Grandson of "Katyusha". Multiple launch rocket system "Grad". "High-precision and long-range weapons": how Russian multiple launch rocket systems are being modernized

In everyday consciousness, defense technologies are usually associated with the cutting edge of science and technology. In fact, one of the main properties of military equipment is its conservatism and continuity. This is due to the enormous cost of weapons. Among the most important tasks in the development of a new weapon system is the use of the backlog on which money has been spent in the past.

Accuracy vs Mass

And the guided missile of the Tornado-S complex was created exactly according to this logic. Its ancestor is the Smerch MLRS projectile, developed in the 1980s at the Splav NPO under the leadership of Gennady Denezhkin (1932-2016) and since 1987 has been in service with the Russian army. It was a projectile of 300 mm caliber, 8 m long and weighing 800 kg. He could deliver a warhead weighing 280 kg to a distance of 70 km. The most interesting property of the "Smerch" was the stabilization system introduced into it.

Russian upgraded multiple launch rocket system, successor to the 9K51 Grad MLRS.

Prior to this, missile weapons systems were divided into two classes - guided and unguided. Guided missiles had high accuracy, achieved through the use of an expensive control system - usually inertial, supplemented by digital map corrections to improve accuracy (like the American MGM-31C Pershing II missiles). Unguided missiles were cheaper, their low accuracy compensated for either by the use of a thirty-kiloton nuclear warhead (as in the MGR-1 Honest John rocket) or by a salvo of cheap, mass-produced munitions, as in the Soviet Katyushas and Grads.

"Smerch" was supposed to hit targets at a distance of 70 km with non-nuclear munitions. And in order to hit an area target at such a distance with an acceptable probability, a very large number of unguided missiles in a salvo was required - after all, their deviations accumulate with distance. This is neither economically nor tactically profitable: there are extremely few targets that are too large, and it is too expensive to scatter a lot of metal in order to guarantee coverage of a relatively small target!

Soviet and Russian multiple launch rocket systems of 300 mm caliber. Currently, the MLRS "Smerch" is being replaced by the MLRS "Tornado-S".

"Tornado": new quality

Therefore, a relatively cheap stabilization system was introduced into the Smerch, inertial, working on gas-dynamic (deflecting gases flowing from the nozzle) rudders. Its accuracy was sufficient for a volley - and each launcher carried a dozen launch tubes - to cover the target with an acceptable probability. After being put into service, the Smerch was improved along two lines. The range of combat units grew - cluster anti-personnel fragmentation units appeared; cumulative fragmentation, optimized to destroy lightly armored vehicles; anti-tank self-aiming combat elements. In 2004, the 9M216 Excitement thermobaric warhead entered service.

And at the same time, fuel mixtures in solid-fuel engines were improved, due to which the firing range increased. Now it is in the range from 20 to 120 km. At some point, the accumulation of changes in quantitative characteristics led to a transition to a new quality - to the emergence of two new MLRS systems under the common name "Tornado" continuing the "meteorological" tradition. "Tornado-G" is the most massive machine, it will have to replace the "Grads" that have honestly served their time. Well, the Tornado-S is a heavy machine, the successor to the Tornadoes.

As you can understand, the Tornado will retain the most important characteristic - the caliber of the launch tubes, which will make it possible to use expensive older generation ammunition. The length of the projectile varies within a few tens of millimeters, but this is not critical. Depending on the type of ammunition, the weight may “walk” slightly, but this is again automatically taken into account by the ballistic computer.

Minutes and again "Fire!"

Most noticeably in the launcher, the method of loading has changed. If earlier the transport-loading vehicle (TZM) 9T234-2, using its crane, loaded 9M55 missiles into the launch tubes of the combat vehicle one at a time, which took a quarter of an hour for the prepared calculation, now the launch tubes with Tornado-S missiles are placed in special containers , and the crane will install them in minutes.

Needless to say, how important the reload speed is for the MLRS, rocket artillery, which must bring down volley fire on especially important targets. The shorter the intervals between volleys, the more missiles can be fired at the enemy and the less time the vehicle will remain in a vulnerable position.

Well, and most importantly, the introduction of long-range guided missiles into the Tornado-S complex. Their appearance was made possible thanks to Russia's own global navigation satellite system GLONASS, which has been deployed since 1982 - another confirmation of the colossal role of technological heritage in the creation of modern weapons systems. 24 satellites of the GLONASS system, deployed in an orbit with an altitude of 19,400 km, when working together with a pair of Luch relay satellites, provide meter accuracy in determining the coordinates. By adding a cheap GLONASS receiver to the already existing missile control loop, the designers received a weapon system with a QUO in units of meters (exact data, for obvious reasons, are not published).

Rockets to battle!

How is the combat work of the Tornado-S complex carried out? First of all, he needs to get the exact coordinates of the target! Not only to detect and recognize the target, but also to “tie” it to the coordinate system. This task should be performed by space or aerial reconnaissance using optical, infrared and radio engineering means. However, it is possible that artillerymen will be able to solve some of these tasks on their own, without the VKS. The 9M534 experimental projectile can deliver the Tipchak UAV to the previously reconnoitered target area, which will transmit information about the coordinates of the targets to the control complex.

Further from the control complex, the coordinates of the targets go to combat vehicles. They have already taken up firing positions, tied up topographically (this is done using GLONASS) and determined in what azimuth and at what elevation angle the launch tubes should be deployed. These operations are controlled with the help of combat control and communications equipment (ABUS), which replaced the standard radio station, and an automated guidance and fire control system (ASUNO). Both of these systems operate on a single computer, which achieves the integration of digital communication functions and the operation of a ballistic computer. These same systems, presumably, will enter the exact coordinates of the target into the missile control system, doing this at the last moment before launch.

