It is called a capping for gunpowder from an artillery charge. Coloring, marking of ammunition, branding of fuses. Mass deviation signs

For the first time tools in which gunpowder was used as a propellant appeared in the 14th century. From the walls of the fortresses, stone cannonballs were thrown at the attackers from "shooting pipes". There was a lot of smoke, fire, roar, but such shooting caused little damage to the attackers.

In Russia, in the Galishsh and Alexander chronicles (1382), the use of tools called “mattresses”, “start-chi”, “guns” was first described in defense against the Tatar-Mongol hordes.

In 1480, during the reign of Ivan III, the Cannon Yard was built in Moscow, which was the first cannon factory in the world. One of the goals of its creation was to streamline the manufacture of tools, in which the parameters would be maintained in terms of strength requirements, caliber and design. This provides

there were conditions for the rapid and purposeful development of artillery, which was successfully used in the wars conducted by Ivan III and Ivan IV.

At the beginning of the XVII century. Russian craftsmen created a new generation of guns that were loaded not from the side of the muzzle, but from the breech. These were cannons with wedge and screw-in bolts, which were the prototypes of the bolts used in modern artillery pieces. In addition, the guns had a rifled barrel, which opened up the possibility of switching from cores to more powerful cylindrical projectiles. However, these inventions significantly overtook the technical capabilities of the production of that time, so their mass application was delayed by 150-200 years.

During the reign of Peter I, artillery underwent a serious organizational and technical transformation. Peter I divided all artillery into four types: siege, garrison (fortress), regimental and field. Conducted ordering by caliber and mass of charges and shells. The results were not long in coming. At the beginning of the XVIII century. in the war with Sweden, whose army was considered invincible thanks to its artillery, Russian troops won brilliant victories near Narva and Poltava. During the capture of Narva, for example, shelling was carried out continuously for 10 days. 12358 cores and 5714 mortar bombs were fired at the fortress, 10 thousand pounds of gunpowder were used

The history of Russian artillery has many glorious pages. These are the victories over the Prussian king Frederick II (mid-18th century), the capture of Ishmael in the war with Turkey (1790), the defeat of the French troops in the war of 1812, many naval battles (the Battle of Chesme in 1779, the battles for the defense of Sevastopol in 1854, the Crimean War of 1853-1856, etc.).

The most intensive development of artillery falls on the second half of the 19th century. The improvement of the technical base made it possible to completely switch to the manufacture of rifled guns with breech loading. The first steps were taken to increase the rate of fire of the guns, in particular, thanks to the creation of a high-speed piston valve and a unitary artillery cartridge, in which the projectile and powder charge were connected into one whole with the help of a sleeve. But the most rapid, revolutionary development of artillery began after the invention of smokeless powder (1886). Smokeless gunpowder was three times stronger than smoky gunpowder. This allowed to increase the range and accuracy of fire.

Smokeless powder also got rid of a huge amount of smoke, which, when mass fired with black powder, created a smoke screen that did not allow aimed fire.

The development of artillery led to the creation of several types of guns with their own design features and purpose - these are guns, howitzers, mortars. Later, mortars and recoilless rifles appeared.

The guns (Fig. 10.1) were intended for firing at long distances (up to 30 km) at ground and air targets.

Caliber guns from 20 to 180 mm. Barrel length 40 - 70 calibers. The initial velocity of the projectile is not less than 600 m/s (for some tank guns it reaches 1600 m/s, for example, in the Leopard-2 tank). The guns fire at low elevation angles (usually up to 20 degrees). The flight path of the projectile is flat (sloping).

Howitzers are used for shooting at hidden targets. They have a shorter barrel (10-30 calibers), fire at high elevation angles (mounted trajectory), howitzer caliber 100 mm or more. The initial velocity of the projectile is less than that of the cannon projectile. For example, the projectile velocity of a 76 mm cannon is 680 m/s, while that of a 122 mm howitzer is no more than 515 m/s. The decrease in speed is achieved by reducing the ratio of the mass of the powder charge to the mass of the projectile in comparison with the gun. The firing range is about 18 km.

On fig. 10.2 shows the appearance of the howitzer.

Currently, guns that combine the properties of a howitzer and a cannon (the possibility of flat and mounted firing) are becoming increasingly popular.

These are howitzers - guns. Their caliber is from 90 mm or more, the barrel length is 25-^0 calibers, the firing range is about 20 km.

Mortar-type tools have been used since the 15th century. They had a

a short barrel (no more than 10 calibers), large caliber, fired powerful bombs with a large explosive charge and were intended to destroy especially strong structures. The flight path had a large steepness (steep hinged trajectory). The initial speed of the projectile was about 300 m / s, the flight range was relatively short. The ratio of the mass of the charge of gunpowder to the mass of the projectile was even less than for the howitzer. There are no mortars in service with the modern army. However, by the beginning of World War II, the reserve of the High Command of the Red Army included mortars of 280 mm caliber with a firing range of 10 km (the initial velocity of the projectile was 356 m/s).

To replace mortars in all armies of the world at the beginning of the 20th century. new type of guns arrived - mortars. These are smooth-bore guns for mounted shooting, providing the possibility of defeating the enemy in the trenches located next to their positions (400 - 500 m). Today, mortars are in service with calibers from 60 to 240 mm, with a mass of mines from 1.3 to 130 kg and a firing range from several hundred meters to 10 km.

The initial speed of the mine with the smallest charge of gunpowder is only 120 m / s.

By design, the mortar is a steel pipe smooth inside, resting on a plate with a ball heel (Fig. 10.3).

Shooting is carried out by lowering the mine with its tail section into the muzzle (large-caliber mortars are loaded from the breech). In the mine stabilizer tube

there is a tail cartridge with the main charge of gunpowder. At the bottom of the cartridge there is an igniter capsule that stumbles

on the striker when the mine reaches its lowest position, it explodes and excites the combustion of the powder charge. The main charge of gunpowder is taken small. If necessary, an additional charge of gunpowder is placed on the stabilizer tube, which allows to increase the firing range. The rate of fire of the mortar reaches 15-20 rounds per minute.

In the first quarter of the XX century. a new type of artillery guns appeared - recoilless (dynamo-reactive) guns designed to destroy manpower, destroy fortifications and, mainly, to fight tanks. The principle of operation of a recoilless gun is shown in Fig. 10.4.

