19 separate special-purpose company. Special Purpose Regiment. Participation in military operations

You probably don't know what it was. But-fact! True, it lasted less than a day.
Because it was the most, that neither is, the most typical "war by mistake"

In short:

year. The "Kabul" special forces company, with the support of two DSBs, was sent
to dismantle a village located in the Zaranj region for building materials.
Information has been received that locality used
"spirits" as a base camp, and at the same time the final point on
routes of large caravans from Iran. At such "points" caravans
ceased to exist as a whole and disintegrated into many
small caravans, and to catch 6-7 donkeys on the passes "berets" on
yuh did not rest.

As usual, for information support
operations were answered by KHAD (Afghan bloody gebnya, which, unlike
the Afghan army brought at least some benefit to the Limited
contingent). Its agents were supposed to place a day before the operation
in the mountains triangular panels, the sharp ends of which would point to
village Further, the pilots, using these landmarks, go to the target, "air
cavalry" went and ....

Here at this stage of preliminary
preparations and there were misunderstandings. Whether the KhADovtsy got lost and wandered into
the territory of a neighboring state, or whether the Iranians had a similar
the manner of marking border outposts - most likely, he will not know the truth
no one .... The pilots then swore with one voice that the relief they saw
their terrain one to one corresponded to those demonstrated to them
before the operation, aerial photographs and mock-up.

In short, the valiant Soviet special forces made a surprise attack on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

crumbled in a few minutes and without loss - there are clearly no "guests" here
waited. In the process of collecting trophies, the brave "Soviet Rambo" drew attention
to the fact that some of the dead "spirits" are dressed in some obviously unfamiliar
them a uniform, and even with shoulder straps (the latter in the conditions of a guerrilla war
- is an obvious nonsense). Taking their eyes off the ground, the fighters with surprise
found in the middle of the village a house not marked on their plans in
european style with a tricolor flag on the roof - iranian post
border guard. Interrogation of prisoners finally clarified the situation -
"How in Leningrad?!?".

They "missed" by 15 kilometers,
and at the same time they also committed an act, you understand, aggression. In the asset "Kabulskaya
company", however, could record for itself the fact that irritated by all
according to the rules, the village was still used by the Mujahideen as a transshipment
bases on the same caravan route- but who makes it easier? Because
in the morning the home team paid a return friendly visit to
as part of a motorized infantry battalion with the support of two Phantoms.

in this situation, the spetsnaz of desire, of course, did not have a company
found it useful to maneuver " accelerated withdrawal with occupied
position", in simpler terms - try to VERY quickly move away
international incident. Because the spetsnaz arsenal is calculated
a lot for something - but not for conducting full-fledged hostilities
against superior enemy forces, which also has aviation.

to say that in this operation the "Kabul company" practically had no
losses. But pizdyuly their "at home" were waiting for the grandest. Iran demanded
apologies, bloodshed and the convening of an extraordinary UN assembly. Moscow "did
face" and apologized.

But these guys walked around Kabul as heroes. "If not for the order, they would have reached Tehran," yeah.

However, this is already from the field of "hunting tales" and "war songs".

on the account of the "Kabul company" in addition to the "Soviet-Iranian war" was
many really successful and beautiful operations and 8 years "across the river"
- more than all parts of the special forces of the Limited Contingent of the Soviet
troops in Afghanistan.

At the peak of development, the special forces of the GRU General Staff consisted of sixteen separate brigades(obrSpN) special purpose(one in each military district or group of forces) and individual companies (orSpN) - one in each combined arms army. With the exception of the Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District, where there were two (12th and 22nd, Kandahar) brigades.

Each obrSpN included separate company- special mining company - the most formidable (and secret) weapon of special forces - wearable nuclear bombs. To get to serve in such a company was equally difficult and honorable - a kind of elite of the elite ...

Specialists (signalmen and sappers), junior command staff, as well as warrant officers for special forces units were trained in the city of Pechory (Leningrad Military District) in the 1071st Special Purpose Training Regiment (disbanded in 1999). In 1985, the 467th separate special-purpose training regiment was formed in the city of Chirchik (Uzbek SSR, Turkestan military district). They trained both sergeants and many specialists - reconnaissance snipers, gunners, AGS-17 grenade launchers, sappers and radio operators, as well as ordinary reconnaissance officers.

Officers for special forces were trained on the basis of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. Initially, it was one company of cadets. Since 1981, in connection with the war in Afghanistan, on the basis of platoons of the famous ninth company, the 13th and 14th companies were formed, which were later consolidated into a battalion. Since 1994, the battalion in full strength was transferred to the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School and deployed to a five-company composition (the First Chechen began). Before the collapse of the USSR, in 1991, officers for special forces were trained by the intelligence department of the Kyiv VOK. The graduates of other combined-arms (infantry, in other words) schools were not closed to special forces. Graduates of the Baku, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Far East and other schools served no less valiantly in special forces.