Imagine that the target range is 200 km. The launch tubes will be deployed to the maximum angle for the Smerch of 55 degrees - this will save on drag, because most of the projectile's flight will take place in the upper atmosphere, where there is noticeably less air. When the rocket exits the launch tubes, its control system will begin autonomous operation. The stabilization system will, based on data from inertial sensors, correct the movement of the projectile with gas-dynamic rudders - taking into account the asymmetry of thrust, gusts of wind, etc.

Well, the GLONASS receiver will begin to receive signals from satellites and determine the coordinates of the rocket from them. As everyone knows, the satellite navigation receiver needs some time to determine its position - navigators in phones strive to become attached to cell towers to speed up the process. There are no telephone towers on the flight path - but there is data from the inertial part of the control system. With their help, the GLONASS subsystem will determine the exact coordinates, and on their basis corrections for the inertial system will be calculated.

Not by chance

What algorithm is the basis for the operation of the guidance system is unknown. (The author would apply the Pontryagin optimization, created by a Russian scientist and successfully used in many systems.) One thing is important - constantly updating its coordinates and adjusting the flight, the rocket will go to a target located at a distance of 200 km. We do not know what part of the gain in range is due to new fuels, and what part is achieved due to the fact that more of this fuel can be put into a guided missile by reducing the weight of the warhead.

The diagram shows the operation of the Tornado-S MLRS - high-precision missiles are aimed at the target using space-based means.

Why add fuel? Due to the greater accuracy! If we lay the projectile with an accuracy of a few meters, then we can destroy a small target with a smaller charge, while the energy of the explosion decreases quadratically, we shoot twice as accurately - we get a fourfold gain in destructive power. Well, if the goal is not a point? Let's say the division is on the march? Will the new guided missiles, if equipped with cluster warheads, become less effective than the old ones?

But no! Stabilized missiles of the early versions of the Smerch delivered heavier warheads to a closer target. But with big mistakes. The volley covered a significant area, but the discarded cassettes with fragmentation or cumulative fragmentation elements were distributed randomly - where two or three cassettes opened side by side, the damage density was excessive, and somewhere insufficient.

Now it is possible to open the cassette or throw out a cloud of thermobaric mixture for a volumetric explosion with an accuracy of meters, exactly where it is necessary for optimal destruction of an area target. This is especially important when firing at armored vehicles with expensive self-aiming submunitions, each of which is capable of hitting a tank - but only with an accurate hit ...

The high accuracy of the Tornado-S rocket also opens up new possibilities. For example, for the Kama 9A52-4 MLRS with six launch tubes based on KamAZ, such a machine will be lighter and cheaper, but will retain the ability to deliver long-range strikes. Well, with mass production, which reduces the cost of on-board electronics and precision mechanics, guided missiles can have a price comparable to the cost of conventional, unguided projectiles. This will bring the firepower of domestic rocket artillery to a qualitatively new level.

The Ministry of Defense has set the task of increasing the range and accuracy of the multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) in service. This was stated in an interview with RIA Novosti by the managing director of NPO Splav (part of the state corporation Rostec) Alexander Smirnov.

“In addition, we are working on increasing autonomy and, in the future, introducing robotic elements into some complexes. There is a wide range of developments that we are introducing on our own initiative. The Ministry of Defense gives us technical specifications for the improvement and modernization of the MLRS, and we are confident that these tasks will be completed, ”said Smirnov.

In an interview with RT, Dmitry Drozdenko, a columnist for Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, noted that the importance of MLRS in the theater of operations is still great. Reactive systems allow the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation with almost guaranteed destruction of an enemy grouping of troops and any engineering fortifications in a certain square.

“MLRS work in areas and are able to dramatically change the balance of forces on the battlefield. The main advantage of such weapons is their incredible firepower and mobility. Within a few minutes, there may literally be nothing left of the enemy. Russia is a continental power. Our country, even from a geopolitical point of view, needs to have different types of MLRS in its arsenal and continuously improve them, ”explained Drozdenko.

  • Soldiers load the Tornado MLRS during the exercises of artillery units of the 5th Combined Arms Army
  • Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti

From "Grad" to "Tornado"

Multiple launch rocket systems are mainly in service with the artillery units of the Ground Forces. The BM-21 "Grad" (122 mm), "Tornado-G" (122 mm), "Tornado-S" (300 mm), "Smerch" (300 mm) are operated in the troops of the Russian Federation. MLRS are designed to destroy accumulations of armored vehicles, firing points, command posts, engineering fortifications, including reinforced concrete structures.

The BM-21 Grad is considered a veteran of rocket artillery - a deep modernization of the famous. This complex was put into service on March 28, 1963. "Grad" was used in dozens of local conflicts and is now in service with about 40 countries. In Eastern Europe, China and North Korea, copies and modified versions of the Soviet machine are widespread.

BM-13 proved to be a reliable and unpretentious weapon. "Grad" was repeatedly improved - the chassis, equipment and ammunition changed. The range of this reactive system, depending on the type of projectile, can exceed 30 km. However, as a rule, during exercises, firing is carried out at a distance of 5 to 20 km.