There are holes in the shell of the projectile covered with cardboard. When fired, the cardboard breaks through and through the opened holes, part of the gaseous combustion products enters the breech, in the back of which nozzle holes are made. The resulting reactive force balances the recoil force. This eliminates the need to make complex anti-woven devices, which greatly simplifies the design of the tool. Recoilless guns have a rifled barrel. For firing, unitary cartridges with fragmentation, high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative grenades are used, which in terms of power correspond to conventional projectiles. Considering that part of the energy of the powder gases is spent on recoil compensation, the initial speed increases

summer is about 300 m / s, the firing range is significantly less than conventional guns and shooting is most effective at visible targets. Recoilless guns, depending on the caliber, can be portable or placed on a vehicle.

Before proceeding to consider the influence of various factors on an artillery shot, let us dwell on the very concept of a “shot”. This term has two meanings. One of them implies the phenomenon of a shot from a firearm, and the second is a product, ammunition, with which a shot is fired.

The phenomenon of a shot is the process of ejecting a projectile due to the energy of powder gases. When fired in a fraction of a second, powder gases having a temperature of 3000-3500°C develop a pressure of up to 300-400 MPa and push the projectile out. This useful type of work consumes 25-30% of the energy of the powder charge.

An artillery shot as a means of combat (ammunition) is a complete set of all the elements necessary to produce one shot. It includes: a projectile, a projectile fuse, a propellant (combat) charge of gunpowder in a cartridge case or cap, a propellant charge igniter (igniter cap, igniter tube, etc.), auxiliary elements (phlegmatizer, decopper, flame arrester, cardboard elements).

The main ballistic indicators of an artillery shot are: the maximum pressure in the gun barrel (p t) and the speed of the projectile at the muzzle (Y 0).

It was previously noted that the combustion of smokeless powder occurs in parallel layers on all sides of the powder element. The combination of this quality with the energy characteristics of gunpowder, the shape, grain size and weight of the sample allows you to adjust the main ballistic parameters of the shot and create charges with desired properties.

Gunpowder, depending on the energy indicator (heat of combustion p g), are divided into three groups:

High-calorie, having () g 4200-5300 kJ / kg (1000-1260 kcal / kg). To increase the calorie content, explosives with a high heat of combustion (octogen, hexogen, DINA) are introduced into their composition. High-calorie gunpowder is used for mortar rounds;

Medium-calorie gunpowder, having () g 3300-4200 kJ / kg (800-1000 kcal / kg), are used to make charges for low-power guns;

Low-calorie ("cold") gunpowder, having<3 Г 2700-3300 кДж/кг (650-800 ккал/кг), используются для зарядов к ору­диям больших калибров. Применение «холодных» порохов для
powerful guns is caused by the desire to minimize the height (erosion) of the inner surface of the barrel, which is directly dependent on the temperature and pressure of the shot.

The rate of gas evolution during the combustion of gunpowder is to a certain extent regulated by the shape of the powder elements. From pyro-. Silin powders are made in the form of grains with one or seven channels, as well as in the form of tubes (Fig. 10.5 a). Tubes, plates, ribbons and rings are prepared from ballistic powders (Fig. 10.5 b)

Channel grains have a progressive nature of combustion, since the burning of gunpowder from the surface of the grain and channels leads to an increase in the burning area. Tubular powders are close to a constant value in terms of gas evolution rate. Ribbons and rings (mortar gunpowder) have a regressive burning pattern.

Gunpowder with a progressive gas release rate is used in long-barreled guns (guns), since in order to give a high speed to the projectile over a considerable length of the barrel, the pressure must be close to the maximum.

For guns with a short barrel length, tubular gunpowder is used. This is due to the fact that the maximum pressure in the short

in barreled guns, a shorter period of time should be preserved and its value may be lower than in cannons.

In mortars, the initial speed of the mine is low and, therefore, there is no need to create high pressure with a long period of holding it. Therefore, for mortar powder charges, gunpowder with a regressive combustion pattern is quite suitable.

Depending on the chemical nature and form, artillery powders are marked as follows:

Grained pyroxylin powders are indicated by shot,

the numerator of which shows the thickness of the burning vault in tenths of a millimeter, and the denominator - the number of channels. For example: 7/7 - the thickness of the vault is 0.7 mm, there are seven channels; 14/7 - the thickness of the vault is 1.4 mm, there are seven channels; 7/1 - arch thickness 0.7, one channel;

Tubular powders are also indicated by shot, but with the addition of the letters TR. For example: 10/1TP - the thickness of the arch is 1 mm, the channel is one, tubular;

Ballistic tube powders do not have the letter index TP, since they are not made in the form of grains, but they have the letter index H, for example: 30/1H denotes tubular nitroglycerin powder with a burning arch thickness of 1 mm and one channel;

Tape gunpowder has the letter index L and a number showing the thickness of the burning vault in hundredths of a millimeter. For example: NBL-35 - nitroglycerin ballistic tape with a burning arch thickness of 0.35 mm;

Ring-shaped gunpowder has the letter index K and three digital indicators, two of which are written as a fraction (the numerator is the internal, the denominator is the outer diameter, mm) and the third, separated from the fraction by a line, indicates the thickness of the burning vault in hundredths of a millimeter, for example, NBK30/65-12;

Nitroglycerine ballistic ring powder with an internal diameter of 30 mm. external 65 mm and the thickness of the burning arch 0.12 mm.

Depending on the gun system, caliber and task performed, gunpowder of various grades is used. All powder charges certainly have two main elements - a sample of gunpowder and an igniter. According to the suspension device, the charges are divided into constant and variable. Both of them can be full or reduced. Permanent charges are used in unitary cartridges (Fig. 10.6), representing factory-assembled artillery shots in the form of a projectile and a powder charge combined by a cartridge case, and cannot be changed before firing. Typically, unitary cartridges are used for small and medium caliber guns.

In some case-loading shots with a combat charge of grained powder, central ones are used to ensure simultaneous ignition of the powder throughout the entire volume of the charge; perforated paper tubes filled with hollow cylinders of black powder (Fig. 10.6 b). When a flame retardant is introduced into the tube, it also acts as a flame arrester.

With an increase in caliber, a unitary cartridge becomes inconvenient for loading due to its large mass and size. In this case, sleeved and sleeveless separate loading is used.

With separate case loading, a projectile is first sent into the barrel of the gun, and then - a sleeve with a sample of gunpowder, which is located in caps (bags made of combustible fabric). In large-caliber guns (ship, coastal defense), in which sleeveless separate loading is carried out, a sample of gunpowder is placed in a chamber in caps without a sleeve.

Separate loading options are shown in fig. 10.7.

