Street named after a great woman. Kuban Cossacks: they raised children and fought on a par with men

79 years ago, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a Resolution on the division of the Azov-Chernomorsky Territory into the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region. Since then, neighboring regions have been constantly competing, who is cooler, who is richer, where more famous people And where better to go to live.

In the last 10-20 years, the Krasnodar Territory has been an undoubted leader. This can be seen from the statistics: the population is growing exponentially (according to the results of the last census, Krasnodar residents alone increased by almost 250 thousand people). It is clear that this is facilitated by climatic, economic, and social conditions. If the first is a natural gift, then the second is the merit of people.

Wheat of the Kuban breeder

Thanks to scientific inventions, we eat, drink, heal, communicate, move faster than a horse and much more. And in this area, the Krasnodar Territory has something to be proud of. For example, she was born in the Kuban, lives and works Lyudmila Bespalova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the creator of more than a hundred varieties of wheat. In any bun, long loaf or other bakery product, there is a piece of work of a well-known breeder, since in our region, which breaks yield records every year, more than 90% of the area is sown with wheat of Bespalova's selection.

The territory of the Kuban was formed from part of the territories occupied before the revolution by the Kuban region and the Black Sea province. At the III Extraordinary Congress of Soviets on May 30, 1918, a decision was made to merge the Kuban and Black Sea republics into a single Kuban-Black Sea Soviet socialist republic. From March 1920 it became a region. In February 1924, the Kuban-Chernomorsk region became part of the vast North Caucasus region with its center in Rostov-on-Don. In January 1934, two regions were created from this region: Azov-Chernomorsky (center - Rostov-on-Don) and North Caucasus (center - Pyatigorsk). On September 13, 1937, the Azov-Chernomorsky Territory was divided into the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

“Now there are 7 billion of us on Earth,” the academician said in an interview with AiF-South. - By 2050, 9 billion are expected. About 40 years ago, the potential of our planet was estimated at 10 billion people. Now they say that the Earth can withstand even 30 billion. But everyone needs to be fed. And wheat is the crop that provides humanity with the most calories.”

Over the past forty years, the yield of wheat in the region, largely due to the work of Lyudmila Bespalova, has grown by 50 centners per hectare.

Vladimir Babeshko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is known worldwide for its research in the field of seismology. And although no one on the planet has yet learned to predict where and, most importantly, when tectonic plates will move, Babeshko's unique methods allow us to count on it soon.

“Soon we will be able to predict the time, place and intensity of an earthquake,” the academician says. - Now we have come to this as close as possible. Do you know why we moved forward with seismic development? Because the country has set a grandiose task - to hold the Sochi Olympics. And the obligation to ensure seismic safety fell on us. I went to Vancouver, met with seismologists, watched how they worked during the Olympics. And as a result, we made 3-4 times more powerful system- Canadians themselves admit that there was no such level of seismic safety in any country. Yes, the Olympics are not nuclear project, which greatly advanced Soviet science, but during the preparation for it, we created breakthrough things that no one in the West can do.”

The youth does not lag behind the old guard: last year there was a sensation in scientific world made the development Igor Ryadchikov, Head of the Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics of KubSU. Together with colleagues, the young scientist created a universal chassis for robots, thanks to which the mechanism can move in any environment, open doors, climb stairs, overcome thresholds and obstacles.

“We looked at similar developments of our colleagues, understood how we could improve and improve them, wrote a new mathematical model and created our own sample,” says Igor Ryadchikov. - The result is a breakthrough technology in the field of movement mobile devices. There has never been one like it before, and no one has yet.”

The development interested many companies, was among the discoveries of the international robotics exhibition Innorobo and already in next year must enter the market.

Our "Golden"

There have always been enough talented athletes in the region: if you look deeper into history, the first thing to remember is the world famous strong man Ivan Poddubny. And in order not to go far, it is enough to recall the winners of the recent Olympics: judoka Beslan Mudranov, tennis player Elena Vesnina, boxer Evgeny Tishchenko, handball coach Evgeny Trefilov and his wards.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to bring medals to the Kuban trampolines from the current Games, but this sport has been and remains calling card Krasnodar Territory. Much of this merit Vitaly Dubko - Honored Coach, the world's best trampolining mentor of the 20th century. This year Vitaly Fedorovich turned 80 years old, but he continues to work, giving his best, as at the very beginning of his journey.