The main disadvantage of the BM-13 is its low accuracy and insufficient range in a modern theater of operations. The result of the development of Grad was the Tornado-G system, developed in the late 1990s on the Ural-4320 chassis. The complex is equipped with a fire control system with satellite navigation. The range of destruction increased to 40 km. "Tornado-G" can fire ammunition with cluster and high-explosive fragmentation warheads.

In the second half of the 1970s, the Uragan MLRS began to enter the Soviet army. Due to the larger caliber (220 mm) and the increased mass of ammunition, the system was able to inflict more crushing strikes on areas at a distance of 10 to 35 km than the Grad.

The crown of the development of Soviet artillery is the Smerch MLRS. The system gained the ability to hit the enemy at a distance of up to 70-90 km, and with the latest ammunition - up to 120 km. This complex can cover 67 hectares of enemy territory with one salvo. "Smerch" can fire homing ammunition. The commander can give a flight mission to each of the 12 missiles.

  • Multiple launch rocket system BM-30 "Smerch" during a demonstration of military equipment at the Alabino training ground
  • Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

The mass of one ammunition is 800 kg. When approaching the target, 72 striking elements fly out of the head of the rocket. They search for objects of destruction on their own. The circular probable deviation from the target is about 150 m. This figure is considered very high for the MLRS. In addition, the accuracy of shooting "Smerch" is one of the largest in the world. It takes about 4 minutes to prepare for a salvo.

"Tornado-S" is the successor to "Tornado". Its main feature is the emergence of long-range guided missiles that can use the GLONASS global navigation system. Satellite navigation helps to correct the movement of the rocket in the initial and final stages of the flight. According to unconfirmed reports, the circular deviation of the Tornado-S ammunition does not exceed a few meters.

In the future, the latest system will be able to hit objects at a distance of up to 200 km. The preparation time for a volley in Tornado-S has been reduced to 30 seconds, and the deployment of the system on the ground takes 60 seconds. Another advantage of Tornado-S is the Uspekh-R automatic fire control system, which significantly speeded up the data processing process.

"Russia is a world leader"

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the modernization of multiple launch rocket systems is mainly due to the introduction of modern equipment, artillery reconnaissance equipment, such as radar stations and drones, corrected and guided munitions.

“The experience of local wars and armed conflicts in recent years has shown that military operations are impossible without the effective use of artillery reconnaissance equipment, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. The artillery reconnaissance equipment Zoopark-1M and Aistyonok, which entered service with the missile forces and artillery, have positively proven themselves in the course of practical testing, ”said Lieutenant General, head of missile forces and artillery of the RF Armed Forces, on November 19, 2018 in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda. Mikhail Matveevsky.

  • Multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) 9K57 "Uragan" at the Trans-Baikal training ground "Tsugol"
  • Vadim Savitsky / RIA Novosti

One of the unique developments of NPO Splav is a project of an unmanned vehicle that will be launched in the Smerch projectile. The drone will transmit information about the situation on the battlefield to artillery crews and adjust the fire of the MLRS. It is assumed that in this way the accuracy of reactive systems will increase significantly.

According to Drozdenko, relatively low accuracy remains one of the key drawbacks of multiple launch rocket systems. In this regard, Russian specialists are improving fire control systems, reconnaissance equipment, launchers and ammunition.

“In fact, the MLRS is turning into a high-precision and at the same time long-range weapon. In the process of improving this type of artillery, Russia is the undisputed world leader. In many ways, this advantage has developed due to historical reasons. Our country has always prepared for continental wars. MLRS have not lost their relevance today and can be used in all types of conflicts, ”concluded Drozdenko.

Much has changed since the time of the famous Katyushas. Battle tactics, weapons, state borders... But Russian multiple launch rocket systems are still extremely important on the battlefield to this day. With their help, you can throw shells of enormous destructive power over tens of kilometers, destroying and incapacitating fortified areas, enemy armored vehicles and manpower.

Our country occupies a leading position in the development of MLRS: old developments are constantly being improved and new models of these weapons are emerging. Today we will consider what Russian multiple launch rocket systems are currently in service with the army.


MLRS caliber 122 mm. It is intended for the destruction of enemy manpower, remote setting of minefields, destruction of enemy fortified positions. Can fight light and medium armored vehicles. When creating the machine, the Ural-4320 chassis was used, on which guides for 122 mm caliber shells are placed. You can transport ammunition to the Grad by any vehicle that has suitable dimensions.

The number of guides for shells is 40 pieces, arranged in four rows of ten pieces each. The fire can be carried out both by single shots and by a single salvo, which takes less than a minute (no more than 20 seconds). The maximum firing range is up to 20.5 kilometers. The affected area is four hectares. "Grad" can be successfully operated in the widest temperature range: from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Fire control is possible both from the cockpit and outside it, and in the latter case, the calculation uses a remote wired remote control (range - up to 50 meters). Since the designers provided for the successive exit of the shells from the guides, the combat vehicle sways relatively weakly during firing. It takes no more than three to four minutes to bring the installation into a combat position. The chassis can overcome fords up to one and a half meters deep.

Combat use

Where were these Russian multiple launch rocket systems used? Firstly, their baptism of fire took place back in Afghanistan. As the Mujahideen who survived under the shelling (and there were very few of them) recall: “A real hell reigned around, clods of earth soared up to heaven. We thought it was the end of the world." The installation was widely used during both Chechen campaigns, during the "war of three eights", when Georgia was forced to peace.