Moreover, the change in the hitch can be made immediately before firing in accordance with the combat mission being solved. The device of mortar powder charges is shown in Fig. 10.8. It can be seen from the figure that the charge of gunpowder in a mortar shot has a main charge and an additional charge in the form of caps placed on the tail of the mine, the number of which varies depending on the given firing range.

As igniters in artillery and mortar shots, igniter caps of shock, grating or electric excitation are used. Primers-igniters are usually mounted in an igniter sleeve, which has an increased ignitability due to black powder pressed into the sleeve.

In order to quickly and completely ignite in the charges of cap loading, additional igniters are used, which are cakes of smoke powder compressed or poured into a cap.

In addition to the two main components (a sample and an igniter), additional elements can be included in the composition of the charge - a reflux gasifier, a decopperizer and a flame arrester. The first two are used to reduce the height of the trunk. A flash suppressor is used to extinguish muzzle and backfire. The muzzle flame is a hot luminous gaseous products, as well as a glow from the burning out of products of incomplete oxidation.

The length of the muzzle flame, depending on the gun system, the properties of gunpowder and meteorological conditions, can be from 0.5 to 50 m, and the width - from 0.2 to 20 m.

The flame from the 76-mm cannon can be seen from the aircraft at night for 200 km.

Naturally, this significantly unmasks the combat positions of artillery, especially during night firing.

Backfire is the flame that occurs when the gun's breech is opened. It is especially dangerous when firing from tank guns. The fight against muzzle and backfire is carried out by introducing muzzle and backfire flame arresters into the charge. The muzzle flash hider is usually a cap with powdered potassium sulfate, taken in an amount of 2-15% by weight of gunpowder, located at the top of the charge.

Backfire flame arresters are a sample placed in a cap (about 2% by weight of the powder charge) of flame retardant powder (pyroxylin powder containing 45-50% of a flame retardant, such as potassium sulfate), located at the bottom of the charge.

The ballistic performance of a shot depends on a number of factors, the decisive of which are the design of the gun and the nature of the powder charge (the size of the sample, the speed and volume of gas release during combustion, the maximum pressure in the gun barrel, etc.).

In table. 10.2 shows the characteristics of the shot of some gun systems. The table shows that when moving from guns to howitzers, the firing range decreases. This is natural, since in a howitzer shot the mass of the powder charge in relation to the mass of the projectile in 2-A times less compared to the ratio in the cannon shot. The maximum firing range for the considered guns does not exceed 40 km.

The question arises, is it possible to create long-range artillery systems?

One of the reasons preventing a significant increase in the firing range is air resistance to the flight of the projectile. Moreover, the degree of resistance increases with the increase in the speed of the projectile. For example, the estimated flight range of a 76-mm cannon projectile in airless space is 30-40 km, while in practice this distance is reduced by 10-15 km due to air resistance.

In 1911, the famous Russian artilleryman Trofimov suggested that the Main Artillery Directorate of the tsarist army build a cannon that would have a firing range of 100 km or more. The main idea of ​​the range was to bring the projectile to a great height, where the atmosphere is very rarefied, there is no resistance, and the projectile travels a long distance without hindrance. However, this proposal did not receive support from the Main Artillery Directorate. And seven years later, the Germans fired cannons at Paris from a distance of more than 100 km. Moreover, the principle of ensuring long-range completely repeated Trofimov's idea. The long-range gun was a gun with a total mass of 750 tons, a projectile caliber of 232 mm, a barrel length of 34 m, and an initial projectile velocity of 2000 m/s. The projectile was fired at a high angle (about 50°), pierced the dense layers of the atmosphere, rising to about 40 km, and by that moment had a speed of 1000 m/s. In a rarefied atmosphere, the projectile flew 100 km and descended along the descending branch of the trajectory, while overcoming another 20 km of distance.

Thus, the total range was 120 km. However, firing from such a gun required an incommensurable amount of foam. A projectile weighing 126 kg required a powder charge of 215 kg, i.e., the ratio of the charge of gunpowder to the mass of the projectile approached two, while for conventional guns it is 0.2-0.4.

In addition, the gun barrel could withstand no more than 50-70 shots, and after that the replacement of the 34-meter barrel was required.

All of the above casts doubt on the rationality of creating long-range artillery barreled guns.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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"Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University"


TD-50, TD-58

A-40, A-50, A-90 (figure -% content of ammonium nitrate)

Indexes of some projectiles

Table 2.

Mass deviation signs applied on the projectile

Table 3

Mass deviation signs

Mass deviation from the table, %

Lighter than

Easier from to
Easier from to
Easier from to
Easier from to

Lighter or harder to

Heavier from to
Heavier from to
Heavier from to
Heavier from to

Heavier than

The marking on the sleeves is applied with black paint on the side surface and indicates:

1. “Reduced” - the name of the charge.

3. 122-D30 - caliber and gun index.

4. 4/1 2/0-0 - brand of gunpowder; batch number, year of manufacture of gunpowder and gunpowder factory code.

5. 1-0-00 - batch number, year of assembly you are assembling the shot.

Gunpowder is assigned a symbol called the brand of gunpowder. The brand of gunpowder is indicated by a fraction, the numerator of which shows the thickness of the burning dome of grain in tenths of a millimeter, and the denominator is the number of channels in the grain.

For example: 9/7 - the thickness of the burning vault is 0.9 mm, seven-channel.

After the numbers are the quality indicators of gunpowder:

1. SW - fresh.

2. Lane - alteration.

3. Fl - phlegmatized.

4. TR - tubular.

2.1. Approximate markings on shells" width="434 height=676" height="676">

Fig.2. HEAT projectile BK6 (BK6M)

122 - projectile caliber;

H is the sign of mass deviation;

Fig.3. HEAT projectile BK13

00 - cipher of the equipment factory;

0-00 - batch number and year of equipment of the projectile;

122 - projectile caliber;

H is the sign of mass deviation;

A-IX-I - explosive code;

Fig.4. High-explosive fragmentation projectile OF-462

00 - cipher of the equipment factory;

0-00 - batch number and year of equipment of the projectile;

122 - projectile caliber;

“+” - sign of mass deviation;

T - equipment code;

Notes: 1. Projectiles with an iron-ceramic leading belt have the letter Zh, for example, OF-462Zh.

2. The OF-24 high-explosive fragmentation projectile differs from the OF-462 projectile by the presence of a transition sleeve and the type of explosive.

3. The OF-56 high-explosive fragmentation projectile differs from the OF-462 projectile in the design of the body (one-piece) and the type of explosive (increased power).