Specialist officers came from specialized schools. Engineers were provided by the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School. Signalers - Cherepovets Higher Military Command School of Communications. The Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Missile Forces supplied specialists to the special mining companies (jokingly, the commander of the special mining group was called the "commander of the atomic bomb", the group was not numerous - only four scouts). Motorists came from Chelyabinsk, airborne service specialists from Ryazan, from the Faculty of Engineering.

Served in special forces and naval officers. Each of the four fleets of the USSR Navy and the Caspian flotilla had units naval special forces. From separate brigades in the part of the Navy, companies were regularly seconded to pass maritime training. And the personnel of individual companies of special forces (as well as reconnaissance battalions of combined arms divisions) underwent airborne training at the training base of individual brigades. In addition, the usual rotation of officers in military districts took place. As a result, in a small officer corps, almost everyone knew everyone, if not personally, then through one handshake. This contributed to the formation of a special corporate spirit.

The retraining of special forces officers took place at the legendary "SHOT" courses in the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region, for officers of special mining companies - in Zagoryansky. Some of the officers could continue their studies at the Military Academy. Frunze or at the Military Academy Soviet army(otherwise it was called the Military Diplomatic Academy). Graduates of the latter often went to the Foreign Intelligence Service of the GRU General Staff or to the corps of military attaches.

The main purpose of special forces is reconnaissance and sabotage activities in the rear of regular enemy troops. Primary targets are nuclear attack weapons, command and control posts, headquarters, high-precision weapons systems, airfields and facilities air defense. Concept combat use special forces did not provide for his actions to combat partisans, bandit groups, illegal armed groups, militants, and so on. However, it was the special forces units that turned out to be the most adapted to the counterguerrilla war in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan and Chechnya due to the high fighting spirit, professionalism and flexible tactics. The special forces have to perform tasks that are not at all characteristic of them - guarding arsenals and airfields, escorting columns, personal protection of senior officers of the district headquarters and the headquarters itself, searching for and destroying armed deserters. (There were also quite exotic tasks, such as searching for the missing artillery ammunition with a special charge) Assigning typical infantry tasks to scouts or commandant's companies most often it was associated with the degradation of the personnel of motorized rifle units and, as a result, the inability to perform their tasks.

At the end of the 90s, special mining companies were abolished in the brigades. Separate companies were abolished. The training regiment and the ensign school were disbanded. Since 2010, there has been no recruitment of cadets to the Novosibirsk VOK for the special intelligence department. The recruitment of officers of special forces units to military academies and special courses has been stopped. The military-political leadership of the country also decided to disband separate special forces brigades. Today, there are four of them left in the Armed Forces of the country! The Russian Federation is not the USSR, the territory is smaller and there seems to be no global enemy, but it is very reckless to do so, I think!

In fact, special forces units remained the only units capable of resisting irregular armed formations in local conflicts. Price combat experience special forces - more than eight hundred dead scouts! And it turns out no one needs it! And this is at a time when the Caucasus is blazing, and sparks fly to the central part of the country. Personally, I do not understand such decisions. A gift for the holiday was the recent decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to abolish the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. We don't need military intelligence! So decided Serdyukov. The Supreme Commander approved! Of course, the officers have not gone away - they joined the ranks of the FSB and the FSO, Vympel and regional anti-terrorist centers, OMON, and so on. Others joined the orderly ranks of the personal guards of the oligarchs, someone went into business, someone into crime. But this is another story, this is not the history of special forces.

Happy holiday! Happy 61st Anniversary of the Special Forces!

The Ministry of Defense decided to return the special-purpose reconnaissance companies. Scouts will work behind enemy lines, and then report the coordinates of targets for missile systems"Iskander" and precision systems salvo fire"Hurricane". Moreover, each army of the RF Armed Forces will have its own company.

Soviet special forces had similar tasks during the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya - scouts coordinated the fire of artillery and the Air Force and brought great benefits to the army.

In those days, separate special-purpose companies (OrSpN) operated. But after the end of the first Chechen war and the crisis of 1998, military reform followed - combat units began to be reduced. And individual companies of special forces were no exception. Now, 20 years later, Russia has decided to recreate the elite combat units.

According to Izvestia, citing its source at the headquarters of the ground forces, the first companies have already been formed in the combined arms armies of the Southern Military District. In other districts, it is still in process. It is also known that the scouts were given new armored vehicles "Tiger", "Lynx" and "Typhoon".