In 1965, Dubko, a young school physical education teacher, was called to judge the country's first Trampolining Cup. And the former acrobat liked this sport so much that he returned to Krasnodar and began to train. And in 1976, everyone learned about the Krasnodar trampoline: at the World Championships in American Tulsa, Soviet trampolineists won all six gold medals, three of which were brought to Krasnodar by the pupils of Vitaly Dubko Evgeny Yanes and Evgeny Yakovenko. It was then that the famous joke was born, they say, Pashkovka beat America.

In 2000, trampolining made it to the Olympics for the first time, and Dubko's students Irina Karavaeva and Alexander Moskalenko Then they became the first Olympians.

“For the sake of justice, now the trampoline is different: the score is no longer in hundredths, but in thousandths of points,” says Irina Karavaeva. - No one knows if there had been such competition 15-20 years ago, we would have won so many medals. In general, both I and Alexander Moskalenko, perhaps, are still a consequence Soviet system preparation. Our coach Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko spent the day and night in the gym. We were the last "products" of the Soviet system, and then a long-term gap formed. Yes, in recent times something appears again, but the failure is felt - time is lost. A whole generation of coaches - my peers, who could lead to victories - went around the world. One trains the US national team, the second - Australia, the third has completely left the trampoline. And we, as before, demand only gold medals from athletes. But we need to lower our ambitions a little, admit that we have lost a lot, and work, work, work.”

Alexander Moskalenko 16 years ago did a real feat. Recall that in 1998 Moskalenko - the holder of the Guinness record for the number of victories at the world championships - left big sport and went into business. But when the trampoline appeared in the Olympic program, he decided to return, because there was no victory at the Olympics in the huge list of Moskalenko's achievements. The athlete lost 25 kg, got back in shape, went to Sydney and won.

Writer Vladimir Runov:

- We have a lot of people to be proud of, but modern facilities mass media create their own "heroes" - on news feeds there are notes about thieves in law. From all sides they trumpet about the life of pop artists, with a stream of negativity, like sandpaper, erasing our memory. And the people who created, built, protected - they are here, they walk next to us. Scientist Ivan Trubilin, who built a huge university, breeder Pavel Lukyanenko, after whom the research institute is named, foreman Mikhail Klepikov, two-time Hero of Socialist Labor, builder Mikhail Lantodub, cosmonaut Anatoly Berezovoy. And this is only a small part - those whose names immediately came to mind. Hero Soviet Union Anatoly Berezovoy set a record in space, met with Andropov and died on the same day as Zhanna Friske. Three years have passed: the division of Friske's inheritance is still being discussed on all channels, but no one is talking about Berezov. People simply don’t have a sense of real values ​​in their heads - it’s as if they are deliberately erasing it.

“I thought for a long time whether to return or not, because I had to turn my life upside down,” recalls Moskalenko. - At first I just wanted to try. When it began to turn out to fight with weight, recover, pump, feel the body - only then did the understanding appear that, in principle, it was possible to fight. The father’s words turned out to be decisive: “If you had a chance, and you didn’t even try, you will reproach yourself all your life. If you tried and lost, neither you yourself nor anyone else will be able to make a claim against you.

"The Last of the Mohicans" of village prose

Viktor Likhonosov not in vain is he called a living classic of Russian literature: the author of Our Little Paris is, indeed, the “last of the Mohicans” of Russian rural prose.

“Everything that he wrote was written freshly, musically, very accurately,” said the famous Yuri Kazakov. “And everything is imbued with a sharp, even some kind of enthusiastic-sad love for a person.”

Now Likhonosov is finishing another book, Lonely Evenings in Peresyp, which he defines as “prosaic memories”. And her lines are filled with quiet sadness, regret for the Russia that we have lost. So what did the country lose in the bloody twentieth century?