However, the first experience of using these, then still secret installations, was obtained long before the events described. This happened during the incident on the Damansky Peninsula, subsequently given to China. When the second wave of Chinese troops was able to break through to its territory and gain a foothold there, the order was given to use Grads. At first, the Soviet Union generally wanted to use atomic weapons, but there were fears about the reaction from the international community. Be that as it may, but this was enough for the PLA: a directed volley of dozens of Grads simply plowed up this piece of disputed territory.

How many Chinese died there, for sure, it will not be possible to find out. Soviet military leaders believed that at least three thousand people crossed the territory of the peninsula. In any case, there were no survivors for sure.

The current state of affairs

Today it is believed that Grads are morally and technically obsolete. Many of these machines, which are currently in service with our army, have almost completely exhausted their resource. In addition, the rearmament of the troops and the saturation of their Tornado MLRS are underway. But for the "oldies" is still far away. The fact is that the Ministry of Defense still wants to leave in the ranks of the army a well-proven, cheap and efficient machine.

In this regard, a special project was created to modernize them and bring them to a modern look and efficiency. In particular, a normal satellite navigation system was finally installed on the old model, as well as the Baget computer, which controls the process of launching shells. According to the assurances of the military, the relatively simple renewal procedure benefited the Grads, since their combat potential increased several times at once.

This technique is used by all parties to the conflict on Ukrainian territory. Militant Africans who received MLRS from the USSR also love this weapon. In a word, the installation has a huge geography of distribution. This is what characterizes the Grad multiple launch rocket system. The "tornado", which we will describe below, is many times more powerful and has terrible destructive power.


A truly intimidating weapon. In comparison with it, the Grad is really similar in effectiveness to the one of the same name. Judge for yourself: the Americans believe that the Smerch is a multiple rocket launcher, the characteristics of which would be more suitable for a compact complex with a nuclear weapon.

And they are absolutely right. This installation, in just one salvo, “covers” an unrealistic 629 hectares of area with a firing range of up to 70 kilometers. And that's not it. Today, new types of projectiles are being developed that will already fly a hundred kilometers. In the area covered by these Russian multiple launch rocket systems, everything is burning down, including heavy armored vehicles. Like the previous MLRS, Smerch can be operated in the widest temperature range.

It is intended for large-scale processing of enemy positions before an offensive, the destruction of especially strong bunkers and pillboxes, the destruction of large concentrations of enemy manpower and enemy equipment.

Chassis, guides for launching projectiles

The chassis is based on the MAZ-543 off-road vehicle. Unlike Grad, this installation is much more dangerous for the enemy because the battery includes the Vivarium fire control system, which makes it possible to achieve the highest efficiency, which is more typical for barreled artillery systems.

These multiple rocket launchers have 12 tubular projectile guides. Each of them weighs 80 kilograms, with 280 of them accounted for by a powerful charge Weapons experts believe that this ratio is ideal for unguided projectiles, as it allows you to combine powerful sustainer engines and huge destructive potential in the ammunition.

And one more feature of the Smerch shells. The designers worked on this for a long time, but made sure that the angle of their incidence on the ground was 90 degrees. Such a "meteorite" will easily pierce through any MBT of a probable enemy, and concrete structures are unlikely to resist such power. At present, the production of new Tornadoes is not planned (most likely), since they will be replaced by new Tornadoes at the combat post.

However, there is some likelihood that the old complexes will still be subjected to modernization. It is absolutely certain that new types of active-guided missiles can be included in their ammunition load, so that the combat capabilities of the complex are still far from being exhausted.

What other salvo fire do we have?


Adopted in the 70s of the last century. In terms of combat effectiveness, it occupies an intermediate position between the Grad and Smerch. So, the maximum firing range is 35 kilometers. In general, the "Hurricane" is a multiple rocket launcher, during the design of which many principles were laid down, which still guide the developers of such weapons in our country. It was created by the famous designer Yury Nikolaevich Kalachnikov.

By the way, the "Hurricane" is a multiple rocket launcher, which at one time the Soviet Union supplied in considerable quantities to Yemen, where hostilities are now beginning to be intensively conducted. Surely soon we will find out how effective the old Soviet equipment proved to be in battles. Domestic armed forces simultaneously with the "Grad" also used the "Hurricane" during the war in Afghanistan.

Also, the installation was widely used in Chechnya, and then in Georgia. There is evidence that with the help of Hurricanes, a column of advancing Georgian tanks was once completely destroyed (according to other sources, these were Grads).

The composition of the complex

On the chassis of the ZIL-135LM off-road vehicle, 16 tubular guides were mounted (it was originally planned that there would be 20 of them). The Ukrainians at one time modernized the vehicles they got, putting them on the chassis of their own. The composition of the fighting compartment of these installations includes the following components:

    Directly machine 9P140.

    Transport for transportation and loading of 9T452 shells.

    Ammunition kit.

    Fire control vehicle based on the 1V126 "Kapustnik-B" installation.

    Tools for teaching and training calculation.

    Topographic reconnaissance station 1T12-2M.

    Complex of direction finding and meteorology 1B44.

    A complete set of equipment and tools 9F381, designed for the repair and maintenance of machines from the complex.

What else characterizes the Uragan multiple launch rocket systems of Russia? Artillery part is made on the rotary base of the balancing mechanism, and is also equipped with hydraulic and electromechanical drives. A massive package of guides can be induced in the range from 5 to 55 degrees.

Horizontal guidance can be carried out at an angle of 30 degrees to the right and left of the central axis of the combat vehicle. So that during a massive volley there is no risk of a heavy chassis falling over, two powerful lugs are provided in its rear part. The complex is also equipped with night vision devices, and therefore can be operated in the dark.