So far, nothing has been reported about the organization of the company - this information is kept secret. But it can be assumed that the unit is formed on the model of a separate GRU special-purpose company of the early 1990s.

OrSpN consisted of 110-120 personnel and consisted of four reconnaissance platoons. As well as platoons of support and special communications. Could be included in the company and the training unit, where they trained scouts or a whole squad of snipers. Special companies could have different purposes.

Now we are talking on the formation of full-fledged deep reconnaissance companies.

According to military expert Vladislav Shurygin, this is happening as part of the transition to high-precision weapons.

“In order to use Hurricanes or Iskanders, you need to have accurate information. And basically this is a tactical level. Images from space in this case are ineffective, since the targets are constantly moving,” says Vladislav Shurygin. to be protected mobile command posts, they need to be identified and targeted in time."

Drones are also far from always able to help scouts. UAVs have learned to shoot down and disable means electronic warfare, but it is impossible to do this with a human. The reconnaissance companies will report the coordinates of the targets not only to Iskanders with Hurricanes, but also to aviation.

Photo: Valery Matytsin / TASS

In Syria, this work has long been carried out by the Special Operations Forces of the Russian Federation (SOF). Photos of the fighters of this unit spread around the world after the liberation of Palmyra. Then the MTR transmitted the coordinates to the VKS command posts And military equipment militants. Including tanks hidden in concrete hangars. Satellites and drones simply will not detect such targets.

“In the 90s of the last century, a gross mistake was made,” recalls Vladislav Shurygin. “The GRU, in order to retain its personnel, liquidated individual special-purpose companies. And these were well-organized teams of professionals.”

Indeed, by the end of 1998, only two companies remained on vital important directions: 75th, subordinate to the Kaliningrad defensive region, and 584th, as part of the 205th motorized rifle brigade in Budennovsk, which actively participated in both Chechen campaigns.

But now, almost 20 years later, spetsnaz companies are returning to the Russian armed forces. Moreover, their range of tasks has become much wider, taking into account the fact that during this time rocket troops and artillery went forward with leaps and bounds. The same Iskanders are capable of hitting 500 km, replacing an entire group of bombers in terms of efficiency, which means that the scouts will have to go deep behind enemy lines in order to aim at targets. Or modern "Hurricane-1M", from which you can fire 300-millimeter shells of the "Smerch" systems. When attacking with a weapon of such destructive power, it is necessary to have the most accurate coordinates. Therefore, scouts have a great responsibility.

In 1953, during a large-scale reduction of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 35 separate special-purpose companies were disbanded. The 11 remaining companies were distributed as follows:
66th OrdnSpN
67th Special Forces
75th OrdnSpN(military unit 61272, Northern Military District, Olonets);
77th OrdnSpN(military unit 71108, Baltic Military District, 11th Guards Army, Kaliningrad, RSFSR);
78th Special Forces(military unit 61290, Belorussian Military District, 28th Army, Grodno, Belorussian SSR);
81st OrdnSpN(military unit 61321, Carpathian Military District, 13th Army, Lutsk, Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR);
82nd Special Forces(military unit 71116, Carpathian Military District, 38th Army, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Ukrainian SSR);
85th Special Forces
86th OrdnSpN
91st Special Forces(military unit 51423, Central Asian Military District, Kazandzhik);
92nd Special Forces(military unit p/n 51447, Northern Group of Forces, Shekon, Poland).

In addition, the remaining companies were transferred under the control of the High Command. ground forces. Total population personnel of 1,320 people.

The disbandment of so many combat units was a heavy blow to military intelligence as a whole. So, on January 11, 1957, Major General N.V. Sherstnev sends to the chief General Staff a memo in which he pointed out that the companies did not have the opportunity to provide versatile combat training, and proposed instead of 11 companies to create 3 special forces and one air squadron of district subordination. The number of the detachment would be about 400 people.

The then Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov appreciated the potential of special intelligence and pinned great hopes on it in a possible war. Published on his direct orders, the directive of the Chief of the General Staff No. ОШ / 1/224878 of August 9, 1957 and the directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of August 25, 1957, 5 separate special-purpose battalions were formed, subordinate to the commander of military districts and groups of troops. The base and personnel of 8 special-purpose companies were turned to the formation of battalions.