Fig.5. Illumination projectile S-463

00 - cipher of the equipment factory;

0-00 - batch number and year of equipment of the projectile;

122 - projectile caliber;

“+” - sign of mass deviation;

102-B - cipher of the lighting composition;

Notes: 1. Projectiles with an iron-ceramic leading band have the S-463Zh index.

Fig.6. Illumination projectile С4

00 - cipher of the equipment factory;

0-00 - batch number and year of equipment of the projectile;

122 - projectile caliber;

“+” - sign of mass deviation;

R - cipher of the lighting composition;

Note: 1. Projectiles with an iron-ceramic leading belt have the S4Zh index.

Fig.7. Smoke projectile D4

00 - cipher of the equipment factory;

0-00 - batch number and year of equipment of the projectile;

122 - projectile caliber;

“+” - sign of mass deviation;

R-4 - smoke-forming substance code;

Fig.8. Campaign projectile A1

0 - warehouse number;

0 - batch number;

0-0-0-00 - number of leaflets,

date the projectile was loaded;

122 - projectile caliber;

H is the sign of mass deviation;

AGIT - equipment code;

Notes: 1. The body of the projectile is painted red.

2. The T-7 tube on the safety and ballistic caps has a black annular stripe.

2.2. Exemplary marking on sleeves

Fig.9. Special charge

1 - sleeve;

2 - reinforced cover;

3 - cardboard cylinder;

4 - normal cover;

5 - a package of gunpowder (9/7 + 12/1 TR);

6 - igniter;

7 - flame arrester (ВТХ-10);

8 - capsule sleeve;

9 - a ring of braid;

10 - grease PP-95/5;

9/7 and 12/1 TR - grades of gunpowder;

ВТХ-10 - brand of flame arrester;

boom and number of the base that produced

shot assembly.

Fig.10. Full charge

1 - sleeve;

2 - reinforced cover;

3 - normal cover;

4 - decopper;

5 - a package of gunpowder (12/7 + 12/1 TR);

6 - igniter;

7 - flame arrester (ВТХ-10);

8 - capsule sleeve;

9 - a ring of braid;

10 - grease PP-95/5;

122-D30 - caliber and gun index;

12/7 and 12/1 TR - grades of gunpowder;

2/0-0 - batch number, year of manufacture

gunpowder and the code of the gunpowder factory;

1-0-00 - batch number, year of assembly

boom and number of the base that produced

shot assembly.

Fig.11. Reduced variable charge

1 - sleeve;

2 - reinforced cover;

3 - normal cover;

4 - decopper;

5 - equilibrium beams (9/7);

6 - non-equilibrium beam (9/7);

7 - main package (4/1);

8 - igniter;

9 - flame arrester (ВТХ-10);

10 - capsule sleeve;

11 - a ring of braid;

12 - grease PP-95/5;

122-D30 - caliber and gun index;

4/1 and 9/7 - brands of gunpowder;

2/0-0 - batch number, year of manufacture

gunpowder and the code of the gunpowder factory;

1-0-00 - batch number, year of assembly

boom and number of the base that produced

shot assembly.

3. Capping ammunition

Closing boxes are intended for storage and transportation of ammunition and shot elements.

In capping boxes for shots of separate cartridge case loading, full sets of shots are placed. To ensure a tight packing of the elements of the shots, each box has a set of wooden inserts and fittings. The boxes are closed with a lid attached to the box of the box with metal hinges and gramophone-type locks. The boxes are painted with khaki paint, on top of which a marking is applied about the combat purpose of the shot and the production data of its elements. All loose closures and their liners, as well as cartridge cases, must be returned for reuse.

The fuses are stored and transported in hermetically sealed galvanized iron boxes placed in wooden boxes.

3.1. Approximate marking on capping" width="313" height="225 src=">

Fig.13. Marking on the side of the box

The marking on the side wall of the box indicates:

1. OF-462Zh - projectile index.

2. 0-0-0 - factory code, batch number and year of equipment of the projectile.

3. T - explosive code.

The label on the lid of the box indicates:

1. A triangle with a number inside is a sign of danger and a category of cargo.

4. Ammunition handling during transport

Transportation of ammunition can be carried out by rail, water, road, air, horse-drawn and pack transport.

The transportation of ammunition by road in the troops is the main type of transportation.

Cars, trailers and other means of ammunition should be loaded in such a way as not to exceed the load capacity established for them.

Ammunition is transported only in regular and serviceable closure.

Ammunition boxes may be stowed in the body both across the vehicle and along it, in the direction of travel, taking into account the fuller use of the vehicle's carrying capacity.

Ammunition boxes are in all cases placed with their lids up and carefully secured to prevent shocks, shifts, impacts and falls.

It is forbidden to stack ammunition boxes higher than the sides, more than half the height of the top row box.

Technically serviceable vehicles (with serviceable silencers) are allocated for the transportation of ammunition, which are provided with fire extinguishers and felt mats.

Cars with ammunition to indicate the danger of cargo are supplied with red flags on the port side.

Vehicle drivers should be carefully instructed about the rules for transporting ammunition before leaving for a flight.

When transporting ammunition by road, it is prohibited:

1. Exceed the set speed.

2. Refuel loaded cars or pour gasoline from the tanks of one car into the tanks of another.

3. Warm up the car engine with an open flame.

4. Carry ammunition along with flammable liquids.

5. Drive cars to the sites, under the sheds, to the ammunition depots.

6. Stop cars with ammunition in populated areas.

7. Stop for rest and halts closer than 50 m from the road.

8. Smoking on vehicles loaded with ammunition or closer than 25 m from them.

9. Breeding open fire closer than 100 m from vehicles with ammunition.

10. Carry ammunition in vehicles that are not provided with means to extinguish a fire.

5. Ammunition handling at the OP

Ammunition is delivered to the firing position fully equipped (except for rocket artillery shells), high-precision shots - only in caps. The senior battery officer receives ammunition, organizes its unloading by gun crews and fills in the table of the availability and consumption of ammunition.

Ammunition is unloaded in compliance with safety requirements.

It is forbidden:

1. throw boxes of ammunition;

2. drag, turn over;

3. put them on the side wall;

4. carry on the back and on the shoulders.

Each box of ammunition is unloaded and carried to the stowage place with the lid up and at least two gun numbers.

At the firing position, ammunition is stored in dry niches of gun trenches and cellars laid on linings. Niches and cellars should be equipped in such a way that the ammunition contained in them is protected from the impact of the shock wave of a nuclear explosion, from bullets and fragments and covered with local materials from rain, snow, sand, dust and sunlight.

