to very large individuals. It is generally accepted that on average an adult male weighs 40 - 45 kg, over-flying (about 1 year and 8 months old) - about 35 kg, and a profitable (8 months old) - 25 kg. She-wolves weigh 15 - 20% less. Anyone who is familiar with the old hunting literature, or who has been in the "wolf" corners and talking with the locals, must have read or heard about huge wolves. How much mass can wolves reach? For Central Russia, scientific papers indicate the maximum mass in the range of 69 - 80 kg. (Ognev, Zworykin). And here are the results of weighing specific animals. For Moscow region- a male weighing 76 kg, the largest of 250 wolves caught by the famous wolf cub V. M. Khartuleri in the thirties and forties of the last century. For Altai - a male weighing 72 kg. The wolf, whose stuffed animal is in the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, weighed 80 kg (5 pounds). According to N. D. Sysoev, head of the state hunting inspection Vladimir region, in the period from 1951 to 1963, 641 wolves were killed, of which 17 were especially large. Among these animals, the largest mass was: from males - 79 kg, obtained in the Sobinsky district, from females - 62 kg. The footprint of the right front paw of this huge, almost eighty-kilogram animal was 16 cm long and 10 cm wide. It must be said that wolves are also indicated for Ukraine large sizes- 92 kg from the Lugansk region and 96 kg from Chernihiv, but the conditions for determining the mass of these animals are unknown. The Central Russian timber wolf lives throughout the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, and probably also penetrates into Western Siberia. In the north, its entry into the forest-tundra is quite possible, however, just like the tundra into the taiga.

Too large animal, in its medium size not inferior to the previous subspecies. According to many scientists, as a separate subspecies, it is still conditionally distinguished, since the taxonomy of Siberian wolves is still poorly developed. The predominant color is light gray, buffy tones are poorly visible or absent altogether. The fur, although not as high and silky as that of the tundra wolf, is also thick and soft. Its range is mostly Eastern Siberia, Far East and Kamchatka, except for the tundra zone, as well as Transbaikalia.

In general, somewhat smaller than forest, with sparse and coarser hair. Color on the back with a noticeable predominance of rusty-gray or even brown hair, and the sides are light gray. Its range includes the steppes of southern Russia, including the Ciscaucasian, Caspian, Ural and Lower Volga regions. Poorly studied. The system of certain features has not been developed. The number is low, especially in the western parts of the range.

Medium-sized animal with coarse and short outer hair and rather poorly developed underfur. The color is noticeably darker than the above subspecies due to the black guard hairs evenly distributed over the skin. The general tone is dirty gray, dull. Within our country, the range is limited by the Main Caucasian Range and its wooded foothills.

The Mongolian wolf is the smallest in size compared to all wolves that live in Russia. Average weight males of this species does not exceed 40 kg. The Mongolian wolf has a dull, dirty-gray hue, rough and hard hair. This subspecies of wolves is common in eastern and southwestern Transbaikalia and in Primorsky Krai.

The lifestyle of wolves. Migration of wolves in search of new territories

Wolves lifestyle

Wolves are active mainly at night, but sometimes they can be found during the day. They make their presence known with a vowel howl, which is very different in character in adult males, she-wolves and young ones, and also depending on the situation. The point is that with different kind howling wolves exchange information about the presence of prey, the appearance of other wolves in the territory of the pack, the appearance of people and other important events. Wolves also have a fairly developed facial expressions - expressions of their muzzle, posture and tail position can be very diverse, which reflects emotional condition animals and is of paramount importance for establishing contacts between individuals or, conversely, preventing collisions. Of the analyzers in wolves, hearing is the most developed, something weaker is sight and smell.
Well-developed higher nervous activity in wolves is combined with strength, dexterity, tirelessness, running speed and other physical data, which significantly increase the chances of this predator in the struggle for survival. Without visible effort, he can carry a sheep in his teeth, holding it in front of him or throwing it behind his back. If necessary, the wolf develops a speed of up to 55-60 kilometers per hour, capable of crossing up to 60-80 km. per night, and on average per day (in the forest zone) to pass more than 20 km.