In accordance with the directive of the Chief of the General Staff No. OSH / 1 / 244878 of August 9, 1957, the following were formed:
26th Special Forces(military unit p/n 24584, Group Soviet troops in Germany, Weber-Havel), formed on the basis of the 66th and 67th Special Forces, the number of battalions in the state No. 04/26 was 485 people, commander: Lieutenant Colonel R.P. Mosolov;
27th Special Forces(military unit p / p 42551, Northern Group of Forces, Strzegom, then Legnica), formed on the basis of the 92nd Special Forces, the number of battalions in the state No. 04/25 was 376 people, commander: Lieutenant Colonel M. P. Pashkov;
36th Special Forces(military unit 32104, Prykarpatsky Military District, Drohobych, Lviv region), formed on the basis of the 81st and 82nd Special Forces, the number of battalions in the state No. 04/25 was 376 people, commander: Lieutenant Colonel Shapovalov;
43rd Special Forces(military unit 32105, Transcaucasian Military District, the city of Manglisi, then - the city of Lagodekhi, Georgian SSR), formed on the basis of the 85th and 86th Special Forces, the number of battalions in state No. 04/25 was 376 people, commander: lieutenant colonel I.I. Geleverya;
61st Special Forces(military unit 32110, Turkestan Military District, Kazandzhik, then - the city of Samarkand, Uzbek SSR), formed on the basis of the 91st Special Forces, the number of battalions in state No. 04/24 was 253 people, commander: Lieutenant Colonel Tormtsev.

Three companies were kept separate, while they were transferred to the new state No. 04/23, the number of companies was 123 people:
75th OrdnSpN(military unit p/p 61272, Southern Group of Forces, Nyiregyhaze);
77th OrdnSpN(military unit 71108, Baltic Military District, Kaliningrad);
78th Special Forces(military unit 61290, Odessa Military District, Simferopol).

A separate special-purpose battalion included three special-purpose companies, a special radio communications platoon, a training platoon, and a logistics platoon.

A separate special-purpose company included a directorate, two reconnaissance platoons, a training reconnaissance platoon, a communications platoon, an automobile and economic department. A total of 112 people, incl. 9 officers and 9 conscripts, 6 vehicles (1 GAZ-69, 1 GAZ-51, 4 GAZ-63), 1 R-118 radio station based on ZIL-157. They were armed with AKS-47 assault rifles, PD-47 parachutes, then D-1 and D-1-8.

Separate battalions and special-purpose companies were stationed in the border districts and groups of troops and were subordinate to the commanders of the districts and groups. combat training The newly formed units began on December 1, 1957.

For the training of special forces officers, the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, by directive NGSH No. 1546 of August 9, 1957, ordered the formation of a second airborne school (in addition to Ryazan) by January 15, 1958 in the GRU General Staff system (in addition to Ryazan) and deploy it in the city of Tambov. As you know, this attempt was the reason for the removal of the marshal from his post, and the school was never created.

The second wave of the formation of special forces units occurred in 1961. In order to strengthen the special intelligence of the districts, in addition to the existing units, by directives of the General Staff No. Org / 3 / 61588 of August 21, 1961 and No. OSH / 2 / 347491 of August 26, 1961 By October 1, 1961, 8 more separate special-purpose companies were formed:
791st OrdnSpN(military unit 71603, Siberian Military District, Berdsk);
793rd OrSpN(military unit 55511, Moscow Military District, Voronezh);
799th OrdnSpN(military unit 55577, North Caucasian Military District, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region);
806th OrSpN(military unit 64656, Zabaikalsky Military District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia);
808th OrSpN(military unit 71606, Privolzhsky Military District, Kuibyshev);
820th OrSpN(military unit 55576, Kiev Military District, Chernihiv);
822nd OrSpN(military unit 74973, Ural Military District, Sverdlovsk);
827th OrSpN(military unit 55505, Far Eastern Military District, Belogorsk).

Thus, by the end of 1961, the GRU special forces consisted of 5 separate battalions and 11 separate companies, which included 2,870 people in the state.

The reason for the creation of special forces units in the Armed Forces of the USSR was the appearance in the arsenal of a potential enemy of mobile nuclear attack weapons for operational-tactical and tactical purposes. Spetsnaz was conceived as a means of detecting the means of his nuclear attack behind enemy lines and having the ability to independently destroy him.

In addition to the destruction of nuclear attack weapons, other tasks facing the special forces in the first years of its existence were: reconnaissance of the concentration of enemy troops and objects in its deep rear; conducting sabotage at enemy rear facilities and communications, creating panic and disorganizing the work of the rear; organization and leadership of the national liberation movement; destruction of prominent military and politicians enemy. However, the latter task was subsequently removed from the guidance documents.