The expendable supply of ammunition in a closed firing position is laid out and stored in the niches of a gun trench in the amount of 0.25 - 0.5 bq (for high-powered guns - in the amount of 0.15 - 0.3 bq).

Charges for high power guns are stored in hermetic closures.

At an open firing position, the designated amount of ammunition is laid out in niches and on the platforms of gun trenches.

If there is time, the cellars are connected to the gun trenches by means of communication.

Expended ammunition is replenished from cellars.

Ammunition is stored in niches and on the platforms of gun trenches stacked, in capping with caps up, with open locks, freed from upper reinforcement and spacer bars, or laid out from capping. In the latter case, the ammunition is placed on poles (linings) or on a bed of local materials and covered on top with tarpaulins or other materials that protect them from rain, dust and sunlight.

In the cellars, ammunition is stored in caps with closed locks. The greatest height of the ammunition stack should be 0.5 m less than the depth of the cellar or gun trench niche.

Store ammunition in shelters for calculations prohibited .

The senior battery officer is responsible for the correct and safe placement and storage of ammunition in the firing position and compliance with all safety requirements when firing.

When handling ammunition in a firing position, it is prohibited:

1. Disassemble ammunition.

2. Install shells, mines, cartridge cases and unitary shots vertically.

3. Hit fuses and igniters, and hit ammunition against each other.

4. Carry by hand more than one uncapped shot or projectile (mine) of 82 mm or more caliber.

5. Carry unsealed fully equipped shells (mines) of 152 mm caliber or more without supporting devices.

6. Carry ammunition in defective closures.

Shots are not allowed to fire:

1. Having elements prohibited for combat use.

2. Not listed in the Firing Table for this gun.

3. Without marking and with erased marking.

Projectiles (mines) are not allowed to fire:

1. With a fuse delivered to the firing position without installation or safety caps (caps).

2. With unscrewed (at least partially) fuse head bushing.

3. With unscrewed fuses and tubes.

4. With fuses (having a marching mount) delivered to a firing position with a combat installation.

5. With fuses affected by solid rust on the outer surface of the case.

6. With traces of blows and smoke on the body and on the fuse.

7. With screwed-in fuses that fell from a height of 1 m, as well as shells that fell from any height onto the bow.

8. Completely equipped, exposed to explosion, fire, bombardment or artillery fire.

9. With cracks on the body, with shells on the centering thickenings.

10. Having an explosive leak through threaded connections in the projectile.

11. With wobbly stabilizers, as well as with bent or broken stabilizer feathers, having bent ballistic tips (for armor-piercing projectiles).

Combat charges are not allowed to fire:

1. With shells that have dents that prevent loading, as well as those that have cracks on the bottom or on the body (shells with cracks on the muzzle that do not violate the tightness of the combat charge are allowed).

2. In cases and unitary cartridges with underscrewed primer bushings.

3. With drop-down reinforced lids and showing signs of dampness of gunpowder and caps.

4. Soaked, as well as with torn caps.

5. Unitary cartridges with a warped projectile that prevents loading, as well as a rotating projectile in the sleeve.

The specified ammunition, except for shells and cartridge cases with unscrewed fuses and primer bushings, is set aside for shipment to the artillery weapons depot.

When preparing ammunition, you must:

1. Remove grease from projectiles and shells.

2. Remove rust from projectile bodies.

3. Screw in the head fuses or tubes, as well as primer bushings, if they turned out to be partially unscrewed (screw the primer bushing only with a standard key from the spare parts kit).

4. Remove nicks on the leading bands of the shells and on the flanges of the shells.

The preparation of specific samples of ammunition is carried out in accordance with the technical description and operating instructions.

Grease from shells must first be removed with scrapers, and then with rags or tow slightly moistened with white spirit (gasoline, solvent).

When preparing mines, pay special attention to removing grease from stabilizers and fire transfer holes.

When removing grease from shells and cleaning them from rust, do not allow violation of the markings on shells, mines and cartridge cases.

For cleaning, the ammunition is removed from the closure and placed on poles, linings or empty closures one box high.

To eliminate minor malfunctions (screwing up fuses, removing nicks), as well as to replace primer bushings (igniter charges), a place is allocated at the firing position (no closer than 50 m from gun or mortar trenches and magazines with ammunition) in a specially prepared trench or behind a natural shelter .

Ammunition handling during firing.

1. During loading, do not drop the shells and do not hit the head part on the barrel breech or gun carriage.

2. It is allowed to unscrew the safety caps from the tubes and fuses, the mounting caps from the percussion fuses, to install the fuses, to open the hermetic closure of live charges and to make charges is allowed immediately before firing.

3. If, when removing the mounting or safety caps, damage to the membrane is detected, then shells with such fuses are not allowed to fire.

4. It is forbidden to make any combination of packages and additional beams of powder that is not provided for by the Firing Tables. After compiling a variable charge, it is imperative to put the normal cover into the sleeve and send it until the charge beams are compressed.

5. It is forbidden to fire with a reinforced cover, except for the charges provided for by the Artillery System Firing Tables.

7. Ignition charges for mines must be sent into the stabilizer tube until the sleeve stops against the cut of the stabilizer tube. The packaging of additional mortar rounds must be intact.

8. Faulty shells are stored and sent to the warehouse at the direction of the head of the rocket and artillery weapons service.

9. Unused additional bundles of charges must be placed in a serviceable iron or wooden box at a distance of 10 - 20 m from the gun.

Ammunition handling after firing.

1. Carrying guns loaded (except for combat vehicles) is prohibited,

2. Separately loaded guns that remain loaded after firing are discharged only with a shot. The rest of the guns, as well as mortars, are allowed to be discharged by removing the shot from the barrel bore, observing safety precautions.

3. At the end of firing, fuses and tubes of projectiles prepared for loading should be set to factory settings, and the removed caps should be put on. To ensure tightness, the threads of the safety caps must be lubricated before being screwed on.

4. The removed additional bundles and reinforced covers of prepared charges are inserted into the sleeve, and the joints between the reinforced cover and the walls of the sleeve are covered with grease remaining on the cover.

5. Shots that had their protective caps (caps) removed from tubes and fuses or the capping of the charges was opened, must be used first at the next opening of fire.

6. Bundles of gunpowder, spent cartridges, safety caps and empty closures with a full set of fittings remaining after completing the charges are handed over to the service of rocket and artillery weapons.