In the tundra, as well as in the mountains, wolves carry out seasonal migrations behind herds of wild and domestic ungulates. Sometimes there is a noticeable increase in the number of wolves in a certain area as a result of a sharp deterioration in living conditions in neighboring areas. Migration of wolves in search of new territories In a wolf pack, there is a strict hierarchical ladder, which is determined by a very complex set of relationships in the pack, the age of its members and exploits in hunting. The least respected are the young wolves, who occupy the lowest places in the hierarchy, it is they who often fight back from the pack, showing pride and impatience for oppression by older brothers. Such wolves migrate from the territory occupied by the pack to fairly long distances in search of the same tribesmen or smaller packs with weaker leaders and available single she-wolves. Lone wolves move cautiously, avoiding encounters with humans, but not necessarily at night. Along the way, the wolf stops to hunt, often for livestock. When meeting with lonely brothers, they stray into small flocks and continue their journey in search of free territories and rich hunting grounds. At the same time, a pack of migrating wolves can be up to three, five individuals. When united in a pack, wolves often attack shepherds and enter small villages, but only when they have not been lucky in hunting for a long time. A meeting of migrating wolves with a pack of fellow tribesmen can end in trouble for a weaker opponent. Thus, going through difficulties and trials, wolves explore new territories, sometimes running hundreds of kilometers.

Wolf hunting. How do wolves divide territory?

Wolf hunting

Wolves belong to the canine family and are very similar to dogs in appearance and habits. Well-developed muscles and fairly long legs allow them to run fast enough. Wolves used to be very numerous in the Northern Hemisphere, but in many countries they have been exterminated. Wolves live in packs according to the laws of hierarchy (one wolf rules over others) and communicate using a whole range of sounds of different tones.
How do wolves hunt? They move in search of prey along the same routes, more than 160 kilometers long. Sometimes it takes them several weeks to cover all the trails. Wolves are carnivores, so they eat meat. They attack other animals that they meet on the way. Wolves prey on deer, elk and other large ungulates. In Canada and Alaska, wolves stalk caribou herds, attacking young and weak, sick animals. In the north, wolves prey on musk oxen. And if they see a herd of livestock left unattended, they will immediately attack it. Wolves also prey on hares and other rodents, but only if there is no easier prey nearby. Hungry animals, having lost hope, feast on fresh meat, are content with wild berries.

How do wolves divide territory?

Owning a vast territory, a pack of polar wolves, for example, will not be able to retain exclusive rights to it, of course, but wolves living in the forest, whose possessions are much smaller, are forced to clearly recognize the border of their territory .. Wolves mark their possessions with the smell of their own body, raising their paws like domestic dogs. They do this especially carefully on the border with the territory of another flock. So that the neighbors understand who they are dealing with and are afraid to violate the border. Smells play an even greater role in communication between wolves than sounds. If one pack of wolves, for example, in the process of hunting, crosses paths with another, then bloody showdowns with victims are inevitable, which is why the wolves howl warning others of their whereabouts. The alpha male usually begins to howl, others pick up his howl .. Pursuing prey, wolves howl making shorter sounds, notifying their fellows where they are. Everyone responds to the howl of one of the flocks wolf packs located nearby, and an unthinkable forest cacophony immediately begins. However, it often happens that one of the flocks does not reasonably pick up someone else's howl, it is numerically too small, and therefore it needs to hide or retreat as quickly as possible for the same reasons. It should be noted that a lone wolf will never howl

Life in a wolf's skin

Have you ever wondered where this expression came from? For some reason, it is generally accepted that life in a wolf's skin is, first of all, the risk of running into a hunter at any moment, who, with his very first intention, will try to take this very skin from you. It may well be that life in a wolf's skin is not at all the fear of dying at the hands of a hunter, but the fear of dying alone? In ancient times, it was believed that wolves embody in their essence all the evil that lives in the forests. In all children's fairy tales, of course, the wolf appears in the image of a negative hero, but if you think about it thoroughly, it was we who made such an image of the wolf. Maybe, in fact, wolves are completely different? One day, bumping into television program about domesticated wild animals, I was able to imagine for myself the real image of the wolf, not inspired by false ideas. Like a faithful dog, a huge gray wolf, playing, licked the hands of his master, a man who had long ago picked him up as a wolf cub in the forest, cured him and gave, in fact, a new life. Why did the wolf, such a terrible and lonely animal, sincerely thank his savior and educator? Perhaps because he found himself true friend among people and now is not afraid to die alone.

Wolf- this is, first of all, the highest symbol of freedom in the animal world, a symbol of independence (whereas the so-called king of animals - a lion is trained in a circus).
WolfIt is also a symbol of fearlessness. In any fight, the wolf fights to victory or to death.
Wolf does not pick up carrion, which means it is also a symbol of purity.
Wolf lives with a family, takes care only of his wolf-wife, and the wolf-father himself brings up his cubs. Among wolves there is no such vice as adultery.
Wolf- it is also a symbol of high morality, devotion to the family (which cannot be said about males of other animals).
Wolf - a symbol of justice and ambition. AT normal conditions the wolf will not allow, for its part, to offend the weaker.

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