In accordance with the directive of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky No. Org / 2 / 395832 of October 24, 1950, separate special-purpose companies are created under combined arms and mechanized armies, as well as under military districts that did not have army associations. In pursuance of this directive, in 1950 - 1953, according to state 04/20, 46 special-purpose companies were formed (41 army and 5 front-line in the border military districts of the western direction - the Baltic, Leningrad, Belorussian, Carpathian and Odessa):
66th OrdnSpN(military unit p/p 71060, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 3rd Shock Army, Güzen);
67th Special Forces(military unit p/p 61249, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 8th Guards Army, Halle);
68th Special Forces(military unit p/n 51198, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 1st Guards Mechanized Army);
69th OrdnSpN(military unit p/n 71063, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 2nd Guards Mechanized Army, Alt-Strelitz), commander: Captain F.I. Gredasov;
70th Special Forces(military unit p/p 61253, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 3rd Guards Mechanized Army);
71st Special Forces(military unit p/p 51200, Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, 4th Guards Mechanized Army);
72nd Special Forces(military unit p/p 71097, Central Group of Forces);
73rd Special Forces(military unit p/p 61256, Northern Group of Forces);
74th OrdnSpN(military unit 71104, Ural Military District, Separate mechanized army, Aramil settlement, Sverdlovsk region, RSFSR);
75th OrdnSpN(military unit 61272, Belomorsky Military District, settlement of Nurmalishche, Olonetsky district, Karelian-Finnish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic);
76th Special Forces(military unit 51404, Leningrad Military District, settlement of Promezhitsy, Pskov region, RSFSR);
77th OrdnSpN(military unit 71108, Baltic Military District, 11th Guards Army, Kaliningrad, RSFSR), commander: Captain S. Tokmakov;
78th Special Forces(military unit 61290, Belarusian military district, 28th army, Grodno, BSSR);
79th Special Forces(military unit 51407, Belorussian Military District, 5th Guards Mechanized Army);
80th Special Forces(military unit 71109, Belarusian Military District, 7th mechanized army);
81st OrdnSpN(military unit 61321, Carpathian Military District, 13th Army, Lutsk, Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR);
82nd Special Forces(military unit 71116, Carpathian Military District, 38th Army, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk), Ukrainian SSR);
83rd OrdnSpN(military unit 61338, Carpathian Military District, 8th Mechanized Army, Zhitomir, Ukrainian SSR);
84th OrdnSpN(military unit 51410, Odessa Military District);
85th Special Forces(military unit 71126, Transcaucasian Military District, 4th Army, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR);
86th OrdnSpN(military unit 61428, Transcaucasian Military District, 7th Guards Army, Yerevan, Armenian SSR);
87th OrdnSpN(military unit 51462, Turkestan Military District);
88th Special Forces(military unit 51422, Far Eastern Military District, 37th Guards Airborne Corps);
89th Special Forces(military unit 71127, Far Eastern Military District, 1st Separate Red Banner Army);
90th Special Forces(military unit 61432, Trans-Baikal Military District, 6th Guards Mechanized Army);
91st Special Forces(military unit 51423, Primorsky Military District, 5th Army, Talovy settlement), commander: Major Rusinov;
92nd Special Forces(military unit 51447, Primorsky Military District, 25th Army, Art. Fighter Kuznetsov, Budennovsky District, Primorsky Territory), Commander: Major S.I. Dubovtsev;
93rd Special Forces(military unit p/p 71138, Primorsky Military District, 39th Army, Port Arthur, China);
94th Special Forces(military unit 61442, Far Eastern Military District, 14th Army);
95th Special Forces(military unit 61508, Separate Airborne Army, 8th Guards Airborne Corps);
96th OrdnSpN(military unit 71200, Separate Airborne Army, 15th Guards Airborne Corps);
97th Special Forces(military unit 71143, Separate Airborne Army, 38th Guards Airborne Corps);
98th Special Forces(military unit 61453, Separate Airborne Army, 39th Guards Airborne Corps);
99th OrdnSpN(military unit 51413, Arkhangelsk Military District, Arkhangelsk, RSFSR);
100th Special Forces(military unit 71145, Kiev Military District, 1st Guards Army, Nizhyn, Chernigov Region, Ukrainian SSR), commander: Captain P.A. Malyakshin;
195th OrdnSpN(military unit 61503, Moscow Military District);
196th OrdnSpN(military unit 51425, Privolzhsky Military District);
197th OrdnSpN(military unit 51506, Ural Military District);
198th OrdnSpN(military unit 71147, South Ural Military District);
199th Special Forces(military unit 61504, East Siberian Military District);
200th Special Forces(military unit 51428, West Siberian Military District);
226th OrdnSpN(military unit 51511, North Caucasian Military District);
227th OrdnSpN(military unit 71185, Donskoy Military District, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, RSFSR), commander: Captain A.A. Snegirev;
228th Special Forces(military unit 61507, Tauride Military District);
229th OrdnSpN(military unit 51440, Gorky Military District);
230th Special Forces(military unit 71187, Voronezh Military District).