7. For spent brass cartridge cases, after firing, clean the inner surface of powder deposits using local materials (sand, water, rags, etc.), and then wipe dry. The sleeves cleaned of soot are lubricated over the entire surface inside and out with a thin layer of lubricant, placed in the vacated boxes and fixed with liners.

8. After the end of firing, steel sleeves are not washed with water, and after wiping with rags, they are lubricated with any lubricant.

6. Bringing ammunition to its final equipped form

Incompletely equipped artillery shots are brought to their final equipped form by screwing the fuses into the point of the shells before issuing them for firing.

Bringing the shots (shells) into their final equipped form with the fuses punching is carried out in a dugout, cabin or in a ditch with a depth of at least 1.5 m and a base area of ​​1.5 x 1.5 m.

When screwing in and punching fuses in the cockpit, dugout or ditch, there should be no more than one projectile.

Before screwing in the fuse, a blank plug is unscrewed from the point of the projectile, while the clamping screw (where present) is loosened. Then the thread of the glasses is wiped with a dry rag to remove excess lubricant.

Pay special attention to removing grease, dust and sand from the explosive cut.

After removing the grease, the fuse intended for it is screwed into the point of the projectile, and the turns of the fuse cutting are pre-lubricated with projectile grease or cannon grease. When screwing the fuse, do not allow lubricant to get on the explosive cut.

The fuse is screwed in with a special key until the fuse is tightly pressed against the head cut of the projectile. In this case, hits on the key are not allowed.

The screwed fuse in the point of the projectile is fixed with a clamping screw in the projectile. In steel projectiles that do not have clamping screws, the fuses are fixed by punching in the joint at four opposite points equidistant along the circumference of the joint. Punching should be done only by pressure on hand-held devices PKV-U or mechanical machines.

In cast iron shells, the fuses are not pierced, but are screwed on varnish No. 67.

The fuses intended for equipping shells are preliminarily inspected. Fuzes without established stamps, with cracks and dents on the body (mechanical damage), with clogged threads, dented safety caps and damaged membranes are not allowed to equipment.

7. Installation of fuses, tubes

The installation of fuses and tubes is carried out with service keys from the spare parts gun kit immediately before firing after the command received from the KNP of the battery or the senior artillery commander (chief) by the number of the calculation - the installer.

Table of fuse settings for 122-mm G D-30

Table 4

Explosion brand (tubes)

Required projectile action

Shooting rig

Marching (factory) installation



The cap is on



The cap is on




Ricochet or high-explosive with deceleration.

Smoke (when firing a D4 projectile).

“Vzr. Osk.”

“Vzr. Fug.”

“Vzr. Deputy.”

“Vzr. Osk.”

The cap is screwed on, the tap is on “O”.

Air break.

“Fuse 00” (number of divisions).

Ring on "UD".

Illumination when firing the S-463ZH (S-463) projectile. Agitation when firing the A1 projectile (A1D, A1ZhD).

“Handset 00” (number of divisions).

The protective cap has been removed. Ring on the commanded number of divisions.

Ring for 165 cases.

The safety cap is screwed on.

Illumination when firing the S4Zh (C4) projectile.

“Handset 00” (number of divisions).

The protective cap has been removed. The ballistic cap is rotated by the commanded number of divisions.

Mounting groove and ledge are aligned.

The safety cap is screwed on.

Air break.

“Around the RV. Explosive number of divisions), low (high)”.

“Around the RV. Fuse 80”.

In accordance with

svie with the team.

On "H" or


"H", remote

ring on

"UD", fuse

thread count

put on the pack.

Air break.

“Around the RV. Explosive number of divisions), low


“Around the RV. Explosive blow."

In accordance with

svie with the team.

On "H" or

Switch to "H", distance ring to "8", safety cap on.

Air break.

“Shell Sh1. Tube 00 (number of divisions)”.

“Shell Sh1. Kar-leak”.

In accordance with

svie with the team.

Distance ring on “P”, protective cap is on.

8. Compilation of charges

The preparation of combat charges is carried out immediately before firing after the command received from the KNP of the battery or the senior artillery commander (chief) with the number of the calculation - the charger.

Table of charges for 122-mm G D-30

Table 5

Charge name

Charge Composition


One package

Take out the reinforced cover.

One package

Take out the reinforced cover

(when firing with cumulative projectiles).


Basic package + unequal but spring beam + three upper equilibrium beams.

The first

Basic package + unequal but spring beam + two equilibrium beams.

Take out the upper balance beam.


Basic package + unequal but spring beam + equilibrium beam.

Take out the two upper balance beams.


Basic package + unequal but spring bundle.

Take out three equilibrium bundles.


Main package.

Take out three balanced beams and one non-equilibrium.

9. Measurement of charge temperature.

The charge temperature is measured with a battery thermometer in one of the central drawers of the stack every 1-2 hours.

To ensure the same temperature of charges, boxes with shots or shells with charges laid out from boxes should be securely covered during the day to protect them from heating by the sun, and from cooling at night.

The charge shelters for all guns must be of the same type.

To measure the temperature of the charges, the reinforced and normal covers are removed from the sleeve of one of the charges and a thermometer is inserted into the sleeve between the beams of gunpowder, after which the covers are inserted into the sleeve. The thermometer sleeve is placed in the middle between the other sleeves. Thermometers are put into charges, if possible, no later than an hour and a half before firing. The thermometer reading is taken not earlier than 10 minutes after the thermometer sleeve is placed in the stack.


1. Ground artillery ammunition. Textbook. Part 1. - M.: Military publishing house, 1970. - 120-124, 145-150, 168-229 p.

2. Firing tables for flat and mountainous conditions of the 122-mm howitzer D-30. TS RG No. 000. - M.: Military publishing house, 1993. - 6-8, 246, 267-271, 274-285 p.

3. Supplement No. 2 to TS RG No. 000. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1992. - 7, 106-109, 111 p.

4. Guidelines for the combat work of artillery firing units. - M.: Military publishing house, 2002. - 124-132 p.

1. COLORING OF AMMUNITION………………………………...................................3

2. MARKING OF AMMUNITION……………………………………………3

2.1. Approximate markings on shells…………………………………..6

2.2. Approximate marking on sleeves…………………………………..14

3. AMMUNITION CAPSURE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3.1. Approximate marking on capping…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5. HANDLING OF AMMUNITION AT OP………………………………………19



8. COMPOSITION OF CHARGES……………………………………………………27

9. MEASURING THE TEMPERATURE OF CHARGES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27


Educational edition

Valery Dmitrievich Parfenov,

Lieutenant Colonel, Senior Lecturer of the cycle of firing and fire control



For small arms ammunition and infantry fighting vehicles, the following warranty periods are established :

When stored in warehouses - up to 5 years;

In field conditions - up to 3 years;

In ammo racks - up to 6 months.