"We've lost continuity historical life, - says Viktor Likhonosov. - There are states in the world in which history, way of life, and traditions are continuously transmitted from forefathers, grandfathers, fathers to children. For us, all this was interrupted in the seventeenth year. Then there was a terrible breakdown, when what we have confessed for centuries, new government ordered to be destroyed.

dream land

“September 13 marks the beginning of the anniversary year. Our region has been developing for 80 years - both the economy and the socio-political spheres. Now it's hard to believe that the Kuban was once a marginal region that relied solely on agriculture, - says Valery Kasyanov, doctor historical sciences, professor, head. Department of History of Russia, KubSU. - The region had many hardships and hardships: repression of the Cossacks, collectivization, famine. The Cossacks after 1937 practically ceased to exist, and the rest could not declare themselves out loud. The time was like this. All this led to the fact that before the Great Patriotic War the composition of the population changed significantly. It was not easy for the Kuban during the war years either: it was here that the fiercest air battles, the battle for Novorossiysk, took place.

After the war, the region began to recover. And it happened pretty quickly. Do you know why? AT Soviet times the basis of the development of the state was industry and the working class. No offense to them, but it should be noted that in the Kuban lived mostly peasants who worked from dawn to dusk. People-workers, truly devoted to their land. It is clear that the agricultural sector has developed. But at the same time, the formation of the resort industry began.

Gradually, the Krasnodar Territory turned into a desirable region, a dream land. People wanted not just to come and relax, but to move and live. Today, almost 6 million inhabitants live in the region, and we are not far behind Moscow and the Moscow region in this indicator.

We have always competed with the Rostov region. Although once both we and they were part of the single Azov-Black Sea Territory. So Rostov-on-Don has always been considered the capital, the gateway to the south. It was a million-plus city with a well-developed industry, with higher wages and jobs. Highly long time many Kubans sought to go there to study, work and live. But things have changed drastically in the last 25 years. They leave from there, and come to us to work and study. In 3-4 years, Krasnodar will officially become a million-plus city. And I'm not talking about other neighboring regions, they are not even on a par with our region.

Of course, a qualitative breakthrough occurred during the preparation for the Olympics. Investments poured into the region, and everyone wanted to become involved in this event. The second wind in the development of the region was given by the construction of the Kerch bridge.

The prospect for the Krasnodar Territory is clear: for several years there will be no region equal to the Kuban in the Southern Federal District. But it is not enough to be satisfied with the achieved results. We need to preserve them and, of course, look for new unique projects that will help the region continue to flourish and develop.”

SUBJECT: "Outstanding personalities in the history of the Kuban ».


To acquaint with outstanding personalities in the history of the Kuban

Develop the ability to use reference, encyclopedic literature.

To cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, respect for its inhabitants.

Equipment: presentation of photographs of fellow countrymen who glorified the Kuban, signs-symbols "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Science and Art", "Sport", "Agriculture"

Guys, how do you understand the expression "an outstanding person"?

Why do you think prominent people made history?

The name of which Russian Empress is associated with the history of our region"? EkaterinaII- Russian empress. In 1792, she signed the Highest Diploma on granting the Black Sea Army the island of Fanagoria and the territory of the right bank of the Kuban, from the mouth of the Laba River to the mouth of the Yei River. In 1793, the military Cossack government decided to build the city of Ekaterinodar.

The Kuban land is rich in poets and writers, artists and composers, athletes, people who defended our native land from enemies.

On the board - the symbol of "Defenders of the Fatherland" and photographs. Which of these people do you know?

Chepega Zakhary Alekseevich- ataman of the Black Sea army. He led the resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban.

Golovaty Anton Andreevich- one of the founders of the Black Sea Cossack army.

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich(1788 - 1851) - naval commander and navigator. Commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

Nedorubov Konstantin Iosifovich - captain. Member of the First World War and civil wars. In 1942 he commanded a squadron militia, participated in the famous cavalry attacks of the 4th Kuban Cossack Corps against the Nazi invaders.