Currently, about one and a half hundred of these machines are still in operation in the Russian Armed Forces. Most likely, they will not be subjected to modernization, but will be written off immediately after the full development of the combat resource. This is due to the fact that a new MLRS was adopted, which includes all the advantages of old models.


This is Russia's new multiple launch rocket system. Its development began due to the fact that the old Grads, which had been in service for more than forty years, urgently needed replacement. As a result of intense design work, this machine appeared.

Unlike its predecessors, Russia's Tornado multiple launch rocket systems are much more advanced in targeting and firing accuracy, as they can use topographic data transmitted from satellites. But not only this is unique to the newly created MLRS.

The fact is that earlier, for each task, the Soviet industry created a separate installation: in fact, this is how the meteorological “zoo” appeared in the form of “Grad”, “Tornado” and “Hurricane”. But modern Russian multiple launch rocket systems ("Tornado") will be produced in three versions at once, using the shells of all three vehicles described above. It is assumed that the designers will provide for the ability to quickly replace the artillery unit, so that one chassis can be used in different capacities.

New projectiles

In addition, all previous systems had one big drawback associated with the uncontrollability of ammunition. Simply put, it was impossible to correct the course of already fired shells. All this was quite suitable for the wars of the past decades, but in the current conditions it is already unacceptable. To solve this problem, new types of projectiles with active optical and laser guidance were created for the Tornado. From now on, MLRS have become a fundamentally new, extremely dangerous type of weapon.

Thus, modern multiple launch rocket systems of Russia can currently be compared in efficiency with the most advanced examples of cannon artillery, hitting a target tens of kilometers away. Unlike the most advanced in this regard, "Smerch", the firing range of the "Tornado" is already up to 100 kilometers (when using the appropriate projectiles).

Meeting of new and old

As we already wrote at the very beginning of the article, at the present time, work is also underway to improve the old Grads, of which there are still many in service. And then the designers came up with the thought: “What if we use a simple, technological chassis from the Grad, installing a new combat module from the Tornado of the appropriate caliber there?” The idea was quickly put into practice.

So a completely new car "Tornado-G" was born. Officially, it was put into service in 2013, at the same time deliveries to the troops began. At the "Tank Biathlon - 2014" the new MLRS was shown to everyone.

Unlike both predecessors of this technique, the Kapustnik-BM control system is included in the design, which increases the combat capabilities of the complex several times. In addition, the process of aiming and live firing has been significantly simplified: now the crew does not need to go outside at all, since all the necessary topographic data is displayed in real time on monitors installed inside the cockpit. From there, you can set the target and launch projectiles.

Such upgrades not only modernized the old complex, but also significantly secured the crew. Now the machine can quickly fire a volley from a closed position and leave it, spending no more than a minute and a half on everything. This drastically reduces the risk of detection and destruction of the complex by an enemy retaliatory strike. In addition, through the use of new projectiles with a detachable warhead, it is now possible to significantly expand the range of possible combat modules.

Here are the Russian salvo fire systems available today. Photos of them are given in the article, so you can get a rough idea of ​​​​their power.

Modern salvo fire systems

Modern multiple launch rocket systems are not only the most common and best-selling, but also the most powerful weapons.

As the general designer of Tornado-S and Tornado-G, Vitaly Khomenok, said, a full salvo of these machines is commensurate and is the second in terms of results after the use of nuclear weapons.

In terms of the size of the affected area and the scale of destruction, nuclear weapons are the only one of their kind, however, if the task is to wipe out an enemy fortified area from the face of the Earth or destroy an entire unit of enemy armored vehicles at once, then rocket artillery is the real queen of war.

The power of the explosive in the rocket is still classified, but it is known that a full salvo of Tornado-S and Smerch is several tons of explosive. A full salvo covers an area of ​​67.6 hectares, where after its use there is practically nothing left that can resist.

67 hectares is about a hundred football fields. To clear all this territory, only one salvo of the Tornado-S complex is needed.

The military of the whole world is well acquainted with the "Grad" - a multiple launch rocket system that appeared in our country in 1964. It really was a terrible weapon, against which none of the potential opponents could do anything. Everyone knows that any weapon has a certain resource. And since the Grad system has been on combat duty for more than four decades, the time has come to find a replacement for it. The honor of becoming it went to the new Tornado multiple launch rocket system developed in Russia.

For the first time, the Grad multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) demonstrated its effectiveness during conflicts with the Chinese on Damansky Island in 1969. Then a few volleys simply turned the entire area of ​​the island into a carefully plowed field. And not one of the Chinese who were sent to capture the Soviet island survived. However, it is still unknown how many people the Chinese lost there. Military historians suggest that the number of losses reaches 3 thousand soldiers and officers.

However, everyone understands that even such a perfect weapon as the Grad has a certain resource. And since the system has stood on alert for over four decades, it's time to find a replacement for it. During this time, other MLRS were developed in Russia, which include "Hurricane" and "Smerch". These systems, together with the Grad system, are on combat duty. Now, to replace these MLRS in Russia, a new Tornado multiple launch rocket system has been developed.

"Tornado-G" is an improvement of "Grad", "Tornado-S" "Smerch", and "Tornado-U", respectively, "Hurricane".

The whole complex consists of three cars. Combat - with a launcher. Transport-loader, which transports shells and loads them with a combat vehicle. And the third is command. This is where fire control comes from.