Organizationally, the special-purpose company included three special-purpose platoons, a training platoon and a communications platoon with a telephone and radio interception group. The number of personnel according to the state No. 04/20 of a separate special-purpose company (in the troops, for reasons of secrecy, they were simply called reconnaissance companies) was 112 people, including 9 officers, 10 sergeants and foremen of long-term service (ensigns in the Soviet Army then not yet) and 93 sergeants and conscripts.

The formation of individual companies took place both from scratch and on the basis of pre-existing reconnaissance units. For example, the 76th separate special-purpose company of the Leningrad Military District was formed on the basis of a training reconnaissance and sabotage platoon of the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division (Leningrad Military District, Pskov), and the 69th I am a separate special-purpose company of the 2nd Guards Mechanized Army - on the basis of a separate reconnaissance battalion 9th Guards tank division. Responsibility for the formation and training of special forces units was assigned to the intelligence departments of the headquarters of the respective military districts.

When training personnel, the main attention was paid to reconnaissance, sabotage, airborne training and mine blasting using special means.

The general management of special forces was entrusted to a specially created direction under the 2nd department of the 3rd directorate ( military intelligence) of the 2nd Main Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. It was headed by Colonel P.I. Stepanov.

“... in despotic states, governments
create two armies: one to fight their
enemies, and the other in order to keep in
obedience to one's own people."
J. Fuller,
British military historian

“There were no police special forces in the USSR -
democracy was not developed…”
V. Vlasenko,
colonel, veteran of the Internal Troops

Donetsk special forces - fighters of the 23rd separate special-purpose battalion of the NGU, 1998

In the late 1970s in the USSR, new, until then unknown, types of crimes are spreading: the seizure of aircraft by terrorists, the taking of hostages in correctional labor institutions, and so on. To act in such extreme situations, specially trained groups of military personnel were required, ready for skillful, decisive and quick actions to neutralize dangerous criminals. This was very important in connection with the upcoming summer Olympic Games in 1980

The first attempt to create such a unit in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dates back to 1973. Then, within the framework of special operation to free the hostages captured at Bykovo Airport, Moscow Region, a consolidated operational military detachment (SOVO) was formed. However, at the end of the operation, it was disbanded.

But special forces were needed. As a result, in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of December 29, 1977, on the basis of the 9th (sports) company of the 3rd battalion of the 2nd motorized rifle regiment named after. The sixtieth anniversary of the Komsomol (military unit 3186), which was part of the famous Separate Motorized Rifle Orders of Lenin and the October Revolution of the Red Banner Division special purpose VV Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (military unit 3111, Reutovo, Moscow Region), was formed training company special purpose (URSpN). This unit, which later became the Vityaz special forces detachment, was intended primarily for the development and use curricula for special purpose units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

The first special unit proved to be quite successful, and in the Combat Training Directorate of the GUVV, a decision was made to further development special forces. By order of the head of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR of April 10, 1979, for actions in critical situations special-purpose training units were created in motorized rifle and special motorized units. They were trained in general program combat and political training, during physical training emphasis was placed on learning hand-to-hand combat, which were necessary for the detention of especially dangerous criminals.

In Donetsk, the URSpN was formed in 1990 as part of the 50th separate operational motorized rifle regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3395).

lovers military history it is known that the history of the Soviet armed forces is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. The origin (so to speak) of the 50th motorized rifle regiment is also a mystery.

The fact is that this part had, as it were, two stories: real and mythological, so to speak legendary. Moreover, the highlight (or, as they would say now, “trick”) is that the mythological history has become the official history of the part, and the real one has been safely forgotten.

According to the official (that is, mythological) version, this military unit was created in 1926 to protect the western border of the USSR in the city of Sebezh as the 11th Sebezh border detachment of the OGPU. Then the 11th border detachment was part of the NKVD troops of the Leningrad District and was stationed in the village. Red Leningrad region. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, by order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001419 dated September 25, 1941, the border detachment was reorganized into the 11th border regiment. In the period 1941 - 1945. the unit performed combat missions to protect the rear of the Northern, North-Western, Volkhov, 2nd Baltic and 1st Ukrainian fronts, and then proceeded to guard the rear of the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany (GSOVG). In May 1946, the unit became known as the 11th Infantry Regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to another (real, but forgotten) version, the 11th Infantry Regiment of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0012 dated January 12, 1949 in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Germany) to protect uranium ore mining and enrichment facilities . And he had nothing in common, except for the number, with the 11th border regiment.