Pokryshkin Alexander Ivanovich (1913 - 1985) is an air marshal. Three times Hero of the Secular Union. During the war, he commanded the 16th aviation regiment, whose headquarters was in Art. Kalininskaya.

Alekseeko Vladimir Avraamovich(1923-1995) - lieutenant general. During the years of the Great Patriotic War made 292 combat pilots, destroyed 118 vehicles, 53 railway cars.

Which of these defenders of our settlement (district) do we know?

The symbol "Science and Art" and photographs are hung on the board. Which of these people do you know?

Shcherbina Fedor Andreevich(1849 -1936) - founder of Russian budget statistics, local historian. Born in the village of Novoderevyankovskaya. Author of "History of the Kuban Army".

Felitsyn Evgeny Dmitrievich(1848 -1903) - historian. Compiled maps of Yekaterinodar and Novorossiysk, historical maps Temryuk.

Kropotkin Petr Alekseevich(1842 - 1921) - geographer, geologist, author of works on the theory of anarchism.

Lukyanenko Pavel Panteleimonovich(1901 - 1973) - scientist-breeder. Developed new varieties of wheat.

Before the war, he worked at St. Korenovskaya.

Pustovoit Vasily Stepanovich- scientist-breeder. Brought new varieties of sunflower.

Nesterov Mikhail Vasilievich(1862 - 1942) - artist. Honored Art Worker of Russia. He worked on poetic, religious images. Lived and worked in Armavir.

Meyerhold Vsevolod Emilievich(1874 - 1940) - director, actor, teacher. He worked in Novorossiysk, organized several theater groups.

Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich- composer. Lived and worked in Krasnodar. Author of more than 200 songs about the Kuban land.

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich- circus performer, director and former head of the Sochi circus.

Which of the figures of science and art do you still know? Which of them was our countryman?

On the board - the sign "Sport" and photographs.

Machuga Vladimir Nikolaevich- athlete. World and European champion in sports acrobatics. A native of St. Pereyaslavskaya, Bryukhovetsky district.

Kramnik Vladimir Borisovich- chess player International Grandmaster. Born in Tuapse.

Kafelnikov Evgeny Alexandrovich - tennis player. Born in Sochi. Won the Open Championships of France, Australia. Who else among the athletes who glorified the Kuban, do you know? Sign "Agriculture".

Kuzovlev Anatoly Tikhonovich- organizer agricultural production. For 30 years he has been the head of one of the largest joint-stock agro-industrial enterprises of the Kuban "Kolos".

Tell us about the pioneers Agriculture our region. Tell us about those who glorified our school.

Questions for consolidation: Solve the crossword:

1. Chess player. International Grandmaster.

    Air Marshal. Three times Hero of the Secular Union.

    Scientist-breeder. Brought new varieties of sunflower.

    Kosh ataman of the Black Sea army. He led the resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban.

    Organizer of agricultural production. For 30 years he has been the head of one of the largest joint-stock agro-industrial enterprises of the Kuban "Kolos".

    Circus performer, director and former leader Sochi circus.

    Historian. Compiled maps of Yekaterinodar and Novorossiysk, historical maps of Temryuk.

1. Kramnik. 2. Pokryshkin. 3. Empty. 4. Chepega. 5. Kuzovlev. 6. Zapashny. 7. Felitsyn.

Homework: compiling a mini-encyclopedia " Prominent figures Krasnodar Territory.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 6 named after. C.L. Kunikova

Krasnodar region

Tuapse, Tuapse District


teacher primary school

Secondary School No. 6 im. C.L. Kunikova

G. Tuapse. Krasnodar Territory

Boyko Natalya Viktorovna

Subject. Prominent people of the Kuban


    Instilling in schoolchildren love for the small Motherland and involvement in history, cultural traditions Kuban.

    To continue the development of interest among schoolchildren in the culture of Russia through the history and traditions of the peoples of the Kuban

    Raising a patriot who knows and respects the traditions of his people; a worker who loves his land; a citizen who is ready to defend his Fatherland.

    Formation among students of a respectful attitude to the military and labor exploits of the older generation.

    search engine motivation research activities students.