Unlike its predecessors ("Grad", "Hurricane", "Smerch"), "Tornado" has a satellite guidance system, due to which the probability of a miss will be significantly reduced.

The new missile systems take into account all the shortcomings inherent in similar technology of the previous generation. In particular, the following parameters have been improved:

The maximum firing range is 200 km (against 90 - 120).

Decreased the time to leave a position after a salvo by almost five times. At maximum range, the multiple launch rocket system - --- Tornado will be able to leave the position before the projectiles reach the target.

The range of used projectiles has been significantly expanded.

Numerous electronic control, guidance and navigation systems have been added. The crew of the vehicle has been reduced from three to two.

An automated fire control system (ASUNO) developed at the All-Russian Research Institute "Signal" was installed.

Automatic fire control.

An important indicator is the fact that, compared with the Smerch, the Tornado-C multiple launch rocket system has a firing range that is three times the range of its predecessor. Each of the projectiles is now equipped with a flight control system. This greatly reduces the chance of a miss. At the same time, shells can have a variety of fillings: cumulative, fragmentation, self-aiming combat elements, anti-tank mines and even unmanned aerial vehicles.

This allows you to achieve even more goals that can be set for him. As practice shows, a few minutes after the volley fire system fires a series of shots at the target, its location is subjected to powerful bombardment, which leaves virtually no chance of survival for either the vehicle or its crew. That is why the Tornado can leave the position even before the first of the fired shells touches the ground.

When the last projectile explodes, destroying the target, the complex itself may already be several kilometers from the place from which the shooting was carried out. All this makes the Tornado a truly formidable weapon that is practically unrivaled. The new 122 mm MLRS "Tornado-G" in terms of its combat effectiveness is 2.5 - 3 times superior to the MLRS "Grad". And the modified 300-mm Tornado-S MLRS will be 3-4 times more effective than the Smerch MLRS.

Lieutenant General Sergei Bogatinov believes that it is the Tornado-S, together with the Iskander-M tactical missile systems, that will be able to become the main complexes with which the Russian missile forces and artillery will be armed.

More than 40 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Tornado-S" and "Tornado-G" will go into service with the units of the Western Military District this year. These models of equipment will be part of the artillery unit and motorized rifle units deployed in the Moscow and Tver regions. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

A couple of weeks ago Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yury Borisov paid a working visit to the Perm Territory. In the regional capital, he visited Motovilikha Plants PJSC and held a meeting on the execution of the state defense order. According to the press service of the regional government, following the meeting, Yuri Borisov announced that the Russian Defense Ministry would purchase about 700 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) by 2020.

A few years ago, the IA "Arms of Russia" proposed for consideration the ratings of military weapons and equipment, in which foreign and domestic weapons are involved.

An assessment was made of the MLRS of different manufacturing countries. The comparison took place according to the following parameters:

  • the power of the object: caliber, range, area of ​​effect of one volley, time spent on the production of a volley;
  • object mobility: movement speed, travel range, full recharge time;
  • operation of the object: weight in combat readiness, number of combat and technical personnel, ammunition and ammunition.

The scores for each characteristic were given in total, the total score of the RZO systems. In addition to the above, the temporal characteristics of production, operation and application were taken into account.

  • Spanish "Teruel-3";
  • Israeli "LAROM";
  • Indian "Pinaka";
  • Israeli "LAR-160";
  • Belarusian "BM-21A BelGrad";
  • Chinese "Type 90";
  • German "LARS-2";
  • Chinese "WM-80";
  • Polish "WR-40 Langusta";
  • Patriotic "9R51 Grad";
  • Czech "RM-70";
  • Turkish "T-122 Roketsan";
  • Patriotic "Tornado";
  • Chinese "Type 82";
  • American "MLRS";
  • Domestic "BM 9A52-4 Smerch";
  • Chinese "Type 89";
  • Patriotic "Smerch";
  • American "HIMARS";
  • Chinese "WS-1B";
  • Ukrainian "BM-21U Grad-M";
  • Patriotic "9K57 Hurricane";
  • South African "Bataleur";
  • Domestic "9A52-2T Smerch";
  • Chinese "A-100".

The main characteristics of the Tornado multiple launch rocket system:

  • ammunition caliber 122 mm;
  • affected salvo area - 840 thousand square meters;
  • travel speed - 60 km / h;
  • cruising range - up to 650 kilometers;
  • the time required for the next salvo - 180 seconds;
  • ammunition - three volleys.

The main developer is the Splav enterprise. Modifications - "Tornado-S" and "Tornado-G". The systems were created to replace the Uragan, Smerch and Grad systems in service. Advantages - equipped with universal containers with the ability to replace guides for the required caliber of ammunition. Ammunition options - caliber 330 mm "Smerch", caliber 220 mm "Hurricane", caliber 122 mm "Grad".

Wheel chassis - "KamAZ" or "Ural".

It is expected that Tornado-S will soon have a stronger chassis.

MLRS "Tornado" - a new generation of MLRS. The system can start moving immediately after firing a volley, without waiting for the results of hitting the target, the automation of firing is performed at the highest level.

The main characteristics of the 9K51 Grad multiple launch rocket system:

  • ammunition caliber 122 mm;
  • the total number of guides - 40 units;
  • range - up to 21 kilometers;
  • affected volley area - 40 thousand square meters;
  • the time required for a volley - 20 seconds;
  • travel speed - 85 km / h;
  • range - up to 1.4 thousand kilometers;
  • ammunition - three volleys.