Each type of ammunition loaded onto a vehicle or infantry fighting vehicle must be of the same factory and year of manufacture.

Ammunition is placed in the BMP in accordance with the masonry scheme.

WG complete with fuses are placed in the BMP in sealed regular boxes.

5.45 mm cartridges are stored in the vehicles of the company commander and platoon commander in the factory sealed packaging.

Cartridges for machine guns, when loaded into an infantry fighting vehicle, are loaded with flights and placed in boxes.

(For the PKT, the ammunition load is 2000 rounds, for the BMP gun - 40 rounds).

Shops for machine guns are equipped with cartridges at the rate of 50% of their capacities. The remaining cartridges for machine guns with magazines are stored in the BMP in hermetic packaging.

It is forbidden to store cartridges in packs or in bulk in vehicles.

Boxes with the cartridges laid in them in tapes are closed with lids and sealed.

Reloading and updating of ammunition is carried out according to the schedule once every 6 months.

Capping and labeling

9 mm pistol cartridges are in a wooden box, 2560 pcs.

Each box contains two galvanized iron boxes, which are stacked cartridges in cardboard packs of 16 pcs.

One iron box holds 80 packs. On the side walls of wooden boxes there are inscriptions indicating the nomenclature of the cartridges stacked in these boxes: the batch number of the cartridges, the month and year of manufacture of the cartridges and gunpowder, the manufacturer, the brand and batch of gunpowder, the number of cartridges in the box. All one box with cartridges about 33 kg.

5.45 mm rounds, capping is made in wooden boxes. Two hermetically sealed metal boxes of 1080 rounds are placed in a wooden box. Cartridges are packed into cardboard packs on 30 pieces. A total of 2160 rounds in a wooden box. On the side walls of the box in which the cartridges with tracer bullets are sealed, a green stripe is applied. Each box has a knife to open the box.

7.62 mm cartridges mod. 1908- sealed in wooden boxes. The box contains two hermetically sealed metal boxes of 440 rounds each. The cartridges are packed in packs of 20 cartridges. A total of 880 rounds in a wooden box.

On the side walls of the wooden boxes there are colored stripes corresponding to the color of the bullet heads.

If the box contains cartridges with a light bullet, no colored stripes are applied to the side walls of the box.

Capping, marking of shots and ATGMs

The final equipment of the grenade, to ensure long-term storage, is sealed in sealed film bags and placed in wooden boxes of 6 pcs. in each.

In the same box, 6 starting charges in 2 packages are placed in a special compartment.

Garnet color:

Grenades in combat equipment, i.e. BB A-1X-1 equipment is painted in a protective color.

In inert equipment: the warhead is painted black, the jet engine - in protective, and instead of the code BB there is an inscription "inert".

Grenade models are painted red.


The markings are called conventional signs and inscriptions applied with paint on the projectile, cartridge case and ammunition capping.

PG-15V is marked: grenade head, jet engine and starting powder charge.

9M14M is marked: warhead, explosive device, tracer, as well as the entire projectile.

13 - number of mechanical plant;

4 - batch number of the head part;

64 - year of manufacture;

R - OTK stamp.

PG-9; 12-5-64; A-1 X-1

PG-9 - symbol for a grenade;

12 - number of equipment factory;

5 - No. of the consignment equipment of the warhead;

64 - year of equipment;

A-1 X-1 code BB.

Shot handling:

1. Prevent grenades, charges and collected shots from falling.

2. Carry and carry grenades and charges to them only in caps.

3. Protect grenades and charges to them from moisture and dampness.

4. Open the case and take out the charges from it only before the production of the stacking of shots in the ammunition rack of the BMP.

5. Protective caps and checks must be kept until the end of the shooting.

6. Remove protective caps from the head of the fuse only before placing shots in the ammunition rack of the BMP.

7. If the shot is not used up and is to be returned to the warehouse, put on the safety cap on the fuse of this shot and secure it with a pin, after checking whether the membrane is damaged beforehand.

8. Touch unexploded grenades after firing STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!

Such grenades are subject to destruction at the place of their fall in compliance with appropriate security measures.

Final part.

1. Remind the topic and purpose of the lesson and how they were achieved.

2. To note the positive actions of students and shortcomings in the study of this topic.

3. Give a task for self-training

Define ammunition, their purpose and classification;

Artillery shot (cartridge), its elements, general device;

Rules for the handling of ammunition;

Capping and labelling.

Artillery ammunition is called a charge, projectile, means of igniting the charge and bursting the projectile.

Charge. Of the smooth-bore artillery guns, firing was carried out only with black powder. At first, gunpowder was made in the form of a powder or in the form of pulp. The powder pulp had the inconvenience that, when loaded, it crumbled and stuck to the walls of the barrel. During transportation, the components of the gunpowder were separated from shaking: the heavy ones fell down, and the light ones were on top. As a result, the charges were inhomogeneous. In the XV century. gunpowder began to be shaped into lumps.

For firing from medium and heavy guns, weak gunpowder was used with a large amount of sulfur and a small amount of saltpeter. For the charges of small guns, as well as for filling the ignition holes, stronger gunpowder was made.

The weight of the powder charge for the gun was approximately equal to the weight of the core (projectile). In the 17th century, when more powerful grained gunpowder was introduced, the charge was reduced to 1/3 of the weight of the shot.

In the 19th century a single grained gunpowder was adopted - artillery with 2-3 mm grain of irregular shape. For the uniformity of loading and ease of transportation and storage, the charges were placed in caps, i.e., in cloth or paper bags.

Means of ignition of the charge. The charges were ignited when fired with the help of a lit wick or palnik, i.e., a hot iron rod, which was brought to the priming hole of the charged barrel. But the powder in the seed hole sometimes faded, as a result of which there was a rather long delay with the shot. Therefore, in the XVIII century. “quick-firing tubes” appeared, made from reeds, goose feathers, and then from metal, filled with a powder composition. The rapid-fire tube was inserted into the seed hole and ignited with a finger. To make the ignition of the gun charge more reliable, before inserting the tube, the cap was pierced with wire.

In the middle of the XIX century. exhaust pipes with a grating igniter appeared. Such tubes, in addition to the powder composition, had a spiral wire and braid. When the wire was pulled out, the powder composition ignited from friction. With the introduction of these tubes, the need for a wick or hot wire is gone.