Lesson objectives:

    Expand knowledge of the history of the Kuban

    To cultivate love for the native land, for its history, for the ability to be proud and inherit good traditions.

    Development of interest in search and research activities among younger students.


    multimedia equipment


Event progress:

Kuban dear, I gently sing
The great beauty of your land!
Holy land from end to end!
Seas, forests, fields, my land, yours!
Here the sky above you is brighter and higher
And the stars shine brighter and the moon ...
No one in the world will find more beautiful.
The whole country is proud of you!

Your fields of spiked wheat,
Your gardens, your sweet grapes.
Everything will be raised on a pedestal
Sparkling with bright gold awards!
I sing to you my great love,
And the music sounds in my soul ...
My Kuban, with all my soul I ask
Blossom, dear, stronger every day.

    Today, the Unified All-Kuban class hour opens a new academic year - this is a holiday that unites the entire Kuban. Topic: "The Year of Culture - the history of the Kuban in faces."

We will reflect on how to live and what to strive for in order to be worthy successors of previous generations.

At the end class hour we will try to answer the question: “Why do you need to know the history of your native land, to know and respect the traditions of our people, what can we do to preserve and increase the rich cultural heritage Kuban and all of Russia?

slide 1 (map of the Krasnodar Territory)

Our small homeland is the Kuban, a wonderful, fertile land. edge snowy mountains and golden grain fields, free steppes and flowering gardens. The land where they live wonderful people: grain growers and livestock breeders, gardeners and winegrowers, factory and factory workers, doctors and teachers, scientists and athletes, artists and poets ... They all strive to make our Kuban even better, richer, more beautiful. One of prominent representatives Cossacks - Ataman Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega (Chepiga)

slide 2

Remember what this ataman became famous for? (student presentations):

At the age of 24 (1750) Chepega arrived in Zaporozhye. In October 1769 he distinguished himself in the defeat of the Turks on the Dniester. During the first Russian-Turkish war, the Cossack flotilla on the Danube ensured the capture of the important fortress of Chilia, the castle of Tulcea and the fortress of Isaccea.

slide 3

And what does A. Pokryshkin have to do with our region?

Student presentation:

In 1936-1938. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin studied at Krasnodar flying club . During his vacation in the winter of 1938, Pokryshkin, secretly from his superiors, passed the annual civilian pilot program in 17 days, which automatically made him eligible for admission to the Kachin flight school. He graduated with the highest marks in 1939 and was assigned to the 55th Fighter Aviation Regiment with the rank of lieutenant.

slide 4

Our small homeland is the Kuban, a wonderful, fertile land. The land of snowy mountains and golden grain fields, free steppes and flowering gardens. A land in which wonderful people live: grain growers and livestock breeders, gardeners and vine growers, factory and factory workers, doctors and teachers, scientists and athletes, artists and poets ... They all strive to make our Kuban even better, richer, more beautiful. Which of the Kuban writers, poets, composers do you know?

Slide 5-9 (student messages)

Kronid Oboishchikov - poet

Viktor Zakharchenko - musician

Grigory Ponomarenko - composer, musician

Ivan Varavva - poet

Anna Netrebko - Opera singer

Born in the village of Tatsinskaya, the First Don District of the Don Region (now the Rostov Region) into a peasant family. Then the family moved to the village of Oblivskaya, and then to the Kuban: the village of Bryukhovetskaya, Kropotkin, Armavir, Novorossiysk.

Personnel officer. He graduated from the Krasnodar Military Aviation School of pilots and navigators, served in a bomber aviation regiment. During the Great Patriotic War he fought on the South-Western Front, later as part of aviation Northern Fleet covered allied convoys. In 1960 he retired.

He published 25 collections of poetry, authored the libretto of two operettas and many songs. He also wrote for children. Compiled and author of four collections of biographies of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from the Krasnodar Territory and a three-volume poetic wreath to the Heroes of the Kuban.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (since 1992 the Union of Writers of Russia), the Union of Journalists of the USSR (since 1992 the Union of Journalists of Russia)

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko (born March 22, 1938, the village of Dyadkovskaya, Krasnodar Territory) is a Russian folklorist, public figure, researcher folk song and choral conductor. People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine. Knight of the Order of Francysk Skaryna. Artistic director of the GAKKH, CEO GNTU "Kuban Cossack Choir". Member of the Council under the President Russian Federation for culture and art

In 1972 he moved to the Kuban, to Krasnodar.