"9K51 Grad" is designed to destroy enemy personnel, enemy military equipment up to lightly armored, perform tasks of clearing the territory and fire support for offensive operations, deterring enemy offensive operations.

Made on the chassis "Ural-4320" and "Ural-375".

Participated in military conflicts since 1964.

It was put into service in many friendly countries of the Soviet Union.

The main characteristics of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system

  • ammunition caliber 227 mm;
  • the total number of guides - 6 units;
  • range - up to 80 kilometers;
  • affected salvo area - 67 thousand square meters;
  • the time required to conduct a volley - 38 seconds;
  • travel speed - 85 km / h;
  • cruising range - up to 600 kilometers;
  • the time required for the next salvo - 420 seconds;
  • standard calculation - three people;
  • ammunition - three volleys.
  • weight in combat readiness - almost 5.5 tons.

High Mobility Artillery Rocket System is a development of the American company Lockheed Martin. The system is designed as a PAC for operational and tactical purposes. The beginning of the development of "HIMARS" - 1996. On the FMTV chassis there are 6 missiles for the MLRS and 1 ATACMS missile. Can use any ammunition from all United States MLRS.

Used in military conflicts (operations Moshtarak and ISAF) in Afghanistan.

Main characteristics of the WS-1B system

  • ammunition caliber 320 mm;
  • the total number of guides - 4 units;
  • range - up to 100 kilometers;
  • affected salvo area - 45 thousand square meters;
  • the time required for a volley - 15 seconds;
  • travel speed - 60 km / h;
  • range - up to 900 kilometers;
  • the time required for the next volley - 1200 seconds;
  • standard calculation - six people;
  • ammunition - three volleys.
  • weight in combat readiness - a little more than 5 tons.

The WS-1B system is designed to disable the most important objects, these can be military bases, concentration areas, missile launchers, airfields, important logistics hubs, industrial and administrative centers.

MLRS WeiShi-1B - modernization of the main system WS-1. The army units of China still do not use this MLRS. WeiShi-1B is offered for sale on the arms market, the Chinese corporation CPMIEC is engaged in sales.

In 1997, Turkey purchased one battery of the WS-1 system from China, which contained 5 vehicles with MLRS. Turkey, with the support of China, organized its own production and delivered five more batteries of modernized MLRS to the army units. The Turkish system gets its own name - "Kasirga". Today, Turkey produces the WS-1B system under license. This system received its own name "Jaguar".

The main characteristics of the multiple rocket launcher system Pinaka

  • ammunition caliber 214 mm;
  • the total number of guides - 12 units;
  • range - up to 40 kilometers;
  • affected salvo area - 130 thousand square meters;
  • the time required to conduct a salvo - 44 seconds;
  • travel speed - 80 km / h;
  • cruising range - up to 850 kilometers;
  • the time required for the next salvo - 900 seconds;
  • standard calculation - four people;
  • ammunition - three volleys.
  • weight in combat readiness - almost 6 tons.

The Indian "Pinaka" is made as an all-weather RZO system. Designed to destroy enemy personnel and enemy military equipment, up to lightly armored. It is possible to carry out the tasks of cleaning up the territory and providing fire support for offensive operations and deterring enemy offensive operations. Can remotely set minefields for enemy infantry and tank units.

It was used in the military conflict between India and Pakistan in 1999.


Multiple launch rocket systems

The priority of Russia in the creation of multiple launch rocket systems (PC30/MLRS) is beyond doubt among specialists. In addition to the Katyusha salvo that stunned the Nazi army near Orsha, there is also an official document confirming this priority. This is a patent issued in 1938 to three designers - Gvay, Kostikov and Kleimenov for a multi-barreled installation for firing rocket charges.

They were the first to achieve a high level of combat effectiveness of unguided rocket weapons for that time, and they did this through its salvo use. In the 1940s, single rockets could not compete with cannon artillery shells in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire. The firing of a multi-barrel combat installation (there were 16 guides on the BM-13), which produced a volley in 7-10 seconds, gave quite satisfactory results.

During the war years, the USSR developed a number of rocket-propelled mortars (the so-called MLRS). Among them, in addition to the already mentioned Katyusha (BM-13), were BM-8-36, BM-8-24, BM-13-N, BM-31-12, BM-13SN. Guards mortar units, armed with them, made a huge contribution to achieving victory over Germany.

In the post-war period, work on jet systems continued. In the 50s, two systems were created: BM-14 (caliber 140 mm, range 9.8 km) and BM-24 (caliber 140 mm and range 16.8 km). Their turbojet shells rotated to increase accuracy in flight. It should be noted that at the end of the 50s, most foreign experts were very skeptical about the future prospects of the MLRS. In their opinion, the level of combat effectiveness of the weapon achieved by that time was the limit and could not provide it with a leading place in the system of rocket and artillery weapons of the ground forces.

However, in our country, work continued on the creation of the MLRS. As a result, in 1963, the Grad MLRS was adopted by the Soviet Army. A number of revolutionary technical solutions, first applied on the Grad, have become classic and are repeated in one way or another in all systems existing in the world. This primarily applies to the design of the rocket itself. Its body is made not by turning from a steel blank, but by technology borrowed from sleeve production - by rolling or drawing from a steel sheet. Secondly, the projectiles have a folding tail, and the stabilizers are installed in such a way that they provide rotation of the projectile in flight. Primary twisting occurs even when moving in the launch tube due to the movement of the guide pin along the groove.