It is no longer possible to establish which of the political officers (namely, they most often dealt with the history of military units) attributed the heroic military past to the regiment. But everyone liked this “past” and successfully took root.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 004 of January 21, 1957, in connection with the disbandment of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Germany, the 11th Infantry Regiment was withdrawn to the territory of the USSR and stationed in the city of Stalino (since 1961 - Donetsk).

By order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0507 of August 22, 1957, the 11th rifle regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was reorganized into the 67th separate motorized rifle division of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3395).

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 0055 of November 28, 1968, the 67th division was transformed into the 510th separate motorized rifle battalion of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3395).

In the late 1980s - early 1990s. parts internal troops accepted Active participation in the establishment of law and order in the course of numerous ethnic conflicts on the territory of the USSR. But it was hard for them to cope with official workloads. The command of the internal troops, having carried out analytical calculations, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to increase the organizational strength of operational units.

As a result, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 03 of January 18, 1990, the 510th battalion was deployed into the 50th separate operational motorized rifle regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3395).

And immediately, the servicemen of the newly created regiment had a chance to take part in ending the Armenian-Azerbaijani armed conflict in the city of Nakhichevan, having made three business trips in the confrontation zone: in the spring and summer of 1990 and in the spring of 1991.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR No. 1465-XII of August 30, 1991 “On the subordination of internal troops stationed on its territory to Ukraine”, units and subunits of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs stationed on the territory of the republic came under the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

On November 4, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine No. 1774-XII "On the National Guard of Ukraine". According to the law, the National Guard was entrusted with the functions of protecting the constitutionality and inviolability of Ukraine, participating in the elimination of the consequences of accidents and natural Disasters, border protection, especially important state facilities, embassies and consulates foreign states, public order.

By order of the Commander of the NSU No. 02 dated January 2, 1992, the 11th regiment of the NSU (military unit 4111) was formed on the basis of the 50th separate operational motorized rifle regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3395). At the same time, the special forces regimental company was deployed into a special-purpose battalion.

Sleeve patches of the special forces battalion of the 11th regiment of the NSU, 1992 - 1998.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 158 "On measures to protect the state border of Ukraine with the Republic of Moldova" dated March 17, 1992, the military personnel of the regiment's special purpose battalion took part in the protection of the Ukrainian border in the zone of the Transnistrian armed conflict.

In 1995, the management and units of the regiment moved from the street. Oil on the street. Kuprin, to the barracks of the former Donetsk Higher Military-Political School engineering troops and communications troops. Army General A.A. Epishev. In 1996, the 11th regiment of the NSU included a special-purpose battalion (military unit 4111 "C"), which remained on the street. Oil, 2 motorized rifle battalions (2 companies each), fire support division, anti-aircraft division(armed with ZU-23-2 installations), company combat support, logistics company, repair company, communications company. Combat vehicles units of the regiment was very diverse and consisted of three types of armored personnel carriers BTR-60PB, BTR-70 and BTR-80.

"Show-off" - demonstration performances of special forces

In 1995 - 1996 as part of the further improvement of the organizational and staffing structure of the NSU, which suffered significant "losses" when transferring part of its units to the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the guards were created individual divisions special purpose. The first such unit was the 17th separate special-purpose battalion of the NSU "White Panther" (military unit 2215), formed on April 4, 1995 on the basis of the special-purpose battalion of the 1st regiment of the NSU (military unit 4101, Kiev) in With. New Petrivtsi, Vyshgorodsky district, Kyiv region. And the second was the 23rd separate special-purpose battalion of the NSU "Grom" (military unit 2243), formed on December 26, 1996 on the basis of the special-purpose battalion of the 11th regiment of the NSU (military unit 4111, Donetsk).

Sleeve patch and a special emblem on the headgear (beret) of the 23rd Separate Special Forces Battalion of the Novosibirsk State University

Two years later, in the course of another reform in the guard, by order of the KNGU No. 365 of December 26, 1998, the 11th regiment of the NGU was transformed into the 26th brigade of the special purpose of the NGU (military unit 4111).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1586/99 "On the transfer of units of the National Guard of Ukraine to other military formations" of December 17, 1999 and the Law of Ukraine No. 1363-XIV "On the disbandment of the National Guard of Ukraine" of January 11, 2000, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 37 "On the acceptance of formations, military units, institutions, institutions of the National Guard of Ukraine and their subordination into the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" dated January 19, 2000, the 26th brigade and the 23rd separate battalion of special forces of the National Guard of Ukraine became part of VV MIA of Ukraine.

After some time, the 26th brigade was reorganized into the 44th operational regiment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (military unit 4111), and the 23rd separate battalion became part of it, becoming the regiment's line special forces battalion.