The composer wrote five operettas, spiritual choral music "All-Night Vigil", concertos for button accordion and orchestra, quartets, pieces for orchestra of folk instruments, oratorios for mixed choir and orchestra, works for domra, button accordion, music for performances drama theater, for films, many songs - in total about 970 works. Recording companies have released more than 30 records with the works of Grigory Ponomarenko, about 30 collections of songs have been published.

January 7, 1996 Grigory Fedorovich died in a car accident. He was buried in Krasnodar at the Slavic cemetery.

In 1932, the family returned to the Kuban, moving first to Krasnodar, and then to the village of Starominskaya.

Writes for children. In the 1960s, his fairy tale “How the beautiful king Bobrovna visited the Dragon” was published.

With the participation of Barabbas, the almanac "Kuban" was created and the Kuban Cossack Choir was revived.

Born and raised in Krasnodar in a family of Kuban Cossacks. Mother is an engineer, father is a geologist. There she began to study music and singing. She was a soloist of the choir "Kuban Pioneer" at the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the Krasnodar Territory.

On February 6, 2012, she was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Anna Netrebko performed the Anthem of the Olympic Games in Sochi at the Opening Ceremony of the Games.

Slide 10-13

You can probably say that the Kuban is the birthplace of great people, and many of prominent people Kuban came out of the walls of our school number 6 them. C.L. Kunikova

Pavel Kaplevich

(born March 19, 1959, Tuapse),
theater and film producer
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Dreyt Sergey Sergeevich
opera soloist
Saint Petersburg

Vladimir Kramnik
(born June 25, 1975, Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian chess player, world champion in classical chess "in 2000-2006, FIDE World Champion (2006-2007), winner of the World Cup (2013). As part of the Russian national team, he is a three-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads (1992, 1994, 1996), winner of the European Team Championship (1992) and the World Championship (2013). Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Natalia Glebova

was born in the city of Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory. Until the sixth grade, she studied at the Tuapse high school № 6.
Miss Universe Canada 2005, Miss Universe 2005 in Bangkok.

Slides 14-15

Kuban is also famous for its athletes, you know that in 2014 Russia hosted the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, the Kuban city of Sochi was awarded this honor. Thousands of participants and spectators from all over the world visited Sochi, noted the excellent organization sports festival and especially noted the hospitality of the inhabitants of our region.

Russia has won the most a large number of awards. On the Olympic Games a total of 33 medals, of which 13 are gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze. There are as many as 80 medals at the Paralympic Games, of which 30 are gold, 28 silver and 22 bronze. And these are the first places in both medal standings.

Kuban Olympians competed in five sports.

In the men's bobsleigh, three Kuban athletes competed for Olympic medals at once. These are two-time Olympic medalist Alexei Voevoda, as well as Alexander Kasyanov and Alexei Pushkarev. Aleksey Voevoda and Alexander Zubkov won the bobsleigh competition, the four of Zubkov, Dmitry Trunenkov, Alexei Voevoda and Alexei Negodailo won the bobsleigh quads competition.

Maria Orlova joined the Russian national skeleton team. At the Olympic Games in Sochi, skeletonist Maria Orlova took sixth place.

Russian figure skaters Trankov and Volosozhar won gold at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

In the discipline of freestyle "ski acrobatics" five Kuban athletes performed at once: Timofey Slivets and Assol Slivets, Petr Medulich, Veronika Korsunova and Alina Gridneva. They occupied common protocol places from fifth to eighth.

The number of Kuban athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics was a record in the history of Kuban sports.

slide 1 6

    Football clubs "Kuban" and "Krasnodar" are developing and occupying worthy places in tournament tables football championships.