The Grad system was widely introduced into the ground forces. In addition to the 40-barrel installation on the chassis of the Ural-375 car, a number of modifications were developed for various combat use options: Grad-V: for airborne troops, Grad-M - for Navy landing ships, Grad -P" - for use by units conducting a guerrilla war. In 1974, to ensure higher cross-country ability in joint operations with armored units, the Grad-1 system appeared - a 36-barreled 122-mm installation on a tracked chassis.

The high combat effectiveness demonstrated by the Grad MLRS in a number of local wars and conflicts attracted the attention of military experts from many countries. Currently, in their opinion, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) are an effective means of increasing the firepower of ground forces. Some countries mastered the production by purchasing licenses, others purchased the system from the Soviet Union. Someone just copied it and began not only to manufacture, but also to sell. So, at the IDEX-93 exhibition, similar systems were practically demonstrated by a number of countries, including South Africa, China, Pakistan, Iran, and Egypt. The similarity of these "developments" with the "Grad" was very noticeable.

In the 60s, a number of changes took place in military theory and practice, which led to a revision of the requirements for the combat effectiveness of weapons. In connection with the increased mobility of troops, the tactical depth at which combat missions are carried out and the areas on which targets are concentrated have increased significantly. Grad could no longer provide the possibility of delivering preemptive strikes against the enemy throughout the depth of his tactical formations.

This was only possible with a new weapon that was born on Tula soil - the 220-mm army multiple launch rocket system "Hurricane", put into service in the early 70s. Its tactical and technical data are still impressive today: at ranges from 10 to 35 km, a volley of one launcher (16 barrels) covers an area of ​​over 42 hectares. When creating this system, experts solved a number of scientific problems. So, they were the first in the world to design an original cluster warhead, worked out the combat elements for it. Many novelties were introduced into the design of combat and transport-loading vehicles, where the ZIL-135LM chassis is used as a base.

Unlike Grad, Uragan is a more versatile system. This is determined not only by the greater range of fire, but also by the expanded range of ammunition used. In addition to the usual high-explosive fragmentation warheads, cluster warheads for various purposes have been developed for it. Among them: incendiary, high-explosive fragmentation with ground detonation, as well as submunitions for remote mining of the area.

The latest development adopted by the Russian army, the Prima system is a logical development of the Grad system. The new MLRS, compared to the previous one, has a 7-8 times larger area of ​​destruction and 4-5 times less time spent in a combat position with the same firing range. The increase in combat potential was achieved through the following innovations: an increase in the number of launch tubes on the combat vehicle to 50, and much more effective Prima shells.

This system can fire all types of Grad projectiles, as well as several types of completely new increased-efficiency ammunition. So, the high-explosive fragmentation projectile "Prima" has a detachable warhead, on which a fuse is installed not of a contact, but of a remote-contact action. In the final section of the trajectory, the MS meets the ground almost vertically. In this design, the high-explosive fragmentation projectile of the MLRS "Prima" provides a circular spread of striking elements, increases the area of ​​​​continuous destruction.

Work to improve the combat capabilities of multiple launch rocket systems in Russia continues. In the opinion of domestic military experts, this class of artillery weapons is the best fit for the new military doctrine of Russia, and indeed of any other state seeking to create a mobile and efficient Armed Forces with a small number of professional military personnel. There are few samples of military equipment, the few calculations of which would control such a formidable striking power. When solving combat missions in the nearest operational depth, the MLRS has no competitors.

Each type of rocket and artillery armament of the Ground Forces has its own tasks. The defeat of individual remote objects of special importance (warehouses, command posts, missile launchers and a number of others) is the business of guided missiles. The fight, for example, against tank groups, troops dispersed over large areas, the defeat of front-line runways, remote mining of the area is the task of the MLRS.

The Russian press notes that new modifications and samples of this weapon will have a number of new properties that make it even more effective. According to experts, further improvement of reactive systems is as follows: firstly, the creation of homing and self-aiming submunitions; secondly, the interface of the MLRS with modern reconnaissance, target designation and combat control systems. In this combination, they will become reconnaissance and strike systems capable of hitting even small targets within their reach. Thirdly, due to the use of more energy-intensive fuel and some new design solutions, in the near future, the firing range will be increased to 100 km, without a significant reduction in accuracy and increased dispersion. Fourth, the reserves for reducing the number of personnel of the MLRS units have not been fully exhausted. Automation of loading operations of the launcher, carrying out the necessary preparatory operations at the combat position will not only reduce the number of members of the combat crew, but also reduce the time for the system to be rolled up and deployed, which will have the best effect on its survivability. And finally, the expansion of the range of ammunition used will significantly expand the range of tasks solved by the MLRS.

Currently, about 3,000 Grad installations are in service with foreign states. GNPP Splav, together with allied enterprises, offers interested foreign customers several options for upgrading this system

1998 was a significant year for the lead developer of Russian multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) - the State Research and Production Enterprise Splav and JSC Motovilikhinskiye Zavody. 80 years have passed since the birth of the outstanding designer of the MLRS Alexander Nikitovich Ganichev and 35 years since the adoption of his offspring - the Grad system. These anniversary events were widely celebrated in Tula and St. Petersburg. Anniversary gift was the appearance of improved Grad and Tornado systems. When they were created, a new organizational technology for the interaction of enterprises was also implemented: SNPP Splav with related enterprises develops weapons and translates ideas into concrete samples, and the State Company Rosvooruzhenie ensures the promotion of these weapons on the foreign market.

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