Shells. As projectiles for smooth-bore artillery, cannonballs, buckshot and explosive shells were used. Initially, the cores were made of stone and only for small tools - from lead and iron. For shooting at stone walls, stone balls were reinforced with iron belts.

With the appearance in the XV century. cast-iron cores began to be made only cast-iron. To enhance the action of such a core, it was sometimes heated on fire before loading. Such a cannonball could set fire to a wooden structure, a ship, etc. Red-hot cannonballs were widely used by Russian troops during the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854–1855.

In addition to conventional cores, incendiary and lighting shells were also used. They were a core made of an incendiary or lighting composition embedded in some kind of shell: a metal frame, a dense mesh, etc.

At short ranges, shots were fired at manpower, i.e., small stones or scraps of iron.

At the end of the XVI century. instead of shot, they began to use lead and iron bullets, which were placed in wicker caps with an iron bottom. Such shells are called buckshot. Gradually, buckshot was improved: bullets were placed in wooden or tin shells, to which a powder charge was attached. It turned out something similar to a cartridge. Such a cartridge simplified the loading process.

At the beginning of the XIX century. instead of lead and iron bullets, cast iron bullets began to be used. They were placed in a strong shell with an iron pallet (otherwise they would split when fired).

From the end of the 17th century Explosive shells began to spread widely, representing a metal shell stuffed with gunpowder. A special device was inserted into the shell to ignite the powder charge placed in the projectile. Such a device was called a tube.

At first, explosive shells were fired only from guns with short barrels, that is, from mortars and howitzers, since before the shot it was necessary to first ignite (set fire) the tube of the projectile inserted into the barrel with the same flare gun.

With the development of iron casting, the bodies of explosive projectiles began to be cast from cast iron. By this time, pipes were also significantly improved. They no longer needed to be set on fire before firing, as they ignited when fired from hot powder gases. Such shells were already fired from long-barreled guns.

The projectile was always inserted into the barrel with the tube outward, otherwise it could explode while still in the barrel. In order to exclude the possibility of involuntary turning of the projectile by the tube towards the charge during loading, a special pallet was attached to the projectile on the opposite side of the tube - wooden or in the form of a rope wreath. Such shells exploded after falling to the ground and, during the explosion, gave a large number of fragments.

Explosive shells weighing up to a pood were called grenades, and over a pood - bombs.

When burst, such shells gave a large number of fragments. Subsequently, buckshot grenades were used, inside of which bullets were placed along with gunpowder, as well as buckshot, which instead of bullets was equipped with many small explosive grenades.

23 mm cartridges with OFZT and BZT shells are sealed in hermetic welded-sealed boxes of 21 pieces each (Fig. 11 - 9).

The cartridges in the box are stacked in horizontal rows and shifted with a snake 1 (paper or cardboard).

A row is separated from a row by a cardboard strip 2.

Cartridges with BZT shells are stacked on the basis of: two cartridges with a decopper for 19 cartridges without a decopper.

Three boxes with cartridges (63 pieces) are placed in a wooden box (Fig. 12 - 10), the weight of which is 44 kg.

One box is tied with string 1 for easy removal from the box. Knife 2 for opening boxes, wrapped in paper, is placed in a cutout of a wooden gasket located between two boxes. The knife is put into boxes at the rate of one knife per two boxes.

The boxes in which the knife is enclosed have a distinctive marking on the lid - the silhouette of the knife.

On the lid of the metal box, the following markings are applied (Fig. 11 - 8): caliber, cartridge type, year of manufacture and batch number.

The following marking is applied on the closure box with cartridges: on the left side of the front side wall (for fragmentation - high-explosive - incendiary - tracer shells) the inscription OK SN, indicating that the cartridges are brought to the final - equipped form and does not require additional elements; fuse marking (MG - 25).

For cartridges with armor-piercing - incendiary - tracer projectiles, data on the final equipment on the front of the front side wall of the box is not applied.

On the middle part of the front wall of the box are applied: the caliber and type of projectile (OFZT or BZT), the weight of the box with cartridges, the number of cartridges in the box (63 pcs.).

On the right side of the front side wall are applied: brand, batch number, year of manufacture, gunpowder manufacturer (5/7 CFL 15/00), factory number, batch number and year of manufacture of cartridges.

On the right end wall for cartridges with fragmentation - high-explosive - incendiary - tracer shells are applied: explosive code (A - 1X - 2), plant, batch number and year of manufacture of checkers (00 - 48 - 00), for cartridges with armor-piercing - incendiary - tracer shells are applied: incendiary code (DU - 5), plant. batch number and year of manufacture of checkers (00 - 62 - 00).

54. Purpose, composition and brief description of the antenna control system

The antenna control system is designed to control the movement of the antenna in azimuth and elevation when searching for and tracking a target.

To ensure the movement of the antenna, AC motors are used, the rotation speed of which is constant. The transmission of rotation from the motors to the antenna is carried out through magnetic-powder couplings in each channel. Controlling the position of the antenna is reduced to controlling the operation of magnetic particle couplings by changing the control voltages on their windings. If the voltages on the couplings are equal, the rotation from the motors to the antenna is not transmitted. If the control voltages are different, then the rotation will be transmitted by the clutch, the voltage on which is greater. Consequently, the control of the position of the antenna is reduced to the development of variable control voltages.

The SUA consists of the following blocks:

Block of support on angular coordinates T-13M2

designed to highlight the error signal in the target auto-tracking mode

Antenna control unit T-55M2, designed to generate an error signal (CO) in azimuth and elevation

Antenna column T-2M3, designed to rotate the antenna in azimuth and elevation, determine, convert and transmit angular coordinates to a calculating device and a sighting coordinate converter

The blocks include the following main units:

1) block T-13M2:

2) fast response automatic gain control

3) T-13M1-1 error signal extraction subunit

4) subunit of amplification and conversion of the error signal in azimuth T-13M1-P (U3);

5) subunit for amplifying and converting the error signal in elevation angle T-13M1-P (U4).

6) Block T-55M2:

7) buttons (on control handles) and toggle switches;

8) reducer U-1 of differential selsyns of azimuth and elevation;

9) azimuth and elevation servo amplifiers;

10) synchro-transformers M1 and M2;

11) electric bridges of azimuth and elevation;

12) sector search sensor.

13) Block T-2M3: drive mechanisms;

14) lifting gear;

15) block T-81M3 - antenna;

16) sight of the T-2M3 block;

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