As part of this class hour, we cannot remember the names of all the people who glorified and glorify the Kuban, but we can continue this activity in a new academic year.

slide 1 7

    We named many Kubans and read poetry, but these poems were also written by our fellow countrymen.

Among the inhabitants and natives of Kuban there are many talented, courageous, courageous, hardworking people. You are still at school, but now we can begin to contribute to the development of our region, and the exploits of our predecessors and contemporaries will inspire us

    Our class has come to an end.

    What is our native Kuban famous for? What interesting things did you learn that you remember? Let's display our memories in drawings and crafts, and this will be the first exhibition of your creative works in the new academic year. Good luck friends!

Outstanding personalities in the history of the Kuban

In early July 1788, G. A. Potemkin issued a decree on the appointment of a new ataman: “By courage and zeal for order and at the request of the army of faithful Cossacks, Khariton (that is, Zakhary) Chepega is determined by the ataman. I announce this to the whole army, I order it to be properly honored and obeyed. As a sign of respect, the field marshal presented Chepega with an expensive saber. Chepega Zakhary Alekseevich

Anton Andreevich Golovaty Cossack ataman, military judge, one of the founders of the Black Sea Cossack Host

His life is a feat. A feat in the name of the prosperity of our region, our Motherland. Zass Grigory Khristoforovich

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral (1843), holder of the Order of St. George IV class for long service (1817) and discoverer of Antarctica.

Hero of the Soviet Union, full Knight of St. George, squadron commander, captain of the guard. Konstantin Iosifovich Nedorubov

Pokryshkin Alexander Ivanovich Air Marshal. Three times Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war, he commanded the 16th aviation regiment, whose headquarters was in Art. Kalininskaya.

Shcherbina Fedor Andreevich Founder of Russian budget statistics, local historian. Born in the village of Novoderevyankovskaya. Author of "History of the Kuban Army".

Felitsyn Evgeny Dmitrievich Historian. Compiled maps of Yekaterinodar and Novorossiysk, historical maps of Temryuk.

Kropotkin Petr Alekseevich Geographer, geologist, author of works on the theory of anarchism

Lukyanenko Pavel Panteleimonovich Scientist - breeder. Developed new varieties of wheat. Before the war, he worked at St. Korenovskaya.

Pustovoit Vasily Stepanovich Scientist - breeder. Brought new varieties of sunflower.

Meyerhold Vsevolod Emilievich Director, actor, teacher. He worked in Novorossiysk, organized several theater groups.

Ponomarenko Grigory Fedorovich Composer. Lived and worked in Krasnodar. Author of more than 200 songs about the Kuban land.

Klepikov Mikhail Ivanovich Innovator of agricultural production. Lived and worked in Ust-Labinsk.

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich Circus performer, director and former leader of the Sochi circus.

Kuzovlev Anatoly Tikhonovich Organizer of agricultural production. For 30 years, he headed one of the largest joint-stock agro-industrial enterprises of the Kuban "Kolos".

Born in st. Starotitarovskaya April 23, 1920 in a Cossack family. He went to the front voluntarily. For courage and heroism, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and for selfless work in the Kuban fields he received the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. For many years he was the director of the state farm "Azov". The bronze bust of the Hero is installed in Art. Starotitarovskaya. Golovchenko Vasily Ivanovich

Kramnik Vladimir Borisovich Chess player. International Grandmaster. Born in Tuapse.

Kafelnikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich Tennis player. Born in C Ochi. Won the Open Championships of France, Australia.

A house by the sea, on the edge of Russia, Where, perhaps, you have never been, Lives a simple, truly beautiful, A little shy person. He knows life firsthand. He was holding an enemy projectile in his hands. And I read about the war not just in a book. More than once he went to battle attire. And he was always cutting edge, Under a hail of bullets, I've been here and there ... As if playing tough games, The villain - death was chasing on the heels. But those years of hard times have passed. And scary monster dashed off to the side. And, perhaps, years, centuries will pass, But do not forget the Danube and the terrible battle ...