Subsequently, the 44th regiment was reorganized into the 34th separate operational battalion of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (military unit 4111), which was disbanded on November 20, 2004. Its personnel as a linear operational battalion was merged into the 17th special motorized police regiment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (military unit 3037).

But this sad story The "death" of the Donetsk special forces was not without a curiosity. Now the political officers (that is, deputies for educational work) of the 17th motorized police regiment "privatized" the legendary version of the formation of the 50th separate motorized rifle regiment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and derive a new pedigree from the 11th border regiment of the NKVD during the Great Patriotic War simply on the basis of the fact that the operational line battalion of the regiment when -something belonged to the glorious cohort of special forces of the Internal Troops.

Former commander of the 23rd Special Purpose Battalion of NSU A.S. Nadtochy

And, finally, a few words about another little-known division of the Donetsk special forces. By order of the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine No. 85 dated April 15, 1998, a Separate reconnaissance company special purpose (military unit 2240 "R"). The personnel of the company consisted of 7 officers, 1 ensign, 12 contract soldiers and 52 soldiers and sergeants of military service. Athletes and strong guys from special forces throughout the division were selected into the company. At the airport OSOU (Society for Defense Assistance of Ukraine, former DOSAAF) near the city of Mospino, a airborne training with parachute jumps, after which the scouts were awarded landing blue berets. In 1999, the company was renamed the Separate Intelligence Unit for Special Purpose and Anti-Terror. After the transfer of the units of the NSU to the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, its traditions are inherited by the special-purpose intelligence company of the 17th special motorized police regiment (military unit 3037), although it already consisted entirely of contract soldiers, and parachute jumps were made at the OSOU airfield near Volnovakha at your own expense...

Separate reconnaissance unit of the 4th division of the Novosibirsk State University, Mospino, 1998

Dear colleagues, do you know anything about the differences of the Special Purpose Regiment that has guarded the Kremlin since 1936? IN official history it is indicated that the uniform of the internal guard was worn. However, a number of photographs show officers in caps with light bands and dark crowns (circa 1940-1941), and in the photo of the issuance of shoulder straps in 1943, the cipher "ORSN" is visible (it is not yet clear to me what it could mean - Separate Special Purpose Company ?), later the encryption "PSN" is visible.

Yes, everything is known "on the differences of the Special Purpose Regiment, which has guarded the Kremlin since 1936".

ORSN, as you guessed correctly, is a separate special-purpose company, which until August 1942 was called the military fire brigade. ORSN was not part of the PSN, but was part of the Kremlin garrison. The garrison also included a separate motor transport battalion, the military personnel of which wore the OAB cipher on shoulder straps, and a military construction battalion, the military personnel of which wore the ASB cipher. In addition, the Kremlin garrison included a separate officer battalion, nee Separate Battalion of the NKVD GUGB.

All of the above military personnel, except for the GUGB battalion, wore the uniform of the internal troops, of which they were:

36. The special purpose regiment is equipped with:
a) command and command staff - by special selection from the border and internal troops of the NKVD
b) ordinary staff - from the next draft contingents with obligatory condition verification and study of the assigned composition during the year.
Coverage of shortages in the period between calls is made by special selection from units of the border and internal troops.

37. Service life in a special purpose regiment is set at 3 years.

38. When calculating the length of service for retirement to the commanding and commanding staff of the Kremlin garrison units, a year of service in the garrison is taken as 1.5 years.

39. The military fire brigade is equipped with:
a) rank and file - according to a special selection from among the Red Army and junior command personnel and extra-long-term employees of the border and internal troops of the NKVD who have undergone special training;
b) commanding and commanding staff - by special selection from among the commanding and commanding staff of the border and internal troops of the NKVD, who have undergone special training;
c) specialists - by special selection from among those who graduated from the school of the paramilitary fire brigade of the NKVD

40. Separate battalion of the Main Directorate state security The purpose of the NKVD of the USSR is to serve in especially responsible positions.

41. The battalion is equipped with:
a) from among the Red Army soldiers and junior command and command staff of the special purpose regiment, subject to dismissal on long-term leave;
b) from among the junior and middle command and command staff of the border and internal troops of the NKVD.
c) from among the commanding staff of the GUGB.
Acquisition is made by special selection on a voluntary basis.

42. All selected Red Army and junior command personnel undergo preliminary training at the GUGB schools.
The personnel of the battalion are assigned special ranks of the commanding staff of the GUGB.

43. The personnel of the battalion serve on common grounds with all commanding personnel of the GUGB.

44. The service units of the battalion are completed and serve on a common basis with the personnel of the special purpose regiment.

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