Gatov Leonard Grigorievich
Gatov Leonard Grigoryevich, born in Rostov-on-Don on January 13, 1937, died on June 23, 2007, General Director, Artistic Director of the State Theater and Concert Institution "Krasnodar Creative Association "Premiere". Graduated in 1960. Stavropol regional musical school (faculty of wind instruments), later Krasnodar State University culture. He created the association "Premiera" and actively and creatively worked to improve the theatrical and concert activities of the association, the staff of the institution. Together with the outstanding contemporary choreographer Yuri Grigorovich, he worked on the formation of classical ballet in Krasnodar. He achieved recognition of the Premiere team not only in Krasnodar Territory but also in the country and in the world. Gatov Leonard Grigorievich National artist Russia, honorary citizen of Krasnodar. He was awarded the medal of the Hero of Labor of the Kuban, the Order of Friendship, medals "For Contribution to the Development of the Kuban", was awarded the State Prize. Volkov.

Grigorovich Yuri Nikolaevich
Grigorovich Yuri Nikolaevich, born in 1927 in Leningrad, studied at the Leningrad Choreographic School. Outstanding choreographer. Worked in 1961-1964 at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre, in 1964-1995. chief choreographer of the Bolshoi Theater during the period of the highest dawn of the troupe, which won world recognition and prestige, has been working at the Bolshoi Theater since 2001. In 1996 Grigorovich Yu. N. performed the first production in Krasnodar - a suite from the ballet "The Golden Age" by D. Shostakovich, head of the Krasnodar Ballet Theater and full-time choreographer of the ballet troupe as part of the Krasnodar creative association "Premiere". The theater staged masterpieces of world classics: Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Spartacus, Don Quixote, Romeo and Juliet, The Golden Age.
Grigorovich Yuri Nikolaevich, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and twice State Prizes. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd Class, and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st Class. Hero of Socialist Labor. For merit in the Krasnodar Territory awarded a medal"Hero of Labor of the Kuban".

Likhonosov Viktor Ivanovich
Likhonosov Viktor Ivanovich, born in Art. fireboxes, Kemerovo region, April 30, 1936, famous writer Kuban and countries. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher in the Anapa region. Published since 1963. Stories and novels: "Bryansk", "Housewife", "Relatives", "Autumn in Taman", "Clean Eyes", "I love you lightly", "On Shirokaya Street". Long-term work about Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar, its history and people, their characters, way of life and life of the novel “Unwritten memories. Our little Paris.
Likhonosov Victor Ivanovich Member of the Supreme Creative Council under the Board of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, Editor literary and historical magazine "Rodnaya Kuban", laureate of the State Prize of Russia, the International Prize named after M. Sholokhov. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Order of St. Sergei of Rodonezh, III degree. Hero of Labor of the Kuban.

Varrava Ivan Fyodorovich
Varrava Ivan Fedorovich, a famous Kuban poet, was born on February 25, 1925 in the village of Novobataysk, Rostov region in a family of immigrants from the Kuban, in 1932. the family returned to the Kuban. Hereditary Cossack.
In 1942 he went to the front, went through the fighting way to Berlin, left a poetic inscription on the walls of the Reistag. Was badly wounded. He has many military awards, orders: Patriotic War I degree, Red Star, Badge of Honor. He began to print in front-line newspapers. He graduated from a literary institute, worked in the USSR Ministry of Culture, but returned to his native Kuban. He collected Cossack songs, did a lot for the revival of the Kuban Cossack choir, with his participation the almanac "Kuban" was created, he was the executive secretary of the Krasnodar regional organization of writers, a member of the editorial board of the almanac Kuban and was a member of the board of the magazine "Native Kuban". Varrav Ivan Fedorovich's creative activity is very fruitful, he published dozens of collections of works, such as: "Songs of the Cossacks of the Kuban", "Cossack Territory", "Fire of Adonis", "Youth of the Saber", "Wheat Surf", Song of the Guide", "Flowers and Stars ”, “Falcon Steppe”, “Cossack Way”, “The Kubanushka River Runs”, “Riders of the Blizzard” and a number of others.
Behind literary activity was awarded various awards.
Hero of Labor of the Kuban.

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